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    23 minutes

CAST: Mira Green, Luiza, Max


«Thank you, downloaded and watched.

Overally very happy with it. 

Mira was exceptional. Her outfit, death stare, final body position. I would have just preferred more blood to come out of her mouth. 

Luiza was exceptional throughout. Her death stare was amazing, the drool scene was spectacular and her lingerie outift was so sexy. A truly stunning girl..

Max was great in it too. Very brutal and it really came across that he hated Luiza. Brilliant by him»

From Customer’s Review 

1.	Sexy Villian Luiza kills yung rich wife of businessman shooting her to her chest and then to her month  - great fighting, emotions, surprise expression, fear expression, shooting effects and postmortem agony!
2.	Sexy Villian Luiza meets her long, terrible end as a revenge from husband of killed girl. Poor Luiza was choked, poisoned, stabbed to her chest, had neck breat two times and then was shot many many times already dead. 

PLENTY!!! Plenty Fetish Elements!

Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the month, pospmortem agony, Seduction, Bad Girl, Fe,ale Killer, From killer to Victim, Sexy Leather pants of killer, Black Stocking and lingerie,  Choking, Knock Out, Unconscious, Poisoning, Foam From The mouth, Agony, very strong body shaking, Begging For the life, Stabbing to the chest (long), Begging for be killed  quickly, Breaking Neck (Twice), Shooting many times to the dead body, Painting with Blood on dead body, Death Stare, Sexy Deadly Poses  

1st Scene

We see Mira green in her lounge doing yoga.

 She’s wearing a sports bra and pants whilst doing her stretching. She’s wearing a really nice necklace. we see her doing a few stretches. The camera then focuses on Luiza dressed as an assassin holding a silenced pistol entering the room. Mira hasn’t noticed and carries on working out. Luiza approaches mira and points the gun at Mira and tells her not to make a sound. she tells mira she just needs her husbands laptop and if she stays quiet, she’ll live. Luiza walks to pick up the laptop from the side table. Mira sees an opportunity and runs to attack Luiza, Luiza turns and fires a single shot in Miras heart. Shocked, Mira puts her hand over the wound. She looks up at luiza as blood runs out of her mouth and wound. Mira collapses onto her knees. Luiza then walks up to mira and forces her gun into Mira’s mouth. A single shot ends Mira’s life. Mira falls onto her back and her body twitches a few times before laying still her legs are spread apart. Her eyes stay open as the camera closes in on her face, loads of blood pours out of her mouth.  Luiza kneels beside her. She grabs Miras necklace and puts it on herself before leaving the room (with laptop). The camera pans over Miras body before focussing on miras face (eyes still open)

2nd Scene

Max, holding a briefcase dressed smartly on his phone outside luizas house/flat, we hear him say ‘target located, time to kill this bitch’

We cut into the flat and into a bedroom where luiza is dressed in black lingerie, black stockings and a silk robe loosely tied up and no shoes on, she is still wearing Miras necklace. She is on the stolen laptop looking through the files on it.

Max enters holding his briefcase aiming his gun at her, he tells her to stand up and to sit on the bed. As Luiza stands up and turns to face him she hides a knife in her panties. ‘how did you find me?’ luiza asks as she slowly makes her way to the bed. As she sits down she slides the knife under the pillows.

Max goes over to the laptop and briefly looks on it then diverts his attention to his target. Luiza slowly stands. Her plan is to seduce Max, kill him and save herself. Luiza tells max ‘let me show you a reason why you should let me go’ as she walks to Max she takes off her robe to reveal her body. She makes max put his gun next the laptop and takes his hand and walks him to the bed. She gets him to sit on the edge of the bed and begins to give him a sexy lapdance. She grinds on him, bends over infront of him and sucks on his finger. Luiza whispers ‘I want you to fuck me’ she pushes max onto to the bed (hes now laid with his head on the pillow with the knife under) Luiza slowly rides ontop of max whilst doing this she slowly begins to reach for the knife, she tells max to close his eyes and enjoy himself. 

As she grabs the knife she lifts it above her head and tries to thrust it into max’s chest. He grabs her hand and pulls her in close ‘that necklace belonged to my wife, im here to take it back’ they struggle/ roll around on the bed trying to stab each other. Max manages the get the knife but luiza kicks it out of his hand. The knife falls onto the floor. Both are still on the bed, Luiza is on her back and wraps her legs around max whos kneeling then ctarts to choke him with her hands. As she tightens her legs she tries to squeeze the air out of him. Max, grabs her throat and pulls her up so theyre facing each other. He then punches luiza in the face instantly knocking her out. She falls back on to the bed and her legs unwrap from around max. Max removes the necklace from around her neck and puts it in his pocket. Max goes to his briefcase and takes out a bottle of poison. He then goes back to Luiza who is still laid on the bed knocked out. He forces her mouth open then pours some poison into her open mouth. He then replaces the poison in his briefcase.

