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    18 minutes
CAST: Angelina, Max
«Thank you, that was excellent, even better than I expected! The lighting and camera work were great, and so was the acting. You captured what I wanted and threw in some nice extra elements too. And the process was very smooth and fast».
Customer’s Review 

Victim: Angelina. Her hairstyle should be down like in Single Bullets, she should wear her favorite stylish dress and makeup.
Executioner: Any male actor, should look like a gentleman and wear something formal like the male actor in Suspicion.
The executioner walks Angelina to the garroting chair. Angelina’s arms are handcuffed behind her back and the executioner holds her upper arm. The executioner sits Angelina down in the garroting chair. He does not put the rope around her neck yet. He then pulls up a folding chair and sits down in it, leaning in and facing Angelina at eye level. Angelina is confident and gives the executioner a seductive smile.
The executioner says: “You look stunning today.”
Angelina says: “Of course, I know this is being filmed for the victim’s family. I used to be a model, I want to give them a good last performance. I owe them that for their son.”
The executioner says: “You will have your chance in a minute, we just have to wait for the last call from the Tribunal.”
Angelina takes a deep breath and then asks: “Will this hurt?”
The executioner says: “Only for a few minutes. I will be as gentle as I can. Are you afraid?”
Angelina thinks about this for another moment and then says: “Yes.”
The executioner says: “I have a little gift for you.” He unlocks Angelina’s handcuffs and then gives her a flask or mini-bottle of vodka from his pocket. He says: “Here, drink this. It will give you some courage.”
Angelina takes the bottle and drinks it as the executioner’s phone rings. The executioner answers his phone. It is the Tribunal, and they tell him Angelina’s last appeal has been denied. The executioner acknowledges this and hangs up. Then he faces Angelina to tell her the bad news: “Your last appeal has been denied. Are you ready?”
Angelina’s eyes become more afraid. She says, “Wait, wait: You have been so nice to me. I have a little gift for you too. She starts to take off her dress and signals the executioner to help. The executioner helps her take off her dress and throws the dress on the folding chair. Angelina is now completely nude and the executioner stares at her body.
Angelina says: “Go ahead, you can touch them.”
The executioner gently feels Angelina’s breasts and strokes her vagina. He says: “Very nice.”
Angelina says: “I know, it would be a shame to bury them, right?” She summons up all of her composure and tries her best to seduce the executioner to let her go.
The executioner just shakes his head and stands up, takes Angelina’s arms, and handcuffs them back behind her back. He also slides the rope around her neck. As he is doing this, Angelina begs him: “Wasn’t that fun? I could keep doing that.”
The executioner still says nothing, just walks back around to face her. He takes a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket and reads her sentence: “Angelina [last name], you have hereby been sentenced to death for murder. Do you have any last words before the sentence is carried out?”
Angelina begs him: “No, please, this is such a waste of talent.”
The executioner goes behind her as Angelina loses her composure and panics, and the executioner tightens the rope. Angelina struggles. I like her struggle in Mass Female Execution, but she shouldn’t go cross-eyed. It should be a little bit less dramatic and more realistic than in Female Criminal Executed Garrote. She should struggle to open her mouth for air but not be able to open her mouth so wide. Also, Angelina’s neck should stay pinned to the back of the chair because of the rope, but the rest of her body should struggle. She should become weaker gradually over 5 minutes or so without a big dramatic gesture at the end. Then, she becomes limp and unconscious. Her knees should be close together but lower legs and feet should be splayed apart in different directions. Her eyes should also be closed.
There should not be blood, but can you use makeup to create a subtle bruise on Angelina’s neck where the rope was?
After Angelina goes limp, the executioner keeps the rope tight around her neck. The camera pans over all the details of Angelina’s body from her feet to face for another 2 minutes or so. After this is done, the executioner loosens the rope, feels Angelina’s neck for a pulse, and then carries her to a gurney that he wheels to the morgue.
Finally, there is the morgue scene where Angelina lies on a slab with a toe tag, like in Female Criminal Executed Garrote. Except, her hands should be folded on top of each other and rested on the center of her body just under her breasts. The executioner will walk around and take a few pictures of her body from different angles with a camera to send to the victim’s family. Finally, he walks away and turns off the lights.

