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    20 minutes
«You guys did it!  That was one of the hottest hanging videos your studio has ever done.  Thanks so much.  Its so great to see you guys improving in your hangings and this one definitely is the top as far as eroticism and realism goes.

thanks again for all the hard work to bring my fantasy to life»
Customer’s Review

Athletic sports wear is fine.  I'd like the girls to wear something like this

As I mentioned before, I do not want any full body shots of the girls since those are hard to make believable.  Cutting several times back and forth between footage of top body with face and kicking legs and feet the whole time during the hanging is fine for this.  Once hanged, I want many shots of their feet in their dirty socks.  More specifics on that below.

Actual Script (please provide english subtitles with the video)

Girl 1 - Tatiana (you have her listed as a new actress)
(hanging sequence 6 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Tatiana is brought out wearing tank top, shorts, converse shoes and white ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She looks frightened.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She takes off her shoes off by slipping them off with her feet.  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Tatiana

Her full name, age, and crime (smuggling drugs into the country) is read aloud.
"Tatiana, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drug smuggling"
She tries to keep herself calm.
A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope.
Tatiana is then assisted onto the stool to which she nervously steps onto.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together IN FRONT of her with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.
The tightening of then noose startles and scares her.

A close up shot of tatiana's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  Her toes wiggle and slightly curl over the edge of the stool.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of tatiana standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
The executioner speaks again
"Tatiana, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
Tatians pauses briefly and looks around
"No.  Just get it over with" she says with a brief moment of bravery

(^ This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes max.)

Next, a shot of tatiana's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Tatiana immediately begins kicking frantically and making strangling noises.  She spins around on the rope showing both the fronts and bottoms of her feet as she kicks wildly (I want to really believe that she is panicking as she has just been hanged).
She continues to kick and make strangling sounds.  Hold the shot on her bottom half and feet for AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to tatiana's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She makes desperate strangling sounds (reference attached mp3 and other notes).  Her hands are tied together, but she can raise them up to her throat which she does.  She drags her fingers against the TIGHT rope around her neck and claws at her neck.  She keeps desparately moving her hands around trying to get a good grip on the rope around her neck but its too tight.  Her eyes get wider and wider.  She is terrified.  She opens her mouth wider each time trying to breathe (no breathing noises).  Her wild hair gets in her face and lays across her gasping open mouth.  This shot should last about 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of tatiana's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her kicking feet slowly go from from dancing to a shaking or quivering, to eventually swinging slowly back and forth almost still, and then start back up again.  I'd like alot of still shots of her feet throughout this, especially the bottoms.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).  She continues to make strangling noises during this shot.  Her toes should flex and move around in her socks.  It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of tatiana's face.  It is now slowly turning red.  The rope has closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  Her mouth is stuck open, her eyes are wide.  She blinks her wide eyes several times as she looks around for relief (but none comes).  Her whole body shakes on and off and then goes still.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet SPINNING around on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.

Girl 2 - Mira Green
(hanging sequence 6-8 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Mira is brought out wearing a cute sporty top, holey jeans, sneakers and white ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She is shaking.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She asks why?  It is explained to her that she'll kick them off anyway when she hangs so she might as well take them off now.  She reacts with increased fear and panic.  She nervously slips off her shoes and kicks them over to the side  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Mira

Her full name, age, and crime (drunk driving) is read aloud.
"Mira Green, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drunk driving"
She tries to keep herself calm.
A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope.
Mira is then assisted onto the stool to which she nervously steps onto.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together BEHIND HER BACK with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.  She looks very uncomfortable with the rope around her neck.
"Does it have to be so tight?" she asks the executioner
"it's about to get much tighter in a minute, girl" he responds.
she say "Oh god".

A close up shot of Mira's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  She nervously shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of Mira standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
The executioner speaks again
"Mira Green, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
"I'm sorry I drove while drinking, I accept the punishment for my crime.  You can go ahead now" she says emotionally
The executioner responds "that's very brave of you Mira"

(^ This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes and 30 seconds max.)

