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    10 minutes

Cut throat, Blood, Agony, Touching Bodies, Bodypile

Girls had their tender necks cut in the bathroom!
Yana was so helpless and obscene when she was sitting on the toilet and was suddencly attacked by slasher-man! 

Two friends came to the cottage to have a party. Before other friends came they chatted about guys, foot fetish (scene in the swimming pool) and some other fiddle-faddle.  Yana went to the toilet and was suddenly attacked by slasherman. He cut her throat. Wow, it was really long surprised agony before death! She died on the toilet, without her panties with great death stare. 
When Annabelle checked her after long time of silence she was shocked when saw her bloody corpse. But she had no time to react – slasher-man attacked her and cut her throat too. 
Her put bodies to the big bathroom and smashed blood from his had to their young fresh still warm bodies

    18 minutes
Starring: MaryAnn, Keila, Alice Miren, Max
Sniper, Shooting, Stalking, Hunting 

A secret meeting has been planned in the forest between two girls and a third girl who is selling them a gun.
The hitman is sitting waiting in his car for his targets to arrive. His employer has information that a gang of girls who have been blackmailing rich men are looking for weapons and he has planned the hit before they can arm themselves.
The hitman waits patiently and suddenly receives a call that the girl’s meeting is confirmed to take place at the location he has been given. He picks up his pistol and begins to screw a suppressor to it and cock it, he admires it as he places it on the seat beside him.
Just then a single girl in a car drives by, we see her driving front view in car. We see her seatbelt pressing her breasts apart seductive and sexy look as she drives by. The hitman checks his phone to confirm her identity as one of the targets. He begins to follow her car discretely. 
We see her parking her car by the forest and getting out; she texts a message to the girls to arrange the meeting place.
She opens her trunk and checks out a couple of pistols she intends to sell, she slips them in a bag and returns to the front door of the car to retrieve something.
The hitman is waiting and walks up behind her while she is looking inside the car. He knows she may be armed so he wastes no time in despatching her while she is stretching over the seats trying to pick up something.
We see her ass and shapely figure from behind as she reaches into the car; she is dressed in very tight stretch pants that cling to every part of her body and a cropped top with a brassier slightly visible from under the crop top. The crop top hangs tightly over her breasts and the brassier presses her breasts together We see her cleavage from the other side of the car and her face as she is reaching across the seats.
We then see the hitman raise his weapon firing a single shot, hitting her in her lower back to the side.
We see her face as she is hit, her expression changes to shock and pain and we see her reach her hand to the wound as she lies over the car seats.
We see her from the hitman’s view as she begins to slide out of the car, she holds onto the seatbelt strap as she falls turning as she drops down to her knees. She recognizes the hitman and sees his weapon. She cries between her difficult (quiet) slow soft breaths… “stop”
The hitman casually walks up to the wounded woman lifting her head by her chin; he presses his silenced weapon between her breasts and tugs the cropped top down to reveal the mounds of her full breast flesh; he enjoys the view then moves away from her to retrieve her phone.
She pleads with him as he checks the text messages…
She speaks “Please don’t do this”
He is standing about 3 metres from her when he executes her; raising his weapon he fires two shots watching her body slam against the car and jolt. She grunts with an open mouth as her face shows her fear and agony as she takes the bullets in her stomach and under her breast. She slides loosely down the side of the car backwards, her eyes lifting into her eyelids as she loses consciousness and her legs fold under her perforated body. She lies on her side next to the car.
He stands over her and finishes her with a single shot to the side of her breast the bullet rips through her lungs and heart from one side to the other and she is dead, a cold dead look on her face mouth partially open with her eyes very slightly open.
The hitman always appreciates a beautiful body, he sends a text to the other girls with the woman’s cell phone to give him time to prepare for them.
He begins to check out the woman enjoying every moment as he drags her to the back of the car, he rolls her and checks her wounds he squeezes her ass and breasts, slipping her brassier above her chest before rolling her over and removing it. He drags her tight pants down her legs and partially drags her panties down just leaving them below her hips revealing a tantalizing view of the top of her groin.
He lifts her under her arms and her head is hung down her chest as he lifts her up to place her in her own trunk.
We see her arm/leg hanging out of the trunk of the car, he gently places it inside and closes the trunk.
The hitman believes that the girls may already be armed so he will take no chances. He is going to snipe them from a distance and returns to his car to collect his sniper rifle.
The two girls are waiting in the clearing exactly where the hitman had instructed using the dead woman’s cell phone. They had complied and had occupied themselves messaging their co-conspirators.
The hitman had collected his small calibre hunting rifle and made his way round to a good view point he could see both girls, one sitting with her legs crossed and the other looking bored leaning against a tree next to a small hill. 
