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    15 minutes

Customer’s Review:
I seriously cannot than you guys enough for your awesome work

Another part of great custom set where dangerous sexy hit women choke, strangle and garrote innocent female victims 
LI as Killer
Yana, Luisa, Angelina, Vika (Tora) and Annabelle are as a victims 
YANA is strangled NUDE in the restroom 
LUIZA is strangles in sexy spectacles in the restroom 
VIKA was garroted from behind on the arm-chair in her sexy outfit 
YANA again was choked topless on the billiard table
VIKA again was strangled TOPLESS in the water – Exclusive Scene!
Angelina was strangles on the bedroom – VERY REALISTIC STRANGULATION!
Annabelle was choked NUDE on her bed – she was sleeping and was rudely woken by killer…

    12 minutes
Starring: Tim (New Actor!), Annabelle, Vika

MULTI SHOOTING (10 BULLETS TO BAD BABY  - to the chest and to the navel!)


Hitwoman got the job to kill 3 women, but "the guy" who hired her gave her a special dagger with silver + wooden edge, and told that she must use this dagger to kill em and stab em in the heart to finish em off. She asked why but the man did told her nothing. So she diceded to do that her old fashion way with the gun/pistol.
She is going in the apartman looking for first sister, its looks empty, but she heard shower, so she is going closer to bathroom but in a sec a young topless wet girl is walking out of the bathroom straight to her, she sees the gun and smile, ask her. "what are you going to do to me with that thing". She says "you wont smile anylonger bitch" and shot her in the belly. She looks like she wont even noticed that and smiles again...then says: " you will pay for this" but hitwoman respond with second shot, this time in her right tit.
Vamp looked down on her wounded tit, then grab that with her hand and try to say something with angry face but then the third shot pierced her left tit and got deep in her chest reached her heart.
Hitwoman saw even more anger but this time mixed with pain and fear. Vamp grabbed wildly her left tit and tried to walk to hitwoman.
Hitwoman just looked at her in wonder and ask "how the fak that you are still alive and walking" then she shot 4th and 5th shot right in the center of her chest to make sure she will go down fast.
Vamp moaned groaned, screamed in shock grabbed her both tits in her hands did few steps forward and backward then she slowly went to her knees.
When vamp was on her knees groaning and moaning, hitgirl shot her again between tits, then she screamed and arched her back. And she almost fell on back but her left hand help her to keep balance.
girl came closer put gun between her boobs and shot her again, she arched her back even more and then fall back, for a sec she just lie down then she arched her back holding her tits. She did it few times, then she begin to try get back up.
Hitgirl saw that and screamed "just die already", walked over her aim for her heart between her boobs and shot 4 times to emty the pistol, vamp girl arched horribly her back moaned screamed, heavy breathed at last 3 times.
1st arching position: 3rd arching position before final long erotic moan. (all angles) moves goes from left to the right.  time for last bullet, arching back,and final gasp lie still...  hitwoman says: "oh fak finaly, on what drogs she was" ... she turn around and begin to walk out,  when sudenly she heard "hey honey you thought its will be so easy to kill me heh" .. she freezed for a sec then she looked back and vamp standed right behind her, no wounds on her body comletly healed with fangs in her mounth, she grabed her pushed her to the ground and start feed on her, then she remebered on THE dagger what the man gave her she grabbed it with right hand from her boot and with her all power stabbed that bitch under her left boob straight up tried to reach her heart...
when vamp felt the stab she moaned and the horror look was on her face,then she let her, arched her back grabbed her wounded tit first with left hand then with both hands. then vamp stood up and says painfully: "if u leave now i wont kill you litle girl" but before she finished the sentence hitwoman stab her again this time in the left tit in the niple, hold it in there for few secont, twisted... the vamp hold the dagger with one hand, trying to pull it out, it was very hard she was almost done,  but then hitwoman forced it even deeper, then pulled that out, stabed 2 more times in her left nipple and watched whats gonna happen, poor vamp girld grabed ger bleeding boob with her left hand
squeezing it trying to stop the bleeding, stil on her feed, she turned back and try to walk away, she was in pain and agony, hitwoman turned her and stab her in right tit just for fun..vamp grabbed both her boobs in her hands on her face was pain and fear...
she tried to walk away again litle bit faster this time but hitgirl catched her from behind and stab her right between her tits so deep that her heart was pierced by the dagger, she felt she cant heal anymore..she had no more strench to stay up on her feed..she hold dagger with one hand. Vamp somehow manage to pull the dagger out of her chest but the dagger felt from her hands how she felt horrible pain from her chest so she grabbed her chest.. hit woman grabbed the dagger, and start stabbing vamp in her left tit then right tit then left, she try to defence but she got no more power insade her she just felt the wall behind her so she managed to hold up against the wall on her she was holding up at the wall she looked down on her rouined chest and scream "noooooo" "i cant dieee im imortal, my sister will avenge me you will die even if you managed to kill me, but i cant die", hit woman said "oh but you can, and i make your heart stop beating" with one hand she grabbed her neck and with second hand she pressed the tip of the dagger right over her heart between her boobs and says "now its end blood sucker" and she stab her slowly in her heart, then she twisted it once twice slice it inside up and down, cut her vamp heart in half... vamp knew this is the end, she started slowly slices the wall down to her knees.. on her knees she grabbed both her tits...
she she waited the for a few sec squezing her tits, then she started to fell forward manage to hold up with her right hand and her left was holding her left tit.. she was having hard time to stay like that...then she fell down on her right side..still holding her left tit then she roll on her back...breathing heavily, moanig in agony..arching her back hit woman stand over her preparing for final stab but before she enter her chest vamp grabbed her hand a tried to stop dagger to enter her chest..but she fail and its get in.. vamp arched her back this time holding the dagger inside her, and pulled it aut and trow it away..  but all of that was waste of time she was dying there was no comming back from this.. she tried to say something but nothing just groaning.. vamp was breathing, moaning heavily....she arched her back very high and scream "noo naaahhhh" and then with final gasp she roll her head and died..eyes open.