Next, a shot of Mira's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Mira immediately begins kicking running and dancing on air.  She desperately searches with her feet for the stool but it is gone.    She begins to peddle and flutter her feet about as she kicks.  She makes desparate short "ah" strangling noises as her airway is almost cut off (barely any noises can get through).  Hold the shot on her bottom half and feet for AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to mira's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She tries to reach her hands behind her back to get free but the rope holds.  She swings back and forth opening and closing her mouth.  With each attempt to breathe she shuts her eyes and winces them tight.  The hanging is almost unbearable for her.  Eventually she sticks her tongue out and tilts her head back and makes a loud "accck" (listen to mp3).   Her eyes looks terrified.    This shot should last around 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of mira's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her begin to panic as she hangs for longer and longer, flipping her feet and frantically kicking them all over the place before holding them still stretched places for moments at a time.  Show her feet spin around occasionally to demonstrate that she is actually twisting on the rope.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).   Her toes should flex and move around in her socks.  It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  This is where mira can be creative as well.  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of mira's face.  The rope has now closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  Her mouth is open in an "o" shape, her eyes are still wincing shut and blinking.  Her body begins to quiver and convulse.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet swaying back and forth on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.


(hanging sequence 6 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Scarlett is brought out wearing a sexy dress, chucks or sneakers and white or bright pink ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She is frightened like the others were.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She quickly slips off her shoes and kicks them over to the side  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Scarlett

Her full name, age, and crime (drunk driving) is read aloud.
"Scarlett Fandera, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drug smuggling"
She protests her innocence
Ignoring her, A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope by the hangman.
Mira is assisted onto the stool by being picked up and placed onto it.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together BEHIND HER BACK with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.

A close up shot of Scarlett's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  She nervously shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of Scarlett standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
She looks sick to her stomach with fear.
The executioner speaks again
"Scarlett Fandera, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
She continues to deny her guilt and insist that she is innocent!  (very short speech)
The executioner cuts her off from talking "thats enough, Scarlett"

(This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes max.)

Next, a shot of Scarlett's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her WHILE she is still talking and insisting her innocence.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Her voice is immediately cut off by a strangling noise (listen to mp3 attached).
Shocked, Scarlett points her feet straight down and scissor kicks her legs around.  Her toes are pointed straight at the ground.  Her strangling noises begin to get more intense.  Eventually her ankles point inward and her feet start pressing on top of each other.   This shot of her bottom half should last AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to Scarlett's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She tries to reach her hands behind her back and breaks free of her restraints freeing her hands.  Immediately she drags her fingers across the rope around her neck while sticking her tongue out and making strangling noises.  She flexes out her fingers and cradles (holds) her throat desparate to breathe.   She keeps tapping at her neck and opening her mouth wider and wider trying to get air as she hangs.    This shot should last around 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of Scarlett's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her toes stretch and flay out in her socks.   Show her feet spin around occasionally to demonstrate that she is actually twisting on the rope.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).   She should appear to be "dancing on the air".   It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  This is where scarlett can be creative as well (just no cross eyed looks or heavy breathing sounds).  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of scarlett's face.  The rope has now closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  She looks down at her feet from the rope just hoping for it to end.  She slowly opens and closes her mouth (silently) and tries to breathe.  Her body sways still.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet swaying back and forth on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.

    15 minutes
Cast: Tatiana, Mira Green, Keila, Alice Miren

Fetish Elements: Multi Killing, Machine Gun, Death Without Blood
Then suddenly they are ambushed and all four get riddled with a machine gun by an off-screen gunman. They stand and shake from getting riddled with the machine gun. They moan in pain and flail their arms. After 5-6 seconds with different camera angles showing them from the front and back, the shooting stops. Kelia falls down to her knees while clutching to her chest, she then falls face down. Alice and Tanya can get pushed backwards by the bullet hits and hit the wall behind them and when the shooting stops both slides down slowly next to the wall and ends up sitting next to it. Mira falls down backwards and ends up on her back. Then all four girls get another big burst of machine gun bullets in them while on the ground/sitting. They shake and bounce from the bullet hits. Have the camera focus on all girls in one camera angel, and then focus on each girl separate as they get shoot. With Kelia which is laying on the floor face down, focus on filming her sexy jeans ass while it bounces and shakes on the floor. Alice and Tanya keep sitting next to each other, and they lean their head on each other. After the second burst of machine gun fire is over after ca. 4-5 seconds on each girl, the camera pans over their bodies and we see them dead. Have the girls’ eyes and mouths be open and the camera focuses on their death stares. They also twitch a couple of times while laying dead.

