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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    14 minutes
      BEAUTY TO SOIL 2 - They are talking about the plague
Edward: We must be fast! We have no time to get testing approval. I want to try this by myself.
Nadezhda: Are there any other ways?
Edward: no, if I survive, we will succeed. If I die, we are close to it.
[Edward is going to drink the untested medicine, but Nadezhda take the medicine before him]
[Edward is shocked]
Nadezhda [smile]: I trust your knowledge.
Nadezhda: If I die, don’t call an ambulance. You know how fast it is. Just record the death process.
Nadezhda starts feeling bad. She knows she is going to die. She took off her uniform and showed her beautiful clothes behind it.
Nadezhda [talk to Edward]: Am I beautiful?
Edward: Yes… Are you ok?
Nadezhda: You failed…
[Nadezhda start feel pain in her stomach]

Nadezhda [smile]: I know you like me, you just don\'t dare to say.
Nadezhda [shy]: After I die, my corpse is just dead meat. I will feel nothing. I won’t be angry if you do anything to me…
Edward [sad]: No… no…
Nadezhda starts to struggle on the ground. Edward tries to hug her.
The face and other skin of Nadezhda is fully sweated. 
Nadezhda’s eyes are looking straight forward.
Blood starts coming out from Nadezhda’s mouth and nose.
The struggle becomes very strong. Including “opisthotonos”
Nadezhda’s struggle becomes weaker and weaker…
She has a very rapid and small extent struggle with a long interval.
At last, Nadezhda becomes very weak and only head can move. Her pussy and ass were soaking wet and her hair was soaked with sweat
Nadezhda[weak]: please clean my body…
Nadezhda is dead.
Her eyes are half open.
Her mouth is also half open.

For the eyes, don’t let the eyes become fully white.
When she turns her head, her eyes should follow it. The pupil should always be in the center (living people tend to turn their eyes before they turn their head. However, we need to avoid this here).
Edward uses a towel to clean Nadezhda’s face.

Then, he took off Nadezhda’s clothes. Nadezhda’s body is also fully sweated. So he used a towel to clean it.
Nadezhda’s body is still very soft since she was just dead for minutes.
Edward uses a white cloth to cover Nadezhda’s body and starts crying on her body.

He is so sad and tired. He fell asleep on her body…
After a night, Edward weakup.

He noticed that Nadezhda had been dead for 12 hours.
[note that Nadezhda’s eyes are still half open]
Edward tried to put Nadezhda’s clothes back on her body, but he found her body was so stiff that cannot move at all.

To show this, Edward first tried to move her arm, and Nadezhda’s arm just moved a little bit.

Then, Edward tries to turn Nadezhda’s body, and her body is turning as a solid body (compared to soft people, their legs, arms will move during the process). See reference.

On her back, the area that is not touching ground (back neck, waist) showing dark red color (post-mortem lividity), see reference.
Edward gave up and waited for her body to become soft…
After two days, Nadezhda’s body starts to rot and become soft.

Due to the rot reactions, her body became sweaty again.

But Edward cannot clean such a body. Luckly, Nadezhda’s body is very soft now. He can put clothes back on her body now.  Clones
    13 minutes
      Clones - CLONES

Custom clip 

Fetish elements: Bad *****, smoking *****, shot dead-cocktail, *************, shooting, digital *****, neck break,  headshots, breast shots begging for  life, clones *****, ski-fi, pantyhose, office style, spies   
Special effects! Many clones ****! 

Special agent takes a request to kill bad ***** in their rent apartment into North of Russia. But they have special abilities: they can do clones of themselves. But special agent kill all of them in different ways . 
    14 minutes
Starring: Ksusha Zaichik (Boss), Sonya Krueger (Doctor), Annabelle (Bodyguard), Maxim Sergeev (Mercenary with Robohand)

«Really well done. Great production, and the actors did a great job, all of them.
You have used your props well, adding in small details like the poison flasks that the doctor is working on etc.
The room also looks great, it really fits with the first movie. Great camera work.

It\'s a 5 out of 5 from me :) Great job everyone»
Customer’s Feedback and Review
This franchise has a history! Custom «Moscow 2037» was produced with one customer and this part was produced by another customer who liked this story and continued the development of the characters.
The Robohand in this part is another. Last Robohand was rent in cuberpank community museum, this arm was constructed already for us personality by our prop department and it’s our property from now on. This character is available for new custom stories.
Ksusha Zaichik is exclusive special guest for this character.