    16 minutes

Starring (in an order of appearance): Annabelle, Steals, Gloria (NEW MODEL!) – sexy model nude-category, available for customs!, Li, Angelina, Den
Strangled on her bicycle! 
Strangled behind the tree
Strangled on the grass after trying to escape
Neck Snapped
Strangled while yoga 
Body carrying 
Great exotic outside bodypile with bodies placed to bodybag!

Many fetish elements for strangling lovers: 
Garrote, Suddenly Attack, Attacks from behind, Different poses of strangulation, Words of mercy and begging, Legs Kicking, Death Stares, Tongues Out. Eyes Wide Opened 


A maniac-strangled attacked a countryside cottages where young sporty girls like to ride bicycles and, walk and jog. He hated them  - girls didn’t like him at school and in college, he became outsider and after he finally realized he can’t built any relationship he started to kill. It was hard to catch him because he always changed location of murders. That sunny but terrible day he found his place of war there… 
He saw the sexy brunette girl on her bicycle. He watched for a long time from an ambush. Sporty, slim, fresh young body in sexy shorts. He attacked her like an animal, he ran very fast and jumped at her from behind, and quickly  caught her throat in the rope. He started to strangle her very strong. She was in shock first seconds – she didn’t realized what happened. She was standing in her bicycle and tried to replace the rope.  Her muscular trained ass, as befits a modern Instagram-girl crushed in agony. After a long strangulation he pushed her on the grass where strangled to her death. He took a body on his arm and carried it to his secret place near an old barn. After he took her bicycle and hided it. 
He wanted to kill more – it was his long hunting. He saw another victims – two jogger girls who ran. One of them was slim and another had sexy but not a slim body – big breasts and big ass. Seemed she started jogging not so long and decided to lose weight. She led a healthy lifestyle, took care of herself, she loved life and herself very much. Not just because she put on so short shorts that the cheeks of her huge ass could be seen naked and attracted men's looks!
He ran to kill them. He catches the slim girl first. Her well-fed friend ran away with panic. He wanted to run and catch her too  not to let her go away and call the police but he couldn’t break his strangulation act. When he was strangling a poor girl his obsessive compulsive disorder receded, giving way to a loss of control and a thirst for pleasure and self-affirmation. He killed his victim near the tree enjoying her gasping and agony. After he took her fresh corpse to the barn. 
That time ran-away girl was crying and calling for help. She met a cottage but door was closed. She started to knock the door and shout «Help! Help please!» It wasn’t far from the murder scene, so the maniac was lucky again. He ran to catch her. Girl ran away but he deadly attacked her in the field. 
He sexy body was great in agony. She tried to ask him to let her go but soon the rope was so hard she could only gasp… Her strong bare legs was kicking on the ground. Face became pail, eyes was widely opened in shock of choking and thirst for life. Her wet tongue swollen with pain was out her opened mouth, She made a really death stare of choked person and died. 
When she cried for help the girl who lived in the cottage heard her cries but didn’t realize what it was. She slowly went to the window and look outside. Nobody. She went down and opened the door, came out and look through. She did everything  slowly, that’s why the  maniac already had time to strangled a girl and was going to search new victims. Lonely girl near her house was a great one but he was afraid somebody else was at home, so he decided to kill her quickly and with no noise. He snapped her neck. Poor girl even didn’t have time to understand it was her end. Her face became a mask of fear and death, her body failed to the floor and her muscles began to contract in post-mortem convulsions, which is why the body began to twitch posthumously.
The maniac carried her corpse out. The last girl was doing yoga in the field. The maniac stalked her from behind and brutally strangled. 
He was a little tied – it was hard day with five killings. He went to his secret place and now we see the five bodies with flat clothes to let us see their breasts. He played with bodies and started to pack them to rubbish-bags…

    18 minutes
Strangulation movie for pantyhose and stockings lovers fetishes
Original idea by Evil Geek
DEATH BY INJECTION TO THE HEAD: Nude body. Death stare, shock reactions
Other fetish elements:
Medical examinations, mother and daughter situation, confuse, surprise, mother finds dead daughter, long erotic strangulation with lots of pantyhose fetishes, knock out,  strangulation with stockings, foot fetishes, dead poses

A more compliant doctor appointment!
The time came around again for 18 year old April Nylonovia's doctor appointment. Her 40 year old mother Malina Nylonovia went with her so that afterwards they could spend the rest of the day at the mall. April had on black tight leggins with flat shoes and a white tank top. Malina had on a white tank top shirt, grey skirt, black colored pantyhose, black bra, and black strappy heels.  Sadly that day April wasn't going to be getting Dr. Feathria. She was going to have to see Dr. Dickima! Dr. Feathria wasn't able to come in that day. Sadly she was lying on top of her bed. Nude with her legs spread wide. Her tan colored hose wrapped around her throat. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head. He was her boyfriend and he was also a doctor. One day he just snapped I guess.

