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     Machine Gunned 4
    20 minutes
      Machine Gunned 4 - MACHINE GUNNED 4

***** kill, ***** being killed. ***** kill each other, POV shooting. Bodypiles 

Starring: Juliana, Annabelle, Pola, Nata, Kit, Anatoliy
Fetish Elements:
No-***** shooting, MANY AGONY, machinegunned reactions, short shorts, black gloves, military style. Toy guns, many deaths, POV shootings, ***** killing *****, body piles. No flash effects . bodypiles
It’s shot-dead cocktail CUSTOM story with traditional black gloves and sexy situations with playing machinegunes.
If you are unterested to see more machine gunned customs please go to CRIME HOUSE (DARK ROOMS) store and check them in SHOT-DEAD COCKTAIL category.  THE COLLECTOR part 1 Lis Death
    22 minutes
      THE COLLECTOR part 1 Lis Death - THE COLLECTOR (Part 1: Murder of Li)



«‘The Collector: Student Reporter’ is nothing short of a masterpiece, what you might call Arthouse Erotic Horror. Full of iconic moments, this video is destined, in my opinion, to become a classic. Make no mistake, what Ugine and team have produced is one of the best videos in the genre, ever, and your money here is well spent.

What I gave Ugine was an insanely complex script. It took the characters seriously, giving paragraph after paragraph to their thoughts and feelings. It linked out to clips from some of the best videos in our genre — specifically, the best portrayals of my favorite elements that I wanted to repurpose for my story. And it had a story arc, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Not to mention that Ugine even integrated multiple audio clips that I had recorded by a voice actress for one of the character’s internal dialogue. This was truly hard work, and I can’t thank Ugine enough. This was a leap of faith for me, and Dark Rooms delivered!»


Customer’s Review


CAST: Annabelle, Judi, Li, Max






Fetish Elements

Adult Student Girls, Stalking, Shooting to the body with silencer, Shooting and destroying bra for topless, Shooting to the breast, Death, Death Stare, Playing with body (very lot!) , Death Stare With Tounge Out, Stripping Nude, Touching Breasts, Touching Face, Injection to freeze the body



On the campus of The Pence Academy, an all-girls boarding school in the northeast United States, all is quiet. Most of the girls — teenagers, from wealthy families — have retired to their rooms, except for a handful of seniors (all of them 18-years-old), who as leaders of various student organizations are working into the night. One such girl is KAITLIN GALLAGHER, the ambitious daughter of international banker, Robert Gallagher.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt, and red tie, THE COLLECTOR is calm, cool, and collected, as he sits in his car parked across from the Pence Academy senior class house. He is a hitman, and this is his first job in the U.S. His first American target: Kaitlin Gallagher. His job is not just to stop her from publishing the exposè on Petrov, his client, but also to make an example of her.

He gets the task to eliminate Kaitlin Gallagher but he must kill also two her roommates. The Collector is what you might call a high-functioning maniac, doing what other hitmen refuse to do: kill young women. Of course, the young women of interest to his clients usually came from privilege — wielding power they inherited, never earning it. And it was Kaitlin’s status as an American princess — her arrogant adolescent pursuits — that made killing her so tantalizing.


Worse than death was what he did with the girls afterward. In a previous life, he was a Russian defense services officer — a scientist, in fact, tasked by his government to find ways of incapacitating and preserving the bodies of criminals for long-term, inexpensive imprisonment. The result: cryo-nanoparticles, which preserved bodies perfectly, though not without killing them first — often in dramatic fashion. Thus he failed, though not entirely, for he had found a way to turn his victims into living dolls.

His first victim is Ashley Witford, the queen of graduation.

Ashley arrives at the entryway of the house. A distracted look on her face, she begins climbing the stairs — while The Collector watches her unnoticed from his car. He knows what happens to girls who climb stairs in short skirts. Suppressing his excitement, he covers his mouth with his hand.


As she reaches the top of the stairs, her skirt flips up, though not enough, revealing just the bottoms of her ass cheeks — and just briefly. Disappointed, but patient, he continues watching her, trusting the skirt will betray her soon enough.


Now at the door, Ashley goes to find her keys. Letting the left strap slide off her shoulder, she cradles the backpack on her right side and unzips the front compartment. Rummaging through the contents for several moments, she just cannot find her keys. Frustrated, she sets the backpack on the ground and squats to dig through it more thoroughly.