    18 minutes
Direct sequel to QUEEN KILLER Part 1 & 2
Important key elements of the custom (as always):
- oiled (sweaty bodies, please MORE than in QUEEN KILLER)
- emotional, lustful acting, animalistic, over-the-top
- protruding, clearly visible ribs, heavy breathing, lustful
- death scenes: arching, writhing, moaning, NEVER TOUCH THE WOUND, arms/legs outstretched, visble ribs
Costumes and props: exactly like in "Queen Killer": only this loincloth, necklace (queen Nadya only), barefoot, war paint, body oiled, big knife.
Nadya - Amazon Queen
Angelina - Amazon Warrior
one of your guys - Brotherhood agent
Setting: in a normal living room, no special locations required. Dialogue in English if possible (if not Russian with subtitles).
Nadya is dressed in normal streetwear, she is sitting at a table, staring at a notebook screen. She is watching a video that the brotherhood sent her (Queen Killer, showing the demise of two other queens): she is aroused and disgusted at the same time. Finally she slams the notebook cover and yells "NOOOO!" 
She is very aroused and angry. Angelina rushes in (in streetwear, too).
Angelina: "My queen, what is wrong?"
Nadya: "The Brotherhood! They killed two of our queens! They know EVERYTHING! They know about the Queen Killer knife and found it! And they know about our weak spot - the navel!"
Angelina: "How is this possible? These are our secrets  for a long time!"
Nadya: "Exactly! There is only one way..." (Pause) "There must be a traitor in our tribe!"
Angelina: "This is not possible!"
Nadya: "It is! Now, let us dress up and prepare for a battle! They will come soon!"
Angelina nods. (Fade to black)
New scene, same room.
Nadya is now dressed as the amazon queen: loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint, oiled up. She is aroused and ready. She touches her belly and sticks a finger in her navel. She moans.
Angelina walks in, too, dressed as an amzon warrior: loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint, oiled up, too. One arm is behind her back, she is hiding something.
Angelina: "You are so beautiful my queen!" She licks her tongue.
Nadya notices that she is hiding something and understands.
Nadya: "You, Angelina?"
Angelina only smiles as an agent from the brotherhood walks in, too. Nadya stares angrily at him. 
Angelina shows what she is hiding behind her back: the queen killer knife! Nadya gasps in fear and excitement. She breathes heavily, staring at the knife which already unleashes its magic. Nadya feels so horny! She wants to die!!! She wants to be stabbed with this big knife in her bellybutton!!! She knows it´s a trick from the knife, but she can barely fight her lust to be killed! She won´t remove her necklace! Never!!!
Angelina approaches, the queen breathes heavily. Sucking in her belly deep in and out, slowly. Her ribs protrude so clearly with every breath! She stares at the agent as he shows her the knife! Slowly Angelina glides it over Nadya´s naked body and the queen gets more and more aroused.
Angelina finally smiles and pokes into the queens bellybutton. As the blade glides into her bellybutton she moans loudly. Her breathing becomes faster and deeper. Ohhh, so wants to be stabbed there so badly! She wants to feel the blade in her guts!!! But no, she won´t take her necklace off! 
Angelina: "Remove your necklace, my queen and I will stab you right there! Right in your bellybutton!"
Nadya moans and licks her lips, raises her arms slowly up. She is offering her naked body. 
Angelina: "I wil gut you like a pig. I know you want to feel the cold steel in your guts!"
Nadya  reists for some moments, then she tears the necklace and throws it away.She keeps her hands behind her head, she is offering her bellybutton to be stabbed! She is totally horny now and wants the blade inside her!! 
Nadya: "Stab me! Gut me like a pig!"
Angelina loves how the amazon queen is offering her naked body to her. Nadya stabs the knife deep inside her bellybutton.
"OOUGHHHH!!!" The queen grunts loud and her eyes open in shock and pain! Angelina holds the blade as they look and each other eyes for some seconds. Then she pulls it out. Nadya grunts again!! Angelina takes some steps back. The queen breathes heavily and looks down her belly. Her bellybutton is bleeding. She stares at Angelina in disbelief and finally sinks to her knees. She NOT touches the wound! NEVER!!!
The she falls on her back and starts to writhe, arch and moan in agony. More blood flows from her wound, down the sides also. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.. 
Again after some minutes she arches her back very high, screams LOUD and then spits a lot of blood from her mouth. She collapses back, dead.
Some more views of her bloody, dead body. And the necklace on the ground. 
The death of her queen has Angelina aroused a lot. She is totally horny now, too, while the agent observed the scene without much reaction.
Agent: "Come on, let´s get the computer and move! Other amazons will come soon!"
As he turns to get the computer, Angelina stabs the knife in his back. The agent is totally surprised. He screams and he turns around to Angelina, she stabs him again in the belly. The agent falls on his back, writhing in pain.
Angelina: "Did you really think I will work with the brotherhood? I only want to become queen!"
She laughs.
She sits down on his belly and raises the knife: "Time to die, bastard!"
She plunges the knife down but the agent can catch it- Angelina presses the blade down to his chest as he is blocking it with two hands. Both moan as they press over control.
Although the agent is badly wounded he is stronger than the amazon. Slowly he turns the blade pointing to Angelina´s belly. 
It comes closer and closer to her bellybutton, both moan in fight. Finally the tip has reached Angelinas navel and she moans loud. With a big thrust the agent stabs her belly button. Angelina grunts and her eyes widen in shock and pain.
Agent: "Now I show you how to to gut a pig!"
He twists the blade and Angelina screams loudly: "AIIIIIEEEYYYYYHHH!". She bends a bit over and spits blood on the agent´s face.
The agent pulls the blade out and pushes Angelina away like a piece of trash. She falls off, doubles over and land on her back. she does the same dying show as the queen:
More blood flows from her wound, down the sides also. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.. 
After some time Angelina somehow manages to get up on all fours. She has so much pain and will die soon but she will kill the agent first! Slowly she crawls to him (nice side shots please to see her ribs).  She bends over him to strangle him to death but in the same time the agent (who still has the knife) stabs her between the ribs. (she doesn´t have to sit on him, she is just to approach him, before she can do anything, she is stabbed).
Angelina grunts and her eyes widen again. More blood spills from her mouth. The agent pulls the knife out and Angelina falls to the side, on her back... dead.
Some views of both amazon bodies, than fade to black.
    27 minutes
      FOUNTAIN - Perverted Horror Film About Strangulation

