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    11 minutes
Custom Detective Movie (Best Rate)
«I want to express my gratitude to you and your team for making this new film despite the challenges you faced.
As always, the script was followed perfectly.
I think the last minute change of actress was a success. Unholly Polly is stunning and perfectly embodies the role of the 'bad girl'.
I also want to thank your colleague for her work on accessory management»
Customer’s Review 

A businessman decided to have a good evening with a beauty girls but she’s not just a club girl but a dangerous killer. Who wins in this dangerous game?  Last Dream
    9 minutes
      Last Dream - Custom video

starring: betty

a young woman is walking home when see a strange say dream when she is in great mood is dancing topless when suddenly shot dead by a hitman … she doesn’t understand why she has such a strange and dark feeling. But it wasn’t  just coincidence. She is shot by this stranger in real life. She is in shock and she is slowly dying in a bullet in her chest.

 fetish elements: two shooting scenes, shot dead, blonde, surprised death stare, surprising before death, jeans mini shorts, white blouse
     Midnight Strangler
    9 minutes
      Midnight Strangler - Starring: Nata and Den


Office girl in black pantyhose  was strangled in her apartment  NINJA 3
    10 minutes
      NINJA 3 - NINJA 3
Ninja Cosplay, Fighting,  Neck Snaps, Stripping For Lingere, Begging For Life, Garrote Strangulation, Death Stare

Action 1
Ninja is walking back and forth. Max comes behind and use the garrote on her neck. Ninja struggles, goes to the ground, and slowly dies – Max keeps the pressure.
Action 2
Choke hold attack – Max comes behind and slowly chokes her. Ninja tries to escape, try to punch and kick with no effect. At the end, Max breaks her neck, and leave her on the ground.
Action 3
The hitman walks up behind a sentry and snaps her neck, quick and clean. The sentry falls to the floor dead. A pan shot of her body happens.
Action 4
Ninja is holding a sword, in a vigilant position. Max comes from behind, put on hand at her mouth (over the mask),
With the other hand, hit the ninja hand holding the sword, to make the ninja drops it.
Ninja tries to escape...
Max kills her using a short knife...
Action 5
Ninja holding a sword... Max unarmed. They start fighting, Max is takes the sword from her - could be after some punches, etc, and execute cutting the neck from behind (like image)
     Good Buy My Love
    15 minutes
      Good Buy My Love - Good buy my love!
starring: pola and kit.

full nude content

it’s sad story about jealous young man and his pretty innocent girlfriend. She is in love, she is gong to marry him but once the usual domestic quarrel because of his jealousy went to far… first they fought ant then he started to ***** her. He got. He has gone mad. He ****** her very long. It took him 10 minutes long to kill his girlfriend! 10 minutes long! What a painful death! He pressed to her throat not very strongly to enjoy her trying to escape, kicking and agony more time. When she is dead he understood his terrible mistake. He striped her body for hugging and caressing her nude dead still warm body last time. Good buy, my love, good buy!

this clip made based on different fetish elements. You will see:

 - much foot fetish, feet in agony, feet kicking, dead feet

 - legs fetish, kicking legs in different position

 - face suffering  - eyes wide open, tongue out of the month, mimic, suffering, death stare

 - pov views of *************

 - dead body in different sexy poses

 - stripping dead body

 - caressing with nude corpse

 - very long ************* scene  PERMISSION TO KILL
    17 minutes
Shooting, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the back, Death Stares, Blood from mouth, Dying At Lover’s Hands
CAST: Mira Green, Xena, Sally, Max, Alex
«That is absolutely AMAZING! So sexy. I love the way the camera dwells on the corpses. Well done! You have surpassed yourselves».

The story starts as a man slips a key into the keyhole of an apartment front door and lets himself into the bedroom. Melissa (I will call her that here but you can call her whatever you like) comes rushing in from the bathroom, completely naked.

"What's Going on?" she cries. "Who are you? Get out or I will call the police."

The man draws a gun from his jacket and points it at her, putting his finger to his mouth to tell her to be quiet. He pulls from his outer jacket pocket an ID card which he shows to her. She sighs and goes quiet.

"What do you want?" she says softly.

"I need your help."

"Why would I want to help you?" she asks, as she opens a drawer, takes out a black bra and panty set. She puts on the panties, then the bra.