The doctor’s appointment: April and her mother arrived at the doctor’s office at Carpenter Hosptial. Dr. Dickima came out to the waiting room and called out April's name. He said "hello I'm Dr. Dickima. It’s nice to meet you April." April asked where is Dr. Feathria?" he replied “oh Dr. Feathria came down with the nasty flue. She is sick in bed." Malina said "I’m going to hit the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. Don’t worry you will be in and out before you know it sweetie." When they went inside the exam room, he closed the door and locked it. He told her to put on the exam gown as he went to the computer to look up her medical file. April started to undress till she has just her panties on. Then she put on the exam gown and sat on the exam bed. He then said “just lie down on the exam bed and just relax.” He then said "oh before we begin. I need you to take off your underwear ok? Yes I’m a guy but I’m also a doctor. I have seen a million vaginas. Don’t worry." She then said "ok." She then proceeded to take off her panties. Her young and innocent pussy was now exposed to the sadistic killer. Sadly she was unaware of what had done and was going to do! He then said "ok we are done with this part of the exam He then took out a syringe and replied "sorry my dear. I prefer you necro now. To enjoy posing your nude body! He quickly grabbed hold of her head. Put his hand over mouth just in case she screamed and stuck the needle into her temple and injected an air bubble into her eye. Her death was clean and quick. Her eyes rolled back into her head and there was a couple death twitches in her feet. Then she was limp. He let go of her head. She lied there lifeless. He then said "well time for your hot mom to join us for some more fun. He then went into her purse to grab her cell phone to send a text message to her mom’s phone for her to come to the exam room. The nurses and everyone else was unaware of what was going on in that exam room of horror.

Malina read her daughters text message and left the cafeteria to go to the exam room. When she reached the exam room door it was closed of course. She knocked on the door and then it opened up for her. As she slowly walked into the room she dropped her purse and say there in shock. The door closed from behind.
A half hour later he walked out of the exam room. Malina didn't! He quickly left the hospital and was not heard of till he was caught. A nurse went to go see what was going on in the exam room and when she opened the door she immediately fainted onto the floor. April was lying on the floor nude with her sexy Mexican legs spread. Eyes rolled back into her head. Malina was lying on the floor next to her daughter. With just her tan colored pantyhose on.  His belt was tightly wrapped around her throat! Her eyes rolled back into her head. Dried up tear drops that smudged up her eye shadow. Scratch marks from her black strappy heels was also visible on the floor from the struggle that she gave when he wrapped his belt around her soft beautiful throat. If her heels didn't have straps then it's a safe bet that the heels would have gotten flung off during the strangulation and he would have gotten a view of her sexy black painted to nailed feet invaded in tan pantyhose sooner. He enjoyed both those sexy Latina women. He enjoyed them more than his girlfriend that he strangled and raped.
    29 minutes
Spies and close are meanly killed by silent bow-sniper!
29 minutes of arrowing pleasure
7 plot stories
Shot by two cameramen with 2 angles to make you see this story with different points of views!
Part 2
8th scene: An arrow hits Luiza's back, through her bra strap. She arches and twirls around, and her hair hangs down all around the arrow. She tries to reach behind her to touch it. She sinks to the ground and tries to crawl. She gets weaker and weaker. Her hair is hanging down over her face to the floor. Finally she is still. Pans from several angles. The killer walks into the room and grabs her hair and lifts her head up to look at her face. He puts her head back down and puts his foot on her back and pulls the arrow out. He searches the back of her body, then rolls her over and searches her front, feeling her breasts and legs and pushing her skirt up. He finds a flash drive inside her skirt and takes it. Long pans from several angles.
9th scene. Luiza is standing behind a couch. She is shot in her back and falls over the back of the couch, so that her hands and hair are hanging down. Pans from several angles, especially of her hair and hands hanging down, and her ass and legs. The killer comes in and lifts her head up by her hair and looks at her face. She is still alive. He puts her head back down and takes a rope out of his pocket and strangles her. She clutches his shirt tightly while she struggles, then she goes limp and her hands fall down. He pulls the arrow out turns her over and picks her up. He turns so that the camera can see her hair and arms and legs hanging down. He carries her to a table and lays her on it with her hair hanging down off the edge. Pans from several angles. He searches her body, pushing her skirt up and then feeling her breasts. He unbuttons her blouse and takes a flash drive out of her bra.
10th scene: Luiza is brushing her hair in front of a mirror. An arrow hits her back. She arches and tries to reach it. She doesn’t know what has happened. She turns to look at her back in the mirror and sees the arrow. She screams and faints. Pans of her body. She moans and wakes up and tries to crawl, but gets weaker and weaker. Body pans from several angles.
11th scene: Luiza staggers into the room. There is already an arrow in her back. She is holding her breast because the point of the arrow has gone through her back and through her heart and into her breast. She finds her telephone and calls for help. She sinks to the ground. Body pans. More clones stagger into the room. Some have arrows in their chests, and some have arrows in the front of their skirts. Pans from several angles of the body pile.  
12th scene: Luiza walks into a room and is shot in the front of her skirt, below her belt. She clutches herself and doubles over and falls. She is in great pain. She tries to crawl away. The killer walks in and turns her over onto her back. He strangles her. She tries to fight, but she is very weak. Her legs kick and her hands clutch his shirt very tightly. She dies, and the killer drags her away. More clones walk into the room and are shot and strangled. They are dragged away to a body pile. Pans from several angles. 
13th scene: Luiza is standing against a wall with her hands above her head. She is very frightened and looking at the camera and pleading. She sees the killer aiming at her chest, so she covers her breasts with her hands. The arrow hits the front of her skirt. She screams and doubles over, clutching herself, in terrible pain. Her hair falls in front of her face. She looks up at the camera through her hair. She sinks to her knees, then to the floor, still looking at the camera through her hair. She closes her eyes. Pans from several angles. The killer walks into the frame, and strangles her. He searches her body and feels a flash-drive in her bra. He unbuttons her blouse and takes it. He drags her away. 
14th scene: An arrow hits Luiza’s back. She screams and arches and tries to reach it. Her hair is hanging down all around the arrow and her hands. Another arrow hits her left breast. She screams again and clutches her breast with both hands and her hair falls all around it again. Another arrow hits the front of her skirt. She doubles over. The arrow in the front of her skirt is so painful that she doesn’t care about the other arrows any longer. She holds it with both hands. She tries to stay on her feet, but she gets weak and sinks to her knees. She is crying. She lays down very carefully on the floor so the arrows don’t cause her more pain. She cries some more, then is still. Long pans from several angles.  Luiza Failed Assassin
    14 minutes
      Luiza Failed Assassin - LUIZA FAILED ASSASIN
«Wow this is really great!  Great camera work showing all the camera angles and views of Luiza.  Luiza did a great job too, good writhing.  Alex and Max did great too.