Scene 2:
Kelia and Alice are investigating and holding their guns while walking slowly next to each other. Then suddenly Mira and Tanya ambushes them with machine guns and starts to shoot at the two girls. Kelia gets riddled in her chest with machine gun bullets while Alice gets behind her and uses Kelia as a human shield. Mira and Tanya shoots for ca. 3-4 seconds and hits Kelia multiple times. We get some nice views of Kelia as the human shield as she gets riddled. Then Mira and Tanya manage to shoot and wound Alice and Alice lets go of Kelia. Alice falls down to her knees while clutching to her chest and the bullet wounds. She sits on her knees moaning in pain. Then Mira and Tanya approaches Alice and is about to execute Alice by shooting her in the head. But then suddenly Alice lifts her gun up and shoots Mira and Tanya several times. Mira and Tanya shoots back while getting shoot. All girls then die next to each other. Mira and Tanya lay on the floor moaning in pain for some seconds before finally dying. All end up with their eyes and mouths open and staring into the camera.

Scene 3:
Kelia and Mira are standing next to a wall kissing and caressing each other. They moan in pleasure and take times leaning against the wall while the other girl caresses and rubs her jeans crotch. Then Alice enters and catches them. She is mad and forces the two girls to raise their hands and stand against the wall. She makes the two girls turn around to see if they have any concealed weapons. Then Kelia and Mira face Alice again and Alice riddles their chests with her machine gun. They stand there shaking and arms flailing at their sides from all the bullet hits. They moan in pain while getting shoot. The shooting lasts ca. 5-6 seconds and use several camera angels to show them from different angels.
After they have fell to the ground Alive walks closer to the two dead girls and then shoots them again while they lay on the floor. They bounce and shake violently on the floor. Have several camera angels which shows them from the sides, above and from behind as their jeans asses bounces and shakes. Have the shooting last for ca. 10 seconds.
After the shooting Alice leaves and the camera pans over the two dead bodies so that we get some nice view of them dead. Have them twitch a couple of times while being dead.

Scene 4:
All four girls are in a gun fight with an off-camera gunman. They take cover behind some boxes or similar. Then Mira tries to change position and moves in front of one of the boxes. As she is about to pass the box when she gets hit multiple times by the machine gun and falls backwards on the box. Kelia is taking cover behind that same box as Mira is laying on top off. She shouts out the name of Mira that just got shoot and killed. Kelia then gets up to try to shoot back at the gunman. While Kelia is shooting back, Mira’s body gets hit multiple times in the crossfire. Then Kelia, also gets hit several times and she falls on top of the box too, but on her stomach. Tanya also tries to shoot back at the gunman, but she also gets riddled in her chest and falls on top another box. Alice then tries to surrender since she is the only one left. She gets out of cover and walks so she is in front of the box with Tanya dead on it. Then she gets riddled with machine gun bullets. She ends up sitting leaning against the box. She sits there dying slowly, moaning in pain and clutching her wounds on her chest and stomach. Then the gunman shoots them again. They shake from the multiple bullet hits in their bodies. After the shooting finally stops, we get some views for their bodies. Have all girls’ eyes and mouths be open while filming their bodies.

Scene 5:
Have all four girls stand next to a big bed. They kiss and fondle each other. They love to touch their jeans asses and feel each other’s jeans. They slowly take off their leather jackets (this is the only scene they take off their jackets!) while kissing and fondling each other. Then they are surprised by a off-camera gunman and raise their hands. They gets riddled in their chests and fall backwards on the bed. Then they get a second burst of machine gun bullets in them while laying on the bed. They shake and bounce on the bed from the second burst of machine gun bullets. After the second burst film them laying dead on the bed. All four have their eyes and mouths open. Have them twitch couple of times.

