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    14 minutes
      STABBING IN THE GARDEN - Two rich bitches are stabbed by gardenman in their cottage. Sexy, bloode, beautifull clip with throat cut and much blood.  BURGLAR KILLS A FAMILY
    13 minutes
CAST: Archie, Polina Wood, Mira Green
Fetish Elements:
Robbery, Burgling, Mother and Daughter Killed, Home Invasion, Sudden Attack, Strangilation, Choking, Death Stares, Legs, Home Alone Girls, Girls Next Doors, Death Stares

«Hey Ugine,

wow, thank you very much! I really love it!

Archie is exactly the cold blooded killer I was looking for and the whole performance is so realistic. Wow, really wow!»


A young burglar, dressed with a hoodie, cargo pants and sneakers, spies on a house where a mother and her young adult daughter live. The daughter leaves for another room, the burglar breaks in, sneaks up to the mother and beats her to the ground. He kneels on top of her, manually choking her hard, using only his thumbs to squeeze her windpipe. After a long struggle she dies. The view should focus on her face and his thumbs on her throat and a sideways view of him kneeling on top of her.

After he killed her; the daughter comes back in and sees her murdered mother. The burglar attacks her immediately, throws her on the kitchen counter and starts manually strangling her as well. Eventually he pulls her further up on the counter and climbs on top of it, thus kneeling on the counter, manually strangling the daughter to death as well. Same views as above. At the end, when the daughter dies as well, he takes of his victims watched and jewelry, before leaving, he marks his victims by pressing his thumb on their forehead, leaving a thumbprint as his signature mark.

     ARCHER 11
    31 minutes
      ARCHER 11 - ARCHER 11
Starring: Mira Green, Sally, Luiza, Max

The story begins from three dead girls with arrows in their bellies. And then the movie is the flashback with telling why it happened. 
Three girls were moving from the town for searching new locations with night clubs opened for new dancers. All clubs in the lost city were closed because of crimes of maniac Archer who killed sexy dancers. 
The Archer who was near to be killed  by police in Archer 10 was going by the road leaving town. He saw a car and stopped it asking to drive him o the nearest motel. Three girls were in the car. Their fatal mistake was they decided to rudely joke at him. They stopped a car and  asked him to change the wheel. When he went out from the car they just drove away with his bag… They understood they stole it from the Archer when they found arrows, money and a gun inside the bag… But Archer had a chanse fopr revenge…

    19 minutes
      Red Bag - Taya  worked as a personal assistant for  a rich  businessman. Boss has full confidence in her. Today she has responsible assignment:   to  get a large sum of cash from bank. She comes to a hotel room with a red bag full of cash.

for suspicion she chose a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city. She undresses and puts on the white shirt. She has a free time. Meeting with collectors  will be only tomorrow. What should she do  alone in her room? She is talks   with the boss on the phone and says everything is fine. The only thing that bothers her is  a strange man who seems to be stalking her from the bank to the hotel.  Then she relaxes in anticipation of a good premium. She is young and beautiful. Soon she will be career and sweet life. In the sweet oblivion she begins to fondle himself and masturbate.

she  was quite relaxed and was not thinking about anything bad, enjoying her young body. But in vain! The strange man was not a game of her imagination. And he stalked her, and now he's here in the room. He is looking at her fondling her pussy, and he is already holding a gun at the ready. He took her by surprise, right at the peak of orgasm. She is scared to death.

she believes that he just take the bag and leave, because all he wants is money! At gunpoint, he takes her to the living room, but  after receiving  the  bag, he is in no hurry to leave. She squeezed into a corner. She does not want to die young, she is not ready to die.

she uses her feminine erotic charms fits close to him, stroking his gun, trying to tune up with him, touching his penis. But really the culprit, in whose hands one million dollars in cash, would risk for sexual body young bitch? He pushes her on the sofa, she realizes in horror that it  was the end. He shoots her in the chest three times. She lost her mind from this inhuman pain, incompatible with life. In terrible agony she slides to the floor. She is still alive, understands everything he sees and hears, but in a state of shock, pain, and turns into a helpless dying body.

