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    21 minutes



Fetish Elements:
Classic Hitchcock’s Psycho Shower Scene Remake With Mira Green!
Stabbing (Very Realistic New Technology – Mix if make up and Fx! – the most expensive and ling way to do!)
Neck Slash With Ultra Splatter Effect!

The Halloween Tradition of Our Production!
A girls has her birthday in October 31! She doesn’t celebrate Halloween because this famous holyday steals attention from her personal date – her Birth!
She invites her three best friends but one of them comes with her boyfriend. The boyfriend tries to explain that Halloween Is much important that Birthday because Jack’s Soul can’t not be respected in this Dark Night. But girls don’t pay any attention to his words. Shame on them because Jack’s sole gets hooked on a guy and he starts a bloody slaughter to bring Jack gifts on Halloween…



    10 minutes
Cast: Scarlett Fandera, Den, Alex
Elements of the story:

- clothes of the police girl: very short and tight black leather skirt, white and widely unfastened blouse put into the skirt, gun holster, police badge at the waist, high-heels, light stockings,
- girl entering the interrogation room,
- girl standing with hands on her hips, legs apart, watching a man arogantly, interrogating,
- then girl sitting on the table frivolously with her face near to criminal, detailed shots on her body/breast/legs on which the man looks embarassedly,
- first her strict expression, then smiling when the man gives her the information she needs,
- taking the gun out of holster before the action,
- girl slowly searching the place with her gun directing ahead, detailed shots on her concentrated face, shots on her body/legs/hips slowly moving ahead,
- short shootout with shots on the girl how she hides behind some wall/boxes etc. and then she fires,
-  sudden and fatal shot, shocked expression, crying, lying on her back, shocked death stare, legs put widely and uncontrollable apart, mouth open,
-  blood stains, torn blouse,
- subtitles.

Some man sits behind the table in some police interrogation room. The room is very cold with just table and chair there. The man looks very nervous.

Then a young police woman enters the room. She wears very short and tight black leather skirt with light stockings. On top she has an elegant white tight blouse with a gun holster. The blouse is put into the skirt. On her waist there is a police badge.

She puts some papers on the table and takes a pose beside the table with both her hands on her hips and legs apart.
She looks at the man strictly.

"So.... you asshole .... Do you know why you are here?"she asks him slowly with a disgusting voice still with her hands on her hips. ... "I hope you made up your mind" she continues and watches him strictly. 

The man is silent for a while. Then he just says: "I know nothing".

Hearing his answer the cop girl looks very annoyed. She silently shakes her head and scornfully smiles in a disagreement. Then with one thigh she slowly sits on the edge of the table. With her other leg she still touches the floor. Now her ultra short skirt shows her long legs in a very nice way. She sits very close to the man and says to him smiling ironically: "Boy....look.... I really don't have the whole day for you.... If you immediately tell me where I can find him, you help yourself very much. I advise you talking. I just want to get him".

The man desperately thinks about it again.
He also embarrassedly glances at her exposed thighs and breast with black bra that are so near to him.
Then he says. "Well.... southern district, building 22".

After his words, the police woman changes her strict expression. She starts smiling and in her eyes there is a big eagerness and delight.
She stands up, puts her hand on his shoulder and says with a cute voice: "Thank you, my friend... you made a very good decision. After I arrest him I will tell the prosecutor that you cooperated with us". 

The man answers very seriously: "He is insane. You have no idea what you are doing".

But she just smiles: "My job would be very boring without situations like this. Bye, boy....." she says to him smiling confidently.
And then she just takes the papers back from the table and smiling all the time she leaves the room walking very

Second part is in some place (flat, apartment, corridor, warehouse etc.). The police girl slowly takes her gun out of the holster. She slowly searches the place with her gun directing ahead with a very concentrated expression in her face. Then she is in contact with her opponent. There is a shootout. She hides beside some wall and shoot.
Suddenly the bullet hits the girl into her chest. First she shockingly looks at the place from which the shot came. Then she looks at her injury and cries fearfully, her face instead eagerness is now full of fear and surprise. Finally she falls on her back and in gasping agony she dies.

The story ends with shots on her body with blood holes and torn blouse.

