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    14 minutes
Starring: MaryAnn, Marina Steffi, Max
«Dude! You nailed it. It was really good. Specially the twisting her head off effect. Turning her head 360 degrees. The effect was incredible! You special effects guy is awesome. The acting of both girls, the direction the atmosphere was superb. That’s why I like to do these stories, voyeurism of watching the victims going through the routine. Unaware the horrible fate that await them (combined with my foot fetish of course ). The build up is important, and you nailed it. Congratulations to you and your team. Give a kiss and a hug to the two actresses on my part for putting their heat and souls into playing the parts. I’ll give them a nice foot massage as a thank you »
Review From Customer
Two girls arrived home from working at the perfume counter in a department store. Like in the 80’s they would be wearing professional clothes. Wearing pantyhose but extra sheer so that the feet are seen clearly. One is wearing some low heel mules or slides, the other flat pumps. They’re roomates and their feet are killing them after working long hours standing. They sit and chat. While they talk, they dangle shoes from toes, and dip feet in and out of their shoes. One of them gets up and goes to the kitchen while the other stays in the couch. Let’s shoes fall and rests her feet on Coffee Table. The house becomes chilly. Both girls feel the change in temperature. The girl in the kitchen goes to check the thermostat, after the girl in the couch shouts to her to check it.  A demon appears from behind the couch, girl feels something behind her, scared she puts her shoes on and stands up, tries to run but the demon in a flash appears in front of her, and grabs her by the neck and squeezes real hard.  The poor girl didn’t know what hit her. Her throat is completely shut out by the pressure. He starts to lift her up slowly, the heel of her feet slip out of her flats. He lifts her up a bit more. With her toes she is able to make the back of her flats slip back on. But as squeezes harder, and her body starts to go into spasms, her toes move causing the back of her shoe to slip on and off. Her tongue comes out far. She tries to call for help, but only gags come out of her mouth, since no air is passing through. As he squeezes harder, her eyes rolls back as the throat cartilage of the throat gives in and breaks. Her toes spread forward causing the flats to come off and just dangle from her toes, then a sickening crunch is heard as the demon finishes her by breaking her neck vertebrae. Her body relaxes at the same time a faint gurgle comes out of her mouth. The shoes fall off, and the soles of her feet and body relax, with her toes twitching a bit. Her eyes are open and her tongue hangs by the side. After, the demon sits her on couch, straightens her head and poses her by putting her shoes on, and crossing her legs. The leg that is over and has the foot dangling, he pulls the heel cup of the shoe a bit so that the shoe is left dangling from the toe. He grabs a magazine and puts it on her lap and places her hands on the sides so that it looks like she is grabbing it. The demon struggles a bit to keep her head straight since it flips around due to the neck being broken. Finally he points her face down as if she would be reading the magazine place on her lap. The hair hides her distorted dead stare.

The other girl, comes back and tells her that she doesn’t know what’s going on with the thermostat, since it’s still cold. She doesn’t answer. She looks at her, and calls her again. No answer. She touches her shoulder and shakes her a bit and her head tilts backward and to the side, with faint cracklings heard from the broken bones of her neck, and revealing her death stare. The face pale, and the neck bruised from the pressure and bone breaking in the neck. The shoe that was dangling from the toe falls off. She puts both hands on her mouth in disbelief and as she turns around to go to the phone to call the police, she runs into the demon who grabs her by the throat with one hand. He starts to lift her up slowly. Her feet leave the floor. Her mules managing to stay on her feet but struggling to stay on. It was the sheer will of her toes that would keep those shoes on. Her gags keep coming out of her mouth as he squeezes harder, her face turning red first, her tongue coming out and her eyes opening wide. Her hands squeeze his arm to no avail. She suddenly sees what looks like a long and thin knife in front of her face. Since she can’t talk she shakes her head to plead with him not to kill her. The ice pick enters her open mouth and pierces the back of her throat and through the back of her brain. Her eyes roll back, her hands let go of his forearms and her arms flop to the side. Gurgles come out of her mouth and a little bit of blood trickles from her side of the mouth. Her feet relax in the air, and gravity takes a hold of her shoes. They simply slip off and fall off revealing her soles since her toes have no force anymore. A little twitches of her toes, and then her feet relax totally as the gurgles subside.  He sits her on the couch also with her feet resting on the coffee table. He rests the feet of the other girl again in the coffee table. Both next to each other with their eyes open and tongues out.