27 minutes film!

The movie contains special offer inside!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation with a broom

Poking your head in the freezer

Fracture of neck

Agony after death

A corpse falling from the closet (super scene!)

Strangulation through the glass with the collapse of the breasts

Strangulation in the air

Neck Break


Separation of corpses

Games with corpses

Fountain of dead women

Fracture of neck

A bunch of corpses


The man has a serious psychological trauma after the divorce. He is going to rent an apartment. Girls come to him on an ad. He compares them with his wife and brutally kills. Student Kate, he brutally strangled in the kitchen. A divorced woman, Nicole, he strangled terribly in the room. Then he killed a rich lady. After that, he built a terrible fountain of dead girls. When his wife came for things, she saw a terrible sculpture. He broke her neck and threw her body into the Fountain. The corpses crumbled, forming a chaotic heap. Tom lays down in a pile, taking a call from the new victim, promising that the apartment is waiting for her "Fountain".




    20 minutes

Starring: Marianna, Erika Korti, Aleksandra, Kit, Anatoliy

19 minutes 

3 long and hard strangulation scenes

Many carryings, strippings, playing with bodies, bodypiles, nude content


Clothes and image:

Marianna. Young female bailiff. Wears sexy black pantyhose, white shirts and black miniskirt.

Erika. Young shopaholic. Wears black minidress and high-heel shoes.

Aleksandra. Erika’s sister. Wears green minidress.





Marianna was choked, then she was garroted. Long strangulation scene in different poses and angles. After death she was stripped full nude (long scene of stripping her).

Erika and Aleksandra were knocked out. Two man were strangling them at the same time. Aleksandra died first. Erika had long agony near her sister’s dead body. Erika did great leg shoe and strangulation reaction.