the killer takes barely alive woman on his hands and carries into the bathroom. He puts her in the bath, directs a gun at her. She did not ask for help, awareness of death has arrived. Pain and suffering overlap fear and lust for life. She looks at him piteously for the last time, unconsciously hoping that a miracle will happen, he would spare her, and it will have time to save. She can not believe that her young life was already over. He shoots her in the chest one last time. At this time, deadly. Head falls on the shoulders, eyes closed. Her dead body limp lies at the bottom of the bath. Thais are no more, her young juicy corpse. Offender includes water in the shower. Water makes her body wet and spreads over the bath red stains.

fetish elements:  legs, feet, *****, wet dead body in the bath, body carrying, surprised, female masturbation, shooting in chest, topless, sexy underwear, undressing and dressing.
    15 minutes
Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Shooting to the belly with long agony
Girl knocks out man
Girl strangles man
Man stabs girl with very long agony
Body Carrying
Death Stares


It’s modern Amazon Club.  Two amazons know that Assassin must come to their hotel room where they stayed to kill them. They are ready to deadly fight but looses it…

If you like this movie please check out
    31 minutes




1.  He’s working out shirtless in a gym on cardio equipment weights.  He sees himself in a big mirror and flexes to admire himself - and he’s looking really hot.  He’s then on a bench press, sees his masked “friend” and chats with him, asks him to add some really heavy weights to the bench press bar.  He then lifts the bar to begin to press it, but it’s really heavy, he struggles even to hold it up.  There’s a look of strain on his face and sweat drips off his face and torso.  The masked guy then pulls the weigh rack away.  The actor asks what he’s doing, it’s too heavy, put it back, for God-f*cking sake, put it back, PLEASE!  I can’t, I can’t hold it it any more.  We see masked guy pick up weight plate and holds it over the actor’s groin area and then drops it.  The actor screams as the pains causes him to lose control of the weight bar, which drops and begins to crush his throat.  We see blood flow from where weight bar has crushed his throat; gushing from his mouth and nose and dripping from his shorts where the weight plate has crushed him there and off the bench to the floor.  Actor screams why are you doing this stop, please stop.  Masked guy then pushes down on the weight bar to continue killing the actor, who screams in agony and whose body struggles greatly on the bench.  Blood flows more from his mouth, nose, and crushed throat.  Scene should not be too short, but should show a longer struggle.  As he dies, we hear the gurgling from his mouth and nose as he suffocates on his own blood. His body shakes and trembles in death agony, and then he goes limp with his eyes staring off in horror.  I can send you a clip from the inspiration scene from the movie “Happy Birthday to Me,” but I’d want it to be bloodier, longer and more full of the victim’s horror and pain, screaming and blood. The scene in Happy Birthday to me is far to short and not explicit enough, and the camera angles are not that great.  

2.  Stabbed in the shower.  This scene is inspired by the movie Psycho, but unlike Psycho, which implies the stabbing, I’d like to show the stabbing explicitly.  Before stepping into shower, actor washes his face and wets his hair in the sink.  He then flexes in front of the mirror and smiles cockily at his good looks.  He steps into the shower and we see shots of him soaping up and rinsing his body.  Masked guy steps into bathroom with big knife.  Actor sees masked guy, recognizes him and jokes about the really convincing fake knife and then asks him why doesn’t he try stabbing him with it.  Then the masked guy stabs actor repeatedly in the shower.  We see knife penetrate torso several times; actor screams, and blood flows from his wounds, mouth and nostrils.  He lifts his arms up to defend himself, but the masked man in too strong. We see the actor collapse slowly against the shower wall and on to the shower floor.  His body trembles greatly as he dies, and his eyes are open in horror.

3.  Executed with Arrows:  This is kind of inspired by various paintings of St. Sebastian martyred by being tied with his arms above his head to a tree and executed by being shot with arrows.  I can share some concept pictures.   Only here, the setting is a dark basement, and the actor is an undercover agent that has been discovered by the drug mafia and executed slowly with arrows.  Actor is tied with his arms above his head to a pole.    Masked man enters room with bow and several large, thick arrows.  Actor recognizes him and calls him coward for hiding behind a mask to kill him.   Actor is defiant, but also a bit afraid.  There’s sweat running down his face, out of his armpits and down his torso since it’s also hot in the basement.  Actor starts off defiant saying you’ll never get away with this; the agency will get the mafia in the end.  Masked man chuckles and places an arrow in his bow and aims it at actor.  Actor screams, no, no, don’t do this.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s thigh; actor screams and contorts his body horribly in agony.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s shoulder.  Actor screams in agony - please stop, please.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s abs.  Actor screams and contorts body even more - please, I’ll tell you anything; give you names; just stop.  Masked man shoots arrow into actor’s pecs.  Actor screams, please stop, I’m dying.  Masked man’s shoots arrows into actor’s throat.  Blood gushes from wound and flows from actor’s nostril and mouth and drip down his torso.  Actor looks in horror back at masked man.  Finally, masked man executes actor by shooting arrow into actor’s eye.  Actor’s body goes limp and his ruined body hangs pierced with arrows and dripping blood on to the floor.
     Nerd 2
    23 minutes
      Nerd 2 - This clip has no description.  BOND PLAN GOES WRONG
    9 minutes
Bonus Custom episode to Toxic Moon Production №1