Scene 6:
Improvisation Killing

+ Bodies Are Placed To BodyBag 

 The End.
    15 minutes
CAST: Luiza, Xena, Max
Girl 1: LUIZA

Hitman enters Girl1’s  room , Girl1 will say “Ohh hello honey , glad you came” , Hitman says “You know the rules right? I will test your endurance level so if you stay alive you are alive , otherwise you will be forgotten” Girl says “Its alright honey , you see my sexy body ready for this test alsooo my nice looking belly ready for test” and touches her belly softly.

Hitman says “Be calm and dont get anxious or nervous “ Girl says “Alright honeyy”  and asks “When will you shoot me “ Hitman says “When i am getting sure enough” , 

Girl walks to the body mirror  takes of her bra , looks her body last time and then she stand on her knees like OnKneePicture1 on the floor and starts to softly touch her belly , nipples  , she is very nervous and dont wont to get shot but she got no chance 

Hitman looks at her and says “Get ready cutie” , Girl gets ready looks at hitman like she wants mercy , bloats her stomach more and says “I am ready honey” , she gets shot from bulletposition1 (blood slowly pours from wound (not much blood to make it realistic)) she looks at her stomach and start to agonize (this scene can take 1 minute) She says “Ahhhh that pain is intense but not powerful to kill me look , you can shoot me moree” Hitman shoots her from bulletposition2 , she agonizes (for 20 -30 seconds) then she stands up , goes to mirror and looks her body but she got no power to walk she stands like OnKneePiicture2 she says “Ahh that pain is gettin intense but i think i can stand more look i already not loss too much blood ahh but the pain is like gettin punched thousands times“ She shows bullet position 3 and says come on shoot me here , Hitman shoots her from bulletposition3 , she agonizes for (20-30 seconds) slowly walks up , and stays like OnFootPicture1 (she can put her hands to side) shows her stomach and says “Look i got 3 holes in my stomach but i can stand more” , Hitman says “You got nice stomach curves , it looks very sexy in this position” ,she waits for Hitman to shoot her and says “Oh yeah is it? but you fucked it” , Hitman gets closes to her looks to wounds “Seems it really messed up” Hitman again gets back points his pistol and shoots her from bulletposition 5-4 , this time she agonizes more she slowly walks to the bed and lays to bed like BedLaying1  picture and agonizes for 40 seconds , she bloats her stomach says “ahhh i cant stand more pain , come on finish mee please” , Hitman shoots her from bulletposition 6-7 she holds her belly from sides takes deep breaths agonizes for 20-30 seconds Hitman gets closes her , she holds his hand and says “I have failed the test honey..” blood starts to come from her mouth(not much blood) she starts to crawl on bed and slowly dies.

Girl 2:XENA

Hitman enters Girl2’s  room ,Hitman say to girl “Get ready your stomach will fill with bullets” , Girl says “ Please dont do that dont shoot me” Hitman denies and says “ Denied , you will survive or die make your best move “ , Girl understands she got no chance  

 and says “Alright then.. show me your best” She stands like OnFootPicture3 , and takes her bra she gets close to the Hitman like picture CloseUP then she holds Hitmans hand to touch her nipple , Hitman plays with her nipple , belly but then Hitman says “Okay enough of drama!” and shoots her from bulletposition2  , XENA starts to agony in pain for (1 minute) she gets on bed and stays like bedpicture2, says “Ahh it hurts you fuckin shot mee my belly hurts soo much” Hitman says “This is nothing honey , we just starting” and shoots her from bulletposition5 she agonizes for (20-30 seconds) she stands on her knees on the bed like BedPicture5 and says “it hurts a lot but i think i can stand to more!!” she looks to her belly , takes some breaths and bloats her stomach Hitman ask” Are you ready for the next bullets?” She says “Yes honey send them , she shows her belly and says this cute thing only loaded with 2 of them and still hungry” Hitman says “Cool” and shoots her from bulletposition1 she agonizes (for 15-20 seconds) then shoots her from bulletposition4 , girl agonizes (20 seconds) and says “Ahhh okay stop for a while i want to see my body”, She slowly walks up to the body mirror and looks her wounds she says “Till how many bullets can i survive” Hitman replies “Maybe 7 , maybe 8” she says “Alright” and moves to the bed she stays like BedPicture3 and says “Come on now shoot me from lower abs” Hitman points his pistol again and shoots her from bulletposition 6-7 this time it hurts more and she agonizes for 2 minutes then she lays on bed like BedLaying1 picture , looks to her stomach - wounds and says “Shoot me more honey , i cant stand to pain anymore”. Hitman smiles and starts to shot her from stomach with each shot she moves on bed , she gets shot from her nipples to also blood slowly comes from her mouth and she dies.

