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    13 minutes

Starring: Mira Green, Angelina, Max

The killer returns to the empty house to dispose of his first victim. He goes to the closet where he hid her body. Her body has been folded and jammed into a closet (soles of feet exposed to camera). She is wearing only a bra and light grey/mist grey sheer-toe pantyhose. Her face is very pale and grey from being dead for a week. She has dark circles under her eyes along with the single bloody bullet hole in her forehead and dried blood around her nose. The killer drags the body out of the closet and into another large room where he plans to wrap her body up in clear plastic. It is at this point that the real estate agent enters the house carrying a purse and some folders. The real estate agent is wearing a business skirt with tan/beige/nude colored sheer-toe pantyhose and slip-on wedge shoes similar to the photo above (if not available, regular business-type high heels will work). She enters the room very innocently and stops dead in her tracks when she sees what is going on. She is so shocked she cannot even say anything. The killer pulls out a silencer pistol and points it at the real estate agent. She starts back-stepping to the wall saying “no, no…please no”. The killer fires one shot that strikes the real estate agent in the neck. The force pushes her back up against the wall. She drops the folders and grabs her neck. One of her shoes slides off as she is forced up against the wall. She is gurgling and blood is coming from her mouth. In complete shock and agony, she turns away from the killer to brace herself against the wall. She is having trouble standing up. The killer then fires 2 more shots into her back and the real estate agent immediately drops dead to the floor…no witnesses! The killer now goes back and wraps the first victim’s body in clear plastic wrap, leaving her panty-hosed feet sticking out of the wrap. The killer then goes to the real estate agent’s dead body. He drags her by her arms over to the first victim. Her shoes slide off if they haven’t already come off from the kill scene. (I want the shoes to fall off very naturally…not forced). The killer then wraps the real estate agents body in clear wrap leaving her feet sticking out. He then drags both bodies out of the room. The killer now needs to dispose of both bodies. Both bodies are loaded into a pick-up truck, van, or SUV. The killer then drives them to a remote location to dispose of both bodies. While driving, the camera is viewing the panty-hosed soles of both victims as the dead bodies shake and bounce from the roadway bumps. The killer arrives at the remote location and drags both victims into a wooded area. He unrolls both bodies out of their clear plastic wrap and leaves them there for someone to eventually find them.  MOSCOW 2347
    10 minutes
      MOSCOW 2347 - MOSCOW 2347
This is not just regular custom. It’s professional made movie with three exotic female deaths !
CAST: Mira Green, Ksenya Z, Sonye Krueger, Max, Ed
«Everything is perfect for me, the dark atmosphere, the sets, the costumes, the acting, the script followed to the letter ... 
You were able to transcribe on the screen the images I had in my head. 
For that, a huge thank you. 
At first, I was worried that my "futuristic-post-apocalyptic" project was too ambitious ... and it certainly was since the budget was greatly exceeded. 
Concerning the actors: 
All are very good but special mention to Max, too classy and perfect in the role of brute. The fight with the hero is excellent. 
Sonya is gorgeous and very badass, I think she would look really good as the Escort Girl as well. 
As for Mira: just wow! What an actress! 
She perfectly integrated her role and the kind of detestable character that I adore in movies: bitch, vulgar, cowardly and weak ... 
Certainly the most complicated role because with the most dialogue: I put a 10/10. 
Thank you again to them, and thank you to the entire team who made this film. 
"Bravo" to all of you»
Customer’s Review


In a world devastated by multiple atomic wars, almost the entire world population has disappeared.
The few remaining humans live in fortified cities.
Significant radiation from the planet has led to an increase in cancers and trafficking in healthy organs has become common.

