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    15 minutes
      CADETS - Cadests
He was just a student of police academy. He was a nerd and newbie.  He tried to communicate with sexy police girls and invite them to go to bar with him but they just laughed at him. And he lost controle. The sentence: «You’re just a student, boy! You even haven’t got a gun» was to string hit to his sole. He catches the gun of police girk and shot her to the breast, Red blood appeared to her white shirt. The another cop tried to shoot him but he shot her first.
He shot them one by one. One bullet – to the first girl, one bullet – to she second. Third bullets was deadly. Copgirls were killed.
He decided to make his theory-skills from criminalistics study-book in practice way. He closed their eyes with metal coins, turned bodies, striped bodies, examed them and make photos.

Fetish elements: shooting, firefight, blood, examination. Taking photos of dead girls, CSI
    25 minutes
CAST: Xena, Sally, Billy Brag
Sally is a secret agent who has a mission to find a female serial killer in her apartment. She goes to the apartment armed with a gun and goes inside secretly to find her. When she goes in to look for her there is no one and she starts walking around with her gun. Suddenly,without Sally can see what's going on behind her,Xena attacks her from behind wearing a hospital pajama like gown,Xena is locking her throat with her hand,Sally starts choking but doesn't drop her gun. She fights for her life and starts to faint and little by little she starts to fall to the ground. Xena doesn't let her go and continues to choke her until at one point Sally begins to lose consciousness litle by litle until she finally falls asleep and is left helpless on the ground with a gun in her hand.Xena begins to relax her hand from Sally's neck and drops her head to the ground,Sally stands with her mouth slightly open and Xena starts stroking her head and moving her head lightly to check if she slept well.Xena stands up and leaves Sally lying on the ground without taking the gun from his hand. She gets on the phone and calls for a man to help her carry Sally to the bed in the bedroom.While Xena waits for the man to come she starts to touch one of Sally's boots.The man arrives, she tells him to grab Sally under the arms, and she grabs both legs under the bends of the knees, and they carry Sally into the bedroom, while they carry the body, Sally holds her gun in her hand without letting it go. When they get to the bedroom, they put Sally on the bed  lying down. Xena tells the man to leave the room and she is left alone with Sally's helpless body. She sits down next to Sally and slowly takes the gun from her hand and places it on the nightstand. Sally turns her head slightly to the side with her mouth slightly open. Xena  strokes her head and lifts Sally's body slightly to take off the jacket and lay her down again. Xena takes off her hospital pajamas and remains completely naked. She walks over to Sally again and unzips one boot and slowly begins to take it off,she puts the boot on the floor then she slowly take off 1 sock which she also leaves on the ground next to a boot. When Sally is left with one bare foot Xena grabs it and starts massaging it lightly then she takes off the other boot and sock and leaves them on the ground with the others. Now  the camera takes a photo of how Sally is lying barefoot helplessly on the bed and her boots and socks are on the ground, when the camera takes a picture, while Sally is lying on the bed, the boots should also be visible on the ground. After photographing Sally's legs from behind, they go to photograph them from the front as well  .Xena slightly lifts Sally's body to take off her blouse and while Sally is sitting on the bed the camera takes a picture of her bare feet and legs. After taking off her blouse she also takes off her bra.After that Xena unties the hair of Sally.Finaly she unzips the belt and the jeans of Sally and slowly take them off.All of Yana's clothes are left on the bed. Finally, Xena takes off Sally's panties and leaves her completely naked. Xena calls the man into the room and tells him that they need to take Sally into the bathroom and give her a bath. Man comes in and grabs Sally under the arms and Xena grabs both and legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally's body into the bathroom. Xena again tells the man to get out and she is left alone with Sally's naked body and begins to bathe her. She gets her all wet and washes her hair with shampoo and  body with shower gel.She also remove her make up and lipstick.When she is already bathed, she dries her body and again calls the man to enter the bathroom to help her carry Sally to the bedroom. The man grabs Sally under the arms and Xena by both legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally to the bed  in the bedroom. Xena tells the man to leave the bedroom and she is left alone with Sally.She makes Sally sit on the bed. She gets a hair dryer and dries Sally's hair.Then she dresses Sally in her hospital pajamas after that she combs her hair with a comb to be beautiful and finaly she puts Sally laying on the bed on sleeping position and leaves her to sleep. Now Xena gets dressed  with Sally's clothes and puts on her socks and boots. Finally she puts on her Sally's jacket and leaves the room.A little time passes and Sally starts to wake up. She looks surprised that she is wearing pajamas and her clothes are gone but she sees on the bedside table that Xena forgot to take her gun and She takes it and leaves the bedroom and sees Xena in the back sitting on  the couch,