    7 minutes
      MOSCOW 2346 ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS - Several different endings for Moscow 2346, with the scenario that The Boss had to fight Male actor too.

Ksusha Zaichik as The Boss
Maxim Sergeev as Male actor

Camera: I would love to see similar camera work like example below, when she is defeated and laying on the ground in the different endings.
Alternative ending 1:
Similar scene as the fight (and camera work) between The Bodyguard and Male actor.

Alternative ending 2:
Similar scene as Male actor and The Doctor (when she gets the needle injected into her butt).

Alternative ending 3:
Camera shows The Boss crawling on all four, reaching the gun that is on the floor. She turns around (sitting position) and aims at Male actor. We see him walking toward her, she fires the gun. He tries to deflect the bullet with glove, but this time she hits him and he falls to the ground.
She gets up on her feets, puts one foot on his chest, she fires the gun again, this time he is dead.

Alternative ending 4:
Similar scene when she fires her gun at Male actor and he deflects bullets with his glove:
•	This time, I would like to see her whole body when she fires gun (she stands in front of camera, and fires toward camera). 
•	We see Male actor deflecting the first few bullets, but then he falls backward, getting hit by one of the bullets.
•	We see The Boss walk toward Male actor (similar camera to example below, filming her butt)
•	She bends over to check if he is dead (he is laying on his back). Suddenly he opens his eyes, grabs her foot and makes her fall over. 
•	Camera focus on her when she is falling (close-up of her)
•	She lose the gun, Male actor gets on his feet takes the gun and shoots her (no blood).
•	We see her laying on the ground, similar position as picture example below.
    15 minutes

Customer’s Review: 
Wow - what a great custom! Overall, I liked 0it very much, and give it a grade of 92%.
Starring: 6 models as 6 female soldiers – Li, Angelina, Luiza, Nata, Yana and Annabelle
Male soldiers (intruders) – Alex, Max and Den

Why should you purchase it?
1.	THE BEST EFFECTS OF GUN SHOOTING WE EVER DID! – Firefights with flashes, bullets, great realistic wounds appearing in the screen with no editing pauses!
2.	GREAT FIREFIGHT WAR SCENE! All girls search for shelters, have their war-tactic 
3.	Great HUMAN SHIELD SCENE – where LI was shot many times to her chest being helpless human shield 
4.	All girls die in different ways – to the CHEST, STOMACH, BACK and many others 
5.	Yana fall down to the SWIMMING POOL and died in the water
6.	All girls are TOPLESS
7.	INTRUDERS look very fear – they are in gas masks
8.	All dead girls are carried to the bodypile
9.	Death Stares and closed eyes faces
10.	GREAT PRICE FOR THE FIRST 3 DAYS – Just 20$ for this EPIC ACTION EROTIC HORROR! Regular Price is 25$

It’s a wartime in the future. All cities are destroyed by postnuclear intruders. All people have to live in wartime. Girls are in the war too. Six partisan girls are hiring at the house. They have some time for fun and play the game to the stripping. Even in the wartime they are young girls who want sex and just casual life. But suddenly alarm siren sounds. They take their guns and run to the battle. 
But it was their LAST BATTLE. Three mercenaries are very strong opponents. All girls die heroically, their young bodies were hit many times by enemy’s’ bullets.  

If you like realistic shooting with blood effect please  check out
    7 minutes
      It is Just My Job - It’s Just My Job
Starring: Hass, Pola and Charlie
Fetish elements:
Two head shots
Contract killer
Death stares
Surprise reaction
Full Nude

Two rich wives of businessmen were shot by contract killer. The mission included also postmortem quorate and stripping their bodies for full nude.