Moscow - Year 2347
The film begins by showing THE HERO walking alone in a Street and meets escort-girl. She invites him to her place to have some fun… He agrees and after he comes to her pair The Hencamn knocks him out… He is in the trap of gang of organ traffickers. Can the Hero survive?
    15 minutes
CAST: Polina Wood, Tim
«That was AMAZING! Very well edited and great acting. You can be proud of your team. Many thanks»
Arrowing, Bow, Archer, Arrows To The Chest, Nude Content
Customer’s Review
We start with the victim alone in a small room or cell, sitting at a table, looking around her and showing some tension, but not being scared. The door opens and a man walks in. She stands up.

"Prepare yourself," he says. "It will be in ten minutes."

She manages to hide her shock and fear.

"I am ready," she says. "I will show you how a Russian woman can die with dignity."

"I like your spirit," he says, with a faint smile. "Is there anything you need beforehand?"

"Yes," she replies. "Can you bring me my make-up kit and hairbrush?"

He disappears and comes back only a few moments later with a small handbag that he places on the table.

"Thank you," she says. The man nods and leaves.

The woman sits down at the table again, takes a hand mirror from the bag and examines herself. She applies lipstick and other makeup (you needn't take too long over this!) and then brushes her hair. Then she puts everything back in the bag, pushes it away, places her arms on the table with her hands together and waits. - CUT

The man enters the room again.

"It is time," he says.

She offers her wrists to be handcuffed. He handcuffs her and leads her out.

You can shoot the next part in another room or outside against a tree, as you prefer. He leads the woman to where she will be executed and ties her handcuffed wrists above her head, as high as her arms will comfortably stretch. She says nothing, but we can see that she is focused on remaining calm. She forces herself not to look away from him, determined not to show her fear.

He steps back and shoots the first arrow/ bullet. It hits her just above the waist (it would be nice to get a good stain on the white blouse). She cries out "Nnnnnrrrrgh!" through clenched teeth, and pants and gasps. Blood trickles down onto her skirt.

The next arrow/ bullet also hits her in the belly, but a little higher. This time the cry forces itself out through her clenched teeth - like "Nnnnrrrghaaar!", and she continues to pant and gasp as the trickle from the second shot merges with the first.

The third arrow/ bullet hits her in the right breast. This time she can't stop herself from crying out " Aaiiiinnnngh!" She struggles to remain upright, to stop her knees from giving out, and she gulps air.

The final arrow/ bullet hits her in the left breast. She gives a strangled grunt of pain - "Hrrrunnngh!" and coughs blood. As her head droops the blood from her mouth drips onto her blouse. Blood is oozing from both breast wounds as well. Her head flops forward and she goes completely limp, held up only by her bonds.

The man walks up to her and feels her neck. If he has used a bow he pulls the arrows out now and throws them on the ground. Then he unlocks the handcuffs and cuts her loose. Fr collapses into his arms like a doll. He hoists her over his shoulder and the camera catches him from the front - showing the girl's legs and butt - and the back, with her upper body hanging down his back, and her arms and hair hanging loose. He lays her on the ground and takes off her skirt and blouse. We see her white underwear as the camera pans over her. Then he removes the rest of the clothes except for the boots.

Then one last body pan.

ARCHER (All Parts)  WRONG TURN Fetish version
    17 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Luiza, Juliana, Kit
If you like slashers and horrors in WRONG TURN style but need more erotic, more nude content and erotic death this one is for you!
Fetish elements:
Rich girl smoking cigarette, Strangulation from behind, body carrying, stripping dead body to full nude, preparing to eat, sacrifice, arrow shot, arrow throw to the body, agony, death stare, trying to escape, calling for help before death, bad girl, arrow throw the chest, girl in agony touching dead girl before death, putting out an arrow from dead body, stripping, bodypile of nude bloody dead girls in different poses, prey.

