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    10 minutes

Just Great Bloody Realistic Shooting in POV Style
Bride in Wedding-Dress was shot in her belly, chest and pussy with her party-girls by her ex-boyfriend!

Starring: Maria A, Judi, Annabelle, Yana, Katya Steals
Fetish Elements:
Waitress was shot quickly
Girl in a long green dress was shot in her head and then was shot dead in her breast
Girl in red dress was shot in her breast – long, very long agony and then deadly shot in her stomach
Smoking girl was shot in the balcony to her chest many times – great shock reaction
The bride was shot in her belly – great shock reaction and begging for life – then she gets a bullet to her breast and then to her PUSSY!
Great bodypile

If you like this video please CHECK OUT
    15 minutes
«Got it, I absolutely love it. Thank you guys so much. »
Customer’s Review 

Background: Judi is a sexy assassin. She and her partner just completed a killing mission and came back. 

Scene 1: Judi and the male actor came into the room, sat down at a table, and started drinking. Then they started talking about their mission. Judi says:” after I shot her, she struggled like a fish on the ground. It’s so embarrassing.” The male actor says, “that is what a bullet would do.” Judi takes a spare clip for the handgun out and unloads a bullet. She looks at the bullet and says, “I do not understand how such a small bullet could do that. If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.” Judi then invites her partner to drink alcohol while saying, “anyway, we completed another mission and need to celebrate it. Here is to our 12 years of partnership.” They both drank the alcohol.  
Scene 2: Judi’s partner tells her that he is in love with her from working with her and wants to have a relationship with her and leave the business. Judi is surprised and disgusted, “seriously? We are just partners; I would never have a relationship with you outside of work. You are ugly, and I would never date someone like you.” This line makes her partner mad. He stands up and says, “how dare you to say that.” 
Scene 3: He pushes Judi to the ground, and one hand touches her pussy while the other hand strangles her neck. Judi shouts,” what are you doing?” while trying to fight back. After some struggle, Judi pushes him off and stands up. She then takes out her gun and runs behind some structure in the room as a cover. Her partner also stands up and runs behind a cover. Then they started shooting each out.  
Scene 4: After their guns are empty, Judi stands up, takes a knife, and walks toward him. “I always bring a knife as my backup, and I know you do not. You are going to die for violating me.” Her partner stands up and laughs, “but I do bring extra ammo.” He then loads a new magazine in the gun and shoots her four times (scattered shots) on her chest (realistic bullet hole), and she is shocked and looks at her wounds and drops her knife. She says with a faint voice,” so this is what being shot feels like.” She then starts coughing blood (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). Then she kneels (both knees), loses consciousness, and falls to her back with legs split open (embarrassing position). (Similar to Robber’s shootout) 
Scene 5: Her partner approaches her and shoots her two more times on the upper belly area (realistic bullet hole). The pain wakes her up. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to cough blood (emphasize process). Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain.  Her legs also straighten out but still split open, revealing her underwear. He mimics her, saying with contempt, “If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.”, then he says to her,” you are like fish on the chopping board, and I can do whatever I want to you now.” He uses her knife to cut open her blouse/shirt and bra, revealing her breast and belly with realistic bullet holes. He touches her breast and masturbates her pussy (no need to show). Judi still convulses on the ground and stares at him with hate, but she can’t do anything. He says,” what a pity, such a nice piece of meat is going to waste.” He then touches her bloody lips and says,” those lips are so beautiful, and I have always wanted to kiss them.” Then he bends down and kisses her lip. (If possible). After kissing, Judi pukes a mouthful of blood out and tells him, “Go to hell.” She then struggles to breathe and stick her tongue out (some facial focus on this).  He laughs at her and stands up, and tells her, “It’s time to go.” Then he shoots her two times on the forehead and one time on the right cheek. (Realistic Bullet hole). Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches more intensely like having an orgasm and then drops dead in a sexy yet embarrassing pose with legs split open and mouth slightly open, revealing her tongue, also death stares. Her finger still twitches a few more times. Her partner then leaves.  
Scene 6: A few days later, her partner returns to the scene. He saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup and touches her breast and pussy again. Then she caresses her face and says, “I miss you, and I really hope that day did not turn out the way it is. “Then he tries to close her eyes, but no matter what he tries, the eyes stay open. He then left.  

