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    10 minutes
Actress: Tatiana
Outfit: Sorority girl
Location: Bar, warehouse
Length: ~20 min

Premise: 2 thugs capture, beat, rape, and murder a sorority girl.

A sorority girl is walking along the sidewalk, when a thug comes up from behind, threatens her with a gun, and kidnaps her. She is dragged inside to a bar or warehouse. Once inside, a second thug shows up. \"You\'ve found a nice one! Let\'s have some fun!\" They tie her hands behind her back and start beating the shit out of her. They toss her back and forth, one thug holding her arms behind her back, the other punching her face and belly. One thug rips open her top, and then takes a moment to admire her breasts. From here, they continue to  punch her, choke her, and fondle her breasts. One thug fondles her breasts from behind, while the other punches her. They also eventually remove her skirt and slap and grope her ass. The beating continues for a while, and she is bruised up and in tears. They also put her in some back stretches (over the knee back breaker, camel clutch, chokeholds, or similar), while the other thug punches her while in the hold. \"Super Agent vs Villains\" (my last custom) is a great reference for this.

Eventually, they untie her hands. \"Do you want to try to escape?\" one thug asks. She futilely tries to fight back. The thugs laugh at her as she throws pathetic punches. One thug punches her square in the chest, making her gasp for air. As she tries to recover, they break one of her arms to disable her. They laugh at her and taunt her, and continue punching her. One thug mounts her for a ground and pound. He repeatedly punches her in the face, causing her to spit up blood. The other thug stops him and asks to have a go at her. He stands aside, and thug 2 strips her panties, now completely naked, then rapes her (simulated). He occasionally punches her face while fucking her. Eventually, he climaxes inside of her. He stands up, and walks over to grab his gun. 

Gun in hand, he walks back to her. He brings her to her knees, and threatens her with the gun to her head. \"Where do you want it?\" He brushes the barrel of the gun against her breasts. \"Here?\" He then moves the gun down to her pussy. \"How about here?\" After a few seconds, he says, \"yes, right here\". He inserts the barrel of the gun into her pussy and fires. Blood spills from her mouth as she twitches and convulses. This scene should be very similar to Juliana\'s scene in \"Execution on the beach\".

He lets her collapse to the floor. The other thug then says, \"I\'m not done\", then mounts her. He doesn\'t care that she is dead, he continues to punch her face over and over. He grabs her by the hair and punches her several times square in the face. The end of \"Prisoner abuse 2\" is a great reference for this post-mortem beating. Once he is satisfied, he stands up. The thug that fucked her stands over her and urinates on her (simulated). They both walk away and the camera pans over her dead body, eyes open in a blank death stare.  HORROR SCENES OF MICHAEL
    31 minutes




1.  He’s working out shirtless in a gym on cardio equipment weights.  He sees himself in a big mirror and flexes to admire himself - and he’s looking really hot.  He’s then on a bench press, sees his masked “friend” and chats with him, asks him to add some really heavy weights to the bench press bar.  He then lifts the bar to begin to press it, but it’s really heavy, he struggles even to hold it up.  There’s a look of strain on his face and sweat drips off his face and torso.  The masked guy then pulls the weigh rack away.  The actor asks what he’s doing, it’s too heavy, put it back, for God-f*cking sake, put it back, PLEASE!  I can’t, I can’t hold it it any more.  We see masked guy pick up weight plate and holds it over the actor’s groin area and then drops it.  The actor screams as the pains causes him to lose control of the weight bar, which drops and begins to crush his throat.  We see blood flow from where weight bar has crushed his throat; gushing from his mouth and nose and dripping from his shorts where the weight plate has crushed him there and off the bench to the floor.  Actor screams why are you doing this stop, please stop.  Masked guy then pushes down on the weight bar to continue killing the actor, who screams in agony and whose body struggles greatly on the bench.  Blood flows more from his mouth, nose, and crushed throat.  Scene should not be too short, but should show a longer struggle.  As he dies, we hear the gurgling from his mouth and nose as he suffocates on his own blood. His body shakes and trembles in death agony, and then he goes limp with his eyes staring off in horror.  I can send you a clip from the inspiration scene from the movie “Happy Birthday to Me,” but I’d want it to be bloodier, longer and more full of the victim’s horror and pain, screaming and blood. The scene in Happy Birthday to me is far to short and not explicit enough, and the camera angles are not that great.  