As she squats digging for her keys, she pays no attention to her skirt riding up her ass, finally revealing it. The upskirt is completely accidental, and she would be horrified to know a man was enjoying it. The bulge of her pussy presses against the cotton fabric of her simple panties, framed by the roundness of each ass cheek.

Ashley keeps digging, when at long last she hears a METALLIC JINGLE — she has found her keys. Relieved, she breathes a sigh of relief. Then standing back up, she arches her back to maintain her balance, accentuating her ass before it finds cover under the skirt again.


She picks up the backpack and puts it back on. In a moment of self-awareness — rare for this would-be prom queen — she adjusts her skirt, yanking it down and confirming with her fingers, their fingernails painted white, that her ass is properly covered. Paranoid, she takes a quick look around — noticing the car, though making nothing of it.

Opening the entryway door, Ashley walks into the house, phone in hand. As she walks to her room, the phone BUZZES with a message from someone named Emily Astor.

EMILY ASTOR is texting Ashley from her dorm room. Wearing a sports bra and spandex booty shorts and her hair tied in a ponytail, she stands barefoot on an empty stretch of floor, ready for some yoga — something she feels compelled to tell Ashley.

Daughter of David Astor, a real estate investor, Emily was born and raised in New York City — as she frequently reminds others. She loves yoga almost as much as her mother, and one day, she wants to open her own studio in Manhattan.

Having had enough, Ashley puts her phone down on her desk and starts to get undressed. Undoing the buttons, she removes her blouse, revealing a pair of young breasts suspended in a simple bra. Then tossing the blouse aside, she goes to remove her skirt — when all of a sudden, she hears someone whistling behind her.


She gasps, as she turns to find The Collector pointing a gun at her. Staring blankly at him, she shakes her head no, raising her hands slowly in surrender. With bated breath, she begins pleading with him.

Before the word “no” can leave Ashley’s mouth, The Collector fires into her abdomen, below her navel — the BLAST
agony as the bullet leaves just a small hole in her flesh, spewing a rivulet of
blood that runs down her pelvis.

Clutching her wound with her hands, she YELPS as she doubles over in agony, giving us a look down the cleavage of her breasts from the front — while from the back, we look up her skirt.


In terrible pain, Ashley straightens her back and stares at The Collector. She looks confused as much as she looks scared, and shaking her head, she begins to CRY. This only makes him LAUGH, and grinning widely, he fires two more shots into her chest.

His bullets strike the very middle of her bra — right on target — shredding the fabric and leaving the disconnected cups to fall away from her bare breasts. Her heart pierced through, she is dying, NOISILY CHOKING on her blood. Her eyes cross, then roll back into her head, as blood starts to trickle from a corner of her lips.


Falling, her back finds a wall, and she slides down it. As she does so, her legs bend at the knees and spread apart. Her ass comes to rest on the floor, and we can see the front of her panties under her skirt.

We hear Ashley taking HER DYING BREATH, watching her naked chest rising and falling a few more times, before her long legs spasm and then totally relax.

As a death stare sets on her face, she briefly makes an ahegao face, crossing and rolling her eyes while protruding her blood-soaked tongue. A tear rolls down her cheek, carrying with it some smokey eyeshadow.

Ashley is dead. Breasts exposed, she dies with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. The Collector approaches her body, admiring it. His grin fades as he addresses her.

Looking for Ashley’s phone, The Collector scans the room and quickly finds it on her desk. Encountering the lock screen, he reads the instructions to himself — in English.

he Collector takes a seat next to Ashley on the ground, sitting shoulder to shoulder with her. He opens the photos app on her phone and flips through her selfies. We see one of her in her schoolgirl uniform, but also wearing a tiara. She is smiling radiantly in the images, preening for social media.

Delighted, though no longer laughing, The Collector plants a kiss on Ashley’s cheek, jostling her lifeless head. Then putting her phone down, he moves into a crouch in front of her. He cradles her chin with his fingers, admiring her beautiful, blood-stained face.


He removes her broken bra, unhooking it from the back and pulling the broken pieces off her arms. He takes a moment to admire her breasts, cupping them in his hands to assess their firmness and weight. Then taking her hands in his, he admires her white nailpolish.


Releasing Ashley’s hands, he moves to grab her ankles, then drags her onto her back, away from the wall. As she is being dragged, her skirt bunches up around her waist, revealing her simple panties.