    11 minutes
Starring: Li, Yana and POV-killer
20 Quick Deaths from Silencer are there in this clip
Innocent Girls in the cottage are suddenly shot in different situations
No blood effects
    14 minutes
      Hollywood Murder - HOLLYWOOD MURDER
Nadya, Mary and Christy
Strangulation Paradise

Movie Star Kate Anderson enjoys her life at her villa. Her personal assistant gets calls from different producers and agents about roles. Small cinema  production with bad reputation tries to invite Kate to their B-movie and the star asks her agent to answer «no» by phone in a very rude form.
It is her big mistake. Production sends hit woman for revenge…  She  garrotes the agent and then strangles movie star. After she stripes bodies and  puts them in sexy bodypile imitating they were lovers for yellow press.

If you like this clip please check out
    40 minutes

\"I just watched the video. First of all, I will not say much to thank you. I have already told you a lot.))))))) This project is really big and consumes a lot of our energy. I can see your seriousness through every scenes. So I will take the trouble to say thank you again. You have created a history Sir! This style is unprecedented.It almost perfectly blends this with bloody elements and some erotic elements.Send a little red heart to the members of your production crew and the models you found.\"
Absolutely New Level of Shooting!
*All scenes were done with plenty of make up bloody effects*
The crew of pyrotechnics were invited!! REAL EXPLOSIONS!
Fetish Elements
Guts, Firefight, Military. BadGirls. Gory, Bloody, Explosion, Cut Arm, Cut Leg, Boots, Beheading, Decapitation, HeadShot, PussyShot, Rain of Blood from the body, Postmortem Agony,  Girls Kill Each Other, Machine Gunned Death (Long, Bloody, Realistic), Shotgun death, Shot genitals, Shot Heads, War, B-movie, Trash-movie

Six models are doing makeup and finishing clothes(Give some close-up)When the models were finished, the camera crew called them over.

The movie producer is watching the news from COVID 19 on his cell phone

Filmmaker asked the models to look at the video they had shot earlier. He complimaented the models, saying,\'\'Girls you\'ve done a great job. This time is gonna be like the last time.\"

Six models came over, and in the middle of the conversation, the secne from reality into the screen.

Scene 2:A game of life and death for a pair of partners begins

(Louisa and Angelina)(Yana and Judi)(Alice and Mira)

Louise looked at the sky and said to Angelina who was sleeping, \"get up, it\'s time to go to the game�

Ag said with a look of disdain:\'\' let\'s wait until the two groups are finished, let\'s wait.

Louise said,\'\' are you crazy? you\'re the worst shot here. They\'ll find us first. Let them 2 groups come together you look your little physique who can you fight?

Ag understands herself, so the two people begin to act.......

In another group, Alice and Mira are already on the move, they run fast and looking for there two groups.

Yana & Judi seemed very relaxed at this time, rely on a wall as their shelter

Yana took the barrel of her gun and poked at Judi\'s body. J said\"can you concentrate a little bit, we don\'t know how to die after a while.\'\'

Yana curled her mouth and said, it\'s all right, wait until they fight.\"

At this time,louise and Angelina have secretly come to the side of Yana and Judi. When Angelina found that the two girls had not noticed her, she sneaked into the rear of the two girls

Before Angelina made her move, Louise tried to stop her, but Angelina wouldn\'t listen. Louise is very helpless, she can only stay in place, observe the situation around.

At this time Alice and Mira also came near the battle. Mira spots Angelina closing in on Judi and Yana. Mira wants to act on her own, kill 3 people. But Alice said,\"Mira you look around. There must be someone else.\"

This time Angelina has secretly come to the back of Yana, Angelina took her gun, put the barrel on the top of Yana\'s Pussy. BOOM B B B! The gun was powerful and scary, and the bullet went in form Yana\'s Pussy and out from her head......In the moment of being shot, Yana has a very tragic scream. The blood was gushing down from Yana\'s vagina wildly, and also from her head. And Yana die, very cruel, her body unconscious convulsions and spurting blood at the same time.