Two young car tourists are lost. They do the WRONG TURN to the deep forest instead their way to the camp. 
The redneck maniac is hunting in this forest. He founds a rich cottage  in the eco-zone. He attacks the house-owner (Angelina) from behind when she’s smoking for cigarette and brutally strangled her to the death. He carries her corpse to the greenhouse, strips it to full nude and starts to sniff his fresh prey. 
This time lost girls find the cottager. They’re glad to meet civilization in these ends of the earth and ask for the map and phone. They are searching for house-owners when suddenly an arrow pierces through the brunette. She is in agony, but her friend doesn’t even try to help her and runs away. «Help me!» - begs dying bleeding girl pierced by an arrow, but her cowardly friend answers: «Fuck you! I will save my own life!». Juliana runs to the greenhouse and gets an arrow to her chest near the neck. She feels great pain, slowly goes to the table and sees dead nude strangled girl. She leans on a soft corpse and slowly dies. 
Redneck goes to the lawn and forcefully removes an arrow from the stomach of dead Louise. He sniffs the bloody arrow and carries Luiza’s body to the greenhouse. He stand bodies and puts off their panties. He strips corpses and puts them to the bodypile on the table like prey to eat. Sexy fresh bodies look  great, how we dream to see them in mainstream horrors. 
This one is done in mainstream high-budget quality but with long and sexy death fetish elements. 
Good for arrow fans, but not only: strangulation scene is great, contains suspense, postmortem and limp fetishes, blood and shooting fetishes, agonies, death stares, bodyplaying and interesting horror plot!
If you purchase DarkRooms production we advise to full up your archive with this bright sexy clips which is good to replay many times. If you would like to open our studio for your leisure, it’s great clip to introduce us!
Thank you for your support!
CH Note. If you like arrow deaths but prefere alegant death-0sets witount blood please check out «Arrow to the  spy» and «Arrows to her pussy» in «arrowing category» to see about 50 deaths scenes if Luiza and Oksana
    22 minutes
Cast: Xena, Max, Ksusha Zaichik, Billy Brag
This is a sequel to the previous movie \"What can you tell to my gun?\"
Xena is the fellow agent of Luiza who died infiltrating Max’s organisation.
Xena sits naked in her apartment and unwrapping a box, inside is a pair of blood stained sandals, those worn by Luiza when she died. She checked the shoes, this time please show the shoe size mark clearly, (I think Anna bought size 41). As she stared at the shoes pensively, there is brief back-and-white flash back of Luzie wearing these shoes and got shot dead.
Xena wiped the shoes clean, and put her beautiful  bare feet into them, her toes nails were also painted in the red wine Color. A lot of details of her feet in the sandals, showing how fit they were for her. She then put on her clothes (which I will specify with the prop manager later, most likely dress or shirt+skirt). No stockings, no underpants, no bras. She slid a hand gun into her purse, took a last look at herself in the mirror with a grim look and left the room. (Camera can follow her feet a little longer).
Scenes cut to another bed room - this time at Max’s place. There is a few fast cut/ flashing  of scenes Xena and Max hugging and making love (just indicatively, to the extent you can) with loud and satisfying moaning from both of them and some sultry background music.
As the music fades, it shows Xena is re-dressing herself, camera can show her wearing her sandals. Max just zipped up his pants, he kneeled down to kiss Xena’s feet praising her feet so big and beautiful. He murmured that her shoes looked a bit familiar then he suddenly looked suspicious when he saw the shoe size mark. He found an excuse walked into another room and made a call, asking his security team to come.
He came back, asking Xena to get a drink as she walks towards the cabinet, he opened her purse and saw the gun. Just as Xena turned to face him asking what he wants to brink, he fired Xena’s pistol at her repeatedly and emptied the entire clip (10-17 rounds, I will work with your prop manager to see what pistol model your are using). Xena jerked and bucked with each bullet hit as she was pushed by the impact step by step and smashed onto the back wall, but managed to stand. [The entry wound are small neat holes with little blood at the beginning but each exit wound is bigger, blood splashing on the wall.
