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    25 minutes
CAST: Xena, Sally, Billy Brag
Sally is a secret agent who has a mission to find a female serial killer in her apartment. She goes to the apartment armed with a gun and goes inside secretly to find her. When she goes in to look for her there is no one and she starts walking around with her gun. Suddenly,without Sally can see what's going on behind her,Xena attacks her from behind wearing a hospital pajama like gown,Xena is locking her throat with her hand,Sally starts choking but doesn't drop her gun. She fights for her life and starts to faint and little by little she starts to fall to the ground. Xena doesn't let her go and continues to choke her until at one point Sally begins to lose consciousness litle by litle until she finally falls asleep and is left helpless on the ground with a gun in her hand.Xena begins to relax her hand from Sally's neck and drops her head to the ground,Sally stands with her mouth slightly open and Xena starts stroking her head and moving her head lightly to check if she slept well.Xena stands up and leaves Sally lying on the ground without taking the gun from his hand. She gets on the phone and calls for a man to help her carry Sally to the bed in the bedroom.While Xena waits for the man to come she starts to touch one of Sally's boots.The man arrives, she tells him to grab Sally under the arms, and she grabs both legs under the bends of the knees, and they carry Sally into the bedroom, while they carry the body, Sally holds her gun in her hand without letting it go. When they get to the bedroom, they put Sally on the bed  lying down. Xena tells the man to leave the room and she is left alone with Sally's helpless body. She sits down next to Sally and slowly takes the gun from her hand and places it on the nightstand. Sally turns her head slightly to the side with her mouth slightly open. Xena  strokes her head and lifts Sally's body slightly to take off the jacket and lay her down again. Xena takes off her hospital pajamas and remains completely naked. She walks over to Sally again and unzips one boot and slowly begins to take it off,she puts the boot on the floor then she slowly take off 1 sock which she also leaves on the ground next to a boot. When Sally is left with one bare foot Xena grabs it and starts massaging it lightly then she takes off the other boot and sock and leaves them on the ground with the others. Now  the camera takes a photo of how Sally is lying barefoot helplessly on the bed and her boots and socks are on the ground, when the camera takes a picture, while Sally is lying on the bed, the boots should also be visible on the ground. After photographing Sally's legs from behind, they go to photograph them from the front as well  .Xena slightly lifts Sally's body to take off her blouse and while Sally is sitting on the bed the camera takes a picture of her bare feet and legs. After taking off her blouse she also takes off her bra.After that Xena unties the hair of Sally.Finaly she unzips the belt and the jeans of Sally and slowly take them off.All of Yana's clothes are left on the bed. Finally, Xena takes off Sally's panties and leaves her completely naked. Xena calls the man into the room and tells him that they need to take Sally into the bathroom and give her a bath. Man comes in and grabs Sally under the arms and Xena grabs both and legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally's body into the bathroom. Xena again tells the man to get out and she is left alone with Sally's naked body and begins to bathe her. She gets her all wet and washes her hair with shampoo and  body with shower gel.She also remove her make up and lipstick.When she is already bathed, she dries her body and again calls the man to enter the bathroom to help her carry Sally to the bedroom. The man grabs Sally under the arms and Xena by both legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally to the bed  in the bedroom. Xena tells the man to leave the bedroom and she is left alone with Sally.She makes Sally sit on the bed. She gets a hair dryer and dries Sally's hair.Then she dresses Sally in her hospital pajamas after that she combs her hair with a comb to be beautiful and finaly she puts Sally laying on the bed on sleeping position and leaves her to sleep. Now Xena gets dressed  with Sally's clothes and puts on her socks and boots. Finally she puts on her Sally's jacket and leaves the room.A little time passes and Sally starts to wake up. She looks surprised that she is wearing pajamas and her clothes are gone but she sees on the bedside table that Xena forgot to take her gun and She takes it and leaves the bedroom and sees Xena in the back sitting on  the couch,
.She hits her in the head with the gun and Xena passes out. Sally puts Xena down on the couch and takes off her clothes and she puts them back on and leaves Xena lying on the couch completely naked. When Yana is back in her own clothes and boots and socks,she drags Xena's body to the bathroom and there she ties her hands and feet and leaves her naked and tied in the bathroom.Sally goes back to the living room gets her gun and opens the apartment door to escape but is met at the door by Xena's man and he starts hitting her  repeatedly with fists in the face, after which Sally falls to the ground unconscious, but the man continues to hit her in the face.Sally is severely beaten and cannot move, her whole face is covered in blood and wounds, the man bends down and takes the gun from her hand and puts it aside. He goes to the bathroom and frees Xena, then the two go to the living room and Xena sees Sally lying beaten on the ground and helpless.Sally slowly opens her eyes but can't speak because of the pain she feels, she tries to speak and ask for help but Xena laughs at her. Sally starts moaning and shaking heavily, her body is shaking. Xena tells the man to grab Sally under the arms and she grabs both legs under the bends of her knees and they carry Sally's helpless body into the bedroom, as they carry her Sally moans in pain. When they reach the bedroom they put Sally to bed. And the two of them with the man begin to undress her quickly.The man begins to take off the jacket and blouse of Sally and at that moment Xena begins to take off her boots.Sally begins to moan and cry to be left alone, she kicks with her legs to avoide to be stripped.Xena can't take Sally's boots off,she kicks so hard that Xena can't hold her back and she calls the man for help. A man comes and grabs both of Sally's legs so Xena can take the boots off. As Sally tries to kick Xena take off her socks also.Sally remains only in jeans and a bra,her socks and boots and her jacket and blouse are on the floor.Sally moans in pain and can't speak. Xenna starts stroking Sally's bare feet and tells her to calm down. Just then the doorbell rings and Xena and the man leave Sally alone in the bedroom and they go to see who is calling. Xena hides because she is naked and the man goes to open the door. He sends the person who rings and closes the door.At that moment Sally manages to get out of the room but falls to the ground and begins to drag herself because she doesn't have the strength to walk. Dragging herself and with a bloodied face, she asks for help, someone to help her, finally leaves her lying on her stomach with her face to the ground. The man grabs her hands and as Sally is lying face down on the ground, he starts dragging her along the ground as he takes her back to the bedroom.The camera is filming Sally's legs dragging and her crying helplessly. When they reach the bed in the room the man lifts Sally off the ground and throws her onto the bed. Xena comes into the bedroom again. Sally kicks her legs to get up released but Xena holds them tightly and the man lifts Sally's body to take off her bra and finally when she is already half naked. A man grabs Sally's hands and Xena unbuttons her jeans and takes them off, finally she takes off her pants and Sally remains completely naked on the bed crying. Xena puts on Sally's clothes and boots again,puts her jacket on. While Sally moans Xena and the man dresses Sally in hospital pajamas and then tie her legs and hands. While Sally is crying Xena goes and punches Sally several times in the face and she falls unconscious. Finally they leave  Sally lying in the bed tied up and beaten in hospital pajamas and barefoot. The camera shoots from all sides to show Sally's bare feet and her helpless body,Sally is with open mouth moaning from pain and agony.Finally they leave the room, leaving Sally's alone and helpless.  POLICEWOMAN IN A DRUGDEN
    16 minutes

