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     Murder In The Club
    13 minutes
      Murder In The Club - MURDER IN THE CLUB

Starring: Nadya, Christy and Annabelle


Christy is VIP bad girl, the leader of femmene special secret organization. She is the boss for her the best security girls – her personal slave and her personal guards. When she hears strange noises she orders her girls to go and check.
Nadya, the brave guard, goes to the hall of club for searching. Killer was waiting for her behind the wardrobe. He strangled her with a rope from behind and hanged her.
Slave Annabelle went for her hunt and saw the hanged Nadya. «Oh, the end of stupid brave bitch» - she says and go to the hall, when the killer attacks her and breaks her neck.
He goes for Christy’s sole. She shoots him by gun but he is too strong and bullets can’t kill him. He slowly strangled her by her own jewels.

If you like this clip please also check
    25 minutes
CAST: Xena, Sally, Billy Brag
Sally is a secret agent who has a mission to find a female serial killer in her apartment. She goes to the apartment armed with a gun and goes inside secretly to find her. When she goes in to look for her there is no one and she starts walking around with her gun. Suddenly,without Sally can see what's going on behind her,Xena attacks her from behind wearing a hospital pajama like gown,Xena is locking her throat with her hand,Sally starts choking but doesn't drop her gun. She fights for her life and starts to faint and little by little she starts to fall to the ground. Xena doesn't let her go and continues to choke her until at one point Sally begins to lose consciousness litle by litle until she finally falls asleep and is left helpless on the ground with a gun in her hand.Xena begins to relax her hand from Sally's neck and drops her head to the ground,Sally stands with her mouth slightly open and Xena starts stroking her head and moving her head lightly to check if she slept well.Xena stands up and leaves Sally lying on the ground without taking the gun from his hand. She gets on the phone and calls for a man to help her carry Sally to the bed in the bedroom.While Xena waits for the man to come she starts to touch one of Sally's boots.The man arrives, she tells him to grab Sally under the arms, and she grabs both legs under the bends of the knees, and they carry Sally into the bedroom, while they carry the body, Sally holds her gun in her hand without letting it go. When they get to the bedroom, they put Sally on the bed  lying down. Xena tells the man to leave the room and she is left alone with Sally's helpless body. She sits down next to Sally and slowly takes the gun from her hand and places it on the nightstand. Sally turns her head slightly to the side with her mouth slightly open. Xena  strokes her head and lifts Sally's body slightly to take off the jacket and lay her down again. Xena takes off her hospital pajamas and remains completely naked. She walks over to Sally again and unzips one boot and slowly begins to take it off,she puts the boot on the floor then she slowly take off 1 sock which she also leaves on the ground next to a boot. When Sally is left with one bare foot Xena grabs it and starts massaging it lightly then she takes off the other boot and sock and leaves them on the ground with the others. Now  the camera takes a photo of how Sally is lying barefoot helplessly on the bed and her boots and socks are on the ground, when the camera takes a picture, while Sally is lying on the bed, the boots should also be visible on the ground. After photographing Sally's legs from behind, they go to photograph them from the front as well  .Xena slightly lifts Sally's body to take off her blouse and while Sally is sitting on the bed the camera takes a picture of her bare feet and legs. After taking off her blouse she also takes off her bra.After that Xena unties the hair of Sally.Finaly she unzips the belt and the jeans of Sally and slowly take them off.All of Yana's clothes are left on the bed. Finally, Xena takes off Sally's panties and leaves her completely naked. Xena calls the man into the room and tells him that they need to take Sally into the bathroom and give her a bath. Man comes in and grabs Sally under the arms and Xena grabs both and legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally's body into the bathroom. Xena again tells the man to get out and she is left alone with Sally's naked body and begins to bathe her. She gets her all wet and washes her hair with shampoo and  body with shower gel.She also remove her make up and lipstick.When she is already bathed, she dries her body and again calls the man to enter the bathroom to help her carry Sally to the bedroom. The man grabs Sally under the arms and Xena by both legs under the bends of the knees and they carry Sally to the bed  in the bedroom. Xena tells the man to leave the bedroom and she is left alone with Sally.She makes Sally sit on the bed. She gets a hair dryer and dries Sally's hair.Then she dresses Sally in her hospital pajamas after that she combs her hair with a comb to be beautiful and finaly she puts Sally laying on the bed on sleeping position and leaves her to sleep. Now Xena gets dressed  with Sally's clothes and puts on her socks and boots. Finally she puts on her Sally's jacket and leaves the room.A little time passes and Sally starts to wake up. She looks surprised that she is wearing pajamas and her clothes are gone but she sees on the bedside table that Xena forgot to take her gun and She takes it and leaves the bedroom and sees Xena in the back sitting on  the couch,
.She hits her in the head with the gun and Xena passes out. Sally puts Xena down on the couch and takes off her clothes and she puts them back on and leaves Xena lying on the couch completely naked. When Yana is back in her own clothes and boots and socks,she drags Xena's body to the bathroom and there she ties her hands and feet and leaves her naked and tied in the bathroom.Sally goes back to the living room gets her gun and opens the apartment door to escape but is met at the door by Xena's man and he starts hitting her  repeatedly with fists in the face, after which Sally falls to the ground unconscious, but the man continues to hit her in the face.Sally is severely beaten and cannot move, her whole face is covered in blood and wounds, the man bends down and takes the gun from her hand and puts it aside. He goes to the bathroom and frees Xena, then the two go to the living room and Xena sees Sally lying beaten on the ground and helpless.Sally slowly opens her eyes but can't speak because of the pain she feels, she tries to speak and ask for help but Xena laughs at her. Sally starts moaning and shaking heavily, her body is shaking. Xena tells the man to grab Sally under the arms and she grabs both legs under the bends of her knees and they carry Sally's helpless body into the bedroom, as they carry her Sally moans in pain. When they reach the bedroom they put Sally to bed. And the two of them with the man begin to undress her quickly.The man begins to take off the jacket and blouse of Sally and at that moment Xena begins to take off her boots.Sally begins to moan and cry to be left alone, she kicks with her legs to avoide to be stripped.Xena can't take Sally's boots off,she kicks so hard that Xena can't hold her back and she calls the man for help. A man comes and grabs both of Sally's legs so Xena can take the boots off. As Sally tries to kick Xena take off her socks also.Sally remains only in jeans and a bra,her socks and boots and her jacket and blouse are on the floor.Sally moans in pain and can't speak. Xenna starts stroking Sally's bare feet and tells her to calm down. Just then the doorbell rings and Xena and the man leave Sally alone in the bedroom and they go to see who is calling. Xena hides because she is naked and the man goes to open the door. He sends the person who rings and closes the door.At that moment Sally manages to get out of the room but falls to the ground and begins to drag herself because she doesn't have the strength to walk. Dragging herself and with a bloodied face, she asks for help, someone to help her, finally leaves her lying on her stomach with her face to the ground. The man grabs her hands and as Sally is lying face down on the ground, he starts dragging her along the ground as he takes her back to the bedroom.The camera is filming Sally's legs dragging and her crying helplessly. When they reach the bed in the room the man lifts Sally off the ground and throws her onto the bed. Xena comes into the bedroom again. Sally kicks her legs to get up released but Xena holds them tightly and the man lifts Sally's body to take off her bra and finally when she is already half naked. A man grabs Sally's hands and Xena unbuttons her jeans and takes them off, finally she takes off her pants and Sally remains completely naked on the bed crying. Xena puts on Sally's clothes and boots again,puts her jacket on. While Sally moans Xena and the man dresses Sally in hospital pajamas and then tie her legs and hands. While Sally is crying Xena goes and punches Sally several times in the face and she falls unconscious. Finally they leave  Sally lying in the bed tied up and beaten in hospital pajamas and barefoot. The camera shoots from all sides to show Sally's bare feet and her helpless body,Sally is with open mouth moaning from pain and agony.Finally they leave the room, leaving Sally's alone and helpless.
    13 minutes

