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    18 minutes

Cast: Scarlett Fandera, Julia Wood, Alex
Fetish Elements
Sex and erotica, strangulation, choking, near to escape, girl and a man are killing girl, pantyhose, fiit fetish, business suit, tongue out, death stare


A woman sleeps with her sister’s husband. They decide to kill the poor wife to save their couple and business…

    47 minutes
      BLACK WIDOW 2 FULL VERSION - Mission of Black Widow Sister Ksysha


After Ksysha and her sister reported to
the secret organization they both belong to about their last mission together,
the Black Widow Sisters, the sisters go their separate ways.

Ksysha is given an assignment that will
require her special skills and brutality. With a password, she opens an
encrypted message on her computer with all the details of your order. Ksusha
reads it out loud (subtitle everything please).


5 USB sticks with secret data of the
organization were stolen by a former female agent who belongs to a syndicate
that also works underground. The data contains all information about all
agents. Now the syndicate is threatening to publish all data and thus reveal
the identity of all agents. The former agent handed over the USB sticks with
the data to four high-ranking people in the syndicate. Like the renegade agent,
these people are also well-trained contract killers. Ksysha has 24 hours to
track down the owners of the data carriers, liquidate them and take the USB
sticks in order to give them back to their organization and thus avert the
organization's collapse upon publication. Ksysha was chosen because she knows
most of the tricks of how to approach such people in order to get an
opportunity to kill them and thus complete the job successfully. Due to their
particular killing style of strangling their victims with their hands or
strangling them with their wooden-handled garrote. It never leaves any traces
and can complete its tasks silently and professionally. Ksusha agrees and
accepts the assignment.


Ksysha finds out that, in addition to
the former agent, the people involved are three other men and a woman. Ksysha
says quietly to herself that she thinks it's a pity that her sister isn't there
this time, so she has to kill the two female victims herself. She gets
information about the name of the former agent. She also finds out that there
is going to be a syndicate meeting at a hotel where all the owners of the USB
sticks are gathered. Ksysha sees this as her best chance of getting hold of the
USB sticks. Ksusha reports to her organization and plans her next steps.


Ksysha has tracked down the whereabouts
of the former agent, now disguised as a normal housewife, in order to get all
the information about the other owners. Ksysha plans her mission so that she
will first seek out the former agent, interrogate her and then kill her.


Ksysha puts on her killer outfit. A
bikini panty to tie, a leather bra, tight wet look leather pants, black leather
boots. Then she puts on her tight black leather gloves.


Standing in front of a large mirror, she
puts her hands around her neck and chokes herself, imagining killing her
victims. Then Ksysha takes her garrote and puts it around her neck and
strangles herself with it to feel how her victims feel when she strangles them
and tells herself how much she loves her job.

Then she takes her knife and puts it in
a holster, which is attached to her belt, puts her garrote in her leather
jacket and a plastic bag, takes her cell phone and she goes on her way.

The interrogation – female victim

Ksysha observes the house where the
former female agent is. She looks through a window and finds them sitting at a
desk at the computer. Ksysha finds that the former agent is alone, allowing
Ksusha to carry out her plan. Ksysha sneaks to the back door. She pulls a nylon
stocking over her face and opens it quietly with a fake key..