2.  Stabbed in the shower.  This scene is inspired by the movie Psycho, but unlike Psycho, which implies the stabbing, I’d like to show the stabbing explicitly.  Before stepping into shower, actor washes his face and wets his hair in the sink.  He then flexes in front of the mirror and smiles cockily at his good looks.  He steps into the shower and we see shots of him soaping up and rinsing his body.  Masked guy steps into bathroom with big knife.  Actor sees masked guy, recognizes him and jokes about the really convincing fake knife and then asks him why doesn’t he try stabbing him with it.  Then the masked guy stabs actor repeatedly in the shower.  We see knife penetrate torso several times; actor screams, and blood flows from his wounds, mouth and nostrils.  He lifts his arms up to defend himself, but the masked man in too strong. We see the actor collapse slowly against the shower wall and on to the shower floor.  His body trembles greatly as he dies, and his eyes are open in horror.

3.  Executed with Arrows:  This is kind of inspired by various paintings of St. Sebastian martyred by being tied with his arms above his head to a tree and executed by being shot with arrows.  I can share some concept pictures.   Only here, the setting is a dark basement, and the actor is an undercover agent that has been discovered by the drug mafia and executed slowly with arrows.  Actor is tied with his arms above his head to a pole.    Masked man enters room with bow and several large, thick arrows.  Actor recognizes him and calls him coward for hiding behind a mask to kill him.   Actor is defiant, but also a bit afraid.  There’s sweat running down his face, out of his armpits and down his torso since it’s also hot in the basement.  Actor starts off defiant saying you’ll never get away with this; the agency will get the mafia in the end.  Masked man chuckles and places an arrow in his bow and aims it at actor.  Actor screams, no, no, don’t do this.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s thigh; actor screams and contorts his body horribly in agony.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s shoulder.  Actor screams in agony - please stop, please.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s abs.  Actor screams and contorts body even more - please, I’ll tell you anything; give you names; just stop.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s pecs.  Actor screams, please stop, I’m dying.  Masked man’s shoots arrows into actor’s throat.  Blood gushes from wound and flows from actor’s nostril and mouth and drip down his torso.  Actor looks in horror back at masked man.  Finally, masked man executes actor by shooting arrow into actor’s eye.  Actor’s body goes limp and his ruined body hangs pierced with arrows and dripping blood on to the floor.
    17 minutes
      SHOOTOUT COCKTAIL JN - Starring: Juliana and Nadya

Shot Dead Cocktail with plenty of death-fetish shooting elements
16 scenes, 32 death. 
Different clothes:
 - office bitches (black miniskirts, high-heel shoes, black stockings, white shirts)
 - spy bitches  - office+guns
-college stupid adult girls (fetish college clothes and stockings)
 - topless an black and white stockings
 - nude content 

Different situations:
Man kills girls, POV murders
Short and long death reactions
Many begging for life, cries «no», fear fetish emotions
Different death stares (with eyes closed and eyes opened)
For more shot dead cocktails please visit our main CRIME HOUSE store

Action as usual! First day sell is 15$, after – 17$  The Perfect Cure
    19 minutes
      The Perfect Cure - THE PERFECT COVID CURE
Starring: Mira Green, Max
«Hi Ugine! I can say that you are the best. It's sad that I just knew about your studio recently:  you guys nailed my script perfectly. I will definitely make another custom with you soon! Thank you very much!»
Customer’s Review 
Mira is immune to covid-19 and a virologist want to experiment her blood. The current vaccines are not 100% effective and he wants to be the first to produce the highest efficacy in the world.