He views each target in turn though his telescopic sights, he takes pleasure in the view he has of the girl sitting with her legs apart. She is facing away from her friend and has small earphones in, she is moving to the music playing from her phone. He could see her inner thighs and the crotch of her panties under the lose pleated skirt.  It is wrapped and partially folded around her thighs, after all, she isn’t expecting to be spied on. Her blouse is tightly pressed against bare breasts, her handbag strap separating her breasts, pushing them out and making them more prominent. 
She still had her long white socks and sneakers on since leaving the college grounds with her friend’s Insistence that she keep her company.
The girl leaning against the tree was getting restless and was wondering if they had been forgotten.  She didn’t want to leave and miss the opportunity to buy a gun.
She was dressed in a tight thin woolen style top buttoned at the front, the top forced open between each button, a teasing view of flesh and her half-cut brassiere through the thin gaps. It looked too small and shows the flesh of her belly between the blouse and her short tight skirt she wore for college that morning. She has short colored socks on with her sneakers.  The assassin views them patiently through his scope admiring the contours of the young girls.  He mouthed to himself as he prepared his first shot...
“What a waste”
He took the shot… 
The girl by the tree had moved closer to the edge of the hill and she had begun to sit and get comfortable, she was toying with the grass and viewing the direction she was expecting the seller to arrive. She checked her cell phone… 
The bullet struck her chest at the side with a thud, her phone dropped from her hand as she grunted, her head dropping forward onto her chest.  Her body tipped to one side and she began to roll down the small bank over and over, her body relaxed and limbs rolling awkwardly. She came to a stop at the bottom of the bank. Her leg shook lightly as her life drained from her still unaware what had hit her. 
The hitman viewed her crumpled body through his scope, enjoying the view of her exposed flesh her clothing dishevelled, her skirt twisted revealing her ass and thighs.  He aimed again and fired a final shot to see if she would react.  Her body jolted as the bullet struck her in the side of her lower back.  She kicked and shook momentarily then went silent. 
The other girl who had been sitting listening to her music, suddenly became aware of the commotion and turned to look for her friend but she was missing. She stood pulling out her earphones and moved closer to where she had last seen her.  She picked up the cellphone confused and looked down the bank then froze in shock. She sees her friend lying at the bottom of the hill.
The hitman had her in his sights and fired Just as she leaned over the bank to get a better look, the bullet missing her body by centimeters thudding into the tree.  She felt the force of the passing projectile and knew the danger immediately.  She screamed and dived to the ground in fear trying to keep still but trembling uncontrollably. 
The assassin searched for his final target frustrated that he had missed. The girl made her move and headed for cover unsure which direction the shot had come from. Fear took over and she ran in the opposite direction to where her friend lay slain. 
She found a small hill with bushes for cover and crept cautiously toward the top hoping to get some idea of her situation.  She viewed her surroundings looking for a way out and to safety unaware the hitman had found her and had his sights. He adjusted the sights before training the rifle on her, she was looking the wrong way. 
She is still holding on to her bag and we see the strap trapping her breast to one side. She is looking over the bushes when the bullet struck her in her back. She gurgled a scream and arched backwards, tipping back from her kneeling position and falling, arms outstretched down the slope. She slipped and rolled before coming to a stop upside down on her back, legs spread open and kicking. She turned slowly, painfully, her hand searching desperately for the wound, she arched away from the ground pushing desperately with her legs exposing her panties and groin to the watching hitman. 
The hitman reviewed the sight of both hits through his scope before placing his rifle down. 
We see the hitman walking towards the first victim his suppressed handgun drawn and ready, he places it down then rolls the first victim over checks her wounds rips open her top and slips her brassiere over her breast playing with them before gripping her skirt and as he begins to strip her; he grips her ass slapping it playfully.  He rolls her over gripping her chin and brushing her hair with his hand. 
Her clothing is partially off revealing most of her sexy body he moves away aims his weapon and shoots her in the stomach and breast watching her lifeless body jolt.  He knows she is finished; we see him preparing to take her to the car.  
We see the hitman arrive at the next victim’s location…  she is missing. Just her handbag is left. 
The hitman doesn’t have to look far, we see the victim crawling on her belly moaning in agony as she desperately tries to flee. 
The hitman watches for a while as she struggles then, without mercy, he rolls her over.  She screams in pain, weakly raising her hands in surrender. The hitman blasts her with two rapid shots to her chest and we see her breasts and body shake as she takes the bullets immediately falling still. 
The hitman begins his ritual again.  Checking her pulse checking her wounds before partially stripping her body rolling and handling her corpse. 
We see the hitman lining the two girls up by the car trunk ready to join their friend. 
We see the car drive off for the end. 