    9 minutes
      STRANGE NEIGHBOUR - Strange Neighbor
Starring: Angelina and Juliana

Fetish elements: 
Putting stuff in the mouth 
Legs Kicking’s
Death stares
Leggy girls 
Plot: Juliana is relaxing in her dacha when he is attacked by crazy neighbor who has been looking at her for a long time.  He strangled her from behind, stripped her body and strangled her friend Angelina to put the tomato in her mouth, strip and carry near Juliana’s body.  GAS CHAMBLER
    10 minutes
      GAS CHAMBLER - An east Europe country has reinstated the death penalty for women. To exercise this they built a gas
chamber at the womens prison.
The only way To really test this new execution device will be actually executing someone for real. To do
this the prison officials have picked a random pretty girl off the street from a night club and taken her
into “custody”.

Open scene.
Tatiana is already strapped in to a sturdy well built chair. She has heart monitor electrodes stuck to her
chest under her dress, wires leading off to a junction on the chamber wall.
She is wearing a black mini dress and shiny black thigh high boots.
She is extremely scared, begging to be released.
After approximately 30 seconds under the chair a cup of white powder tips over and pours into a bowl
of liquid creating a vigorous foaming reaction and some cloudy vapours, Cyanide Gas!
Tatiana try’s to hold her breath in desperation. However, after only 30 seconds or so, she can’t hold her
breath anymore, and by reflex, she takes a deep breath causing her to inhale a large amount of gas. She
reacts like she just got stabbed in the lungs.
After the initial shock Tatiana can only take short shallow breaths. However she soon starts to foam
from her mouth and salivating uncontrollably.
Tatiana convulses, and struggles trying to breath normally, but every time she breaths in all she gets a
lung full of cyanide gas.
For the next 6 minutes this continues.
6 minutes after the gas started Tatiana starts to get light headed and dizzy. Her strength begins to fade.
This continues for another 6 minutes until 12 full minutes after the gas started Tatiana goes
Seconds later the heart monitor stops, indicating Tatiana is dead!
     Family Affair
    20 minutes
      Family Affair - FAMILY AFFAIR
Starring: Mary, Tora and Kit
Strangulation, leg jerking, tongue out, sexy lingerie, strangulation from behind, Necro lesbo games, stripping dead body, playing with dead body, touching dead girl while dying, taking off panties from dead girl in death  agony (!!!), death stares, two dead nude girls
Movie with English subtitles 


Kit and Mary is a family couple. They are poor and don’t know what to do in the economic crisis. Mary says that her cousin is contract killer and he earns good money. Her husband who was at the war is very interested in this job. Mary’s cousin gives them the access to the secret contract killers’ Uber base where they can find victims and take offers. They have no guns and other weapons that’s why they choose to kill young rich girl, the ex-wife of senator and strangle her. They play at tour managers, call her and offer VIP tour, She invites them to her place. They come, Kit strangles her and Mary is watching at her death with great pleasure. 
After she’s dead the husband  goes to another rooms searching for money and jewels. The wife starts to play with dead body, enjoying fresh young corpse of rich girl. She takes of her clothes and put the lingerie of dead girl. She slaps her ass and does some other sexy Necro manipulations. 
The husband returns to the room with dead body  and sees how his nasty wife is playing with the corpse. He gets angry – she touched body with her fingers without gloves. He doesn’t want to share the money with her and starts to strangle her very brutal. She is in shock – she just seen how terrible the death is and she doesn’t want to join lifeless cold body she just played with! It her last seconds of life she grabs panties of dead girl and dies with her hands on the dead girls’ ass. 
Kit stripes bodies for full nude, puts clothes to big bag with money, jewels and some other robbed things and goes away. 
If you like this movie please check
    23 minutes
      SENSATION - Starring: Luiza, Nata, Annabelle


Luiza was poisoned choked and bagged!

Annabelle was stabbed many times

Nata was stabbed to her neck!


Nata and Luiza are best friends, they are students of journalism. Throughout their studies, they have always been the best on the course, surprising their circle of fellow students and readers with talented explorations.

There is no doubt that their talent will provide them with a bright future in their careers. There is only one step left to the cherished goal: complete a thesis work. And girls would not be themselves if it were not for their ambitions to strive for the best.

Therefore, as a thesis work , they took up a local urban legend - a serial killer named Bloody Rose. This killer has been horrifying the local population for a couple of years with its rare but highly sophisticated murders. Police are at a loss and can’t (or don’t want?) do away with this maniac.

