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    15 minutes
«Got it, I absolutely love it. Thank you guys so much. »
Customer’s Review 

Background: Judi is a sexy assassin. She and her partner just completed a killing mission and came back. 

Scene 1: Judi and the male actor came into the room, sat down at a table, and started drinking. Then they started talking about their mission. Judi says:” after I shot her, she struggled like a fish on the ground. It’s so embarrassing.” The male actor says, “that is what a bullet would do.” Judi takes a spare clip for the handgun out and unloads a bullet. She looks at the bullet and says, “I do not understand how such a small bullet could do that. If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.” Judi then invites her partner to drink alcohol while saying, “anyway, we completed another mission and need to celebrate it. Here is to our 12 years of partnership.” They both drank the alcohol.  
Scene 2: Judi’s partner tells her that he is in love with her from working with her and wants to have a relationship with her and leave the business. Judi is surprised and disgusted, “seriously? We are just partners; I would never have a relationship with you outside of work. You are ugly, and I would never date someone like you.” This line makes her partner mad. He stands up and says, “how dare you to say that.” 
Scene 3: He pushes Judi to the ground, and one hand touches her pussy while the other hand strangles her neck. Judi shouts,” what are you doing?” while trying to fight back. After some struggle, Judi pushes him off and stands up. She then takes out her gun and runs behind some structure in the room as a cover. Her partner also stands up and runs behind a cover. Then they started shooting each out.  
Scene 4: After their guns are empty, Judi stands up, takes a knife, and walks toward him. “I always bring a knife as my backup, and I know you do not. You are going to die for violating me.” Her partner stands up and laughs, “but I do bring extra ammo.” He then loads a new magazine in the gun and shoots her four times (scattered shots) on her chest (realistic bullet hole), and she is shocked and looks at her wounds and drops her knife. She says with a faint voice,” so this is what being shot feels like.” She then starts coughing blood (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). Then she kneels (both knees), loses consciousness, and falls to her back with legs split open (embarrassing position). (Similar to Robber’s shootout) 
Scene 5: Her partner approaches her and shoots her two more times on the upper belly area (realistic bullet hole). The pain wakes her up. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to cough blood (emphasize process). Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain.  Her legs also straighten out but still split open, revealing her underwear. He mimics her, saying with contempt, “If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.”, then he says to her,” you are like fish on the chopping board, and I can do whatever I want to you now.” He uses her knife to cut open her blouse/shirt and bra, revealing her breast and belly with realistic bullet holes. He touches her breast and masturbates her pussy (no need to show). Judi still convulses on the ground and stares at him with hate, but she can’t do anything. He says,” what a pity, such a nice piece of meat is going to waste.” He then touches her bloody lips and says,” those lips are so beautiful, and I have always wanted to kiss them.” Then he bends down and kisses her lip. (If possible). After kissing, Judi pukes a mouthful of blood out and tells him, “Go to hell.” She then struggles to breathe and stick her tongue out (some facial focus on this).  He laughs at her and stands up, and tells her, “It’s time to go.” Then he shoots her two times on the forehead and one time on the right cheek. (Realistic Bullet hole). Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches more intensely like having an orgasm and then drops dead in a sexy yet embarrassing pose with legs split open and mouth slightly open, revealing her tongue, also death stares. Her finger still twitches a few more times. Her partner then leaves.  
Scene 6: A few days later, her partner returns to the scene. He saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup and touches her breast and pussy again. Then she caresses her face and says, “I miss you, and I really hope that day did not turn out the way it is. “Then he tries to close her eyes, but no matter what he tries, the eyes stay open. He then left.  

    22 minutes

Custom by xj900

22 minutes

"Which answer the age old question - what motivates unstoppable serial killers! ))   At least now we know!"

From xj900 review

Starring: Luiza, Li and Alex

Fetish Elements:

Man Stabbed

Nude girl suffocated by pillow after her masturbation!