    14 minutes
CAST: Nata, Tanya. Max

"Nata, Tanya and Max are great actors. It's always enjoyable to see Nata as an involuntary victim. Many thanks also to the team of the studios.  Very good job, as usual."

Female Fighting, Beating, Catfighting, Choking, Knock Out, Handcuffs, Bagging, Suffocation. Tits Grabbing, Strangulation. Shooting to the belly, Long Deaths, Carrying, Necro Stripping

Actress: Nata (tight denim blue jeans, leather jacket or leather bolero, without underwear bra or top), Tanya (tight blue jeans, bra, leather jacket, a male actor (sportswear or suit with sunglasses) 
An assassin is to be trained and an experienced killer of the Mafia takes over the training of the female aspirant. She is to learn different methods of killing.
Scene 1.
Nata is a successful woman in the erotic industry. She is dressed in tight blue denim pants and leather jacket, wears her hair long and flowing and expects a guest in her apartment. The assassin in training carefully breaks open the apartment door and surprises Nata in an unobserved glance. She attacks Nata and beats her several times, a short cat fight develops until Nata goes unconscious to the ground. The trainer as an observer is very satisfied.
Scene 2. 
Nata is handcuffed on the back and placed on the couch. The assassin's task now is to try different techniques of killing. When Nata is conscious again, she starts screaming and gets a slap in the face. The assassin starts choking Nata with her hands, as she learned. Nata winds herself in the threatening death fight and full of panic. When she threatens to unconscious again, her tormentor lets her off after a while. Next Nata gets a plastic bag pulled for her head and she desperately gasps for air. The trainer is again very satisfied and gives instructions how it could be better. The assassin finds Nata very attractive and while she torments her, she begins to fondle Nata's breasts and squeeze her nipples. 
Scene 3. 
The Mafia's experienced instructor has no humor for such games. He is angry and draws his weapon. He slap his trainee hard in her face with the grip of his handgun and then he shoots  Nata into her belly, which still carries the plastic bag on the head. Nata moans and winds herself in the death throes while the professional killer is trying to get his trainee into shape. He is beside himself with so much unprofessionalism that he strangles his apprentices, while Nata slowly dies of the bullet as well. However, he took the plastic bag from Nata's head beforehand.
Scene 4.
The experienced assassin drags the dead girls onto a bed, places them close together and opens the denim jeans, so everyone is able to see their pussys.
He puts the gun down without wiping the handle because he wears gloves and leaves the apartment.  SUSPICION
    23 minutes
Cast: Scarlett Fandera, Mira Green and Edward 
«…this is just about the best one you have done for me yet.

