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    20 minutes
      Nerd - 3 hot, long ************* scenes and great bodypile  NURCE AND HER STRANGLER
    13 minutes

 Starring: Nata







A nurse come s home after work dressed in a real nurse uniform ,
white panty like in dr .Rip and black pantyhose ( like Nata wears in Docters apointment)
she is going to sit on her sofa to relax , but she does not know that an intruder is in her home.
Suddenly he attacks her  and begins to strangle her from behind with a stocking.
During strangle show some close up from her face , eyes open some tongue out an upskirt vieuws.
After a few minutes the nurse is unconsoius.
the intruder picks her up and lays her down on a table .
He removes her pantyhose  now showing her white panty .
He start to playing with her body and suddenly the nurse wake s up , the intruder takes her panyhose and begins to strangle the nurse again ,(this time from different angles if possible) also showing some facial close ups , tongue out crossed eyes and upskirt vieuws , after a long strangle  she dies with eyes open and tongue out.
After the strangle the intruder  thight the pantyhose on her neck , opens her nurse uniform spreads her legs , looks at her for a while and leaves,
Then showing her body from differnet angles
    15 minutes
      POISON - This clip has no description.  When She Turnes Blue
    10 minutes
      When She Turnes Blue - This clip has no description.
    28 minutes
Custom about 2 sexy agents who are on a mission but betray eachother with various knockouts.
Actresses: Alice M.(Polina) and Emma
Two agents sneak into a room guns drawn. They carefully check the area before locating a computer.Polina motions to Emma to start the hack. Emma sits down and Polina goes to watch the door.As Emma is typing, she looks over her shoulder a few times.Polina secretly prepares a white rag. Emma continues to type but slowly takes her shoes off.Polina: "Are we almost ready?"Emma: "Yes give me 5 minutes" Emma lied, she is already finished and takes the USB.Polina pretends to get a phone call walking into another roomPolina "Yes Boss, the data is authentic we will deliver soon... Yes Boss I understand" Emma takes the oppounity to quietly get up and sneak towards Polina, her gun drawn.Emma turns the corner and suddenly Polina clamps the white rag over her Emma's mouth.Emma is surprised and drops her gun, struggling against her attacker.Emma twists and kicks her legs but can't get free.Polina: "You know how this works... That's it breathe it in... Don't fight just breathe..." Emma's eyes dart around looking for anything that can help her. She holds her breath and fights for a few more seconds.Soon her legs stop kicking and her arms drop. She begins to breathe regularly and her moans become long and drawn out.Polina: "No hard feelings dear, even the best spies need to sleep sometimes..." Emma's eyes roll closed and she gives one final long moan as she passes out.She carefully lowers Emma's limp form to the floor.Polina searches Emma and finds the USB but also a small perfume bottle.Polina takes the USB and the bottle. She calls her Boss."Yes Boss, it's me... No, she is unconscious. She would have knocked me out and stolen the drive I think." "May I hypnotize her to get more answers?""Understood"Polina hangs up and brings the limp Emma over to the bed flipping her on her back.She takes her own shoes off and sits on the bed, examining Emma's toned legs.Polina gently places Emma's head on her lap and begins to massage the agent, slowly waking her up.Soon Emma begins to stir making womanly noises and slowly blinking her eyes open.Polina dangles a pocketwatch directly in front of Emma's face forcing her to stare it at.Emma's eyes try to look elsewhere but is soon fixated on the watch.Polina "Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice" Repeat several times. "you are now under my control"Emma is soon entranced.Polina orders Emma to sit up on the bed. Emma does so eyes blinking very slightly but otherwise completely relaxed.Polina puts the watch away."Sleep" Emma stares forward but does not react."Sleep" Still no reaction."Sleep" Polina touches Emma's forehead with one finger.Emma very dramatically collapses back onto the bed giving a pleasureable moan as she falls and closes her eyes."When I clap my hands you will wake up and be completely under my control"Polina takes a moment to admire Emma before she claps her hands.Emma opens her eyes and sits up."Were you going to betray me on this mission and sell the drive?" "Yes""Are you working with others?" "No""Will your buyer come to this location?" "Yes""Are you going to betray them?" Emma stares blankly"Were you planning to render me unconscious?" "Yes""Were you going to use this on me?" Polina holds up the perfume bottle. "Yes"Polina smiles and gives a sigh of satisfaction."Do you enjoy being put to sleep?" "Yes" "You look very tired would you like sleep now?" Yes..."Polina douses the white rag once again and tosses it to Emma who is sitting on the bed."Deep breath in... Deep breath out" Emma picks up the cloth and places it over her own mouth with two hands.Polina watches and smiles, very turned on."When I clap my hands you will no longer be hypnotized and not remember anything except for that sweet smell"Emma inhales and begins to moan, her eyes fluttering and her head swaying.Polina watches closely, enjoying every moment of it. Her hands are ready to clap at the precise moment.As Emma is about to pass out, Polina suddenly claps her hands.Emma's head tilts backwards and she gives on final trailing moan as she passes out. She drops the rag to reveal her face completely relaxed eyes closed and mouth open.Polina checks to make sure Emma is completely unconscious before moving her to a more comfortable sleeping position.She calls her boss. "Yes it's me" "She