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    13 minutes

Fetish Elements
Clothes: Spy Uniform, Police Uniform, White Shirts, Black Skirts, Office Look, Boots, High Heels, Guns and Holster Black Stockings
Murder Ways: Strangulation, BareHand Choking, Being Strangled by Dead Girl’s Hands!

Three girls work at secret company of contract killers. 
Two of them (Nata and Annabelle) talk between themselves that they don’t really like their job and want to go to competitor firm and maybe kill their boss in the future. Third girl (Nadya) accidently hear their conversation. She is a patriot of company and can’t let two bitches to become betrayers!
So she imitate she knows nothing and asks Nata to go with her for some private talking. They go th the bathroom where Nadya immediately starts to strangle Nata sitting at the toilet with a cord. Surprised Nata tries to stand up but only she can is to jerk with her legs in boots and catch Nadya with her hands. Nadya is a contract killer – her job is be sexy, seduce and kill, so she enjoys the process of killing her partner  - sexy busty Nata and watching how she is suffering.  Nata is killer too – so only now she understands what her victims felt before death…
After Nata is dead Nadya goes and attacks Annabelle. She grabs her neck with her bare hands and starts her another strangulation deadly session. She licks her face, she enjoys all her spasms during agony. 
Suddenly boss of organizations comes to the place and sees how Nadya is choking Annabelle. What is this?! He thinks that traitor is Nadya and rushes to kill her and save Annabelle. Nadya tries to say about what did she hear but’s too late. He crashes her neck and starts to strangle her. 
But being strangled she doesn’t let Annabelle’s neck and continues to choke Annabelle. It’s MULTI-STRANGLING SCENE!! Girl is strangling a girl when she is being strangled by a man!
She died but death froze her to the agony-doll and her dead hands choked Annabelle to the death. A man couldn’t save her because corpse’s hands were like a robot. 
A man could let already free from Annabelle free from deadly Nadya’s hands only with an axe. 
Tied and shocked, the man collected bodypile from bodies. Sexy girls, sexy death stares, sexy legs… But Nadyas sexy hands. She looks like a doll. Frustrated man comes her frozen body to his dark room for some dark games…

    31 minutes




1.  He’s working out shirtless in a gym on cardio equipment weights.  He sees himself in a big mirror and flexes to admire himself - and he’s looking really hot.  He’s then on a bench press, sees his masked “friend” and chats with him, asks him to add some really heavy weights to the bench press bar.  He then lifts the bar to begin to press it, but it’s really heavy, he struggles even to hold it up.  There’s a look of strain on his face and sweat drips off his face and torso.  The masked guy then pulls the weigh rack away.  The actor asks what he’s doing, it’s too heavy, put it back, for God-f*cking sake, put it back, PLEASE!  I can’t, I can’t hold it it any more.  We see masked guy pick up weight plate and holds it over the actor’s groin area and then drops it.  The actor screams as the pains causes him to lose control of the weight bar, which drops and begins to crush his throat.  We see blood flow from where weight bar has crushed his throat; gushing from his mouth and nose and dripping from his shorts where the weight plate has crushed him there and off the bench to the floor.  Actor screams why are you doing this stop, please stop.  Masked guy then pushes down on the weight bar to continue killing the actor, who screams in agony and whose body struggles greatly on the bench.  Blood flows more from his mouth, nose, and crushed throat.  Scene should not be too short, but should show a longer struggle.  As he dies, we hear the gurgling from his mouth and nose as he suffocates on his own blood. His body shakes and trembles in death agony, and then he goes limp with his eyes staring off in horror.  I can send you a clip from the inspiration scene from the movie “Happy Birthday to Me,” but I’d want it to be bloodier, longer and more full of the victim’s horror and pain, screaming and blood. The scene in Happy Birthday to me is far to short and not explicit enough, and the camera angles are not that great.  

2.  Stabbed in the shower.  This scene is inspired by the movie Psycho, but unlike Psycho, which implies the stabbing, I’d like to show the stabbing explicitly.  Before stepping into shower, actor washes his face and wets his hair in the sink.  He then flexes in front of the mirror and smiles cockily at his good looks.  He steps into the shower and we see shots of him soaping up and rinsing his body.  Masked guy steps into bathroom with big knife.  Actor sees masked guy, recognizes him and jokes about the really convincing fake knife and then asks him why doesn’t he try stabbing him with it.  Then the masked guy stabs actor repeatedly in the shower.  We see knife penetrate torso several times; actor screams, and blood flows from his wounds, mouth and nostrils.  He lifts his arms up to defend himself, but the masked man in too strong. We see the actor collapse slowly against the shower wall and on to the shower floor.  His body trembles greatly as he dies, and his eyes are open in horror.

3.  Executed with Arrows:  This is kind of inspired by various paintings of St. Sebastian martyred by being tied with his arms above his head to a tree and executed by being shot with arrows.  I can share some concept pictures.   Only here, the setting is a dark basement, and the actor is an undercover agent that has been discovered by the drug mafia and executed slowly with arrows.  Actor is tied with his arms above his head to a pole.    Masked man enters room with bow and several large, thick arrows.  Actor recognizes him and calls him coward for hiding behind a mask to kill him.   Actor is defiant, but also a bit afraid.  There’s sweat running down his face, out of his armpits and down his torso since it’s also hot in the basement.  Actor starts off defiant saying you’ll never get away with this; the agency will get the mafia in the end.  Masked man chuckles and places an arrow in his bow and aims it at actor.  Actor screams, no, no, don’t do this.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s thigh; actor screams and contorts his body horribly in agony.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s shoulder.  Actor screams in agony - please stop, please.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s abs.  Actor screams and contorts body even more - please, I’ll tell you anything; give you names; just stop.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s pecs.  Actor screams, please stop, I’m dying.  Masked man’s shoots arrows into actor’s throat.  Blood gushes from wound and flows from actor’s nostril and mouth and drip down his torso.  Actor looks in horror back at masked man.  Finally, masked man executes actor by shooting arrow into actor’s eye.  Actor’s body goes limp and his ruined body hangs pierced with arrows and dripping blood on to the floor.
    12 minutes