It is excellent, kudos to the Director(s) for putting it all together,  yes it definitely has a beginning, middle and end,  beautifully shot and edited and put together properly. Thank you also for really sticking to my script as well in every detail.

I can see how it is to the advantage of your company having proper fully fledged actors and actresses to call upon. Yes the casting is spot -on and each character is there, believable and properly defined.  Please thank they all from me personally for putting on such a good show nd performance».

From Customer’r Review 
Fetish Elements
Sexy Female Killer, Spy Theme, Girl kills girl, Cruel Girl, Man kill Girl. Bagging , Kidnapping, Helpless, Woman in Peril, Gas Torture, Burning Face, Gas Asphyxia, Stockings, Fr emotions, Professional Actors do horror show, Shooting, Silencer, HeadShot  (realistic with blood in the head and hair)

Scarlett acts Nadya – an agent of Russian Secret Spy Organization. She is clever and cruel and has sadistic fetishes. The sheaf of this organization send her for mission  - to spy for another agent Zoya (Mira Green) and to know all about her. Nadya pretends to be her friend and roommate. She sees the strange behavior of Zoya and calls to Center about the information she works for Britains and she is double agent. Nadya decides to execute her herself  - she attackes her in the bathroom with a bag and gags her until she is near to her death. After she ties her to the chair and brings the gas mask and a bottle with a terrible biochemical mixture. Ignoring miserable whine about mercy from frightened Zoe she does her terrible  long execution forbidden in legislation to enjoy how poor girl is dying. She burns her face and chokes her dead. 
The colonel comes to the room. He is not so happy to see dead Zoya – he askes just to know the information but not to kill. How can he now find out more information from Zoya? The initiative, emotionality and sadism of Nadi does not fit the code of organization. The Colonel sais about it while he winding  the silencer onto the gun. Nadya realizes her terrible situation  - now she is not cruel woman any more – she is near her end. Headshot! The body of a young woman slowly slides down, leaving a bloody trail. Her eyes express the last fright and surprise - she was counting on a medal for courage and promotion, but not a bullet in the forehead after her victory…


    20 minutes
      BEWARE THE CAMERAMAN - Beware the Cameraman
«Hello and thank you! You did a wonderful job! One of your best.»
From customer’s Review

Starring: Li, Gloria, Angelina, Mary

Fetish Elements:
Vore, Magic, Strangulation, Choking, Masturbation, Bodypile, Pantyhose, Office Outfits

Part A

Li is working as a secretary at a talent agency. Each of the others girls walk in one at a time and are seated once they talk to her. They are told they will do a dance audition. The cameraman asks Li if she would like to audition too and she says yes. They are told they will be subtracted one by one to focus on each on each girl better. The girls ask what does that mean? They are told they will be OK. They look timid but agree.

The girls line up and start dancing( get some feet and leg close ups). At one point they each turn around and lift their skirt shaking their butt for the camera. ( For each girl make sure to get a long shot of their feet coming out of shoes when they are taken). Mary is taken first by a hook. The girls look then keep dancing. Next another hook takes Li. The next girl is Virgina as she floats away. The girls look up and keep dancing.  Angelina begins to dance off stage waving good bye and blowing kisses when a hook comes out and grabs her from the opposite direction.