The demon grabs the head of one of them head from both sides and twists it so hard that the head goes around 180 degrees. A sickening crunch is heard. Her dead toes spread in reaction and relax. The demon gives the head another twist, causing the toes again to spread and wiggle, the crunch sounds again accompanied by a gushing sound of flesh and sinue being teared. As her head is tored off her dead body, her toes then relax. Then with the same long knife he stabbed the woman through the mouth, he grabs the other girl’s hair, pulls head back exposing her throat and starts to cut the throat of her corpse. Though she’s dead faint gags come out of her dead mouth, and her toes twitch. He cuts deeper, and as the knife reaches the bone, he drops knife, grabs her head and twists it around. Her toes spread and then relax. A noise of flesh tearing is heard along with crackling sounds of the neck vertebrae breaking. Twisting her head off like a bottle cap. The demon leaves their heads next to their headless corpses. Both corpses posed with soles propped up in the coffee table.  ELIMINATE MISTRESS
    15 minutes
      ELIMINATE MISTRESS - Starring:
Nata, Juliana, Annabelle, Oksana, Luiza, Masha, Hass as a slaver, Alex as a ex-slaver and Kit as a Agent X 

Deadly Electroshock of Pussy! (Very long!)
Sword Battles
Stabbing to the Pussy with sword
Shooting to the pussy (In slow motion)
Boots, masks, lingers
Bad girls die in terrible way by pussy attack!
Sexual slavery 
Tortures and beating 

A village is attacked by evil young girls. Kym is a leader of a gang. She takes men and women to sexual slavery. They keeps them to the ex-military base. While she was beating a girl to her face (realistic and cruel scene) a male slave escaped and ran for  help to Good Man Agent X. 
Kym is immortal but she has only one week point to be killed – her pussy. And Agent X knows it. He drives to the military-base by bile with electric stick and attacks Kym. She is agonizing very long with boot-legs show. She dies but slaver tortures her dead body with electroshock more.  
Alarm! Army is going  to strike! 4 mistresses go to the base with a slaver on a chain like a dog. 
The epic sword battle start. Agent x, male slave and female slave fight with 4 bad girls trying to hit them to their pussies. 
Good people win – 3 girls were stabbed by pussies and one girls was shot to her pussy. 
After all soldiers are dead, agents and ex-slaves  enjoy the victory and play with bodies. 
If you like this video please also check out
     ARCHER 11
    31 minutes
      ARCHER 11 - ARCHER 11
Starring: Mira Green, Sally, Luiza, Max

The story begins from three dead girls with arrows in their bellies. And then the movie is the flashback with telling why it happened. 
Three girls were moving from the town for searching new locations with night clubs opened for new dancers. All clubs in the lost city were closed because of crimes of maniac Archer who killed sexy dancers. 
The Archer who was near to be killed  by police in Archer 10 was going by the road leaving town. He saw a car and stopped it asking to drive him o the nearest motel. Three girls were in the car. Their fatal mistake was they decided to rudely joke at him. They stopped a car and  asked him to change the wheel. When he went out from the car they just drove away with his bag… They understood they stole it from the Archer when they found arrows, money and a gun inside the bag… But Archer had a chanse fopr revenge…

    15 minutes
Starring: Tim and Judi

Fetish Elements:
Young woman in spectacles, glasses, office woman at home, shower scene, maniac in mask, knife terror, knife attack, fear, POV, stabbing to the chest, great stabbing effect, surprised reaction, death stare, full nude

Judi is a smartly dressed, high class personal assistant.  She wears glasses, her hair is up (hair and make-up should be the same as in 'Bond Plan Goes Wrong'). 

She is walking home. Arriving at her front door and reaching for her keys, she thinks she hears a noise. She looks around but cannot see anything.