Custom Movie

Starring: Nata, Annabelle and Alex 


- Tight blouse with long sleeves
- Black professional pants (blouse will be under the pants)
- Black belt with gun sheath
- Detective/police badge on belt 
- Black boots with hills (under the pants)
- She should wear a bra
- Initial hairstyle: ponytail


Fighting, hits to the belly, choking (not-deadly), beating, strangulation (deadly), death stare. topless

Our detective enters an abandoned building looking for a murderer with her gun on hands. She finds dead whore in the dark epmto room. She touches dead body… and imagines how maniac fucked and strangled her before death. 
She didn't have time to call for backup as the criminal was on the run.
While the detective is searching for him, the criminal supprises her from behind and manages to drop her gun.
Detective: I was looking for you. You are under arrest as all the other scums, don't resist any more!
Criminal: We'll see about that, detective.
A fight begins with punches from both sides. The detective, even though she looks "small" on first sight, manages to avoid his first punches and hit him on face more than once.
Full of confidence and with a smile on her face, she says:
"Don't you think you had enough?"
That attitude makes the criminal furious and attacks her with anger.
At first she manages to block his first two punches but then the third one hits her on her belly.
The detective, now looking surprised, tries to counder attack with a punch but the criminal grabs her hand and punches her on her face with his other fist.
Then he places another two punches (one with left, one with right hand) on her face.
Her ponytail gets loose by the hits.
The detective after each punch tries to speak:
"No, stop-- You can't--"
Then a third punch is placed on her belly (keep the punch on her belly for a few seconds).
The detective bends with her mouth open and her eyes crossing for a little bit.
Then another two punches are placed on her belly, having as a result our detective to spit saliva and stay with her mouth open and her eyes crossed from dizziness.
Finally, a punch hits her in the face, dropping her on the floor.
The criminal bends over her and starts strangling her until she passes out.

Then the criminal gets up in search of her gun, in order to kill her quickly.
On the meantime, the detective wakes up and tries to attack him.
"I said, you are under arrest!"
The criminal, once again blocks her punch and starts punching her multiple times on her belly.
The detective falls down once more and the criminal gets over her and starts punching her multiple times on her face while she is on the floor. 
When he stops, her face has blood on her nose and lips.
Detective: Ple..please.. stop.
Criminal: You asked for it, detective!
Finally, he sits behind her with a cord on his hands and starts strangling her (long strangulation).
Detective: No, please, I don't--
She tries to stop him, either by grabbing his hands or by trying to loose the cord on her neck, unsuccessfully.
Her feet are fighting for freedom and her heels are scratching the floor.
Her eyes start to cross and her mouths is open, looking for oxygen.
Her hands and feet start to paralyze, even though she still tries to fight back.
After a long strangulation, the detective is dead.


    9 minutes
Cast: Mira Green 
"thanks for the quick turnaround, you usually take longer.  And you are a genius!  The clip was fantastic!  The pacing, camerawork, outfit and plot were just as I wanted.  The location was exotic and interesting.  I especially enjoyed how Mira went up several flights of stairs on her hunt, the actual shootout, and the great camerawork and different angles when Mira was down"

No pantyhose, just bare legs, black miniskirt (same as in Destruction of Mira Green), white blouse, black bra, white panties.  Starts out just like Lilia, in her car, on the phone, telling her boss, "Agent Phillips will be dead by tonight." She exits the car, goes into a building and walks up a flight of stairs, pulling her gun out of her purse.  She gets into the apartment and looks around.  Suddenly, behind her a male voice calls out, "Looking for me, bitch?" (He can be any of your great actors!)   She turns around and gets a shot off but misses. The male agent shoots back (silenced gun) and she is shot near her right shoulder on the blouse (with blood effect, but not too much).  She gets off one more shot, but misses again.  The male agent shoots twice, hitting her right in the chest (again on the blouse).  Her gun hand drops, we see the gun slip out of her hand and hit the floor, but she is still standing, facing the agent who shot her.  He says, "You're the best they got??"  Right after he says that she falls to the ground on her back, moves slightly for about 5 seconds and dies, legs bent, slight view of her white panties but NOT A LOT.  If she can keep her eyes open without blinking, great, if not eyes closed is ok.  Some wide angle and pan shots of her body.  Then the male agent comes over to her, and removes her blouse, showing the black bra. He throws the blouse on the floor next to her. You can see the 3 bullet wounds on her body.  The agent says, "Too bad, you were so beautiful, we could have had fun, if you weren't such a dangerous bitch."  Then he walks out of the room, and we get more wide angle, close-up and pan shots of her body.  Does that sound like a good script, Ugine?  Of course, I know you sometimes add some creative "extra" that I have not thought of, and that's fine, as long as basic script and clothes are the same. 

     GHOST 3
    8 minutes
      GHOST 3 - GHOST 3
Starring: Nancy, Christy and Annabelle
Strangulation by invisible ghost, leg jerking, tongue out, taking off panties, sexy lingerie, death stares, bodypile
Movie with English subtitles

College student found tree dead bodies of girls in the room in sorority. All thought it was overdose. But when police examined bodies they  saw  traces of choking.
We can see that tragic night in the room. It was not maniac  - it was invisible ghost-strangler. He strangled them one by one…

If you like this movie please check
Ghost 2  ARCHER 11
    31 minutes
      ARCHER 11 - ARCHER 11
Starring: Mira Green, Sally, Luiza, Max