.She hits her in the head with the gun and Xena passes out. Sally puts Xena down on the couch and takes off her clothes and she puts them back on and leaves Xena lying on the couch completely naked. When Yana is back in her own clothes and boots and socks,she drags Xena's body to the bathroom and there she ties her hands and feet and leaves her naked and tied in the bathroom.Sally goes back to the living room gets her gun and opens the apartment door to escape but is met at the door by Xena's man and he starts hitting her  repeatedly with fists in the face, after which Sally falls to the ground unconscious, but the man continues to hit her in the face.Sally is severely beaten and cannot move, her whole face is covered in blood and wounds, the man bends down and takes the gun from her hand and puts it aside. He goes to the bathroom and frees Xena, then the two go to the living room and Xena sees Sally lying beaten on the ground and helpless.Sally slowly opens her eyes but can't speak because of the pain she feels, she tries to speak and ask for help but Xena laughs at her. Sally starts moaning and shaking heavily, her body is shaking. Xena tells the man to grab Sally under the arms and she grabs both legs under the bends of her knees and they carry Sally's helpless body into the bedroom, as they carry her Sally moans in pain. When they reach the bedroom they put Sally to bed. And the two of them with the man begin to undress her quickly.The man begins to take off the jacket and blouse of Sally and at that moment Xena begins to take off her boots.Sally begins to moan and cry to be left alone, she kicks with her legs to avoide to be stripped.Xena can't take Sally's boots off,she kicks so hard that Xena can't hold her back and she calls the man for help. A man comes and grabs both of Sally's legs so Xena can take the boots off. As Sally tries to kick Xena take off her socks also.Sally remains only in jeans and a bra,her socks and boots and her jacket and blouse are on the floor.Sally moans in pain and can't speak. Xenna starts stroking Sally's bare feet and tells her to calm down. Just then the doorbell rings and Xena and the man leave Sally alone in the bedroom and they go to see who is calling. Xena hides because she is naked and the man goes to open the door. He sends the person who rings and closes the door.At that moment Sally manages to get out of the room but falls to the ground and begins to drag herself because she doesn't have the strength to walk. Dragging herself and with a bloodied face, she asks for help, someone to help her, finally leaves her lying on her stomach with her face to the ground. The man grabs her hands and as Sally is lying face down on the ground, he starts dragging her along the ground as he takes her back to the bedroom.The camera is filming Sally's legs dragging and her crying helplessly. When they reach the bed in the room the man lifts Sally off the ground and throws her onto the bed. Xena comes into the bedroom again. Sally kicks her legs to get up released but Xena holds them tightly and the man lifts Sally's body to take off her bra and finally when she is already half naked. A man grabs Sally's hands and Xena unbuttons her jeans and takes them off, finally she takes off her pants and Sally remains completely naked on the bed crying. Xena puts on Sally's clothes and boots again,puts her jacket on. While Sally moans Xena and the man dresses Sally in hospital pajamas and then tie her legs and hands. While Sally is crying Xena goes and punches Sally several times in the face and she falls unconscious. Finally they leave  Sally lying in the bed tied up and beaten in hospital pajamas and barefoot. The camera shoots from all sides to show Sally's bare feet and her helpless body,Sally is with open mouth moaning from pain and agony.Finally they leave the room, leaving Sally's alone and helpless.
    23 minutes
Starring: Scarlett Fandera, Judi, Tim, Max
«Very Good production, Judi is perfect like always, and scarlett is very gorgeous too, i can say her acting is perfect, i want to see her acting again, and want to make movie with this darkroom again and again"»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements
Fighting to the death, Beating, Cruel Beating, Blood from month, Comics and Super Heroines, Interesting Plot, Stabbing with a knife, Stabbing with a big spear, Girls kill man, Man kills girls, Bodypile, Death Stare, Long Agony Before Death, Near to Death, Death 
One plot includes different scenes can be interesting:
1.Scarlett is beaten and stabbed by a soldier
2.A male soldier is stabbed by Judi
3.Scarlett is dying but Judy save her by magic
4.Scarlett sees the dream where Judi is stabbed to her death from behind (great emotions and surprised reaction)
5.Scarlett is stabbed and then shot to her stomach by a villain 
6.Judy tries to save her but she can’t
7.Judi and a villain kill each other with stabbings
8.Scarlett and Judi die together