«Wow! The film is absolutely amazing! Judi did a great job and my script is realized in a perfect way. This is my first custom ever like I said and I am I am very satisfied with the result. I’ll definitely order more customs in the future»
Customer’s Review

CAST: Judi, Max
Firefight, Brave Kind Policewoman, Young Police Woman VS Bastard, Three Bullets to the chest, Being seriously wounded, Judi’s firm surprised reaction with wide eyes opened, Trying to Fight with wounds, Three More Wounds, Much Blood, Very Emotional Agony, Begging for life, Turning from brave policewoman o young dying girl who doesn’t want to live, Begging: «I am too young, please don’t kill me», Death After Long Agony, Great Death Stare, Pink Lips, Stripping  Body, Topless, Examining Wounds, Playing With Corpse, Many views of Dead Body, CSI, Covering Body with a white cover, Black Stockings, High Heels, Legs, Tits, Plastic Agony.
Judi is a new policewoman on her first mission and is knocking a door of the suspect’s apartment. When the suspect opens the door and sees the police he runs back inside the room and gets his gun. Judi rushes in and draws her gun and yell “ hands up I don’t want to shoot you”. The suspect does not listen and shoot her three times on her chest. She is in shock and drops the gun and blood comes out of her mouth as she stumbles and drops to the ground. She then tries to retrieve the gun on the ground when the suspect calls his boss and says he just shot a police. She gets her gun and struggles to stand up and fire a shot but missed. The suspect turns and opens fire on her and hit her three more times. She then drops to the ground and rips her shirt to check on the wounds( realistic bullet hole). She then tells the suspect to let her live as she is still young and call an ambulance but could not finish the sentence and have a lot blood cough. She then struggles to breath and convulses on the ground. Finally she dies with mouth and eyes open with some death agony. The suspect then undresses her shirt and bra and sees her wounds and leaves. One day later, the suspect was told by his boss to return to check on the body and saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup, he touches her face and breast and say “what a pity for a beautiful woman to die like that” and put a sheet on her and leave.
    11 minutes

Brand New Movie

They are sexy helpless girl. He is an animal with knife!


Multy Stabbing to the back, to the chest and to the belly.


Bloody Horror

Starring: NEW MODELS Adult Star Erika Korti, Alexandra and charismatic Anatoliy  


Stabbing Attack



Erika is relaxing with her laptop watching erotic films. She lives with her friends in sorority. Her best friend is smoking a cigarette at the balcony. Suddenly mad maniac enters the apartment. He is watching in her sexy body and doing something strange.

Suddenly he rushes to her and stabs many times to her back. She is frightened to death, feels animal pain in her back and full body and deadly surprises. Her murder isn’t a man – he is bastard, he is wild monster. He put her to the floor and stabs to her chest.

Poor girl tries to call for help and she shouts as loud as she can but nobody hears her. She is crawling to the balcony but the animal seats on her and stabs to the back more and more.

She dies with pretty death stare with wide opened eyes and open mouth bleeding. Maniac sports with her still warm fresh body. He bites her ass, juicy paws her corpse and plays with it like a dog with a favorite toy.

Aleksandra returns from the balcony and sees terrible scene. Her neighbor is dead, wet and bloody-red and furious man is sitting on her. She cries and rushes to the exit but a man jumps to the sofa attacks his prey in jumping  like a cheetah to antelope.