Inside her flat she removes her coat and shoes, and pours herself a drink. She unbuttons her blouse and takes off her knee-length skirt. In her bra and panties she walks across the room to fetch a bathrobe, which she puts on but does not do up. She sits at a desk and begins writing some notes in a book.  The camera shows her beautiful face in close-up as she concentrates on her work. Again, she thinks she hears a noise and looks up.  She sees nothing and shakes her head - she must be imagining things. But we see a glimpse of a figure moving.

The camera now shows us the perspective (POV) of the intruder, watching Judi through a half open door as she rises from the desk and slowly removes her bathrobe, bra and knickers. Finally she takes off her glasses, puts them on the desk and moves towards the bathroom.  She takes a shower, eventually coming out and wrapping herself in a towel.

Judi emerges from the bathroom in her towel. She hears a noise and looks up. She sees the intruder across the room. Her eyes and mouth open wide in surprise. She pulls the towel tighter to her body. From behind his back the intruder pulls out a machete. Judi screams, her eyes full of surprise and fear. She runs towards a closed door to escape. She desperately pulls at the handle but it will not open. She turns around in panic to look at the figure that is about to kill her, her back against the door, the towel falling to the floor as she does so. The killer (wearing a hockey or Halloween mask) watches her terrified pleading expression, her head shaking 'no'.

The camera is now the eyes (POV) of the killer. It moves slowly towards Judi. "Oh God, no.  Please no!" she cries, staring at the camera, trying to cover her naked body with her arms. The killer/camera is now right in front of her, medium close up. Judi's body suddenly jerks, she gasps, her eyes widen even more in shock, and we hear the sound of the machete pierce her flesh. Slowly she looks down. The camera cuts away from the killer's POV to a mid shot and we see Judi looking down at the knife plunged between her breasts. She looks up at her killer in total disbelief. She cannot believe what has just happened. Then he forces the blade further, right through her body, impaling her on the door. She lets out a terrible howl, her eyes bulge and go cross-eyed, her toungue shoots out. She lets out a few more groans and evntually dies, her naked body still upright, pinned to the door, her head falling just slightly to the side but face still fully visible. It is frozen in a horrific expression of surprise and terror, eyes wide open and cross-eyed, tongue fully protruding (like in 'Blood Heel Dark Room'). The killer moves to the desk and picks up Judi's glasses. He carefully puts them on her face and leaves. The camera slowly surveys her upright dead body and death stare.

Blood Heel (Dark Room)
    16 minutes
Cast: Mira Green and Anastasia Boldareva 

So much blood! I love it. You all did an amazing job putting the script to life. You all also did a fantastic job meeting my specific costume requests. I'm so glad Mira could step in last minute. She and Anastasia killed it (pun intended). Amazing acting, amazing shooting, amazing special effects, amazing editing. Thank you very much. 
	Customer’s Review 
Catfighting, Blood, Gore, Stabbing, Girls Killing Each Other

Setting: Afternoon at Anastasia’s house in the kitchen

Mira and Anastasia engage in an after school knife fight. Mira is tired of Anastasia cheating off of her. After classes Mira breaks into Anastasia's house with a knife and attacks her. Anastasia grabs her own knife from the kitchen and they proceed to fight. 

Ana draws first blood by cutting Lisa’s left arm. The blood flows fast and quickly stains the sleeve of her white cardigan. 
Mira responds by kicking Ana in the crotch. Ana doubles over and Mira proceeds to stab her in the belly multiple times. 

Ana stumbles backwards away from Mira holding her belly as blood pours out. Ana’s blood begins to soak her shorts and drip down her leg staining her socks. 

Ana lunges forward and stabs Mira in her breast. They grapple with each other staining their clothes with each other’s blood. Mira stab’s Ana in the crotch and Ana falls down holding the knife still lodged in her crotch. 

Mira is still standing and coughs up blood. Ana squirms in a growing puddle of her own blood. Ana pulls the knife out of her crotch and tries to get up. Ana has trouble getting up because the pool of blood is slippery. Her shoes and socks are getting especially bloody. 