"Remember Fyodor xxx, the journalist who was investigating the business affairs of Dmitri xxx [use whatever name you want]? the one who was found on a dump with half his face missing?"

She looks at him, saying nothing, but knowing exactly what he means. He continues as she takes a pair of black stockings out of another drawer, sits down and puts them on.

"And Valeria xxx, wife of Sergei xxx, who wanted a divorce and was going to take him for millions? Her body was never found."

"How do you know I had anything to do with those?" Melissa cries. "You have no evidence."

"Oh we have evidence all right."

She takes a white bluse out of a wardrobe and puts it on. "Why haven't you arrested me then?" she asks as she takes a skirt out of another wardrobe and puts that on.

"Because we thought you might be useful to us some day"

She laughs. "So who is it you want killed?" She takes a pair of boots out of the bottom of a wardrobe and puts them on. The man takes a photograph out of his pocket.

"Maria and Katarina xxx", he says. "Daughters of Pyotr xxx. We've been warning him to lay off with his investigations. He's in the US so he's hard to reach. We told him that if he didn't back off his daughters would be in danger and he ignored the threat. So now we have to act on it."

"That's a bit extreme," she says.

"They're not innocent. They're helping him."

"What's in it for me?"

"Your fiancé, Rodion."

"What have you done with him?" she asks angrily.

"We've only let him out of jail."

Her phone rings. She picks it up excitedly. "Rodya, is that you?...You're out? That's great..."Yes I promise...I love you too baby...See you soon...kis, kiss."

"If you don't go through with it he goes back to jail. And it'll be a much worse jail this time."

"Okay, I'll do it. I guess I don't have much option."

"No, you don't."

"How do I know you won't kill me afterwards."

The man smiles. "You'll just have to trust us."

"I don't trust you," she replies, and you can see the conflict and fear in her face, "but I'll do it for Rodya. When do you want me to do it?"

"They're at home now."

"That's a bit sudden."

He hands her an envelope. "This is everything you need. Address, GPS coordinates, duplicate keys."

She takes the envelope from him, and you can still see the conflicting emotions in her face. "Well, I might as well get it done so."

The scene moves to a house (or apartment) where we see Melissa letting herself in at the front door. She moves to the kitchen, at the back of the house, and looks out the window. Satisfied that she has seen something she steps back behind the door. She takes her gun out of her handbag and fits a silencer on it.

The girls come in, talking and laughing, wearing tennis dresses and carrying rackets. Melissa emerges from her hiding place pointing the gun at them.

One girl screams and drops her racket before Melissa shoots her in the cleavage. She falls to the ground.

The second girl puts down her racket (on a table, counter, whatever is within her reach).

"I won't scream," she says quietly.

Melissa shoots her, also in the cleavage, and she falls. She walks over to where the girls are lying close to one another on the ground, on their backs, each clutching their wound with one hand, clearly in pain. They reach out the other hand to one another and touch. Melissa shoots each of them again in the left breast. One coughs up blood, then the other, then one by one they spasm and die. Melissa checks the pulse of each corpse then leaves through the front door.

As she steps outside a gun is pointed at her head. She turns to look. It's the man who came to her apartment. He takes her gun from hand softly. She looks into his eyes.

"Walk on," he says.

"I always knew," she says.

"Of course," he replies.

She turns away and begins to walk away. There is fear on her face but she tries to walk in a slow and measured way. When she has reached a certain distance the man shoots her in the back.

We see the wound in her back as she throws her arms up and grunts with pain. We see her from the front with a bigger stain from the exit wound on her chest. She staggers forward and collapses, rolling onto her back. She is choking and starts to cough blood.

As the camera dwells on her we see the shadow of another man approaching and  standing over her.

"Rodya," she whispers. Then she spasms one last time, coughs up a little blood and ties.

The man  bends down, holds her hand in both of his, takes it and presses it to his cheek, then lets it drop. He feels her neck, kisses her lips and walks away.

The first man walks up to the corpse. Bending down he wipes Melissa's gun and places it in her hand before walking away.

The camera pans over the corpse.
    11 minutes

CAST: Bella Lenina, Max


Shooting to the breats (4 bullets), Shooting to the low belly near vagina, long death, crying, death, death stare, sexy military uniform, carrying body, stripping bopdy to full nude, touching face, legs and breats of dead girl


«Hi! I’m sorry, this morning is very busy and I just watched the movie. Great Work Ugine! It is so much better than I can imagine! Exactly what I want! Thank you! And Max and Bella are great actors!»