He enters her room during the night and pours the chemical on the rag. He gently puts the rag on her face while she's sleeping on the bed. She slowly wakes up from the strong odor and starts to struggle violently.

After some fight, she falls limp. He prepares the syringe and gets some blood samples and then leaves. She wakes up groggy and confused. She just thinks its just a bad dream and goes to sleep again.
He wants to go get some more blood because his tests were not successful. This time Mira is still awake and inside the restroom. He sneaks inside and chloroforms her. He drags her unconscious body back to the bed and gets more blood. He is still not happy with the results and this time he wants to get more so he returns.
When he arrives, Mira is already preparing for her daily jogging. She is not feeling well and calls her parents that she will stay with them until her nightmares disappear and see a doctor. When he hears this, he decides to suck all of her blood before its too late.
While she's doing her warm up, she gets chloroformed and he tells her that her nightmares are real and this time will be her last. When she heard this, she struggles more violently than the earlier struggles. This time she is fighting for her life. She was able to fight him off but gets chloroformed again. She is crying as she falls unconscious.
She wakes up tied and cleaved gagged on the bed. She notices that he is draining a lot of blood from her. He removes the cloth from her mouth and tells her that this will help save lives. A sacrifice of one for the benefit of many. She cries and begs to let her go. He tells her that its too late. The only thing he can do is to put her to sleep again so that she will not die in pain. She agrees so he gets her face mask and pours chloroform in it and then puts it on her face. She cries as she falls again to unconsciousness.
After the procedure, he leaves her on the bed bloodless and pale skin.


Unconscious and Dead
You mustn’t talk
Hunter For Spies
Nata Knock Out
    30 minutes
      Ritual - This clip has no description.  CANNIBALS FEAST
    16 minutes
      CANNIBALS FEAST - Another greatmovie about cannibals girls and victims!
    21 minutes
      ANOTHER PEGANT MASSACRE FULL FILM - Another Beauty Peagent Massacre
Afrodita, Zlata, Unholly Polly, Bella Lenina, Li, Demonica and Billy Brag

 7 Slasher Murders: Decapitations, Stabbings, Cutting, Choking, Strangling!

“Bravo!!! This was a masterpiece! I think this will be the first of many customs!!! Loved it. Thanks so much for all the attention to detail”

Feedback from customer

7 contestants are walking the walkway in the Peagent. Wearing bra, panties, pantyhose extra sheer, and high heel pumps. After they finish they go back to the waiting room. They’re talking to each other, the ones standing dip their feet in and out of shoes to relieve their pain. 

One goes first to the bathroom where the Sandman is waiting for her hiding as she goes to the bathroom as she enters the stall the Sandman appears atop the division of the stall and loops a wire noose around her neck. He pulls hard hanging her by her neck and ties wire to a hook on wall. She is hanging and strangling. Her shoes are a bit loose so they struggle to stay on her nylon clad feet. As she starts to lose the fight her eyes roll back, her tongue sticks out and her arms flop to the side shaking. Her shoes hang for dear life from her toes. To finish her, Mr. Sandman pulls down on her body, stretching her neck and breaking it. Her feet give a final shake as she dies dropping her shoes revealing her nylon soles. He leaves her hanging and closes the stall door. 

Another contestant goes to the bathroom too. She opens stall and sees contestant hanging. Mr. Sandman appears behind her and grabs her by neck and lifts her in the air. He squeezes her neck hard. Her eyes fluttering and tongue out, her shoes slip off from her feet. He squeezes harder and a loud crack is heard as her throat breaks. Her toes spread and then relax. He slowly lets her down and sits her corpse on the floor with her back resting against the wall. He twists her head breaking her vertebrae and her toes twitch and relax again. 