    10 minutes



Fetish elements:

Shooting, Boobs, Tits, Stabbing, Much Blood, Many shots to the chest, Immortal Girl’s death, Vampire. Long agony, Death stare.




This is a story about third vampire sister. Vampire hunter knows much about killing vampires and she has wooden bullets in her gun and wooden knife.

When she arrives to Vampire’s  apartment, Vampire girl was as usual self-confident because she was immortal.

A hunter shot between her tits but vampire only laughed  in an answer but no long. Angry pain was after. Hunter tell it’s wooden bullet and vampire is in shock. Hinter shoots many times in her chest and then uses wooden knife.


If you like this clip please check out


    22 minutes

Starring: Ksysha Zaichik, Unholy Polly, Svobodnyh






Ksysha Zaichik listened how her partners were planning to kill her. Bossy Unholy Polly  caught her and together with Svobodhyh started strangling her. But Ksysha was in agreement with Svobodnyh to have a deal and betray Unholy Polly and kill her. It s interesting switch from bossy dangerous woman to helpless victim.






    28 minutes
Custom about 2 sexy agents who are on a mission but betray eachother with various knockouts.
Actresses: Alice M.(Polina) and Emma
Two agents sneak into a room guns drawn. They carefully check the area before locating a computer.Polina motions to Emma to start the hack. Emma sits down and Polina goes to watch the door.As Emma is typing, she looks over her shoulder a few times.Polina secretly prepares a white rag. Emma continues to type but slowly takes her shoes off.Polina: "Are we almost ready?"Emma: "Yes give me 5 minutes" Emma lied, she is already finished and takes the USB.Polina pretends to get a phone call walking into another roomPolina "Yes Boss, the data is authentic we will deliver soon... Yes Boss I understand" Emma takes the oppounity to quietly get up and sneak towards Polina, her gun drawn.Emma turns the corner and suddenly Polina clamps the white rag over her Emma's mouth.Emma is surprised and drops her gun, struggling against her attacker.Emma twists and kicks her legs but can't get free.Polina: "You know how this works... That's it breathe it in... Don't fight just breathe..." Emma's eyes dart around looking for anything that can help her. She holds her breath and fights for a few more seconds.Soon her legs stop kicking and her arms drop. She begins to breathe regularly and her moans become long and drawn out.Polina: "No hard feelings dear, even the best spies need to sleep sometimes..." Emma's eyes roll closed and she gives one final long moan as she passes out.She carefully lowers Emma's limp form to the floor.Polina searches Emma and finds the USB but also a small perfume bottle.Polina takes the USB and the bottle. She calls her Boss."Yes Boss, it's me... No, she is unconscious. She would have knocked me out and stolen the drive I think." "May I hypnotize her to get more answers?""Understood"Polina hangs up and brings the limp Emma over to the bed flipping her on her back.She takes her own shoes off and sits on the bed, examining Emma's toned legs.Polina gently places Emma's head on her lap and begins to massage the agent, slowly waking her up.Soon Emma begins to stir making womanly noises and slowly blinking her eyes open.Polina dangles a pocketwatch directly in front of Emma's face forcing her to stare it at.Emma's eyes try to look elsewhere but is soon fixated on the watch.Polina "Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice" Repeat several times. "you are now under my control"Emma is soon entranced.Polina orders Emma to sit up on the bed. Emma does so eyes blinking very slightly but otherwise completely relaxed.Polina puts the watch away."Sleep" Emma stares forward but does not react."Sleep" Still no reaction."Sleep" Polina touches Emma's forehead with one finger.Emma very dramatically collapses back onto the bed giving a pleasureable moan as she falls and closes her eyes."When I clap my hands you will wake up and be completely under my control"Polina takes a moment to admire Emma before she claps her hands.Emma opens her eyes and sits up."Were you going to betray me on this mission and sell the drive?" "Yes""Are you working with others?" "No""Will your buyer come to this location?" "Yes""Are you going to betray them?" Emma stares blankly"Were you planning to render me unconscious?" "Yes""Were you going to use this on me?" Polina holds up the perfume bottle. "Yes"Polina smiles and gives a sigh of satisfaction."Do you enjoy being put to sleep?" "Yes" "You look very tired would you like sleep now?" Yes..."Polina douses the white rag once again and tosses it to Emma who is sitting on the bed."Deep breath in... Deep breath out" Emma picks up the cloth and places it over her own mouth with two hands.Polina watches and smiles, very turned on."When I clap my hands you will no longer be hypnotized and not remember anything except for that sweet smell"Emma inhales and begins to moan, her eyes fluttering and her head swaying.Polina watches closely, enjoying every moment of it. Her hands are ready to clap at the precise moment.As Emma is about to pass out, Polina suddenly claps her hands.Emma's head tilts backwards and she gives on final trailing moan as she passes out. She drops the rag to reveal her face completely relaxed eyes closed and mouth open.Polina checks to make sure Emma is completely unconscious before moving her to a more comfortable sleeping position.She calls her boss. "Yes it's me" "She is working alone, I am confident." "Yes I understand, I will handle everything Boss don't worry."Polina takes the small perfume bottle and empties the contents, she replaces it with water.She walks over to the unconscious Emma and