Great video!»

From Customer’s Review

Overview: Failed assassination attempts
Luiza is an assassin sent to kill a male target, but she fails every time and is killed in multiple quick scenes, mostly belly deaths and many good camera views of Luiza’s ass and belly. She acts more sensual and only a little pain mixed in here and there.  When she is stabbed or shot, her reactions should be more like surprise (loud gasp with eyes and mouth wide open), moans that can be soft or intense, squeals, and a variety of sounds, just avoid painful sounds).  Final deaths should have a final tensing of her body, final gasp, and slow exhale (sometimes with soft moans or sighs that the camera can hear).

No blood required, but if used, only a small drip where stabbed or shot and maybe small drip at the corner of her mouth, but not required.

Camera guidelines:
●	Her hips, ass and belly should be within view most of the scenes.  When showing her face in the camera, I prefer her hips, ass, and/or breasts to be within view as well.
●	I like multiple camera angles, especially when she is in her death pose.  Walk to a different side to get a little footage of her from a different angle.
●	I like good views of her ass and belly and between her legs, sometimes up close.
●	I like profile views (showing her side and curves of her body), including camera low to the ground looking over at her
●	I like camera angles where the camera is low to the ground and looking up at her
●	I also like good camera angles that show her facial expression but her body, her curves are still visible in the background.

Things to avoid
●	Avoid very painful facial expressions or sounds, avoid wrinkling forehead or nose
●	No coughing, gagging, gargling, or harsh grunting
●	No fear, no facial expressions of fear, no screaming or whimpering or crying
●	Do not double-over or hunch forward (this conceals her body)
●	No crotch stabs or shots and no stabs to the neck or head or legs
●	No scenes where she dies sitting down or leaning against something like a wall (no seated poses)
●	No scenes where she dies and she is in a flat pose with her legs straight and close together (see sample pictures of poses I like).
●	Avoid death scenes where she slowly fades away, where she moves slower and slower and then stops.  All deaths should have a climactic final stab or final lunge before death. Scene 1 (about 2 minutes)
●	Luiza has a gun and sneaks into the room, looking for her target.
●	The male has a gun and sneaks up behind and captures Luiza, making her drop her gun
●	He pushes her toward a table or desk and makes her lean forward, her hands on the table and her legs spread apart (see sample pictures), her lower back is arched downward.
●	He then pulls out a knife and moves his hands across her body and her ass, looking for a clue to who sent her. Camera shows good views of her ass.
●	He moves the knife across her back, then gets beside her (opposite side of camera so it does not block view of her), and slides the knife across her body, her back curves down more.
●	He then stabs upward, stabbing below her bellybutton (not her crotch), causing her to gasp loudly as her hips thrust upward a little (she lifts up onto her toes) and her lower back curves downward more.
●	He then puts one hand on her lower back and thrusts the knife upward more, making her hips thrust up a little again as her back curves down and she moans. He pulls the knife out, making her body flinch and she exhales with a soft moan or sigh as her eyes roll back and she dies, slumping forward onto the table or desk, her legs spread apart.
●	After the camera angles, he pushes her off the desk or table and she falls to the floor, her tucked underneath.
●	To make sure she is dead, he stabs her one more time in her lower belly, reviving her with a gasp and her back arches up very high (see sample picture)
●	After a pause for a few seconds, she dies with a slow exhale as she relaxes her body down, her eyes and mouth open wide and a couple more good camera angles

Scene 2 - attempted seduction (about 2 minutes)