Well, the team of Nata and Luiza will correct this misunderstanding, because they already have a lot of clues and facts on this case. And tomorrow morning this couple will publish sensational material. Hold on to journalistic strips!
     ARCHER 12
    27 minutes
      ARCHER 12 - ARCHER 12
«You combined all of the elements I enjoy from the original video the series is based and all of the versions we have done to date.  Real genius! My sincere thanks to you and your team.  The set is beautifully created (felt like you were in a real club), the directing, acting and following of the script are incredible and unbelievably professionally done.   You have my thanks for your extreme hard work on my project!  I truly enjoy working with you.»
Customer’s Review 
CAST: Alice M, Yana, Angelina, Max, Den

After firefight in Archer 10 movie, when the police could hurt the Archer, he changed his location and found another exotic club to continue his case – killing sexy dancers. This time he couldn’t invite girls to the private party and went to the club for his hunt… Another 3 sexy dancers became live-targets for him…

    20 minutes
Starring: Xena and Max



The contract killer Xena is hired by a company that develops male clones for use in silent combat. The company wants to verify that their clones are working properly. For this they have hired a contracted murderer diagnosed as clinically crazy, who has the reputation to strangle her victims sadistically and thereby to feel sexual arousal.

The details of where the killer finds her victim (room number and picture of her assignment) are in the letter. Xena looks at the picture and says to herself that she will enjoy killing the two clone.

Xena puts on her killer outfit, a bikini slip to tie, a leather bra, tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots and a black leather jacket.

She puts on black tight leather gloves and open her leather jacket. She takes her tat tool, a garotte with wooden handles out, stands in front of a mirror, this puts itself the garrot around the neck and pulls over, imagining how she will strangle the first clones. Then she puts her hands around her own neck, then her seal image, imagining herself strangling the second clone.

1. Clone
The contract killer stands in front of the door of the hotel room where her first clone victim is, she takes a fake key from her pocket and softly opens the door.The room is still empty. She hides behind a curtain (or similar). Suddenly, the first clone comes unsuspecting into the room. The contract killer creeps up behind him and puts the garrot around his neck and pulls tight. The clone tries to fight back, but the killer is much stronger. As the resistance slowly fades, she throws him on the bed, sits on him and clamps his arms under her legs. Then she puts the garrote around his neck again and pulls tighter and tighter.The clone is fighting and it looks like it is getting weaker, but it manages to break free. Xena pulls the clone back, sits back on him, tucks his arms under her legs and now puts her hands around his neck and presses until she kills him and saliva comes out of his mouth and his tongue sticking out of his mouth . He defends himself but has no chance against them. Then she calls her client and tells him that she killed the first clone and that it was still too weak despite the fight and that she enjoyed strangling him. Then she says, hopefully the second clone is a little stronger and laughs.

2. Clone
The second clone seduces her and goes with him to the room where she is undisturbed. She slowly undresses, puts on her leather boots and leather gloves. Then she pushes him on the bed and rides him wildly. She chokes him while fucking first spelerich with her hands and enjoys the sex. Then she takes her garrote out of the leather jacket that she has put on in the meantime. She puts the garrote around the neck of the second clone and tightens it, choking him with it. He fights hard against it and Xena pulls tighter and tighter and enjoys looking him in the eye. He slowly gets weaker and she lets it loose for a moment and says to him that she gives him another chance then pulls tight again, he tries to prevent her from doing so, can put his hands around her neck for a moment, but is already too weak, like that that he has no chance and gives up and Xena finally strangles him while he is still twitching and saliva flows from his mouth. Then pull it tighter until his tongue is limp and she is sure that he is dead.

After she is finished, she lifts him on the bed and puts hims hands around each end of the garrote still wrapped around her neck. It looks as though he is still trying to strangle himself in death. Then she masturbates on his corpse.

After killing the clones, she calls her client and tells him that she also killed the second clone and that it was stronger than the first, but still had no chance and she was able to strangle him with her Garrote. On the phone, she describes in detail how she killed both clones. Then she asks her client for new instructions and a job to test even more clones and then strangle them too until they are strong enough to prevent them. Xena receives the new instructions and prepares for her new jobs

The victims should shrug and defend themselves properly against. Xena and in the end saliva should run out of the mouth so that it looks even more real.Then she masturbates on his corpse.

Everything happens in front of a large mirror.

Outfit of Xena: lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots and very short gloves.

Please again about 20 minutes.