Mira walks over to Ana hoping to finish the job. By now the front of Lisa’s uniform is stained red. Mira steps on Ana’s head pushing her into the floor and her own blood. Ana’s hand grasps and gropes one of Lisa’s leg trying to move it off of her staining Lisa’s whit pantyhose. Ana then is able to reach up and stab Mira in the calf. We see blood stream down her calf and into her ballet flats.  

Mira slowly stumbles and  falls to her hands and knees, still coughing up blood, and tries to crawl away from Ana. Ana stabs Mira in the back of her thigh on the other leg. Mira rolls onto her back and grabs her thigh crying in pain. Ana starts to crawl on top of Mira and grabs at Lisa’s skirt and pulls it off. Mira weakly tries to kick away from Ana as Ana continues to crawl after her. Lisa’s shoes fall off in the process. 

The girls proceed to wrestle in the puddle of blood. Mira has no skirt and no shoes on now.  Ana is the only one with a knife. Mira is on her back and Ana is slowly crawling on top of her. Ana stabs Mira in the crotch for revenge. Mira is able to kick Ana in the nose and Ana flies off of Mira and onto her back, stunned. Ana drops the knife by Lisa

Mira now goes on the offensive. Mira stabs Ana on top of her shoe and uses the knife to pull herself closer to Ana. We see blood bubbles out of the shoe (like the scene from Kill Bill). Mira crawls on top of Ana, raises the knife above her head with both hands, stabs Ana below the neck and slices the knife down to Ana’s stomach, ripping open her sweatshirt. 

Before Ana dies she is able to grab the second knife and slashes open Lisa’s throat. Mira falls off Ana and lays on her back beside Ana. Both girls whimper and squirm as they slowly and finally die. 