places the bottle back where she found it, also hiding her gun under the pillow.Polina puts her shoes back on and walks around, finding a bottle of wine. She pours herself a drink and sits down on the chair.She enjoys the view of Emma completely limp and helpless. She can't help put take some pictures on her phone with Emma in various positionsPolina finishes and sits back down, slowly sipping on the gass of wine and crossing her legs while she waits.Emma starts to stir. Polina takes a deep breath and turns around pretending to type.Emma quietly wakes up and carefully looks around she sees Polina distracted and readies her perfume bottle.Emma sneaks behind Polina and spins her around spraying her in the face with the sedative.Polina is caught off guard and gasps not expecting Emma to be so quick and quiet.Her shocked epression immedately turns to confusion and dizziness as she pretends to pass out. Polina manages grab Emma before falling unconscious into her waiting arms, moaning as she swooned.Emma drags the limp Polina onto the bed and searches her thoroughly, she finds the drive."Sorry beautiful, but you you should of tied me up!"Emma gets her phone and calls her buyer."Yes, I have it." Emma looks over at Polina's sleeping form "Bring the money and I have something extra for you as well" "Yes, she is unconscious bring something to keep her under"Emma hangs up and looks around, she sees the glass of wine and white rag."Enjoyed your time with me didn't you?"Emma goes to her shoes and retrieves a folded piece of paper.She reveals some white powder inside of it and pours it into the glass of wine, stirring the contents slightly."A gift for you just incase"Emma grabs the white rag and soaks it. She looks over at Polina who is still pretending to be asleep.Emma sits on the bed and clamps the rag over Polina's mouth.Polina does not open her eyes but she begins to moan. Suddenly she starts to panick when she realizes what is happening.She struggles and tries to reach for her hidden gun. "Whats wrong? Didn't think I would use this on you?" Emma teases.Polina knows theres nothing she can do at this point except to surrender to her fate. She breathes and moans deeply with pleasure as her eyes roll closed.Emma holds the cloth for a while longer. "Sweet dreams..."Emma enjoys Polina's limp form, groping her legs. She poses Polina in different provactive positions while teasing her for being so careless, taking some pictures as well. At the end she thanks Polina for giving her another item to bargain withEmma hears a knock on the door and she gets up off the bed fixing her hair/dress, putting her shoes on and grabbing her gun.
Change to FPV
Emma opens the door. "Hi there please come in" Emma walks over and shows you the unconscious Polina. "This is the bonus... Beautiful isn't she?"You zoom in and inspect Polina, moving her limp from. She is deeply unconscious.You take out a syringe and pretend to inject it into Polina's neck. At the last second you tuck the needle away hiding it from Emma."How about a toast to our success?" Emma offers seductively. She pours herself a cup and offers you the other glass."What? You don't trust me? Fine then have it your way"Emma takes out her phone and makes a call."Boss the mission was a failure. She drugged me and stole the drive. Yes I just woke up. No the data is gone, deleted from the computer as well. I think she will sell it."As Emma is distracted with the phone call you sneak up behind her."Yes I'll report back immediately" She hangs up.You inject Emma from behind and she gasps in shock, dropping the perfume bottle."Asshole! we had a deal!" She spins around, fighting to stay awake."I'll kill you..." Emma cannot finish her sentence before she lets out a moan and collapses.You watch as Emma succumbs to the drug while trying to reach for the dropped bottle.You flip Emma over and stroke her hair/face until she goes completely under.You take her phone from the floor and try to unlock it with her sleeping face.After some slight moving it unlocks and you scroll through it for intel.You are distracted by the pictures of Polina laid out and unconscious.Suddenly you turn around.Polina is standing with her gun pointed at you. She whips you in the head and then kicks your face knocking you to the ground before stepping on you with her hosed feet.
Fade to black.Fade in with you still on the floor looking up at Polina. She is holding her phone in one hand and a glass of wine in the other."Yes Boss, my plan worked" "I have captured the buyer" "Do I have permission to question them?" "Understood" you vaguely see Polina take a sip as she hangs up.Fade to black.Fade in to Polina trying to hypnotize you with the pocketwatch. Close up on her face and the watch side by side."Deep breath in... Deep breathe out..." "Follow the watch and listen to my voice." You notice she is slightly drowsy.As she repeats it she becomes more and more tired, her eyes blinking slowly and her head swaying. Ocassionally pausing to yawn."You are getting very sleepy" She starts to slur her words and it is now very hard for her eyes to stay open"You just want to sleep to sleep""Sleep...""sleep..." After uttering the last word Polina collapses forward ontop of you.After a few moments you get up and inspect her limp form, turning her head a few times. She mews slightly at your touch but does not wakeYou walk over to Emma who is still unconscious and place her on the bed next to PolinaYou take Polina's phone and unlock it with her sleeping face.You take a few pictures of the two slumbering agents before taking the drive from Emma and leaving.  Machine Gunned 3 Both Parts
    56 minutes
      Machine Gunned 3 Both Parts - MACHINE GUNNED 3
Episode 1 and 2 with SALE!