When all were dead, killers made bodypile and then carried bodies out.



Two shopaholic sisters had trouble with their bank credit. Bailiff Marianna went to their apartment for property register but when she saw many brand-things from shops she decided to take them to herself.

But suddenly two big men appeared in the flat. They are from collecting agency and they have another methods to take the property. They attacked all three women including bailiff. They don’t know what is law. They strangle girls very cruel, take all clothes to sell it by webstore and take bodies to sell them for meat-café and for human organs black market.

Fetish elements: strangulation, choking, garroting, office skirt, office suit, death stare, tongue out, leg jerking, knocking out. Knock out. 2 men kill 2 girls, bodipile, carrying bodies.
    16 minutes
Starring: Alice Miren, Sally, Keila, Maryann, Max, Eddie
Four Girls Was Shot With a Gun, Stripped And their bodies were collected in naked bodypile

A son wanted his father to advice him why girls often told him «no» when he tried to pick them up.
But father’s way was very radical: just to take a gun and go shooting the last girl who said «no» and all her friends. First the son  tried not to follow father’s advises but…

    20 minutes
«Thanks for the video. All around it was great. Some of those strangles were very good, especially the second one in the kitchen. Great acting all around as well.»
From Customer’s Review

Fetish Elements: 
Choking, Strangulation, Strangling, Asphyxia, Asphyxiation, Attacks, Garroting, Manual Strangulation, Innocent Victims, Sudden Attacks, Home Invasion, Female Killer, Girl Kills Girl. Killer girl in gloves 


The 20 minutes long movie with 10 independent scenes of girls being attacked by dangerous hitwoman. Every scene she chokes them in interesting way. 
Every scene a victim wears different sexy  clothes!

    8 minutes
      BONFIRE TALES - A cinematic excerpt from our large collection, the director's cut, which was filmed especially for you, dear friends!
Decapitation, Beheading, Beheading During Sex

Friends sit by the fire, roast marshmallows and tell each other scary stories to keep warm at night.
You will see one of these scary stories in this movie!
A guy and a girl in love are trying to have sex in the field, but the girl notices an old scary scarecrow. The guy does not pay attention and jokes, they continue to have sex. The girl sits astride the guy and gets an orgasm, when suddenly the scarecrow comes to life and chops off the girl's head with a shovel! Her headless body in agony continues to reflexively jump over the guy ...
    13 minutes
      Strange Day - STRANGE DAY
Fetish elements:
Shooting by silencer, noir, contract killer theme, white blouses, elegant death scene, long death scene, 

Two sisters was preparing to university. Their mother and father went away, so they were alone in the flat. They knew that the guy from neighborhood should come in and check the electricity. He was electric. 
He liked the younger sister till his school years. 
But it was very bad and very strange day. Killer came to sisters’ flat and killed them from silencer. 
The younger sister opened the door being sure it was the neighbor guy but it was a killer with a gun. She made brilliant surprised reaction before death. 
The older sister went out of her room and being shot to death by killer too. 

When the electric came, he saw terrible scene. The girl he liked was dying with a bullet in her left breast.

If you like this movie please check out
Betty Golden Collection
One killer for two sisters
Lawyer, lawyer 2
Death from love
    23 minutes
      SENSATION - Starring: Luiza, Nata, Annabelle


Luiza was poisoned choked and bagged!

Annabelle was stabbed many times

Nata was stabbed to her neck!


Nata and Luiza are best friends, they are students of journalism. Throughout their studies, they have always been the best on the course, surprising their circle of fellow students and readers with talented explorations.

There is no doubt that their talent will provide them with a bright future in their careers. There is only one step left to the cherished goal: complete a thesis work. And girls would not be themselves if it were not for their ambitions to strive for the best.

Therefore, as a thesis work , they took up a local urban legend - a serial killer named Bloody Rose. This killer has been horrifying the local population for a couple of years with its rare but highly sophisticated murders. Police are at a loss and can’t (or don’t want?) do away with this maniac.

Well, the team of Nata and Luiza will correct this misunderstanding, because they already have a lot of clues and facts on this case. And tomorrow morning this couple will publish sensational material. Hold on to journalistic strips!  SURFERS NIGHTMARE
    10 minutes


«Thank you for the AWESOME clip»

Customer’s Feedback




34 years, Sexy Woman, Natural Blonde!