The story begins from three dead girls with arrows in their bellies. And then the movie is the flashback with telling why it happened. 
Three girls were moving from the town for searching new locations with night clubs opened for new dancers. All clubs in the lost city were closed because of crimes of maniac Archer who killed sexy dancers. 
The Archer who was near to be killed  by police in Archer 10 was going by the road leaving town. He saw a car and stopped it asking to drive him o the nearest motel. Three girls were in the car. Their fatal mistake was they decided to rudely joke at him. They stopped a car and  asked him to change the wheel. When he went out from the car they just drove away with his bag… They understood they stole it from the Archer when they found arrows, money and a gun inside the bag… But Archer had a chanse fopr revenge…

     3 Shotdead Cocktail
    13 minutes
      3  Shotdead Cocktail - 25 female deaths in this video!

starring: hass, inga gros, angelina tihnenko (new model!!!), Kit

this is our first «shot-dead cocktail» made with professional camera with 3 *****.

this is really hot one! Great quality, great acting, different poses and sexy reactions. Many ****'s death. 

death stares, crazy poses, ***** killing *****, man killing *****, many reactions, agonies, bodies.

shooting, shooting in back, shooting in the chest, long death in agony, quiqk sudden death, ***** shooting each others,  carrying bodies, crying and shouting  and voices of agony, sexy clothes, execution, bodypiles.  MOSCOW 2347 PREQUEL
    13 minutes
«The quality is there!
Great job as for the previous one.
You have succeeded in this challenge of "resurrecting" this character for me.
Mira Green plays her role to perfection.
A dark atmosphere, as I like them.
The script is well followed.
Thank you to all your team»

Customer’s Review

Stabbing, Blood, Choking of Stabbed Girl, Manual Choking, Death Stare, Police Girl, Boots 


“Moscow - Year 2347
In a world devastated by multiple atomic wars, almost the entire world population has disappeared.
The few remaining humans live in fortified cities.
Significant radiation from the planet has led to an increase in cancers and trafficking in healthy organs has become common.”

Sequence on policewoman sneaking into apartment.
The room is dark, but she sees light coming from an half-open door.

Come back in the bedroom with the Escort Girl. (Mira Green is fully dressed in her costume from the movie Moscow 2347)
She polishes her makeup with a final touch of lipstick.
She examines herself in the mirror and seems satisfied with her reflection.
-	Escort Girl: « Hottie! »

New footage of the Policewoman slowly approaching the half-open door.
When she's almost there, she accidentally drops an object ...
-	Policewoman: « Oh Shit! »

Fast sequence on escort alerted by noise.

Back again with the Policewoman:
No more time to waste for her who rushes into the room brandishing her gun.
-	Policewoman: « Police! Don’t Move »
To her surprise, the room seemed unoccupied.

Part 2:

The Policewoman cautiously walks into the bedroom, when suddenly she hears a voice behind her.
-	Escort Girl: « Are you looking for me? »
The Escort Girl does not give the policewoman time to turn around and she hits her violently. (maybe using an object)
The policewoman collapses and her weapon slips to the ground.
She tries to get it back, but the escort girl stops her and crushes Policewoman hand's with her heel.
The Policewoman screams in pain.
The Escort Girl smiles sadistically.
-	Policewoman: « Dirty bitch !! »
The Escort Girl bends over her, and pulls her hair
-	Escort Girl: « What are you doing here? »
-	Policewoman: « I'm investigating a small gang of organ traffickers and my research has led me to you! »
The Escort Girl releases the policewoman's hair and stands above her.
-	Policewoman: « You haven't been very discreet lately ...
17 people who have strangely disappeared in a month, and all seem to have one thing in common… they have all dealt with your services! »
-	Escort Girl: « You are good and your reasoning is correct, but it seems that your investigation ends here! »
The Escort Girl knocks out the policewoman with another hard kick to the face. (Fade to black)

Part 3:

The Policewoman is lying on a bed with her hands tied and completely naked.
The Escort Girl is next door, seated in an armchair.
She is also naked, wearing only her boots.
She smokes a cigarette while waiting for her hostage to wake up.

The Policewoman comes to her senses. She seems to take a few seconds to realize what is going on.
-	Escort Girl: « Finally, you wake up! »
-	Policewoman: « What are you going to do with me? 
I guess you're going to hand me over to your organ trafficking friends. »
The Escort Girl gets up from her armchair and approaches the woman lying on the bed.
-	Policewoman: « Wait, why are you naked? »
The Policewoman realizes that she too is naked.
-	Policewoman: « And why am I naked? »
The Escort Girl gives off a sadistic new smile.
-	Escort Girl: « That's right, I could contact my friends to have your organs removed ... but that would be a waste. »
The Escort Girl begins to stroke the body of the policewoman.
-	Escort Girl: « I prefer to keep you just mine. »
-	Policewoman: « you are completely crazy! »
Then, the Escort Girl crushes her cigarette on the Policewoman's body.
She climbs onto the bed and positions herself on top of her victim.
-	Policewoman: « Please let me go ... I promise I'll forget about the investigation and leave you and your gang alone! »
The Escort Girl get close to the policewoman's ear and whispers to her:
-	Escort Girl: « Your frightened look and your pleas only excite me more! »
She starts her murderous act.


    9 minutes




- police badges attached on jackets or on belts,

- gun holsters for all three girls (hip or shoulder),

- perfect, very expressive make-up and nice hair styles.

- handcuffs attached on the belts,

- leather cap for one or more girls (like in your movie "To Kill or be Killed"),

- sunglasses for one girl,

- hair in bun for some girls.