Customer’s Review


Bella Lenina—— brave commando girl, same clothes and appearance as Bella in GUN DEAL GONE HORRIBLY WRONG

       Male commando——normal soldier appearance, Bella’s teammate


1.  Bella and a male soldier infiltrated the rebel base together, and they successfully passed some difficulties. When they dive into the deepest part of the base, Bella needs to install bombs and blow up the base to reverse the decline of the battlefield.

2.  Just as she was about to install the bomb, the male soldier rebelled. He was actually the undercover of the rebel army. The soldier forced bella to the corner with a gun and wanted to touch Bella.

3.  Bella is a loyal and brave soldier, she wants to fight back when the man is careles. But Bella failed. When she pulled out the gun, the man fired two shots first, and accurately hit Bella’s two nipples. Bella leaned against the wall in great pain, groaning in pain, and still tried to shoot with the gun.

4.   The male soldier fired again and two bullets hit Bella's breast (between the two nipples). This time bella lost her strength and fell to the ground gradually. She groaned, and the male soldier shot her in the lower abdomen. Bella died in great pain.

5.  The male soldier dragged Bella's body to the side, took off his clothes, and stroked Bella's breasts and body (like POLICEWOMAN IN A DRUG-DEN).

6.  Finally, there is a close-up of bella's body.


SNIPER AND BELLA LENINA  Unhappy Birthday 4 Bodypile
    23 minutes
      Unhappy Birthday 4 Bodypile - Crime house summer season: unhappy birthday

4 young women ********* one by one, bodies are stripped and lift to one place for 4-women’ mega sexy bodypile!

it’s the most sexy crime house clip.

introdusing new model – anna rose.

 luiza celebrates her  birthday in the cottage and invites her 3 best friend. They have fun, but they don’t know a maniac-strangler is walking near the house.

he attacks poor g...Rls one by one and brutally ********* the, with his strong deadly hands. His first ****** was angelina. She came to the kitchen for some water when he surprised her, grabs to the floor and ********* slowly. Angelina makes very sexy agony and dying face.

luiza goes to the first floor to have a little rest. She takes off her shoes and massages her feet. Maniac surprised her, attacks and after a fight he ********* her. She does active legs kicking, her tongue  out from her mouth. Dead one! Her topless body in black stockings is lying on the bed.

hass goes outside to have a smoking break. Smoking kills! Maniacs ****** her and snaps her neck.

ann  doesn’t understand where are the *****… in this time the maniac is carrying bodies to the living room, stripes them and makes a bodypile of young *****’ corpses. Ann comes back and sees her friends naked and dead  in pile of corpses. She is in panic but too late. Maniac grabs her and strangler to her death. He takes off her clothes and puts her in the bodypile. 4 dead g...Rls in one pile now!

-          all ********** scenes are long and very sexy – different angles and body views. Death stares, naturalistic death reactions,

-          all *****’ dead bodies are carried and lift

-          -all body is stripped

-          great ultra sexy bodypile


fetish elements:

**********, death stare with open eyes and tongue out, death stare with clothed eyes, lifting bodies, carrying dead *****, black stockings, bare legs, foot fetish. Short party’s dresses, many dead poses, fear, fighting for life, sounds of *******, underwear, stripping bodies, playing with bodies, touching bodies, smoking ****, 4 ***** bodypile.  

price: 24.00
run time: 23:00 minutes
file size: 462 mb	format: .Mp4
category: strangluation, *******, dead play, necro
    18 minutes
Custom Movie
Max and Annabelle
Student outfit, high heels, pantyhose, white lingere 
Death Fetishes 
Choking, Suffocation, Legs Jerking, Foot fetishes, Fighting for life, Death Stare, White skin, Playing with dead body, Dead Doll, Watching TV with dead girl, putting food to dead girl’s month 
A young female student comes home from the University. She comes to the door of her apartment and understands she loss her keys. Her parents are going to be home only next day and she doesn’t know what to do…
She has a neighbor -  nice young man living next door. She asks him to let her in for one day. He is very happy and thinks it’s his chance to become friends with her and may be to become her boyfriend. He invites her to his place and presents her one of empty bedroom. She puts off her clothes and staying in her sexy lingerie only and goes to bed. 
In the morning the young man comes to her room with a breakfast and sees terrible scene – she is murdered! Her sexy corpse with death stare in lying. And he realizes what happened. The murderer is him! In the evening he went to her room and tried to have sex. She was very angry and tried to go out but he lost control and suffocated her. His brains was switched off and he had pnly plack point in his memory. 
When he realizes what he has done, he is happy and decided to live with dead girl until she’s fresh and sexy…
    14 minutes
Cast: Judi, Max, Alex
«I'm surprised on the attention to detail. This is exactly how I imagined every scene. Thanks a lot.»
Customer’s Review 