Part B 

The girls walk back into the room caring their shoes. Li sits down at the desk and tells the girls they can get ready for the interview and put their shoes back on while they talk about the dance skit( get close ups of each girl’s feet putting on her shoes).  Li tells Gloria she will go first. Gloria walks into the room ( use the table with the rug over it for vore scene like the last movie). She walks in and says “hello- anyone here?” She hears something by the table. She looks underneath and then looks at the camera. She smiles and says “Good you are here. Its ok -it’s  just a big green monster.” Then realizing what she sees she then changes expression and starts screaming “oh no! A big green monster!!” as she gets pulled under. She screams and loses shoes as she is swallowed head first. Mary and Angelina hear in the other room and ask Li what was that? She says nothing to worry about. She then tells Mary she can go interview now. Mary walks in apprehensive. She sees the table and goes to sit down on it. She looks at the camera and says “hello- are we ready to start?” The camera man tells her she dropped something she gets on the floor and looks under the table. She asks “what is this?” With a smile and then is grabbed and swallowed head first while she screams and loses shoes as she is pulled in. Li then tells Angelina it’s her turn. Angelina walks in. She looks at the camera and tells the camera why she should get the job. She hears something under the table and goes to look. She looks under and then at the camera and asks “is that what I think it is?” She is told yes, and then is grabbed and slowly pulled under while she screams and asks for help, losing her shoes a she is swallowed. Li then comes in and ask the camera “are they gone?”  She is told yes and asked if she will pick up theirs shoes. She smiles and says yes.  As she does she picks up a shoe by the table and is grabbed. She asks the camera for help and then screams as she is pulled under losing her shoes.

Part C

The girls are all back together and told their vore shoot is over. They are happy and begin talking and putting shoes back on. They are asked to spend the night and they agree. Li gets up to leave and go into a room. She lays down and takes off her shoes and skirt . She then begins to give herself an orgasam through her pantyhose. When she finished she looks at the camera and says “ I didn’t see you there! You should have joined me!” She smiles and motions to the camera but then (gloved hands or rope) she is strangled from behind until she is dead. Her body is dragged off camera with her feet the last we see. Gloria says she is going to find Li. She walks into the room. She sees her shoes in the floor. “Li? Where are you? Will you answer me?” There is a close up of her legs as she trips over Li’s body. Some hands help her up from behind. She smiles and says “thank you. I almost broke my leg.”  She turns and see what helped her up and starts screaming and she is choked to death. Close up of her feet as she gives her last breath. She is then dragged off camera. Mary and Angelina are talking about where the others went. They agree to split up and find them. Angelina walks into a room looking around. She looks at the camera “there you are.” She smiles. She asks “do the other girls know what is happening to them yet? Have you killed them all yet?” She tells the camera “ I just want it to be me and you.” She starts to act seductive and takes off her skirt and shoes.  She begins to smile and rub her body seducing the camera. She loses her smile when someone starts to choke her from behind. She is strangled with a close up of feet as she runs out of air.  She is  then is dragged away with her feet the last thing we see. Mary comes back into the main room looking for everyone and sees all the other girls bodies positioned on the couch. She goes to them and tries to wake them up. She looks at the camera. She asks “ what happened to them?” The camera man tells her they are dead and she is next. She screams as she is grabbed from behind and strangled to the floor. The last shot is all four girl dead on the couch with just their bras and pantyhose on. (some close ups of legs and feet)


    14 minutes
«Great job Darkrooms!  Awesome acting and effects. »
Cast: Nata
She comes home to here apartment. Dress in a black skirt with white panties. The killer chloroform’s her he takes her unconscious body and lays it on a table. I like the table used in cannibal hunter 3. The one covered in plastic. Once she’s laying on the table he slowly undressed her completely. He then ties her hands and legs to the table. Her body is laid out in an X shape. He rubs her belly pokes his finger in her navel a while. Then he takes his scalpel blade. He runs it up and down the middle of her belly without cutting her yet. Finally he starts to cut her open. He begins at her sternum. Just like in Deep Inside. Close up views as the blade slowly slices down her belly. Close up views as it goes through her navel all the way down to her crotch. Once the incision has been made. He takes his hands and sticks them in the cut at the navel area. He digs in her guts a while finally pulling loops of her guts out. She convulses as he’s fitting her finally spitting up blood and dying. He takes her guts puts them in a cooler as  a prize. Her body is shown laid out gutted on the table. 
    29 minutes



YY and WW are policewomen in uniform and they can hear a ping from capt ZZs locator device.  They know she has been kidnapped and is scheduled to appear on The Death Show tomorrow night meaning they need to rescue her before the show begins as she will most likely be killed.  Plus if these 2 can shut down The Death Show it will be great for their careers


We see YY and WW enter the building of the death show in uniforms with guns drawn.  What they don't realize is that the ring doorbell has alerted the death show killers of them coming in. We see them coming into the room where Capt Judi is held still tied in uniform to a chair. As they untie her from the chair and walk to the door they hear several clicks.  They hear a male voice over the intercom " We know you are here.   We can see you on video.  We have locked all the doors to this room   you cannot leave. Put your guns on the ground. Put your hands up.  Walk across the room face the far wall with your hands up"


Gunmen enter the room collect their guns and laugh at them "you thought you could just come in here take her and go?"  