Elements of the action:

- girls carelessly talking at the beginning, laughing like adolescent students in classroom before the lesson, sitting frivolously on tables/chairs,

- guns put on the table(s),

- commander listening to the phone call with the strict expression,

- putting the guns into the holsters,

- man (witness) shivering with fear telling the girls where the criminal is,

- commander talking arrogantly to this man, two other girls watching him scornfully standing with hands on hips,

- girls calming the man down (verbally and non-verbally),

- searching the place with guns ready,

- one girl fatally hit before the shootout starts,

- commander and another remaining girl in shootout against the invisible opponent,

- self-confident firing positions with legs spread,

- girls exposing their figures to fire but then being hit,

- three individual girls' death scenes, one by one,

- surprised reactions when being hit by the bullet,

- natural deaths,

- real blood holes/wounds,

- bodypile in the final scene,

- the dead bodies only in more unfastened blouses with visible bras and in skirts but without jackets (undressing the jackets, opening blouses and putting the bodies into the bodypile are all out of screen),

- death positions in the bodypile: lying on backs, legs and hands spread, death stares, mouth open, shocked expressions (the bodies can be either put on each other or they can lie beside each other).


Scene 1:

Three girls sit in some office/room. They talk carelessly and laugh loudly.

They sit on the tables/chairs or then they stand in the sexy positions. The atmosphere is very light.

They are the cadets of the special academy that train the young students for the dangerous and secret missions.

The girls went through all the lessons but they have not been in the real mission yet.

The academy uses the unified clothes for their girl cadets:

black and white dresses with the black short leather (biker) jackets, black wide belts, black very short miniskirts and white blouses. Only commander can wear black leggings. The police badges on the clothes also show that the cadet is the academie's member.

So the girls are in the these same black and white clothes.

Two girls have black leather miniskirts. Their commander wears leggings.

Their guns lies on the table.

When the girls talk suddenly the phone rings. The one girl (commander) answers the phone and when she listens to the call her cute smile turns into the strict expression.

She is informed that the dangerous sexual criminal is hidden in some place.

She seriously nods her head during the call.

Finally she says to the caller: "Yes, understand it.... Of course, we go there immediately ... No!! We will do it ourselves!".

Then she stops the call.

"Girls, our time finally came! We know where this ugly molester is... Our first mission is really here!".

Two other girls stop talking and one of them eagerly asks: "Really? So we are going to get him just now....?"

"Sure!" commander answers.

All three girls put the guns into their holsters and they leave the office.

Scene 2:

In some place there is a scared man. When three cop girls arrive he tells them:

"I, I, ... saw him.... He, he is still th...there...." he stammers shivering with fear.

"Fine! Are you sure that is him?" the commander asks looking scornfully at the man.

"Yeah..... certainly...." the man answers.

The commander shakes her head with an arrogant smile. This man is just a funny coward for her.

"Ok.... let's get him" she says silently just for herself watching the man.

Two other girls all the time stand self-confidently with their hands on hips and with their legs put apart.

They also look at the man smiling arrogantly.

Then the commander turns to her colleagues and says loudly: "Follow me... Keep together. Shoot him dead if necessary".

The other two cop girls answer at almost the same time: "Yes, commander!".

When they leave the man one girl taps him on his shoulder, nods her head and smiles at him self-assuredly just to show him he should not be afraid. She treats him like he was her much younger brother.

Scene 3:

The girls search the place with their guns ready.

Then the gun shot can be heard. And for one girl her first mission ends before it started.

She is fatally hit into the chest. She only sighs silently and painfully and falls on her back. She dies immediately.

The commander watching this quickly looks at the direction from which the shot burst and she yells:

"Fucking bastard.... He is over there.... Get him!".

The commander and remaining girl hide behind some furniture/boxes etc. and open fire.

They expose several times and shoot bravely.

But the criminal is a very good shooter. 

During the harsh action also these both girls are killed one by one. The deaths of girls are quick and sudden, their self-confident expressions and sexy shooting poses with legs spread are suddenly shocked  and puzzled when they are hit by the deadly bullet. When the other girl is hit the remaining commander does not notice this and she continues firing until she is hit too.

This scene ends with the shots on three dead girls' bodies.

Scene 4:

The man who before showed the cop girls the place still waits in the same point.

He only heard a lot of gun shots, shouts and screams. Then there is dead silence.

He still shivers with fear but he believes that the three well-trained and brave cops managed to get one man.

But the silence lasts and nobody returns.

After endless minutes the man sighs deeply and finally dares to enter the place. 

And the scene he can suddenly see is horrible and unexpected.

The girls lies dead in the bodypile.

Their murder undressed their black jackets. Then he opened much wider their tender white blouses.

The girls' bras can be seen. There are big blood holes on the tender girls' chests/throats/foreheads.

Their dead eyes stare into the emptiness and their mouth are helplessly and uncontrollably open.

The man shockingly watches this terrible picture uncapable of any movement.

But then he realizes that the criminal could still be there so in panic he runs away.

The film ends with the detailed shots on the bodypile and on the faces and bodies of the dead girls.  THE ELF AND BAD SANTA
    38 minutes


CAST: Tatiana, Max, Annabelle

The theme of this story is that Tatiana is called to the office to be punished for naughty things she has done against Christmas.  She is insolent and defiant, but wants to keep her job, so she admits to some sins, willing to take a little punishment, never thinking that Max the enforcer knows all the bad things she has done, or what her ultimate punishment is. 

The enforcer begins to list her sins, and with each sin, gives her a punishment. 

I will leave it to your creative genius to use as many offenses and punishments as you can, till we get closer to the climax. 

Some transgressions she has committed: Misaddressing Christmas cards, hiding presents, badly wrapping presents, putting the wrong presents in the wrong packages, keeping toys for herself, not singing Christmas carols, using the wrong words in carols, not being happy with children on Santa’s lap, showing her cleavage to little boys, denying reindeer can fly—whatever you and your crew can think of. 

Each offense is punished by progressive harder, sexier, more sadistic punishments, such as slapping her hand, spanking her bottom (hand and/or ruler), face slapping, stomach punch, breast slap, hair pull, whipping her bottom, face punch, choking (one or both hands).

It is IMPERATIVE that T’s elf take these punishments with amusement, surprise, and pleasure (mixed with pain), willingly submitting even while showing some resentment at the abuse.  The harder they get, the more pleased surprise she shows—wide eyes, open mouth, with some pain but also delight.