looks around the house and goes to the room where her former agent is. Ksysha
opens the door very quietly and enters the room, then she takes her garotte out
of her leather jacket and sneaks up to her from behind. Ksysha quickly puts the
garrote around the agent's neck and strangles her until she loses
consciousness. Then Ksysha pulls back the chair the unconscious agent is on and
ties her to the chair. Kyusha takes a glass of water and throws it in her face,
causing her to regain consciousness. Ksysha tells her that she needs
information on the owners of the other USB sticks and when the meeting should
take place. The agent laughs and says to Ksysha, you won't hear anything from
me. Ksysha smacks her twice in the face and takes out the plastic bag, goes
around the chair with it and pulls it tight over the agent's head, choking her.
The female agent twitches and fidgets, then Ksysha relaxes briefly, then
tightens again. When Ksysha notices that the resistance is slowly fading, she
takes off the plastic bag. The agent gasps wildly. Ksysha steps in front of her
and asks if the agent is willing to give Ksysha the information. The agent
laughs again and spits in Ksysha's face. Then Ksysha takes off her stocking
mask, gets her knife out of the holster and puts it behind the agent's throat
and says decisively, the information please or I'll cut your throat. The agent
says o.k. I'll tell you everything you want to know, but let me live. Ksysha
puts the knife back in the holster and steps in front of the agent. She tells
Ksysha everything she needs to know and then asks if Ksysha will untie her.
Ksysha slowly releases her from the chair, the agent stands up and when Ksusha
turns her back for a moment, Ksysha takes her garrote out of her leather jacket
and puts it around the agent's neck from behind. The agent thrashes wildly,
still dazed from the interrogation and struggles weakly, but is able to free
herself for a moment. Ksysha takes the garrote and wraps it around her neck
from behind, pulls it back and throws it on the bed. Ksysha sits on her and
strangles her to death with her garrote. The agent convulses and trembles and
lashes out wildly again, but becomes weaker and weaker and finally gives up, so
that Ksysha can finish her job in peace. As saliva runs out of her mouth,
Ksysha pulls her garrote even tighter and the agent's legs twitch again until
she was finally strangled by Ksysha and her tongue protrudes limply from her
mouth. Ksysha then takes her cell phone and calls her organization to report.
She says that she has received all the information and can now continue and
successfully complete her mission. The agent would have told her the names,
place and time of the meeting. The organizer asks Ksysha what about the former
agent. Ksysha tells them that she strangled the agent. The organization is
satisfied and says that the agent as a traitor got what she deserved and asks
Ksysha how she intends to proceed. Ksysha says that she will assume the former
agent's identity and thus enter the meeting point with forged papers and seek
out and kill one by one the USB stick owners. (please subtitle the
conversation), then Ksysha hangs up and heads to the meeting point.


The meeting place


Ksysha has arrived at the rendezvous
point under her false identity. She is admitted there with the forged papers
and the identity of the former agent. Ksysha is assigned a room and given all
the details about the planned meeting. She receives a folder in which all
owners of the USB stick with picture and name as well as their specialties as
contract killers. Ksysha studies the documents and plans her further mission.
The female assassin strangles her victims just like Ksusha, so Ksysha looks
forward to a big fight with her. Two of the male contract killers have
specialized in killing women exclusively, in which they can quickly gain trust
as womanizers through their good looks and usually strangle their female
victims after sex. Ksysha says to himself that this time the victim will be the
perpetrator and decides to seduce these two men and strangle them at a suitable
moment. The third male hitman only kills with a silenced gun. Ksysha decides to
break into this hitman's house so that she has the element of surprise for
herself to kill him (Please subtitle everything as an inner monologue).



The mission - female victim


Ksysha is on his way to the female
assassin's lodging. She had previously worked as a prostitute and improved her
standard of living through contract killings. The Syndicate became aware of her
because they found it remarkable that all of her victims were exclusively
strangled or strangled by her. Since joining the Syndicate, she no longer has
to work as a prostitute and has since improved her skills. Ksysha got this info
on the assassin from the folder she received when she checked in. Ksusha breaks
into the assassin's room with a master key she stole from one of her recent
victims and looks around. The assassin arrives at the meeting point shortly, so
Ksusha hides under the bed and can wait for her in peace. The contract killer
enters the room (in a black leather outfit, please). Ksysha watches her through
the large mirror on the wall, waiting for the right moment. When the assassin
sits down on the bed, Ksysha emerges from her hiding place, takes her garotte
and puts it around the assassin's neck. This is very strong, so she can break
free. She slaps Ksysha in the face, causing her to be dazed for a moment.
During this time, the assassin takes her murder tool, a USB cable, and puts it
around Ksysha's neck from behind. Ksysha sinks to her knees and it looks like
it's going to go wrong this time.