Another contestant goes to a room they have for contestants to relax. There is a bed. She enters crawiling and lets shoes fall off. She sits on the bed with her back resting on the head rest.  Her feet stretch out in front of her, she wiggles her toes in relief. The Sandman is hiding behind the head rest. He thrusts a long knife behind the headrest, it goes through the head rest and enters the back of her neck, goes through the neck with the tip exiting out of throat. She starts to choke. Her soles flexing, toes spreading, her eyes roll back. Some gurgles later she expires, her feet relaxing. He pulls knife out of neck. He starts to slice the throat slowly. She’s dead but faint gags and gurgles come out of her half way open mouth. Her dead toes twitch a little as he cuts deeper into her throat. The knife cuts through all the throat cartilage reaching the neck bone. He grabs her head and twists it hard. The head goes around 180 degrees. Her toes spread in reaction. Sound of torn flesh fills the room. He twists the head around again. Pulls her head upwards and removes her head. Her toes from the headless corpse twitch a bit more, and then relax. He puts her head right next to her headless corpse. 

Two contestants go together to the room and as they enter the room they go into shock when they see the decapitated contestant sitting on the bed. As they turn around to go warn the others, they’re confronted with Mr. Sandman who grabs them both by their throats and squeezes hard. He lifts them up a bit first so they’re standing on their tip toes. The heel of their feet slips out the back of their shoes showing half of their soles. He walks forward. They’re forced to walk backward on their tip toes toward a wall that has hooks to hang coats. He lifts them up more, slowly, as they go up the pressure on their throats increases, their eyes open wide, and faces turn red, the tongue extends out. Their feet now on the air. He twists his hand on one of the contestants breaking her neck. Her feet shake quick and relax. Her shoes fall off from her feet. The other one is almost dead from choking. Her arms flop to the side. She is gagging and gurgling. She is so weak her toes cannot hold on to the shoes anymore. Gravity takes its toll and the shoes simply drop. He thrusts both of his arms forward and impales the back of their heads against the hook. The one that was still alive dies with her eyes rolling back. The other was already dead. He leaves them hanging there. 

Another contestant goes to the resting room to check on them since it’s been a while. She enters the room and sees the three contestants dead. Before she can scream a swoosh sound is heard, accompanied by a gushing sound. Mr. Sandman who appeared behind her, had swong a machete right across her neck. A faint gag is heard from her and a shocked look on her face. Faint gags come out of her. Her stare goes blank. A red line appears around her neck. She falls kneeling position first. The back of her feet pop out of the back her shoes. As she stays kneeled her head slowly falls off and hits the floor. Her headless corpse stays kneeled for just a few more seconds and falls forward. Her shoes half way off. We can see half of her soles. As her foot twitch a bit the shoes come off completely. A few more twitches as the last vestiges of life leave her body, then relax.

The last contestant is still in the waiting room. Legs crossed and the shoe dangling from her big toe. She is waiting and wondering where is everyone. Mr. Sandman appears from behind, puts his hand on her forehead to force it back and with a long knife starts to cut her throat. She starts to gag and gurgle. Her feet move dropping her shoes. The knife goes deeper. Her movements slow to a shiver now, her toes wiggling. Again, as the knife reaches bone and meets resistance, Mr. Sandman grabs her head by the temples and twists the head around 180 degrees. A faint gag and gurgle is heard, along with the sound of gushing as he pulls the head off. Her feet twitch. Her headless body stays sitted in the sofa. 

