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    32 minutes

«Thank you--I just finished watching the movie, and it was great! The actresses were beautiful, and they all gave wonderful performances. The music was a nice "bonus" that I hadn't even thought to ask for. You did a great job of taking the script and making it work. The final result is even better than I had imagined, so thank you (and Li, Mira, and Nadya!) for the excellent work! Nadya is always a great actress, and she did a super job as the "bad girl" in this movie. Mira did a great job acting frightened, and Li was able to convey the sense of being resigned to her fate just like I had imagined. I really appreciate everyone's hard work!»
	Customer’s Review

CAST: Nadya, Mira Green, Li

No Witnesses

Overview: A ruthless gang has captured a rookie female cop who was snooping around one of the warehouses where they store their drugs. An unfortunate college student saw her abduction, so they kidnapped her as well. The two unfortunate women were brought to the female gang boss to be eliminated. The gang boss orders the two to strip, then strangles the cop—giving the college student a preview of what she has to look forward to. After forcing the poor girl to spend some time manipulating the body of the dead police woman, the gang boss slowly strangles the young woman—pausing frequently to extend her suffering. Finally, the college student begs the gang boss for death. Satisfied, the cruel woman grants the girl her wish. She then calls her subordinates and arranges for the bodies of her two victims to be preserved as dolls—to serve as a warning (or an example of what awaits) other women who are brought to her. 

Rookie Cop (played by Li): A young police woman with more enthusiasm than skill. She knows of the gangs reputation and realizes that she and the schoolgirl are going to die.
Costume: A police uniform, preferably with a skirt and black stockings. She removes the uniform early in the video and dies nude.

College Student (played by Mira Green): An unfortunate young woman who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Costume: (First Choice): The “sexy schoolgirl uniform” from “Gunshot Cocktail Mira”(with a pair of white stockings) would be perfect, preferably with the sexy red underwear from Mira’s gallery image underneath. Like Li, she strips nude early in the video and dies naked. 

Gang Boss (played by Nadya): A cold hearted criminal who enjoys “playing” with her prey.   

A hotel bedroom used as a safehouse by the gang. There are two chairs in the room. Nadya is sitting in one, facing Li and Mira. The other armchair is positioned facing the bed. On a stand / table next to Nadya are a pair of silken cords. 