56 minutes! 3 ***** Very many DEATHS!!!

Starring: Angelina Juliana Hass

Fetish Elements:

No-***** shooting, MANY AGONY, machinegunned reactions, short shorts, black gloves, military style. Toy guns, many deaths, POV shootings, ***** killing *****, body piles. No flash effects . bodypiles

It’s shot-dead cocktail CUSTOM story with traditional black gloves and sexy situations with playing machinegunnes.
     Home Not Alone
    12 minutes
      Home Not Alone - Young pretty woman is home alone. Really? She’s sure about it! She is reading a detective story when hears a strange noises…  a robber! She grabs a knife and bravely  goes to stop the intruder. But he takes a gun and shoots her!  Again and again. In the stomach, in her chest, in her leg, arm,  in the chest! What a stupid death  - to be shot by somebody in the ugly mask in her own place! Cruel robber does a final shot in her head when she is already dead chick. 

 fetish elements

leggy blonde woman, home alone situation, shooting, headshot, execution, agony, bullets, brave ******  PHOTOSESSION WITH CANNIBALS 2
    42 minutes
Starring: Bella Lenina, Mira Green, Li
«This cannibal movie really surpasses everything. Thanks for the great realization. You simply know your craft.
You are so professional. I'm blown away by what you've translated from the script into running images.
It's just brilliant. It's an honor to work with you. I look forward to more films with you.
The models are fantastic. Many greetings to Li, Mira and Bella Lenina.
I will be designing a new script in the foreseeable future. You have inspired me further with the great execution»

Fetish Elements: 
Knocking Out, Stripping, Gagging, Execution, Begging For Life, From Brave Girl to victim, Stripping, Pantyhose, Roasting, Eating, Cannibals, Gutting, Eating Heart


A girl wants to revenge for her best friend’s death (from the first part PHOTOSESSION WITH CANNIBALS) and visits the sisters of cannibals girls from the first part. But she looses the fight and was eaten too!

