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    25 minutes

«Amazing video Ugine! I can't express my gratitude to you and your team for the professionality and detail you achieved in that custom. The nervous boyfriend and the mafia boss cruelty and his behaviour playing cold and confident knowing all aces were in his hand are absolutely believable. I can't believe you could gather a room so close to what I was asking for.

Love the actress performance. Cool and controlling her emotions as I like. The wounds, the blood and the last stab was great. I realise that you could keep the knife in her navel without the need of her hand grabbing it. I would use that in a future video. 

My satisfaction is on the edge of complete.

My congratulations and acknowledge to you and your team Ugine. Really professional.

From Customer’s Review 

CAST: Sally, Alex, Edward
SHOOTING (16+ wounds to the body with great blood effect!)
STABBING – Super Stabbing Effect
25 minutes!

Fetish Elements:

Topless, Jeans, Strong Sexy Brave Girl, Shooting to the belly, Belly Tortures, BellyButton fetish. Stomach Fetish. Shooting to the stomach (many times), Shooting to the back  Shooting to the chest (two times), Many Wounds, Fighting with a girl. POV views, Knife to the belly, Putting off knife from the belly, Shooting Many Times, Gutted, Guts, Guts from the stomach, Death, Death Stare


Bill has a brave girlfriend who protects him from the mafia. She is so brave and loves her boyfriend so much she can give her life for Bill. When the gangster comes and starts shooting she starts protecting and gets many wounds in her belly, chest and back but still alive and still can fight. When they already can’t protect themselves the gangster allows them to say good buy to each other. But in the last moment a guy betrays her to protect his own life and suddenly stabbes her, after it Don Carlo shoots her many times for her death. She was gutted off, wounded many times, all in blood…


Mammas’ Guts
NEW DATING  Failed Mission 2
    12 minutes
      Failed Mission 2 - Failed mission 2

after tragic death of police woman in the first part (see failed mission at our store), dangerous crime escaped to east europe. Special agent from interpol pola was sent with mission to liquidate the terrorist. She found him in the cheap motel. But…
fetish elements:
shooting, sexy dress, agent and police theme, lather miniskirt, long death scene, two bullets, suffering, ****** stripping, *****, gore, sexy corpse in the bath.
    12 minutes


GREAT DEAL FOR 10$: many location, Great Stalking and Long Death Scene!

«As usual I am very pleased with your interpretation of my story line; Stels performs an excellent job and Alex always looks the part».

From Customer’s Review


Starring: Steals and Alex

Fetish Elements:

Stalking Scene (innocent girl in sexy jeans shorts riding her bicycle) and contract killer watching her from his car

Last minutes of unsuspecting victim’s life (coming home, redressing, showering)

Attack with surprise – appearing in her room when she’s gone from the shoer only in her panties and towel

Shooting 3 times

Control shot

Spectacular throwing a rag on her dead face

Great acted reactions, good make up wounds, death stare, some manipulations with dead body





The assassin has been contracted to kill the witness, a young girl who will be testifying in the boss's trial; she must disappear.

He drives his car slowly close behing his target as she rides her bicycle regularly home from work on the same route. The assassin takes reconasance photos before the day of the hit. For the hit, she is wearing very short tight denim shorts and the assassin enjoys the view as the cheeks of her ass press out from the bicycle saddle. her top is tight and we can clearly see she is not wearing a bra. She is wearing short socks and sneakers.

She arrives home very quickly and the assassin drives past her as she get off her bicycle and goes into her apartment.

We see her running the shower and watch as she begins to undress sexily. We see the assassin enter the apartment quietly, his silenced weapon at the ready. We hear the shower turn off and watch as she reaches for her towel and dries herself off briefly, she places her clean panties on and we watch the assassin prepare for his assignment in the next room.

The girl is wrapped in her towel as she enters the room, we can see her panties below the towel wrapped around her chest. As she walks into the room she is shocked to see the stranger sitting on her couch waiting for her.