is working alone, I am confident." "Yes I understand, I will handle everything Boss don't worry."Polina takes the small perfume bottle and empties the contents, she replaces it with water.She walks over to the unconscious Emma and places the bottle back where she found it, also hiding her gun under the pillow.Polina puts her shoes back on and walks around, finding a bottle of wine. She pours herself a drink and sits down on the chair.She enjoys the view of Emma completely limp and helpless. She can't help put take some pictures on her phone with Emma in various positionsPolina finishes and sits back down, slowly sipping on the gass of wine and crossing her legs while she waits.Emma starts to stir. Polina takes a deep breath and turns around pretending to type.Emma quietly wakes up and carefully looks around she sees Polina distracted and readies her perfume bottle.Emma sneaks behind Polina and spins her around spraying her in the face with the sedative.Polina is caught off guard and gasps not expecting Emma to be so quick and quiet.Her shocked epression immedately turns to confusion and dizziness as she pretends to pass out. Polina manages grab Emma before falling unconscious into her waiting arms, moaning as she swooned.Emma drags the limp Polina onto the bed and searches her thoroughly, she finds the drive."Sorry beautiful, but you you should of tied me up!"Emma gets her phone and calls her buyer."Yes, I have it." Emma looks over at Polina's sleeping form "Bring the money and I have something extra for you as well" "Yes, she is unconscious bring something to keep her under"Emma hangs up and looks around, she sees the glass of wine and white rag."Enjoyed your time with me didn't you?"Emma goes to her shoes and retrieves a folded piece of paper.She reveals some white powder inside of it and pours it into the glass of wine, stirring the contents slightly."A gift for you just incase"Emma grabs the white rag and soaks it. She looks over at Polina who is still pretending to be asleep.Emma sits on the bed and clamps the rag over Polina's mouth.Polina does not open her eyes but she begins to moan. Suddenly she starts to panick when she realizes what is happening.She struggles and tries to reach for her hidden gun. "Whats wrong? Didn't think I would use this on you?" Emma teases.Polina knows theres nothing she can do at this point except to surrender to her fate. She breathes and moans deeply with pleasure as her eyes roll closed.Emma holds the cloth for a while longer. "Sweet dreams..."Emma enjoys Polina's limp form, groping her legs. She poses Polina in different provactive positions while teasing her for being so careless, taking some pictures as well. At the end she thanks Polina for giving her another item to bargain withEmma hears a knock on the door and she gets up off the bed fixing her hair/dress, putting her shoes on and grabbing her gun.
Change to FPV
Emma opens the door. "Hi there please come in" Emma walks over and shows you the unconscious Polina. "This is the bonus... Beautiful isn't she?"You zoom in and inspect Polina, moving her limp from. She is deeply unconscious.You take out a syringe and pretend to inject it into Polina's neck. At the last second you tuck the needle away hiding it from Emma."How about a toast to our success?" Emma offers seductively. She pours herself a cup and offers you the other glass."What? You don't trust me? Fine then have it your way"Emma takes out her phone and makes a call."Boss the mission was a failure. She drugged me and stole the drive. Yes I just woke up. No the data is gone, deleted from the computer as well. I think she will sell it."As Emma is distracted with the phone call you sneak up behind her."Yes I'll report back immediately" She hangs up.You inject Emma from behind and she gasps in shock, dropping the perfume bottle."Asshole! we had a deal!" She spins around, fighting to stay awake."I'll kill you..." Emma cannot finish her sentence before she lets out a moan and collapses.You watch as Emma succumbs to the drug while trying to reach for the dropped bottle.You flip Emma over and stroke her hair/face until she goes completely under.You take her phone from the floor and try to unlock it with her sleeping face.After some slight moving it unlocks and you scroll through it for intel.You are distracted by the pictures of Polina laid out and unconscious.Suddenly you turn around.Polina is standing with her gun pointed at you. She whips you in the head and then kicks your face knocking you to the ground before stepping on you with her hosed feet.
Fade to black.Fade in with you still on the floor looking up at Polina. She is holding her phone in one hand and a glass of wine in the other."Yes Boss, my plan worked" "I have captured the buyer" "Do I have permission to question them?" "Understood" you vaguely see Polina take a sip as she hangs up.Fade to black.Fade in to Polina trying to hypnotize you with the pocketwatch. Close up on her face and the watch side by side."Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice." You notice she is slightly drowsy.As she repeats it she becomes more and more tired, her eyes blinking slowly and her head swaying. Ocassionally pausing to yawn."You are getting very sleepy" She starts to slur her words and it is now very hard for her eyes to stay open"You just want to sleep to sleep""Sleep...""sleep..." After uttering the last word Polina collapses forward ontop of you.After a few moments you get up and inspect her limp form, turning her head a few times. She mews slightly at your touch but does not wakeYou walk over to Emma who is still unconscious and place her on the bed next to PolinaYou take Polina's phone and unlock it with her sleeping face.You take a few pictures of the two slumbering agents before taking the drive from Emma and leaving.  ARHER19
    30 minutes
      ARHER19 - ARCHER 19