●	Luiza comes into the room and tries to seduce her target. She walks up to the man and gets close to him, then she pushes him down on the floor, and he willingly lays down.  
●	Luiza walks away and removes her bra. She puts down her bra, but picks up a needle with poison, and hides it in her hand. 
●	She turns around and walks up to the man in a sexy way, walking toward his head, her legs spread apart.
●	She is attempting to seduce him, rubbing him (with one hand), moving her body over his, then she crawls over top of him and sits on his stomach (see sample picture)
●	Luiza grinds on him a little, and takes out the needle, but she doesn’t know that he grabbed a knife
●	Before Luiza can stab the needle in his leg, he reaches around and stabs her in her lower belly, making her gasp loudly with surprise (eyes and mouth wide open) as her head tilts back (facing toward the ceiling), her breasts stick out and her lower back curves
●	He pulls the knife out, making her body flinch and she immediately exhales slowly and her eyes roll back and she goes limp
●	Luiza slumps forward forward, her ass propped up and her legs straddle him (see pic below)
●	The male sits up, pushing her down a little, her as propped up in his lap. He caresses her ass and searches her body for clues. 
●	To make sure she is dead, he stabs her again in her lower back, causing her to revive with with a soft moan as her ass lifts up some and her back curve down more and she lifts her head, after several seconds, her eyes cross and she exhales with a soft moan and she relaxes her body, her tongue hangs out.
●	He grabs one of her knees and lifts her leg up and begins to roll her over his leg, her body is sprawled, legs far apart, and he searches her body a little more before leaving.
●	Luiza walks into the room, hiding a knife behind her back, walking seductively.
●	He is also hiding a knife. She walks up close to him and then pulls out her knife.
●	He grabs her wrist, and pulls out his knife, and Luiza grabs her 
●	Luiza pushes up against, her ass sticking out, legs apart.  They fall to their knees as they continue to struggle (more focus on Luiza’s body). Luiza’s legs are spread apart, and her back curved. Space opens up between them and his knife goes down low, close to the ground, between them, the knife pointed upward toward her lower belly.
●	He slowly overpower her, the knife moving upward toward her lower belly, then finally stabs upward, below her bellybutton, causing her ass and hips to thrust back as her lower back curves downward and she gasps loudly. She drops her knife and puts one hand on her lower belly and she moans.
●	Luiza then falls on all fours and tries to slowly crawl away, but he gets beside her, puts his knife under her and stabs upward again into her lower belly, causing her back to curve downward and lift her head up.
●	He pulls the knife out, causing Luiza’s eyes and mouth to open wide as she dies, then slowly slumps forward, her ass up in the air, legs spread apart, her eyes and mouth open wide.
●	He searches her body, and pulls one knee forward, causing her hips to sink down to the floor, and he re-positions her as he searches and caresses her body and she ends up in a pose like this (see 2 sample pictures below)
Scene 4 Fight for gun (about 1.5 minute)
●	Luiza has a gun and is looking for her target.
●	He sneaks up on her and grabs her wrist holding the gun and they fight for the gun
●	They fall to the ground and roll around for a little, but Luiza is able to get on top (exactly like this picture, Luiza’s back arched down a little)
●	The male reaches over and grabs a small knife and sneaks it underneath Luiza who is unaware he has a knife.
●	He stabs upward in her lower belly, surprising Luiza as she gasps loudly and her hips thrust upward a little, back curves downward a little.
●	He thrusts up a little more, and Luiza’s eyes go crossed as she dies, then she exhales and goes limp
●	Luiza slumps forward over top of him, her ass propped up (sample picture)
●	He then slowly rolls her off of him, her legs sprawled, and several more angles shown, her eyes crossed and tongue out.
Scene 5 (about 1.5 minutes)
●	Luiza struts in while the man is sitting on a couch or bed
●	She tries to seduce him, putting one knee up.  She is planning to seduce and strangle him with a string.
●	She then sits on top of him, and begins to grind on him, not knowing he has a knife.
●	He completely surprises her with a stab to her lower belly, making her body react (her shoulders fling back, her face looking at the ceiling)
●	She looks back at him, moans, and says “you killed me”
●	Then he puts on hand on her lower back and pushes the blade in more
●	Luiza tilts her head back, then exhales with a soft moan as her eyes go cross and she dies.
●	Luiza then slumps back, and he holds her up and she slowly falls back between his legs
●	After several camera views, he searches her body a little, then grabs one leg and rolls over over (still on the couch or bed), her ass propped up on the couch cushion or bed and searches her body a little more, then pushes her onto the floor

Scene 6 (sneak up behind) about 1.5 minutes
●	Luiza is searching for her target and is standing with her legs spread apart.
●	He has a knife and sneaks up from behind her.
●	He puts one arm around her neck and reaches around with his other hand and stabs her in the lower belly (exactly like the sample picture)
●	Luiza then slowly falls to her knees, then she falls back on him. She is on top of him, then he stabs her again, causing her to gasp and lunge up
●	After a moment, he pulls  the knife out, making her lunge one last time, pause, then exhale slowly as she dies, eyes and mouth remain wide open even though she is dead.
●	He feels her body and searches, then rolls her off into this pose and continues to search her body a little.  Camera shows good views of her ass and profile view and of her face with ass in background

Scene 7 - writhing and climactic death (about 1.5 minutes)
●	Luiza has a gun and starts a shootout with the male
●	Her legs are spread far apart as she aims, but is hit in her lower belly, making her react.
●	Luiza falls to one knee, and tries to raise her gun but is hit in her belly again
●	She rolls onto the floor and begins to writhe and squirm and lunge, rolling around on the floor while moaning and squealing (see sample pictures below)
●	In a climactic final death, she suddenly gasps loudly and arches her back up very high, pauses for a few seconds, then exhales slowly and dies, relaxing her body back down as she dies.