Angelina, who had been sprayed with blood, was very happy to see that she had killed someone, and she pointed the gun at Judi. Angelina threatened Judi with a gun, Judi had no choice just put her gun down.

Angelina laughed, feeling that the battle was nothing more than that, so she aimed at Judi and fired. But there was no bullet in the gun, and Angelina was surprised. Judi quickly picked up her shotgun and fired wildly at Angelina.

Angelina\'s body was shot into a sieve(her upper body was beaten to pieces. body was beaten and the flesh was flying.) Angelina\'s organs in her chest and abdomen were shout out by shotgun. When Angelina fell to the ground, Judi shot again, and Angelina\'s uterus flew out.

Louise saw the tragic death of Angelina, involuntarily covered her face and said,\" fuck, how can there be such a stupid teammate...

Louise picked up the gun and aimed it at Judi. But before Louise could fire, a bullet hole appeared in Louise\'s chest. Blood spewing out uncontrollably. But L no time to suffer. She had to find out who had hit her. Unfortunately, she got another shot in the chest. This shoot makes L can not help, she leaned against the blindage behind her.

Mira triumphantly walked in front of Louise, she won\'t give a shoot over Louise\'s life. But Mira deliberately coquettish pace make L very angry.
L took the gun aimed the body of Mira, crazy shooting. Mira got a lot of bullets hole on her body, but luckily she not die, even though bleeding wildly. Mira took the gun and shot L in the head, L\'s brains flew over the blindage back there. Louise Slowly slipped and died.

Mira was not dead, but the bullet hole in her body was bleeding like pouring water with basin. Mira endures the pain and wants to go to Alice seeks her teammate\'s help.

Meanwhile, Judi and A are shooting at each other. It was obvious that Alice was a better shot than Judi. Judi bleeding from the bullets in her legs, fell to the ground and groaned.

At this time, Mira came to Alice with her bleeding body and told Alice in a week voice, \"help me\" Alice told Mira,\" to go to hell and not to come to me!\" Alice then shot a bullet in Mila\'s head. Mira\'s brain flew out and her body jerked and she died.

Alice haughtily went to Judi\'s body and step on the Judi\'s wound to humiliate her. But she didn\'t expect that Judi had a bomb in her hand, Alice was startled. Judi detonated the bomb, and the two girls were mangled. Two people\'s organs were blown all over the floor. Blood spatter everywhere. Alice\'s head was blown to pieces, and Judi loses her left arm and right leg.

Six bloody corpses lay on the ground......
Time came back to reality, and the filmmaker who was watching the film with the girls received a text message. The text was about credit card arrear payments, and the filmmakers were sad.
He muttered to himself.
\"I can\'t even afford to eat because of this virus, and pay it back?\"

Judi asked the film-maker with a smile.
\"What are you talking about?\"
The maker said, \"it\'s okay. girls ready to shoot.\"

The filmmaker had these girls stand around him and say, \"that\'s enough for me. I don\'t want to live anymore. I\'m sure you do, too.\"

Alice began to laugh, and everyone laughed when she did. \"The script is not like that either,\" says Yana.

Suddenly Alice was shot in the head and her brains splashed against the wall.
dead. The filmmaker said, \"don\'t move if you want to live.\"

Yana then sneaks out a gun, points it at the filmmaker and says, \"don\'t move.\"

The film-maker laughs and shoots Yana in the pussy.
Yana\'s pussy crazy spouts blood and then she loses her strength and leans against the wall behind. The filmmaker sees yana alive and continues to shoot at her body, which continues to spray blood. Yana seems to have lost a lot of blood and becomes unconscious. She leaned against the wall as if her body were still moving.

Satisfied with the bloody scene, the filmmaker took a shotgun and shot Louisa\'s body.
Louisa\'s body was shot to pieces.