    28 minutes
Custom about 2 sexy agents who are on a mission but betray eachother with various knockouts.
Actresses: Alice M.(Polina) and Emma
Two agents sneak into a room guns drawn. They carefully check the area before locating a computer.Polina motions to Emma to start the hack. Emma sits down and Polina goes to watch the door.As Emma is typing, she looks over her shoulder a few times.Polina secretly prepares a white rag. Emma continues to type but slowly takes her shoes off.Polina: "Are we almost ready?"Emma: "Yes give me 5 minutes" Emma lied, she is already finished and takes the USB.Polina pretends to get a phone call walking into another roomPolina "Yes Boss, the data is authentic we will deliver soon... Yes Boss I understand" Emma takes the oppounity to quietly get up and sneak towards Polina, her gun drawn.Emma turns the corner and suddenly Polina clamps the white rag over her Emma's mouth.Emma is surprised and drops her gun, struggling against her attacker.Emma twists and kicks her legs but can't get free.Polina: "You know how this works... That's it breathe it in... Don't fight just breathe..." Emma's eyes dart around looking for anything that can help her. She holds her breath and fights for a few more seconds.Soon her legs stop kicking and her arms drop. She begins to breathe regularly and her moans become long and drawn out.Polina: "No hard feelings dear, even the best spies need to sleep sometimes..." Emma's eyes roll closed and she gives one final long moan as she passes out.She carefully lowers Emma's limp form to the floor.Polina searches Emma and finds the USB but also a small perfume bottle.Polina takes the USB and the bottle. She calls her Boss."Yes Boss, it's me... No, she is unconscious. She would have knocked me out and stolen the drive I think." "May I hypnotize her to get more answers?""Understood"Polina hangs up and brings the limp Emma over to the bed flipping her on her back.She takes her own shoes off and sits on the bed, examining Emma's toned legs.Polina gently places Emma's head on her lap and begins to massage the agent, slowly waking her up.Soon Emma begins to stir making womanly noises and slowly blinking her eyes open.Polina dangles a pocketwatch directly in front of Emma's face forcing her to stare it at.Emma's eyes try to look elsewhere but is soon fixated on the watch.Polina "Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice" Repeat several times. "you are now under my control"Emma is soon entranced.Polina orders Emma to sit up on the bed. Emma does so eyes blinking very slightly but otherwise completely relaxed.Polina puts the watch away."Sleep" Emma stares forward but does not react."Sleep" Still no reaction."Sleep" Polina touches Emma's forehead with one finger.Emma very dramatically collapses back onto the bed giving a pleasureable moan as she falls and closes her eyes."When I clap my hands you will wake up and be completely under my control"Polina takes a moment to admire Emma before she claps her hands.Emma opens her eyes and sits up."Were you going to betray me on this mission and sell the drive?" "Yes""Are you working with others?" "No""Will your buyer come to this location?" "Yes""Are you going to betray them?" Emma stares blankly"Were you planning to render me unconscious?" "Yes""Were you going to use this on me?" Polina holds up the perfume bottle. "Yes"Polina smiles and gives a sigh of satisfaction."Do you enjoy being put to sleep?" "Yes" "You look very tired would you like sleep now?" Yes..."Polina douses the white rag once again and tosses it to Emma who is sitting on the bed."Deep breath in... Deep breath out" Emma picks up the cloth and places it over her own mouth with two hands.Polina watches and smiles, very turned on."When I clap my hands you will no longer be hypnotized and not remember anything except for that sweet smell"Emma inhales and begins to moan, her eyes fluttering and her head swaying.Polina watches closely, enjoying every moment of it. Her hands are ready to clap at the precise moment.As Emma is about to pass out, Polina suddenly claps her hands.Emma's head tilts backwards and she gives on final trailing moan as she passes out. She drops the rag to reveal her face completely relaxed eyes closed and mouth open.Polina checks to make sure Emma is completely unconscious before moving her to a more comfortable sleeping position.She calls her boss. "Yes it's me" "She is working alone, I am confident." "Yes I understand, I will handle everything Boss don't worry."Polina takes the small perfume bottle and empties the contents, she replaces it with water.She walks over to the unconscious Emma and places the bottle back where she found it, also hiding her gun under the pillow.Polina puts her shoes back on and walks around, finding a bottle of wine. She pours herself a drink and sits down on the chair.She enjoys the view of Emma completely limp and helpless. She can't help put take some pictures on her phone with Emma in various positionsPolina finishes and sits back down, slowly sipping on the gass of wine and crossing her legs while she waits.Emma starts to stir. Polina takes a deep breath and turns around pretending to type.Emma quietly wakes up and carefully looks around she sees Polina distracted and readies her perfume bottle.Emma sneaks behind Polina and spins her around spraying her in the face with the sedative.Polina is caught off guard and gasps not expecting Emma to be so quick and quiet.Her shocked epression immedately turns to confusion and dizziness