If you like this clip please also check
    45 minutes
Cast: Mira Green, Luiza, Christy, Mary, Kit, Anny
Mortal Fight
Catfighting Queens 2
    22 minutes
«Thank you for the custom !
As usual the quality of your product is high and I am very satisfied
with the result.»
Customer’s Feedback

The story outline:

•	Xena is in her bath, while her sore friend is in the kitchen
•	She shouts at her friend, asking him to quickly bring the champagne
•	Unfortunately, he schemes for her death, putting lots of sleeping pills into the glass
•	She closes her eyes and smiles softly
•	At last he brings her her champagne
•	She drinks it gingerly, sealing her fatal end
•	He offers to massage her and she accepts gladly, smiling at him
•	He massages her neck and shoulders, and she smiles contentedly
•	The alcohol and sleeping pills start to work and she is becoming drowsy
•	He bends down and starts to caress her face tenderly
•	Close up: he kisses her lips and face and she smiles happily
•	Close up: he again kisses her lips passionately
•	Close up: she turns her head a little, smiling softly
•	He caresses her body, from her throat down to her breasts and tummy
•	She reacts a little bit, and opens her mouth slightly
•	Close up: he raises her foot, kisses and licks it all around, also her instep and her toes
•	Close up: he puts her foot almost entirely in his mouth and slowly pulls it out
•	Close up: he sucks repeatedly at her big toe, moving his lips up and down the toe
•	Close up: he does the same with her other foot
•	Close up: her mouth quivers out of pleasure and apprehension
•	Close up: he kisses her soles passionately, then grabs both her ankles tightly
•	He starts to pull her slowly into the bathtub
•	Her beautiful face slowly sinks into the water
•	She reacts violently for the first time
•	Her eyes are now wide open, she expresses surprise and terror
•	She raises her arms, fingers fluttering helplessly
•	She struggles to free herself from his grasp, her feet kick and squirm
•	The struggle doesn’t last long, because of her drowsiness
•	She raises her arms for the last time, fingers clawing in her death struggle
•	She stretches her feet sharply forward out of shock and horror
•	A big bubble appears at her mouth and bursts at the surface
•	A final kick of her legs ends her death spasms
•	Her legs are raised high, her hands are around her ankles, her pointed toes are visible
•	Close up of her dead face above the water with wide open eyes and slack open mouth
•	Slowly he lowers her pointed feet, so they rest on the edge of the bathtub
•	Pan on her body in the bathtub, from her wet hair down to the pointed feet
•	Her eyes are wide open and full of surprise, as she stares fixedly upwards
•	Her mouth is slightly open (the tongue does not protrude)
•	He raises the naked corpse, carries it to the bedroom and gently puts it on the bed
•	He arranges her wet hair to be more neatly
•	Her dead face stares at him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, but very beautiful
•	He caresses and licks her entire face
•	He caresses and kisses her body and her perfect breasts
•	He walks to the end of the bed and grabs her foot
•	Close up: he slowly licks her entire foot, from the heel up to the soles and the toes
•	Close up: he kisses and licks the tips of each of her pointed toes for a very long time
•	Close up: he does the same with her other foot
•	He carries her to the sofa and gently lowers her
•	He places her feet up on the arm’s rest
•	Pan on her dead body, from her face with the dead stare to her stretched feet
•	Before he leaves her, he kisses her on her open lips
•	Close up of her pointed feet from all sides

Please make this a clip of approximately 20 minutes. A lot of close up foot fetish scenes is welcome.