Now Mr. Sandman recovers all the bodies. Sits them on the floor straight with their backs resting on the wall. Right next to each other. The ones that are decapitated, he puts the heads right next to them. We see the sitting corpses with legs straight so soles of their feet are looking forward to camera.  Capture Factory
    16 minutes
      Capture Factory - CAPTURE FACTORY

Starring: Annabelle, Juliana, Pola, Kit, Anatloliy


3 garrote ************* from behind
Standing strangulations
Military theme
All victims have tongue out death stares, very aggressive death agony and fighting for life
Two men attack females
Two men carry bodies, strip bodies and search keys at dead bodies
Dead bad *****’ bodypile

It’s a secret factory where crazy dr. Ko  clones people for illegal army of  mercenaries. Two special agents, cold-blooded killer from East Europe were sent to steal programs codes. Three special female guards patrol compartment  A of the plant. Agents decide to operate silently. They creep up to the first guard. Unsusceptible young woman stands near fencing in her headphones. Agents ********* her suddenly with her own headphones cord! She couldn’t use her gun and cry for help – she could just wriggle in standing position and try to catch cord. She died standing and softly slipped to the floor with ********* death stare with tongue out her mouth and eyes opened very wide.

Agents moved to the next guard. A woman stood at the elevation. Kit ********* her with the cord from behind. They fought at the staircase but this battle was fatal for the female-guard.  

The third guard was standing with her machinegun. Young blond ****, he didn’t look like ****** employee of secret military structure bur she was it. Agent attacked her together, Anatoliy snatched machine gun  from her hands and started to ******** her, Kit hold her legs to not let her stir, fight and move. The miniature blonde was absolutely helpless  in deadly arms of two gigantic intruders. Terrible death!

After they killed her they brought the copses of two other dead guards. They carried them offhandedly, like trash, carrying them by hands and legs. They threw still warm bodies in bodypile and started finding keys from area B. They stripped one of guards full nude while searching, it was their courage of winners.  No keys. They searched frail soft body of dead blond, touching her legs and ass – no keys. They found keys in the pocket of jeans micro shorts of brunette. They left bodypile on the floor and moved to the area B…

Three dead female guards are lying in the floor like waste products. Three stupid young army ***** thought that they earn big fees just for standing with guns  guarding the safe places. But it was their mistake. They were implicated in crimes of cloning people and making monsters, they were involved in crimes against humanity. Just as guards, bun they were involved. And they were punished. They won’t be even buried, they will be stay in this secret desert  forever. With opened eyes full of terrible, fear and thirst for life. With tongues out making them look grotesque dead and silly. Nude, topless, leggy dead terrorists…


Recommendations. If you like this clip please also check Captured, Side Effects.

Please also check out TRUE ART by YELLOWPRESS
    20 minutes
      BEWARE THE CAMERAMAN - Beware the Cameraman
«Hello and thank you! You did a wonderful job! One of your best.»
From customer’s Review

Starring: Li, Gloria, Angelina, Mary

Fetish Elements:
Vore, Magic, Strangulation, Choking, Masturbation, Bodypile, Pantyhose, Office Outfits

Part A

Li is working as a secretary at a talent agency. Each of the others girls walk in one at a time and are seated once they talk to her. They are told they will do a dance audition. The cameraman asks Li if she would like to audition too and she says yes. They are told they will be subtracted one by one to focus on each on each girl better. The girls ask what does that mean? They are told they will be OK. They look timid but agree.

The girls line up and start dancing( get some feet and leg close ups). At one point they each turn around and lift their skirt shaking their butt for the camera. ( For each girl make sure to get a long shot of their feet coming out of shoes when they are taken). Mary is taken first by a hook. The girls look then keep dancing. Next another hook takes Li. The next girl is Virgina as she floats away. The girls look up and keep dancing.  Angelina begins to dance off stage waving good bye and blowing kisses when a hook comes out and grabs her from the opposite direction.