It’s the story it happened before and tells about Bodyguard with Robohand.
This guy went to mafia’s lair searching for the job. He was just in the past, a mercenary, a victim of an apocalyptic war, and now an invalid without work. But the crime family boss already had a bodyguard - a beautiful, strong girl, and she didn\'t need another guard. And here is how the healthy man approached the goods for the export of organs! An insidious female gang put him to sleep with a syringe, and prepared for the operation, but the mercenary was so strong that he managed to free his hands and attack the doctor with a syringe with sleeping pills in the buttock. While she passed out in a spicy pose, the mercenary entered into battle with the bodyguard, and as a result of a fierce struggle, strangled her to death. Now that he was in complete control of the situation and showed what he was capable of, the boss offered him double payment for his services.

MOSCOW 2347 PREQUEL  Luiza Failed Assassin
    14 minutes
      Luiza Failed Assassin - LUIZA FAILED ASSASIN
«Wow this is really great!  Great camera work showing all the camera angles and views of Luiza.  Luiza did a great job too, good writhing.  Alex and Max did great too.

Great video!»

From Customer’s Review

Overview: Failed assassination attempts
Luiza is an assassin sent to kill a male target, but she fails every time and is killed in multiple quick scenes, mostly belly deaths and many good camera views of Luiza’s ass and belly. She acts more sensual and only a little pain mixed in here and there.  When she is stabbed or shot, her reactions should be more like surprise (loud gasp with eyes and mouth wide open), moans that can be soft or intense, squeals, and a variety of sounds, just avoid painful sounds).  Final deaths should have a final tensing of her body, final gasp, and slow exhale (sometimes with soft moans or sighs that the camera can hear).

No blood required, but if used, only a small drip where stabbed or shot and maybe small drip at the corner of her mouth, but not required.

Camera guidelines:
●	Her hips, ass and belly should be within view most of the scenes.  When showing her face in the camera, I prefer her hips, ass, and/or breasts to be within view as well.
●	I like multiple camera angles, especially when she is in her death pose.  Walk to a different side to get a little footage of her from a different angle.
●	I like good views of her ass and belly and between her legs, sometimes up close.
●	I like profile views (showing her side and curves of her body), including camera low to the ground looking over at her
●	I like camera angles where the camera is low to the ground and looking up at her
●	I also like good camera angles that show her facial expression but her body, her curves are still visible in the background.

Things to avoid
●	Avoid very painful facial expressions or sounds, avoid wrinkling forehead or nose
●	No coughing, gagging, gargling, or harsh grunting
●	No fear, no facial expressions of fear, no screaming or whimpering or crying
●	Do not double-over or hunch forward (this conceals her body)
●	No crotch stabs or shots and no stabs to the neck or head or legs
●	No scenes where she dies sitting down or leaning against something like a wall (no seated poses)
●	No scenes where she dies and she is in a flat pose with her legs straight and close together (see sample pictures of poses I like).
●	Avoid death scenes where she slowly fades away, where she moves slower and slower and then stops.  All deaths should have a climactic final stab or final lunge before death. Scene 1 (about 2 minutes)
●	Luiza has a gun and sneaks into the room, looking for her target.
●	The male has a gun and sneaks up behind and captures Luiza, making her drop her gun
●	He pushes her toward a table or desk and makes her lean forward, her hands on the table and her legs spread apart (see sample pictures), her lower back is arched downward.
●	He then pulls out a knife and moves his hands across her body and her ass, looking for a clue to who sent her. Camera shows good views of her ass.
●	He moves the knife across her back, then gets beside her (opposite side of camera so it does not block view of her), and slides the knife across her body, her back curves down more.
●	He then stabs upward, stabbing below her bellybutton (not her crotch), causing her to gasp loudly as her hips thrust upward a little (she lifts up onto her toes) and her lower back curves downward more.
●	He then puts one hand on her lower back and thrusts the knife upward more, making her hips thrust up a little again as her back curves down and she moans. He pulls the knife out, making her body flinch and she exhales with a soft moan or sigh as her eyes roll back and she dies, slumping forward onto the table or desk, her legs spread apart.
●	After the camera angles, he pushes her off the desk or table and she falls to the floor, her tucked underneath.
●	To make sure she is dead, he stabs her one more time in her lower belly, reviving her with a gasp and her back arches up very high (see sample picture)
●	After a pause for a few seconds, she dies with a slow exhale as she relaxes her body down, her eyes and mouth open wide and a couple more good camera angles