Max slaps luiza to wake her up. ‘enjoy the poison you’ve just swallowed’ luiza looks terrified as the poison begins to attack her body. she violently convulses and foam/drool erupts from her mouth. Her eyes roll back as her body stops convulsing still foam is coming out of her mouth, her tongue is sticking out.

Max grabs his belongings and begins to leave, as he nears the door he hears Luiza moving. She is somehow still alive, she crawls off the bed and makes her way to the knife on the floor. She slowly crawls towards it. Max laughing at how pathetic Luiza is he tells her that he can’t have given her enough poison. As she grabs the knife max stands on her hand that’s holding the knife and takes it from her. he grabs her hair and forces her onto her knees infront of him. He strokes her face and body with the knife all whilst luiza is begging for mercy. He grabs her face and bends down so their staring at each other. 
‘you fucking slut, any last words?’
‘just finish me off quickly, a bullet to the head’
‘You disgust me, I’ll do with you whatever I want, once you’re dead, your body is mine’
Luiza looks at max as Max thrusts the knife into Luizas chest. Blood flows out of luizas mouth. Max stands, and puts his foot on the knife that’s still in luizas chest and pushes it making Luiza drop onto her back, her body spasms. Max walks to her head and picks her head up. Luiza barely alive pleads for her life. He aggressively snaps her neck. Her eyes stay open and her tongue comes out. Max still filled with anger at luiza snaps her neck twice more. Each time Luizas body spasms. Her lifeless body is left with her arms and legs spread out wide. He retrieves his gun. As he walks to luizas body he is still angry at her. He unloads his entire clip into luiza. Her body shakes with each shot, once finished her arms and legs are again spread wide. The camera goes close on her face, loads of blood flows out of her mouth as she stares lifelessly into the camera. Max bends down and uses his phone to take a couple of photos of luiza to prove the target has being killed. He puts his phone away and uses the blood from her mouth to write RIP on luizas forehead and then writes SLUT in blood across her belly. Max kicks luizas legs more open then collects all his belongings and leaves. The camera does loads of shots of luizas body (close ups on her face, shots with her body in full view and shots in between her legs). Final shot it of luizas face.

    10 minutes
Actress: Tatiana
Outfit: Sorority girl
Location: Bar, warehouse
Length: ~20 min

Premise: 2 thugs capture, beat, rape, and murder a sorority girl.

A sorority girl is walking along the sidewalk, when a thug comes up from behind, threatens her with a gun, and kidnaps her. She is dragged inside to a bar or warehouse. Once inside, a second thug shows up. \"You\'ve found a nice one! Let\'s have some fun!\" They tie her hands behind her back and start beating the shit out of her. They toss her back and forth, one thug holding her arms behind her back, the other punching her face and belly. One thug rips open her top, and then takes a moment to admire her breasts. From here, they continue to  punch her, choke her, and fondle her breasts. One thug fondles her breasts from behind, while the other punches her. They also eventually remove her skirt and slap and grope her ass. The beating continues for a while, and she is bruised up and in tears. They also put her in some back stretches (over the knee back breaker, camel clutch, chokeholds, or similar), while the other thug punches her while in the hold. \"Super Agent vs Villains\" (my last custom) is a great reference for this.

Eventually, they untie her hands. \"Do you want to try to escape?\" one thug asks. She futilely tries to fight back. The thugs laugh at her as she throws pathetic punches. One thug punches her square in the chest, making her gasp for air. As she tries to recover, they break one of her arms to disable her. They laugh at her and taunt her, and continue punching her. One thug mounts her for a ground and pound. He repeatedly punches her in the face, causing her to spit up blood. The other thug stops him and asks to have a go at her. He stands aside, and thug 2 strips her panties, now completely naked, then rapes her (simulated). He occasionally punches her face while fucking her. Eventually, he climaxes inside of her. He stands up, and walks over to grab his gun. 

Gun in hand, he walks back to her. He brings her to her knees, and threatens her with the gun to her head. \"Where do you want it?\" He brushes the barrel of the gun against her breasts. \"Here?\" He then moves the gun down to her pussy. \"How about here?\" After a few seconds, he says, \"yes, right here\". He inserts the barrel of the gun into her pussy and fires. Blood spills from her mouth as she twitches and convulses. This scene should be very similar to Juliana\'s scene in \"Execution on the beach\".