Since Ksysha has learned to control her
body through training long choking sequences with her sister, she can fake her
death to the assassin, who believes Ksusha is dead and slowly loosens the USB
cable around Ksysha's neck again. Ksysha, who is of course still alive, gets up
in a flash and hits the assassin in the stomach area and pushes her onto the
bed. Then Ksysha puts her hands around the assassin's neck and chokes her so
hard that the assassin loses consciousness at first. Ksysha takes her hands
from her neck, grabs her garrote and puts it completely around the assassin's
neck, waking her up. Ksysha tells her that she will give her a chance to save
her life, but only if she tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. The assassin
tells Ksysha and asks what the chances are of sparing her life. Ksysha then
tells the assassin that she never intended to spare her, but gives her a chance
to save herself. Then Ksysha takes the assassin's USB cable and puts it around
his neck, grabs the handles of the garrote and says to the assassin either you
have the strength to strangle me and save yourself with it, or I'll kill you
now and pull close the garrote. The assassin grabs the ends of the USB cable
and strangles Ksysha while she tightens the garrote wrapped around the
assassin's neck. Ksysha also enjoys being choked herself while she kills. The
assassin's power wanes and the USB cable around Ksysha's neck becomes loose. Then
the assassin tries to stop Ksysha from strangling her by thrashing about wildly
and trying to pry Ksysha's hands free. Since Ksysha has perfected her choking
technique since she was a teenager, the assassin's defenses are futile, causing
her to weaken and weaken until her body twitches and slowly goes limp. Ksysha
pulls a little harder until the assassin is motionless and saliva is running
out of her mouth. Then Ksysha slowly eases off and loosens the garrote and
takes it off the dead assassin's neck.


Ksysha checks her pulse as usual to make
sure she really is dead. She then tells the dead assassin that this was the
best fight she's ever had with a female killer, better than many a male victim
Ksusha strangled (subtitled please). Ksysha takes the USB cable and puts it
around the dead assassin's neck as if she had strangled herself. After that,
Ksysha goes to a hiding place in the room where the 4th USB stick is and takes
it. Ksysha picks up her phone again to tell her organization that the mission
is all but accomplished. The only thing missing now is the last USB stick. The
organization asks Ksysha if she needs help or still has the strength to
complete this mission on her own. Ksysha says she already has a plan on how to
get the last stick and hangs up.


The mission – last male victim


Ksysha found out that the last owner of
the USB stick had his quarters on the ground floor of the meeting point, so she
decides to break into the room where the last male assassin is located through
a window. She pulls a stocking mask over her head. Ksysha is quiet and nimble
like a cat, allowing her to break in without making a sound. Ksysha quietly
looks around to find out where the assassin is. She quietly enters the bedroom
where the assassin is apparently asleep on his stomach. Ksysha sees his gun
with a silencer on the bedside table and she knows he's very fast so she has to
be careful. Ksysha takes her garotte out of her leather jacket and quietly
pulls it off. Then she jumps onto him in a flash and sits on her from behind
and, before he realizes what happened, puts her garrote around his neck and
powerfully strangles him from behind until he is unconscious. Ksysha dismounts
from him and searches the room but cannot find the USB stick. Ksusha has no
choice but to find out from the assassin himself.