    22 minutes
Elements: Realistic bullet wounds - bullet impact effects (bullet wounds will appear on screen when hit to body) - Realistic Role Play  - Effects can be similar with "Realistic Shooting Exprience Movie"  
models: ela-baunty-lyayla fox-ksusyev
Clothes: Girls will be wearing black lingerie like clothes_picture 
Girls will be around table drinking alcohol playing card game and having fun Baunty will go up and go to bartender to take alcohol and ask the girls if they want anything or not 
Bartender says “Seems like you girls having fun want to have fun more?”
 Bartender gives drug pill to Baunty ,Baunty takes the pill and says “Woooow thats heavy” 
Baunty goes back to the table , Baunty starts small cause on table (she drops his drink on to the cards & money) and says “You all got no guts to fight with me”
Girls says “Come on Baunty go take a rest you drink too much” , Baunty goes back to bartender with smiling , Bartender asks “Did they kick you from their game?” 
Baunty says “i dont care about them they got no guts to fight with me they are lucky because i am not in my mood”
Bartender says “ i know the solution , bartender gives two hand guns to Baunty and says “One of this guns are fake and the other one is real , you will use the real one and your opponents will have the fake gun , i will manage the duel”
Baunty goes back to table and says “alright girlsss today we making big gun duel bartender will manage the duel and remember you got no chance to runaway from this without beating me in duel”
Lyalya Fox walks up and says “you cant dooo this Baunty stay calmmm” Baunty opens fire to air and says “we will do it and you will be the first one to duel”
Girls goes to duel area
First Duel will be between 
Baunty & Lyayla Fox 
other girls sits at seats to watch the duel , Bartender comes and says to girls “Alright girls it will be fair duel and says , you will start with my signal , i will sit and have a flag at my hand when i drop the flag You will reload your guns and start shooting , fastest wins”
Bartender says “i am repeating you will reload your guns when flag drops soo becareful dont start early”
Baunty , Lyayla Fox both starts looking each other and to the bartender 
Bartender drops the flag 
Baunty knows her gun is not fake soo she is calmly reloads and starts shooting at Lyayla Fox , Fox gets shot, she starts to agonize in pain she looks at her belly and drops her gun , Baunty ask to girls “Should i finish her” Girls says “Do ittt finish this loser”
Lyayla Fox says “i hate you i fuckin hate youuuu” Baunty shoots Lyayla Fox, Lyayla Fox falls on her knees she agonizes more blood slowly comes from her mouth she dies slowly.
Baunty says to girls , clean this mess , Girls carries Lyayla Fox’s body from out of duel area.
Now its time for Baunty and Ela’s duel , Bartender says this time we going to use body oil and hand gloves
Bartender gives body oil to both Ela- Baunty , they both start to oil their bellies then girls wears gloves and gets ready
Bartender says “Get ready girlsss”
and Bartender again gives the Signal
Baunty shoots ELA , Ela starts to agonize in pain and says “ahhhh i will not be able to continue it hurts a lot” 
Baunty smiles and says “you didnt see anything yet”
and tells Ela to stand still
Ela stands still , Baunty shoots her, Ela agonizes more in pain , Baunty says “Come on let me see your wounds” 
Ela bloats her belly like she is pregnant (makes her belly big) 
Baunty says you can continue 
Ela holds her breath and makes her belly big again , at this time. Ela agonizes , moans in pain blood slowly comes from her mouth she slowly dies with deep breaths
Bartender , Ksusyev carries the ELA’s body away 
Baunty looks at Ksusyev and says “You going to lose anyway so just do what i want”
Ksusyev understand she got no chance says “Alright what do you want”
Baunty says “Stay relaxed , oil your belly slowly”
Ksusyev starts to oil her belly (oils tooo much) her belly looks shiny she plays with her belly (this scene can take 1min)
Baunty says “Stop”
Ksusyev bloats her belly(makes her belly big )
We can see Ksusyev’s getting shot scene in slow motion if possible
Ksusyev starts to agonize in pain(this scene can take long) , Ksusyev looks at her belly moans in pain , Ksusyev sits on her knees says “please dont shoot more”
Ksusyev agonizes more and dies slowly
Bartender comes around Baunty and says “You did nice job today” , Baunty smiles and says “Without you it would be impossible”
Bartender says “yes”
Bartender points his gun to Baunty and says “Come on get up”
Baunty says “Come on what are you doing werent we friend”
Bartender says “Every week new ones comes old ones goes you are nothing”
Baunty understands she got no chance
Baunty agonizes in pain falls on her knees takes some breath then lays on her side and agonizes , dies slowly
     Shooting In The Office
    12 minutes
      Shooting In The Office - Three young women (office and secretaries fetish dressed) were shot during office invasion.  Office Killer
    17 minutes
      Office Killer - OFFICE KILLER
Starring: Angelina & Luiza
 Great movie with noir atmosphere.
Fetish elements: office clothes, pantyhose, feet (many views of feet of alive and dead females), silencer shooting, head shot, backshots, begging for life, carrying.
NOTE: If you like this style of videos please check out our another shooting video with office style:
Shooting in the office, Crime and Punishment, Divorce.

Two office women are working late at the office. 
 Angelina is in the office with her shoes off working on the computer. The killer enters through the door and orders Angelina to stand up against the wall, yelling at her and inquiring about the whereabouts of a certain computer disk. Angelina is terrified and pleading with the killer that she does not know where it is.
 During this, Luiza casually walks into the office through the door and closes it, not realizing what is happening yet. She is carrying her shoes and some folders. She stops short when she finally sees Angelina and the killer and realizes what is happening. She also becomes terrified asking what is going on. The killer orders Luiza against the wall next to Angelina. He begins again yelling where the computer disk is.
 The camera is stationary behind the killer, at an angle and distance where both Angelina and Luiza can be seen head to toe.
 The killer now orders both women to turn and face the wall. He shoots Luiza twice with a silencer pistols. She lets out an "Ugh" with each hit. She arches her back slightly and drops her shoes and the folders she is still holding on to. She slumps down the wall  down to her knees and then her upper torso collapses sideways to the floor (legs bent and soles of feet facing out towards camera). She is dead before she even hits the floor. Open-eyed death stare.
 Angelina seeing this is terrified out of her mind. She now turns around and faces the killer begging for her life. In mid-sentence, the killer shoots her once in the head, showing a single forehead bullet hole with a blank stare. She falls back against the wall and slides down the wall and crumbles very limply onto the floor next to Luiza. She is dead before she hits the floor with open-eyed death stare.
 The killer drags Angelina out of the room by her ankles. The camera remains fixed on Luiza as she still lays dead on the ground. After dragging Angelina into another room, the killer returns and drags Luiza out of the room by her hands or wrists.
Both women are laying side by side on their backs in another room. The camera is stationary at a low angle/position, back far enough where both women are in view, with pantyhosed soles of feet facing the camera. The killer removes both women's clothing except for their pantyhose and bra. He lifts up their upper torso to remove their blouse shirts (still with open-eyed death stare and ***** visible from mouth and forehead bullet-hole). The killer inspects the clothes for the computer disk but cannot find it. He places the clothes inside a bag.
The killer now drags both bodies by their arms/wrists (very limply) down a long office hallway. The camera is stationary at one end of the hallway at a low angle, capturing the soles of the pantyhosed feet as they are dragged away. In this scene, the bodies are actually being dragged further away from the camera as the camera is stationary and does not follow the dragging. 
 Both bodies are then seen being dragged into the bathroom. Both bodies are placed into a single stall to conceal them. 
Run Time: 17:00 minutes
File Size: 700 MB	Format: .MP4
Category: Shooting
     You39re Not My Family
    15 minutes
      You39re Not My Family - This clip has no description.  CHEATING GUTS FEELING
    21 minutes