He lets her collapse to the floor. The other thug then says, \"I\'m not done\", then mounts her. He doesn\'t care that she is dead, he continues to punch her face over and over. He grabs her by the hair and punches her several times square in the face. The end of \"Prisoner abuse 2\" is a great reference for this post-mortem beating. Once he is satisfied, he stands up. The thug that fucked her stands over her and urinates on her (simulated). They both walk away and the camera pans over her dead body, eyes open in a blank death stare.
    13 minutes
And Just For 10$!!

Brave Cowgirl: Lilia
Villain Girl: Maya
Tournament #1 winner: Luiza
Tournament#2 looser: Yana
Cowgirl’s Boyfriend: Alex

Fetish Elements: 
Shooting, Duel, Cowgirls, Bargirls, Jeans, Hat, Realistic weapon, shooting to the heart, surprise reaction, postmortem views 
From Customer Review
«After this the world never be the same, after this some dreams came true....

Your cowgirl video 1 is absolutely stunning!
Thank you that it was made in a promised short time and some great parts of film are extra (i. e. one more short girls’ gunfight and cowgirl being horny at the moment she is watching their duel).

I hardly can choose what props and elements are the best. Just everything is wonderfull – the clothes of the girls like their tight trousers, boots, hats, elegant blouses, guns. 

Simply all the intentions and wishes are fully realized, the desired atmosphere is achieved. The both girls are beautiful, very tender. They perfectly express their characters – eagerness and naivety of the “spoiled” cowgirl and experience, calm and arrogance of the villain. The concentration before the fight, surprise of the loser, quick death scene and (again) the winner’s calmness. All  this is perfectly played». 


In some saloon in the south of Texas a young cowgirl sits. She wears tight, light brown leather trousers with elegant black boots and a very tight satin white blouse put into the trousers. At her waist there is a gun holster. 

In this village a dead or alive competition takes place. Its winner will get a big sum of money at the end. But first each participant of this tournament must go through the several deadly gunfights (three rounds) in order to kill the opponents, get to the final, beat the last rival and win the prize. On the door of the saloon there is a big notice which announces the competition. 

The young cowgirl decided to participate in this hazardous tournament. 
She is the youngest daughter of a rich landlord so she is also a little bit spoiled. She starts to be bored with her comfortable life and desires to have some risky adventure. So when she was announced about this competition she immediately decided to participate in it.  She has always been skilled at gun shooting but so far she fired just on nonliving targets or she hunted animals so she finds this competition as a good opportunity to try shooting in some more exciting way. 

Now in the saloon she waits for the first round of the tournament. 

And well.... she is not scared at all..... instead of being nervous she rather feels very horny. Even now when the decisive moment has arrived she cannot help considering this precarious gunfight just as ane erotic fun for her.  

So she sits frivolously in the chair with her legs put widely apart and drinks some whisky that is on the table beside her. And she cannot resist touching and stroking slightly her lap and inner sight of her thighs. Then she slowly unfastens one more button on her blouse. Her charming throat and gentle chest so far fully revealed is now exposed even more provocatively. And she continues touching her throat and chest tenderly with her eyes delightfully narrowing and being full of irresistible desire. 

During these sensitive whiles her boyfriend enters the saloon. When she sees  him she immediately stops playing with herself and sets the look of good girl. But her blouse stays unfasten..... 
Anyway... she is not much impressed by her boyfriend. He does not represent a true man for her. She rather treats him like a younger brother.... But he is worried about her girlfriend and tries to warn her. 

A female villain is the first opponent of our young cowgirl. 
The villain is a gorgeous young woman too. She is in a tight black blouse, light blue jeans and boots. She is widely known as a very good shooter that has already killed a lot of people in the gunfights.

“Hi dear.... You are really courageous I must admit. But you do not have a chance!” the villain says to the young cowgirl. 
“Hmm.... probably I am just looking at the first victim of this whole action. My fingers are already itching” answers the cowgirl very provocatively just to challenge her rival. 

Then both female gunslingers take their guns out of their holsters. And the villain is much faster. The villain’s bullet hits the young cowgirl in her chest. When she is hit she just make very silent and short scream like she suddenly got scared of something. Then she falls on her back and is in a painfull agony. Her vital organs are damaged so her body uncontrollably jerks for a while, she gasps confusedly and then dies, her gun still lying in her hand. She has her hands and legs wide spread and her dead eyes stare emptily on the sky. Even now her dead face with open mouth has the marks of a big surprise. The blood is oozing on her chest. 

So the villain not the cowgirl slowly blows the smoke from her gun. The cowgirl’s boyfriend rushes to her lying body. But he can just see that she is dead.

The villain also slowly approaches to the cowgirl’s corpse. She kneels down to her lifeless body and she touches scornfully cowgirl’s cold chin. She takes the cowgirl’s abandoned gun and looks at it with a pleasant expression. 