As the list of sins goes on and on, however, and the punishments get harder, though, she beings to regret her willingness to accept them.

Two essential punishments for moderately severe offenses against Christmas: 

One:  T is forced to kneel on the ground and bend over at the waist, face shoved forward into the carpet, her bottom in the air.   Her feet are tied together and her hands are tied behind her back.  Her short dress is pulled up to expose her almost bare bottom, and she is paddled with something like a ping-pong paddle.  She gasps and cries with pain and struggles, and cries insults at the enforcer, but doesn’t really try get away or stop him.

Two:  T, still being insolent, runs and sits in the enforcer’s large, luxurious armchair, being impishly disobedient, having fun and mocking the enforcer’s seriousness, and what she regards as minor offenses.

T (sitting the chair like a queen):  This could be mine!  I could do your job!  You think you can keep me in line?  You hit like a girl!  Sissy!  Poor little boy, trying to be mean!  Come her—at my feet!

M (slowly approaches the chair, and pulls up the ottoman so he can sit close to T):  Little elf, I have not even begun to give you what you deserve.  (Suddenly, punches her breast (close up) hard enough to bounce her off the back of the chair.)

T (Gasps and shrieks a little, but lies back, wide eyed, looking at M with astonishment):  Wow!

M:  You were saying?  (Punches her other breast, just as hard (close up)).

T:  Owww! (Eyes even wider, mouth open with utter surprise, both at what M is doing and at her enjoyment of it.  She touches her breasts, then looks wantingly at M, and puts her hands back against the back of the chair, by her head, inviting more hits).

M (punches her breast even harder (close up).

T:  Uhhhhh!  (Head bouncing forward then back, then head leaning back, eyes almost closed, lips parted, in obvious pleasure.  She stays in her previous position, exposed.)

M (laughs a little, then punches her other breast, again bouncing her off the chair back).

T:  Oooph!   (slumps in the chair, overwhelmed with the pleasure of being hit so erotically)

M (stands, grabs the front of T’s dress and pulls her up, into the middle of the room.  She wobbles on her feet.  M grabs her breasts and pulls her toward him, her head and arms flying behind her.  He then spins in a tight circle, swing T by her breasts in front of him.  After two circles (her eyes wide, gasping and crying), he flings her by her breasts across the room.  She hits the floor and rolls under the Christmas tree.  As she lies there still, M goes to his desk to see what else T must be punished for.  She crawls timidly out from under the tree, unsure if she likes this game anymore.)

(T decides to try to seduce the enforcer, so she comes to him and tries to hug and caress him, rubbing her body against him, enticing him with her eyes, showing him her cleavage.  He lets her do what she wants for a while, then shoves her away.)

After being rejected and shoved the floor, she continues to try to seduce him, by preening, stretching, raising her stockinged legs, spreading her legs, rolling about, showing off her body in various inviting poses.  He ignores her at first, but finally exasperated, goes to the large armchair and sits.  He pats his lap and says, “Come sit on my lap.â€

Tatiana (thinking she was won the battle): “On your lap?  I’d love to.â€

Max:  Yes.  Come here.  I want to beat you.

Tatiana (surprised, but liking the idea):  You want to beat me?

Max:  Yes, I want to beat you.  You need to be beaten.

T (get up off the floor and sits on M’s lap, wraps her arm around him):  You can beat me, but wouldn’t you rather do something else?

M (laughs and begins nuzzling and caressing T all over, quickly getting an excited response from her.  He lets her hair down, and when she is breathing heavy, he stops caressing her.  “Ready?â€

T:  Yes!  Yes!  Ready for what?

M (takes her by the hair):  This!  (hit her hard twice in one breast with the side of his hand (the thumb side), like the edge of a knife or axe, knocking the wind out of T)  [we must see these hits close up to know what’s happening]

T (responds to hits with even more excitement)

M (caresses her some more, then moves her around and hits her other breast on the nipple four times with the side of his hand;  T jerks and gasps with each hit)

T (moaning with pleasure):  Oh, my God!

M (to himself):  Yes, you’ll meet him soon enough! (hits her breast twice more, as she gasps)  You’ve been so bad, trying to seduce Father Christmas’s enforcer!  How hard should I hit you for that?

T:  As hard as you want!

M (hits her four more times in the breast)

T (gasps and twists with each hit, but doesn’t try to stop M or protect herself)

M (after a pause, hits her breast twice more):  This is good.  How many times should I hit you for this new offense?

T (breathless, knowing she will be hit again):  As many times as I deserve!

M (shifts her around again and hits her other breast six times, fast and hard (close ups); T jerks and gasps with each hit).

T:  Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

M:  Naughty elf!  You don’t deserve your elf costume!  Take it off!

T (stand, strips off her dress, sits back on M’s lap):  Yes, I’ve been so naughty!

M (holding her by the hair, still using the edge of his hand, hit each of T’s breasts several times)

T:  Beat me!  Hurt me!

M:  You want to be hurt?  Take off your bra!

T (eagerly takes off bra and throws it away)

M (grabs one breast and holds it tightly (close up) while, using his palm now, slams his hand into each breast (close up) half a dozen times (fully shot to show holding her by the breast while hitting her, her arms spread wide, defenseless); T is becoming delirious with joyful/pain). 

M (shoves her off his lap and onto the floor):  On your knees!  Hands behind you!  Head back!  Lean back!

T (crawls to the middle of the rug on the floor and does as instructed)

M (kneels on the floor in front of T and punches her in each breast a number of times with his fist; T responds with little shrieks.  M hits her again, very hard, sprawling her on her floor, face down.  He slips his hand under her, grabs her breast and pulls her by her breast onto her back (close up of this action).   She lies, arms spread wide, breathing hard.  He straddles her, grabs her breasts, and pulls her up till she is bent at the waist.  She hangs by her breasts in his hands, arms limp, head hanging back.)