«Just watched it and loved it. The acting was spot on…  Fair enough they did a great job either way and I do have an idea for a sequel to this video».

From Customer’s Review



Bad Girls, Shootout, Gangster-Girls, Gurl With Gun, Shooting, Machine Guunned, Closed eyes death stares, Jeans, Military Outfits, Bodypiles. Soldiers, Battle, Closing eyes to dead girl, Opened eyes Death Stare


Actresses: Helga-Black Bra, Dark Blue Jeans, biker boots, black Leather Jacket and no belly button ring

                   Judi- Black Bra, Black Jeans, Biker Boots, black Leather Jacket and no belly button ring

                   Sally and Bella Lenina- Camo pants, Black Combat boots, and a white belly shirt.

                Helga plays the part of the leader of a biker gang gearing up for a war with a rival biker gang. Judi is the second in command and came with Helga to back her up in case something goes wrong that would involve a gun fight. Sally plays the part of the weapons dealer and Bella is her backup. I would like to have this in English.


Helga and Judi reach the warehouse that they were to meet with the weapons dealer. Helga takes out her phone and calls the dealer

Helga- “Were here. Where are you” After a short pause as if she was getting a response “I’ll be there” She then hangs up the phone.

Helga- “She says to wait by the desk in the warehouse”

Judi- “I don’t like this. It smells like a setup”

Helga- “Ya I feel that to but we need those guns. Just keep your eyes peeled and don’t trust them.”

Judi- “Right”

Helga and Judi enter the warehouse and Helga sits down in the chair and Judi stays standing and scouting the area with her eyes.

After a short while Sally and Bella enters the warehouse.

Sally- “Welcome ladies I heard that you are looking for some weaponry. I have the equipment just for you but it’s not going to be cheap.”

Helga- “Money’s not going to be a problem as long as the weapons perform to our liking”

Sally- “That’s not going to be an issue. These weapons are the best money can buy. And these weapons don’t jam as much.”