Gunmen photograph them from the front side and back - like mug shots of criminals arrested


Next scene the 3 women are gagged wearing only panties tied into chairs - hands are handcuffed behind them (Picture 1)

Gunmen tell them that tonight they will star I'm a special presentation of The Death Game.  It will be The Death Game Crucifixion Special


At the appointed time the studio lights come on the video cameras are turned on and the the host says

"Welcome to The Death Game  Tonight's game will be a little different than what you are used to but it will be great - we are calling it the Death Game Crucifiction Special!

You see we have 3 stars of tonight's game - they are all policewomen ZZ YY and WW. ZZ was brought to us yesterday and today we captured YY and XX trying to rescue her.   And tonight we are playinhg the Death Game a little differntly than we have in the past.   Here is how it will work:

"1 by 1 our captives'  gags will be removed while she remains tied into her chair and we will sew her mouth shut to keep her very quiet.  We then untie her from the chair, pull off her panties, and have her stand against an "X" frame of wood and then nail her hands to the wood - She will not be able to scream as her mouth is sewed shut.  We then place the wooden "x" frame to which she is attached outside - the 3 of them in a row - until noon tomorrow.   At noon tomorrow we will finish the show with a surprise.

Of course the video of the entire event starting now is available to you on pay per view - so go ahead and sign up and Enjoy!!! - We will begin the show in 1 hour:

And you can bid on the ladies' personal items to purchase from us - their uniforms - panties - guns - or even body parts - hair, fingernails, nipples - whatever you would like.


At the appointed time the studio lights come on and the show begins:

Host " Welcome to a special edition of The Death Show - The Crucifiction Special.  We have 3 policewomen starring in our show tonight - ZZ  YY and XX."

He presents their "mug shot" pictures to the camera saying "This is how they looked in uniform" and continues

  "Crucifiction will be torture and very painful for these ladies and we do not want to have to listen to them scream so for our first event tonight we will sew the ladies' mouths closed which keeps them more quiet than just a gag.  We will use regular sewing needles and coarse thread and sew them one by one"


** Examples of sewing front view - Screenshots 506 and 514

                           back of head view:  Screenshot 512        ** 


First to have her mouth sewn will be ZZ

Gunmen remove her gag and we see her mouth being sewn from a view from behind her head and also then we see her face.  When the sewing is finished we see a close up of her face - her mouth is sewed shut with 5 or 6 stitches and there are red marks on her face where the stitches go into her skin.   We hear her scream when the sewing begins and fades to a whimper as her mouth is sewed closed.


Next up is WW

Gunmen remove her gag and we see her mouth being sewn from a view from behind her head and also then we see her face.  When the sewing is finished we see a close up of her face - her mouth is sewed shut with 5 or 6 stitches and there are red marks on her face where the stitches go into her skin.   We hear her scream when the sewing begins and fades to a whimper as her mouth is sewed closed.


Last is YY

Gunmen remove her gag and we see her mouth being sewn from a view from behind her head and also then we see her face.  When the sewing is finished we see a close up of her face - her mouth is sewed shut with 5 or 6 stitches and there are red marks on her face where the stitches go into her skin.   We hear her scream when the sewing begins and fades to a whimper as her mouth is sewed closed.


We see 3 large wooden "X" frames lined up against a wall


  ** Picture of wall which could fit the 3 "X" frames if the couch is moved - Screenshot 516 **


Gunmen release ZZ from her chair and her handcuffs are removed so that she can take off her panties - she is led to one of the wooden "X' frames and her wrists are secured to the frame.  