"Who the Fuck are you" She shouts angrily as she grips her towel to her breasts.

The Assassin lifts his weapon into view pointing it at her stomach.

She has enough time to cry out "No No No" and grabs at her stomach as the bullet blasts through the towel in an instant.

The girl bends gripping her stomach wound and stares at her killer with her mouth wide open; she staggers towards the door and the towel drops to her waist as she holds her wound. her breasts are naked as she tries to make it to the door. The assassin takes aim shooting her in the back and the girl grunts loudly clutching at her back wound and the towel drops to the floor. She turns gripping her stomach wound with one hand and trying to hold herself up with the other. Her eyes are pleading for mercy, her mouth is open, the assassin fires.

The third bullet rips into her breast (not the nipple) and her breasts and body shake violently as she slams backwards against the door/wall she immediately goes still and drops like a stone to the floor.

The assassin begins his pleasure, rolling her body playing with her panties and squeezing her breast. He prepares his phone, takes his pictures then sends his message. He throws the towel over the girls body and moves towards the door; suddenly he notices her hand move and stops. He takes aim shooting her twice more in the breasts through the towel and we see the holes as the bullets penetrate the towel. he walks back to her body removing the towel to check his work then covers her face with the perforated towel before moving to the door.










EASY MONEY  Schoolgirl Comes Home
    14 minutes
      Schoolgirl Comes Home - Student Girl Comes Home
Fetish Elements: Home Invasion, Shooting many times 
The young student was intrudered at her home and shot to the death by cruel killer
    15 minutes
      Poor  - Poor ******!

two women are sisters at the tourist trip in the hotel. They are talking about men when a killer-robber enters the room. He shoots one of the womanl in the stomach. While she is in agony her ****** is crying and trying to help the ****. But cruel murder orders to strip. The woman takes off the clothes from dying ****** and strips herself. After the murder shoots the woman in the chest. ****** Is crying about her dead lovely baby and takes the bullet to her chest. Another terrible death. When both gwomen are dead a takes expensive things and goes out. 
fetish element
shooting in the belly, shooting to the chest, long shooting deaths, sisters-victims, ***** in the navel like in the lake. Much *****, much pain,  russian speach.  GREEDY CLIENT
    11 minutes
Custom Movie for 250$ donation! 
Fetish Elements:
Hooker, Boots, Leather Clothes, Strangulation, Garrote, Interesting Plot


A client call a hooker to have a nice evening. But he is very greedy and don’t like to pay. So he decide to manipulate with the hooker to make her serve him for free. The girl is vary angry and wants to go away and promises to revenge: she says she will talk with somebody named Jimmy and he will punish greedy boy. The man is afraid and he takes a cord and strangles poor girl to her death…

CALL GIRL (parts 1-4)
    36 minutes
Custom Film

«Awesome job on Tendermeat 2!!!!!!»
Customer’s Feedback 
36 minutes film with three terrible deaths with  hanging by legs and arms, throat slitting, belly ripping, internal organ harvesting!

Judy as a brave honest detective
Yana as her partner
Li as a photo-model
Den as a corrupt cop
Tim as a photographer working for kidnapping mafia
Max as his assistant
Fetish Elements 
Police Theme, Detective Theme, Interesting Plot, Poisoned Injection to the neck, Knocked Out, Hanging by Arms, Throat Slitting, Cut Throat, Woman in Peril, Helpless, Full Nude, From Brave policewoman to helpless victim, Hanging By Legs, Guts, Gory