Helga- “Let’s see them”

Sally- “You know the price. Let me see the cash first”

Helga- “Judi go get the case”

Judi- “Yes boss” Judi then leaves the warehouse to go get the briefcase. She then reenters the warehouse with briefcase in hand and handcuffed to her wrist. She walks up to Sally and opens the case and shows her the money.

Sally- Looks like everything is in order. Bella go and retrieve the weapons” Bella nods at Sally and leaves to get the weapons. Judi closes the case and then walks back to the table and sits down on it.

Bella then reenters the warehouse with a machinegun in hand and then she open fires shooting Jodi multiple times in the chest. Jodi then falls back on the table with legs hanging down and arm with case hanging down from the side of the table as well.

Helga manages to escape the bullets and finds cover. She takes out her gun and manages to shoot Bella in the chest multiple times killing her. Bella falls flat on her back with legs spread out and belly button perfectly showing and no blood on it with eyes closed and some blood sliding down her mouth and a pool of blood forming from underneath her. Sally runs out of the warehouse. Helga goes over to Jodi seeing that she was still alive.

Helga- “Jodi hang in there. Stay with me”

Jodi- “Forget me go after her. You need those guns. There is nothing you can do I’ll be dead soon just don’t let her get away”

After Jodi says that she then dies with eyes opened. Helga checks her pulse and sees that she is dead. She closes her eyes and then goes to the direction of the door. Sally then barges in the room with a gun and starts shooting. The two then shoots at each other and they both end up taking bullets. Helga takes a few bullets to the chest and still manages to stay standing and Sally falls to her knees and then falls backwards with legs still folded and dead with eyes closed and belly button fully shown and no blood on it. Helga then casually walks back to the chair and pulls it out and then sits down. She slides down the chair to get in a pose I will add to the script and dies with eyes closed and belly button fully shown and not blood on it.  Get lots of pans of the 4 girls playing dead. Get close ups of their faces, belly buttons, full body side view, full body top view, a view with their faces and belly buttons are seen, one where all of them are in the shot and any other sexy pans of them.  KILLER2
    9 minutes
      KILLER2 - KILLER-2

Starring: Mary, Nata, Hass
Erotic lesbian scene in shower 
Sexy double shooting is shower
Shooting murder in the kitchen 
Murder girl while her exercise

4 murders by silencer shooting. All shots are to the chest

Simple story about one case of contract killer. His purpose was the daughter of a businessman. She lived with her twin-sisters and two friends. Contract killer killed all of them. 
4 Murders just for 11$!
    17 minutes
«I have seen the film. Again and again and again. It's far from easy to summarise my opinion: I'll try anyway. 

First of all, I was very impressed by the interpretation you gave of my story. I say "interpretation" deliberately, because not everything was obvious from my script. I knew other films of yours and expected exactly that "plus of mainstream flavour" to be added by you. You have masterfully realised the spirit of the story. In the film, I could recognise your experience in this field and your knowledge of some "depths" of the human psyche, so to speak […]. 

Needless to say, I was speechless how Mira played her role. It was far beyond my imagination – and this was a fantasy I have been thinking about for a long time […]. 

Finally, I would like to tell you that I consider your way of communicating with the customers as the added value of your production. Your transparency about the making of the film, about the different steps, your readiness to keep the customer up-to-date, and last but not least your interest in good cinematic quality (not only for a simple 1:1 conversion of the script) make me say: Ugine, you have now definitely won a regular customer. I am already thinking about a new film and I am very excited to work with you again soon.[…]»

From Customer’s Review 
The story about VIP escort service where a girl need do play dead. This movie let you be with characters in their private room and watch for secret roleplaying game between escort girl and her customer…  SPACESHIP INDIGO Part 2
    11 minutes

The Second  Episode of BIG MOVIE!
Starring: Mia Jane, Laura Romeo, Maya Dinova, Elvira Twins, Sally, Irene, Annabelle, Maria, Pola, actresses of mass scenes

Why this movie is MUST HAVE FOR EVERYBODY?

For the first time in the history of Crime House, the scene of strangulation was performed by a stuntman and using a special device - the effect of a real strangulation and hanging, performed strictly under the supervision of professional film directors. The most dangerous trick is not to repeat!
The fight was performed by two professional actresses of militants and put up by a professional wrestling instructor. Two girls were engaged in a fight and passed a special casting for the production of this trick.
For filming scenes of shootouts consultants-animators for video games were invited.
Professionally delivered fighter specifically for this market! The most professionally produced film of our production!

Killing Scene:
Being shot in the staircase
Blaster firefight
Bullet-time show motion effects
Great 8 girls bodypile
Ultra sexy fighting
More than 30 deaths! 
Some POV style and videogame style 

Intruding of Spaceship Indigo has a continue. The cruel battle in the spaceship is going on!
    32 minutes
Ksysha Zaichik, Baunty, Edward Petrov, Maxim Sergeev, Bella Lenina, Li
«A really extravagant great clip. Ksusha as a female assassin is great. Well implemented»
Customer’s review
Plot of the movie 

Outfit Ksusha:   lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots and very 
                          short black gloves.   