Actors and model:
Judi, Kit

Towel, Nude, Shower scene  

Shooting to low belly near pussy, shooting to the chest, death stare, spy theme 

Young sexy spy, the partner of Johnny Bond, were searching for memory card at the enemies’ place. She found it and called mr.Bond about it. Bond said he was going to her and she started preparation for meeting with Bond. She went to the shower and after it enemy-killer surprised her with a gun…
    18 minutes


Starring: Christy, Vika, Pola, Kit, Alex, Nata, Nadya

Fetish elements:

Knocking out, sleepy injection, kidnapping, terror, medicine theme, agent theme, strangulation, foot fetish, injection to the feet, choking, tortures, forced to strip, death stare, death


Christie will be a hitwoman with a pistol with silencer that is send to and asylum to kill a very important doctor.its very important the outfit she will wear.I want she to be dressed with a leather tight pants and black vest,i want she to wear a sexy black leather high heels shoes with pointed toe and a black nylone socks.Her nails on the feet and the hands want to be in black color.Below you have examples of the socks and the shoes.She enter by the night with a pistol in the asylum and starts searching for the doctor.After a few minutes of searching she find her self with 3 doctors that wants to catch her and make her a prisoner,she point the doctors with her pistol but she have a fear and cant shoot,finally two of the doctors grabs her hands and try tho remove her pistol,she starts to resist but she is helpless and cannot do anything,one of the doctor finally removes her the pistol and grab her two hands and starts to drag her to a prisoner room,while they drag her on the floor she resists a lot and shouthing to leave her alone finally ahe starts to cry and bagging for help and kicking with legs,the other two doctors grab her by the legs and lift her and they taking her to the prisoner room.Inside the room there is a litter for patients,they put her on the litter and starts to remove firstly her shoes.One of the doctors hold her hands and the other doctor take one of her legs and start to remove her first shoe,she kicking with her legs trying to defend her self but is impossible,the doctors are too much and she is alone,the doctor have a little bit of problems to remove her shoe because she resists alot but finally he take it off,now he wants to remove her nylon sock and she kicks him in the face,he gets angry and all the doctors decide to put her an ahnesthesia injection to sleep her and to can strip her without problems.She cannot stop crying and bagging the doctors to leave her.One of the doctors hold her hands the other doctor hold her legs,they put her the injection and little by little starts to calm.The doctor that hold her legs finally removes her first sock and than she is with one barefoot and the other with shoe on it.She stops crying,only she can huming,now the doctor proceed to remove her other shoe and sock,finally she is with two barefoots without shoes and socks.Now the doctors leaves her to rest a little bit without holding her legs and hands,she only move her head and a little bit her legs she making noises like she is very tired and finally sleeps.Now one of the doctors lift her to remove her vest,when he removes it he removes too her black bra and put her to lie down,now she is half naked only with her leather pants on it.One of the doctors brings a box and they start to put her clothes inside,they put inside the vest her bra,her socks and her shoes,but sudenly she starts to wakes up and she escapes from the room,she starts to run but one of the doctors intercepts her and they capture her again,they put her down on the floor she starts to kick with her legs again they hold her by the hands and the legs and takes her another time to room and puts her on the litter,now the doctors are very angry,one of them hold her hands and the other starts to take off her leather pants,finally she is almost fully naked the doctor removes her too the bikini and she is fully naked,they put her another time the injection and they leave her until she sleeps totaly,while she geting sleep little by little they put the rest of her clothes in the box.Now when she is sleeping they start to remove the color of her nails of the feet and the hands.After that they lift her body one of them holding her hands and the other her legs and they bring her to the bathroom to wash her,they firstly shower her than they puts to her a shower gel massage a little bit her body and her feet after that they shampoo her hair and finally they wash her with water,after that they dry her good with a towell and take another time to the room,put her on the litter and the dresing her with a patient hospital pijama,now one of the doctors bring a invalid chair,they put her another injection to leave her like a paralised,she wakes up but she cant move and cant talk only she huming and making noises because she is paralised,they lift her and put her on the chair and one of the doctors takes her to another room for prisoners he enter inside with her with the chair,she is seated on the chair dressed with the pijama and she cant talk and moves only she is looking ,now the doctor pull her off the chair ,takes the chair of the room and closes the room.