Mira sees something wrong and wants to run, but the filmmakers find out. The shotgun was so powerful, Mira ended up just as badly as Louisa.

Angelina is scared and asks not to be killed.
But the filmmakers have turned their guns on her.
At this moment Yana struggles to get up from the pool of blood and points her gun at the filmmaker. The filmmaker responded quickly, picking up the pistol that had just shot Yana and shooting her in the head. Yana\'s brains spurt out and spill onto the wall. Yana also slides against the wall and sits on the ground slowly.(the urine slowly flows out)

The filmmaker picks up the shotgun and shoots Angelina, who bleeds to death.

The film-maker saw that Judi was not dead, but he felt his actions were too criminal. He looked at the bloody bodies and the organs sprayed on the floor can\'t believe what he\'s doing. \"You go. I don\'t want to kill you, Judi. You\'re a good girl.\"
Judi, still in shock, walked carefully away, but to her surprise she stepped on the gun that had accidentally fired. The shot hit Judi in the pussy, spraying blood like a water cannon for a long time. (robogeisha example) When the blood finished spurts out, Judi also ends her own life, the way of death is very absurd and funny.

The film-maker saw beautiful corpses lying around, and he undressed the girls. (The actor looked directly into the camera and said, \"life is not easy during COVID 19. Please don\'t learn from me. Life has a long way to go.\")

Then the filmmaker committed suicide and died with the girls.  Expedition Beheading
    9 minutes
      Expedition Beheading - Collection exclusive clip with complex stunts and special effects!

Starring: Juliana

One of the most professional and complex decapitation  scenes in horror-fetish industry!

Fetish elements: beheadings, the theme of adventure, death-agony, the agony of severed head, close-ups, general plans, a lot of *****.


Julia went on an expedition for treasure and artifacts in the Lost Land. She was warned that it was very dangerous, but fearless brave **** dared  and found the ancient excavations. However. She tracked down the guard, crept up behind her and pulled out ... a machete!

Julia was scared to death. Sentinel cut off her head!

This is a great fetish scene of decapitation!

The head continues to live for a few minutes and do different emotions, while the body was jerking  in terrible agony. ***** was gushing from her neck. First, the headless body drop  to  knees, then onto the sand, and continues her  last dance of posthumous reflexes. The  guardian, following the ritual, striped decapitated body and  left the sexual meat that recently had been a bold young adventuress, smoldering under the scorching sun.
     You39re Not My Family
    15 minutes
      You39re Not My Family - This clip has no description.  VIRAL MURDER
    17 minutes


Cast: Yana, Alice M, Max

Fetish Elements:

Shooting, Shooing with gun with silencer. Mother and daughter plot, Body Stripping, Many Times Shooting, Serial Killer Plot


The daughter is video blogger. She was in live video chat when a serial killer suddenly shot her jut in online! When her mother came home she was killer too


Another Case Of Serial Killer
     Unhappy Birthday 4 Bodypile
    23 minutes
      Unhappy Birthday 4 Bodypile - Crime house summer season: unhappy birthday

4 young women ********* one by one, bodies are stripped and lift to one place for 4-women’ mega sexy bodypile!

it’s the most sexy crime house clip.

introdusing new model – anna rose.

 luiza celebrates her  birthday in the cottage and invites her 3 best friend. They have fun, but they don’t know a maniac-strangler is walking near the house.

he attacks poor g...Rls one by one and brutally ********* the, with his strong deadly hands. His first ****** was angelina. She came to the kitchen for some water when he surprised her, grabs to the floor and ********* slowly. Angelina makes very sexy agony and dying face.

luiza goes to the first floor to have a little rest. She takes off her shoes and massages her feet. Maniac surprised her, attacks and after a fight he ********* her. She does active legs kicking, her tongue  out from her mouth. Dead one! Her topless body in black stockings is lying on the bed.

hass goes outside to have a smoking break. Smoking kills! Maniacs ****** her and snaps her neck.

ann  doesn’t understand where are the *****… in this time the maniac is carrying bodies to the living room, stripes them and makes a bodypile of young *****’ corpses. Ann comes back and sees her friends naked and dead  in pile of corpses. She is in panic but too late. Maniac grabs her and strangler to her death. He takes off her clothes and puts her in the bodypile. 4 dead g...Rls in one pile now!