Girl was drown in the kitchen sink



Starts with a residence of two young female students. Еhey are nurses.  It is night and they are returning to their hall of residence or flat.  On the way they bump into someone they know  on his way out to the grounds for a sly smoke.  He warns them with a smirk on his face to watch out the Clown Killer has escaped,  he could be anywhere,  but the two girls just laugh and don’t take him seriously.  One also admonishes him as he’s sneaking out for a sly smoke and puff on a cigarette in the garden,  she tells him that it is a filthy habit and it will be the death of him.

From then on the action jumps between the guy in the gardens lighting and puffing on his cigarette, and the two girls entering their apartment.  I was thinking that either some interesting clothes have arrived in the post, or else they’ve been shopping and have brought some glamorous outfits to change in to later. 

One girl puts somethings away and is busy in the kitchen putting something on the stove to cook for later,  whilst the other one announces that she is going to have a shower.

Cuts back to  the guy, still puffing on his cigarette, when he hears something moving off to the side just out of his vision but which attracts his attention.  Cut to the girls doing girly things then back to the man,  but this time shown from the PoV of the Clown Killer.  Ie the camera becomes the Killer.  We see something at the bottom of the screen moving, a flash,  then the guy  grunts in surprise,  looks down,  touches his stomach then brings his hands up which are now covered with blood. The cigarette drops from his mouth and his expression is one of surprise as he slowly sinks to the ground and out of sight (he’s just been fatally stabbed in the stomach)

Cut back to the apartment.  Girl who was in the kitchen has gone into the bedroom and is trying on some glamorous party clothes that they have brought or else has arrived in the post (ie parcel).  Something extremely sexy and glamorous here, I was thinking slinky blouse or tank top,  micro skirt or hotpants,  and some over-the-knee sexy boots?  She clearly loves dressing up and looking very sexy and glamorous!  And we the audience like to see her looking so, too!

Other girl is in the shower having a very sexy shower and clearly touching herself with the water and getting more and more turned on by the experience! (Going to call her shower-girl from now on!)

Clothing girl has been admiring herself in the mirror,  then still dressed in her glamorous clothes she runs back to the kitchen.   As she leaves we see the face of the Clown Killer in the window who has been watching her the whole time in through the window and she hasn’t seen him

Girl is busy in the kitchen whilst shower girl is having a very sexy shower.  She eventually gets out of the shower, towels herself dry and then wraps the towel around her and goes back into her bedroom.  If you’ve got a full-length mirror, show her slipping off her towel and admiring her superb, beautifully slim body in  the mirror,  she clearly likes what she sees and starts to touch her breasts, clearly becoming more and more turned on.

She can’t take any more,  and still naked,  goes to her bed, lies down on it and continues to sensually play with herself,  eventually she slowly slips a hand between her legs and starts to masturbate.

Cut to kitchen girl who is trying to do half a dozen things at once.

Cut back to shower/bedroom girl who is continuing to masturbate.  Lost in pleasure she closes her eyes and eventually with a gasping shudder, climaxes herself.  She opens her eyes,  looks up and sees the Clown Killer inside her bedroom standing directly over her (another big jumpy moment for the audience!) looking at her very closely – I was thinking the camera shows this from her PoV so that we see what she sees, ie the features of the Clown Killer looking down on her, appearing upside down to her.

Her eyes open in wide surprise, panic and terror,  but before she can cry out the Clown Killer, with deceptive speed, grabs a pillow and presses it down firmly over her face to smother her.

(Cue now lots of struggling and frantic kicking as she tries to break his grip,  lots of shots of her legs wildly kicking and flailing about.  I was thinking if needs be use a breathing tube for the actress off to the side away from the camera so we can’t see it, but mainly show her naked body and legs gyrating about anyway.  Death scene can take a good few minutes, I know your actresses love to writhe and jerk about,  all the time the Clown Killer firmly holds the pillow over her face, cutting off her air supply.)

Eventually though,  all good things come to an end,  her kicks, jerks and attempts to escape become weaker and more and more desperate, as she runs out of air and finally after a  few more jerks and twitches, goes very still and dead.