“Oh, sweetheart, I can still feel the warmth of your fingers on the handle....” the villains says with a satisfied voice looking at the cowgirl’s gun.... 
“Well.... you know” continues the villain now to the desperate boyfriend. “This game is not for such rookies. She should have realized it.....What a waste, then, such a nice body....”. And she stands up and slowly leaves the place. 

And her boyfriend is not just a coward. So his thoughts starts to be filthy..... 

The elements should be:
- confidence of the young cowgirl and feeling horny before her gunfight starts that is both expressed in touching herself and also in a short dialogue with her boyfriend and playing how she blows out the smoke from her gun at the end of duel,
- cowgirl sitting on chair frivolously with her legs apart,
- kissing her boyfriend good bye when she leaves to have the gunfight, 
- her slow walking to the place of gunfight with both hands on her hips, 
- smiling at her boyfriend closely before the fight starts, 
- girls verbally provoking each other before the gunfight,
- detailed shots on the standing girls, their faces/eyes/lips and whole bodies, their legs standing wide apart, fingers ready near the handle just before the gunfight starts, “leg through” shots can also be,
- short realistic and surprised agony of the cowgirl with a short and silent scream at the beginning, gasping, body jerking, 
- lying on back, death stare, leg show, legs apart, mouth open (blood oozing from mouth possible),
- tight clothes in the cowgirl style (the young cowgirl who lose the gun battle in light blouse), waist or shoulder gun holsters, gloves, jeans, blouses etc., 
- blood on cowgirl’s chest,
- a desperate boyfriend at the end and a sarcastic talk of the female winner over the cowgirl’s corpse,
- boyfriend cannot help touching dead girl’s body (full nudity is not necessary),
- please, subtitles 

If you like this movie 
    13 minutes
      Bullet Party - Three sexy long  shooting scenes at the sorority party.
     CALL GIRL 4
    40 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Tim
about 40 minutes long!
If you like long strangulation, choking, pillowing, asphyxiation games, knocking out, VERY MUCH LIMP FETISH, touching and long sexy death you will like this one!
Call Girl-assassin is sent to seduce and kill a man. But a man knew about this operation and started his brutally sexy games….
CALL GIRL 2  Death Kaleidoscope
    14 minutes
      Death Kaleidoscope - This movie includes 12 independent clips with short scenes of two sexy **** death:

! Shooting (no-***** bit bullet sound effects, like in crime house shot-dead cocktails) – shooting in busts, headshots, in the back. Super surprised reactions, fear and terror before death, begging for life. Gi....Ls look very sexy and innocent  - bare legs, sexy socks, underwear, topless. They cought by surprise in their own home! Different interesting home furnishings are used: the piano, teeter-tooter, the staircase.

! Neck-breaks   with crunch sound and amazing death stare

sta.......Bing to the stomach and long agonic death, dead body postmortem writing, death stares

throat cut  - with panic, pain and death reaction

synchronous shots to two g.....S

ch.....Ng on the bed

st.....Ling g....L when she was swinging on a swing.

very fresh exotic video

23 female ultra sexy, good acted deaths

if you like many short deaths in one clip check our "shot-dead cocktails" category! Don't miss our other summer seasons clips!
    19 minutes

 CAST: Bella Lenina, Mira Green, Sally, Max


«The girls did an amazing job as expected, please thank them, all great actresses for this piece; Also Alex of course played the part nicely.

I might add that I like Alex in the part as I can extend my customs into longer films but it is sometimes a problem with continuity because Alex always has a different beard or hair length. 


This is a really good story scenario for me, very different to my normal ideas. It makes me interested in a camping scenario with a basic sniper theme similar to this story»

Customer’s Review



Sniper rifle, sniper, chest shots, surprise shots, bodies rolling downhill, body inspection, control shots from a silenced pistol, treasure map search on dead bodies, death stares


Girls arrive near the location in a car and begin the short walk to the forest.

We then see the assassin arrive dressed casually. He has a sniper rifle in a bag over his shoulder and checks out the car to confirm it belongs to his targets. He too begins to creep towards the forest.

The girls are in the wooded area trying to understand the map. They do not seem to know how to read it.

The assassin watches from a distance and decides to find a good place to set up his rifle.

We first see the girls from a distance (from the assassin’s angle) then we see the assassin looking through his telescopic sight, watching the girls checking around the area.

We see the girls separate; they begin to search the bushes and go in different directions. One picks up a branch to use to search the bushes.

We see a short cut to the rifle barrel as the assassin takes aim.