    10 minutes
Custom Movie
Starring: Maria A and Tim

Fetish Elements:
Surprised, Home Alone, Home attack, Shooting to the belly, Treat Pain, Much Blood, Agony. Poses, Realistic trying to escape, Begging for life, Shooting to the chest, Postmortem shooting

Young student was  killed at her home by silencer

If you like this videos please check out
    12 minutes

Starring: Nadya, Tora and Kit 
Bloody Stabbing Horror
46 stabs to the first girl (shower and bath scene)
30 stabs to the office girl:
She was forced to seat to the knife
Long stab to her pussy!
Agony, legs jerking, great pantyhose views!
Aggressive touching her bloody breasts and ass
Bloody bodypile

Bad rich girl was drunk when she did a car accident with death of innocent man. Her lawyer helped her with police problems and won a case. But the victim’s brother treated her in her Facebook and promised to kill her. She was frightened and asked her lawyer to find safe house where she can hide.
The lawyer (young sexy woman with connections with government and mafia) tells that nothing can hurt her. She advises to relax. The girl goes to the shower. But the man was already at lawyer’s place. He rushes to the bathroom and starts stabbing rich girl many times. 46 stabbed to her breasts, neck, stomach!
He leaves dead wet bloody body in the bathroom and goes to the room for the lawyer. When the woman sees him she is not that brave bitch any more – she is crying that she’s just an employee of law-company and begs him to let her go.
She forces her to seat. When she is sitting he  moves up the knife under her ass. She seats just to the knife! Her pussy was crashed! She is jerking in the horrible agony, jerking her llong sexy legs in black pantyhose. She’s crying, her eyes are wide opened, she is stabbed to the pussy. He puts off the knife and stabs her to her breasts about 30 times!
He plays with her dead body very rude and hard and then he puts her near to her dead client.
    23 minutes

CAST: Mira Green, Luiza, Max


«Thank you, downloaded and watched.

Overally very happy with it. 

Mira was exceptional. Her outfit, death stare, final body position. I would have just preferred more blood to come out of her mouth. 

Luiza was exceptional throughout. Her death stare was amazing, the drool scene was spectacular and her lingerie outift was so sexy. A truly stunning girl..

Max was great in it too. Very brutal and it really came across that he hated Luiza. Brilliant by him»

From Customer’s Review 

1.	Sexy Villian Luiza kills yung rich wife of businessman shooting her to her chest and then to her month  - great fighting, emotions, surprise expression, fear expression, shooting effects and postmortem agony!
2.	Sexy Villian Luiza meets her long, terrible end as a revenge from husband of killed girl. Poor Luiza was choked, poisoned, stabbed to her chest, had neck breat two times and then was shot many many times already dead. 

PLENTY!!! Plenty Fetish Elements!

Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the month, pospmortem agony, Seduction, Bad Girl, Fe,ale Killer, From killer to Victim, Sexy Leather pants of killer, Black Stocking and lingerie,  Choking, Knock Out, Unconscious, Poisoning, Foam From The mouth, Agony, very strong body shaking, Begging For the life, Stabbing to the chest (long), Begging for be killed  quickly, Breaking Neck (Twice), Shooting many times to the dead body, Painting with Blood on dead body, Death Stare, Sexy Deadly Poses  

1st Scene

We see Mira green in her lounge doing yoga.

 She’s wearing a sports bra and pants whilst doing her stretching. She’s wearing a really nice necklace. we see her doing a few stretches. The camera then focuses on Luiza dressed as an assassin holding a silenced pistol entering the room. Mira hasn’t noticed and carries on working out. Luiza approaches mira and points the gun at Mira and tells her not to make a sound. she tells mira she just needs her husbands laptop and if she stays quiet, she’ll live. Luiza walks to pick up the laptop from the side table. Mira sees an opportunity and runs to attack Luiza, Luiza turns and fires a single shot in Miras heart. Shocked, Mira puts her hand over the wound. She looks up at luiza as blood runs out of her mouth and wound. Mira collapses onto her knees. Luiza then walks up to mira and forces her gun into Mira’s mouth. A single shot ends Mira’s life. Mira falls onto her back and her body twitches a few times before laying still her legs are spread apart. Her eyes stay open as the camera closes in on her face, loads of blood pours out of her mouth.  Luiza kneels beside her. She grabs Miras necklace and puts it on herself before leaving the room (with laptop). The camera pans over Miras body before focussing on miras face (eyes still open)

2nd Scene

Max, holding a briefcase dressed smartly on his phone outside luizas house/flat, we hear him say ‘target located, time to kill this bitch’

We cut into the flat and into a bedroom where luiza is dressed in black lingerie, black stockings and a silk robe loosely tied up and no shoes on, she is still wearing Miras necklace. She is on the stolen laptop looking through the files on it.