Outfit Baunty:    lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight white leggings, belt, black leather boots and very 
                          short black gloves.
I hope you can implement the clip like this.

Black Widow Sisters
Ksusha and Baunty are both agents of a secret government group. As a teenage sibling, they were kidnapped by the organization to be trained as contract killers for silent killing. For years, both have specialized in effectively strangling or choking their victims. Both hired killers have perfected their skills over the years and love to kill their victims in this way. They despise and hate their victims and consider them of low status. Ksusha and Baunty are ruthless, cruel and very aggressive. They are now among the best contract killers in the organization and always work together. You call them the Black Widow Sisters.
Ksusha loves to kill male victims and Baunty, on the other hand, likes to strangle beautiful female victims.
In their shared apartment, Ksusha and Baunty receive their new assignment from the organization via an encrypted audio message on their computer. Ksusha enters the 
password and they both listen to the details of their assignment(please display with subtitle). They are supposed to smash a mafia ring by infiltrating it and killing the four 
most powerful people. It is a total of 4 people, a woman and a man, who came to power as uncompromising hit men and their clones. Ksusha and Baunty should plan and
carry out their mission independently. Ksusha tells Baunty that they have to kill all 4 because nobody knows exactly who the real person is and who the clone is. Baunty 
agrees with Ksusha and tells her that she wants to kill the two women each time. Ksusha says okay and I'll kill the other two mans. Ksusha says to her sister, come and
 let's exercise. Both put on their killer outfits, bikini briefs to tie, a leather bra, tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots - then each of the two sisters puts on their tight
 black leather gloves. Ksusha takes out her instrument, a garotte with wooden handles, and Baunty always uses a USB cable to strangle. Then they start their training. 
Both train their skills by strangling and choking each other as perpetrators and victims. Each with your hands and the garrote or usb cable. 

The training takes about 5 minutes.

Both contract killers enter the organization through fake résumés and can scout out their potential victims and plan how they will carry out their assignments. Both agree 
again that Ksusha will kill the male victims and Baunty the two women.

1. Male Victim

The contractkiller Ksusha stands in front of the door of the hotel room in which her first victim is, she takes a fake key out of her pocket and quietly opens the door. She 
looks around and finds her first victim sitting at a desk. The hit man slowly sneaks up on him and puts the garrote around his neck from behind and tightens himself. The 
Mafia boss tries to fight back, but Ksusha is much stronger with her choking technique. When the resistance slowly subsides, she throws him on the bed, sits on him and 
tucks his arms under her legs. Then she puts the garotte around his neck again (completely around his neck) and pulls it tighter and tighter. He defends himself violently, 
but has no chance against Ksusha. It continues to put tight until it finally killed him and saliva comes out of his mouth and his tongue protrudes out of his mouth. Ksusha 
enjoys looking her victim deep in the eyes until he has taken his last breath. Then she calls her sister and tells her that she killed the first male victim and describes it to 
her, but does not know whether he was the real guy or his clone. Baunty says to her sister, she will kill one of the two women und  Ksusha wishes her Sister have fun and 