Part B 

The girls walk back into the room caring their shoes. Li sits down at the desk and tells the girls they can get ready for the interview and put their shoes back on while they talk about the dance skit( get close ups of each girl’s feet putting on her shoes).  Li tells Gloria she will go first. Gloria walks into the room ( use the table with the rug over it for vore scene like the last movie). She walks in and says “hello- anyone here?” She hears something by the table. She looks underneath and then looks at the camera. She smiles and says “Good you are here. Its ok -it’s  just a big green monster.” Then realizing what she sees she then changes expression and starts screaming “oh no! A big green monster!!” as she gets pulled under. She screams and loses shoes as she is swallowed head first. Mary and Angelina hear in the other room and ask Li what was that? She says nothing to worry about. She then tells Mary she can go interview now. Mary walks in apprehensive. She sees the table and goes to sit down on it. She looks at the camera and says “hello- are we ready to start?” The camera man tells her she dropped something she gets on the floor and looks under the table. She asks “what is this?” With a smile and then is grabbed and swallowed head first while she screams and loses shoes as she is pulled in. Li then tells Angelina it’s her turn. Angelina walks in. She looks at the camera and tells the camera why she should get the job. She hears something under the table and goes to look. She looks under and then at the camera and asks “is that what I think it is?” She is told yes, and then is grabbed and slowly pulled under while she screams and asks for help, losing her shoes a she is swallowed. Li then comes in and ask the camera “are they gone?”  She is told yes and asked if she will pick up theirs shoes. She smiles and says yes.  As she does she picks up a shoe by the table and is grabbed. She asks the camera for help and then screams as she is pulled under losing her shoes.

Part C

The girls are all back together and told their vore shoot is over. They are happy and begin talking and putting shoes back on. They are asked to spend the night and they agree. Li gets up to leave and go into a room. She lays down and takes off her shoes and skirt . She then begins to give herself an orgasam through her pantyhose. When she finished she looks at the camera and says “ I didn’t see you there! You should have joined me!” She smiles and motions to the camera but then (gloved hands or rope) she is strangled from behind until she is dead. Her body is dragged off camera with her feet the last we see. Gloria says she is going to find Li. She walks into the room. She sees her shoes in the floor. “Li? Where are you? Will you answer me?” There is a close up of her legs as she trips over Li’s body. Some hands help her up from behind. She smiles and says “thank you. I almost broke my leg.”  She turns and see what helped her up and starts screaming and she is choked to death. Close up of her feet as she gives her last breath. She is then dragged off camera. Mary and Angelina are talking about where the others went. They agree to split up and find them. Angelina walks into a room looking around. She looks at the camera “there you are.” She smiles. She asks “do the other girls know what is happening to them yet? Have you killed them all yet?” She tells the camera “ I just want it to be me and you.” She starts to act seductive and takes off her skirt and shoes.  She begins to smile and rub her body seducing the camera. She loses her smile when someone starts to choke her from behind. She is strangled with a close up of feet as she runs out of air.  She is  then is dragged away with her feet the last thing we see. Mary comes back into the main room looking for everyone and sees all the other girls bodies positioned on the couch. She goes to them and tries to wake them up. She looks at the camera. She asks “ what happened to them?” The camera man tells her they are dead and she is next. She screams as she is grabbed from behind and strangled to the floor. The last shot is all four girl dead on the couch with just their bras and pantyhose on. (some close ups of legs and feet)


    7 minutes
















Nata is in her apartment. She is wearing a mini skirt and a sleveless T-shirt. She looks nervous. She grabs her cell phone and dials a number.

“Security service?” she asks. “You were right, they call me and they will send my clone to kill me. Please I need your help”  A woman’s voice answers: “Don’t worry, we’ll send an agent right away”. Nata hangs up she is still worried.

Time passes and then the doorbell rings in Nata’s apartment. She smiles and runs to open the door.  “Thank you I’m…” she stops talking, in front of her, outside her apartment there is a woman with her same features. She is identical to her, even the clothing, the only difference is a gun with a silencer that she holds in her hand.

Nata steps back into her apartment walking backwards, fear in her face. We saw the gun firing one, two, three times and then we see that Nata has received 3 bullets one in her torso and two more in her left breast.

Nata tries to speak but no words come to her mouth only a trickle of blood. She closes her eyes and falls to her knees. She then falls to one side her body shudders one more time and she dies.

We see the legs of a woman enterig the apartment and walking to Nata’s corpse. Her gaze watches the beautiful body for a while, then her hands reach the corpse by her armpits and pull her to another room.