30 minutes!


Fetish Elements:

Boot Fetish, Arrows, Belly Button Tortures, Police Story, Bondage and hands-tied, FULL NUDE in boots, Fear Before Death, Failed Mission, Stalking, GREAT ARROWS EFFECTS, agony, death stares, bodypie

Another episode of The Archer. This time, the archer misses when shooting at the second victim, and allows her to leave. But he overtakes her another time to finish what he started. The policewoman tries to save her, but she fails...
     Not My Hands 2
    11 minutes
      Not My Hands 2 - NOT MY HANDS 2



Pantyhose, legs and feet fetishes!


After losing control on the own hands, Kit went to the doctor. But his hands stopped be his again!

  Double strangulation!

Clever sexy  doctor in glasses and her sexy assistant were strangled by psycho!  Maniac In Sorority
    30 minutes
      Maniac In Sorority - MANIAC IN SORORITY



Starring: Masha, Marina, Juliana, Annabelle, Hass, Luiza


6 ************* scenes with 6 models

New pretty sexy actress – Masha

6 Death reactions, death stares

Much *************, body carrying, many nude dead dolls

30 minutes

Maniac enters to sorority to surprise and ********* death 6 young ***** to make great sexy bodypiles.
    27 minutes
«Excellent script reduction and plot portrayal, the camera is just right. Good cooperation.»
From Customer’s Review
Starring: Judi, Li, Max
Great two stabbing scenes with lots of blood and great make up!
Max is a failed film director and belly fetish who is now plotting his two plans to kill two girls in an audition. So he posted an online call for young actresses to audition.
On the first day, Judi was recruited to Max's room.
Max told her she was going to try out a knife stabbing scene today. During the audition, Max revealed his obsession with her abdomen and used a telescopic knife. Max told her that it was a scene in which her boyfriend stabbed his girlfriend because of relationship problems. After several attempts, Judi's performance was perfect. Max asks for one last audition, and then secretly replaces the retractable knife with a real fruit knife. It was like a normal performance but stabbed into Judi's stomach. Max pushed Judi onto the bed and stabbed her repeatedly in the stomach. Max then told Judi that his real intention was to kill her. Judi died in despair.
The next day, Li is also recruited to Max's room, wearing a crop top, flesh-colored stockings and thigh-high boots. Max also asked her to try a group of lens by knife, the same in the final Max audition will be fake sword with a knife, stabbed li, and then he pushed the li on the wall, slowly from stabbing gradually became quickly stabbed her, after a period of time, li was dead, Max pulled her pants down to her hipbone, then continued to play with her stomach and navel, then carried her to Judi's side, then Max smiled devilishly, picked up the knife and stabbed them very, very slowly into their previous abdominal wounds, repeated several times, Max used a knife to make a long cut in the middle of both girls' bellies. The wound went through the middle of the belly button, separating it, and Max stirred his fingers into the belly button, enjoying the pleasant sensation of touching his intestines. Finally Max takes out his camera and is satisfied with his "work".  CANNIBAL NOTIFICATION
    24 minutes
      CANNIBAL NOTIFICATION - Cannibal Notification


«Dinner is served!

         The first dish!

Attention! Start!


Lars von Trier


Rich prelude before cannibal eating

Domination, dog-playing




Bloody naturalistic eating

Much pantyhose fetishes



         Grotesque art-house horror story about two rich lesbians from Europe who like to… eat girls. It’s more that just eating or courage for them  - it is frustration, it is a fester, it is a sexual fetish and social form of domination. They find in the web a young girl in depression who is ready to be eaten for big money to her old ill parents. She agrees to be their food, so cannibals prepare for their ritual. 