Gunmen then produce a hammer and large nails and begin to nail her right hand into the wood and we see her face react to the nailing  including her silent screams as her mouth is sewn shut - then her left hand is also nailed to the frame and we see her face in misery and horror and the silent screams. (Screenshot 513)     When the hammering is finished we see a full body view of Capt Judi attached to the X Frame, hands bloody with nail heads in them - blood running down her arm and her mouth sewn shut - then camera shows up a close up of her face


Next gunmen release WW from her chair and her handcuffs are removed so that she can take off her panties - she is led to one of the wooden "X' frames and her wrists are secured to the frame.  Gunmen then produce a hammer and large nails and begin to nail her right hand into the wood and we see her face react to the nailing  including her silent screams as her mouth is sewn shut - then her left hand is also nailed to the frame and we see her face in misery and horror and the silent screams. (Screenshot 513)   When the hammering is finished we see a full body view of Mary Ann attached to the X Frame, hands bloody with nail heads in them - blood running down her arm and her mouth sewn shut - then camera shows a close up of her face


Next gunmen release YY from her chair and her handcuffs are removed so that she can take off her panties - she is led to one of the wooden "X' frames and her wrists are secured to the frame.  

Gunmen then produce a hammer and large nails and begin to nail her right hand into the wood and we see her face react to the nailing  including her silent screams as her mouth is sewn shut - then her left hand is also nailed to the frame and we see her face in misery and horror and the silent screams. (Screenshot 513)    When the hammering is finished we see a full body view of Merci attached to the X Frame, hands bloody with nail heads in them - blood running down her arm and her mouth sewn shut - then camera shows a close up of her face


Next scene the 3 women are attached to the X frames lined up outside.   Camera zooms in on each womans full body and then zooms into their faces - nailed and bloody hands, etc.

Gunmen set up camera telling them that the pay per viewers can watch them attached to the wooden frames until noon tomorrow when we will come back for the surprise ending we mentioned earlier - and that surprise is that we will machine gun them - all on camera.


Time passes as we see ZZ XX and WW in agony attached to the wooden "X" frames


At noon the next day the gunmen reappear with machine guns - take their positions, aim and shoot  WHO KILLED KARRIE LARSON
    28 minutes


28 Minutes!



Karrie Larson is a beautiful photograph model. She is pretty and is always surrounded by men. But she looks condescending. However, she has her secret: she has two boy friends, Edward and Achiless. Achiless is poor but she likes him as he is young and energetic and always listens to her. Edward is married and rich. She likes him as he can afford expensive staff, and more importantly, she likes to play the strangulation game. In addition, both men like her beautiful feet with pantyhose.

Key fetish points:
Bright room. 
Business attire
Regular makeup before killing, red lip 
White and pale both face and lip, when Achiless came.
Very white and pale (even slightly gray) at CSI 
Eye open
High heel
Stocking, white and nude color, ultra sheer (The one in Lyalya was good. This is very important to me). Sexy lingerie underwear.
Foot view from top with stocking on so we can see her toes.
Both overview and close view
    12 minutes
Custom Video 
Starring: Li
High Boot, Strangulation