as she pretends to pass out. Polina manages grab Emma before falling unconscious into her waiting arms, moaning as she swooned.Emma drags the limp Polina onto the bed and searches her thoroughly, she finds the drive."Sorry beautiful, but you you should of tied me up!"Emma gets her phone and calls her buyer."Yes, I have it." Emma looks over at Polina's sleeping form "Bring the money and I have something extra for you as well" "Yes, she is unconscious bring something to keep her under"Emma hangs up and looks around, she sees the glass of wine and white rag."Enjoyed your time with me didn't you?"Emma goes to her shoes and retrieves a folded piece of paper.She reveals some white powder inside of it and pours it into the glass of wine, stirring the contents slightly."A gift for you just incase"Emma grabs the white rag and soaks it. She looks over at Polina who is still pretending to be asleep.Emma sits on the bed and clamps the rag over Polina's mouth.Polina does not open her eyes but she begins to moan. Suddenly she starts to panick when she realizes what is happening.She struggles and tries to reach for her hidden gun. "Whats wrong? Didn't think I would use this on you?" Emma teases.Polina knows theres nothing she can do at this point except to surrender to her fate. She breathes and moans deeply with pleasure as her eyes roll closed.Emma holds the cloth for a while longer. "Sweet dreams..."Emma enjoys Polina's limp form, groping her legs. She poses Polina in different provactive positions while teasing her for being so careless, taking some pictures as well. At the end she thanks Polina for giving her another item to bargain withEmma hears a knock on the door and she gets up off the bed fixing her hair/dress, putting her shoes on and grabbing her gun.
Change to FPV
Emma opens the door. "Hi there please come in" Emma walks over and shows you the unconscious Polina. "This is the bonus... Beautiful isn't she?"You zoom in and inspect Polina, moving her limp from. She is deeply unconscious.You take out a syringe and pretend to inject it into Polina's neck. At the last second you tuck the needle away hiding it from Emma."How about a toast to our success?" Emma offers seductively. She pours herself a cup and offers you the other glass."What? You don't trust me? Fine then have it your way"Emma takes out her phone and makes a call."Boss the mission was a failure. She drugged me and stole the drive. Yes I just woke up. No the data is gone, deleted from the computer as well. I think she will sell it."As Emma is distracted with the phone call you sneak up behind her."Yes I'll report back immediately" She hangs up.You inject Emma from behind and she gasps in shock, dropping the perfume bottle."Asshole! we had a deal!" She spins around, fighting to stay awake."I'll kill you..." Emma cannot finish her sentence before she lets out a moan and collapses.You watch as Emma succumbs to the drug while trying to reach for the dropped bottle.You flip Emma over and stroke her hair/face until she goes completely under.You take her phone from the floor and try to unlock it with her sleeping face.After some slight moving it unlocks and you scroll through it for intel.You are distracted by the pictures of Polina laid out and unconscious.Suddenly you turn around.Polina is standing with her gun pointed at you. She whips you in the head and then kicks your face knocking you to the ground before stepping on you with her hosed feet.
Fade to black.Fade in with you still on the floor looking up at Polina. She is holding her phone in one hand and a glass of wine in the other."Yes Boss, my plan worked" "I have captured the buyer" "Do I have permission to question them?" "Understood" you vaguely see Polina take a sip as she hangs up.Fade to black.Fade in to Polina trying to hypnotize you with the pocketwatch. Close up on her face and the watch side by side."Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice." You notice she is slightly drowsy.As she repeats it she becomes more and more tired, her eyes blinking slowly and her head swaying. Ocassionally pausing to yawn."You are getting very sleepy" She starts to slur her words and it is now very hard for her eyes to stay open"You just want to sleep to sleep""Sleep...""sleep..." After uttering the last word Polina collapses forward ontop of you.After a few moments you get up and inspect her limp form, turning her head a few times. She mews slightly at your touch but does not wakeYou walk over to Emma who is still unconscious and place her on the bed next to PolinaYou take Polina's phone and unlock it with her sleeping face.You take a few pictures of the two slumbering agents before taking the drive from Emma and leaving.
     Clip 447
    24 minutes
      Clip 447 - ABDUCTED AND HANGED
SPECIAL OFFER: 19$ till 03/18 only! REGULAR PRICE IS 24$!
MODELS: Vika (Tora), Annabelle, Pola, Max, Alex
Hanging, Execution, Forced to stripped, Noose, Hanging from different Angles, Death Stares, Fear, 3 Girls Hanged, Going to the noose, Hanged one by One, Hanging Reaction, Death Stares, Eyes Wide Opened, Tongue Out of the mouth Bodypile
3 Young Girls was abducted by two executors, They were in lingerie when they were gone to the noose, Girls were in panic, all they could to do is to see how unfair is their end. 
First is Pola hanged. She was stripped full nude and hanged and her friends were were looking her agony and death. The same was with Annabelle and Vika. Executors put off the noose all bodies and made bodypike on the floor. 