Max clicked the empty and smirked :”wow powerful toy! A whole xx rounds (actual number TBD)”, but he was stunned to see Xena was not dead yet, she snarled at him and pushed herself up against the wall. She dashed to him and tackled him, both falling down with Xena on the top. She pushed Max a few times on the face and then tried to strangle him with her bare hand. As she pushed down her hands, she also started to vomit blood from her mouth, some dripping onto Max’ face. [Xena is now straddling on Max, it is a good chance to see all the exit wounds on her back, also some close up on her feet, it is a good chance to show the bottom of her sandals and the clear shoe size mark].
Max was over powered by Xena not able to move too much. He managed to free his right arm and fumbled around to get a knife. He plunged and slashed the knife on Xena the lower back (the left side) repeatedly, Xena’s guts started to pour out of the open wound. But Xena ignored it and just kept strangling him. Finally, Max grew too weak, his arm dropped and the knife was stuck on Xena’s back. Xena found the chance, she reached back and pulled the knife out.
Now, she raised the knife with both hand high above her head, she straddled on Max and back straight, ready to plunge the knife down. But at the exact moment, the door burst open, two of Max’s men rushed in and opened hire (riffle or pistol, no shot gun this time), it was a short burst only a few seconds, but many bullets hit Xena’s back drilling small red holes, but busting out of her chest in bigger holes, splashing blood and tissues all over Max. Xena held her postion, her arms raised high, body arching back, jerking twisting violently in the rain of bulleted. 
When the gun shot stoped, Xena was “frozen” in her strike position for a short while, with wide opened eyes and stunned impression, after a second, she groaned only one world “fuck” (or the Russian equivalent), then she fell forward, not able to control her body anymore, the knife plunged deep into Max’s shoulder, and she dropped prone on top of Max, like in sex, but just not moving anymore, her back full of bullet holes and a loop of intestines hanging out.
The guards fliped Xena off their boss. Max got up with help. He was badly hurt but will live. He looked at Xena, now lying face-up on the ground face up, eyes wide open, mouth half open. Her front was full of holes too, some small (entry), but mostly quite big (exit), thru the blood soaked clothes, we can still see each jagged bullet holes. Intestines on her side. Max cursed and kicked her body, out of rage, he grab a pistol from his guard and shot Xena on her face: 3 on the forehead, one on the cheek and one on her chin, similar to Luzia previously [ you can make the wounds slightly smaller than last time, but keep the quality!] Chunks of Xena;s  brain is now splashed all around her head.
Max was escorted out by the guards. Xena left alone on the floor, camera should give a very very long and slow view of their body, feet, face, all the wounds [make sure her body position can reveal most of the wounds! For example, her head need to tilt to the side that allows and face shot to be seen]
Scene darks, then lighten up up, caption showing “8 hours later, The Next Morning”
Max came back, his should now patched up. He mocked at now matter how strong Xena was, she is now al dead with no guts no brains left. He admired her body again, especially her big feet. He played with the feet, but didnt’t remove her shoes [we can see the show size again]. He said to himself Xena’s size 41 feet is so beautiful but the sandal reminded of him Luiza that is how he found out. He mocked at Xena being so tough but missed a small point. He then counted the bullets holes one-by-one, and found out she took xx bullets in total [ this time let’s slow down, take the time and let the audience enjoy Xena and all the wound effect  meticulously made by your crew].
Finally he left Xena lying there and walked away.  Machine Gunned In The Water
    18 minutes
      Machine Gunned In The Water - MACHINE GUNNED IN THE WATER!