The first victim is partially up a grass bank on one knee searching the grass and bushes. We hear a sound of a silenced shot and victim number one drops immediately to the bank slumped to the ground and begins to roll a couple of times until she lays still spread on her back with legs wide apart at the bottom of the bank. We see a small wound in the side of her chest A second shot rings out and we see the body jolt as the bullet hits the bottom of her breast.

The second victim is standing at the top of a small slope; she bends to search the bushes and another shot rings out. She arches backwards and drops to her knees immediately still. She falls backwards over the slope to slide to a stop on the side of the slope with a small wound in her back.

The assassin raises from his sight to check the area for another victim.

We then see the next victim check for a signal on her phone; she has got bored of looking and sits at the edge of a small hill as she waits for her friends. A shot rings out and she drops backwards arching and hanging on her back over the hill. A bullet wound is clearly seen in her left breast (NOT NIPPLE) She kicks her legs two or three times until a second shot is heard and her body jolts violently and becomes still.

The camera views each victim in turn; their clothes are untidy showing most of their ass and legs or groin. We see the details of their dead faces for the first time, their mouths and eyes partially open as if they had not expected death. The woods are now quiet again and the assassin raises from his hiding place, leaving his rifle hidden.

He begins to walk to his targets and upon reaching the first (any of the victims) he looks around to check for any sound of passing people. He pulls out his pistol and begins to screw a suppressor to it.

With each victim in turn he rolls them over and checks for signs of life. He enjoys raising their skirts/dresses and plays with their panties, dragging them partially down. He lightly slaps their ass and rolls their heads holding their chin as he brushes their hair to view their dead features.

Before moving to the next victim, he aims his suppressed pistol and shoots them twice each through the heart (either through the back or the chest).

He searches each one in turn and finds the map tucked in the waistband of the last body. He also finds the keys to their car and we see him getting in their car to drive away and enjoy a final view of each victim.


    9 minutes


She is one of the not so talented enemy spies, and given a low level assignment
of data assignment as info courier as her first one.  
Setting: Late night and empty street Judi walks chewing gum, swinging her purse
with strap and talking on cell phone. She doesn’t notice someone spying on her
and following her.

She’s walking back to apartment after picking up HDD, but instead of dropping
it back at HQ, she feels tired after waiting for hours to get. On cell, she is
laughing and joking with friend, had a good time at party. She is interrupted by
boss calling, she tells boss he will get it next day. Boss yell how dumb she is and
in great danger… 
Suddenly someone starts to shoot at her from dark/night street.
She creams, drops cell phone and runs for her life….
She survives a hail of gunfire out in the streets. As soon as she makes it running
back inside to her apartment/house, she checks her whole body with her hands
for any signs of bullet holes. Can be in front of full body mirror on the wall and a
sofa behind her.
After running inside Judi exclaims: Pww, that was close!!!! I knew I would hate
this fucking job!!!
Self body check-up by using hands all over body, I have the luck of a cat!!!!  She
is standing behind a sofa.
Not really!!! Screams the Assassin showing himself now.
Suddenly an enemy agent jumps out from the shadows and starts shooting her…
Bang, Bang, Bang! SHIT!!! Falls down Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!! It hurts!!!! You will
never find the drive on me, inside dress/corset/bra, assholes!!!! Oops, did I say
that out lout????
She stands up again, trying to fire. Bang, Bang, Bang!!! Body twitches with
rounds incoming & can spit as much blood as Under Cover Police Woman.
Gets up defiantly, fires last rounds, click, click... empty! Final gunning. Slumps 3-
5 rounds to chest or couple to stomach…
Falls over sofa to middle of room, if she can show underwear view as she falls
from back to front of sofa then to the floor…. Show her panties a lot as legs
fly/flip go over sofa.
If stunt is too dangerous then do it slowly and no panty or ass showing.
Dying slowly, the other agent comes and fires last rounds at her back as
she tries to crawl/escape away like in Model Shoot.
Last words: I really hate this fucking job…. Spits more blood out. Eyes open and
close up of face
Full view of body from above, zoom in to full face slowly, once with clothes from
back then front as Assassin turns her over to show her front then admires her. Show body, still dressed full body then zoom and close
up like Under Cover Police Woman. Zoom was of her body in horizontal, can you
show it vertical too? Face zoom too here
Assassin then comes close, undresses her looking for HDD. Takes off dress,
then corset and panty, leaving only garter with stockings and heels. Assassin
then leaves her body. Zoom again full body and of face too.
3 days later after he comes back and checks on her… top view of full body and
zoom slowly to face and all of body. Move her face or play around with her or flip
body to back and front again. He then leaves, zoom again full pale body and face
after 3 days and fade into black.
    14 minutes
Custom Video 
Cost for the customer: 250$+props 
Do you want your own custom video? Contact us!:)