Two detectives  - Judi and Yana find in the arcvive of not investigated yet cases strange case about model who missed – she went to photostudio and didn’t come home. They ask boss why this case is under the papers and nobody speak about it – boss answers it’s not a promising case and most likely the girl just fled abroad with a guy and did not tell her relatives about it. He forbids to investigate it and asks to solve more important cases. 
But Judi desides to take this case alone and asks Yana for help. They know that last place where missed girl was seen alive is photo studio and they go to its place. They see model Li who goes to photosession in this place. 
Li was poisoned by injection to her neck, stripped full nude and place her in the apparat for lifting people for butchering for meat. When Li wakes up she has few time only for surprising and fear and she gas her neck patiently throated. Blood is spreading  to her boobs! 
After this execution men start to cut her body and put off her guts. 
Detective Yana enters the studio and sees it but she is captured stripped full nude and she is the following victim. She is scared and helpless and hopes only for help but she realizes she has very little chance and she knows what a terrible end can wait her. 
When Judi comes to help Judi is in the trap too. Judy had time to call for call for reinforcements. Two women are nude. Yana is hanged by her legs and brutally killed by knife and Judi watched all the execution. Judy still hopes for reinforcements but Tim gives her a phone. Her boss tells her that he works with mafia and she will die. She is full of emotions, resentment, anger, hopelessness, aggression, awareness of the inevitable end but what can she du nanging by legs with her head down? Nothing. She is killed too!
After all women are dead their dumped bodies are placed to the bodypile. Mafia takes their organs and is ready to take new orders….