She turns the hitman over and wakes him
up, takes off her leather gloves and wraps her bare hands around his neck and
squeezes hard until he's unconscious again. Ksysha wanted to feel her victim's
neck and now puts her leather gloves back on, waking him up again and wrapping
her hands around his neck again and squeezing hard. He fights and is able to
flee for a moment and grabs his gun but doesn't stand a chance, Ksysha knocks
it out of his hand. He tries to pick her up again and at that moment Ksysha
takes her garotte again and puts it around the hitman's neck from behind and
brutally pulls him back onto the bed. Ksysha sits back on him and tucks his
arms under her legs. Then she slaps him in the face a few times and asks for
the USB stick. Tell me where this is and I'll let you live. He initially
refuses and Ksysha hits him again. She takes her garrote and puts it around the
contract killer's neck again and tightens it tightly. Say it or I'll kill you
now, she yells at him. When he slowly gets weaker and realizes that he has no
chance against Ksysha, he agrees and tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. Then
he says to Ksysha now let me go.

She then opens her leather jacket and
shows him her bare breasts, saying it's the last thing he'll see. She takes her
garrote again and chokes him to death with it and enjoys watching him in the
eye and enjoying his agony as his body twitches and struggles to survive but
stands no chance against Ksysha. The victim salivates from his mouth after
being strangled by her. Ksysha goes to a small safe in the room and enters the
combination she received earlier from the assassin. She takes the last USB
stick and goes back to her own quarters. She places the USB sticks on a table
in front of her and smiles contentedly. Then she calls her organization and
tells her about the last stick and her successful mission. Your organization is
fully satisfied and expects Ksysha back with all 5 USB sticks. Ksysha says that
to maintain her cover she will attend the syndicate meeting. The organization
agrees and Ksysha hangs up. Then Ksysha stands in front of a large mirror and
looks at herself from all sides with satisfaction, touches herself everywhere
and feels her body and then leaves her room.


Outfit Ksusha: lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black
leather jacket, tight black leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots
and very 
  short black gloves. 

Outfit female victim: lingerie
(Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight black leggings, belt,
black leather boots and very 
          short black gloves.
    16 minutes
Thank you so much Ugine! I just watched this movie! GREAT!
Alice and Mira are as amazing as always, the acting, the emotions are the best! The new girl, Julia Wood, I like her! So beautiful and sexy. I will definitely want her to be the main actor in the future custom!
Thank you again Ugine! Great work!
«Customer’s Review»

Nata and Alice M are 2 police girls searching an terrorist’s house. They enter the house and search for an very important file.But the house is a trap.
The enemy (male) and his loyal body guard Mira Green is ready to hunt the police girls.
Clothing:  (I will send you some pictures of the cloth. I’m not sure if “translucent white shirts” is accurate enough.)
Alice and Nata are both wear translucent white shirts, no bras, black short skirts, black stockings, high heels, and Nata wears a camisole inside the shirt.
Mira is wearing a white shirt, no bra, black skirt, high heels, and garter stockings.
Plot: (Just main ideas, I will send you a full script with details and pictures these days.)
(1)    The 2 police girls search the house. Alice caught the male terrorist first. She pointed her gun at the terrorist fan and asked him to stand against the wall with his head in both hands.  But Mira attacked Alice from behind and shot her twice in the back.  When Alice was injured and moaning, the male terrorist took Alice's gun.  During the fight for the gun, Alice was shot twice in the stomach.  Alice leaned against the wall weakly, and the male terrorist began to take off her shirt.
(2)     "You will not get away with this" Alice groaned in pain.  "Neither you" the man said, and then precisely shot Alice's left and right nipples.
(3)    Alice was injured so badly that she had no strength. She fell against the wall, barely supporting her upper body.  At this time, the man fired two shots at Alice's breasts, and Alice died in pain with groaning and struggling.
(4)    The man and Mira took off Alice's shirt and played with her body. 
(5)    Here is a close-up of Alice's body
(6)     At this time, Nata also found the terrorists. She saw what the terrorists did to Alice outside the door.  Nata was very angry and rushed into the house and shot the terrorists.
(7)    At this time Mira reflected, she stood in front of the man and shot Nata.  Nata was shot many times ( including 2 precisely shooting in nipples and 1 in abdomen, other shots depends on you), Nata groaned, trying to stand firm, but fell in the end unwillingly.  Struggling painfully on the ground.
(8)    At this time Mira found that she had been shot as well (She is shocked and pianful. She got a few shots in the chest, both nipples were shot), and fell unwillingly.
(9)    Mira begged the man to save her, but the man ignored her.  The man play with Mira's body, pinching the wound on Mira's chest, making her groan in pain (if it can be filmed), and slowly taking off Mira's shirt to expose her beautiful body  After playing, the man shot Mira's heart and ended the beautiful bodyguard.
(10) On the other side, Nata was still struggling, and the man also took off her clothes.  Nata didn't beg for mercy, saying that the man would be caught. The man shot Nata angrily, killed Nata, took off her clothes and played with her body.
(11)  Close-up of the bodies of Mira and Nata
(12)  Finally, the men dragged their bodies together and inspected the wounds.  There are close-up shots here.