She is left sprawled and several good camera angles.
    24 minutes
Starring: MaryAnn
«Ugine, thank you and your team for making such an awesome custom film! Mary Ann is a beautiful actress and Max plays the villain exceptionally well. He’s very good!  The blood and gore special effects keep getting better. You guys have perfected the surgery scenes. I loved the focus on the actresses stomach, perfect. Once again great job!»
Customer’s Review
Mary is in the kitchen. She’s wearing some nice panties and a small tight tank top that shows off her stomach. She’s reaching up to get a wine glass from the shelf. The camera gets views of her stomach as she is reaching. Views of her butt  as well. She pours a glass of wine. While she’s doing this, Max is creeping and watching her from the window.  She sits down to watch some TV. Max has broke into her house and we see him behind her as she’s watching TV. She finishes her wine and heads to the bedroom. The mirror scene was awesome in the last film. Max is hiding behind the door again waiting on his next victim to drift of to sleep. She lays down and goes to sleep. She lays face up and doesn’t pull the covers over her. She lays stretched out with her hands above her head. He creeps over to the bed and takes out his knife and slides it across her stomach several times. Lifting her tank top. He circles her navel.  He gently sticks the knife into her navel and presses in. She moves some but does not wake up. He presses the knife into her navel once more and she unexpectedly wakes up. Max jumps on top of her in the bed. They struggle, they roll around until Max has her laying on top of him. He puts her in a sleeper choke hold. She grabs at his arms but it’s no use. She goes unconscious. Camera views of her belly as she’s laying on top of him.
Next Scene: He carries her body and lays it across the bench like in the previous film. Her arms flop above her head, views of her stomach like before with Polina. He takes her tank top of. She’s only wearing panties now.  He ties her up. He pours some massage oil on her stomach and navel and massages her stomach and navel. The camera views used in the film with Polina were amazing. They showed off her stomach very well. Then he takes screw driver and presses it into her navel torturing her. He does not stab her he just presses into her navel. He does this several times. Next he places the shocking device on her stomach like in the previous film. He electrocutes her several times until she passes out. He puts her in the table, takes her panties off and stretches her out and ties her up. He takes the marker and makes the dotted lines on her lower, upper abdomen and finally down the middle of her stomach, just like in the previous film. She wakes up. Just like in the last film she asks what he’s going to do to her?  He explains that he makes snuff films and his favorite thing to do to his victims is torture their stomachs and disembowel them as he shows her the video of him using the scalpel on Polina. He gets his scalpel. He starts with her lower abdomen. The scene in the last film of this was amazing, very realistic. He cuts with one hand and places the other on her stomach as he cuts. She’s breathing heavy. He trying to keep her from moving her stomach so much as he make the incision across her stomach. He finishes the upper cut then down the middle of her stomach. Make the cutting scene like the last film. Very realistic. But before he spreads her stomach open to gut her he’s going to torture her more. He takes his knife and stabs her in her navel. He twist the knife In her already cut open navel. He pulls the knife out of her stomach. Then he gets a drill. He drills her lower stomach above the lower incision then in her bloody navel, and finally her upper belly below the incision near her ribs. Finally he opens her stomach up with his hands and brutally pulls her guts out,  just like in the previous films. She finally dies with a death stare. He cuts the last length of her intestines away. Instead of stitching her  stomach back up this time, he piles her intestines on top of her cut open stomach. The film ends with the usual camera views of her  body. The focus of the film is obviously the stomach fetish. You guys did and outstanding job with the last film. The best yet!  You are the experts. I look forward to the production. Here are some screen shots from the last film that were amazing

    15 minutes
      Shooting Medley - SHOOTING MEDLEY (8 SCENES!)

Juliana, Anna, Angelina, Luiza, Hass, Pola, Nata, Annabelle


It’s history of contract killer who kills females.

You will wee 8 very great quality shooting scenes with headshots, chestshots, neckshots, elegant poses, sexy reactions and different situations:

Rich wife, housewife, romantic *****, student, club beach, nude **** and others.

If you enjoy shooting deaths it’s good one for your death fetish collection!

Each scene is sith different model, in different clothes and style, different locations!

15 minutes 2$ per scene! BEST PRICE IS HERE!
    15 minutes
Custom Movie 
Starring: Nata, Masha, Juliana, Hass, Kit, Alex
	 - stomach 
	 - shoulder
	 - knee
	 - head

	Nata is a woman who is in shock, wants to live but understands that all is over. 
	Masha is a naïve girl who hopes that she can help herself if she would beg and polite 
Juliana is a woman who wants to do something to save her
Hass is a young  aggressive girl who is very rude and nerve. That’s why she is the most unhappy victim because her killers decided to kill  her very long and terrific. 

Group of young female  researchers were captured and caught but soldiers in secret area. Soldiers must deliver hostages to military management for evacuation from the Zone, but they decided to commit military crime and shoot them like homeless dogs! They deliver them to the base and…
    43 minutes
«All the girls were fantastic! Clothing, film quality, camera angles were all great! Good work! »
Customer’s Review 