Scene 2 - attempted seduction (about 2 minutes)

●	Luiza comes into the room and tries to seduce her target. She walks up to the man and gets close to him, then she pushes him down on the floor, and he willingly lays down.  
●	Luiza walks away and removes her bra. She puts down her bra, but picks up a needle with poison, and hides it in her hand. 
●	She turns around and walks up to the man in a sexy way, walking toward his head, her legs spread apart.
●	She is attempting to seduce him, rubbing him (with one hand), moving her body over his, then she crawls over top of him and sits on his stomach (see sample picture)
●	Luiza grinds on him a little, and takes out the needle, but she doesn’t know that he grabbed a knife
●	Before Luiza can stab the needle in his leg, he reaches around and stabs her in her lower belly, making her gasp loudly with surprise (eyes and mouth wide open) as her head tilts back (facing toward the ceiling), her breasts stick out and her lower back curves
●	He pulls the knife out, making her body flinch and she immediately exhales slowly and her eyes roll back and she goes limp
●	Luiza slumps forward forward, her ass propped up and her legs straddle him (see pic below)
●	The male sits up, pushing her down a little, her as propped up in his lap. He caresses her ass and searches her body for clues. 
●	To make sure she is dead, he stabs her again in her lower back, causing her to revive with with a soft moan as her ass lifts up some and her back curve down more and she lifts her head, after several seconds, her eyes cross and she exhales with a soft moan and she relaxes her body, her tongue hangs out.
●	He grabs one of her knees and lifts her leg up and begins to roll her over his leg, her body is sprawled, legs far apart, and he searches her body a little more before leaving.
●	Luiza walks into the room, hiding a knife behind her back, walking seductively.
●	He is also hiding a knife. She walks up close to him and then pulls out her knife.
●	He grabs her wrist, and pulls out his knife, and Luiza grabs her 
●	Luiza pushes up against, her ass sticking out, legs apart.  They fall to their knees as they continue to struggle (more focus on Luiza’s body). Luiza’s legs are spread apart, and her back curved. Space opens up between them and his knife goes down low, close to the ground, between them, the knife pointed upward toward her lower belly.
●	He slowly overpower her, the knife moving upward toward her lower belly, then finally stabs upward, below her bellybutton, causing her ass and hips to thrust back as her lower back curves downward and she gasps loudly. She drops her knife and puts one hand on her lower belly and she moans.
●	Luiza then falls on all fours and tries to slowly crawl away, but he gets beside her, puts his knife under her and stabs upward again into her lower belly, causing her back to curve downward and lift her head up.
●	He pulls the knife out, causing Luiza’s eyes and mouth to open wide as she dies, then slowly slumps forward, her ass up in the air, legs spread apart, her eyes and mouth open wide.
●	He searches her body, and pulls one knee forward, causing her hips to sink down to the floor, and he re-positions her as he searches and caresses her body and she ends up in a pose like this (see 2 sample pictures below)
Scene 4 Fight for gun (about 1.5 minute)
●	Luiza has a gun and is looking for her target.
●	He sneaks up on her and grabs her wrist holding the gun and they fight for the gun
●	They fall to the ground and roll around for a little, but Luiza is able to get on top (exactly like this picture, Luiza’s back arched down a little)
●	The male reaches over and grabs a small knife and sneaks it underneath Luiza who is unaware he has a knife.
●	He stabs upward in her lower belly, surprising Luiza as she gasps loudly and her hips thrust upward a little, back curves downward a little.
●	He thrusts up a little more, and Luiza’s eyes go crossed as she dies, then she exhales and goes limp
●	Luiza slumps forward over top of him, her ass propped up (sample picture)
●	He then slowly rolls her off of him, her legs sprawled, and several more angles shown, her eyes crossed and tongue out.
Scene 5 (about 1.5 minutes)
●	Luiza struts in while the man is sitting on a couch or bed
●	She tries to seduce him, putting one knee up.  She is planning to seduce and strangle him with a string.
●	She then sits on top of him, and begins to grind on him, not knowing he has a knife.
●	He completely surprises her with a stab to her lower belly, making her body react (her shoulders fling back, her face looking at the ceiling)
●	She looks back at him, moans, and says “you killed me”
●	Then he puts on hand on her lower back and pushes the blade in more
●	Luiza tilts her head back, then exhales with a soft moan as her eyes go cross and she dies.
●	Luiza then slumps back, and he holds her up and she slowly falls back between his legs
●	After several camera views, he searches her body a little, then grabs one leg and rolls over over (still on the couch or bed), her ass propped up on the couch cushion or bed and searches her body a little more, then pushes her onto the floor