-          all ********** scenes are long and very sexy – different angles and body views. Death stares, naturalistic death reactions,

-          all *****’ dead bodies are carried and lift

-          -all body is stripped

-          great ultra sexy bodypile


fetish elements:

**********, death stare with open eyes and tongue out, death stare with clothed eyes, lifting bodies, carrying dead *****, black stockings, bare legs, foot fetish. Short party’s dresses, many dead poses, fear, fighting for life, sounds of *******, underwear, stripping bodies, playing with bodies, touching bodies, smoking ****, 4 ***** bodypile.  

price: 24.00
run time: 23:00 minutes
file size: 462 mb	format: .Mp4
category: strangluation, *******, dead play, necro  DEAD OR ALIVE TOURNAMENT
    13 minutes
And Just For 10$!!

Brave Cowgirl: Lilia
Villain Girl: Maya
Tournament #1 winner: Luiza
Tournament#2 looser: Yana
Cowgirl’s Boyfriend: Alex

Fetish Elements: 
Shooting, Duel, Cowgirls, Bargirls, Jeans, Hat, Realistic weapon, shooting to the heart, surprise reaction, postmortem views 
From Customer Review
«After this the world never be the same, after this some dreams came true....

Your cowgirl video 1 is absolutely stunning!
Thank you that it was made in a promised short time and some great parts of film are extra (i. e. one more short girls’ gunfight and cowgirl being horny at the moment she is watching their duel).

I hardly can choose what props and elements are the best. Just everything is wonderfull – the clothes of the girls like their tight trousers, boots, hats, elegant blouses, guns. 

Simply all the intentions and wishes are fully realized, the desired atmosphere is achieved. The both girls are beautiful, very tender. They perfectly express their characters – eagerness and naivety of the “spoiled” cowgirl and experience, calm and arrogance of the villain. The concentration before the fight, surprise of the loser, quick death scene and (again) the winner’s calmness. All  this is perfectly played». 


In some saloon in the south of Texas a young cowgirl sits. She wears tight, light brown leather trousers with elegant black boots and a very tight satin white blouse put into the trousers. At her waist there is a gun holster. 

In this village a dead or alive competition takes place. Its winner will get a big sum of money at the end. But first each participant of this tournament must go through the several deadly gunfights (three rounds) in order to kill the opponents, get to the final, beat the last rival and win the prize. On the door of the saloon there is a big notice which announces the competition. 

The young cowgirl decided to participate in this hazardous tournament. 
She is the youngest daughter of a rich landlord so she is also a little bit spoiled. She starts to be bored with her comfortable life and desires to have some risky adventure. So when she was announced about this competition she immediately decided to participate in it.  She has always been skilled at gun shooting but so far she fired just on nonliving targets or she hunted animals so she finds this competition as a good opportunity to try shooting in some more exciting way. 

Now in the saloon she waits for the first round of the tournament. 

And well.... she is not scared at all..... instead of being nervous she rather feels very horny. Even now when the decisive moment has arrived she cannot help considering this precarious gunfight just as ane erotic fun for her.  

So she sits frivolously in the chair with her legs put widely apart and drinks some whisky that is on the table beside her. And she cannot resist touching and stroking slightly her lap and inner sight of her thighs. Then she slowly unfastens one more button on her blouse. Her charming throat and gentle chest so far fully revealed is now exposed even more provocatively. And she continues touching her throat and chest tenderly with her eyes delightfully narrowing and being full of irresistible desire. 

During these sensitive whiles her boyfriend enters the saloon. When she sees  him she immediately stops playing with herself and sets the look of good girl. But her blouse stays unfasten..... 
Anyway... she is not much impressed by her boyfriend. He does not represent a true man for her. She rather treats him like a younger brother.... But he is worried about her girlfriend and tries to warn her. 