Special Offer: Purchase it today just for 21$! Basic Price is 29$ for this long show full of effects and deadly-illusions! Don’t miss this pantyhose lawlessness!!!
Models: Judy, Maria A, Annabelle, Yana, Kate Steals
Fetish Elements: 
40 minutes of great pantyhose death scenes!
All kinds of pantyhose manipulations: taking on, taking off, redressing, brown pantyhose, white pantyhose, black pantyhose
Lots of foot fetish: foot masturbating, foot fetish lesbian games, foot in vore and peril situations!
Females in Peril: capture, falling  through the earth, floor-swamp, flying to the sky, loosing shoes during peril-death 
Furniture eating girls with much legs scenes, foot-scenes, cannibal scenes, vore scenes 
Manual Hanging Scene
Garrote Strangulation Scene
Theatre Grotesque Death Emotions: from happiness to fear, surprise, death stares with opened eyes and tongue out 
Great Bodypile in pantyhose! 
Scene 1: girls are sitting down in a room waiting to audition for a dance role. They are talking to each other when the camera tells them they need to introduce themselves and show off their body. They are all told they need to look uniform so to take off their pantyhose they have on and  put on the tan pantyhose that is on the table for them. After they each put on their tan pantyhose do the following: (please get some close ups of them changing from black or white pantyhose into the tan pantyhose-especially Judy) 
- Have the girls start off sitting. Individually, have the camera start with a close up of them taking off their shoe,model their feet and legs and pan up to their waist. When the camera gets there have the girl stand up and lift her skirt to show their butt then pan to their face and have each girl say their name and blow a kiss
- They are told they will do different dances. All the girls are told to dance at the same time however they want. ( get close ups of feet, legs, and face) next, they are told to dance sexy( more close ups). Then they are told to line up and tap dance ( I liked your Mr. Sandman song from the 3rd video). They dance for a little while with some closeups of them, then they start to disappear (please get closeups of feet and face as they go and each girl screaming or yelling with their voice fading away as they disappear . Make sure they lose shoes as they disappear) 
- a hook comes out and grabs Annabelle pulling her out of her shoes and off screen.
- girls become scared and stop dancing, they are told to start again 
- Close up of Steals feet dancing, then her face looking scared. She throws her arms in air and falls through the floor
- The 3 girls go to the floor and look down where she fell to see if they see where she went. Then they start to dance again and force themselves to smile
- Next Yana floats away (long close up of feet coming out of shoes)
- The girls look up and then dance. A hook comes out to grab Maria. She grabs Judy’s hands and asks “me?” Judy let’s go and says “you”. Maria is pulled out of shoes and off camera
- Judy dances and celebrates  and blowing a kiss to the camera. Then she looks scared and waves “goodbye” and she floats out of her shoes and away 

Scene 2: vore scene. (You did a great job with the table and blanket. I really liked the scenes where Vika and Judy were eaten and pulled in on their backs with wiggling feet. Please use table and blanket again )

The girls are back in the room sitting down. They are talking about what happened during the dance. The camera tells them that none of them qualifies for the role. They all look sad and beg for another chance. Judy stands up and shows her butt saying “look how sexy I am!” The camera tells them it’s ok, he has good news. That if any of them can stay in the house all night long they can win the role. They ask why is that so hard? The camera tells them the house is haunted. They discuss it with each other and all agree. The camera tells them “good luck”

The girls decide to all stay together. They start to joke. Annabelle says “I think I have the nicest butt” she pulls up her skirt and shows it off. They laugh . Judy gets up and slaps her butt. They all laugh and pull up their skirts to compare butts. Then Judy sits down, takes off a shoe and says “ I have the best legs and feet” they all take a shoe off and put their legs beside each other to compare them ( get a shot of all their legs and feet together) After this they all sit down
- Yana stands up. She says she doesn’t think the house is haunted and wants to explore it. They tell her she’s crazy and wave good bye. Yana goes to the room with the table. She hears a noise. She asks “who’s there?” She gets down on the ground to look under the blanket. Something grabs her arm and begins to pull her under. Her shoes come off and she is slowly pulled under with her kicking feet the last we see
- The others girls start to wonder where Yana is. They decide to go look. Maria says she will stay. They leave,  Maria checks to see that she’s alone. When she realizes she is she starts to rub her pantyhose crotch. She gives herself pleasure but then hears a knock on the door. She goes to it “hello?” She opens the door and sees nothing. She starts to walk away and hears another knock. She sees nothing again. She turns around and asks if anyone is there. What she does not see is a rope slowly being lifted over her head. Then it starts to choke her as it pulls her to the floor. Her shoe comes off and she is dragged kicking and screaming through the door. The door shuts behind her as her feet disappear and we hear her scream. 
- The other 3 girls walk into the room with the table calling for Yana. Annabelle says “she must be back in the main room” Judy says “I think I heard Maria,  let’s go back” Steals says she will stay there in case she returns. Annabelle and Judy leave. Steals looks at the table and sees Yanas shoe. She walks to it “yana are you there?” She gets down on her knees by the table . Her arm is grabbed.  She smiles “yana is that you? Quit playing games!” Then she realizes she is being eaten and she asks for help. It slowly pulls her under as she loses her shoes and wiggles her feet until she is gone. 
- Annabelle and Judy return to the main room. They both sit on the couch. Judy says “ I bet they all left. It’s just ya two.” Annabelle says “that is not bad” with a smile and slips off her shoes and puts them on Judy’s lap. Judy likes it and takes off her skirt. Judy then takes off her shoes and puts them on Annabelle’s lap. Annabelle takes off her skirt too. Both women rub each others crotch with their pantyhose feet and give each other an orgaism. When they finish they hear a scream. The stand up and act scared. From the waist down they now only wear their pantyhose. they walk into the room with the table. Get a Close up of their legs as Annabelle trips over Maria’s body laying on the floor dead. Judy helps her up and They see Maria’s lifeless body being pulled under the table, they watch until her feet are swallowed and run from the room.  They run into the main room. They are panicked. They try to get out but the doors won’t open. Judy bumps into the trashcan. She reaches down to move it and her arm is grabbed. It slowly starts to pull her in. Annabelle tries to help. She grabs her feet but cannot hold on and let’s go and falls down. She watches Judy’s legs kick and feet wiggle as she cries for help until Judy is gone. Annabelle runs to the door which opens. She runs to the room with the table. She looks around the table  calling Yana and Steals. She gets yanked down and pulled under the table legs first. She struggles and pulls herself free. She now runs back to the main room. Annabelle goes to the trashcan to see what’s left. “Judy? Where are you?” The trash can grabs her and pulls her in head first. The last thing we see is her feet wiggling as she cries for help 