    11 minutes

Starring: Maria A and Tim


Fetish Elements


Whyte blouse, black office skirt, black stocking, shoes with high heels, sexy lingerie

Death Fetishes:

Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, shooting to the chest, shooting to the heart, emotions, agony, good acting, reactions

Postmortem fetishes

Necro Stripping (topless), searching for memory-card at dead body


A spy-woman comes to her place and realizes somebody is stalking her. She’s in fear and tries to decide what should she do to save herself. But it’s too late and a killer is already at her apartment…  ASSASSINS ELIMINATION
    14 minutes


Starring: Annabelle as a killer, Nadya and Mary are as victims!

Killing ways: strangulation + poison injections to necks!
Fetish Elements:
Long Deaths, Agony, Very Expressive Death Stares!

 	Two spies are sent to eliminate a girl, but she turns the table on them and ties them up. While they are unconscious she searches them and fondles them a bit. Once they wake up, she tortures girl 1 to get girl 2 to talk. She injects girl 1 with poison, and gently touches her face while she is dying, kissing her cheek. Girl 2 starts to panic and begs her to stop. Girl 1 dies, with some blood coming out of her mouth. She tells girl 2 it's her turn unless she talks. She promises girl 2 she will let her go if she talks. Girl 2 tells her everything, crying, but she still injects her. She gently touches her face and breasts as she dies. She gives both girls a kiss, exposes their breasts, and takes their shoes before walking away.

 	For clothing I am envisioning tight leather pants and pantyhose, with high heels or booties.
    15 minutes
      POISON - This clip has no description.  DEATH SCENES
    18 minutes
Starring: Nata and Hass
Custom Clip 
17 minutes 
10 scenes
20 deaths 
Exotic, grotesque poses, expressive reactions, deadly surprised emotions, agonies, bodypiles, bottom up bodypiles and ultra sexy poses
Stabbings and shootings!
Catfightings to the death!


FULL HD, Great CameraWork, Best DarkRoom traditions

100% death fetish clip!

Scenes detailed descriptions: 
Scene 1. 

Nata is holding a gun, her legs spread apart. Nata aims to shoot (at an off-screen, unseen enemy), but she is shot in her lower belly, making her gasp with her eyes and mouth wide open and she puts her hand where she was shot. She stumbles and then falls to the floor into this pose. Pictures show facial expression when shot, body reaction, and death pose.
Hass comes in and gets on her knees beside Nata and checks her, Hass\\\'s legs are spread apart while on her knees. Hass grabs the gun and aims, but she is also shot in her lower belly, making her gasp as her head and shoulder fling back (her face looking at the ceiling), her back curved and ass sticking back a little and she puts her hand on her lower belly. The camera shows a good profile view of Hass.  Hass then falls forward over top of Nata (do not cover Nata\\\'s crotch). Hass has her ass in the air and her legs spread apart.

Scene 2. 

Nata is aiming (similar to first sample picture) but gets shot in her belly and reacts (second sample picture) and she falls to the floor in this death pose (third sample picture) , with one knee forward propping up her hips and her legs still spread apart.

Hass is aiming and also gets shot in her lower belly.  Hass falls to the ground and begins to writhe, squirm and roll around slowly as she has her hand on her lower belly (keep hand on belly entire time).  While Hass is writhing, she rolls over face-down, lifting her ass up into the air (camera shows nice view of her ass), then rolls completely over onto her side and back. Hass moans and makes sexy sounds (moans and other sexy sounds) as she writhes, arching her back up, her legs spreading apart often (camera shows between her legs and good views of her belly, hips, and ass while she is writhing.
After writhing, squirming, and rolling over for about 15 or 20 seconds, Hass gasps very loudly with her eyes and mouth open wide as her back arches very high and her legs spread (similar to photo below), then after a pause for 2 or 3 seconds, she slowly exhales with a soft, sexy moan as her body slowly relaxes (not sudden drop), as her eyes roll back and she goes limp, her leg falls to one side into her death pose and has a good death stare. 

Scene 3. 