But crazy woman, the patient of the clinic, appears suddenly and strangles Christy to her death  XENA IS A KILLER
    20 minutes
Starring: Xena and Max



The contract killer Xena is hired by a company that develops male clones for use in silent combat. The company wants to verify that their clones are working properly. For this they have hired a contracted murderer diagnosed as clinically crazy, who has the reputation to strangle her victims sadistically and thereby to feel sexual arousal.

The details of where the killer finds her victim (room number and picture of her assignment) are in the letter. Xena looks at the picture and says to herself that she will enjoy killing the two clone.

Xena puts on her killer outfit, a bikini slip to tie, a leather bra, tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots and a black leather jacket.

She puts on black tight leather gloves and open her leather jacket. She takes her tat tool, a garotte with wooden handles out, stands in front of a mirror, this puts itself the garrot around the neck and pulls over, imagining how she will strangle the first clones. Then she puts her hands around her own neck, then her seal image, imagining herself strangling the second clone.

1. Clone
The contract killer stands in front of the door of the hotel room where her first clone victim is, she takes a fake key from her pocket and softly opens the door.The room is still empty. She hides behind a curtain (or similar). Suddenly, the first clone comes unsuspecting into the room. The contract killer creeps up behind him and puts the garrot around his neck and pulls tight. The clone tries to fight back, but the killer is much stronger. As the resistance slowly fades, she throws him on the bed, sits on him and clamps his arms under her legs. Then she puts the garrote around his neck again and pulls tighter and tighter.The clone is fighting and it looks like it is getting weaker, but it manages to break free. Xena pulls the clone back, sits back on him, tucks his arms under her legs and now puts her hands around his neck and presses until she kills him and saliva comes out of his mouth and his tongue sticking out of his mouth . He defends himself but has no chance against them. Then she calls her client and tells him that she killed the first clone and that it was still too weak despite the fight and that she enjoyed strangling him. Then she says, hopefully the second clone is a little stronger and laughs.

2. Clone
The second clone seduces her and goes with him to the room where she is undisturbed. She slowly undresses, puts on her leather boots and leather gloves. Then she pushes him on the bed and rides him wildly. She chokes him while fucking first spelerich with her hands and enjoys the sex. Then she takes her garrote out of the leather jacket that she has put on in the meantime. She puts the garrote around the neck of the second clone and tightens it, choking him with it. He fights hard against it and Xena pulls tighter and tighter and enjoys looking him in the eye. He slowly gets weaker and she lets it loose for a moment and says to him that she gives him another chance then pulls tight again, he tries to prevent her from doing so, can put his hands around her neck for a moment, but is already too weak, like that that he has no chance and gives up and Xena finally strangles him while he is still twitching and saliva flows from his mouth. Then pull it tighter until his tongue is limp and she is sure that he is dead.

After she is finished, she lifts him on the bed and puts hims hands around each end of the garrote still wrapped around her neck. It looks as though he is still trying to strangle himself in death. Then she masturbates on his corpse.

After killing the clones, she calls her client and tells him that she also killed the second clone and that it was stronger than the first, but still had no chance and she was able to strangle him with her Garrote. On the phone, she describes in detail how she killed both clones. Then she asks her client for new instructions and a job to test even more clones and then strangle them too until they are strong enough to prevent them. Xena receives the new instructions and prepares for her new jobs

The victims should shrug and defend themselves properly against. Xena and in the end saliva should run out of the mouth so that it looks even more real.Then she masturbates on his corpse.

Everything happens in front of a large mirror.

Outfit of Xena: lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots and very short gloves.

Please again about 20 minutes.