    28 minutes
Custom about 2 sexy agents who are on a mission but betray eachother with various knockouts.
Actresses: Alice M.(Polina) and Emma
Two agents sneak into a room guns drawn. They carefully check the area before locating a computer.Polina motions to Emma to start the hack. Emma sits down and Polina goes to watch the door.As Emma is typing, she looks over her shoulder a few times.Polina secretly prepares a white rag. Emma continues to type but slowly takes her shoes off.Polina: "Are we almost ready?"Emma: "Yes give me 5 minutes" Emma lied, she is already finished and takes the USB.Polina pretends to get a phone call walking into another roomPolina "Yes Boss, the data is authentic we will deliver soon... Yes Boss I understand" Emma takes the oppounity to quietly get up and sneak towards Polina, her gun drawn.Emma turns the corner and suddenly Polina clamps the white rag over her Emma's mouth.Emma is surprised and drops her gun, struggling against her attacker.Emma twists and kicks her legs but can't get free.Polina: "You know how this works... That's it breathe it in... Don't fight just breathe..." Emma's eyes dart around looking for anything that can help her. She holds her breath and fights for a few more seconds.Soon her legs stop kicking and her arms drop. She begins to breathe regularly and her moans become long and drawn out.Polina: "No hard feelings dear, even the best spies need to sleep sometimes..." Emma's eyes roll closed and she gives one final long moan as she passes out.She carefully lowers Emma's limp form to the floor.Polina searches Emma and finds the USB but also a small perfume bottle.Polina takes the USB and the bottle. She calls her Boss."Yes Boss, it's me... No, she is unconscious. She would have knocked me out and stolen the drive I think." "May I hypnotize her to get more answers?""Understood"Polina hangs up and brings the limp Emma over to the bed flipping her on her back.She takes her own shoes off and sits on the bed, examining Emma's toned legs.Polina gently places Emma's head on her lap and begins to massage the agent, slowly waking her up.Soon Emma begins to stir making womanly noises and slowly blinking her eyes open.Polina dangles a pocketwatch directly in front of Emma's face forcing her to stare it at.Emma's eyes try to look elsewhere but is soon fixated on the watch.Polina "Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice" Repeat several times. "you are now under my control"Emma is soon entranced.Polina orders Emma to sit up on the bed. Emma does so eyes blinking very slightly but otherwise completely relaxed.Polina puts the watch away."Sleep" Emma stares forward but does not react."Sleep" Still no reaction."Sleep" Polina touches Emma's forehead with one finger.Emma very dramatically collapses back onto the bed giving a pleasureable moan as she falls and closes her eyes."When I clap my hands you will wake up and be completely under my control"Polina takes a moment to admire Emma before she claps her hands.Emma opens her eyes and sits up."Were you going to betray me on this mission and sell the drive?" "Yes""Are you working with others?" "No""Will your buyer come to this location?" "Yes""Are you going to betray them?" Emma stares blankly"Were you planning to render me unconscious?" "Yes""Were you going to use this on me?" Polina holds up the perfume bottle. "Yes"Polina smiles and gives a sigh of satisfaction."Do you enjoy being put to sleep?" "Yes" "You look very tired would you like sleep now?" Yes..."Polina douses the white rag once again and tosses it to Emma who is sitting on the bed."Deep breath in... Deep breath out" Emma picks up the cloth and places it over her own mouth with two hands.Polina watches and smiles, very turned on."When I clap my hands you will no longer be hypnotized and not remember anything except for that sweet smell"Emma inhales and begins to moan, her eyes fluttering and her head swaying.Polina watches closely, enjoying every moment of it. Her hands are ready to clap at the precise moment.As Emma is about to pass out, Polina suddenly claps her hands.Emma's head tilts backwards and she gives on final trailing moan as she passes out. She drops the rag to reveal her face completely relaxed eyes closed and mouth open.Polina checks to make sure Emma is completely unconscious before moving her to a more comfortable sleeping position.She calls her boss. "Yes it's me" "She is working alone, I am confident." "Yes I understand, I will handle everything Boss don't worry."Polina takes the small perfume bottle and empties the contents, she replaces it with water.She walks over to the unconscious Emma and places the bottle back where she found it, also hiding her gun under the pillow.Polina puts her shoes back on and walks around, finding a bottle of wine. She pours herself a drink and sits down on the chair.She enjoys the view of Emma completely limp and helpless. She can't help put take some pictures on her phone with Emma in various positionsPolina finishes and sits back down, slowly sipping on the gass of wine and crossing her legs while she waits.Emma starts to stir. Polina takes a deep breath and turns around