Scene 6 (sneak up behind) about 1.5 minutes
●	Luiza is searching for her target and is standing with her legs spread apart.
●	He has a knife and sneaks up from behind her.
●	He puts one arm around her neck and reaches around with his other hand and stabs her in the lower belly (exactly like the sample picture)
●	Luiza then slowly falls to her knees, then she falls back on him. She is on top of him, then he stabs her again, causing her to gasp and lunge up
●	After a moment, he pulls  the knife out, making her lunge one last time, pause, then exhale slowly as she dies, eyes and mouth remain wide open even though she is dead.
●	He feels her body and searches, then rolls her off into this pose and continues to search her body a little.  Camera shows good views of her ass and profile view and of her face with ass in background

Scene 7 - writhing and climactic death (about 1.5 minutes)
●	Luiza has a gun and starts a shootout with the male
●	Her legs are spread far apart as she aims, but is hit in her lower belly, making her react.
●	Luiza falls to one knee, and tries to raise her gun but is hit in her belly again
●	She rolls onto the floor and begins to writhe and squirm and lunge, rolling around on the floor while moaning and squealing (see sample pictures below)
●	In a climactic final death, she suddenly gasps loudly and arches her back up very high, pauses for a few seconds, then exhales slowly and dies, relaxing her body back down as she dies.

She is left sprawled and several good camera angles.
    17 minutes
      BEACH MURDER - Starring: Nata and Pola

Fetish elements:

Mother and daughter theme

Strangulation with a rope

Death stares

Great strangulation reactions and agony


Foot fetish deadly show

Stripping nude

Mother and daughter bodypile

Bury to the sand

17 minutes, interesting location, bright plot, great death and postmortem content


Nata and Pola seldom act together. But  in this movie their duet looks great!

Nata acts rich wife who rests in the beach-resort with her spoiled young daughter. Mather is 39, daughter is 20. They are two rich bitches who hate father and always spend his money.

They are rude and like to humiliate people for money. Beach-service man can’t stand their behavior and decids to strangle them. He attackes mother at her daughter eyes. Young bitch just cries and runs away leaving her mother to die.

Nata tries to say: «Come back, bitch!». The man strangles her with a rope very long. She shows good agony and death stares, then dies with her tongue off the mouth.

Daughter runs to the hotel number, but the murder is already tiere. He starts to choke her, she tries to gve him money but he just laughts about her stupid way to keep her glamour lise. She chokes on chewing gum while he’s strangling her., kicks, agonies, shows foot fetish deadly looks and dies with great death stare.

He strips bodies and puts them together on the beach. He buries them in the sand with the money. Now only sea-crabs know about two sexy nude bodies under the send…  DEATH GAME
    38 minutes

Duration 38 minutes! 

Sonya Kruger first time in hanging scenes!




Bella Lenina, Sonya Krueger, Max, Annabelle, Ivan


Just watched it !!! It was very excellent  ! Very realistic and in a way I wanted to watch from my fantasy. I had thought that you would put 4 actors and actresses in the whole movie as I asked but you put some more in the movie because of that the quality of the movie is now HUGE and WONDERFUL ! Thank you very much !
Customer's review

Police Sonya Kruger finds the location of a criminal organization. But she is not expecting to be captured and forced into a sinister show. 

Bright, powerful scenes! Expressive acting! Duration 38 minutes! 

TV show featuring horror and death live, the TV show is broadcast live in the world. A video game-style television show, especially when the hanging show starts, with some numbers, words, drawings displayed on the screen, just like in a video game.
    21 minutes
20 minutes long!

Np dialoges! Short intro!


Very sexy long strangulation clip about murder of a nurse and her neighbor by a maniac!

Trying to escape, many different poses, wonderful death stares and reaction


If you like this clip please check

Nurse and her strangler

Hospital !  GAS CHAMBLER
    10 minutes
      GAS CHAMBLER - An east Europe country has reinstated the death penalty for women. To exercise this they built a gas
chamber at the womens prison.
The only way To really test this new execution device will be actually executing someone for real. To do
this the prison officials have picked a random pretty girl off the street from a night club and taken her
into “custody”.