Fetish Elements: 
Office secretary look , sexy boots, black stockings, black office mini skirt, white shirt, black leather jacket 
Conflict Situation 
Young serious office woman is surprises by her boss in the office – she becomes a victim of job sexual harassment. She tries to stop him but she’s strangled by crazy rich man! 
Death Fetishes: 
Manual Strangulation, Garrote Strangulation, Choking, Fighting fo the life, Many legs kicking and jerking in different poses, vore legs views, death stares, playing with a corpse in different positions, crime scene 

Laney has a new job as a secretary in a great company. She works hard, often till midnight. 
This evening she is in office too, writing some bills 
for clients. But she didn't realize her boss, he is still 
in office too. He observes her till she started in company. Her body turns him on, he loves her look this night: white blouse, black mini-skirt, skin-colored stockings and black kneehigh leatherboots. He comes to her desk and wanna touch her body, his hands between her legs. She screams " go away fucker " and fights with him. He beats her, she falls down. On the floor he strangles her hard and cruel with his hands. She fights for her life, can espape, takes her black leather jackett and runs to the door. He follows her, takes his belt around her neck from behind. A hard, long and cruel strangling starts. Finally she gets weaker and dies after a long struggle on the floor, eyes wide opened. He leaves the company, her dead body the floor. 

    31 minutes
Starring: Mira Green. Billy Brag
Rich bitch VS Redneck, Farm, Harassment, Strangulation, Bondage, Death, Death Stare, Kidnapping. 
All I can say is WOW!! I mean everything about it was perfectly done! The actors were phenomenal and played their parts exactly, production was top-notch and I still can't believe you had real farm animals and used certain other real props on set. I totally was not expecting that! You guys also stayed on script for essentially all of it too which was surprising as well. At first I was hesitant on the cost as I thought it was a risk but, man, after seeing what you guys can do it was definitely worth it. 10/10 hands down. Keep up the great work!  Yeah, you guys definitely have amazing talent, this custom was literally like watching a real movie! 
Customer’s Feedback 

Rich girl was lost in the countryside and did a mistake when came to the lonely farm to ask for the phone. Crazy redneck felt in love to this rude, rich city chick and wanted to marry her, but she just told him about he was disgusting… 

    16 minutes
Former hitwoman Judi is exercising at her house...(She's wearing a sexy tights)...She gets tired and takes off her tights to take a shower...She stays in her sexy underwear...A phone call comes in...The caller is Judi's ex-boss ...

Judy: Hello...
Boss: Hey are you...
Judy: Who are you...
Boss: I'm Judi, your boss...
Judi: My old boss... I told you not to call me again... where did you get my number...
Boss: I always find you Judi... I want you to do something..
Judi: What do you want from me...
Boss: There's a man I want you to kill...
Judi: I don't do that kind of work anymore... I have a quiet life... Find someone else...
Boss: Judi you're going to do this, or it will be bad for you...
Judi: I won't do it asshole... Don't call me again... Or it will be bad for you...

Judi hangs up... She checks around, takes off her underwear and takes a shower... She washes beautifully and sexyly... Meanwhile, the boss' man (male) comes in with a gun in his hand...Judi notices the man, but he hides behind the door because he doesn't have a gun...The man enters the shower but cannot see Judi...Judi calls out to the man...

Judi: Are you looking for me asshole...

The man turns his back...Judi kicks the man's gun and they start fighting...Judi beats the guy very clearly...He knows he can't beat Judi...He tries to escape, but Judi catches the man in the living room and says, "you're not going anywhere, asshole."..Judi continues to beat the man...He beats a man for a certain period of time with punches,kicks and knee blows...The man begs...(LET THE FIGHT SCENE BE A LITTLE LONG...JUDİ A BRUTAL WOMAN...SHE BEATS HER ENEMY MERCİLESSLY AND FOR A LONG TİME ...)

Man: Judi enough, please don't hit me anymore... ok I surrender...

Judi grabs the man by the throat and leans him against the wall...(Both are standing...Judi held him by the throat and held him against the wall)

Judi:Speak then asshole...who sent you...
Man: I can't speak, Judi... or they'll kill me...
Judi: (continues to punch the man and hits him in the groin with knee strikes...) Will you talk, asshole?..
Man:Judi, Please don't...I'm saying I can't talk...
Judi:(Judi hits the man's groin with knees... The man falls to his knees... Then Judi kicks the man 5-6 times in the face... The man's mouth and nose are bloody... The man falls to the ground...)
Judi: So you still won't talk... Well you jerk, I know how to get you to talk...

Judi grabs the man by the collar and takes him to the shower...(THE SHOWER NEEDS TO BE WIDE... WE NEED TO SEE JUDI'S FULL SEXY BODY...) He makes the man kneel, ties his hands behind his back and leans him against the wall... She fills the tub with water...