Do you like shot-dead cocktails or machine gunned projects by Crime House?
If you do, this one will be great for you!
Two sexy female special agents are being shot or shoot each other in swimming pool! Their wet bodies share in death agony being machine gunned and their pretty corpses fall to the water.
Many sexy scenes, some of them contain topless and full nude!
First underwater shooting by Crime House.
    17 minutes
      BEACH MURDER - Starring: Nata and Pola

Fetish elements:

Mother and daughter theme

Strangulation with a rope

Death stares

Great strangulation reactions and agony


Foot fetish deadly show

Stripping nude

Mother and daughter bodypile

Bury to the sand

17 minutes, interesting location, bright plot, great death and postmortem content


Nata and Pola seldom act together. But  in this movie their duet looks great!

Nata acts rich wife who rests in the beach-resort with her spoiled young daughter. Mather is 39, daughter is 20. They are two rich bitches who hate father and always spend his money.

They are rude and like to humiliate people for money. Beach-service man can’t stand their behavior and decids to strangle them. He attackes mother at her daughter eyes. Young bitch just cries and runs away leaving her mother to die.

Nata tries to say: «Come back, bitch!». The man strangles her with a rope very long. She shows good agony and death stares, then dies with her tongue off the mouth.

Daughter runs to the hotel number, but the murder is already tiere. He starts to choke her, she tries to gve him money but he just laughts about her stupid way to keep her glamour lise. She chokes on chewing gum while he’s strangling her., kicks, agonies, shows foot fetish deadly looks and dies with great death stare.

He strips bodies and puts them together on the beach. He buries them in the sand with the money. Now only sea-crabs know about two sexy nude bodies under the send…  ARCHER 13
    35 minutes
      ARCHER 13 - ARCHER 13
35 minutes long! 4 VICTIMS! Great Casting! 
Another stunning installment in this story line.  Incredible work! The women are truly gorgeous especially in their bikinis.  Our women think they have a true shot at winning $50K.  The look of shock is priceless as they find out the only thing they are doing is giving our friend a shot at their belly buttons.  Amazing work by this production team, great camera work, the lead up and tremendous death scenes.  You have my thanks in keeping this plot going!
Customer’s Review 

Starring: Xena, Sally, Nata, Judi, Max

Fetish Elements:
Arrowing, Helpless, Women In Peril, Navel, Shooting to the Navel, Long Agonies Before Death, Nude Bodypile


This time our well-known Archer decides to play new game. He pretends to be a manager  of concurs of bikini with huge prize 50 000$ for a winner! Girls should just come to his studio, dance fopr a camera and do some exotic tricks like be handcuffed to the cross and be topless. But when he lets girls go to the cross one by one he shocks them with a bow – he is that bad-famous guy who kills dancers with arrows! This dance is a last one from poor girls… After he kills all girl we see pretty bodypile!


    21 minutes
STARRING: Alice Miren, Billy Brag
Elements: Poison, Bagging, Suffocation, Strangulation