Open scene.
Tatiana is already strapped in to a sturdy well built chair. She has heart monitor electrodes stuck to her
chest under her dress, wires leading off to a junction on the chamber wall.
She is wearing a black mini dress and shiny black thigh high boots.
She is extremely scared, begging to be released.
After approximately 30 seconds under the chair a cup of white powder tips over and pours into a bowl
of liquid creating a vigorous foaming reaction and some cloudy vapours, Cyanide Gas!
Tatiana try’s to hold her breath in desperation. However, after only 30 seconds or so, she can’t hold her
breath anymore, and by reflex, she takes a deep breath causing her to inhale a large amount of gas. She
reacts like she just got stabbed in the lungs.
After the initial shock Tatiana can only take short shallow breaths. However she soon starts to foam
from her mouth and salivating uncontrollably.
Tatiana convulses, and struggles trying to breath normally, but every time she breaths in all she gets a
lung full of cyanide gas.
For the next 6 minutes this continues.
6 minutes after the gas started Tatiana starts to get light headed and dizzy. Her strength begins to fade.
This continues for another 6 minutes until 12 full minutes after the gas started Tatiana goes
Seconds later the heart monitor stops, indicating Tatiana is dead!
     Lewis the Wrapped
    17 minutes
      Lewis the Wrapped - The bone-chilling poignant story about

the revenge Lewis the Wrapped

Horrible! Bizarre! Spooky! Hot!



A handsome young man gets into a car accident. He is in hospital crippled and bandaged  all over. His girlfriend is a nurse in the hospital. He might have benefited from this fact, however she turns this story into drama.  She removes him from life support giving him no chance. She has never had any feelings to him.  He is badly hurt and destined to die.

But the bleeding guy escapes from the morgue to get into his murderer’s apartment.  He is craving for revenge. He is going to strangle them all with his bandages and suck their beauty and souls to get alive and strong again.

Meet Lewis the Wrapped, a new monster of DarkRooms studio.

3 great strangulation scenes  THE COLLECTOR part 1 Lis Death
    22 minutes
      THE COLLECTOR part 1 Lis Death - THE COLLECTOR (Part 1: Murder of Li)



«‘The Collector: Student Reporter’ is nothing short of a masterpiece, what you might call Arthouse Erotic Horror. Full of iconic moments, this video is destined, in my opinion, to become a classic. Make no mistake, what Ugine and team have produced is one of the best videos in the genre, ever, and your money here is well spent.

What I gave Ugine was an insanely complex script. It took the characters seriously, giving paragraph after paragraph to their thoughts and feelings. It linked out to clips from some of the best videos in our genre — specifically, the best portrayals of my favorite elements that I wanted to repurpose for my story. And it had a story arc, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Not to mention that Ugine even integrated multiple audio clips that I had recorded by a voice actress for one of the character’s internal dialogue. This was truly hard work, and I can’t thank Ugine enough. This was a leap of faith for me, and Dark Rooms delivered!»


Customer’s Review


CAST: Annabelle, Judi, Li, Max






Fetish Elements

Adult Student Girls, Stalking, Shooting to the body with silencer, Shooting and destroying bra for topless, Shooting to the breast, Death, Death Stare, Playing with body (very lot!) , Death Stare With Tounge Out, Stripping Nude, Touching Breasts, Touching Face, Injection to freeze the body



On the campus of The Pence Academy, an all-girls boarding school in the northeast United States, all is quiet. Most of the girls — teenagers, from wealthy families — have retired to their rooms, except for a handful of seniors (all of them 18-years-old), who as leaders of various student organizations are working into the night. One such girl is KAITLIN GALLAGHER, the ambitious daughter of international banker, Robert Gallagher.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt, and red tie, THE COLLECTOR is calm, cool, and collected, as he sits in his car parked across from the Pence Academy senior class house. He is a hitman, and this is his first job in the U.S. His first American target: Kaitlin Gallagher. His job is not just to stop her from publishing the exposè on Petrov, his client, but also to make an example of her.

He gets the task to eliminate Kaitlin Gallagher but he must kill also two her roommates. The Collector is what you might call a high-functioning maniac, doing what other hitmen refuse to do: kill young women. Of course, the young women of interest to his clients usually came from privilege — wielding power they inherited, never earning it. And it was Kaitlin’s status as an American princess — her arrogant adolescent pursuits — that made killing her so tantalizing.