Man: Judi what are you doing...
Judi:Wait and see asshole...(Judi kicks him in the face a few times and he faints)

After Judi fills the tub, she wakes the man...

Judi: Wake up asshole...
Man: (wakes up) Judi what's going on...

Judi grabs the man's hair and dips it in water... After waiting for a while, he pulls his head out and asks again...

Judi:Speak up asshole...who sent you...
Man: Judi I can't speak... Please let me go...

Judi performs the same procedure once again...

Judi: Will you talk now, asshole...
Man: Please let me go... They'll kill me if I talk...

Judi does the same process for the third time... This time she makes the man's head stand in the water for a longer time... The man makes a sign with his hand... Judi pulls the man's head out of the water...

Judi: Yeah, I'm listening to you asshole...
Man: Ok Judi... Enough I'll talk...
Judi: Well done... (Judi pulls the man's head out of the tub and makes him stand up and sit on the toilet... She's naked and very sexy in front of the man...)
Man: I have one condition, Judi...
Judi: First of all, you're going to call me Miss Judi from now on... get it asshole? (naked and sexy)
Man: Got it, Miss Judi...
Judi:Good for you...Tell me what you want from me...(The man is sitting on the toilet with his hands tied behind his back...And Judi stands in front of him, naked and sexy, listening to him...DON'T FORGET...MAN EVEN WHEN TALKING, THE CAMERA MUST ALWAYS TAKE JUDI...)
Man: You will set me free, you will let me live...
Judi: (Judi thinks a little by looking at the guy)Well, so be it...If you talk, I'll let you live...(Judi looks at the man with disdain...)
Man: Okay Miss Judi... What do you want to know...
Judi: Who are you? What are you doing in my house?
Man: My name is Max... I'm the hired assassin for you... I was sent to kill you...
Judi: Who sent you?
Man: The boss sent me here... He wanted me to find you and kill you...
Judi: Son of a bitch... I'm going to slay that asshole...
Man: Yes Miss Judi... It's all my boss's fault... I'm just doing what he says...
Judi: You want to live, don't you, Max? (Judi looks at the man with disdain...)
Man: Yes Miss Judi... I'll do anything for you if you can guarantee that...
Judi: Where's your phone?
Man: In my pocket...
Judi:(Takes the guy's phone out of his pocket...) Now I will call the boss and you will talk to him. You will say that he killed me.But you will say that you have top secret documents about him at home. You will then tell him to come here.Do you understand what I said, Max.
Man: Well, what if I can't convince her, Miss Judi...
Judi: Then I'll kill you, Max... (Judi says contemptuously)
Man: Okay Miss Judi... untie my hands, let me talk...
Judi: No you idiot... I'll turn on the speaker and listen to you...
Man: Okay Miss Judi...
Judi: Are you ready Max...
Man: I'm ready...
Judi: Remember this, I'll kill you if you do something wrong... (Judi looks at the man with disdain...)
Man: Okay Miss Judi, don't worry...
Judi: So here we go...(Judi turns on the speaker and calls her boss...She puts the phone next to the bathroom mirror...Judi is standing in front of the man, naked and sexy...The man is sitting on the toilet with his hands tied behind his back...IMPORTANT NOTE: THE CAMERA WILL MUST SHOT JUDI IN ALL TALKS...WHEN THE MAN IS TALKING, I WANT TO SEE JUDI'S REACTIONS...I NEED TO SEE JUDI'S SEXY BODY CLEARLY AND FULLY...)

Boss:Max, did you kill the bitch...(Judi laughs but reacts with contempt...)
Max: Yes boss, I killed it...
Boss:Well done Max...I'm actually sorry...I always wanted to fuck that bitch...(Boss laughs...)(Judi gets angry at this answer but laughs contemptuously)
Max: Boss, there's a problem...
Boss: What's wrong...
Max: Boss, Judi kept some secret files about you... you need to see these...
Boss: Damn bitch... I'm getting there... I'm going to fuck that bitch's body... (Judi gets angry at this answer but laughs contemptuously)

Judi hangs up...

Judi:Well done Max, you did everything I said...
Max: Yes Miss Judi... Now let me go...
Judi:Max you're really stupid...The boss found an idiot like you instead of me...
Max: Miss Judi I don't understand... What do you mean...

Judi grabs the man by the neck and puts his head in the tub.