Clown Killer holds the pillow over her face just for a little bit longer, in order to be sure, before slowly removing it.  We see her face, her contorted features wide-eyed and frozen with fear and terror for ever, her mouth open (but don’t shower her tongue hanging out!).  The Clown Killer straightens and stands over her corpse for some time,  cocking his head slowly from side to side, looking down at it as though savouring it or contemplating it  as a work of art.  He gives no other reaction, but the audience must know that he is clearly pleased with his handiwork.

Meanwhile the glamorously dressed girl has finished in the kitchen,  goes back into the lounge and turns on the TV or else (even better) her personal computer/PC. She flicks through a few channels but there doesn’t seem to be anything on worth watching at the moment.

She goes back into the kitchen to see how the cooking is going.  Something is different to how she left it,  although she doesn’t notice it immediately.   Then eventually she realises – the sink is full of water,  she was sure it was empty and dry when she left to go into the lounge.

She pauses, shrugs and is about to pull the plug out and empty it when without warning the Clown Killer appears from behind and clamps his hand firmly over her mouth to prevent her from crying out.

Cut to a dramatic close-up of her face and how she goes all wide-eyed with complete terror  and fear.  She tries desperately to break his killer grip,  but he clearly is stronger than her and she is unable to weaken his hand around her mouth.

They struggle for a bit just so that the girl can realise how futile it is for her,  then he deliberately and firmly pushes her head down into the sink and holds it under the water.

Cue lots of burbles and glubs as she slowly drowns.  However again what you could do is focus in on her lovely booted legs as they struggle and kick against him,  squirming, ever more frantically trying to break his killer grip and free her head/push up and out of the water.

Drowning (like the asphyxia before) takes a good few  minutes,  but eventually like her flatmate before, we see her lovely beautifully booted legs eventually become weaker and her kicks more sporadic, become eventually a series of jerks and twitches which eventually die down and stop altogether, as her body goes all limp and saggy.

Clown Killer holds her head under for a bit, just to make sure that she is dead, then hauls her out and easily puts her over his shoulder (if possible, otherwise just do a drag) and lifts/drags her body in to the lounge.  The body of her flatmate (shower girl who got smothered in the bedroom) is there too and waiting for her, the Clown Killer has seated it down on the sofa, her expression still dead and starring.

The Clown Killer puts the body of her drowned friend (again with death stare, show it clearly on her still-wet face) down almost gently on the sofa as well, and then sits down on the sofa between the pair of them.

Slowly he looks from one to the other and then back, as if to check.  Then he flicks open the PC and dials up something on the net for the three of them to watch.




    35 minutes
Custom Movie
Starring: LISA PED (Young New Actress, Max)
Bizarre long mystic story with plenty of limp and foot element
SCARLETT FEVER 2  My Girlfriends
    20 minutes
      My Girlfriends - This clip has no description.
     Her Last Morning
    12 minutes
      Her Last Morning - Starring: Angelina  THE MURDER HOTEL
    27 minutes


Fiction Movie, thriller.