Worse than death was what he did with the girls afterward. In a previous life, he was a Russian defense services officer — a scientist, in fact, tasked by his government to find ways of incapacitating and preserving the bodies of criminals for long-term, inexpensive imprisonment. The result: cryo-nanoparticles, which preserved bodies perfectly, though not without killing them first — often in dramatic fashion. Thus he failed, though not entirely, for he had found a way to turn his victims into living dolls.

His first victim is Ashley Witford, the queen of graduation.

Ashley arrives at the entryway of the house. A distracted look on her face, she begins climbing the stairs — while The Collector watches her unnoticed from his car. He knows what happens to girls who climb stairs in short skirts. Suppressing his excitement, he covers his mouth with his hand.


As she reaches the top of the stairs, her skirt flips up, though not enough, revealing just the bottoms of her ass cheeks — and just briefly. Disappointed, but patient, he continues watching her, trusting the skirt will betray her soon enough.


Now at the door, Ashley goes to find her keys. Letting the left strap slide off her shoulder, she cradles the backpack on her right side and unzips the front compartment. Rummaging through the contents for several moments, she just cannot find her keys. Frustrated, she sets the backpack on the ground and squats to dig through it more thoroughly.


As she squats digging for her keys, she pays no attention to her skirt riding up her ass, finally revealing it. The upskirt is completely accidental, and she would be horrified to know a man was enjoying it. The bulge of her pussy presses against the cotton fabric of her simple panties, framed by the roundness of each ass cheek.

Ashley keeps digging, when at long last she hears a METALLIC JINGLE — she has found her keys. Relieved, she breathes a sigh of relief. Then standing back up, she arches her back to maintain her balance, accentuating her ass before it finds cover under the skirt again.


She picks up the backpack and puts it back on. In a moment of self-awareness — rare for this would-be prom queen — she adjusts her skirt, yanking it down and confirming with her fingers, their fingernails painted white, that her ass is properly covered. Paranoid, she takes a quick look around — noticing the car, though making nothing of it.

Opening the entryway door, Ashley walks into the house, phone in hand. As she walks to her room, the phone BUZZES with a message from someone named Emily Astor.

EMILY ASTOR is texting Ashley from her dorm room. Wearing a sports bra and spandex booty shorts and her hair tied in a ponytail, she stands barefoot on an empty stretch of floor, ready for some yoga — something she feels compelled to tell Ashley.

Daughter of David Astor, a real estate investor, Emily was born and raised in New York City — as she frequently reminds others. She loves yoga almost as much as her mother, and one day, she wants to open her own studio in Manhattan.

Having had enough, Ashley puts her phone down on her desk and starts to get undressed. Undoing the buttons, she removes her blouse, revealing a pair of young breasts suspended in a simple bra. Then tossing the blouse aside, she goes to remove her skirt — when all of a sudden, she hears someone whistling behind her.


She gasps, as she turns to find The Collector pointing a gun at her. Staring blankly at him, she shakes her head no, raising her hands slowly in surrender. With bated breath, she begins pleading with him.

Before the word “no” can leave Ashley’s mouth, The Collector fires into her abdomen, below her navel — the BLAST
agony as the bullet leaves just a small hole in her flesh, spewing a rivulet of
blood that runs down her pelvis.

Clutching her wound with her hands, she YELPS as she doubles over in agony, giving us a look down the cleavage of her breasts from the front — while from the back, we look up her skirt.


In terrible pain, Ashley straightens her back and stares at The Collector. She looks confused as much as she looks scared, and shaking her head, she begins to CRY. This only makes him LAUGH, and grinning widely, he fires two more shots into her chest.

His bullets strike the very middle of her bra — right on target — shredding the fabric and leaving the disconnected cups to fall away from her bare breasts. Her heart pierced through, she is dying, NOISILY CHOKING on her blood. Her eyes cross, then roll back into her head, as blood starts to trickle from a corner of her lips.


Falling, her back finds a wall, and she slides down it. As she does so, her legs bend at the knees and spread apart. Her ass comes to rest on the floor, and we can see the front of her panties under her skirt.

We hear Ashley taking HER DYING BREATH, watching her naked chest rising and falling a few more times, before her long legs spasm and then totally relax.