M:  You think you were going to get away with all your sins?  (Shakes T up and down)  Did you?  (shakes her up and down more, pushing and pulling her by her breasts; view sides and from above as he does)  Did you think you could seduce me and escape your punishment?  (shakes her) Did you?

T (finally trying to remove his hands, without success):  No, no!  I didn’t mean anything!  I know I deserve what’s happening!

M (shoves her to the floor and sits again at his desk, consulting his papers):  That beating was just for trying to avoid being disciplined for your worst sins against Christmas.  Do you understand that?

T (Still on the floor): Yes.  I’m sorry.  I won’t do that again!  I promise!  I’ll take what’s coming to me.

M:  You certainly will.  (Consults papers)  I’m coming to the end of the list, and I see here, you have two of the worst possible sins.  The second worst sin is, you have told children that Father Christmas doesn’t exist!

T:  But—but—I’ve never seen him!  I might be working all day for someone’s imagination!

M:  And you compound the sin to me!  Stand up!  By the fire, face me and take your punishment!

T (stands, feet together, in front of the fire)

M:  Deny Father Christmas, will you?  (slaps her face hard, a dozen times)

T (astonished, after the last slap):  Show him to me!

M:  You’re just making it worse for yourself!  (slaps her breasts a dozen times)

T (crying): I’ve done nothing wrong!  He’s not real!

M:  Hands behind your head!

T (clasps hands behind her head, staring at M, knowing she is going to be hit): Do it!

M (punches T hard in left breast four times (close up!)

T (at fourth hit, staggers backward)

M:  What are you doing?  I’m not done!

T (resumes her position, hands behind her head)

M (punches each breast several times on the nipple, and sideways (close ups), total six hits)

T (doubles over, hands over her chest)

M: Stand up!  You’re not finished!

T (resumes position, hands behind her head)

M:  Father Christmas does exist! (punches each breast three times, hard than ever, finishes with one more vicious breast punch that sends T to the floor; she lies on her side, arms stretched above her head)

M: Some elf you were! (Kicks her in the breasts, rolling her across the floor several times, then returns to desk)

T (slowly recovers, gathering her clothes (bra, dress, gloves, cap)as M returns to his desk; as he checks off items, she starts to stumble toward the door)

M:  Wait!  There’s just one more thing.

T (actually frightened now):  I haven’t done anything else!

M:  Yes, you have.  (Leaves desk and pulls T by her hair back into the room, to the large chair.  He pulls the ottoman into the middle of room while still holding T). 

M (holding T by the hair) You’ve told children THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS CHRISTMAS!!!  That is an offense worthy of death!

T: Nooooo!

M (sits on ottoman, pulling T down backward  so she is lying across his legs, on her back)

M:  There is no greater offense, and no greater punishment!  (Wraps a red stocking around T’s neck and tightens it.  As T struggles against the beginning of the strangulation):  Choose between being beaten to death (punches her breast on the nipple) or being strangled! (tightens stocking)

T (Speechless, terrified)

(For the next several minutes, T alternately tries to stop the strangulation and stop the beating.  When her hands try to pull the stocking away, M punches her breasts until T tries to protect her breasts with her hands.  When she tries to protect herself, he tightens the stocking a little more, edging her closer to asphyxiation.  This process repeats itself 3-4 times (distance shots and close ups).  Finally, T realizes she being strangled and death is near, so she stops trying to protect her breasts.  She claws at the stocking while M repeated punches each breast, harder and harder, trying to distract her; T lets him hit her, because she’s just trying to survive.  But it’s too late.  Slowly, even as M continues to hit her, her arms fall back behind her head.  M cinches the stocking down and punches her breasts until T shows no signs of life, and hangs limply across his lap.  He lifts her head by the stocking and shakes it, then pulls it back down and punches her breasts several more times (clearly seen).  Finally, he rolls her off his lap onto the floor, and kicks her onto her back.)

M (kneels and straddles her, grabs her breasts and pulls her up into a sitting position; she hangs by her breasts, dead, in his hands (mandatory: (1) side view, (2) close up, (3) camera moving from behind T, seeing her face, up and over her to look down on her breasts in M’s hands) and (4) view from high up above):  Naughty, naughty elf!  Father Christmas is the nicest old man in the world, and there’s no place for tarts like you, who question his existence and ruin children’s dreams!  (Drops her, stands and stomps on each breast several times hard enough to bounce her off the floor, saying “Bad elf!†with each stomp).

M (returns to desk, consults papers):  So much to do, so much to do!  (He works for a while, until his eyes stray and he sees a boy’s toy still unwrapped—a toy pistol that shoots rubber suction cup darts [e.g. by the Dreidel Company Detective Set, less than USD $10 on Amazon].  He looks at T’s body, and has an idea.

He props T’s body up against a wall (using whatever means you like to keep her upright), then takes some women’s lipsticks and draws round targets on her breasts, with her nipples as the bullseyes, then amuses himself for a while shooting the suction cup darts against her breasts (2x the 10-11 darts).  She stands passively, restrained up against the wall, head to one side, eyes open, lips slightly parted, as the darts hit her breasts and nipples (close ups), though they simply indent her breasts but don’t stick.  He enjoys this at first, but quickly tires of it.  He looks at T, looks around the room, and decides it needs more decoration.  He ties her hands behind her back and her arms to each other (she is limp, so he has to continually manhandle her, pushing her up against a wall and holding her there alternately by her neck, her hair, and just one breast), and then ties her feet together and, ties her thighs together, then wraps her body in a string of lighted Christmas lights (including wrapping some tightly around her breasts), puts her red stocking cap on her head, and hangs her by the neck from the ceiling. )

M (pours himself a drink and works at his desk as T dangles in the background):  So much to do!  So much to do! 

(The clock ticks by the hours, till it is near midnight.  M finally lowers T and takes off all the lights and wrappings.  He then makes out a label:  “Return to workshop.  Defective elf merchandise.† He then pulls out a large cardboard box and stuffs T into it, then stuffs packing papers around her, seals it up, put on the label and has it carted off by more helpers.