Cast: Max and Mira Green


«First, thank you for update on the movie and delivering it within a few days of the update. It sounds like the business is doing well. Congratulations on the success of the film company, I hope it keeps up! I look forward to future productions with you guys.

The film was outstanding! The acting was awesome, especially the opening of the movie, loved it! The disemboweling scene was over the top, very realistic. Awesome job by your props and makeup crew, they do excellent work! That’s not an easy special effect to pull off but your actors and crew made it amazing! The camera angles and shots were perfect».

Customer’s Feedback and Review


binding, sacrifice, chloroform, blow,  stabbing unconsciousness, guts,  agitating, dismemberment, taking out the intestines, sawing, saw, a lot of blood



Scene 1

One of the male actors who is Miras boyfriend sees her and another man holding hands walking down the side walk. They don’t see him. He follows them and sees them flirting with each other. Mary goes into the other mans apartment to hook up. Miras boyfriend goes home devastated. Mary comes home to her boyfriends place. He follows her to the bedroom and confronts her about her cheating. She slaps him and he loses it. He’s gonna make her pay for being unfaithful to him. He knocks her out. She falls to the floor. He takes her by the legs and he drags her body out of the room. Her arms drag above her head. He drags her into the living room. Camera views at the floor level of her body and belly.  He goes and gets something to wrap her body up so no one sees him leave with her. He wraps her body up. 

The next scene he’s carrying her body into a room. In the room there is a table set up that has shackles for her arms and legs. He lays her out on the table. He takes all her clothes off. He takes each arm and secures them above her head and then secures  her legs.  Her body is fully stretched out. Head to toe camera pans of her naked body. But before he guts her he enjoys her body some. He takes his hand and rubs her stomach, circling her belly button with his finger. He rubs her tits. He takes his fingers and gently presses down on her belly on several different areas. He then takes both hands and puts them on her sides and squeezes her belly gently. Next we get a point of view from Mira, as if looking through her eyes. She’s waking up and the camera view goes from dark to light as she opens her eyes looking up. Mira looks around at her situation. She lifts her head and looks down to her feet. If you could get a shot from her point of view as  she looks down her body to her feet, the shot shows her  her belly rising and falling rapidly as she sees the her boyfriend standing at the end of the table at her feet. (See the example photo attached) He’s staring at her. She struggles against the restraints but can’t get free. Her boyfriend walks to the side of the table as she’s struggling. Mira asks him what he’s going to do to her? Camera views of her belly rising and falling because shes breathing hard.  He places his hand on top of her stomach as she struggles to get free. He tells her that he can’t believe that she had the guts to cheat on him. She arches her back raising her body off the table. She’s trying to get his hand off her. Mira tells him that she’s glad she cheated on him. He angrily presses her body back down with the hand that’s on her belly. He tells her that he is the last person she’s gonna chest on. He keeps his hand on her stomach.  She asks whats he’s going to do to her. He takes his hand off her belly and then slowly runs his finger down the middle of her belly, he stops at her navel and fingers it as he tells her he’s going to cut open her belly and slowly gut her like a pig. She starts to struggle and beg him not to kill her. He takes a cloth and holds it over her nose and mouth. She slowly stops struggling and goes unconscious.

Opens with camera views of Miras  body. She’s still unconscious. Her boyfriend Is standing over her with a knife in his hand. He takes the knife and slides it up and down the middle of her belly. He circles her navel with the knife. He takes the knife and places the tip on her upper belly just below her sternum. He presses down and the knife slides in to the hilt. We see the hilt of the knife press down against her belly. He pulls the blade down the middle of her stomach. As the hilt of the blade gets to her navel. He twist the knife several times. This causes Mira to let out a Ugg! Sound as she wakes up. He finishes the cut all the way down to her pussy. He pulls the knife out as she groans. He then takes his hands and opens her belly up. He reaches in her belly and starts to pull out her guts. Mary squirms in pain. He holds a hand full of her guts as she looks up at them. He drops the guts back on her belly as he finishes pulling them out. Her head rolls to the side, eyes open.  Finally he’s done and he drops her guts Into a bucket on the floor. Mary’s still alive.  He finally takes the knife and stabs her in the chest between her tits and she dies. The camera pans over Mary’s gutted  body. Her boyfriend now has to get rid of Mary’s body. The final scene is Mary’s boyfriend walking up to her body with a long saw. We see him place the saw across her stomach over her navel as if he’s going to cut her in half. The last scene is a an overhead view from the chest up. Her body rocking back and forth as her body is cut in half. 