pretending to type.Emma quietly wakes up and carefully looks around she sees Polina distracted and readies her perfume bottle.Emma sneaks behind Polina and spins her around spraying her in the face with the sedative.Polina is caught off guard and gasps not expecting Emma to be so quick and quiet.Her shocked epression immedately turns to confusion and dizziness as she pretends to pass out. Polina manages grab Emma before falling unconscious into her waiting arms, moaning as she swooned.Emma drags the limp Polina onto the bed and searches her thoroughly, she finds the drive."Sorry beautiful, but you you should of tied me up!"Emma gets her phone and calls her buyer."Yes, I have it." Emma looks over at Polina's sleeping form "Bring the money and I have something extra for you as well" "Yes, she is unconscious bring something to keep her under"Emma hangs up and looks around, she sees the glass of wine and white rag."Enjoyed your time with me didn't you?"Emma goes to her shoes and retrieves a folded piece of paper.She reveals some white powder inside of it and pours it into the glass of wine, stirring the contents slightly."A gift for you just incase"Emma grabs the white rag and soaks it. She looks over at Polina who is still pretending to be asleep.Emma sits on the bed and clamps the rag over Polina's mouth.Polina does not open her eyes but she begins to moan. Suddenly she starts to panick when she realizes what is happening.She struggles and tries to reach for her hidden gun. "Whats wrong? Didn't think I would use this on you?" Emma teases.Polina knows theres nothing she can do at this point except to surrender to her fate. She breathes and moans deeply with pleasure as her eyes roll closed.Emma holds the cloth for a while longer. "Sweet dreams..."Emma enjoys Polina's limp form, groping her legs. She poses Polina in different provactive positions while teasing her for being so careless, taking some pictures as well. At the end she thanks Polina for giving her another item to bargain withEmma hears a knock on the door and she gets up off the bed fixing her hair/dress, putting her shoes on and grabbing her gun.
Change to FPV
Emma opens the door. "Hi there please come in" Emma walks over and shows you the unconscious Polina. "This is the bonus... Beautiful isn't she?"You zoom in and inspect Polina, moving her limp from. She is deeply unconscious.You take out a syringe and pretend to inject it into Polina's neck. At the last second you tuck the needle away hiding it from Emma."How about a toast to our success?" Emma offers seductively. She pours herself a cup and offers you the other glass."What? You don't trust me? Fine then have it your way"Emma takes out her phone and makes a call."Boss the mission was a failure. She drugged me and stole the drive. Yes I just woke up. No the data is gone, deleted from the computer as well. I think she will sell it."As Emma is distracted with the phone call you sneak up behind her."Yes I'll report back immediately" She hangs up.You inject Emma from behind and she gasps in shock, dropping the perfume bottle."Asshole! we had a deal!" She spins around, fighting to stay awake."I'll kill you..." Emma cannot finish her sentence before she lets out a moan and collapses.You watch as Emma succumbs to the drug while trying to reach for the dropped bottle.You flip Emma over and stroke her hair/face until she goes completely under.You take her phone from the floor and try to unlock it with her sleeping face.After some slight moving it unlocks and you scroll through it for intel.You are distracted by the pictures of Polina laid out and unconscious.Suddenly you turn around.Polina is standing with her gun pointed at you. She whips you in the head and then kicks your face knocking you to the ground before stepping on you with her hosed feet.
Fade to black.Fade in with you still on the floor looking up at Polina. She is holding her phone in one hand and a glass of wine in the other."Yes Boss, my plan worked" "I have captured the buyer" "Do I have permission to question them?" "Understood" you vaguely see Polina take a sip as she hangs up.Fade to black.Fade in to Polina trying to hypnotize you with the pocketwatch. Close up on her face and the watch side by side."Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice." You notice she is slightly drowsy.As she repeats it she becomes more and more tired, her eyes blinking slowly and her head swaying. Ocassionally pausing to yawn."You are getting very sleepy" She starts to slur her words and it is now very hard for her eyes to stay open"You just want to sleep to sleep""Sleep...""sleep..." After uttering the last word Polina collapses forward ontop of you.After a few moments you get up and inspect her limp form, turning her head a few times. She mews slightly at your touch but does not wakeYou walk over to Emma who is still unconscious and place her on the bed next to PolinaYou take Polina's phone and unlock it with her sleeping face.You take a few pictures of the two slumbering agents before taking the drive from Emma and leaving.
    18 minutes
Starring: MaryAnn, Keila, Alice Miren, Max
Sniper, Shooting, Stalking, Hunting 