Max enters holding his briefcase aiming his gun at her, he tells her to stand up and to sit on the bed. As Luiza stands up and turns to face him she hides a knife in her panties. ‘how did you find me?’ luiza asks as she slowly makes her way to the bed. As she sits down she slides the knife under the pillows.

Max goes over to the laptop and briefly looks on it then diverts his attention to his target. Luiza slowly stands. Her plan is to seduce Max, kill him and save herself. Luiza tells max ‘let me show you a reason why you should let me go’ as she walks to Max she takes off her robe to reveal her body. She makes max put his gun next the laptop and takes his hand and walks him to the bed. She gets him to sit on the edge of the bed and begins to give him a sexy lapdance. She grinds on him, bends over infront of him and sucks on his finger. Luiza whispers ‘I want you to fuck me’ she pushes max onto to the bed (hes now laid with his head on the pillow with the knife under) Luiza slowly rides ontop of max whilst doing this she slowly begins to reach for the knife, she tells max to close his eyes and enjoy himself. 

As she grabs the knife she lifts it above her head and tries to thrust it into max’s chest. He grabs her hand and pulls her in close ‘that necklace belonged to my wife, im here to take it back’ they struggle/ roll around on the bed trying to stab each other. Max manages the get the knife but luiza kicks it out of his hand. The knife falls onto the floor. Both are still on the bed, Luiza is on her back and wraps her legs around max whos kneeling then ctarts to choke him with her hands. As she tightens her legs she tries to squeeze the air out of him. Max, grabs her throat and pulls her up so theyre facing each other. He then punches luiza in the face instantly knocking her out. She falls back on to the bed and her legs unwrap from around max. Max removes the necklace from around her neck and puts it in his pocket. Max goes to his briefcase and takes out a bottle of poison. He then goes back to Luiza who is still laid on the bed knocked out. He forces her mouth open then pours some poison into her open mouth. He then replaces the poison in his briefcase.

Max slaps luiza to wake her up. ‘enjoy the poison you’ve just swallowed’ luiza looks terrified as the poison begins to attack her body. she violently convulses and foam/drool erupts from her mouth. Her eyes roll back as her body stops convulsing still foam is coming out of her mouth, her tongue is sticking out.

Max grabs his belongings and begins to leave, as he nears the door he hears Luiza moving. She is somehow still alive, she crawls off the bed and makes her way to the knife on the floor. She slowly crawls towards it. Max laughing at how pathetic Luiza is he tells her that he can’t have given her enough poison. As she grabs the knife max stands on her hand that’s holding the knife and takes it from her. he grabs her hair and forces her onto her knees infront of him. He strokes her face and body with the knife all whilst luiza is begging for mercy. He grabs her face and bends down so their staring at each other. 
‘you fucking slut, any last words?’
‘just finish me off quickly, a bullet to the head’
‘You disgust me, I’ll do with you whatever I want, once you’re dead, your body is mine’
Luiza looks at max as Max thrusts the knife into Luizas chest. Blood flows out of luizas mouth. Max stands, and puts his foot on the knife that’s still in luizas chest and pushes it making Luiza drop onto her back, her body spasms. Max walks to her head and picks her head up. Luiza barely alive pleads for her life. He aggressively snaps her neck. Her eyes stay open and her tongue comes out. Max still filled with anger at luiza snaps her neck twice more. Each time Luizas body spasms. Her lifeless body is left with her arms and legs spread out wide. He retrieves his gun. As he walks to luizas body he is still angry at her. He unloads his entire clip into luiza. Her body shakes with each shot, once finished her arms and legs are again spread wide. The camera goes close on her face, loads of blood flows out of her mouth as she stares lifelessly into the camera. Max bends down and uses his phone to take a couple of photos of luiza to prove the target has being killed. He puts his phone away and uses the blood from her mouth to write RIP on luizas forehead and then writes SLUT in blood across her belly. Max kicks luizas legs more open then collects all his belongings and leaves. The camera does loads of shots of luizas body (close ups on her face, shots with her body in full view and shots in between her legs). Final shot it of luizas face.

    12 minutes
CAST: Zlata, Demonica, Max
Zlata is a government agent, avenging the death of her husband, killed by a villainess.
Demonika, a villain, mercenary and terrorist, killed Zlatas husband for a lot of money.
Spy action story inspirited by final of the movie Golden Eye (1995).
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 965 Clips / 16587 minutes of video!

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