Story starts with 3 women meeting one man to fulfill a suicide contract. Each woman will agree to have the man kill them in a “painless way”. They sign away their rights on a paper and are led into a bedroom. The man asks which woman wants to go first. Girl A volunteers. The man asks if the other women want to stay to watch, they both agree. The man leads girl A to the bed and gives her a drink from a glass near the bed. She asks why, and he says it is to make the process peaceful. She drinks and then starts to feel very sleepy, he gently lays her down in the bed. He then goes to a dresser and grabs some cable ties and a plastic bag. He checks if she is asleep by lifting her arm and dropping it on the bed, he does this and her arm falls limp back to the bed. He then flips her to her stomach in the bed and ties her hands behind her, he then rolls her back. He then places the bag somewhat loosely on her head to give her enough air to breath in and out, and then zip ties it. The woman lays there asleep as the bag moves up and down. He turns to the other two women, and asks who’s next. Woman B volunteers. He motions her to the other side of the bed and grabs another glass of the sleeping liquid. He also looks for another bag but can’t find one. Cursing to himself he grabs a neck tie and ties it to the bed with a loop for woman B to put her head through. He makes her put her head in the loop and checks that she is comfortable and then gives her the drink. She starts to get sleepy and dips her head forward as she does the makeshift noose tightens and she begins to strangle quietly gurgling. The other woman with the bag on her head is starting to breathe harder and is seemingly struggling in her sleep. Her body is writhing as she gasps for air. The man turns to call for the last woman but is surprised to see she is slumped over in her chair. The bottle of sleeping liquid is near her tipped over as though she secretly drank it in preparation for him. He rushes over to her and checks her pulse, still alive he says. This gives me more time… he rushes out of the room and searches desperately for something and stops when he finds another bag. He says this will do and runs back to the room. When he returns both women on the bed are completely still and the other woman is still in the chair. He tilts her head back and ties her hands behind her. He then fastens the bag over her face and walks to the bed as she suffocates. He places his fingers on the neck of the woman with the bag on her head and confirms she is dead. He walks to the other side and lifts up the woman’s head in the noose and listens for breathing. He thinks he hears breathing and checks her wrist for a pulse. He looks at her surprised then walks to her feet and pulls on her legs so the noose tightens on her neck. She gurgles at first and then quietly breathes as her blood is cutoff from her brain. He glanced back at the woman in the chair and sees her struggling in her sleep. He walks over to her and starts talking, “such a shame a pretty thing like you wants to die” he lifts up her head by putting his hand behind her head  and talks as she quietly struggles in her sleep. “Don’t worry you will make a wonderful addition to my trophies.” He lets her head back down and walks over to a binder full of pictures and brings a chair to sit beside her. He opens the book and starts showing the struggling woman pictures of other suicide contract women. Each pic has a picture of them dead with bag/noose still in place, and a picture with their shirt lifted up and another with their pants pulled down. He says that his favorite part is seeing what each woman chooses to wear to their appointment under their clothes. He runs his hands on her breasts as she struggles and says, “I can’t wait to see”. She struggles a little longer before her head sinks back and she dies. He lifts up her head again and checks her pulse. He lets her down one last time and lifts up her shirt. He grabs his camera and takes pictures. He does the same to the other women on the bed. He then flips over the one with a bag on her head and pulls her pants down, also taking more pictures. He pulls the other woman out of the noose and does the same thing. Lastly he walks back to chair girl, lifts her into the bed and pulls her pants down for more pictures. 
    11 minutes

Fetish Elements
Knives, Stabbing, Cat fighting to the death, Battle, Diver Outfits
It's one of the hottest yet! Those surf suits are SO sexy and the acting is great.

Many thanks»

Customer’s Feedback 

The man is seated in the chair, holding his gun and facing the rest of the room. There is a little bell on the armrest of his chair.

One team of girls is standing against one wall, the other stands against the opposite wall. The camera pans over the girls and you can see a mixture of fear and excitement on their faces. On a table against the third wall are two pairs of knives.

The man gets up and walks over to the black team with two straws in one hand. He offers them one girl. She draws the long straw, so that the other, with a resigned expression, walks over to the table, picks up two knives and takes up her position. He walks over to the blue team, and this time the first girl to draw gets the short straw, so that she too takes up a pair of knives and takes up her combat position opposite the first girl.

The man sits down and rings his bell. The girls begin to fight. You can have them give one another flesh wounds before the black team member lands a knife in her opponent's belly. The blue girl cries out, dropping one knife. The black girl withdraws the knife, and the blue girl staggers drunkenly, raising her remaining knife to attack. But the black girl easily knocks it out of her hand and lands a knife below the blue girl's left breast. This time she leaves the knife there. the blue girl clutches it, and falls to her knees, coughing blood. The black girl gives here a kick and she falls on her back, still clutching the knife, and lies writhing, spasming and coughing blood until she dies. The black girl pulls out the knife and raises both arms above her head in a victory gesture. She resumes her place beside her team mate.