As a death stare sets on her face, she briefly makes an ahegao face, crossing and rolling her eyes while protruding her blood-soaked tongue. A tear rolls down her cheek, carrying with it some smokey eyeshadow.

Ashley is dead. Breasts exposed, she dies with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. The Collector approaches her body, admiring it. His grin fades as he addresses her.

Looking for Ashley’s phone, The Collector scans the room and quickly finds it on her desk. Encountering the lock screen, he reads the instructions to himself — in English.

he Collector takes a seat next to Ashley on the ground, sitting shoulder to shoulder with her. He opens the photos app on her phone and flips through her selfies. We see one of her in her schoolgirl uniform, but also wearing a tiara. She is smiling radiantly in the images, preening for social media.

Delighted, though no longer laughing, The Collector plants a kiss on Ashley’s cheek, jostling her lifeless head. Then putting her phone down, he moves into a crouch in front of her. He cradles her chin with his fingers, admiring her beautiful, blood-stained face.


He removes her broken bra, unhooking it from the back and pulling the broken pieces off her arms. He takes a moment to admire her breasts, cupping them in his hands to assess their firmness and weight. Then taking her hands in his, he admires her white nailpolish.


Releasing Ashley’s hands, he moves to grab her ankles, then drags her onto her back, away from the wall. As she is being dragged, her skirt bunches up around her waist, revealing her simple panties.







    13 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Vika 
**** In all scenes, after the death scene, their bodies are dragged away (mix of dragging by hands and/or feet or carrying) and their bodies are disposed of in another location next to each other.

**** Very sheer pantyhose....NO THICK TIGHTS or thigh-highs.

**** LOTS of full body views during all kill scenes. Feet should be visible in almost all scenes. 

**** One or both slippers fall off in each of the death scenes exposing their pantyhosed feet.

**** LOTS of closeups of pantyhose feet.

**** Some close-ups of open-eyed death eye rolling during all death scenes.

**** Open eyed death stare in all scenes....with eye-rolling.

**** Prefer steady/stationary camera work as opposed to the camera moving around during the action.

**** No backgound music.

**** NO fondling of the bodies by the killer at all.

**** Prefer VERY BRIGHT LIGHTING not like darkly lit scenes.

1...Both are getting ready for work in the clothing listed above. A gunman enters the room with a silencer gun. Both girls run for the door and both are shot in the back and drop dead to the floor.

#2...Both are getting ready for work in the clothing listed above. A gunman enters the room and shoots one in the forehead and she drops to the ground dead. The other girl hears this and hides in the shower. The killer finds her and shoots her in the forehaed also. She slumps down dead in the shower.

#3...Both girls are being held hostage. Hands are tied behind their backs. The are sitting on the ground with legs off to the sides. The killer was just advised to execute both girls being held hostage. The killer gets behind one of the girls and placs a plastic bag over her head and begins to suffocate her. The other girls is frightened and tries to run away but the killer swiflty shoots her in the back while still suffocating the other girl. The girl that was just shot falls to the ground on her stomach. She is not yet dead but making gurgling noises and twitching. The killer finishes bagging the other model who finally takes her last breath. He pushes her off to the side. The killer walks over to the other girl who was shot in the back, still gurgling and twitching. He finishes her off with 2 more shots in the back.  DOMINA IN DISTRESS
    15 minutes
CAST: Nata, Annabelle, Tim
Fetish Element
Domina, Sexy Dominatrix Girl, Blackmailing, Beating, Punching, Breaking Fingers, Tied Hands, Shooting to the stomach, from killer to victim, bodypile, long deaths, death stares, Necro stripping


A dominatrix escort girl blackmails her clients – she does videos from hidden camera during session and asks money for her silence. One of rich customers decided to revenge and orders a couple of contract killers who should meet with her to give her money but kill her and take the flash-card with the video. 
They attack her, and while Annabelle was torturing her, breaking her fingers, beating her to the stomach asking where is the flashcard, Tim was searching for the flash. At once, Annabelle shoots Nata to her stomach. Tim finds the flashcards and he doesn’t want to share his money with Annabelle and shoots his partner and friend t her stomach. «Why?» Annabelle asks in surprise  – it’s so unrespectable for her to transform from sexy killer to poor victim,. Nata was still alive and she enjoyed seeing how her killer is dying. Annabelle felt shame knowing Nata I seeing her death, 
After both girls are dead, Tim strops body and makes the scene like  girls killed each other…

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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