Nata’s clone returns to the living room sits down and wait.

After a while the doorbell rings, Nata’s clone goes and opens the door. Outside is the security agent (Annabelle) she smiles and shows Nata her ID. Nata’s clone lets the agent come in.

The security agent doesn’t know that she is not with the real Nata, so she sits and says: “You are in mortal danger, so we are moving you from here to a safe house. You just need money, your passport and some clothes” Nata’s clone stands up and says: I’ll pick up the money and the Passport, my clothes are on the bed, would you pick them up for me?

The security agent stands up and goes to the bedroom and there she finds Nata´s body. It’s lying on the bed, face up, her head hanging down. The agent is startled for the finding and turns rapidly to get out of the room.

She finds face to face with Nata’s clone that is pointing her with a gun. The agent reacts and with a fast movement hits the hand that is holding the gun disarming the clone and immediately hits the surprised clone in the face making her fall on the floor.

The agent reaches for her own gun but the clone reaches hers before and shoots from the floor to the agent. The bullet enters under the agent’s left breast. An expression of disbelief and pain fills the agent features and then she falls to the floor and dies.

The clone stands up with a malevolous smile and checks the dead agent’s body to assure she is dead then she smiles again, but this time to a hidden camera in Nata’s apartment. That is why she knows the clothing Nata was wearing and that the security agent was coming.


If you like this clip please also check out



    10 minutes
CAST: Judi and Alex

«Thank you very much...Again, I liked it a lot...Judi really is a terrific actress..»
Customer’s Review

Judi is a secret agent who is going to stop her career after successful mission. But she knows too much and her boss decided to eliminate her. He sent a killer for her sole. The sent killer was her ex-college and ex-partner. He used to be felt in love to her in the past but sexy Judi never liked him. This day is his chance to revenge. He is going to shoot her dead nude in her shower, but clever and smart sexy Judi asked him to let her put on some clothes because she didn’t want to die nude. He agreed but it was his mistake. Judi was able to catch a knife and cut his throat and after, after some teasing he shot him three times to his head…

KILLER FOR ASSASSIN 1-5  Family Affair
    20 minutes
      Family Affair - FAMILY AFFAIR
Starring: Mary, Tora and Kit
Strangulation, leg jerking, tongue out, sexy lingerie, strangulation from behind, Necro lesbo games, stripping dead body, playing with dead body, touching dead girl while dying, taking off panties from dead girl in death  agony (!!!), death stares, two dead nude girls
Movie with English subtitles 


Kit and Mary is a family couple. They are poor and don’t know what to do in the economic crisis. Mary says that her cousin is contract killer and he earns good money. Her husband who was at the war is very interested in this job. Mary’s cousin gives them the access to the secret contract killers’ Uber base where they can find victims and take offers. They have no guns and other weapons that’s why they choose to kill young rich girl, the ex-wife of senator and strangle her. They play at tour managers, call her and offer VIP tour, She invites them to her place. They come, Kit strangles her and Mary is watching at her death with great pleasure. 
After she’s dead the husband  goes to another rooms searching for money and jewels. The wife starts to play with dead body, enjoying fresh young corpse of rich girl. She takes of her clothes and put the lingerie of dead girl. She slaps her ass and does some other sexy Necro manipulations. 
The husband returns to the room with dead body  and sees how his nasty wife is playing with the corpse. He gets angry – she touched body with her fingers without gloves. He doesn’t want to share the money with her and starts to strangle her very brutal. She is in shock – she just seen how terrible the death is and she doesn’t want to join lifeless cold body she just played with! It her last seconds of life she grabs panties of dead girl and dies with her hands on the dead girls’ ass. 
Kit stripes bodies for full nude, puts clothes to big bag with money, jewels and some other robbed things and goes away. 
If you like this movie please check
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 965 Clips / 16587 minutes of video!

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    Cannibals 4


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