Fetish Elements: POV shooting, shooting, stabbing, bad dream two killing in one scene

We see the model lying asleep on a sunbed or a swimming pool couch wearing costume 1. She tosses about in your sleep, restless. Then the scene fades to Scene 2. She is coming out of the pool (this is where a shot from behind would be fantastic) wearing costume 2. After coming off the ladder she takes a few steps forward on the tiles, looks up and sees someone she recognises. He doesn't have to be in frame

"Hi honey," she says, smiling. Then she hesitates, and her expression becomes wary. The clip cuts back to scene 1, where she tosses fitfully in her sleep, then back to scene 2.

"What's the matter?"  she says, fearfully Then: "What are you doing with that gun?" Then: "No, no, no, please - Aargh!" as the first shot hits her in the belly.  staggers back. She clutches the wound. The clip cuts back to scene 1, where she clutches her belly in her sleep. Then back to scene 2 again.

She cries out or grunts twice more, as two more shots hit her, in the belly and the right breast. Again there is a cut  back to scene 1 as she clutches her belly and her breast in her sleep.

After tottering a few steps back her knees fold and she collapses, landing on her tummy. She lifts her head and tries to trag herself forward. It's another opportunity to pan over her ass. She coughs blood. Then the killer (who needn't be fully visible even now) turns her over with her foot. She looks up at him, holding her hands up, as if to ward him off, but he shoots her in the left breast. Cut back to scene 1 as she spasms in her sleep, then back to scene 2, where she coughs up a little more blood, spasms and dies. Pan of body, then the man unzips the front of the swimsuit, exposing her breasts. Another pan of the body.

We come back to scene 1. She wakes up and sits up straight, a frightened look on her face. She stands up and looks about her fearfully. Then, as in scene 2, she looks into the camera as if she is looking into the eyes of someone she recognises.

"Oh honey," she gasps. "I had a terrible dream. I was -"

Her sentence is interrupted by a sharp grunt of pain, as a knife sinks into her belly. "What the -" she cries, before being stabbed twice more. She falls back on the bed, shaking and coughing blood. Then the killer stabs her in your left breast. She spasms and dies. Again the man reaches down and unzips the swimsuit to expose her breasts. Pan of body, maybe with merging in and out of body from scene 1
     Unconscious and dead
    1 minutes
      Unconscious and dead - Unconscious before death
38 minutes long! 
Starring: Lilia and Alex
Fetish Elements: 
Unconscious, carrying, dressing, redressing, limp body, KO, knock outs, gas attack, electroshock, sci-fi, hair, closed eyes, fighting, supergirl, power, shooting to the death
The scientist kidnaps a beautiful young woman for his strange experiments on pumping out her life energy. Begins a difficult confrontation between the scientist and beauty. Many times he has to stun her, change clothes, carry her around, torture her with electricity and gas attacks. At some point, the scientist becomes himself in the balance of death, when the experiment goes out of control. At the end of the clip after a desperate fight, he shoots a beautiful woman with a pistol to death!  GUARDS UNDER ATTACK
    12 minutes
«Thanks a lot, Ugine, for this marvellous piece full of ellements I love.
Romance contrasting with drama and fear, cuteness contrasting with harsh action.

I really like the vary introduction and the shots on talking girls. They are very natural looking and tender.
Therefore both actresses are very hot and attractive in the way they talk and smile at each other.
Also the gloves taking and then serious expressions just before shootout are very erotic.

The girls' performance during shootout is quite convincing. Bella Lenina plays in very nice way
the injured girl who cannot help her mate anymore. And Li is perfect when she behaves during the shootout very
calmly, cutely and she talks to protected man like they would be some at some school party and he was only drunk
or something like this.

So thanks all the actresses and actors and your crew for this movie.
Again it must be watched more times to get all the moments and details (the dream at the end, Li's photo
with her sexy and self-confident expression or Sally as strict and formal nurse are another very nice props)»
Customer’s Review

Guards under attack

The private security agency is ordedered to protect some business meeting.
The agency never asks what is the point and who they shall protect.
They just do their well-paid job. 