He stabs Alexandra with many hits. Blood. Scream. Pain. Agony. Trying to escape. Horror Apocalypse. DEATH.

He tears his shirt and starts to smash himself with their sticky blood. Blood of girls is on his body. It’s triumph of monster. It is his hour of madness.





    11 minutes
Starring: Anastasia Boldareva and four invites special guests – sexy male actors for male victims roles
Elements: Girls Killing Men, Shooting

Four male striptease dancers decided to leave their club of job and find another place with more high fees and steal all money of the vlub. Their producer and manager, Anastasia, couldn’t stand this betrayal because she paid a lot for their contracts and decided to shoot them to their death with her gun. Let’s see how four handosome, sexy, self-confident, muscular, narcissistic men fall dead from the bullets of a beautiful girl, leaving their powerful male bodies forever. 

     Witness Protection
    11 minutes
      Witness Protection - WITNESS PROTECTION
Fetish Elements:

Police, shooting, jeans, boots, death stare, body inspection, postmortem striping, good girl death, cop, police girl death

the first part starts in a room where a young rookie police woman prepares for her ordinary working day. She stands in front of the mirror just in her bra and panties and slowly puts her other clothes on. First she fasten buttons on her white blouse. Then she puts very tight light blue jeans with wide black belt and high boots with high heels. Finally from the table she grabs her holster with a gun and puts it also on. At the very end she applies her lipstick.  

When she is ready she watch herself in the mirror and smiles. She is very satisfied with her appearance. Then her phone rings. It is her chief who calls. The task she is ordered does not seem to be difficult at the first sight: she must bring a young man who is a wittness in a criminal case from his appartment to the court house where he will be interrogated in a trial. She must just assure that he comes to the court in time and safe but it is not risky, nobody supposes the problems because this man is not really important. Yes, I understand, I'll take care, she says to the phone and leaves her flat. 

The second part starts in front of the door. With her both hands on her hips she rings the bell and a guy opens the door. She introduce herself, says she is a police officer and informs him about her duty. He invites her in. They talk about the court trial, his and her work etc. They smile and both begins to feel that they really like each other. She flirts a little bit with him looking into his eyes intensively. He says her that she looks very attractive. Most the time she keeps her hands on her hips. 

Suddenly someone (out of the screen) breaks into the appartment and starts fire. She takes her gun briefly and returns firing. But as a rookie she does not have a chance. The man who has just appeared is a professional assassin who is hired by the cartel to kill the wittness. Because nobody is allowed to give evidence against the cartel, all must be killed, this is the cartel's command. In the intensive shootout the police girl is shot several times, she screams loudly and falls on the floor jerking for while in agony and then she dies. She remains lying on the floor with arms and legs wide spread, eyes and mouth open, still with a little bit suprise in her face. 

The wittness who was to be protected shockingly watch all the scene and the sudden death of the young girl with whome he was about to start a love affair. He is paralyzed still stares at the corpse but then he tries to escape but is also shot by the hired assassin to his back. He dies. 

In a complete silence the male assassin finally enters the room. He watches the girl with a weird grimace. He nods his head appreciatively because he can see how pretty and young she was. Then he starts slowly to search her perfect and slim body.

If you like this movie please also check


    13 minutes
CAST: Mira Green and Max
«Great movie, as expected! Most of the things I've asked are there, so I'm more than happy and amazed from the final result! Mira also did a great job, her eye-play was exceptional. Great work from all of you guys! Thank you for this, hope I'll be able to do another work with you in the future»
Customer’s Review


Same as in Hitman 4.0 (especialy the blouse), only difference that she is going to wear tights instead of stockings (and if possible a little more longer skirt).
Also, she'll wear high heels (please don't remove them during all video). The heels should be simple/professional, check the attached image for reference.
Finally, have a police badge on the skirt.
Check the attached screenshot for reference.

Mira is a tough police detective, that tries to hunt down a criminal at his lair. She proceeds quietly with her gun raised, but the guy is waiting for her.
He grabs her from behind, while with the other hand drops her gun down. He tries to strangle her from behind, but after a few seconds she hits him on his ribs.
The criminal releases her, and then Mira starts beating him confidently. When she thinks that she has defeated him, he manages to kick her at her crotch. Mira screams in pain while her eyes cross due to the shock.
Then the guy manages to grab her from her throat with one hand and with the other hand starts punching her at her belly multiple times. At thease point, it would be great if she could make sounds like trying to scream from pain but there is no oxygen. Also, her eyes should (try) to remain open.
After a few more punches on her face, she falls down to the floor. Then the criminal goes above her and strangles her (first long strangle with crossing eyes and tongue extended) until she is unconscious.
The criminal decides to keep her alive, so he ties her hands behind her back, her feet and her mouth with duct tape. He then grabs his phone in order to call someone (probably his boss, or a buyer).
On the meantime, Mira wakes up and manages to take her gun and shoot him. While the criminal is down, she releases her bonds and makes an attempt to leave.
The criminal though is not dead, he grabs her from behind and then starts beating her (multiple punches on both face and belly). Blood starts running from her nose and lips.
Mira tries to stay still but she is dizzy and collapses. Her face is looking down to the floor and her feet are facing each other. The criminal raises her head from her hair and then we see Mira trying to speak while being exhausted.
The criminal lets her head to fall down to the floor once again and leaves.
A few moments later, Mira wakes up and tries to crawl away, but then the criminal returns.
He forces her to stand up. He takes a chord and starts strangling her one last time from behind, when she is still standing on her feet (second long strangle with crossing eyes and tongue extended).
He doesn't let her fall down, while Mira is fighting to have her neck released. After a few minutes, her hands start to fall down, while her feet start betraying her as well.
After she is dead, he lets her fall on the floor, with open crossed eyes and the tongue extended.