Judi: Thank you Max for the information you gave me... But now I'm done with you... So you're useless to me now...
Max:Miss Judi please don't...Please don't kill me?
Judi: You know what my favorite thing is, Max? Killing a stupid man... I'll kill you with great pleasure... Bye bye Max...(Judi steps on the man's head with her foot and starts to strangle him... Judi's posture here is so sexy must be...With her right foot outside the tub, she strangles him by stepping on the man's head with her left foot... So Judi strangles the man with her foot, not her hand...Meanwhile, I want to see Judi's sexy body fully and very clearly...The man suffers...Judi enjoys strangling the man...The man resists a little and then cannot move and dies...Judi waits a little longer to make sure the man is dead...She then pulls the man out of the tub and leans him against the wall...She watches a little bit about the man he killed...)

Judi gets in the tub and talks to Max...

Judi: I have a gift for you Max for the information you gave me... You are a very lucky man, you will watch me take a shower...

Later, she turns on the water and starts to bathe in front of Max, whom she killed ...After a little washing, she gets out of the shower and looks at Max ...(Naked and very Sexy)

Judi: How Max, do you like it...(Laughs and sneers, nude and sexy) See you in hell asshole ... (She says and gets out of the shower ...)  FORBIDDEN FILM SLASHER 4
    22 minutes
This time our customer asked us to use very gory makeup. We try to increase the effects with gutting every time and seems we again did our job better our makeup job in the past. 
The film opens with the Max breaking into Li’s  apartment. She’s just out of the shower drying off. He’s watching her. She puts on some sexy low cut panties and a tank top that shows her navel. She lays down a drifts off to sleep. Max creeps into the room. He uses his knife to lift up her top. He slides the blade over her belly the top dip into her navel. He then runs his hand across her belly he sticks his finger in her navel. He starts to play with her navel. She wakes and starts to scream. She struggles against him as he chloroform’s her with a cloth. She slowly goes unconscious in his arms. He carries her over his shoulder. Camera views of her ass over his shoulder as he carries her out of the room. Next he lays her body out on a table. He slides off her panties. He stretches her hands above her head and cuffs them together. As he moves to tie her feet his finger traces her body, down her chest and then down her belly. He gets to her legs and ties them as well. He lays out his tools of torture. A scalpel, a marker pen, a syringe.
He then puts some water on her belly and washes it clean. He fingers her navel to clean it. He then dries her belly with a towel. She begins to wake up. She notices her predicament and begins to struggle to get free. She ask him “what are your going to do to me?” He replies, “I’m going to torture your belly and navel, then I’m going to cut you open and gut you.” As he runs his hand across her belly. He shows her a video of he’s lost victim getting tortured. She starts to struggle more. He says to her “But first I’m going to squeeze your belly until you pass out” He then puts both hands on her stomach and presses down she groans as he squeezes and presses her stomach down. She can’t breathe with his hands sunk into her stomach. She finally lets out a long breath as she goes unconscious. We see her belly suck in as he’s hands press down on it. He removes his hands from her belly. She takes a deep breath in as she wakes up. Her belly rising as she breaths in. She coughs a few times.  He picks up the syringe and says to her. “I’m going to sedate you now so you can’t fight but you’ll be awake for the rest of your torture.”  He  gives an ominous laugh. He injects her arm with the syringe and she slowly gets sleepy but doesn’t go unconscious. Next he gets a scalpel. He lowers it to her navel. Her belly is  rising and falling rapidly as she breathes heavy. She sucks her belly in trying to avoid the blade. He uses one hand to spread her navel open and slowly stabs the scalpel in her navel and cuts it open. Next he takes his finger and pushes it into her navel like in the film Ombiliant. Her belly convulses as he buries his finger into her navel. Camera views of this like in the film Ombiliant. Her belly sucks in as he presses down. He leans over to her ear as his finger digs into her navel and tells her, “I can feel your slippery guts against my finger.” She groans in pain like Alice Miren in the film Ombiliant. He fingers her navel several times torturing her. She moans in pain. Close up views of her belly squirming as his finger buried in her navel. Like this,
When he’s done with his finger. He takes a long skewer and slowly stabs it into her navel.  She sucks her belly in trying to avoid it but it’s no use. He pulls the skewer out. Her navel is filled with blood. Next he takes a towel and cleans to blood out of her navel. Her belly looks completely untouched and perfect again. He gets the marker pen. He marks on her belly where he will make the incisions. Film this just like the way it was done in Forbidden Film Slasher 2, with Polina, He gets the scalpel. He places on hand on her belly to keep her from squirming. Like this:
He starts with the bottom cut, then top, then down the middle of her stomach. Her mouth opens as she feels her belly being sliced open. Dramatic facial expressions as she’s cut open. Next, he rips open her belly in the usuals fashion and slowly pulls her guts out. Camera views from her head down as he guts her. Then he does the final slice to her guts to free them from her body. He leaves her guts piled beside her body on the table. The camera pans over her body. We see her death stare and her ripped open belly.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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