Two brave girls try to save the world and fight against mad professor and his slave who can activate virus to destroy the world…  Spy Stories 1 2
    15 minutes
      Spy Stories 1  2 - If you like spies, shooting and shot-dead cocktail style
Brand New Clip
Starring: Marianna and Annabelle
Fetish elements:
Dresses: sexy red dresses, high heels, black stockings, body-colour stockings, topless
Killing ways: deadly injections, guns, shoot outs, POV shooting 
Death stares: eyes opened, eyes closes
Death ways: shootings, firefights, duels, POV shooting without blood effects, shot-dead cocktail 
Set of battle scenes between two sexy spies killing each other

15:20 minutes
Death ways: shootings, firefights, duels, POV shooting without blood effects, shot-dead cocktail 
Set of battle scenes between two sexy spies killing each other

15:20 minutes
    12 minutes
C U S T O M*
*(The Word «Custom») under the name of a movie means this film was written, donated and shot for the customer 
You can order your own custom too! 
We work with any genres 
(shooting, choking, hanging, strangling, bagging, spies, fights, guns, nudity and etc)
 With any numbers of models and setting)!
We have comfort low prices and GREAT quality! 
Buy this video and know all about custom orders

«Just want to say great work on the custom!  I will definitely be putting in an order for part 2.»
Customer’s Review 

Fetish Elements
Electroshock, Agony, Twitching Body, Knocked Out, Unconscious, Carrying, Limp Body, Redressing, Crashing Head
Woman comes home from work in tight, short skirt and high heels and no stockings.  She walks into her apartment with camera going up and down her body focusing on her bare legs and high heels.  In the apartment a man is hiding who collects victims for sacrifice to his evil masters.  He sneaks up and tazers her.  She jumps from the tazer and her eyes roll up and she falls unconscious to the floor.  Camera shows her lying on the floor unconscious .  Camera starts at her face moving down her body and showing one of her high heels is almost falling off her bare foot.  Evil guy slowly lifts her up with her head falling backward and back arched.  He lifts her into her arms and she is limp in his arms with her head back, mouth partly open, arms to the sides and her high heel shoes partly dangling off and her feet limp.  He proceeds to slowly walk around the apartment with her in his arms.  The camera goes up and down her body from further away shots, to close focus on her hanging limp in his arms.  Showing her neck and face arched back, her body, and her legs and her feet.  Soon she opens her eyes a little, raises her head and sees him… then passes out again and her head flops back down.  At which point one of her high heel shoes fall off and she has one barefoot foot and one with her high heel hanging on.
Evil guy walks around a little more then puts her on a table.  He pulls her up the table so her head is hanging over the edge.  He then removes her last high heel shoe and she is now barefoot with her red toenail polish.  He then starts taking her clothes off down to her underwear.  As he takes of her clothes there are lots of shots of her hanging limp in his arms and her head rolling forward and back. And him lifting her legs with her barefeet hanging limp.  He then leaves her on the table in her underwear to make a phone call to his evil master.  She starts to wake up and sit up.  He notices and runs back and they struggle… she falls off the table and he moves over and knocks her head into the ground knocking her unconscious again.  He then slowly picks her up, walks around the room with the camera showing her limp in his arms again from different angles.  He places her on the bed where he puts on a white gown like the one in the picture above.  He then picks her up in his arms, walks around the apartment some more and then out the door to take her away.

    14 minutes
      LAST BLUES - Custom Video


Starring: Tori and Kit


Fetish Elements: Shooting to the back (Twice), Shooting to the head from behind, HeadShot, Blood, Sexy Dead Poses, Pantyhose, Stripping Body, Playing with dead feet in pantyhose, corpse in 3 days after murder  


A killer was waiting his victim at her apartment. She was a witness of crime. He shot her twice to her back and then shot her to her head. He left body and went away. But in 3 days he returns to cold blue corpse…
    22 minutes

Custom by xj900

22 minutes

"Which answer the age old question - what motivates unstoppable serial killers! ))   At least now we know!"