During the video, don't remove the clothes or the shoes.

    23 minutes


Cast: Tatiana, Max

Elements: Beating, Tortures, Death, Hanging Imitation Of Suicide

Tatiana is suspected of being a spy with valuable knowledge, or knowing where a USB memory stick with that knowledge is.  One cold winter night, at a bar, in the mood for sex, she unwittingly succumbs to the advances of a counter-spy, and goes up to his hotel room.
Quickly, he reveals himself as her enemy.  He draws a pistol and throws her up against a wall.  She stand with her back to the wall.  He sits in a chair facing her, pistol on her.  He tells her he knows everything, and repeatedly asks her to reveal the information, or tell him where it is.  Each time she  denies she knows anything, he forces her to strip a little.
First, he forces her remove her hat, then her scarf, then her coat, with each demand/refusal.  Then her blouse.  Then her skirt.  She is left standing, back against the wall, in her bra, panties, garter belt, high heels and black lacy stockings.
Each time she strips a little, she refuses to reveal the information, or even admit that she even knows what’s going on.
The man tell her to unhook her bra and hold it wide.  She protests, afraid he will hurt her breasts.  He tells her he certainly will do so, and more, if she doesn’t comply.
She unhooks her bra and holds it wide, exposing her breasts.  He points his pistol at one of her breasts and tell her he will shoot her there if she doesn’t tell him what he wants to know.  She refuses, again denying any knowledge of what he demands.
He approaches her and puts the muzzle of the pistol over the nipple of one breast, and asks her again for the information.  She still denies any knowledge, but she continues to hold her bra open.  He pushes the pistol into her breast, hard against her ribs.  She cries with pain, but refuses to give any information.  He jabs the pistol several times into her breast, knocking her against the wall with the force, and she gasps with pain each time, but she submits to the abuse and admits nothing.
He steps back, angered and frustrated.  Tatiana is still holding her bra open for him.  He fiercely demands she give him the information, or tell him where to find it.  When she refuses, he slaps her face.  Again he demands, she refused, and he slaps her again.  Again, he demands, she refuses and now he strikes her face with his pistol.
She collapses to the floor.  He drags her by her feet into the middle of the room.  Her bra comes off as she is dragged.  She lies fully extended,  on her side, arms above her head.  Furious at her, he kicks her in the breasts, rolling her over once.  Then again, rolling her completely over, and finally a third time.  She rolls onto her back and he stomps once on her breasts.  She gasps and bounces off the floor, but takes the punishment.  Standing over her, he demands on price of her life she reveal everything.  She refuses.
Her grabs her hair, pulls her up, drags her to the bed and throws her onto it.  He shoves her up against the headboard.  She is sitting up, back against the headboard.  He hold her there by her hair and asks her if she knows what he’s talking about, but just won’t tell him.  She finally admits she does know, but will never tell.
He tells her that if she doesn’t reveal all, he will beat her to death.  She spreads her arms wide, exposing herself to his threat, and tells him to go right ahead and kill her.
Enraged, he punches her in the breasts, again and again and again, harder and harder.  She remains sitting up against the headboard, taking each punch, not even trying to protect herself, bouncing with each increasingly harder blow.  Occasionally, he punches her in the stomach, just to get her to bend over so he can punch upward into her breasts as they hang down.  Gradually, after dozens and dozens of blows right on her nipples, she slowly, gradually, goes limp.
Her eyes are open, but rolled back.  She seems dead, but could be pretending.  He takes her by the throat and viciously punches her breast five times.  If she is alive, she does not react.
Disgusted, he throws her across the bed.  On her back, she hangs off the edge, arms and head toward the floor, breasts pointed at the ceiling.   He straddles her, tells her that he knows she is alive, and grabs her breasts.  He pulls her up by her breasts so she is sitting up in front of him, then holds her up by one breast as he slaps her face, back and forth, demanding she not be dead, and to wake up and tell him what he needs to know, or his own bosses will kill him.
It’s too late.  She really is dead.
He lets her fall back onto the bed, hanging off  the edge as before.
To cover his tracks, he ties her hands behind her, drags her into the hotel closet, ties a rope around her neck in a noose, and hangs her from the closet clothes rack, as if she had been giving herself pleasure with self-asphyxiation.  He smiles as he twists one of her nipples, to show his superiority and to degrade her, since she is dead and can no longer feel anything.
Finally, he rummages through her clothes, and finds the USB memory stick in one pocket.  She had it all along.  He gives her a look of contempt as he leaves her.