     Bountuful Harvest
    8 minutes
      Bountuful Harvest - Bountiful Harvest

Starring: Judi, Marina, Tim, Alex

Fetish Elements:
Cut Throat, Bloody boobs. Surprised reactions, Death Stares, Crucifixion, Nude, Blood, Gore, Carrying Dead Body
One year after graduating University, two young female citizen were driving to the ex-student party in the south of USA. Strange and dark places. Navigator couldn’t help there and they did wrong turn. They wanted to call friends but it was no mobile connection there. And one more trouble happened  - the car was stuck…
Girl was standing near the broken car with no-connection phones. There are only empty fields around. It was getting dark. The girls became nervous. But they were happy to see two farmers near. Men prayed next to the scarecrow. It looked very strange but girls had no time to think about local traditions and they asked for help. Poor girls didn’t know farmers were pagan sectarians and they prayed their god – the scarecrow  - for harvest. They believed the scarecrow needed victims as the gift. Farmers attacked girls and cut their throat. After terrible agony they put corpses under the scarecrow, and watered it with their fresh blood…

If you like this sexy horror film made in road-slasher style please check out
    12 minutes
Starring: Unholly Polly, Demonica, Billy Brag
TAGS: Demonica, Unholly Polly, Gore, Pantyhose, Shooting, Police Stories
Two successful, dangerous, highly paid female spies are rejoicing over a successfully completed mission, for which a large payment has just been transferred to their account. Girls love money and greedily take on any task. But they don’t have time to enjoy the anticipation of how they will manage the big money when they suddenly hear the sounds of an alarm siren. An enraged, ultra-strong and brutal security guard sneaks up behind you and instantly cuts the alarmed girls' throats. But he deliberately runs the knife blade across their necks so that the girls survive and remain conscious, only wounding them without hitting the arteries. Bleeding, the girls try to continue the battle and engage in a shootout. But the attacks and wounds disoriented them, so the guard was left with a great advantage and riddled them with bullets, but still left them alive to finish them off one by one after snide phrases. When they are dead, he strips the bodies down to their tights.
     AS HE SAID 2
    60 minutes
      AS HE SAID 2 - AS HE SAID 2
35$ first 5 days!
The Regular Price is 45$! – High Budget Production
The film was shooting 6 cinema shifts in different locations 
1 Hour Movie! 12 actors! 
The Next Part of Franchise About Crazy Family!
Script By Bob Crane
«Dark Rooms does it again and goes in to the studio and comes out with another full length fetish movie…   Well done to this production team their hard work as the story unfolds..  The cast turns in an amazing performance.  All of the scenes are woven together in a  splendid film.  The story does justice to the first effort as our diabolic family returns in this amazing sequel.   Many thanks bringing this from paper to the big screen!!!!!»
Bob Crane’s Review 
Rebecca…………………Scarlett Fandera
Judi, Nadya, Tanya, Angelina, Sally, Li, Louse, Bella Lenina

Stocking Party, Slasher Plot, Garrote Strangulation, Stabbing, Harpoon, Knocking Out, Dragging Body, Masturbation and Web Cam scene,  Shooting, BIG NUDE 8 DEAD GIRLS BODYPILE 
Nadya was strangled from behind with garrote by Scarlett . Unsuspected girl was doing sexy show by webcam when was long brutally strangled
Judy was knocked out after searching Nadya’s dead body 
Li was stabbed to her back for going topless in the house
Sally was stabbed to her belly button by billiard cue
Angelina was stabbed by harpoon in the swimming pool
Bella Lenina was forced to stripped full nude by Scarlett for her sexy lingere and stabbed by big knife to her chest
Louse was bandaged and bagged 
Tanya was hanged with her month sewn up with threads
Judi was shot by gun to her chest trying  to escape (classic slasher scene in the car)


After massacre of 8 girls in the winter house crazy family of cultists worshiping the righteous snowman sell cars and devises of killed girls. But money is near to be ended! The father decides to rent the house again but this time he asks his family to be more careful and not to hurt guests. 
Another 8 girls arrives to the house for stocking lingerie party. Judi celebrates her office  promotions and arranges a corporate bachelorette party. Scarlett can’t stand seeing sexy girls with beautiful lingerie. She founds them dissolute and not deserving of life. Her brothers support her in the murders, and her father has no choice but to conceal the crimes of his family….

SYNDICATE (All Parts!)
    12 minutes


Cast: Judi, Ivan

FETISH ELEMENTS: A girl kills a man, Burning Man, Femdom


A man was sent ti kill Judi when she is «helpless» having her shower fully nude.  But Judi gives him strongly revenge – she bites him, places to the tub and burns by oil…





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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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