*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!
You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!
    11 minutes

CAST: Bella Lenina, Max


Shooting to the breats (4 bullets), Shooting to the low belly near vagina, long death, crying, death, death stare, sexy military uniform, carrying body, stripping bopdy to full nude, touching face, legs and breats of dead girl


«Hi! I’m sorry, this morning is very busy and I just watched the movie. Great Work Ugine! It is so much better than I can imagine! Exactly what I want! Thank you! And Max and Bella are great actors!»

Customer’s Review


Bella Lenina—— brave commando girl, same clothes and appearance as Bella in GUN DEAL GONE HORRIBLY WRONG

       Male commando——normal soldier appearance, Bella’s teammate


1.  Bella and a male soldier infiltrated the rebel base together, and they successfully passed some difficulties. When they dive into the deepest part of the base, Bella needs to install bombs and blow up the base to reverse the decline of the battlefield.

2.  Just as she was about to install the bomb, the male soldier rebelled. He was actually the undercover of the rebel army. The soldier forced bella to the corner with a gun and wanted to touch Bella.

3.  Bella is a loyal and brave soldier, she wants to fight back when the man is careles. But Bella failed. When she pulled out the gun, the man fired two shots first, and accurately hit Bella’s two nipples. Bella leaned against the wall in great pain, groaning in pain, and still tried to shoot with the gun.

4.   The male soldier fired again and two bullets hit Bella's breast (between the two nipples). This time bella lost her strength and fell to the ground gradually. She groaned, and the male soldier shot her in the lower abdomen. Bella died in great pain.

5.  The male soldier dragged Bella's body to the side, took off his clothes, and stroked Bella's breasts and body (like POLICEWOMAN IN A DRUG-DEN).

6.  Finally, there is a close-up of bella's body.


    10 minutes
      FAKE GIRL - FAKE GIRL (Stabbing and Shooting)
C U S T O M*
*(The Word «Custom») under the name of a movie means this film was written, donated and shot for the customer 
You can order your own custom too! 
We work with any genres 
(shooting, choking, hanging, strangling, bagging, spies, fights, guns, nudity and etc)
 With any numbers of models and setting)!
We have comfort low prices and GREAT quality! 
Buy this video and know all about custom orders

 	A student sells drugs to her fellow students. The police have learned of this and want to use a lure bird to convict the dealer. The lure is a policewoman who is supposed to play a mediocre student who is new to the university. She is supposed to credibly tell the dealer that she is dependent. She wants to record the deal with the phone to have proof. One afternoon, the lure bird visits the dealer. They sit down at a table and discuss the trade. The dealer is suspicious at first, but then she sells her the drugs. Suddenly she notices that the customer's phone is turned on. "Oh you slut, you want to betray me to the police. You're going to pay for it!" she snares at the wrong student. She pulls out a knife and stabs several times. The lure bird screams out loud, tries to drag himself to the door, but eventually collapses and twists on the floor in pain. "You're still not dead?" she yells at the wrong student. She bends over the injured and stabs again. That was the death knell. The policewoman dies in agony, blood runs out of her mouth.
The dealer deletes all data from the phone, grabs the drugs and wants to escape. But it is too late. Police heard the screams over the phone. A policeman storms the apartment, the dealer takes a pistol out of the drawer. A firefight begins. But the policeman is a very good shooter. Twice he hits the dealer, the third shot is fatal, she falls to the ground under loud groans, her body flinches a few more times, then she dies. "You did a good job, colleague, unfortunately it was deadly!" he says to the dead policewoman. The bodies are packed in two corpse bags to be taken to the morgue.
Appearance and clothes dealer: dark make-up, dark lips, dark nails, black belly top, black shorts (jeans or fabric), black fishnet stockings (no hold-ups), black suede knee-high boots with stiletto heels. 
Appearance and clothes fake girl:  light make up, pink lips, pink nails, black leather jacket (opened, underneath white shirt), blue jeans, black leather belt, black leather overknee boots with stiletto heels.

    9 minutes


She is one of the not so talented enemy spies, and given a low level assignment
of data assignment as info courier as her first one.  
Setting: Late night and empty street Judi walks chewing gum, swinging her purse
with strap and talking on cell phone. She doesn’t notice someone spying on her
and following her.