Scene 3. All the girls are pilled-on top of each other in a stack. They can be top less or not but no skirts or shoes, only pantyhose 

    46 minutes
      DEATH MATCH - Elements: MMA, Kicking, Boxing, Fighting to the death, Choking, Blood, Death Stares, Non Fatal Battles, Fatal Battles  


Experienced champions female  fights to the death find themselves powerless against young crazy girl fighters with no pity and no rules...  DOUBLED DOWN
    15 minutes
CAST: Luiza, Xena, Max
Girl 1: LUIZA

Hitman enters Girl1’s  room , Girl1 will say “Ohh hello honey , glad you came” , Hitman says “You know the rules right? I will test your endurance level so if you stay alive you are alive , otherwise you will be forgotten” Girl says “Its alright honey , you see my sexy body ready for this test alsooo my nice looking belly ready for test” and touches her belly softly.

Hitman says “Be calm and dont get anxious or nervous “ Girl says “Alright honeyy”  and asks “When will you shoot me “ Hitman says “When i am getting sure enough” , 

Girl walks to the body mirror  takes of her bra , looks her body last time and then she stand on her knees like OnKneePicture1 on the floor and starts to softly touch her belly , nipples  , she is very nervous and dont wont to get shot but she got no chance 

Hitman looks at her and says “Get ready cutie” , Girl gets ready looks at hitman like she wants mercy , bloats her stomach more and says “I am ready honey” , she gets shot from bulletposition1 (blood slowly pours from wound (not much blood to make it realistic)) she looks at her stomach and start to agonize (this scene can take 1 minute) She says “Ahhhh that pain is intense but not powerful to kill me look , you can shoot me moree” Hitman shoots her from bulletposition2 , she agonizes (for 20 -30 seconds) then she stands up , goes to mirror and looks her body but she got no power to walk she stands like OnKneePiicture2 she says “Ahh that pain is gettin intense but i think i can stand more look i already not loss too much blood ahh but the pain is like gettin punched thousands times“ She shows bullet position 3 and says come on shoot me here , Hitman shoots her from bulletposition3 , she agonizes for (20-30 seconds) slowly walks up , and stays like OnFootPicture1 (she can put her hands to side) shows her stomach and says “Look i got 3 holes in my stomach but i can stand more” , Hitman says “You got nice stomach curves , it looks very sexy in this position” ,she waits for Hitman to shoot her and says “Oh yeah is it? but you fucked it” , Hitman gets closes to her looks to wounds “Seems it really messed up” Hitman again gets back points his pistol and shoots her from bulletposition 5-4 , this time she agonizes more she slowly walks to the bed and lays to bed like BedLaying1  picture and agonizes for 40 seconds , she bloats her stomach says “ahhh i cant stand more pain , come on finish mee please” , Hitman shoots her from bulletposition 6-7 she holds her belly from sides takes deep breaths agonizes for 20-30 seconds Hitman gets closes her , she holds his hand and says “I have failed the test honey..” blood starts to come from her mouth(not much blood) she starts to crawl on bed and slowly dies.

Girl 2:XENA

Hitman enters Girl2’s  room ,Hitman say to girl “Get ready your stomach will fill with bullets” , Girl says “ Please dont do that dont shoot me” Hitman denies and says “ Denied , you will survive or die make your best move “ , Girl understands she got no chance  

 and says “Alright then.. show me your best” She stands like OnFootPicture3 , and takes her bra she gets close to the Hitman like picture CloseUP then she holds Hitmans hand to touch her nipple , Hitman plays with her nipple , belly but then Hitman says “Okay enough of drama!” and shoots her from bulletposition2  , XENA starts to agony in pain for (1 minute) she gets on bed and stays like bedpicture2, says “Ahh it hurts you fuckin shot mee my belly hurts soo much” Hitman says “This is nothing honey , we just starting” and shoots her from bulletposition5 she agonizes for (20-30 seconds) she stands on her knees on the bed like BedPicture5 and says “it hurts a lot but i think i can stand to more!!” she looks to her belly , takes some breaths and bloats her stomach Hitman ask” Are you ready for the next bullets?” She says “Yes honey send them , she shows her belly and says this cute thing only loaded with 2 of them and still hungry” Hitman says “Cool” and shoots her from bulletposition1 she agonizes (for 15-20 seconds) then shoots her from bulletposition4 , girl agonizes (20 seconds) and says “Ahhh okay stop for a while i want to see my body”, She slowly walks up to the body mirror and looks her wounds she says “Till how many bullets can i survive” Hitman replies “Maybe 7 , maybe 8” she says “Alright” and moves to the bed she stays like BedPicture3 and says “Come on now shoot me from lower abs” Hitman points his pistol again and shoots her from bulletposition 6-7 this time it hurts more and she agonizes for 2 minutes then she lays on bed like BedLaying1 picture , looks to her stomach - wounds and says “Shoot me more honey , i cant stand to pain anymore”. Hitman smiles and starts to shot her from stomach with each shot she moves on bed , she gets shot from her nipples to also blood slowly comes from her mouth and she dies.

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 976 Clips / 16791 minutes of video!

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    BLACK CRANE part 2


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