From xj900 review

Starring: Luiza, Li and Alex

Fetish Elements:

Man Stabbed

Nude girl suffocated by pillow after her masturbation!

Girl was drown in the kitchen sink



Starts with a residence of two young female students. Еhey are nurses.  It is night and they are returning to their hall of residence or flat.  On the way they bump into someone they know  on his way out to the grounds for a sly smoke.  He warns them with a smirk on his face to watch out the Clown Killer has escaped,  he could be anywhere,  but the two girls just laugh and don’t take him seriously.  One also admonishes him as he’s sneaking out for a sly smoke and puff on a cigarette in the garden,  she tells him that it is a filthy habit and it will be the death of him.

From then on the action jumps between the guy in the gardens lighting and puffing on his cigarette, and the two girls entering their apartment.  I was thinking that either some interesting clothes have arrived in the post, or else they’ve been shopping and have brought some glamorous outfits to change in to later. 

One girl puts somethings away and is busy in the kitchen putting something on the stove to cook for later,  whilst the other one announces that she is going to have a shower.

Cuts back to  the guy, still puffing on his cigarette, when he hears something moving off to the side just out of his vision but which attracts his attention.  Cut to the girls doing girly things then back to the man,  but this time shown from the PoV of the Clown Killer.  Ie the camera becomes the Killer.  We see something at the bottom of the screen moving, a flash,  then the guy  grunts in surprise,  looks down,  touches his stomach then brings his hands up which are now covered with blood. The cigarette drops from his mouth and his expression is one of surprise as he slowly sinks to the ground and out of sight (he’s just been fatally stabbed in the stomach)

Cut back to the apartment.  Girl who was in the kitchen has gone into the bedroom and is trying on some glamorous party clothes that they have brought or else has arrived in the post (ie parcel).  Something extremely sexy and glamorous here, I was thinking slinky blouse or tank top,  micro skirt or hotpants,  and some over-the-knee sexy boots?  She clearly loves dressing up and looking very sexy and glamorous!  And we the audience like to see her looking so, too!

Other girl is in the shower having a very sexy shower and clearly touching herself with the water and getting more and more turned on by the experience! (Going to call her shower-girl from now on!)

Clothing girl has been admiring herself in the mirror,  then still dressed in her glamorous clothes she runs back to the kitchen.   As she leaves we see the face of the Clown Killer in the window who has been watching her the whole time in through the window and she hasn’t seen him

Girl is busy in the kitchen whilst shower girl is having a very sexy shower.  She eventually gets out of the shower, towels herself dry and then wraps the towel around her and goes back into her bedroom.  If you’ve got a full-length mirror, show her slipping off her towel and admiring her superb, beautifully slim body in  the mirror,  she clearly likes what she sees and starts to touch her breasts, clearly becoming more and more turned on.

She can’t take any more,  and still naked,  goes to her bed, lies down on it and continues to sensually play with herself,  eventually she slowly slips a hand between her legs and starts to masturbate.

Cut to kitchen girl who is trying to do half a dozen things at once.

Cut back to shower/bedroom girl who is continuing to masturbate.  Lost in pleasure she closes her eyes and eventually with a gasping shudder, climaxes herself.  She opens her eyes,  looks up and sees the Clown Killer inside her bedroom standing directly over her (another big jumpy moment for the audience!) looking at her very closely – I was thinking the camera shows this from her PoV so that we see what she sees, ie the features of the Clown Killer looking down on her, appearing upside down to her.

Her eyes open in wide surprise, panic and terror,  but before she can cry out the Clown Killer, with deceptive speed, grabs a pillow and presses it down firmly over her face to smother her.

(Cue now lots of struggling and frantic kicking as she tries to break his grip,  lots of shots of her legs wildly kicking and flailing about.  I was thinking if needs be use a breathing tube for the actress off to the side away from the camera so we can’t see it, but mainly show her naked body and legs gyrating about anyway.  Death scene can take a good few minutes, I know your actresses love to writhe and jerk about,  all the time the Clown Killer firmly holds the pillow over her face, cutting off her air supply.)