    43 minutes
«All the girls were fantastic! Clothing, film quality, camera angles were all great! Good work! »
Customer’s Review 

Special Offer: Purchase it today just for 21$! Basic Price is 29$ for this long show full of effects and deadly-illusions! Don’t miss this pantyhose lawlessness!!!
Models: Judy, Maria A, Annabelle, Yana, Kate Steals
Fetish Elements: 
40 minutes of great pantyhose death scenes!
All kinds of pantyhose manipulations: taking on, taking off, redressing, brown pantyhose, white pantyhose, black pantyhose
Lots of foot fetish: foot masturbating, foot fetish lesbian games, foot in vore and peril situations!
Females in Peril: capture, falling  through the earth, floor-swamp, flying to the sky, loosing shoes during peril-death 
Furniture eating girls with much legs scenes, foot-scenes, cannibal scenes, vore scenes 
Manual Hanging Scene
Garrote Strangulation Scene
Theatre Grotesque Death Emotions: from happiness to fear, surprise, death stares with opened eyes and tongue out 
Great Bodypile in pantyhose! 
Scene 1: girls are sitting down in a room waiting to audition for a dance role. They are talking to each other when the camera tells them they need to introduce themselves and show off their body. They are all told they need to look uniform so to take off their pantyhose they have on and  put on the tan pantyhose that is on the table for them. After they each put on their tan pantyhose do the following: (please get some close ups of them changing from black or white pantyhose into the tan pantyhose-especially Judy) 
- Have the girls start off sitting. Individually, have the camera start with a close up of them taking off their shoe,model their feet and legs and pan up to their waist. When the camera gets there have the girl stand up and lift her skirt to show their butt then pan to their face and have each girl say their name and blow a kiss
- They are told they will do different dances. All the girls are told to dance at the same time however they want. ( get close ups of feet, legs, and face) next, they are told to dance sexy( more close ups). Then they are told to line up and tap dance ( I liked your Mr. Sandman song from the 3rd video). They dance for a little while with some closeups of them, then they start to disappear (please get closeups of feet and face as they go and each girl screaming or yelling with their voice fading away as they disappear . Make sure they lose shoes as they disappear) 
- a hook comes out and grabs Annabelle pulling her out of her shoes and off screen.
- girls become scared and stop dancing, they are told to start again 
- Close up of Steals feet dancing, then her face looking scared. She throws her arms in air and falls through the floor
- The 3 girls go to the floor and look down where she fell to see if they see where she went. Then they start to dance again and force themselves to smile
- Next Yana floats away (long close up of feet coming out of shoes)
- The girls look up and then dance. A hook comes out to grab Maria. She grabs Judy’s hands and asks “me?” Judy let’s go and says “you”. Maria is pulled out of shoes and off camera
- Judy dances and celebrates  and blowing a kiss to the camera. Then she looks scared and waves “goodbye” and she floats out of her shoes and away 

Scene 2: vore scene. (You did a great job with the table and blanket. I really liked the scenes where Vika and Judy were eaten and pulled in on their backs with wiggling feet. Please use table and blanket again )

The girls are back in the room sitting down. They are talking about what happened during the dance. The camera tells them that none of them qualifies for the role. They all look sad and beg for another chance. Judy stands up and shows her butt saying “look how sexy I am!” The camera tells them it’s ok, he has good news. That if any of them can stay in the house all night long they can win the role. They ask why is that so hard? The camera tells them the house is haunted. They discuss it with each other and all agree. The camera tells them “good luck”

The girls decide to all stay together. They start to joke. Annabelle says “I think I have the nicest butt” she pulls up her skirt and shows it off. They laugh . Judy gets up and slaps her butt. They all laugh and pull up their skirts to compare butts. Then Judy sits down, takes off a shoe and says “ I have the best legs and feet” they all take a shoe off and put their legs beside each other to compare them ( get a shot of all their legs and feet together) After this they all sit down
- Yana stands up. She says she doesn’t think the house is haunted and wants to explore it. They tell her she’s crazy and wave good bye. Yana goes to the room with the table. She hears a noise. She asks “who’s there?” She gets down on the ground to look under the blanket. Something grabs her arm and begins to pull her under. Her shoes come off and she is slowly pulled under with her kicking feet the last we see
- The others girls start to wonder where Yana is. They decide to go look. Maria says she will stay. They leave,  Maria checks to see that she’s alone. When she realizes she is she starts to rub her pantyhose crotch. She gives herself pleasure but then hears a knock on the door. She goes to it “hello?” She opens the door and sees nothing. She starts to walk away and hears another knock. She sees nothing again. She turns around and asks if anyone is there. What she does not see is a rope slowly being lifted over her head. Then it starts to choke her as it pulls her to the floor. Her shoe comes off and she is dragged kicking and screaming through the door. The door shuts behind her as her feet disappear and we hear her scream. 
- The other 3 girls walk into the room with the table calling for Yana. Annabelle says “she must be back in the main room” Judy says “I think I heard Maria,  let’s go back” Steals says she will stay there in case she returns. Annabelle and Judy leave. Steals looks at the table and sees Yanas shoe. She walks to it “yana are you there?” She gets down on her knees by the table . Her arm is grabbed.  She smiles “yana is that you? Quit playing games!” Then she realizes she is being eaten and she asks for help. It slowly pulls her under as she loses her shoes and wiggles her feet until she is gone. 
- Annabelle and Judy return to the main room. They both sit on the couch. Judy says “ I bet they all left. It’s just ya two.” Annabelle says “that is not bad” with a smile and slips off her shoes and puts them on Judy’s lap. Judy likes it and takes off her skirt. Judy then takes off her shoes and puts them on Annabelle’s lap. Annabelle takes off her skirt too. Both women rub each others crotch with their pantyhose feet and give each other an orgaism. When they finish they hear a scream. The stand up and act scared. From the waist down they now only wear their pantyhose. they walk into the room with the table. Get a Close up of their legs as Annabelle trips over Maria’s body laying on the floor dead. Judy helps her up and They see Maria’s lifeless body being pulled under the table, they watch until her feet are swallowed and run from the room.  They run into the main room. They are panicked. They try to get out but the doors won’t open. Judy bumps into the trashcan. She reaches down to move it and her arm is grabbed. It slowly starts to pull her in. Annabelle tries to help. She grabs her feet but cannot hold on and let’s go and falls down. She watches Judy’s legs kick and feet wiggle as she cries for help until Judy is gone. Annabelle runs to the door which opens. She runs to the room with the table. She looks around the table  calling Yana and Steals. She gets yanked down and pulled under the table legs first. She struggles and pulls herself free. She now runs back to the main room. Annabelle goes to the trashcan to see what’s left. “Judy? Where are you?” The trash can grabs her and pulls her in head first. The last thing we see is her feet wiggling as she cries for help 