This time the remaining two team members know that it is their turn. They take up position and, when the man rings the bell, they begin to fight. Again you can have them inflict flesh wounds. But this time it is the blue girl who lands an upper thrust above her opponent's left breast. She follows through with a belly wound. The black girl drops both knives and falls drunkenly to her knees. The blue girl gets behind her, pulls her head back by the hair and cuts her throat. The black girl falls forward, spasming and coughing lots of blood until she dies. Now it is the blue girl who raises her arms in triumph.

Now the surviving girl from the black team gets up to face her new opponent. Both girls are disheveled, with flesh wounds. After some sparring and some more flesh wounds, the black girl, stepping backwards, trips against one of the dead girls. The blue girl seizes this moment to slash her opponent's side below the ribs. But the black girl regains her balance, attacking and landing two thrusts to the blue girl's belly. The blue girl falls on her back, her body shaking, apparently all but spent. Throwing one knife aside the black girl sits astride her. She throws her head back back in savage triumph and raises her remaining knife high with both hands, preparing to plunge it into her opponent's chest. But the blue girl, in a lightning gesture with her remaining strength, plunges a knife in below her opponent's left breast. The black girl's expression changes from triumph to pain to puzzlement, Her upper body rocks slightly forward and she coughs blood. The blue girl tries to laugh but only manages to cough blood. The black girl's expression goes blank and she falls forward. Both girls spasm, shiver and die. The camera pans over the four corpses.

The man lines up the corpses on their backs. The camera pans over them fully clothed. One by one he unzips their uniforms, revealing their breasts. Another camera pan. Then he strips their bodies for one last camera pan.
    11 minutes

The Second  Episode of BIG MOVIE!
Starring: Mia Jane, Laura Romeo, Maya Dinova, Elvira Twins, Sally, Irene, Annabelle, Maria, Pola, actresses of mass scenes

Why this movie is MUST HAVE FOR EVERYBODY?

For the first time in the history of Crime House, the scene of strangulation was performed by a stuntman and using a special device - the effect of a real strangulation and hanging, performed strictly under the supervision of professional film directors. The most dangerous trick is not to repeat!
The fight was performed by two professional actresses of militants and put up by a professional wrestling instructor. Two girls were engaged in a fight and passed a special casting for the production of this trick.
For filming scenes of shootouts consultants-animators for video games were invited.
Professionally delivered fighter specifically for this market! The most professionally produced film of our production!

Killing Scene:
Being shot in the staircase
Blaster firefight
Bullet-time show motion effects
Great 8 girls bodypile
Ultra sexy fighting
More than 30 deaths! 
Some POV style and videogame style 

Intruding of Spaceship Indigo has a continue. The cruel battle in the spaceship is going on!
    12 minutes
Annabelle, Mira Green, Xena, Max
Three girls. One is dressed as a nurse or female doctor, the second as a policewoman, and the third as the second female patient. The policewoman should be wearing glasses otherwise go with the flow. This second witness has to be eliminated. The perp enters the house and spots the policewoman and hides. She is preparing for bed so has started unfastening her uniform showing her bra. But before she removes her uniform, the perp grabs her by the hair pulling her head back exposing her neck which he grabs and strangles her to death. This should last maybe two minutes. She can’t grab his hands because her hands can’t reach them so she tries to grab his arms several times instead until she’s dead. He lets her fall to the floor.  The nurse/doctor sees the policewoman fall to the ground and starts to panic. She also has started removing her outfit but hasn’t removed her bra. She breathes faster and faster but can’t seem to scream aloud as he approaches her. He takes her by the neck from in front and chokes her to death. While strangling her, he moves first the uniform from each shoulder and then the bra straps. Then he removes the bra. This strangling takes nearly two minutes also. The witness comes out of the bedroom wearing next to nothing except for panties. She backs into a corner saying “No” over and over again breathing faster and faster as he approaches. Then as is about to scream, he takes her by the neck silencing her scream and strangles her to death. She grabs at his wrists repeatedly. When he releases her, she falls to the ground.

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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      BLACK CRANE part 2

    BLACK CRANE part 2


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