Judi is a prostitute that was hired by a mafia boss. In reality, she is an assassin and her mission is to kill that man. The clip opens with Judi and the mafia boss entering a house. In the living room, the boss’s bodyguards are just chilling there. The boss brags about the woman he is going to fuck and tells his bodyguards to look at her. The bodyguards start talking dirty to her and asking her to remove her clothes. They even started groping her and harassing her. Although Judi was uncomfortable with that situation, she played along, trying to not look intimidated. The boss ordered her remove her clothes while dancing, and the bodyguards were all hyped about that. She did just that, but as she was getting off her bra, the boss ordered her to stop, arguing that he would be the only one to see her naked. The bodyguards were disappointed, but the boss didn’t care and told them to stay vigilant while he took Judi to a room to have some fun. Once both were inside, the boss locked the door, sat on the bed and with a gun on his hand and ordered Judi to continue the erotic dance. Judi obeyed and took her bra off and after a little more dancing, she finally removed her panties and continued dancing while fully naked, with only her high heels on. The boss was really turned on and Judi was aware of that. She knew the man had completely lost his judgement and that the time to attack was close. Judi walked close to him, grabbed him by his hands and pulled him towards her, making him stand right in front of her. Then Judi kissed the man. Now the boss was turned on even more. While still kissing him, Judi slammed his balls with a knee thrust. The man bent over in paint and then Judi slammed his face with another knee thrust. The guy fell to the floor, semi-unconcious. Wasting no time, Judi sat on top of him, locked his arms with her legs, and started strangling him with her bare hands. Since the guy was not very strong and was already weak because of the blow to his head, he was unable to get her off him. He resisted though. He struggled with a lot of strength, trying to push her away. Judi had a hard time keeping her grip on his neck, but as the seconds passed, the man got weaker. Finally, after a brief period of seizures and drooling, the boss was dead. Meanwhile, in the living room, one of the bodyguards heard a lot of noise coming from the room and decided to go check what was going on. Judi hadn’t even caught her breath back when she heard the bodyguard knocking the door. Since the boss was not answering, the bodyguard got desperate and started to knock harder and asking for his boss’s response in a  louder, more desperate way. Judi was nervous. She knew she had no time to dressed, so she grabbed the boss’s gun, loaded it, and waited behind the side of the bed while crouching, so if the bodyguard managed to enter, he wouldn’t see her right away. The bodyguard forced the door and entered with his gun ready to fire. He looked down and saw his boss was dead. While he was still looking at him, Judi got up from behind the bed and fired many shots at the guy, (here, I would like to see Judi shooting him with camera right behind her, so we can see her body on one side of the screen and on the other the guy being shot. The point of this scene is to see that this guy is being killed by a beautiful, naked woman). The bodyguard didn’t have the time to react. With his back against the wall, he was moaning in pain and started to slowly slide down the wall (here, before he starts going down, I would like to see a really short scene of Judi reloading her gun while we hear the guy moaning in pain. Then I would like to see a static scene with the camera on the floor, in which we see the guy sliding down the wall and then writhing in the floor on one side of the screen, and on the other, Judi walking towards the door, getting ready to get into an another gunfight with the rest of the bodyguards, waiting for them while holding her gun and taking cover with her back against the wall. The point of this scene is to see that guy in pain and dying and that Judi doesn’t even have time to care about the man she just fatally wounded. She most go on). The living room was completely silent. It was obvious the other bodyguards heard the gunfight. While still taking cover, Judi looked into the living room to see if the guys were there. They were not, so she decided to leave her cover and hunt them down. As soon as she was exposed one of the bodyguards opened fire at her. She quickly got back in cover and started firing back. After a brief gunfight, Judi shot the guy in the balls. The bodyguard dropped his gun due to the shock and bent over, screaming in pain and terror to what that beautiful woman just did to him. He fell on his knees while still bleeding, but the gunfight continued (again, while this happens I would like a scene where the guy is just dying there and Judi keeps fighting the other guy). The last bodyguard was really skilled. He forced Judi to leave her position and almost shot her before she got cover again behind the corner of a wall. The guy got overconfident. He had killed a lot of tough men before, therefore, a beautiful naked woman would be no match for him. He walked towards her position without care. Judi was taking cover just next to the corner of a wall, and as soon as the guy turned her way, she grabbed him and shot him point blank many times in the stomach while still holding him. Moaning in pain, weakened and dying, the guy slowly slid down Judi’s naked body, trying to grab her in order to stay up while she looked down at him with anger and disgust (here, I would like to see Judi adopting a sexy pose. Her body must always be visible while the guys slides down on her. Also, we must see her holding the gun all the time. The point of this scene is to see the man defeated by a beautiful woman). Finally, the guy is just laying down on the floor gasping for air. Judi decides to finish him off. She puts her high heeled foot on the guy’s chest in a dominant way, and ends his life with a shot to the head (this last scene I would like to have a static camera angle from the floor, where we can see the guy laying down on the bottom part of the screen and Judi’s legs and lower torso rising up, and her hand holding the gun while shoots the guy). She did it. She killed 4 tough men by herself while completely naked. Now she goes to get her phone and talks to her boss (female boss). While she was telling her what happened, she heard the guy she shot on the balls still growling in pain. She told her boss to hold on, grabbed her gun again and walked towards him. The wounded guy realized she was aware he was still alive, and as she walked towards him to finish him off, he started begging for his life. Judi didn’t even listen. She shot him in the head killing him, and then went back to her phone to continue talking with her boss. She hang up, took a last glance to the dead guys, and walked out the place.