2. Female Victim

The contract killer Baunty broke into the apartment of the female mafia boss. When Baunty hears her victim coming, she hides. The mafia boss (also in a leather outfit, 
please) comes into the living room / playroom and has a knife on his belt. Baunty sneaks up on her from behind and puts the usb cable around her neck and chokes her
badly. The female mafia boss can get out of the situation and pulls her knife. The mob boss thinks he has Baunty and approaches with the knife, but Baunty makes a fist
and hits her in the face with it and follows with one knee to her groin, she is dazed and Baunty throws her to the ground. Baunty sits on top of her, puts her hands around 
her neck, and chokes her tight. The mafia boss lashes out, but is still dazed and only fights weakly, but manages to break free for a moment. Baunty takes the usb cable 
and puts it around her neck from behind, pulls it back and throws it on the bed. Baunty sits on her and strangles her to death. The Mafia boss convulses and trembles and 
lashes out wildly, but becomes weaker and weaker and finally gives up, so that Baunty can finish her job in peace. When saliva ran out of her mouth, Baunty tightened 
the usb cable again and the mafia boss twitched her legs again until she was finally strangled by Bauty and her tongue stuck limply out of her mouth. Then Baunty gets up and checks his body and pulse. Then she gets 
up, takes her cell phone out of her pocket and takes a few pictures of her corpse. She calls her sister and tells her to check her inbox. She sent her a few 
photos of the dead female mafia boss. Ksusha says on the phone that she did a great job. Baunty is satisfied and looking forward to her next female victim 
and makes her way to headquarters, where she found him.
 3. Female Victim
Meanwhile, Baunty has come to the room to find her next victim.  She pulls a nylon stocking over her face. Baunty is suddenly face to face with the female mafia boss, and the contractkiller Baunty immediately begins to strangle his victim with both hands on the neck. Baunty realizes that she is much stronger than her victim. Baunty first chokes her victim, then they start hopping from wall to wall (mafia boss always falls against the wall), entering the room where they fall on the bed, Baunty sits down on the victim  and starts again her victim to choking with  hands. And she tells her to look at her stocking face, her stocking face is like a reassurance before death. Baunty begins to choke her neck with both hands and clasps it tightly (with his fingers on the neck). Your victim fights and slowly gets weaker. Baunty takes off the nylon stocking and tells her victim that she is who she will be killed by. Then Baunty takes her usb cabel out of her pocket, takes off her leather jacket and puts the usb cabel it completely around her victim's neck and strangles the female mafia boss and before she dies, she brings her face as close as possible to that of the victim and says to her the words "Look at me , look at me and die ... ". Baunty pulls as tight as she can until her victim's tongue hangs limply from her throat and saliva runs out. After Baunty kills her victim, she examines it thoroughly and finds that she was the real female mafia boss and calls her sister to tell her.
4. Male Victim
The contractkiller Ksusha approaches the house where her male victim is. When breaking in, she pulls a black nylon stocking mask over her head, then takes a knife out of her belt pouch and begins to explore the house. She meets the mafia boss. He is shocked and tries to knock the gun out of her hand, which he succeeds the second time around. When he turns away from Ksusha to grab the knife, she takes her garotte out of her leather jacket in a flash and attacks him from behind. She wraps the garottetightly around his neck and strangles him upright on the bed. He squirms and fights, but she has done this many, many times. Then she tells him he has nowhere to go and takes off her nylon stocking mask. She takes off her leather jacket. He tries to grab her wrists, the garrote, everything, but nothing moves. The garrot is sunk deep into his neck. His eyes protrude and her tongue gasps for air. His body begins to cramp as it weakens. He's losing this fight. His eyes begin to roll, he is very weak - sweaty, almost dead. When he is still, she drops him forward on the bed. She rolls him around, takes her garotte again and puts it all around his neck and strangles him. His resistance is a bit stronger again, but Ksusha likes it when her victims fight very hard. He manages to tear himself away for a moment, but Ksusha throws him back on the bed, sits on him, tucks his arms under her thighs and puts the garotte once again completely around his neck (completely wrapped around it) and tells him, that she are going to kill him now becomes and finally strangles him very brutally and enjoys looking him in the eye until he just twitches and is finally dead. Then she takes the time and slowly explores him, finally realizing that he was the clone.
Ksusha has turned on the murder so that she masturbates on his corpse and strangles herself with the garotte until she comes to orgasm.
Ksusha calls her sister so they can meet and celebrate the successful mission together and tell each other all the details. Please have a conversation with subtitles.After telling each other the details of their murderscalls Ksusha her organization and says that the job was done professionally and and sent all the pictures of their victims. Ksusha asks for the next job for herself and her sister. Then you get their new mission and they both hug and set off to plan the new mission.  Bountuful Harvest
    8 minutes
      Bountuful Harvest - Bountiful Harvest

Starring: Judi, Marina, Tim, Alex

Fetish Elements:
Cut Throat, Bloody boobs. Surprised reactions, Death Stares, Crucifixion, Nude, Blood, Gore, Carrying Dead Body
One year after graduating University, two young female citizen were driving to the ex-student party in the south of USA. Strange and dark places. Navigator couldn’t help there and they did wrong turn. They wanted to call friends but it was no mobile connection there. And one more trouble happened  - the car was stuck…
Girl was standing near the broken car with no-connection phones. There are only empty fields around. It was getting dark. The girls became nervous. But they were happy to see two farmers near. Men prayed next to the scarecrow. It looked very strange but girls had no time to think about local traditions and they asked for help. Poor girls didn’t know farmers were pagan sectarians and they prayed their god – the scarecrow  - for harvest. They believed the scarecrow needed victims as the gift. Farmers attacked girls and cut their throat. After terrible agony they put corpses under the scarecrow, and watered it with their fresh blood…

If you like this sexy horror film made in road-slasher style please check out
    14 minutes
3 office bitches were stabbed multy many times!
Angelina was stabbed 17 times! – 1 knife hit in her pussy and 16 hits to her stomach! Archi painfull bloody death! All her stomach was ripped! 
Nata was stabbed 25 times to her left bib boob – in heart area! 
Mary was stabbed to her head between brains! 
Before death, Mary was forced to strip her employees bloody bodies, play with Nata’s big bleeding boobs, smashing blood
All corpses were stripped and left in sexy helpless poses!
Fetish elements: Office theme, pantyhose, bare legs, multi stabbing hits, stabbing to the stomach, stabbing to the pussy, stabbing to the breasts, stabbing to the heart, stabbing to the head, agonies, fear, shouting, pain, blood, gore, stripping bodies, limp fetish, bloody erotica, death stares, bodypile.
3 office managers were too rude with young courier and let him loose controle. He took a knife he take to his job for self-defense against street crime and arranged a bloodbath in the office. 
43 stabbing hits for 3 girls total! They didn’t want to die young, but they haven’t any suppose their death were so cruel and painful! 
If they knew that their death is so painful, they would not want to be born!
    17 minutes

Shooting to boobs


Finger picking in the brain through a hole in the head and brainwashing on boobs

Shooting to office bitch


 Do you trust in the friendship between male anв female? This guy doesn’t. He invites his fe,ale friends to his place and suggests them to have sex. When they say «no» in different forms he has a gun, shoots them brutally and does something terrible with their bodies.
    11 minutes

Brand New Movie

They are sexy helpless girl. He is an animal with knife!