     Family Affair
    20 minutes
      Family Affair - FAMILY AFFAIR
Starring: Mary, Tora and Kit
Strangulation, leg jerking, tongue out, sexy lingerie, strangulation from behind, Necro lesbo games, stripping dead body, playing with dead body, touching dead girl while dying, taking off panties from dead girl in death  agony (!!!), death stares, two dead nude girls
Movie with English subtitles 


Kit and Mary is a family couple. They are poor and don’t know what to do in the economic crisis. Mary says that her cousin is contract killer and he earns good money. Her husband who was at the war is very interested in this job. Mary’s cousin gives them the access to the secret contract killers’ Uber base where they can find victims and take offers. They have no guns and other weapons that’s why they choose to kill young rich girl, the ex-wife of senator and strangle her. They play at tour managers, call her and offer VIP tour, She invites them to her place. They come, Kit strangles her and Mary is watching at her death with great pleasure. 
After she’s dead the husband  goes to another rooms searching for money and jewels. The wife starts to play with dead body, enjoying fresh young corpse of rich girl. She takes of her clothes and put the lingerie of dead girl. She slaps her ass and does some other sexy Necro manipulations. 
The husband returns to the room with dead body  and sees how his nasty wife is playing with the corpse. He gets angry – she touched body with her fingers without gloves. He doesn’t want to share the money with her and starts to strangle her very brutal. She is in shock – she just seen how terrible the death is and she doesn’t want to join lifeless cold body she just played with! It her last seconds of life she grabs panties of dead girl and dies with her hands on the dead girls’ ass. 
Kit stripes bodies for full nude, puts clothes to big bag with money, jewels and some other robbed things and goes away. 
If you like this movie please check
    40 minutes
      BLOODY NAVELS 3 parts in 1 - BLOODY NAVELS
3 Parts in one!
40 minutes long
25% sale!

Custom video
Scene 1:
#3 laying on the bed, on her back, one leg angled, left arm straight away from her body, right arm angled.
skin is visible between t-shirt and panties. navel is covered.
Camera slides over her body with focus to her belly and covered navel. Some times she breathes heavy and bloat her belly. This scene may not longer run as 1 miunutes.
To pussyfoot #2 nears to her. #2 draw her colt and shoot one in the belly 1 inch below the navel and second bullet 1inch right side of navel (right side from shooters view). #3 moans and writhes small. #2 laying beside, right side of #3, #2 kiss her cheek,lips and meanwhile her hand slide down from her breast to her belly. grap her belly and poke her navel through fabric. Slowly push tshirt up #3 navel is now visible. Until here #3 moans and writhes small. #1 enter the room watching them (not longer as 1 minutes).
#1 have a pistol with silencer. #1 near to both, pull #2 hand away from #3 bellybutton, press the silencer to #3 bb and bang, bang. #3 moans loud and writhes and bloat her belly. #1 again shot twice #3 navel, same reaction. after a few seconds #1 finish off #3 with three fast bullets to her left breast.
Now #1 and #2 kiss eachother lips, poke/ fondle their bellies/bellybuttons (1 minutes) with hand and fingers. #1 and #2 undress #3 nude,  #1 check heart beat with stethoscope and pronounce. "She is dead". #1 spread navel of #3 and #2 makes fotos of #3 dead bellybutton, #1 cleans #3 navel with a tissue while #2 goes on with making fotos of #3 navel. change cam angles. Then exam her belly and navel press and probe. Now #1 and #2 cleans the  bellybutton of #3 more and then use qtips as medical instruments and try to remove the bullets out of #3 navel. now and then they stop with the qtips and wipe #3 belly and navel with a tissue. Check the pussy, spread labia, qtip probe. Then starts again bullet removement. This scence, bullet remove and belly wipe, pussy check may run 5 – 8 minutes. After this #1 and #2 both slide with their hands over #3 belly and navel and fondle her belly/Navel and breast (2 minutes) Important, focus to navel close ups in different angles.
Scene 2:
same plot, same actresses but changed roles.
Scene 3:
#1 laying sleeping on the bed as #3 in scene 1. #3 and #2 nears to #1 laying beside #1 and very carefully they open the zipper to set #1 navel free. #3 takes #1 silencer pistol, press it in #1 navel, bang, bang. #1 writhes and moan, again bang, bang. #1 still breathes heavy. they undress #1 , shoot #1 twice in her pussy and then three bullets in #1 left breast. now #1 is dead. They do the same, stethoscope,bullet removment as the scenes before.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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