    22 minutes


Starring: Lili and Vika

Vika is a victim!


Car Strangulation






Cut Throat

Great Killing Mix!


1.      Business lady was strangled in the car

2.      Young girl was shot in apartment

3.      Girl in sexy dress and stocking was strangled on the chair with her hands tied

4.      Sexy girl in denim sexy shorts was garroted  from behind

5.      Sexy college girl was bagged

6.      Young innocent girl was cruelly stabbed with her  falled trying to escape!

If you like this clip please check out

    9 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Luiza and Lara and also Dan and Alex 

The Empress and her faithful servant dine in the refectory when the sect of killers of queens penetrates the castle. They cut their throats in the most severe way. Blood splashes like a river, filling their breasts. They die with terrific death stares. Killers drink their blood and leave bare bleeding bodies on the table like meat

If you like this movie
SACRIFICE  Female Criminal Executed 3
    16 minutes
      Female Criminal Executed 3 - Female Criminal Executed 3


« The film is good, but in the plot, I hope the prayer should be hair dishevelled instead of braided. However, that's ok. I still like this film. Thank you!»

Customet’s Review

FETISH ELEMENTS: dirty bare feet (sole), face reaction (eyes, choking expression and death stare), feet and toe reaction (plenty of sexy foot fetish close ups during the struggle and after death), bladder release, death stare, evisceration, blooded body.


Actress (Li): Female prisoner with full nude, hair dishevelled

Actor 1: Executioner

Actor 2: Prison Chaplain (Priest)

Actor 3: Coroner

Priest and Coroner can be the same actor


A female criminal is declared guilty of murder and sentenced to the garrote. The day before the execution day, in prison, the woman is handcuffed and shackled, dressed in a prison suit. She despairs and faces her fear of death, crying(or weeping) and regretting. A priest comes inside and comforts her by chatting. The priest persuades the woman to donate her organ to medicine to redemption for her sins. The priest will help the woman to save her soul. The woman agrees to donate her organ and she calms down finally. In execution day, a executioner come into the prison to take the woman to execution chamber. The woman was taken off her handcuffs, shackles(leg irons) and prison suit. She is fully nude. Then the executioner takes her to the execution. Before execution, the woman is so calm. She sits down slowly. The executioner bound her hands together attached to the pole behind, and sets the noose around her neck...everything is ready. Then, the priest comes and performs a religious service for her to save her soul.