A female villain is the first opponent of our young cowgirl. 
The villain is a gorgeous young woman too. She is in a tight black blouse, light blue jeans and boots. She is widely known as a very good shooter that has already killed a lot of people in the gunfights.

“Hi dear.... You are really courageous I must admit. But you do not have a chance!” the villain says to the young cowgirl. 
“Hmm.... probably I am just looking at the first victim of this whole action. My fingers are already itching” answers the cowgirl very provocatively just to challenge her rival. 

Then both female gunslingers take their guns out of their holsters. And the villain is much faster. The villain’s bullet hits the young cowgirl in her chest. When she is hit she just make very silent and short scream like she suddenly got scared of something. Then she falls on her back and is in a painfull agony. Her vital organs are damaged so her body uncontrollably jerks for a while, she gasps confusedly and then dies, her gun still lying in her hand. She has her hands and legs wide spread and her dead eyes stare emptily on the sky. Even now her dead face with open mouth has the marks of a big surprise. The blood is oozing on her chest. 

So the villain not the cowgirl slowly blows the smoke from her gun. The cowgirl’s boyfriend rushes to her lying body. But he can just see that she is dead.

The villain also slowly approaches to the cowgirl’s corpse. She kneels down to her lifeless body and she touches scornfully cowgirl’s cold chin. She takes the cowgirl’s abandoned gun and looks at it with a pleasant expression. 

“Oh, sweetheart, I can still feel the warmth of your fingers on the handle....” the villains says with a satisfied voice looking at the cowgirl’s gun.... 
“Well.... you know” continues the villain now to the desperate boyfriend. “This game is not for such rookies. She should have realized it.....What a waste, then, such a nice body....”. And she stands up and slowly leaves the place. 

And her boyfriend is not just a coward. So his thoughts starts to be filthy..... 

The elements should be:
- confidence of the young cowgirl and feeling horny before her gunfight starts that is both expressed in touching herself and also in a short dialogue with her boyfriend and playing how she blows out the smoke from her gun at the end of duel,
- cowgirl sitting on chair frivolously with her legs apart,
- kissing her boyfriend good bye when she leaves to have the gunfight, 
- her slow walking to the place of gunfight with both hands on her hips, 
- smiling at her boyfriend closely before the fight starts, 
- girls verbally provoking each other before the gunfight,
- detailed shots on the standing girls, their faces/eyes/lips and whole bodies, their legs standing wide apart, fingers ready near the handle just before the gunfight starts, “leg through” shots can also be,
- short realistic and surprised agony of the cowgirl with a short and silent scream at the beginning, gasping, body jerking, 
- lying on back, death stare, leg show, legs apart, mouth open (blood oozing from mouth possible),
- tight clothes in the cowgirl style (the young cowgirl who lose the gun battle in light blouse), waist or shoulder gun holsters, gloves, jeans, blouses etc., 
- blood on cowgirl’s chest,
- a desperate boyfriend at the end and a sarcastic talk of the female winner over the cowgirl’s corpse,
- boyfriend cannot help touching dead girl’s body (full nudity is not necessary),
- please, subtitles 

If you like this movie 
     Mass Mueder In Sauna
    15 minutes
      Mass Mueder In Sauna - New: mass murder in sauna

starring: pola (new blonde model), juliana (new sexy model), angelina & luiza

mass  4 ***** full nude erotic death show!

2 new  models!

very hot content! The most erotic crime house clip ever!

4 nude sexy ***** duy in extra erotic agony!

4 pretty young ***** during their rest in russia decided to visit  legend russian bath, type of sauna.

this spa is very good for their health. They gossiped  laughed when air  temperature became higher and higher. But ex-boyfriend of one of them ran to the sauna, opened a gas and locked the door. When it was too hot in the sauna ***** decided to come out… but the door was locked. First they didn’t understand   all horror of their situation. Bit utter unlucky trying to open the door and when gas was already in the little sauna room and it was very hot they realized that it was the end, that it was the death.

they were suffering in agony, kicking, trying to open the door, touching each other in erotic agony before death but slowly died together. 4 nude hot dead **** are lying in one bodypile.