A young Girl rents a room in a shared apartment. The next room is rented by a Man. In the evening, the young Girl wants to go to the Disco. She chooses an upsetting outfit: a black leather jacket, black leather top, red tight fabric mini skirt, black fishnet tights and knee-high black leather boots. When she gets dressed, she makes the music quite loud, drinking some whiskeys to get in the mood. The man sits in the neighboring room at the computer, works, tries to concentrate. He hears the loud music, frets and holds his ears. He then knocks on the wall and shouts: “Make the music quieter, otherwise you'll get trouble!” She doesn't hear him, drinks another whiskey and starts dancing. Eventually, the man loses patience and walks into the girl's room. “Stop the music, it's bothering me! Didn't you hear me?” he yells angrily at her. The girl laughs at him: "That's not my problem after all, hold your ears shut, you idiot!" Drunk, she continues to dance. Irritated, the neighbor goes to the stereo and pulls the plug. When he wants to leave the girl's room, she weaves to the stereo and reopens the music, louder than before. She then walks to the window, her whiskey in her hand, looks out of the window and moves her butt to the beat of the music. "Stop it straight away or a misfortune happens, i can't work like that!" he yells at her again. She turns to him and laughs at him again: "Forget it, this is my room, I can do whatever i want here!" Then she looks out of the window again, turns her back to him. He walks furiously from behind towards her, she doesn't notice him. “You dirty slut, you don't want it any other way!” He takes his belt and quickly puts it around her neck from behind. She's surprised, drops the glass. He pulls on tight, she tries to free herself, groans, barely gets air. She gets weaker, slowly he pulls her to the ground. Her brutal end begins. She's tramples with her legs, tries to beat him, her moaning is getting louder. But she has no chance. Her movements slow down, cruelly he pulls the belt more tightly. Her body begins to twitch, then she dies in agony with her eyes wide open. He gets up satisfied, pulls the plug of the stereo and leaves her lifeless body behind. "So it's better you dirty piece of shit"! Laughing, he walks back to his room.  Killer Absolution
    6 minutes
      Killer Absolution - Introdusing new model mary!

this stylish erotic movie is based on the famous game «hitman absolution». It’s dark, gothic thriller with head shot, ch...King, bodies carrying and funeral entourage

young cruel murder loves beautiful rock brunette. She is his partner. He is going to leave city forever and decides to have a last meeting with his g...Rl. They choose abandoned monastery as a place for meeting – this place has a very big value for them both: one day he saved her life and kept her there in safe from enemy organization.

but she lied all the time. She invited him to the last meeting just to lure him into a trap… she and her new partner from enemy organization, female killer dressed in fetish nurse costume, are waiting for him to shoot him to the death. When he came to monastery, his g...Rl is waiting for him in red dress. They are dancing last time saying good buy when a female killer suddenly appears. But he has great instincts and kills her. Headshot, long ****** headshot, made like in games. May be her reaction to headshot is too long, but she feels strong fatal pain and shock realizing her end with a 45 mm bullet in her brains!

she is dead. And now is time for revenge to the traitress.   It’s not easy choice – he loves her, but he doesn’t forgives. He ch....Kes her very strong with all his power he acquired in assassin-******. She can’t do anything to get free, and just writings in agony and horror of her mortal fail, last fail in her life. She dies with a face full of hopeless looking with her death stare to the sky where the court is waiting for her…

he carries two corpses to the corner of the prayer hall. Long time ago people repented and prayed here, and now he has just committed a mortal sin. He puts his dead lovely doll to the throne as a symbol of her roual value for him and throws to her legs a corpse of nurse-assassin as a symbol of treachery and discord…

now two bodies are resting in pease in this gloomy forgotten old gothic building. They conceived a murder but became victims. They didn’t expected death. Now they are like sculptures lost forever…

fetish elements:

sexy red dress, fetish nurse, long headshot scene, *******, death stares , carrying bodies, sexy sitting and lying death poses.


gothic location looks like old church, expensive postproduction effects (thunder and lighting), interesting plot with bad ***** as victims.
    14 minutes
The scene starts with both girls laying on the floor in the abandoned room waking up from unconsciousness. They do not know each other, they do not know where they are.  Suddenly we can hear a voice (female or male). The voice says that they both have to fight for their lives. They have 15 minutes to finish one another or they will both die. The countdown starts.
*All actresses are adult and the turm "school" means 18+ academy*  BEAUTIFUL REVENGE
    12 minutes
CAST: Zlata, Demonica, Max
Zlata is a government agent, avenging the death of her husband, killed by a villainess.
Demonika, a villain, mercenary and terrorist, killed Zlatas husband for a lot of money.
Spy action story inspirited by final of the movie Golden Eye (1995).
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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