She’s walking back to apartment after picking up HDD, but instead of dropping
it back at HQ, she feels tired after waiting for hours to get. On cell, she is
laughing and joking with friend, had a good time at party. She is interrupted by
boss calling, she tells boss he will get it next day. Boss yell how dumb she is and
in great danger… 
Suddenly someone starts to shoot at her from dark/night street.
She creams, drops cell phone and runs for her life….
She survives a hail of gunfire out in the streets. As soon as she makes it running
back inside to her apartment/house, she checks her whole body with her hands
for any signs of bullet holes. Can be in front of full body mirror on the wall and a
sofa behind her.
After running inside Judi exclaims: Pww, that was close!!!! I knew I would hate
this fucking job!!!
Self body check-up by using hands all over body, I have the luck of a cat!!!!  She
is standing behind a sofa.
Not really!!! Screams the Assassin showing himself now.
Suddenly an enemy agent jumps out from the shadows and starts shooting her…
Bang, Bang, Bang! SHIT!!! Falls down Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!! It hurts!!!! You will
never find the drive on me, inside dress/corset/bra, assholes!!!! Oops, did I say
that out lout????
She stands up again, trying to fire. Bang, Bang, Bang!!! Body twitches with
rounds incoming & can spit as much blood as Under Cover Police Woman.
Gets up defiantly, fires last rounds, click, click... empty! Final gunning. Slumps 3-
5 rounds to chest or couple to stomach…
Falls over sofa to middle of room, if she can show underwear view as she falls
from back to front of sofa then to the floor…. Show her panties a lot as legs
fly/flip go over sofa.
If stunt is too dangerous then do it slowly and no panty or ass showing.
Dying slowly, the other agent comes and fires last rounds at her back as
she tries to crawl/escape away like in Model Shoot.
Last words: I really hate this fucking job…. Spits more blood out. Eyes open and
close up of face
Full view of body from above, zoom in to full face slowly, once with clothes from
back then front as Assassin turns her over to show her front then admires her. Show body, still dressed full body then zoom and close
up like Under Cover Police Woman. Zoom was of her body in horizontal, can you
show it vertical too? Face zoom too here
Assassin then comes close, undresses her looking for HDD. Takes off dress,
then corset and panty, leaving only garter with stockings and heels. Assassin
then leaves her body. Zoom again full body and of face too.
3 days later after he comes back and checks on her… top view of full body and
zoom slowly to face and all of body. Move her face or play around with her or flip
body to back and front again. He then leaves, zoom again full pale body and face
after 3 days and fade into black.
     Shooting Medley
    15 minutes
      Shooting Medley - SHOOTING MEDLEY (8 SCENES!)

Juliana, Anna, Angelina, Luiza, Hass, Pola, Nata, Annabelle


It’s history of contract killer who kills females.

You will wee 8 very great quality shooting scenes with headshots, chestshots, neckshots, elegant poses, sexy reactions and different situations:

Rich wife, housewife, romantic *****, student, club beach, nude **** and others.

If you enjoy shooting deaths it’s good one for your death fetish collection!

Each scene is sith different model, in different clothes and style, different locations!

15 minutes 2$ per scene! BEST PRICE IS HERE!  GAS CHAMBLER
    10 minutes
      GAS CHAMBLER - An east Europe country has reinstated the death penalty for women. To exercise this they built a gas
chamber at the womens prison.
The only way To really test this new execution device will be actually executing someone for real. To do
this the prison officials have picked a random pretty girl off the street from a night club and taken her
into “custody”.

Open scene.
Tatiana is already strapped in to a sturdy well built chair. She has heart monitor electrodes stuck to her
chest under her dress, wires leading off to a junction on the chamber wall.
She is wearing a black mini dress and shiny black thigh high boots.
She is extremely scared, begging to be released.
After approximately 30 seconds under the chair a cup of white powder tips over and pours into a bowl
of liquid creating a vigorous foaming reaction and some cloudy vapours, Cyanide Gas!
Tatiana try’s to hold her breath in desperation. However, after only 30 seconds or so, she can’t hold her
breath anymore, and by reflex, she takes a deep breath causing her to inhale a large amount of gas. She
reacts like she just got stabbed in the lungs.
After the initial shock Tatiana can only take short shallow breaths. However she soon starts to foam
from her mouth and salivating uncontrollably.
Tatiana convulses, and struggles trying to breath normally, but every time she breaths in all she gets a
lung full of cyanide gas.
For the next 6 minutes this continues.
6 minutes after the gas started Tatiana starts to get light headed and dizzy. Her strength begins to fade.
This continues for another 6 minutes until 12 full minutes after the gas started Tatiana goes
Seconds later the heart monitor stops, indicating Tatiana is dead!
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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    BLACK CRANE part 2


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