Then, the executioner begin to turn the rod (the first time). At the beginning, there is some residual oxygen in the woman’s body, so she has no symptoms for a short time. She stares straight ahead nervously, with her hand clenched, but she is not afraid. She tries to be calm and breathe deeply. About 30s later, her breath becomes deeper and faster obviously. Her heart also beat faster... Then, the executioner turns the rod again(the second time). She has a difficult time breathing, with a purplish swelling of face, distension of jugular vein, muscle cramp. Her eyes open wide as she tries to inhale repeatedly, but no air enters her lungs. Her month becomes wider with tongue out and the saliva dribble from the month. Her feet struggle fiercely, kicking at random (lens on the feet sole). She realizes that her body is paralyzed, and she is losing her senses. She makes a weak gasping sound as her lungs desperately tried to keep her alive. Her fingers and toes curl in and out slowly as her pulse begins to slow down. Her body goes completely limp. Then, the executioner goes to her to see if she's dead, and finds she still alive. Then, he turns the rod again(the third time). The woman suddenly struggle fiercely...She makes a strange groaning sound for a few moments. Her opened eyes unable to focus (pupil dilation). Her blood oozes from her eyes, nose and mouth. Her feet twitch a few times (close-up view of feet sole), and she looks nearly dead, even though her heart is still beating slowly. In one last struggle to live, she release her bladder, her back arches up and all her muscles contract violently, but then she gives up and collapses. As she takes her dying breaths, her feet continue to twitch (close-up view of feet sole). Her heartbeat becomes weaker, until one last shudder passes through her body and the last air left in her lungs escapes in a weak sigh, and at the same time, her fingers and toes curl tightly, and then relax for the last time (close-up view of foot sole). Then, the executioner turn the rod as last time, to ensure the death of the prisoner. The woman is finally dead with a purplish swelling of face, stared eyes, wide month with tongue out. The blood oozes from her eyes, nose and mouth (her dead body is viewed included dirty foot sole clearly, similar to this follow picture:).(This paragraph shoots about 10mins)


After about 30 seconds, the executioner certifies that the prisoner has already died. Then, a coroner comes into to the execution chamber. The executioner and coroner put the woman’s dead body in morgue cart. They eviscerate the woman, taking out some of her organ (heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, lung, intestine...) and put them in medicine bottles ( the lens can be on her feet sole and face...). The blood spit out from the woman’s month... Then the coroner takes the medicine bottles and leaves. The executioner pushes the cart loaded the woman’s blooded dead body to the morgue (the lens on the dirty feet sole). In the morgue, the woman is dead with a dissected blooded body, purplish swelling of face, stared eyes, wide month with and tongue out. The blood oozes from her eyes, nose and mouth. Her dead body is viewed from all angles include feet sole. 


Female Criminal Executed

Female Criminal Executed 2
    18 minutes
Starring: Nata and Hass
Custom Clip 
17 minutes 
10 scenes
20 deaths 
Exotic, grotesque poses, expressive reactions, deadly surprised emotions, agonies, bodypiles, bottom up bodypiles and ultra sexy poses
Stabbings and shootings!
Catfightings to the death!


FULL HD, Great CameraWork, Best DarkRoom traditions

100% death fetish clip!

Scenes detailed descriptions: 
Scene 1. 

Nata is holding a gun, her legs spread apart. Nata aims to shoot (at an off-screen, unseen enemy), but she is shot in her lower belly, making her gasp with her eyes and mouth wide open and she puts her hand where she was shot. She stumbles and then falls to the floor into this pose. Pictures show facial expression when shot, body reaction, and death pose.
Hass comes in and gets on her knees beside Nata and checks her, Hass\\\'s legs are spread apart while on her knees. Hass grabs the gun and aims, but she is also shot in her lower belly, making her gasp as her head and shoulder fling back (her face looking at the ceiling), her back curved and ass sticking back a little and she puts her hand on her lower belly. The camera shows a good profile view of Hass.  Hass then falls forward over top of Nata (do not cover Nata\\\'s crotch). Hass has her ass in the air and her legs spread apart.

Scene 2. 

Nata is aiming (similar to first sample picture) but gets shot in her belly and reacts (second sample picture) and she falls to the floor in this death pose (third sample picture) , with one knee forward propping up her hips and her legs still spread apart.