The story starts in some room where two beautiful guard girls just sit and wait for the start of their mission. Their colleagues are ordered to guard outside the house and the girls are sent directly to the office to watch the meeting itself.

Both girls are in the same and standard agency uniform:
"catsuit" trousers (leggings) with the wide significant leather black belt and black boots. On top they have an elegant and very tight snow white blouse fully and deeply unfasten on top. White blouse is put into the belt. They wear guns in the thigh/shoulder/waist gun holsters.

They just talk and laugh frivolously and carelessly. One girl is taking her leather gloves during they talk. 
Then she says "You are so lovely. I like very much to work with you" and she touches her mate's gentle throat and hair.
"I could not stand if something bad happened to you" she continues tenderly. The other girl just shakes her head to
show that she does not have to be worried.  

Just at the moment they want to touch with their lips the girls' nice time is suddenly interrupted by one girl's phone.

The girl stops smiling and answers it. "Yes. We are going" she says to her phone.
She stops the call and sighs shortly: "So...., let's go, they are waiting" she says to her friend.
And both girls leave the room.

Second part is in some office/warehouse/hall etc.

Each guard girl stands on the right and left side of the big table, a little behind it. Their poses are just the same, very confident and firm.  Each girl has her legs put widely apart and they keep their hands crossed behind their waist. With the serious expressions in their faces they strictly look ahead.

Behind the table there is some man. He just sits and studies some papers.

Suddenly there is some noise at the door. The girl on left side of the table wants to pull her gun out of holster but she just touches the handle and then the silent shot can be heard. The girl is shot to her belly and quickly falls on the floor beside the table. She cries fearfully, puts her palms on her belly injury and moans on the floor.

The girl on the right side of the table immediately goes before the boss to protect him and shoots on targets. "Move! Hide behind the desk" she orders the boss. The man  hides behind the table. The girl moves to her hurt and moaning colleague. When she reaches her she asks her: "Is it bad?". Her wounded friend just whispers desperately "It hurts so much... I cannot move, I cannot feel my legs...."
"Shit" her colleague just says silently.

Then she goes behind the table where the man hides.

"Somebody revelead us" cries the man with a really scared and shocked voice.
"Be quiet!" says the guard girl. "I will get them. Just keep your head down".
Then she takes a firing position and starts shooting at the opponents.
After this she hides again and kneels beside the boss with her gun ready in her both hands with a barell turning up.
"OK. I got one" she says carelessly and calmly to the frightened man.
"We will die here" the man says in panic.
She looks at him angrily. "Listen. We will not die here, just do what I say" she orders him.

Then she again exposes herself and starts firing but now she loses and is hit to her chest.
She cries and falls on her back. In a big agony she dies.

The man is only able to look at her. Then the attackers take him violently away.

There are shots on the dead girl and moaning hurt girl.

The movie ends with silent shots on the girl who was injured during the shootout. She is in bed in some room. There is a wheelchair beside her bed. With serious, very sad face she just looks at the photos in her phone and then she sadly looks out of the window thinking about her colleague.

The elements of story:
- black and white style clothes: black boots, black catsuit trousers, black wide belt and on top elegant snow white tight blouse widely unfastened on top (or one girl can also have black miniskirt with boots). The blouse is put into the trousers/skirt,
- gun holsters,
- talking and laughing before the mission starts,
- detailed shots on their bodies,
- gentle/short lesbian scene, flirting, touching each other,
- at the beginning of the second part detailed and slow shots on the girls in their confident standing poses. They both confidently stands in the same position with legs apart, hands behind their waists and serious expressions in their faces,
- first girl being shot to her belly, badly wounded,
- shootout in which the second girl is involved, dialogues with the man who is protected during the shootout,
- confident shooting position of the girl, her confidence contrasting to man's fear,
- a little bit longer death scene of the second girl, falling on her back,
- realistic reactions, lying on back, shocked expression, legs spread, death stare, mouth open,
- blood on her blouse,
- shot on dead girl and hurt girl,
- final silent part in a caring room with the injured girl,
- subtitles,

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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