Multy Stabbing to the back, to the chest and to the belly.


Bloody Horror

Starring: NEW MODELS Adult Star Erika Korti, Alexandra and charismatic Anatoliy  


Stabbing Attack



Erika is relaxing with her laptop watching erotic films. She lives with her friends in sorority. Her best friend is smoking a cigarette at the balcony. Suddenly mad maniac enters the apartment. He is watching in her sexy body and doing something strange.

Suddenly he rushes to her and stabs many times to her back. She is frightened to death, feels animal pain in her back and full body and deadly surprises. Her murder isn’t a man – he is bastard, he is wild monster. He put her to the floor and stabs to her chest.

Poor girl tries to call for help and she shouts as loud as she can but nobody hears her. She is crawling to the balcony but the animal seats on her and stabs to the back more and more.

She dies with pretty death stare with wide opened eyes and open mouth bleeding. Maniac sports with her still warm fresh body. He bites her ass, juicy paws her corpse and plays with it like a dog with a favorite toy.

Aleksandra returns from the balcony and sees terrible scene. Her neighbor is dead, wet and bloody-red and furious man is sitting on her. She cries and rushes to the exit but a man jumps to the sofa attacks his prey in jumping  like a cheetah to antelope.

He stabs Alexandra with many hits. Blood. Scream. Pain. Agony. Trying to escape. Horror Apocalypse. DEATH.

He tears his shirt and starts to smash himself with their sticky blood. Blood of girls is on his body. It’s triumph of monster. It is his hour of madness.





Mushrooms  YOU WILL PAY
    38 minutes


«Hi Ugine, you have created a masterpiece this time too. fantastic and good actresses. you ran the script to the letter, like last time. The long wait was rewarded. Film quality. you are great. Indeed...». 

Customer’s Review 


 Judi is a powerful business woman. Rich, overbearing, hated and feared by all. She doesn't trust anyone, she tends to spy on all his employees. 2 of her collaborators, Scarlett the secretary and Polina Wood  the waitress talk to each other, speculating on how it would be nice to eliminate their boss and in what ways. Will they carry out their plan or will they remain just fantasies? 