A secret meeting has been planned in the forest between two girls and a third girl who is selling them a gun.
The hitman is sitting waiting in his car for his targets to arrive. His employer has information that a gang of girls who have been blackmailing rich men are looking for weapons and he has planned the hit before they can arm themselves.
The hitman waits patiently and suddenly receives a call that the girl’s meeting is confirmed to take place at the location he has been given. He picks up his pistol and begins to screw a suppressor to it and cock it, he admires it as he places it on the seat beside him.
Just then a single girl in a car drives by, we see her driving front view in car. We see her seatbelt pressing her breasts apart seductive and sexy look as she drives by. The hitman checks his phone to confirm her identity as one of the targets. He begins to follow her car discretely. 
We see her parking her car by the forest and getting out; she texts a message to the girls to arrange the meeting place.
She opens her trunk and checks out a couple of pistols she intends to sell, she slips them in a bag and returns to the front door of the car to retrieve something.
The hitman is waiting and walks up behind her while she is looking inside the car. He knows she may be armed so he wastes no time in despatching her while she is stretching over the seats trying to pick up something.
We see her ass and shapely figure from behind as she reaches into the car; she is dressed in very tight stretch pants that cling to every part of her body and a cropped top with a brassier slightly visible from under the crop top. The crop top hangs tightly over her breasts and the brassier presses her breasts together We see her cleavage from the other side of the car and her face as she is reaching across the seats.
We then see the hitman raise his weapon firing a single shot, hitting her in her lower back to the side.
We see her face as she is hit, her expression changes to shock and pain and we see her reach her hand to the wound as she lies over the car seats.
We see her from the hitman’s view as she begins to slide out of the car, she holds onto the seatbelt strap as she falls turning as she drops down to her knees. She recognizes the hitman and sees his weapon. She cries between her difficult (quiet) slow soft breaths… “stop”
The hitman casually walks up to the wounded woman lifting her head by her chin; he presses his silenced weapon between her breasts and tugs the cropped top down to reveal the mounds of her full breast flesh; he enjoys the view then moves away from her to retrieve her phone.
She pleads with him as he checks the text messages…
She speaks “Please don’t do this”
He is standing about 3 metres from her when he executes her; raising his weapon he fires two shots watching her body slam against the car and jolt. She grunts with an open mouth as her face shows her fear and agony as she takes the bullets in her stomach and under her breast. She slides loosely down the side of the car backwards, her eyes lifting into her eyelids as she loses consciousness and her legs fold under her perforated body. She lies on her side next to the car.
He stands over her and finishes her with a single shot to the side of her breast the bullet rips through her lungs and heart from one side to the other and she is dead, a cold dead look on her face mouth partially open with her eyes very slightly open.
The hitman always appreciates a beautiful body, he sends a text to the other girls with the woman’s cell phone to give him time to prepare for them.
He begins to check out the woman enjoying every moment as he drags her to the back of the car, he rolls her and checks her wounds he squeezes her ass and breasts, slipping her brassier above her chest before rolling her over and removing it. He drags her tight pants down her legs and partially drags her panties down just leaving them below her hips revealing a tantalizing view of the top of her groin.
He lifts her under her arms and her head is hung down her chest as he lifts her up to place her in her own trunk.
We see her arm/leg hanging out of the trunk of the car, he gently places it inside and closes the trunk.
The hitman believes that the girls may already be armed so he will take no chances. He is going to snipe them from a distance and returns to his car to collect his sniper rifle.
The two girls are waiting in the clearing exactly where the hitman had instructed using the dead woman’s cell phone. They had complied and had occupied themselves messaging their co-conspirators.
The hitman had collected his small calibre hunting rifle and made his way round to a good view point he could see both girls, one sitting with her legs crossed and the other looking bored leaning against a tree next to a small hill. 
He views each target in turn though his telescopic sights, he takes pleasure in the view he has of the girl sitting with her legs apart. She is facing away from her friend and has small earphones in, she is moving to the music playing from her phone. He could see her inner thighs and the crotch of her panties under the lose pleated skirt.  It is wrapped and partially folded around her thighs, after all, she isn’t expecting to be spied on. Her blouse is tightly pressed against bare breasts, her handbag strap separating her breasts, pushing them out and making them more prominent. 
She still had her long white socks and sneakers on since leaving the college grounds with her friend’s Insistence that she keep her company.
The girl leaning against the tree was getting restless and was wondering if they had been forgotten.  She didn’t want to leave and miss the opportunity to buy a gun.
She was dressed in a tight thin woolen style top buttoned at the front, the top forced open between each button, a teasing view of flesh and her half-cut brassiere through the thin gaps. It looked too small and shows the flesh of her belly between the blouse and her short tight skirt she wore for college that morning. She has short colored socks on with her sneakers.  The assassin views them patiently through his scope admiring the contours of the young girls.  He mouthed to himself as he prepared his first shot...
“What a waste”
He took the shot… 
The girl by the tree had moved closer to the edge of the hill and she had begun to sit and get comfortable, she was toying with the grass and viewing the direction she was expecting the seller to arrive. She checked her cell phone… 
The bullet struck her chest at the side with a thud, her phone dropped from her hand as she grunted, her head dropping forward onto her chest.  Her body tipped to one side and she began to roll down the small bank over and over, her body relaxed and limbs rolling awkwardly. She came to a stop at the bottom of the bank. Her leg shook lightly as her life drained from her still unaware what had hit her. 
The hitman viewed her crumpled body through his scope, enjoying the view of her exposed flesh her clothing dishevelled, her skirt twisted revealing her ass and thighs.  He aimed again and fired a final shot to see if she would react.  Her body jolted as the bullet struck her in the side of her lower back.  She kicked and shook momentarily then went silent. 
The other girl who had been sitting listening to her music, suddenly became aware of the commotion and turned to look for her friend but she was missing. She stood pulling out her earphones and moved closer to where she had last seen her.  She picked up the cellphone confused and looked down the bank then froze in shock. She sees her friend lying at the bottom of the hill.
The hitman had her in his sights and fired Just as she leaned over the bank to get a better look, the bullet missing her body by centimeters thudding into the tree.  She felt the force of the passing projectile and knew the danger immediately.  She screamed and dived to the ground in fear trying to keep still but trembling uncontrollably. 
The assassin searched for his final target frustrated that he had missed. The girl made her move and headed for cover unsure which direction the shot had come from. Fear took over and she ran in the opposite direction to where her friend lay slain. 
She found a small hill with bushes for cover and crept cautiously toward the top hoping to get some idea of her situation.  She viewed her surroundings looking for a way out and to safety unaware the hitman had found her and had his sights. He adjusted the sights before training the rifle on her, she was looking the wrong way. 
She is still holding on to her bag and we see the strap trapping her breast to one side. She is looking over the bushes when the bullet struck her in her back. She gurgled a scream and arched backwards, tipping back from her kneeling position and falling, arms outstretched down the slope. She slipped and rolled before coming to a stop upside down on her back, legs spread open and kicking. She turned slowly, painfully, her hand searching desperately for the wound, she arched away from the ground pushing desperately with her legs exposing her panties and groin to the watching hitman. 
The hitman reviewed the sight of both hits through his scope before placing his rifle down. 
We see the hitman walking towards the first victim his suppressed handgun drawn and ready, he places it down then rolls the first victim over checks her wounds rips open her top and slips her brassiere over her breast playing with them before gripping her skirt and as he begins to strip her; he grips her ass slapping it playfully.  He rolls her over gripping her chin and brushing her hair with his hand. 
Her clothing is partially off revealing most of her sexy body he moves away aims his weapon and shoots her in the stomach and breast watching her lifeless body jolt.  He knows she is finished; we see him preparing to take her to the car.  
We see the hitman arrive at the next victim’s location…  she is missing. Just her handbag is left. 
The hitman doesn’t have to look far, we see the victim crawling on her belly moaning in agony as she desperately tries to flee. 
The hitman watches for a while as she struggles then, without mercy, he rolls her over.  She screams in pain, weakly raising her hands in surrender. The hitman blasts her with two rapid shots to her chest and we see her breasts and body shake as she takes the bullets immediately falling still. 
The hitman begins his ritual again.  Checking her pulse checking her wounds before partially stripping her body rolling and handling her corpse. 
We see the hitman lining the two girls up by the car trunk ready to join their friend. 
We see the car drive off for the end. 