COVID MASSACRE (Blood and Bullets)


    12 minutes
Fetish Elements: 
Stabbing in the shower
Great Emotions 
Death Stares 

A director of B-movies is shooting remake of Psycho (Famous Shower Scene). He tries to do some sexual harresments with young actress and she is very nervous and angry with him. She calls for a smoking break. She needs some time to become calm. A director turns mad ans looses control. He takes a real knife and rushes to kill her for real

    32 minutes
      SESESSION - Art-house 32-minutes long art movie for our loyal fans and for those who wants to watch art-movie with only one beautiful sexy death scene in the end of the movie. Spy thriller written by xj-900.
    17 minutes
      BEACH MURDER - Starring: Nata and Pola

Fetish elements:

Mother and daughter theme

Strangulation with a rope

Death stares

Great strangulation reactions and agony


Foot fetish deadly show

Stripping nude

Mother and daughter bodypile

Bury to the sand

17 minutes, interesting location, bright plot, great death and postmortem content


Nata and Pola seldom act together. But  in this movie their duet looks great!

Nata acts rich wife who rests in the beach-resort with her spoiled young daughter. Mather is 39, daughter is 20. They are two rich bitches who hate father and always spend his money.

They are rude and like to humiliate people for money. Beach-service man can’t stand their behavior and decids to strangle them. He attackes mother at her daughter eyes. Young bitch just cries and runs away leaving her mother to die.

Nata tries to say: «Come back, bitch!». The man strangles her with a rope very long. She shows good agony and death stares, then dies with her tongue off the mouth.

Daughter runs to the hotel number, but the murder is already tiere. He starts to choke her, she tries to gve him money but he just laughts about her stupid way to keep her glamour lise. She chokes on chewing gum while he’s strangling her., kicks, agonies, shows foot fetish deadly looks and dies with great death stare.

He strips bodies and puts them together on the beach. He buries them in the sand with the money. Now only sea-crabs know about two sexy nude bodies under the send…  NINJA 3
    10 minutes
      NINJA 3 - NINJA 3
Ninja Cosplay, Fighting,  Neck Snaps, Stripping For Lingere, Begging For Life, Garrote Strangulation, Death Stare

Action 1
Ninja is walking back and forth. Max comes behind and use the garrote on her neck. Ninja struggles, goes to the ground, and slowly dies – Max keeps the pressure.
Action 2
Choke hold attack – Max comes behind and slowly chokes her. Ninja tries to escape, try to punch and kick with no effect. At the end, Max breaks her neck, and leave her on the ground.
Action 3
The hitman walks up behind a sentry and snaps her neck, quick and clean. The sentry falls to the floor dead. A pan shot of her body happens.
Action 4
Ninja is holding a sword, in a vigilant position. Max comes from behind, put on hand at her mouth (over the mask),
With the other hand, hit the ninja hand holding the sword, to make the ninja drops it.
Ninja tries to escape...
Max kills her using a short knife...
Action 5
Ninja holding a sword... Max unarmed. They start fighting, Max is takes the sword from her - could be after some punches, etc, and execute cutting the neck from behind (like image)
    18 minutes
Fetish elements
Strangulation, Choking, Garroting, Death Stares, Agony, Foot Fetish. Vagina Views. Short Shorts, Legs, Stripping, Bodypile
18 minutes of hot strangling
A nervous guy has a conflict with his girlfriend when he is searching for his drugs. She says too much rude words to him. He loses control attacks her and brutally strangles with a cord. This is a long and sexy strangulation scene from many angles.
After a murder he calls his best friend for advise what to do. The friend promises to come as fast as he can and asks the guy to strip dead body and burn her things.
Somebody knocks to the door. The guy is sure that it is his best friend but… it is her best friend, Alice. He covers the body with a cover and tells that this is a sculpture. Alice realizes something wrong and the guy has to strangle her too. It is the second hot strangling scene with vagina views under her jeans shorts.
The friend comes. Two friends make bodypile and they are ready to burn corpses.  Deadly Home Invasion3
    10 minutes
      Deadly Home Invasion3 - This clip has no description.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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