    24 minutes
Cast: Juliana, Max 

«This was amazing! You did excellent as always, thank you very much! Also very cool music at the beginning with the boiling water, really well done.

Thank you!»


Strangulation, Garrote, Foot Fetish, Tongue Out, Foot Fetish, Playing With Feet

Juliana  enters the room in a business suit with a short skirt, barefoot wearing the sparkly high heel pumps. And a silk scarf tied super tight around her  throat like a choker
she sit at the desk and cross your legs showing them off from all angles, and dangle the heels from her feet with great close ups showing off the arches of herr feet dangling the heels. Really great close ups and teasing with her legs and feet
Afew moments later she look at her coworker , and pretend to strangle herself with the scarf to taunt them, saying “wouldnt you just love to strangle me to death with my own scarf?”
She take the scarf off and set it down on the table then the coworker unexpectedly grabs the scarf and throws it around her neck
The most brutal grotesque strangle ensues, with her sticking her tongue out as far as she can searching for air, and wide eyed expressions With legs and feet flailing everywhere. She then throws her legs on top of the desk and loose a heel, the other dangling from her toes, we are treated to great close ups of feet kicking frantically showing off the soles and arches of her feet.
Throughout the film we see super intimate face close ups of her staring into the camera with bulging eyes, tongue sticking out as far as possible and making crazy gagging noises. Eyes turning red with tears coming out from the strangle
At the end of the strangle, in a super intimate closeup she dies with red eyes wide open and tears running down her face. But the killer knows there’s is still life left in her. She then pulls the scarf harder three times, each time squeezing juliana's tongue out even further and eyes bulging wider. The final time squeezing every last bit of life out of her with one final deep gagging sound, tongue fully extended and eyes wide open staring at the camera with tears rolling down your face. her sexy legs and feet are shown toes pointing then finally coming to rest.
She then ties the scarf tight around julianas neck and leaves her here in the chair. The camera pans around your body showing your face with eyes open and tongue out as well as  feet on the table in closeups. She then plays with feet before leaving her there.
    11 minutes


Starring: Annabelle and Dan

Fetish Elements:

Nude, Shooting to the chest, blood, death stare. Long Death With Agony


Another story about jealous guy kills his bad but innocent nude girlfriend just in the bathroom!


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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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