Scene 1 - introduction - first shot. Scarlett wears them office clothes, short skirt, shirt, black sheer stockings, décolleté Polina Wood  wears short full dress, reinforced toes pantyhose nude, décolleté. Scarlett and Polina Wood  are at work in Judi's home / office. Their boss is not at home so they take a break sitting on the sofa, figuring out how to kill their boss. (the scene fades to their first scenario). SCENARIO 1Scarlett wears them office clothes, short skirt, shirt, black sheer stockings, décolleté. Polina Wood  wears short full dress, reinforced toes pantyhose nude, décolleté. Judi wears an elegant suit with a knee-length skirt, sheer black stockings, décolleté. Judi is standing and walking nervously while reading a document written by the secretary. This job was not done as requested so she callsScarlett to scold her and scream all her contempt and threaten to fire her. She orders her to do the job again without wasting time. Polina Wood  hears everything and proposes toScarlett to strangle their leader. Now Judi is sitting on the sofa with her legs outstretched, has taken off her shoes and gently moves her feet (full-length shot and feet) asScarlett and Polina Wood  enter the room. Judi looks at them with contempt and yells at them to get back to work. Their desire for revenge increases. Polina Wood  jumps on top of Judi immobilizing her arms while from behind, Scarlett with a pair of pantyhose begins to tighten her neck. Judi tries in every way to free himself, the 2 girls are too strong. She moves her legs convulsively, with her feet she tries to push Polina Wood  away, the fight lasts a long time and Judi has less and less strength. Now Polina Wood  has released her arms and keeps her feet immobilized. Judi tries with her hands to loosen the grip on the neck but is getting weaker. Her whole body moves less and less until the last spasms. Now Judi is finally dead and the two girls look satisfied with the body of their boss. (Realistic strangulation scene about 2 minutes, full length shooting, feet and soles of the feet. No tongue out of the mouth, no saliva or blood). -- the scene fades back to the 2 girls on the couch, arguing that choking would be nice, but they could do better ....
Scarlett wears them office clothes, short skirt, shirt, black sheer stockings, décolleté. Polina Wood  wears short full dress, reinforced toes pantyhose nude, décolleté. Judi is wearing a sexy nightgown, panty, sheer black stockings, no shoes. Judi orders Polina Wood  to bring her a cup of tea in the bedroom. Judi is sitting in bed with her legs outstretched and crossed. Polina Wood  prepares the tea and pours the sleeping pill into the cup, enters the room and hands the cup to Judi who begins to drink. She orders Polina Wood  to massage her feet and to humiliate her, she orders her to kiss them. She follows orders as she watches the sleeping pill take effect. Judi feels strange, her head is spinning, she realizes she has been drugged. She tries to chase away Polina Wood  but she has almost no strength left. Try getting out of bed by putting your hands on your head and chest. She tries to defend himself from Polina Wood  without succeeding. It is now very weak. At this pointScarlett enters with a handkerchief soaked in chloroform. She places it on Judi's face who can only make muffled noises, moving her body weakly and trying to remove the handkerchief from her face with hier hands. By now, tried by the sleeping pill and chloroform, she falls asleep. (Sleeping pill / chloroform scene about 2 minutes). Now the 2 girls can effortlessly tie their feet and hands behind Judi's back. (Scene about 1 minute). Now she will be born to kill. When Judi wakes up, still groggy, she will find herself tied up. Polina Wood  will put her head in a transparent plastic bag, tied around the neck with a nylon stocking found in the room. Born strangling stronger with the stocking, Judi is close to suffocation. She tries to free himself, she shakes convulsively, the air in the bag is less and less. Judi asks for forgiveness, begs to free her in exchange for money but it will be useless, they want her dead, but not before humiliating her. The two employees take off their shoes, take her head out of the bag before Judi suffocates. (Scene about 90 seconds). They sit on the bed next to their victim who, terrified and fatigued, begs them not to kill her. They force her to kiss and smell their feet for a while. The two girls have fun insulting their boss until they are tired of playing (Scene about 90 seconds). Polina Wood  still puts Judi's head in the bag and strangles her with the stocking while. Scarlett keeps her feet locked. Judi continues to fidget, despite being tied and blocked by Li, she tries to free herself by kicking, she breathes more and more with difficulty until, with the last spasms she stops breathing and dies. At this point they take their heads out of the bag and sit next to Judi's body, laughing with satisfaction. (Final choking / strangulation scene 3 minutes). (Full-length shots, feet and soles of the feet). (No tongue out of the mouth, no saliva or anything). --The image returns to the 2 girls on the sofa who instead think of another way to eliminate it ...
Scarlett wears them office clothes, short skirt, shirt, black sheer stockings, décolleté. Polina Wood  wears short full dress, reinforced toes pantyhose nude, décolleté. Judi wears leggings, dark reinforced pantyhose, sneackers. Judi returns from training in the gym. Order Polina Wood  to make her an herbal tea and bring it quickly. Judi sits on the sofa, slowly begins to take off her shoes and lies down watching TV. While she waits, she callsScarlett who is working in the office next door and orders her to massage her tired, hot feet. Meanwhile, Polina Wood  prepares the herbal tea and pours a powerful poison from a bottle. Bring the cup to Judi who starts drinking.Scarlett and Polina Wood  look at each other smiling and waiting, always while Judi forcesScarlett to massage and kiss her feet. Judi, not knowing of the imminent danger, smiles satisfied in humiliating the 2 employees. After drinking everything, at some point the poison begins to take effect. Judi feels strange, begins to breathe hard, realizes that she has been poisoned. She puts her hands on her neck and chest (typical poisoning scene). She breathes harder and harder, continuously moves her feet and her body (alternating full-length framing, feet and soles of the feet). She tries to get up but the effects of the poison prevent her from doing so. After a while, in the grip of the last choking spasms, he stops breathing and dies. Also in this case the two girls laugh with satisfaction looking at their now dead boss, lying on her side. (Realistic poisoning scene about 3 minutes, full length shooting, feet and soles of the feet. (No tongue out of the mouth, no foam, blood or saliva). --The scene returns to reality—