Hass is aiming and also gets shot in her lower belly.  Hass falls to the ground and begins to writhe, squirm and roll around slowly as she has her hand on her lower belly (keep hand on belly entire time).  While Hass is writhing, she rolls over face-down, lifting her ass up into the air (camera shows nice view of her ass), then rolls completely over onto her side and back. Hass moans and makes sexy sounds (moans and other sexy sounds) as she writhes, arching her back up, her legs spreading apart often (camera shows between her legs and good views of her belly, hips, and ass while she is writhing.
After writhing, squirming, and rolling over for about 15 or 20 seconds, Hass gasps very loudly with her eyes and mouth open wide as her back arches very high and her legs spread (similar to photo below), then after a pause for 2 or 3 seconds, she slowly exhales with a soft, sexy moan as her body slowly relaxes (not sudden drop), as her eyes roll back and she goes limp, her leg falls to one side into her death pose and has a good death stare. 

Scene 3. 

Hass is shot in her lower belly, making her react with a sexy squeal as her body reacts (ass and hips thrust back, her back arched) as she puts her hand on her lower belly.  She is shot again under her breast, making her body react (similar to first photo). She stumbles and then falls into this pose (second photo):

Hass has one final gasp, her hips lifting into the air a little, then she exhales with a sexy, soft sigh and relaxes her body, her hips sink back down.  The camera shows 3 good camera angles, one showing between her legs and her ass, from above her, and also of her face and ass in the background.
Nata walks in and gets on her knees beside Hass.  Nata checks on her, then slowly rolls Hass over (pulling on her hips). Camera shows Hass\\\'s hips and ass as she is rolled over, her legs still open.  These sample pictures show good camera angle of Hass, Hass being rolled over, and the new pose for Hass:

Nata is then shot in her lower belly, making her react, then she falls over top of Hass 
Scene 4. 

Hass and Nata are holding fake knives, and they get locked together (holding each other\\\'s wrists), and push up against each other, legs spread apart. Camera shows profile view and also behind as they struggle with knives.  Then the girls fall to their knees, similar to these photos:

Nata forces her knife between them, the knife low to the ground, both girls have their back curved and ass sticking out some, with legs apart.  Nata slowly overpowers Hass, forcing her knife upward, closer to Hass\\\'s belly, then she thrusts upward, stabbing Hass below her bellybutton, making her gasp and squeal as her back curves down more (hips thrust upward).  When Nata pulls the knife out, Hass exhales with a moan and goes limp, slumping onto Nata.  Nata holds her up for a few seconds, then lets Hass fall backward, her legs tucked under, into the pose in the sample picture.  One sample photo shows a good body reaction from an upward stab to her lower belly, her back curved down some, her ass out, and legs spread.  The second photo is the death pose after falling back.
Nata then rolls Hass over into this pose and several camera angles are shown, including between her legs and good view of her ass.
Nata gets on one knee in a victory pose over top of Hass (see sample photo).  Nata does not know Hass is still alive and has a knife.  Hass surprises Nata with a stab to her lower belly, making her gasp.  After reacting to the stab, Nata slumps to the side of Hass, with her leg over Hass.  See sample photos for victory pose as well as death pose (body pile where their ass is still showing):

Several camera angles are shown, showing good ass views and between their legs.

Scene 5. 

Nata shoots Hass in her lower belly, Hass puts her hands on her belly, and then Hass falls slowly to her knees, her legs spread (similar to first photo).  Then Hass\\\'s eyes go cross (cross-eyed, similar to second photo), and then she slumps forward, her hips and ass high in the air, her legs spread, similar to the third photo (her legs spread, back curved down):
Camera shows good angles, including between her legs, camera low to ground and looking up between legs, camera angle from over top of her looking down, profile view, and of face with ass in background (about 10 seconds).

Nata walks to Hass and nudges her hips , which very slowly makes Hass\\\'s hips sink down to the ground (camera from behind showing her hips sink down).  Then Nata uses her foot to slowly roll over Hass into a new pose. Pictures show camera angle after her hips sink down to the ground, being rolled over, and the new death pose for Hass.
Nata is then shot by off-screen, unseen enemy and she falls.