Eventually though,  all good things come to an end,  her kicks, jerks and attempts to escape become weaker and more and more desperate, as she runs out of air and finally after a  few more jerks and twitches, goes very still and dead.

Clown Killer holds the pillow over her face just for a little bit longer, in order to be sure, before slowly removing it.  We see her face, her contorted features wide-eyed and frozen with fear and terror for ever, her mouth open (but don’t shower her tongue hanging out!).  The Clown Killer straightens and stands over her corpse for some time,  cocking his head slowly from side to side, looking down at it as though savouring it or contemplating it  as a work of art.  He gives no other reaction, but the audience must know that he is clearly pleased with his handiwork.

Meanwhile the glamorously dressed girl has finished in the kitchen,  goes back into the lounge and turns on the TV or else (even better) her personal computer/PC. She flicks through a few channels but there doesn’t seem to be anything on worth watching at the moment.

She goes back into the kitchen to see how the cooking is going.  Something is different to how she left it,  although she doesn’t notice it immediately.   Then eventually she realises – the sink is full of water,  she was sure it was empty and dry when she left to go into the lounge.

She pauses, shrugs and is about to pull the plug out and empty it when without warning the Clown Killer appears from behind and clamps his hand firmly over her mouth to prevent her from crying out.

Cut to a dramatic close-up of her face and how she goes all wide-eyed with complete terror  and fear.  She tries desperately to break his killer grip,  but he clearly is stronger than her and she is unable to weaken his hand around her mouth.

They struggle for a bit just so that the girl can realise how futile it is for her,  then he deliberately and firmly pushes her head down into the sink and holds it under the water.

Cue lots of burbles and glubs as she slowly drowns.  However again what you could do is focus in on her lovely booted legs as they struggle and kick against him,  squirming, ever more frantically trying to break his killer grip and free her head/push up and out of the water.

Drowning (like the asphyxia before) takes a good few  minutes,  but eventually like her flatmate before, we see her lovely beautifully booted legs eventually become weaker and her kicks more sporadic, become eventually a series of jerks and twitches which eventually die down and stop altogether, as her body goes all limp and saggy.

Clown Killer holds her head under for a bit, just to make sure that she is dead, then hauls her out and easily puts her over his shoulder (if possible, otherwise just do a drag) and lifts/drags her body in to the lounge.  The body of her flatmate (shower girl who got smothered in the bedroom) is there too and waiting for her, the Clown Killer has seated it down on the sofa, her expression still dead and starring.

The Clown Killer puts the body of her drowned friend (again with death stare, show it clearly on her still-wet face) down almost gently on the sofa as well, and then sits down on the sofa between the pair of them.

Slowly he looks from one to the other and then back, as if to check.  Then he flicks open the PC and dials up something on the net for the three of them to watch.




    26 minutes


Juliana, Annabelle, Judi, Li

Juliana went into Li bedroom to find some pantyhose, Li shows up at her back, Li grab Juliana’s waist and pulls out an injection needle. Needle pokes in Juliana’s head. Juliana starts twitching for about a minute. When Juliana dies, she slice down to the floor. Li takes off her heels and step on Juliana’s cheeks checking if there is any movements. Li move Juliana to her bed and picks up Juliana’s feet and smells, she feels extremely satisfied, then Li lay on the bed and put her feet on Juliana’s face to humiliate J while smelling J’s feet.   

Scene 2: 

Annabelle is looking for Juliana, she when into the bedroom and finds Juliana’s body.  Li kills and plays Annabelle with similar acts described in Scene 1.


Scene 3: 

Judi feels strange that her friends are missing. Judi put some poison liquid on her pantyhose feet and put her shoe on again.  Judi walks in bedroom and find her friends’ dead body. Li kills and plays Judi .Because Judi’s feet is poisoned, after smelling and playing Judi, Li dies of poison, she drops Judi’s feed on her cheek. Li feet twitches on Judi’s face. 

Dream 2 : 

Li offers drinks to all girl, the drink is drugged. After drinking all girl are sexually high. 