Scene 3. All the girls are pilled-on top of each other in a stack. They can be top less or not but no skirts or shoes, only pantyhose 

    27 minutes
Cast: Keila, Anastasia, Max, Billy Brag
Fetish elements:
Ballbasting, Beating, Fighting, Humilation, Girls Killing Men. Dirty Talks

«I loved it!!! Please convey my thanks to your team. Keila had perfect accuracy and form with her kicks during the workout scene. I loved the camera angles and direction. The choice of music was a nice touch and really enhanced the production quality. And Anastacia's stomps were brutal!! Lastly I want to thank Max and Billy Brag for selling their reactions so well and being such great sports for taking the hits so realistically. I'm so happy with the custom and would love to order again in the future! Thank you guys again»
Customer’s Feedback 

Six stories about vulgar misogynists who impudently harass girls and cannot understand in a good way that ladies should not be treated like that, receive terrible punishments. They do not take into account that beautiful girls can perfectly know the basics of self-defense. A collection of six stories in the style of an action movie.

    32 minutes
      OMBILIANT - Ombiliant

CAST: Mira Green and Alice M 
Fetish Elements
Girl Kills a girl, Choking, Strangulation, Playing With Body, Much Playing with a bellybutton
Two young girls are in a boarding room at a rich girl's school, a barefoot pimbeche blonde with a cropped top and mini-shorts that reach up to her stomach contemplates her belly button in the mirror and brags about her new extra expensive piercing she received for her last birthday, her comrade in student clothes with a skirt who has always been secretly jealous of her roommate daddy's girl asks her what is the point of wearing a jewel of such value if it is to remain hidden most of the time under clothes but the girl with the piercing taunts her by telling her that you have to be a perfect and pure woman to be able to wear a jewel of such an exception and that her rival is certainly not the case, the other furious girl starts insulting her with trash and a fight ensues, at first the blonde has the top hitting the jealous girl in the face but the other girl the grabs her with both hands, squeezing her neck tightly, the blonde with nd eyes in shock collapses on her back to the ground and fights for her life trying to push her opponent back but the other girl is stronger than her and her strength starts to fail her opponent takes advantage of this moment of weakness to gain the advantage by sitting on her at waist level blocking her arms at her sides with her legs to prevent her from using her hands to defend herself and she squeezes her neck harder and harder of his victim who begins to turn pale and his tongue begins to come out of his mouth.
After a while the beaten girl hardly moves because her opponent seems to have broken her trachea by squeezing her throat and starts to drool, her head leans to the side and drool runs down her throat. plays her eyes rolls back like she's having a seizure but her tormentor doesn't care and goes on for more belly humiliations and punishments she humiliates him by removing her mini shorts and top short revealing her little white panties and her bra cruelly exposing her abdomen, the poor girl finds herself in her underwear totally vulnerable and at the mercy of her pitiless opponent, the bad girl calls her "pathetic" and "weak" after that she starts by manipulating and looking at her victim's piercing more closely with her vicious fingers. The blonde too weak to act upright obviously no longer has the strength to move her arms which have remained at her sides or her legs and seems to have turned into a real helpless rag doll. She slowly chokes on her own slime and gasps desperately for oxygen, the mean girl lets out a mean little laugh mocking her victim and says "I'm going to finish you" she then has fun sticking her pointed finger deep in the navel of her paralyzed prey and gently moves it inside turning it and stinging sometimes while the blonde suffocates in silence at one point she puts her finger buried in the navel of the agonizing girl and has fun stinging it over and over and saying "what's that mouse hole?" After a while her victim inflates her belly and exhales one last time through her bubble-creating drool, the mean girl then in synchronization pushes her finger deepest into the girl's navel as she exhales and makes a little vicious laugh at the same time saying "shhh .. die bitch!" the blonde lets out a last gasp.
(make a camera angle so that we can see the belly from the side with the finger pressed to see the belly which inflates and exhales one last time)
She stays like that with her finger for at least 2 minutes and then pulls it out sharply while verbally humiliating her by saying "big tummy".
She then takes the pulse of the defeated girl with her fingers, she lifts the arm of the corpse and drops her lame hand on the belly of the victim who is nothing more than a pile of inert meat, she puts her arm back to the ground along the body and look down the side of the abdomen to see if it is still moving and sees that her victim is gone for good, she then removes the belly button piercing from the dead girl then pulls out her phone and takes a compromising photo of the navel and also removes the panties and bra of the dead girl so that she finds herself totally naked and vulnerable making sure not to change her initial position, she also checks if she is wearing any other jewels on her to steal, she decides to have a little fun with the corpse before getting rid of it, she sits down next to the body and looks into the dead woman's navel with a little superior air and notices that the bottom navel is dirty, she takes a cotton swab and a cleaning and decides to clean it completely and to subject her rival to a final examination of the most humiliating, she takes her time while making the knuckles and each fold and inspects the depths with