fetish elements: mass massacre, nude bodies, wet bodies, ********, 4 ***** in one bodypiles, kicking, slow death agony, touching each other while dying, death stress, exotic poses. 

if you like mass killings and sexy bodypiles please also check:

"unhappy birthday" (4 ***** *********, some nude, topless and  sexy stockings content - super clip, bestseller)

"red party" (4 ***** shooting + bodypile, one **** was  shot while making love with her boyfriend)  OMBILIANT
    32 minutes
      OMBILIANT - Ombiliant

CAST: Mira Green and Alice M 
Fetish Elements
Girl Kills a girl, Choking, Strangulation, Playing With Body, Much Playing with a bellybutton
Two young girls are in a boarding room at a rich girl's school, a barefoot pimbeche blonde with a cropped top and mini-shorts that reach up to her stomach contemplates her belly button in the mirror and brags about her new extra expensive piercing she received for her last birthday, her comrade in student clothes with a skirt who has always been secretly jealous of her roommate daddy's girl asks her what is the point of wearing a jewel of such value if it is to remain hidden most of the time under clothes but the girl with the piercing taunts her by telling her that you have to be a perfect and pure woman to be able to wear a jewel of such an exception and that her rival is certainly not the case, the other furious girl starts insulting her with trash and a fight ensues, at first the blonde has the top hitting the jealous girl in the face but the other girl the grabs her with both hands, squeezing her neck tightly, the blonde with nd eyes in shock collapses on her back to the ground and fights for her life trying to push her opponent back but the other girl is stronger than her and her strength starts to fail her opponent takes advantage of this moment of weakness to gain the advantage by sitting on her at waist level blocking her arms at her sides with her legs to prevent her from using her hands to defend herself and she squeezes her neck harder and harder of his victim who begins to turn pale and his tongue begins to come out of his mouth.
After a while the beaten girl hardly moves because her opponent seems to have broken her trachea by squeezing her throat and starts to drool, her head leans to the side and drool runs down her throat. plays her eyes rolls back like she's having a seizure but her tormentor doesn't care and goes on for more belly humiliations and punishments she humiliates him by removing her mini shorts and top short revealing her little white panties and her bra cruelly exposing her abdomen, the poor girl finds herself in her underwear totally vulnerable and at the mercy of her pitiless opponent, the bad girl calls her "pathetic" and "weak" after that she starts by manipulating and looking at her victim's piercing more closely with her vicious fingers. The blonde too weak to act upright obviously no longer has the strength to move her arms which have remained at her sides or her legs and seems to have turned into a real helpless rag doll. She slowly chokes on her own slime and gasps desperately for oxygen, the mean girl lets out a mean little laugh mocking her victim and says "I'm going to finish you" she then has fun sticking her pointed finger deep in the navel of her paralyzed prey and gently moves it inside turning it and stinging sometimes while the blonde suffocates in silence at one point she puts her finger buried in the navel of the agonizing girl and has fun stinging it over and over and saying "what's that mouse hole?" After a while her victim inflates her belly and exhales one last time through her bubble-creating drool, the mean girl then in synchronization pushes her finger deepest into the girl's navel as she exhales and makes a little vicious laugh at the same time saying "shhh .. die bitch!" the blonde lets out a last gasp.
(make a camera angle so that we can see the belly from the side with the finger pressed to see the belly which inflates and exhales one last time)
She stays like that with her finger for at least 2 minutes and then pulls it out sharply while verbally humiliating her by saying "big tummy".
She then takes the pulse of the defeated girl with her fingers, she lifts the arm of the corpse and drops her lame hand on the belly of the victim who is nothing more than a pile of inert meat, she puts her arm back to the ground along the body and look down the side of the abdomen to see if it is still moving and sees that her victim is gone for good, she then removes the belly button piercing from the dead girl then pulls out her phone and takes a compromising photo of the navel and also removes the panties and bra of the dead girl so that she finds herself totally naked and vulnerable making sure not to change her initial position, she also checks if she is wearing any other jewels on her to steal, she decides to have a little fun with the corpse before getting rid of it, she sits down next to the body and looks into the dead woman's navel with a little superior air and notices that the bottom navel is dirty, she takes a cotton swab and a cleaning and decides to clean it