REALITY Scarlett and Polina Wood  laughing at what they discussed, think they would not be capable of killing, thus deciding not to put anything into practice. They had not noticed one thing, however, that there was a hidden video camera in the room and that Judi, despite being away from home, saw and above all heard everything from his smartphone. She is able to kill, so she decides to take revenge on the 2 girls. He won't do it right away, he'll wait for the next day. (Judi observes the 2 girls from the smartphone and vows revenge). --The scene fades to the next day--Scarlett wears them jeans, shirt, sheer black pantyhose, décolleté. Polina Wood  wears short full dress, nude pantyhose, décolleté. Judi wears an elegant suit with a knee-length skirt, sheer black stockings, décolleté). The day has come. Judi summons the 2 girls to the living room to talk about some things. She makes them sit on the sofa and starts talking about a salary increase for the 2 employees given their valuable work. By doing so, he wins their trust. She then proposes to celebrate by offering them a drink. She goes away to get a tray with 3 glasses of wine in which he has poured some sleeping pills into the glasses of the 2 girls. She holds out their glasses, they toast and start drinking. She then asks them to follow her into the bedroom to check together an outfit to wear for an important event.Scarlett and Polina Wood  follow her and as soon as you enter the room the sleeping pill begins to take effect. The 2 girls feel weird, they have dizziness, they realize they have been drugged. They try to leave but have almost no strength left. They lean on the bed. They try to get up without success. They are now very weak (during this phase Polina Wood  andScarlett lose their shoes). Their strength gives way and they slowly fall asleep, they remain motionless on the bed. (Lying them on her side, Born on her stomach). (sleeping effect scene about 2 minutes). --The scene fades and resumes with the 2 girls tied up-- The scene resumes withScarlett and Polina Wood  tied hands in front and feet, lying next to each other in bed. They wake up slowly trying to figure out what happened. They remember drinking wine. They find themselves tied up, they are terrified. Judi enters the room holding a pair of tights, approaches the bed, takes off her shoes and lies down in bed between the 2 girls. It will start with Li. Before killing her she wants to humiliate her, she forces her to smell her and kiss her feet, pressing them on Li's face while laughing (about 1 minute). Then, once she gets tired, she starts sniffing Li's feet (about 1 minute). Then he will take a plastic bag and put it on Li's head and he will try to object. With the tights she will close the bag at the neck and will begin to tighten. More and more. Terrified, she will beg not to kill her with a strangled voice. She will try to fight and free herself but being tied up she will not succeed. The body, legs and feet shake convulsively, the air is less and less. After some time Li's verses and movements are weaker and weaker until, having no more air, she will die, remaining motionless on the bed. (2 minute choking / strangulation scene. Full-length footage, feet and soles of the feet). (No tongue out of the mouth, no saliva or anything). Polina Wood  is frightened as she watches the whole scene, she knows that soon it will be her turn. Now Judi satisfied, she releases her neck and removes the bag from Li's head. Now she will think about Polina Wood . She will make her sniff and kiss her feet too (about 1 minute). Judi then walks around the bed, and sniffs Polina Wood 's feet (about 1 minute). She'll take a bottle of chloroform and a handkerchief from a drawer. She will press it on Polina Wood 's face who will try to free herself by shaking her body, but being also tied up and still numb from the sleeping pill drunk, after a while she will succumb and fall asleep again (Chloroform scene 1 minute). Judi then approaches Polina Wood 's half-open mouth and pours all the remaining chloroform into her. A lethal dose, especially if ingested. After a few seconds of stillness, the poison will begin to act, even in sleep Polina Wood  will gradually begin to fidget, put her hands around her neck and chest (typical poisoning scene). Her body turns from side to side. She breathes more and more with difficulty, continuously moves her feet and her body. Now Judi has moved to Polina Wood 's feet, she has got down on her knees and during this phase, with her hands, she blocks her feet that are shaking, smelling them. After a while, Polina Wood 's movements, spasms are less and less and weaker until, by now dead, she stops breathing. (3 minute poisoning scene. Full-length footage, feet and soles of the feet). (No tongue out of the mouth, no saliva or anything). Now that the two employees are dead, Judi satisfied observes the bodies of the 2 girls while, smiling, she goes back to the living room. The story seems over but ..... --The scene stops-- Other people wanted Judi dead, she had many enemies. In fact, a mysterious killer, while the 2 girls were dying, made a poisonous snake slip into the house. --The scene resumes-- (Judi is wearing a pair of shorts, t-shirt, reinforced toes nude pantyhose, no shoes). Judi is now lying on the sofa (on her side and with her feet sticking out of the sofa). She fell asleep. The snake is in the living room, crawls to the sofa and approaches Judi's feet. She climbs and crawls on her feet. Judi, still asleep, moves her feet scaring the snake which, with a quick movement, bites her on the foot. (shot on the feet). The girl, suddenly wakes up, sees the snake, realizes that she has been bitten, kicks the snake and while touching her foot, terrified, leaves the living room, walking slowly and staggering to the bedroom to ask for help with the smartphone left in that room. The poison takes effect immediately and leads to not breathing. At this point, the forces are less and less, she looks for the phone and sees it on the bed between the bodies of the 2 girls. The poison is powerful, Judi kneels then lies down on the ground dragging himself to the bed trying to get up. She manages to cling to the bed and climb onto it. She's about to reach for the phone. She brings her hands to her neck and chest, one foot is still on the ground, but she does not notice the snake that has followed her and reaches her. He still bites her on the foot. Judi screams, another dose of poison hit her. Breath more and more with difficulty and weakly. The hands are first on the chest and then they are brought to the neck. Looking for air. It moves in spasms, turns first on one side then on the other until, shortly after, with the last spasms, it stops breathing and dies. (typical poisoning scene lasting from the first bite to death 4 minutes with full body shot, alternating feet and soles of the feet). (No blood or anything from the mouth). The scene ends with the snake crawling on the feet of the 3 dead girls.


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