    32 minutes
CAST: Tatiana, Max, Seva
Husband: “Husband” is a retired criminal. He met Tatiana and fell in love. He decided to retire and settle down because of her. She changed him. He was thinking about retiring anyways. Tatiana made it easier. They got married and had kids. “Husband” has 20 million buried away somewhere, and he is the only one that knows where it is. “Husband” has never told Tatiana about the money but he wants to tell her. Tatiana and “Husband” have been doing small robberies because Tatiana convinced him they need the cash.  She also seems to like it. But “Husband” doesn’t want to do them anymore. He wants to focus on being a good father and husband. He plans to tell Tatiana about the money, so she does not feel they have to rob anymore.  
Tatiana: Tatiana was hired by “Boss” to find the location of the money. She understands she must earn his trust somehow. Her plan is to seduce “Husband” into falling in love with her and marry him. This way he would trust her and eventually tell her where the money is. She plans on convincing him to start robbing again. She knows “Husband” does not want to rob anymore. She thinks “Husband” will grow tired of robbing and will tell her about the money so they will stop. 
Boss: “Boss” is the former partner in crime of “Husband”. They had a big argument after a big job. They both split 40 million dollars from the job and decided to never talk again. “Boss” feels disrespected by “Husband” and wants him dead. “Boss” wants the other half of the 40 million before he is dead. He knows “Husband” buried it away but not where he buried it. “Boss” hired Tatiana to figure it out and then kill him.
But things don't go according to plan.
    16 minutes
      CANNIBALS FEAST - Another greatmovie about cannibals girls and victims!  OFFICE LIFE
    19 minutes
      OFFICE LIFE - Custom Movie