1st day. Application. Cannibals choose vegetables in the shop. They go home and chat with victim. 

2nd day. Preparation. Cannibals invite their victim, talk with her, then captive and feed like a dog on the floor. 

3d day. The Feast. Victim doesn’t want to die after a night of things. Cannibals strangle her do the death, strip her nude leaving her only in pantyhose and roast her in the fry. Her pantyhose melt on the fire and follow along with the fat. She looks like roast turkey. Cannibals carry her to the living room, put an apple in her mouth and eat every her peace until only bones are on the floor. After a great feast they go for lesbo sexual pleasures. 


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    22 minutes
Models: Juliana, Pola, Marianna
22 minutes
Knock Out Scene
Bandaged Captured Kidnapped Girls
Hanging/standing strangling scene (bandaged hands, great death stares with tongue)
Choking scene
Garroting scene
Bodypile of girls in sexy fitness clothes (bottom up, face up poses)
Nude bodypile (different poses)

2 blonde girls decided to start doing fitness after one of them couldn’t wear her favorite jeans. They invite fithess instructor to their home. He is very rude and strange, they hardly do all he sais but when he asks them in the rude form to have sex with him they make him leave. He promises to revenge. 
They call to the fitness club with complain and invite female instructor. Young woman comes to their place. She talks that the guy is already hired and he is very strange and dangerous. They do fitness but the instructor Kit enters to the flat, knock all 3 girls out. 
Clients were bandaged and female instructor was prepared to be hanged. The cruel guy hangs poor woman and then strangles the clients. 
He plays with the bodies putting them in different poses and prepares corpses to be utilized. 

If you like this clip please check out
Deadly yoga  1057ASTING CALL Does She Has The Guts
    22 minutes
      1057ASTING CALL Does She Has The Guts - СASTING CALL: Does She Has The Guts?
Cast: Bella Lenina, Max
Fetish Elements:
Chloroform, Kidnapping, Woman In Peril, Nude, Stabbing, Putting Off Guts, Very Gory 
Bella shows up at the killers apartment to answer an ad for an acting gig. She’s wearing yoga pants and a tight tank top. The man tells her that the role will require her to be nude. He tells her to undress. She goes into a bed room to undress. She takes off her yoga pants slowly. He watches her through the door that’s cracked open just a bit. She’s wearing a pair of black thong panties. She only gets her pants off when he busts in the room and sticks a syringe in her neck making her unconscious. She falls into the bed face up. She’s wearing the tank top and panties. Camera views of her body laying on the bed. The killer lifts up her tank top and rubs and examines her belly but doesn’t take her tank top off. He picks her up and leaves the room. The next scene, the killer has taken her to his torture chamber. He lays her body out on the a procedure table. He then ties her hands above her head and then ties her feet. When she’s laying on the table the tank top is short and lifts up just a little showings little of her belly. She’s still knocked out. He takes some scissors and cuts the tank top off first. Views of her belly as the shirt is cut away. He then cuts of her panties. She wakes up and starts to struggle some. She asks the killer what is going to happen to her. He tells her that he is in the black market organ trading business and he needs some organs to sale. He tells her that he’s going to gut her like a fish. He runs his finger down her belly as he tells her that he’s going to gut her.  She tries to get free but can’t. He then chloroform’s her with a rag. She struggles as he holds the rag over her mouth and goes unconscious again. He feels her belly and examines it. He plays with her belly button some. The killer puts on a surgical mask, gown and gloves. He gets his scalpel. He slides it up and down her belly. He circles her navel with the blade but doesn’t cut her just yet. He then starts his surgery on her. The cut starts at her sternum. He slowly slides the scalpel down the middle of her belly. He has to work the scalpel a little bit to cut through her belly button. Good shots of the belly as it’s cut open. Overhead views as well. He finishes he incision just a above her crotch. She’s still unconscious. He takes both his hands and opens up her belly. He sticks his hands in at her navel. He digs around in her gut and starts to pull out her intestines. She doesn’t wake up because she’s drugged. As he’s gutting her, she squirms a little bit doesn’t fully wake up. Blood starts to come out her mouth as she’s being gutted. Once all her guts are out he takes out her liver and kidneys. He puts all her organs including guts in a cooler to sale to his dealer. The killer is not done with Bella’s body yet. He closes her belly back up And cleans the blood off her belly. He has a dealer who wants the body. He calls and says that she’s ready. The movie ends with views of Bellas body laying on the table ready to be taken. Lots of views of her belly. Pan views from feet to head.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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      Cannibals 4

    Cannibals 4


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