Hass is shot in her lower belly, making her react with a sexy squeal as her body reacts (ass and hips thrust back, her back arched) as she puts her hand on her lower belly.  She is shot again under her breast, making her body react (similar to first photo). She stumbles and then falls into this pose (second photo):

Hass has one final gasp, her hips lifting into the air a little, then she exhales with a sexy, soft sigh and relaxes her body, her hips sink back down.  The camera shows 3 good camera angles, one showing between her legs and her ass, from above her, and also of her face and ass in the background.
Nata walks in and gets on her knees beside Hass.  Nata checks on her, then slowly rolls Hass over (pulling on her hips). Camera shows Hass\\\'s hips and ass as she is rolled over, her legs still open.  These sample pictures show good camera angle of Hass, Hass being rolled over, and the new pose for Hass:

Nata is then shot in her lower belly, making her react, then she falls over top of Hass 
Scene 4. 

Hass and Nata are holding fake knives, and they get locked together (holding each other\\\'s wrists), and push up against each other, legs spread apart. Camera shows profile view and also behind as they struggle with knives.  Then the girls fall to their knees, similar to these photos:

Nata forces her knife between them, the knife low to the ground, both girls have their back curved and ass sticking out some, with legs apart.  Nata slowly overpowers Hass, forcing her knife upward, closer to Hass\\\'s belly, then she thrusts upward, stabbing Hass below her bellybutton, making her gasp and squeal as her back curves down more (hips thrust upward).  When Nata pulls the knife out, Hass exhales with a moan and goes limp, slumping onto Nata.  Nata holds her up for a few seconds, then lets Hass fall backward, her legs tucked under, into the pose in the sample picture.  One sample photo shows a good body reaction from an upward stab to her lower belly, her back curved down some, her ass out, and legs spread.  The second photo is the death pose after falling back.
Nata then rolls Hass over into this pose and several camera angles are shown, including between her legs and good view of her ass.
Nata gets on one knee in a victory pose over top of Hass (see sample photo).  Nata does not know Hass is still alive and has a knife.  Hass surprises Nata with a stab to her lower belly, making her gasp.  After reacting to the stab, Nata slumps to the side of Hass, with her leg over Hass.  See sample photos for victory pose as well as death pose (body pile where their ass is still showing):

Several camera angles are shown, showing good ass views and between their legs.

Scene 5. 

Nata shoots Hass in her lower belly, Hass puts her hands on her belly, and then Hass falls slowly to her knees, her legs spread (similar to first photo).  Then Hass\\\'s eyes go cross (cross-eyed, similar to second photo), and then she slumps forward, her hips and ass high in the air, her legs spread, similar to the third photo (her legs spread, back curved down):
Camera shows good angles, including between her legs, camera low to ground and looking up between legs, camera angle from over top of her looking down, profile view, and of face with ass in background (about 10 seconds).

Nata walks to Hass and nudges her hips , which very slowly makes Hass\\\'s hips sink down to the ground (camera from behind showing her hips sink down).  Then Nata uses her foot to slowly roll over Hass into a new pose. Pictures show camera angle after her hips sink down to the ground, being rolled over, and the new death pose for Hass.
Nata is then shot by off-screen, unseen enemy and she falls.

Scene 6. 

Hass and B are standing near a couch (or bed).  Hass is shot in her lower belly, making her react with a loud gasp (eyes and mouth wide open), then a sexy moan, then she falls forward (over the edge of the couch, or off the bed), so her upper body is off the end, her face and shoulders on the ground, but her hips and ass are propped up in the air and her legs spread (see sample pose pictures).  Camera angle showing between her legs, from above, at floow level showing her face with her ass and hips in the background, similar to these deaht poses and camera angles:
Nata is then shot, making her react in a similar way as Hass. Nata falls back and is either draped back over the couch arm, or draped off the edge of the bed, her legs spread far apart, her back arched over the edge. One leg can be propped up on back of couch or someting else.  Both Hass and Nata are close together, but not covering each other.  See these sample pictures for Nata, either one will work.  Both girls should have a nice death stare.

Scene 7. 