completely and to subject her rival to a final examination of the most humiliating, she takes her time while making the knuckles and each fold and inspects the depths with the help of tweezers she removes the potential dirt encrusted in the hollows while verbally humiliating her on the shape of her navel telling her that it is weird and badly cut at birth, after that she has fun for a good 5 minutes trying to bring out the navel from the dead girl using her fingers and putting her sharp fingernails inside and deep in different positions to give the navel various shapes and rounded, she also has fun pushing her index finger deeper into the navel and as the dead girl can no longer challenge and protect her belly, her fingers easily penetrate the tender flesh of the belly, which causes dull noises due to the absence of muscle and resistance, the a mean girl sketches teasing little laughs, she lies down on her body with her head at belly level and also blows raspberries on the navel with her mouth while laughing and also sometimes plunges her tongue inside and kisses the belly , she is completely nuts after she sits on the body at the pelvis and continues to torture and manipulate the navel by stretching it with her fingers as if she wanted to open the navel, after a while the navel starts to be pink and she continues until it turns red to destroy the navel of the dead woman she despises so much by saying "I don't see that your navel is special, it's just a small one yucky sausage "she even takes a sharp object and pushes it into the location of the navel piercing she stole. Once the navel is red she has fun running her fingers on her stomach to the navel and probes it with the tips of her fingers while humming and also scratches the stomach with her fingernails.
She also does not hesitate to take her smartphone and film up close (done in pov at this point) the navel while pricking it with the pointed object in different places saying "Poke" and laughing at the same time. (Stop the pov)
Then she takes a stethoscope and listens to the inside of the belly in different places and also on the navel while feeling the belly a few times with her fingers and laughs at the noises that this can cause in her abdomen. After that she stops filming and ends up getting bored and sits on her bed and makes a phone call to a contact to get her navel pierced and put the one she just stole there while specifying that she has already chosen and received her piercing model while placing her feet as a sign of domination on the belly of the dead woman who is staying at the foot of the bed, at the same time she tries to push her big toe completely inside the navel of his deceased victim. She takes the opportunity to light a cigarette and smoke at the same time. After a while she removes her feet, she lies down on the bed with her feet in a fan and her head above the body of the deceased and uses the belly button of her victim as a human ashtray by dropping the ashes from her cigarette right into the room. navel of the corpse while continuing to telephone, she sometimes spits into the navel until it is full. After a while she hangs up and lowers herself to the level of the corpse and has fun crushing her cigarette right in the navel soiled with sputum and ashes of the dead woman and slowly pricks in several different places of the navel by moving and turning the butt inside, she has fun creating a mixture of viscous and sticky mud inside the navel, after a while and once the navel is really sticky she pushes the butt well into the lower part of the navel so to himself that he does not move any more while saying "splash" then she looks at her work and says "it is less pure now". She then takes a lipstick and writes "Waste" circling the desecrated navel like a target. Once done, she takes her smartphone and photographs the belly as a whole and the navel up close as a souvenir.
Excited by this feeling of power and to humiliate even more and conclude this beating she takes a last glance in the navel to check if the cigarette is still in place by sketching a small grin of satisfaction by patting the belly lightly, she goes up then at the level of the victim's head and kisses the poor girl on the mouth smiling proud to have destroyed the life of the most popular girl in the school and says "Goodbye darling" to her, closing her eyes.
Satisfied, the disturbed girl with macabre and sordid intentions gets up, and looks at the poor girl's lifeless body for a long time with a perverse air, then she spits one last time into the violated navel while standing, having taken care to aim before , without the slightest respect and consideration for her opponent, she leaves the room shaking the piercing she stole as a sign of a trophy, leaving the girl humiliated and soiled that she will make disappear later in the night.
(Take overviews of the body and in particular the belly and the destroyed navel, make close-ups of it by fading to end the scene)
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    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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