Scene 1: 

 Annabelle is high after drinking, she slowly goes down and take of Alice heels, and start smelling her feet.  Li is happy with that. After a few seconds, Li gives Annabelle a neck chop using her feet. Annabelle slowly lay down on the floor, twitching. Li walks to her head, and step on her cheek, and finish her with a snap. Li sits back and drag Annabelle’s leg to her nose and starts smelling. And she slowing put her feet on Annabelle’s face and playing her face again. 

Scene 2: 

Juliana wants to enjoy Li feet, she takes Li feet off from Annabelle’s face and start smelling. Li is mad about this action. Li gives Juliana a neck chop. Juliana goes down slowly on the floor twitching. Li grabs an unused pantyhose, to strangle her. While strangling, Li step on Juliana’s face to humiliate her. Juliana’s twitch milds down and dies. Li use her leg to wipe out Juliana’s tears and repeat smelling. 

Scene 3: 

Judi is so high, she wants to put Li down in order to enjoy all the feet. She give Li an electric shot. Alice twitches for at least 5 seconds. When twitches milds down, Li goes to fake death.  Judi pushes Li on the couch, and start enjoying her feet. She also put her feet on Alice’s face playing.   After playing 10 seconds, Li wakes up from fake death, but she present she is still dead. Judi is so high and did not realized that. At one point, Li put her feet on Judi’s cheek and gives her a snap. Judi twitches, and die with eye open mouth open.  Li feet are still on Judi’s face.
    14 minutes
Pola, Alex

Fetish Elements: 
Agents, Fighting, Blood, Girl Kill man (neck break), girl kills a man with a knife, femdom poisoned, superheroine, passed oud, medicine

4 clones agents like in MATRIX attacks sexy female agent but meet serious resistance
    15 minutes
      CALL GIRL - CALL GIRL (custom clip)

Clip with Special Offer! Purchasing it just now!

Starring: Mary and Alex

A guy invites call0girl for some role playing in choking games.

He looses control!

Choking for knocking out!

Suffocation for knocking out

Games turning to real strangulation!

Stripping panties during strangulation!

Much limp fetishes!




Girl is escort ordered for fun. She ok to play. Many chokeout in different positions--between each choke, girl rests/recovers on bed. At first she is excited and gets into it, but later gets more scared. Bed or couch as prop. Girl is ok with rough and wants to please, but he will go too far. Main positions: girl standing, then sitting on edge of bed, then lying on bed in different positions for most. Alot of close crotch/ass views. Starts out with the red tights/ bikini type top, then topless, then down to panties at end. Camera views are action when being choked and when asleep/resting. I put “dialog” english but no problem doing all in russian or whatever language...same point. This is rough...not need exact. Outfit red tights (1 below), V style panties (pink, white shiny, black--2 below), tight bikini/sports type top (no pic) Girl walks in ready for fun. Says..“Frank says you can do WHATEVER you want” Camera view close, low, looking up...she smiles and runs hands up and down her body. Shes liking it. Slowly takes her top off. Spins...nice crotch and ass shot. GIRL “what do you want to do to me?” Sits on edge of bed, legs spread. Smiling. Camera shots between knees low looking up (crotch to head) and side view. Man sits behind. Rubs shoulders, she loves..getting into it..opening and closing legs. MAN says, “I gonna choke you a little”. GIRL “mmmm”. He puts hands around her throat and squeezes. She slowly goes from excited to scared (no tongue out when choking). Jerks and moves legs. 30 seconds atleast of this, she slowly passes out and he lets her drop back on to bed.Man to camera “I know I said you could have her but you know I like to wear them down a little first and play a little”. Nice moving closeup of her on back asleep..feet up to head..slow. Breathing. He sits behind and wakes her up. She smiles, runs her hands up and down her body, digging into her crotch. GIRL “mmmmm, ...i’m yours. Do you want me? Please”. He puts his hand around her neck and slowly starts squeezing. SIDE STRANGLE (like pic below) She likes and arches legs-pushing forth. She goes from moving sexy to panic scared. Slowly passes out and legs drop. Nice crotch shot (like pic) of her breathing. Slow body pan from feet up to head. He again wakes her up with light slap. She smiles, tired/scared, but still willing to play. GIRL,“Can we have fun now?” She runs her hands up and down body. Turns over on belly. He rubs her ass (or she does) and she loves it, moving ass into air. She moans and gets into it more. He shoves her head into pillow, so she can’t breathe. BELLY STRANGLE. Now shes arching her body up and down, like shes fucking the bed.kicking, struggling, starting to twitch. Long struggle to slowly drop. Nice ass shot and body pan as she asleep. He rubs her shoulders, ass and turns her over. She slowly wakes..scared but trying to please...weak smile--still thinks playing. Grabs by shoulders...TO CAMERA “see she's still good.” Rolls over to back and sits behind her. He whispers to her “hold your breathe again sweetie” and puts hands loose around neck. She smiles and says “why don’t you stop playing and fuck me now”, runs hands down body. This makes him mad. He squeezes hard and she jerks quickly. MOSTLY STRANGLE ON BACK. He sits behind and hands around throat. her legs apart. low crtch looking up. hands on throat. tighter. struggle...legs open closed..arching alittle...gasping. She quickly starts twitching..hands clenched. He holds her until she collapses breathing and arching hard but still awake and moving he laughs. Pulls off her pants while she squirms. he runs hands down and up her body...then back to neck. tight again. Pulls her up sitting up... She scared, but tries to be sexy. GIRL “you wouldnt hurt me, that would be such a waste. Take me”. He squeezes hands on neck again, this time HARD and pulling her up. Twists neck slow and up, she struggles, legs spasming. Slow crack as he tries to break her neck, lets her fall back on bed. She falls back on back but not dead, just paralyzed. Breathing hard, legs twitching, arms flailing/moving. He watches her helpless as she twitches on back, he rolls her to belly to see/grab her ass, then back on back again(camera pan body, crotch, ass). Realizes he has to finish her. MAN ”this is so sad, cant leave you like this sweetie, you missed out frank”. Runs hands slowly down her twitching body. Sits behind and clamps hand over mouth/nose so she cant breathe her eyes bug and twitches become frantic. She arches up but cant do anything else. helpless. slowly slows , twitch slows..more crtch. He lets her go and watches her twitches/moves slow and stop. She is done. Her eyes are open dead. He lifts head up once, runs hands on her body and lets her drop to make sure.
     Maniac In Sorority
    30 minutes
      Maniac In Sorority - MANIAC IN SORORITY