A woman arrives to the hotel and goes to bed when she sees a strange dreams how she’s drowning.
As she is asleep, she has a nightmare of her drowning while being bound by chains at the bottom of a pool. Once she wakes up, she decides to take a swim to relax. However, the sign tells her that she needs to shower first. Mira, in her bikini takes a shower to cool off and think. Once she is in the shower and the glass has fogged, she “falls through” a trap door in the shower into a filled tank below. The model struggles for an extended period trying to break free until she finally drowns.
Model Requested: Mira Green
Mira checks into a hotel and takes a nap in her underwear. As she is asleep, she has a nightmare of her drowning while being bound by chains at the bottom of a pool. Once she wakes up, she decides to take a swim to relax. However, the sign tells her that she needs to shower first. Mira, in her bikini takes a shower to cool off and think. Once she is in the shower and the glass has fogged, she “falls through” a trap door in the shower into a filled tank below. The model struggles for an extended period trying to break free until she finally drowns.
Chain Drowning Guidelines
Struggle 5 min. Mira starts her nightmare at the bottom of the pool with her back against the wall (reference picture) she stays against the wall for duration of drowning and struggle and should remain upright after she drowns.
Mira screams and squeals at first begging toward the camera but when she realizes no one is going to help her…
. She starts thrashing at maximum exertion as she bucks and throws around. She manages to get a hand over her mouth (Reference image) as she starts to drown. Please ensure she kicks her leg around like shes being strangled and is trying to kick herself up.
She is thrashing violently as her head shakes from side to side, finally her hand goes from her mouth to cluching her breast, her mouth opens wide and she lets out MASSIVE bursts of bubbles.
She begins to inhale and convulse in the most violent orgasmic manner possible. 
Replay the bubbling explosions from multiple angles and capture a full body shot, chest up and facial shot as well. The bubbles are my favorite part, the model should be choking out her air.
After she drowns she stares blankly into the distance, as her body shuts down she convulses a couple more times her eyes and face expressionless as one more giant burst of bubbles erupts from her mouth. Note she should remain upright and not fall over after she drowns.
Post Drowning: The camera pans every possible angle (Legs up to face etc) for 5 minutes with plenty of close ups of smokey. Her face should not be completely obscured by her hair, her bangs and partially obscure her face as it flows however.
Notes: For exhalations please reference GIFS attached: Also as for bubbling and inhalations follow the tank drowning guidelines for bubbling and drowning.
Please emphasize exhalations, and bubbling during all drowning and blacking out scenes model should go from medium sized chain bursts of bubbles to one orgasmic final massive heave. Her hands should claw at her breast/ throat during the final heave. 
Convulsions/ inhalations: Model should look like she is in pain, as she draws in each breath. Her body involuntarily convulses as she arches her back and shakes. Her legs should flail and her hands claw away at the chains. 

Death Stare 5 min : Once Mira has drowned, she remains seathed on the pool floor back against the wall and stares out blankly for 5 min. The camera continues to alternate between full body shots and panning shots of her body from legs to face. 
Interlude: Mira wakes up panicking in her bed, and after she calms down she decides to go for a swim in the hotel pool. The door to the pool says that she needs to shower before use. Mira, in her bikini goes into the shower to wash before her swim, and falls through a trap door after a couple minutes. She falls into the tank and begins to drown.

Tank Drowning Guidelines.
The tank room should be minimalistic and free of clutter and distractions in order to highlight the center of attention, the tank. Dark uniform background, with good lighting that does not overexpose the model would be preferred kind of like watching a Houdini tank on a stage essentially. (Ref Right)