M (back at his desk): So much to do, so much to do!

(There’s a knock at his door, and another beautiful, sexily clad elf comes in and says): “Is this where I come to be punished for my sins?â€

Max winks at the camera.
    9 minutes


She is one of the not so talented enemy spies, and given a low level assignment
of data assignment as info courier as her first one.  
Setting: Late night and empty street Judi walks chewing gum, swinging her purse
with strap and talking on cell phone. She doesn’t notice someone spying on her
and following her.

She’s walking back to apartment after picking up HDD, but instead of dropping
it back at HQ, she feels tired after waiting for hours to get. On cell, she is
laughing and joking with friend, had a good time at party. She is interrupted by
boss calling, she tells boss he will get it next day. Boss yell how dumb she is and
in great danger… 
Suddenly someone starts to shoot at her from dark/night street.
She creams, drops cell phone and runs for her life….
She survives a hail of gunfire out in the streets. As soon as she makes it running
back inside to her apartment/house, she checks her whole body with her hands
for any signs of bullet holes. Can be in front of full body mirror on the wall and a
sofa behind her.
After running inside Judi exclaims: Pww, that was close!!!! I knew I would hate
this fucking job!!!
Self body check-up by using hands all over body, I have the luck of a cat!!!!  She
is standing behind a sofa.
Not really!!! Screams the Assassin showing himself now.
Suddenly an enemy agent jumps out from the shadows and starts shooting her…
Bang, Bang, Bang! SHIT!!! Falls down Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!! It hurts!!!! You will
never find the drive on me, inside dress/corset/bra, assholes!!!! Oops, did I say
that out lout????
She stands up again, trying to fire. Bang, Bang, Bang!!! Body twitches with
rounds incoming & can spit as much blood as Under Cover Police Woman.
Gets up defiantly, fires last rounds, click, click... empty! Final gunning. Slumps 3-
5 rounds to chest or couple to stomach…
Falls over sofa to middle of room, if she can show underwear view as she falls
from back to front of sofa then to the floor…. Show her panties a lot as legs
fly/flip go over sofa.
If stunt is too dangerous then do it slowly and no panty or ass showing.
Dying slowly, the other agent comes and fires last rounds at her back as
she tries to crawl/escape away like in Model Shoot.
Last words: I really hate this fucking job…. Spits more blood out. Eyes open and
close up of face
Full view of body from above, zoom in to full face slowly, once with clothes from
back then front as Assassin turns her over to show her front then admires her. Show body, still dressed full body then zoom and close
up like Under Cover Police Woman. Zoom was of her body in horizontal, can you
show it vertical too? Face zoom too here
Assassin then comes close, undresses her looking for HDD. Takes off dress,
then corset and panty, leaving only garter with stockings and heels. Assassin
then leaves her body. Zoom again full body and of face too.
3 days later after he comes back and checks on her… top view of full body and
zoom slowly to face and all of body. Move her face or play around with her or flip
body to back and front again. He then leaves, zoom again full pale body and face
after 3 days and fade into black.  PRISONER ABUSE 2
    21 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Max