Nata is holding a knife and Hass walks in holding a gun.  Hass shoots Nata in her lower belly, making her moan and put her hand on her belly, then she falls to the ground on her back and is limp.  Nata is still holding the knife.  Hass does not know Nata is still alive.  Hass walks over and sits on Nata, similar to these pictures:

Nata is still holding her knife, she wakes up without Hass knowing.  Nata reaches around and stabs Hass in her lower belly (or in her side), making Hass react with a gasp, her back curved, her face looking toward ceiling, similar to this pose:

When Nata pulls the knife out, Hass exhales with a sexy moan and goes limp, slumping forward, her legs still straddling Nata.  Hass\\\'s ass still propped up into the air.  After camera gets several good camera angles, including between her legs and also floor level showing her ass and hips in the background, then Nata sits up, similar to these photos:     
To make sure she is dead, Nata stabs Hass in her lower back, making Hass softly gasp and lift her hips and ass up into the air a little, then exhale with a soft sexy moan as her eyes go cross and she dies. Nata then gently rubs her hands down Hass\\\'s body, and then fondles her ass some.  Then Nata very slowly rolls Hass off to the side into a new death pose with legs spread apart far and knee bent, similar to this pose:

Nata then holds her lower belly, falls back to the floor, and begins to write and roll around, her legs spreading apart, arching her back up, rolling on her side and twisting, rolling over and lifting ass and hips into the air, similar to these sample pictures:
Then, Nata suddenly gasps very loud and lifts her entire body up, her legs spread.  After a pause for a few seconds, she slowly exhales with a soft sexy moan and relaxes her body down as her eyes roll back (not a sudden drop or plop to the floor). 

Scene 8. 

Both girls are on their knees holding knives.  They get locked together, pushing against each other, then they fall over to the floor and begin rolling around, one girl on top, then the other, and sometimes both on their side, their legs intertwined.  These photos show the action:

Hass finally gets the advantage, she gets to her knees, Nata still on the floor, her legs spread apart.  Hass gets her knife free and with Nata\\\'s legs spread far apart, she stabs her below her bellybutton, making her gasp and arch her back up, her legs still spread apart.  Sample photos show Hass on her knees, Nata has legs spread apart, and her reaction to being stabbed:
When Hass pulls the knife out, Nata exhales with a sexy moan and her eyes roll back and she goes limp.  Hass gets beside her (opposite side as camera) and runs her knife across her body while camera shows good view of her belly and between her legs.  Hass does not know that Nata is still alive.  Hass gets on top of Nata straddling her (similar to first photo), and leaning forward so her face is close to Nata, similar to second photo (talking trash to her), Hass\\\'s ass is up in the air, her back curved downward.
Hass does not know Nata is still holding a knife.  Nata is playing dead, and without Hass knowing, she sneaks a knife underneath Hass.  Nata surprises Hass with an upward stab into her lower belly (below her bellybutton), making her gasp as her back curves downward more, her eyes and mouth wide open (camera must show her body when stabbed).  Camera shows view of her face with ass in background, a good profile view (showing knife in her belly), and a good angle from behind, showing her ass and up close between her legs.  After the camera views, Nata puts her other hand (opposite side of camera) on Hass\\\'s lower back, then pulls her downward onto the knife more, making Hass gasp and moan in a sexy way, then she exhales and  her eyes go cross and her tongue sticks out as she goes limp, slumping forward over top of Nata.  Hass\\\'s ass in the air.  Sample photos show facial reactions for Hass and her death pose on top of Nata.
Scene 9. 
Hass is standing guard, her legs spread apart.  Nata is holding a knife and sneaks up from behind.  Nata puts one arm around Hass\\\'s neck, then reaches around with the knife and stabs her below her bellybutton, making her gasp and arch her back, her ass pressing into Nata. Sample pictures show good pose while standing guard and sneak frorm behind, arm around neck and curving back, and good sample picture of lower belly stab and body reaction. The fourth sample picture shows a great camera angle looking up between her legs before she slides down and while she is sliding.  Other good camera angles are from the front, and also a profile view with the knife in her belly.
Hass moans, puts her hand on her wound, then Nata pulls the knife out, which makes Hass moan.  Hass then slowly slides down to her knees, her legs spread apart.  Nata then gets on her knees behind Hass.  Nata reaches around Hass again and stabs her in her lower belly again, with a similar reaction to this sample picture:
After Hass reacts to the second belly stab, her legs begin to spread apart as she slides down to closer to the ground. Nata then slowly pulls Hass back on top of her.  Nata stabs her in the bellybutton, making Hass gasp as her back arches upward, legs spread, then after a pause, she slowly exhales with a sexy sound and goes limp.  Sample pictures show Hass with legs spread and a great camera angle between her legs, and the final belly stab and reaction.
Nata then fondles Hass for a few seconds while camera shows between her legs and another good body view.  Then Nata slowly rolls Hass into a new death pose (sample pictures):
Nata is turned on.  She gets on all fours over top of Hass (who is dead), Nata\\\'s legs are spread apart.  Nata puts the knife in Hass\\\'s limp hand. Nata moves the knife up and down her body, then she stabs herself below her bellybutton (while Hass\\\'s hands are on the knife), making Nata react with a sexy moan and a little sensation of pain as her back curves downward. Camera shows view of her face with ass in background, a profile view, and a view from behind (showing ass and between legs).  Nata then pulls the knife out with a sexy moan. Nata is very turned on.  She then stabs herself again in her belly, making her gasp with eyes and mouth wide open, then she has a pleasureful look. She pulls the knife out and her eyes roll back as she exhales with a soft sexy moan and goes limp, slumping forward over the top of Hass.  Nata\\\'s ass is in the air, her legs spread (Nata should not cover Hass\\\'s crotch).
Scene 10. 
Hass and B have knives and get locked together.  Hass pushes Nata back over the couch cushion, Nata\\\'s back is arched over the cushion and her legs are spread far apart.  Hass is between her legs (there is a gap between them so camera can see Nata\\\'s belly and between her legs).  They push up onto the couch even more and Nata is over the couch arm, her legs spread apart, and Girl is is over top of her.  Nata\\\'s legs are spread apart, one leg on the back of the couch.  Sample pictures show pushing over couch, and up over couch arm while fighting with knives:
Nata drops her knife, and Hass pushes over the couch arm.  Hass then stabs Nata below her bellybutton, making her gasp as her back curves over the couch arm even more.  Hass pulls the knife out, making Nata moan.  Hass moves back (not blocking camera view) while Nata holds her belly and writhes, her back still curved over the couch arm, her legs spread.  Nata twists, lifts her body up, lifts her legs as she writhes.  Sample shows back arched over couch arm and also writhing, lifting legs, lifting body up.
Hass then gets near Nata\\\'s face and moves the knife up and down her body, then stabs her in the bottom cleavage of her breast, making Nata gasp loudly as she arches her back high and lifts her body up, one leg on the back of the couch as she lifts up, then when Hass pulls the knife out Nata\\\'s eyes instantly go cross as she exhales with a sexy sound and her body slowly sinks back down (not sudden drop) and she is left draped backward over the couch arm, one leg on the back of the couch, legs open wide. Sample pictures show arching back and lifting up when stabbed in breast, and several samples of death poses draped back, one leg up.
Camera shows 8 seconds of showing her dead body, with a good view between her legs, from above, and another showing her face with her eyes crossed.
Hass then pulls and pushes Nata off the couch, and Nata slowly rolls over and falls to the floor, one leg still up on the couch (see sample picture of new death pose).  Hass then puts one leg up on the couch into a victory pose (see sample picture).  Then Hass is shot in her lower belly by an off-screen, unseen person and Hass reacts with a gasp (eyes and mouth wide open) as her back curves.  Hass falls forward over the couch cushion, her legs spread apart, her ass in the air.  She rolls over with her back curved over the couch arm, legs spread, as she writhes, lifting leg, turning from side to side (showing views of her ass), her hips and legs are off the edge.  Hass is shot again in her lower belly, making her react, back curving over the cushion.  She then turns over, her legs spread far apart, ass in the air.  She wants to end it, so she grabs the knife on the couch cushion.  With her back curved downward, she stabs herself in the bottom cleavage of her breast, making her gasp, then her eyes quickly go crossed and tongue out as she exhales with a sexy sigh and goes limp, her ass still in the air.  Sample pictures show the new death pose for Nata, Hass\\\'s victory pose, Hass falling over the couch arm, Hass writhing, then final death pose and facial expression for Hass.



And check out
9 stabbing of Nata
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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