the help of tweezers she removes the potential dirt encrusted in the hollows while verbally humiliating her on the shape of her navel telling her that it is weird and badly cut at birth, after that she has fun for a good 5 minutes trying to bring out the navel from the dead girl using her fingers and putting her sharp fingernails inside and deep in different positions to give the navel various shapes and rounded, she also has fun pushing her index finger deeper into the navel and as the dead girl can no longer challenge and protect her belly, her fingers easily penetrate the tender flesh of the belly, which causes dull noises due to the absence of muscle and resistance, the a mean girl sketches teasing little laughs, she lies down on her body with her head at belly level and also blows raspberries on the navel with her mouth while laughing and also sometimes plunges her tongue inside and kisses the belly , she is completely nuts after she sits on the body at the pelvis and continues to torture and manipulate the navel by stretching it with her fingers as if she wanted to open the navel, after a while the navel starts to be pink and she continues until it turns red to destroy the navel of the dead woman she despises so much by saying "I don't see that your navel is special, it's just a small one yucky sausage "she even takes a sharp object and pushes it into the location of the navel piercing she stole. Once the navel is red she has fun running her fingers on her stomach to the navel and probes it with the tips of her fingers while humming and also scratches the stomach with her fingernails.
She also does not hesitate to take her smartphone and film up close (done in pov at this point) the navel while pricking it with the pointed object in different places saying "Poke" and laughing at the same time. (Stop the pov)
Then she takes a stethoscope and listens to the inside of the belly in different places and also on the navel while feeling the belly a few times with her fingers and laughs at the noises that this can cause in her abdomen. After that she stops filming and ends up getting bored and sits on her bed and makes a phone call to a contact to get her navel pierced and put the one she just stole there while specifying that she has already chosen and received her piercing model while placing her feet as a sign of domination on the belly of the dead woman who is staying at the foot of the bed, at the same time she tries to push her big toe completely inside the navel of his deceased victim. She takes the opportunity to light a cigarette and smoke at the same time. After a while she removes her feet, she lies down on the bed with her feet in a fan and her head above the body of the deceased and uses the belly button of her victim as a human ashtray by dropping the ashes from her cigarette right into the room. navel of the corpse while continuing to telephone, she sometimes spits into the navel until it is full. After a while she hangs up and lowers herself to the level of the corpse and has fun crushing her cigarette right in the navel soiled with sputum and ashes of the dead woman and slowly pricks in several different places of the navel by moving and turning the butt inside, she has fun creating a mixture of viscous and sticky mud inside the navel, after a while and once the navel is really sticky she pushes the butt well into the lower part of the navel so to himself that he does not move any more while saying "splash" then she looks at her work and says "it is less pure now". She then takes a lipstick and writes "Waste" circling the desecrated navel like a target. Once done, she takes her smartphone and photographs the belly as a whole and the navel up close as a souvenir.
Excited by this feeling of power and to humiliate even more and conclude this beating she takes a last glance in the navel to check if the cigarette is still in place by sketching a small grin of satisfaction by patting the belly lightly, she goes up then at the level of the victim's head and kisses the poor girl on the mouth smiling proud to have destroyed the life of the most popular girl in the school and says "Goodbye darling" to her, closing her eyes.
Satisfied, the disturbed girl with macabre and sordid intentions gets up, and looks at the poor girl's lifeless body for a long time with a perverse air, then she spits one last time into the violated navel while standing, having taken care to aim before , without the slightest respect and consideration for her opponent, she leaves the room shaking the piercing she stole as a sign of a trophy, leaving the girl humiliated and soiled that she will make disappear later in the night.
(Take overviews of the body and in particular the belly and the destroyed navel, make close-ups of it by fading to end the scene)
    12 minutes
Ninja Cosplay (First Time In Our Production!), Fighting, Catfight, Choking, Neck Snaps, Arm Breaks, Knocked Out, Stripping For Lingere, Begging For Life, Garrote Strangulation, Deadly Postmortem Neck Snap, Tongue, Death Stare, Girl Kills Girl 

Agent Fox is a ruthless secret agent that loves to take her time disposing of her kills so after a nice long bout with a poor, young, agent across town, she heads back to the hideout to post up and relax. She calls HQ and talks to the boss, finding out where to drop the disk she confiscated from her last mark. As she takes not of the time and place, she hears some boots trying to sneak up on her. She is calm and cool and doesn't even stop her conversation, in fact she extends it, to the point of pissing off Judi who is standing pointing her 9mm at her face (or some other type of weapon, as gun wont fit well for a ninja). "Agent Fox, put down the phone" Agent Fox lowly lowers her phone, hitting a few keystrokes before setting it down on the counter. Judi is annoyed but is caught off guard when the phone rings and she looks at it for a split second, letting Agent Fox take the gun (or weapon) and toss it to the floor in one move.