Prisoner Abuse 2
The Interrogator roughly escorts Angelina.  He wears a dark shirt, cargo pants, and dark shoes/boots (similar to Max’s outfit in “Prisoner Abuse”).  Angelina wears a white tank top, dark shorts, and black high heel boots, her hair in a ponytail, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s, clear, white, or black.  Her hands are cuffed behind her back.
As the Interrogator escorts her, Angelina protests, saying things like “You can’t just arrest me like this,” “What did I do?” “I have a right to know,” etc.  The Interrogator ignores her.  He shoves her into the room and sits her in a folding chair.  The room is open with a lot of space and the floor is covered with a tarp or plastic.  (Similar to the room where “Prisoner Abuse” takes place)
Angelina looks up at her Captor.
ANGELINA: Whatever you think I did, you have the wrong person-
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head.  Angelina is surprised by the attack.  He grabs her by the hair and leans in close to her.
INTERROGATOR: We know you’re a Spy for the Resistance.  We have proof, so don’t bother denying it.
As he speaks, Angelina glares at him.  The Interrogator lets go of her hair.
INTERROGATOR: I suggest you answer my questions truthfully.  Otherwise…
The Interrogator suddenly punches her in the head again.  Again, Angelina is surprised by the attack, but this time she immediately stares back at him without fear.  He punches her again, and then a third time.  Angelina takes the pain and again stares back at him without fear.
INTERROGATOR: You can take a hit.  Good.  Makes it more fun.
He punches her several more times in the head in a few different ways.  Sometimes he hits her with left and right hooks, other times he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, and a few times he hits her with straight punches to the face.  One final hook knocks her out of the chair and onto the floor.  She pants and groans in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Come on, get up!
He kicks her in the gut.
With her injuries and her hands cuffed behind her, it’s a struggle, but she manages to get back to her feet.  The Interrogator pulls out a knife and cuts her tank top, so it falls from her body, exposing her naked breasts.  He puts the knife away and punches her in the head again, causing her to stumble back against the wall, but she manages to stay on her feet.  The Interrogator then batters her with several hard punches to the abdomen that knock the wind out of her and make her double over, but every time she is about to fall, he catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  He switches and hits her with more rights and lefts to the head.  The final punch knocks her to the floor.  He walks away.  Angelina tries to breathe and fight through the pain.
The Interrogator returns with a baton.  He forces her back to her feet baters her abdomen with the baton many times.  Every time he hits her, it knocks the wind out of her and makes her double over, groaning/moaning in pain, but every time, the Interrogator catches her or holds her up (maybe he holds her up by the throat).  After one final blow, he finally lets her drop to her knees. He grabs her by the hair, sitting her up, and hits her with more punches to the face.  With every punch, Angelina’s eyes become more dazed until she is knocked out.  He shoves her to the floor, and she lands on her side
Angelina’s limp body is now strung up, her hands cuffed/tied above her head (similar to how Xena was strung up in “Prisoner Abuse”).
The Interrogator throws some water in her face to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: Have a nice nap?
ANGELINA: Are you actually going to ask me some questions this time?
INTERROGATOR: That was just a taste of what waits for you if you don’t cooperate.  Tell me the location of your Cell’s headquarters.  Who is your Commander?  How many soldiers are there?  And what kind of weapons do they have?
Angelina remains silent.  He grabs her by the throat and leans in close to her face.
INTERROGATOR: Go ahead.  Stay silent.  I love hurting people.  Especially pretty rebel bitches like you.  But, if you answer my questions truthfully, I’ll have no choice but to stop.  We’ll treat your wounds and give you a nice meal.  No more pain.  Or you can die slowly.  I would love nothing more than to beat you to death.  It’s your choice.
Angelina takes a moment to consider his words.
ANGELINA: You really enjoy hurting me that much?
INTERROGATOR: More than you can imagine.
ANGELINA: Then you’d better savor every second of it, because soon you’ll be dead as well and your Empire will fall, you sick fuck!
She spits blood in his face.  The Interrogator chuckles as he cleans his face with a rag.
INTERROGATOR: I was hoping you’d say that.
He hits her with a mixture of rights and lefts to the head and body.  Sometimes he throws a few punches quickly.  Other times, he briefly pauses between punches, so she can feel every hit.  After many punches to the head and body, he switches to the baton.  He takes his time as he batters her body with the baton, making her feel every hit and knocking the wind out of her each time.  If not for her hands being strung up, she would have fallen many times.
He grabs a shock-stick (the same one from “Bloody Interrogation” and “Prisoner Abuse” if possible).  As he holds it close to her body, we finally see fear in her eyes.
INTERROGATOR: Answer my questions and it all stops.
Angelina buries her fear and glares at him with resolve.
He shocks her in the belly, then one of her nipples, then the other nipple, and then finally her pussy.  Each time he shocks for several long seconds, causing her eyes roll back as her body spasms (similar to her reactions when she is shocked in “Bloody Interrogation”).  The last shock knocks her out.
The Interrogator uncuffs/unties her hands and her limp body collapses to the floor.  He rolls her onto her back then throws some more water in her face to wake her up.
As she gets her bearings back, he stands between her legs and lifts them.  Realizing what he is about to do, Angelina’s eyes widen in fear.
INTERROGATOR: I’ll give you another chance.  Answer my questions or I’ll destroy your pussy.
After a few deep breaths, Angelina glares at him with resolve.
ANGELINA: I never wanted children anyway.
The Interrogator stomps on her pussy several times, causing her to cry out in agony.  He takes a second or two between each stomp so she can feel every hit.  Eventually the pain causes her to lose consciousness.  The Interrogator continues to stomp on her pussy a few more times for good measure.
He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.  Angelina grabs her sore pussy and rolls onto her side groaning/moaning in pain.
INTERROGATOR: Get up!  Come on, get up!
Summoning all of her strength, Angelina slowly stands.
INTEROGATOR: Impressive.  I’ll make you a deal.  If you can get past me, you’re free to go.
ANGELINA: (Exhausted) Liar!
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Maybe.  What do you have to lose?... Unless you’re finally ready to talk.
Angelina puts up her guard, though she can barely lift her arms.  She throws a couple punches.  They are wild and sloppy, and the Interrogator easily dodges them and pretends to applaud her effort.  She throws another punch, and the Interrogator easily blocks and counters with a hard punch to her head.  She is unable to defend herself as he continues to pummel her with several more punches to the head, mostly right and left hooks, a few straight punches to the face, and punches to the body.  Every punch to the head rocks her and some of the body shots double her over.  Every time it looks like she’s about to fall, he catches her and stands her back up.  Sometimes he holds her as he punches her.  A final right hook knocks her to the floor (she lands on her back).  She is barely conscious.
The Interrogator straightens her out and gets on top of her, straddling her.  He taps her face and shakes her head to wake her up.
INTERROGATOR: This is your last chance.  You won’t have another opportunity after this.
ANGELINA: Good.  I’m tired of hearing your stupid voice.
INTERROGATOR: (Chuckles) Defiant till the end.  I like that.
The Interrogator hits her over and over with many brutal ground n pound rights and lefts to the head.  He alternates a few times, sometimes he holds her with one hand while punching her with the other, sometimes he holds her while hitting her with straight punches to the face, sometimes he hits her with hammer-fists, but he always goes back to ground n pound rights and lefts.  After a few minutes, she eventually dies.  The Interrogator doesn’t notice at first and when he does realize that she is dead, he continues to punch her in the head several more times.  This sequence lasts for about 2-3 minutes.
He decides to take a break from punching and decides to brutalize her pussy some more by doing several running soccer (football) kicks to her pussy.
He then straddles her and goes back to hitting her with several more ground n pound rights and lefts for about another 2 minutes. (Similar angles as before)
The Interrogator finally decides to stop, smiling in satisfaction as he looks down at Angelina’s battered body and gets a sip of water.  Suddenly, gunfire is heard off-camera. The Interrogator grabs his gun and goes to investigate.  The camera pans Angelina’s dead body as more gunfire is heard and the Interrogator is killed off-screen.
Possible POV: Another Resistance Fighter enters, gun drawn, (their face doesn't need to be seen) walking past the dead body of the Interrogator, they discover their dead comrade.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Commander.  I found her.  We’re too late.  She’s already dead.  Looks like she didn’t tell them anything.
COMMANDER (V.O.): Copy that.  Finish sweeping the area, then bring her home.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Yes sir… (To Angelina) You did good soldier… You did good.
Final body pans ending with a close up of Angelina’s face.
The End

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