Starring: Masha, Marina, Juliana, Annabelle, Hass, Luiza


6 ************* scenes with 6 models

New pretty sexy actress – Masha

6 Death reactions, death stares

Much *************, body carrying, many nude dead dolls

30 minutes

Maniac enters to sorority to surprise and ********* death 6 young ***** to make great sexy bodypiles.  Crime and Investigation
    21 minutes
      Crime and Investigation - CRIME AND INVESTIGATION
Starring: Nata, Juliana, Annabelle, Tim, Kit


Strangulation Fetish
CSI Fetish, Crime Scene Fetish
Nude strangulation, Strangulation in jeans, Strangulation in black pantyhose and boots, postmortem striping, bodypile, two police girls strangled


A woman washes in the shower. At this time, the robber breaks into the apartment, enters the kitchen and throws equipment and money into the bag. A woman hears something, comes out of the shower in one towel and goes into the kitchen, where she faces a robber face to face. She is frightened to death, and tries to escape, but he takes off his stocking from his face, which he used instead of a mask, throws it on her neck and starts brutally to choke. The towel falls from her body. Naked woman wriggles in agony, trying in vain to escape. In the process of a fierce struggle, she even scratches her strangler on the face with her fingernails, but he is much stronger than her and suffocating her to death. He leaves her naked wet body on the kitchen floor and runs away.
Some time later, the police inspect the body. Two female policemen claim that this is a domestic murder, but the young cadet constantly insists that the victim was raped. He looks like a preoccupied fool, and stubbornly repeats about sexual abuse. The girl chuckles at him, and he starts a terrible plan. He takes the policeman out of the room and, under the pretext of an investigative experiment, attacks her and begins to strangle him. The brave policeman was so taken aback by such a sudden attack that she did not even use the pistol and allowed herself to be strangled to death. Silly death. Then the crazy cadet kills the second police girl. This is a long sophisticated scene of strangulation with an emphatic fetish of boots and pantyhose. The girl throws her feet on his shoulders during the dying.
When everyone is killed, the cadet strips the bodies, takes off his boots and leaves a bunch of bodies on the floor.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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