Judi is perturbed and runs at Fox with her fists up ready to brawl, but Agent fox lets her get close then gives her an open palm to the nose. This stuns her and she grabs Judi after she swings and misses, kneeing her in the gut three times to get her hurting a bit, then she head butts Judi knocking her on her back.

Judi is stunned and on the ground grabbing her head. Fox unmask her, and heads to grab the para cord on the counter but decides she is feeling playful today and wants to show the opposition she can't be messed with at all. She picks Judi up by her hair to her knees, but Judi surprises her with a gut punch and a big "It ain't over bitch!", leaving Fox stunned momentarily, enough for Judi to come at her and grab her two handed by the throat to choke her out.

Fox returns the favor and the two are locked in a strangle me I will strangle you bitch kind position, standing up and throttling each other hard. Judi tries to break free but when she does Fox takes advantage of the situation and Starts to throttle Judi hard, so hard she let's go and is being choked out. Fox takes her to the sofa, standing over her and her skirt hiked up as she chokes out Judi.

After a long hard strangle Judi weakens and her arms and head go limp. Fox relaxes a bit thinking she has this one in the bag, but Judi has a knife hidden and was bluffing, she stabs Fox in the gut with the tip of the knife making her jump and back away stunned. She looks up at Judi who is regaining her strength and breath, holding the knife ready to stab her. She pokes the knife at her slashing at Fox but Agent Fox is too much of a pro and after a couple misses she timesd and targets her arm, in one motion she disarms the knife and breaks Judi's right arm and wrist.

Judi screams out in pain, she stumbles around in shock and pain. Agent Fox is not messing around anymore and goes behind Judi with a choke hold. She chokes her out hard taking out all of her aggression on Judi. After she chokes her out for a while, Judi weakens and goes down, limp and almost unconscious, Fox puts the squeeze on her some more to make sure and she is out. Agent Fox heads to the phone, straightening her skirt, and calling her boss to say she is running a bit late but not to worry she' about to dispose of the body.

She comes back to the unconscious sexy Judi, take out her ninja outfit (leaving only the ninja gloves and ninja "socks"), and sits on her knees by her head. She caresses and kisses her face, telling her that unfortunately for her, she likes to take her time disposing of her victims. She is about to have some real fun. She gets behind Judi and puts her arms locked under her breasts around her body. She lifts her up, dead weight from being out cold, but she quickly awakens screaming when Fox crushes a couple of her ribs with a jolt, she repeats, breaking most of her ribs, one or a couple at a time(ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL), then repeating and ending with a knee to the back breaking her ribs in the back, and her back in a couple places.

She still has use of her legs, but her right arm is broken and she is screaming in pain begging and crying not to die. Tears roll down her face as she is in great agony from the pain. She begs Fox not to kill her but Fox is a cold blooded agent that has no problem making them suffer before they die. Fox stands up after she drops Judi to the floor and grabs the para cord. She fashions it around her hands to make sure she has a nice grip. She gets in position as the moaning Judi is on the floor, twitching a bit and trying to plead, but to no avail. She gets the cord around her neck and starts to pull Judi immediately forgets that her ribs are broken in her fight for life, the tears and make up smears do not matter anymore it is life or death. She kicks her legs, bucks and tries with the one good arm to claw at the cord but she can't do much with a pro who has leverage and hundreds of kills under her belt, or skirt... Agent fox takes her time and kills her good, Judi's eyes bug out and her tongue lols to the side, her smeared eyeliner show the scars of battle.

She finishes her off and lets her down to the floor. She sits her upright, dead, but always makes sure, plus she loves the sound of bones snapping, especially vertebrae. She rolls her head to and fro the snap, twisting Judi's body one eighty degrees and face down on the floor. She admires her kill and stands up dragging the fresh hot corpse to the corner of the sofa sections so she can keep an eye on her, even though she is dead, while she gets ready to leave.

SUPER GIRL  Sheriff His Son and 3 Whores
    7 minutes
      Sheriff His Son and 3 Whores - Sheriff, His Son and Three Whores

Starring: Christy, Annabelle, Nancy, Alex, Charlie

Sheriff takes his son to local brothel He has agreement with a pimp he can go to the brothel for free and do all he wants. That time he takes son to teach him to be cruel and choke and beat a young whore. But his son as I kind guy and when his father foes away he gives to the prostitute big sum of money and goes away. In the evening father asks his son about his job and understands he didn’t fuck her and gave her money. Sheriff takes his son to the brothel again and forces his son to shoot whores.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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