1.Judi strangles Annabelle

2.Judy crashes Annabelle’s neck

3. Annabelle shots Judi

4. Annabelle downs Judy





Office Clothes – Jachets, Blouses, Skirts, Black Stockings, Office Shoes, White panties, glasse

Great office atmosphere !


Death Scenes:

Strangulation, legs jerking, strangulation in different poses, garrote with a computer cord, crashing neck, neck break, deadly domination, fighting to the death, shooting, shooting to the knee, shooting to the leg, great pain, head shot, long postportem agony after agony, death stare, drowning, foot fetish, leg fetish


Basic premise is two rival office workers spend a dull day in the office fantasising over how to kill their rival (in a kind of fantasy dream sequence).

Both actresses in silk satin blouses, business skirt suits (skirt and jackets satin lined), white satin panties, glossy stockings or pantyhose, heels, braless etc.

            Girl 1: Uses a stocking to garrotte/strangle Girl 2 on the sofa. Lots of leg kicking, gagging sounds, tongue out and upskirt panty shots. Once her victim is dead she is dragged away by her feet making her clothing ride up even more. Death stare, tongue slightly protruding.

            Girl 1: Fights and pushes Girl 2, her rival, to the floor. Girl 1 presses her foot/stiletto on her rivals throat. Girl 2 begs for mercy - like \"No! Please! No!\" Before Girl 1 presses her foot down on Girl 2\'s throat to \'foot strangle\' her. Again, leg kicking, gagging sounds, tongue out, upskirt panty shots. Again, dragged away by her feet to make the clothes ride up. Death stare, tongue slightly protruding.

            Girl 2: Knocks out and drags her rival by her feet into the bathroom where there is a bath full of water. Girl 1 is held over the bath where she begs for mercy. Again, something like \"No! No! Please! No!\". Her head is pushed under water to drown her. Girl 2 lifts Girl 1\'s head out of the water a few times to make her suffer which means her victim begs for mercy each time (No! Please! No!) while Girl 2 taunts her about her pending death. Again, lots of leg kicking, upskirt panty shots, wet blouse/jacket. Clothes all ruffled up in the struggle. Once drowned Girl 1 is turned over into her back so she is arched over the side of the bath with her head and arms in the water. Death stare.

            Girl 2: pulls a gun on her rival and shoots her in the kneee making Girl 1 collapse. Girl 1 is on the floor dragging herself away. She is on her back, legs slightly apart to show panties, she\'s shaking her head frantically and lifting one hand up as if to shield herself from the coming bullet. Again, she begs for mercy, \"No!... No!..... Please! No!\" Before being shot in the forehead. Blowing her back to the floor dead. Arms above head. Dragged away by her feet so clothes again ride up. Death stare.

            Camera then cuts back to both girls in the office with wry smiles on their faces.



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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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