The drowning composes of 3 phases, struggle, exhalation, and inhalation/ convulsions. There should be a slow progression with the struggle starting with focused effort and a gradual and forceful progression to all out panic. Tons of glass pounding leg stomping etc.
•	The struggle: 5 min
Emphasis on panicked struggling, the model should pound on the glass, try to swim up to get out and generally do everything she can to escape. At some point she realizes that someone is watching her drown and begs to be released. Pointing at the camera, staring etc. As the struggle grows more desperate she presses herself against the glass as she convulses palming and screaming. He legs flail and twitchl as her movements become more erratic etc. As she transitions to exhalations, one hand open palms the glass facing the camera, as another covers her mouth. Her body contorting as she struggles to hold her face contorted in pain and agony.
•	Exhalation/ Bubbling: (appx 3 minutes with progression and replays) 3 minutes
Please focus most on the Exhalation of Bubbles, the explosive almost orgasmic open mouth release of air at peak of breath hold (Ie when the model cannot hold on any longer and has to finally release) The model should open her mouth in pain and explode the air out of her like she is gagging or vomiting out her air use multiple takes as needed and add in some replays of the explosion. 
She should lead the bubbling with trickles from her nose as her chest heaves, her hands then cover her mouth as her head shakes from side to side holding her air in. Her licks flail and kick as she spasms. Finally, as it progresses her hands claw at her bikini top (Quick Nipple Slip) and throat and as multiple medium sized bursts escape her mouth her legs kick wildly. She holds for one more moment, one hand on her chest other reaching at the Camera against the glass, her eyes open toward the camera and in one Orgasmic, MASSIVE release, her air EXPLODES out. The bubbling is my personal favorite part, please have multiple takes of the Final release of air (Closeup of face, Full Body, slow motion differing angles etc). The powerpoint I have attached has a lot of what I’m looking for in GIF format.
•	Inhaling Water: (3 Minutes of inhalations)
Finally, once she exhales her air, she should leave her mouth open for about a minute in pain trying not to breath in water, her hands claw at her throat and chest tugging at her bikini top, as she clutches her chest grasping at her breast and throat. She pounds feebly against the glass, her hand dragging and clawing.
Finally she takes a breath, the first one is DEEP and full. Her inhalations should start out deep and full bodied with massive convulsions with every breath her eyes bulging wide in surprise at first. After a while, the breathing becomes shallower and less frequent her face glazes over as she relaxes Her movements more sporadic as she settles down.  She stares blankly into the distance as her hair flows. Please have her spasm VIOLENTLY as she begins to drown and breath water. The spasming slows down toward the end until she is dead. 
Mira Greens video in “Mira’s last stand” At the 20 minute mark where she gets shot and is just gasping, and spasming, is an excellent example of what it should look like, except it’s underwater.
•	Post Drowning: (5 Minutes)
The model should float upright in a “standing position” one hand near her neck and one outstretched her face relaxed as she stares out toward the camera with her mouth slightly open. For the half of post drowning she gives off involuntary spasms as her hair flows gently. Her legs are slightly spread, the camera pans views from all angles with the final shot being of her blank face. Note hair should generally not cover too much of her face. During this scene several closeups can be done to highlight the model (Panning shots, closeups etc)  For the death state Mira should not cross her eyes, and have her mouth slightly open in a blank stare like the image below.

Camera work:
Please avoid any “Shaky Camera” the camera work should alternate between a full body view of the model that shows the struggle and multiple pans from leg up to her face.
    6 minutes
Fetish Elements
White Blouse, Black Mini Skirt, High Heels, Sexy Victim is going outside. Outside Murder, Sudden Attack, Stabbing Through the body, Stabbing to the back, Stabbing to the chest, Multi Stabbing, Much Blood, Bloody Body

A woman was going in the park when she is attacked by mad man with a knife. We don’t know why he is doing it but he stabs her many and many times. He is cruel and enjoys of every stab poor women feel only pain and fear, she is already mad knowing her terrible and irreversible end in pools of blood…

VIDEO GAMES  Kill Or Be Killed
    15 minutes
      Kill Or Be Killed - KILL OR BE KILLED

starring: Betty 

 Perfessional killer  Freya received a message from her leader, and he wants her to kill the leader of a Chinese **** company. She got the information of the Chinese men, and prepared to finish this mission. 
 2 hours later

Freya back home, and she seems really tired, she called her boss and told him that she finished the mission, but suddenly, she heard something in her house.

            She walk around slowly and check the room, behind the sofa, she finds a masked Chinese thief, he surrendered, but seems Freya doesn’t want to let him leave alive.

The thief knows that he cannot leave alive, and then he stand up and attack Freya suddenly, he beats Freya’s head and belly, they fight each other really hard, but after the mission, Freya doesn’t have much energy, she tries to catch the gun, but the thief throw her into the sofa, she tries to stand up, but the thief ride on her body, and break her throat by his fist, her body shakes, and her eyes open wild, the thief keeps beating her, until she dies totally. 

Her tongue out of mouth, and her blonde is messy on her face, the thief holds her head, and kiss her neck. He touches her body, and take off her boots, smell her feet in White socks, he plays her body around, touches her blue eyes and her tongue, he pick up his phone, and takes some selfies with her dead body.

He plays her feet, but he doesn’t want to take off her socks, her socks are dirty and wet because of the sweat.

 He carries her body and let her lay in his arms, he suddenly get an idea.

He cut her throat, and write a Chinese word of ‘Die’ on her body, he puts her body in the corner, let her sit on the ground and back on the wall, he takes off one of her socks, smell it and put it into his pocket, and take one of her boots away.


Latex nazi uniform, boots. Socks, feet, male/female fighting, neck break, playing with dead body, death stare, tongue out, *****, foot-fetish, throat cut, gore  

Price: 15.00
Run Time: 15:00 minutes
File Size: 638 MB	Format: .MP4
    39 minutes


Maryann, Mercy, Tatiana, Max, Billy Brag

The scene opens with Actress #1, Actress #2, Actress #3 sitting at a dinner table.  There is a glass of wine in front of each woman.   There is a plate and a knife and fork.

Actress #1 Actress #2, Actress #3 are all in a car.  Actress #1 is in the driver’s seat.  Actress #2 in the front passenger seat and Actress #3 in the rear seat.  The car is stopped on the side of the road.

The scene opens with Actor #1 and Actor #2 in their modeling studio.  Actress #3 is unconscious and lying on the floor.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 and unconscious and sitting on a bed.

Actress #3 is lying on the ground, she is nude.  Actress #1 and Actress #2 are lying on the bed, their hands are tied behind their backs.  All three women are unconscious.

Actress #3 starts twisting and turning.  She bends her head and tries to look at how her feet are tied up.  She reaches for her feet trying to desperately free herself.

Actress #3 reacts jerking her body and franticly grabbing her neck with her hands.  She is twisting and jerking her body with what energy she has left.

She continues reacting and twisting her body from side to side.  She reaches for her neck with her hands.  She tries to reach up and grab her leg.

Actor #2 continues to take pictures.

Actor #1 takes the knife and stabs actress #1 in the belly, he slowly cuts down towards her breasts.  He puts the knife on the ground.  Actress #3 reaches and touches her belly with both hands.  Her hands slowly drop to straight down pointing at the floor.

Actress #3 arms are hanging down, she is taking slow and deep breaths.  She tries to look up toward her stomach.  She is unable to and her head drops and she is looking down at the ground.  ARCHER 12
    27 minutes
      ARCHER 12 - ARCHER 12
«You combined all of the elements I enjoy from the original video the series is based and all of the versions we have done to date.  Real genius! My sincere thanks to you and your team.  The set is beautifully created (felt like you were in a real club), the directing, acting and following of the script are incredible and unbelievably professionally done.   You have my thanks for your extreme hard work on my project!  I truly enjoy working with you.»
Customer’s Review 
CAST: Alice M, Yana, Angelina, Max, Den

After firefight in Archer 10 movie, when the police could hurt the Archer, he changed his location and found another exotic club to continue his case – killing sexy dancers. This time he couldn’t invite girls to the private party and went to the club for his hunt… Another 3 sexy dancers became live-targets for him…

    29 minutes
«Here are some words to describe the FOURTH MOTHER, Bizarre, Strange, Psychosexual, Fetishitic,  Beautiful Witches, Dark Magic, Black Glove Killer, Razors, knives, and depravity, this is the ingredients of what a great Giallo is, and this is what the Fourth Mother is a straight up great Giallo, captured perfectly by the DARKROOMS TEAM. Giallos just arent murder set pieces, but deep Psychosexual drama as well as the murders, and Darkrooms films is great independent movie studio, shooting real thrillers, with great actresses like Scarlett Fandera and Bella Lenina, and the always great Max for starters. This team should hold their heads up high because they are the best in the business for custom companies, because this company just doesn't want your money, they just love making movies, and making their product perfect. This was an incredible custom, Dario Argento, and Sergio Martino have some new blood to contend with. All they needed was Claudio Simoneti and  GOBLIN to have scored this. But really UGINE this was a great Custom Custom, tell SCARLETT, BELLA , AND MAX THANK YOU VERY MUCH»
Customer’s Review
Many foot Fetish, Limp Fetishes, Playing With Feet and Limp Bodies

A mystical story in the Jallo genre about spiritualism and games with spirits and otherworldly forces, which led the girls to tragic consequences ...

    7 minutes



Mia Jane, Elvira Twins, Irena, Maya Dinova, Annabelle, Pola, Laura Romeo, Maria


Great episode in exclusive location. Intruders enter command center and all of them shot!

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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