Scene 6. 

Hass and B are standing near a couch (or bed).  Hass is shot in her lower belly, making her react with a loud gasp (eyes and mouth wide open), then a sexy moan, then she falls forward (over the edge of the couch, or off the bed), so her upper body is off the end, her face and shoulders on the ground, but her hips and ass are propped up in the air and her legs spread (see sample pose pictures).  Camera angle showing between her legs, from above, at floow level showing her face with her ass and hips in the background, similar to these deaht poses and camera angles:
Nata is then shot, making her react in a similar way as Hass. Nata falls back and is either draped back over the couch arm, or draped off the edge of the bed, her legs spread far apart, her back arched over the edge. One leg can be propped up on back of couch or someting else.  Both Hass and Nata are close together, but not covering each other.  See these sample pictures for Nata, either one will work.  Both girls should have a nice death stare.

Scene 7. 

Nata is holding a knife and Hass walks in holding a gun.  Hass shoots Nata in her lower belly, making her moan and put her hand on her belly, then she falls to the ground on her back and is limp.  Nata is still holding the knife.  Hass does not know Nata is still alive.  Hass walks over and sits on Nata, similar to these pictures:

Nata is still holding her knife, she wakes up without Hass knowing.  Nata reaches around and stabs Hass in her lower belly (or in her side), making Hass react with a gasp, her back curved, her face looking toward ceiling, similar to this pose:

When Nata pulls the knife out, Hass exhales with a sexy moan and goes limp, slumping forward, her legs still straddling Nata.  Hass\\\'s ass still propped up into the air.  After camera gets several good camera angles, including between her legs and also floor level showing her ass and hips in the background, then Nata sits up, similar to these photos:     
To make sure she is dead, Nata stabs Hass in her lower back, making Hass softly gasp and lift her hips and ass up into the air a little, then exhale with a soft sexy moan as her eyes go cross and she dies. Nata then gently rubs her hands down Hass\\\'s body, and then fondles her ass some.  Then Nata very slowly rolls Hass off to the side into a new death pose with legs spread apart far and knee bent, similar to this pose:

Nata then holds her lower belly, falls back to the floor, and begins to write and roll around, her legs spreading apart, arching her back up, rolling on her side and twisting, rolling over and lifting ass and hips into the air, similar to these sample pictures:
Then, Nata suddenly gasps very loud and lifts her entire body up, her legs spread.  After a pause for a few seconds, she slowly exhales with a soft sexy moan and relaxes her body down as her eyes roll back (not a sudden drop or plop to the floor). 

Scene 8. 

Both girls are on their knees holding knives.  They get locked together, pushing against each other, then they fall over to the floor and begin rolling around, one girl on top, then the other, and sometimes both on their side, their legs intertwined.  These photos show the action:

Hass finally gets the advantage, she gets to her knees, Nata still on the floor, her legs spread apart.  Hass gets her knife free and with Nata\\\'s legs spread far apart, she stabs her below her bellybutton, making her gasp and arch her back up, her legs still spread apart.  Sample photos show Hass on her knees, Nata has legs spread apart, and her reaction to being stabbed:
When Hass pulls the knife out, Nata exhales with a sexy moan and her eyes roll back and she goes limp.  Hass gets beside her (opposite side as camera) and runs her knife across her body while camera shows good view of her belly and between her legs.  Hass does not know that Nata is still alive.  Hass gets on top of Nata straddling her (similar to first photo), and leaning forward so her face is close to Nata, similar to second photo (talking trash to her), Hass\\\'s ass is up in the air, her back curved downward.
Hass does not know Nata is still holding a knife.  Nata is playing dead, and without Hass knowing, she sneaks a knife underneath Hass.  Nata surprises Hass with an upward stab into her lower belly (below her bellybutton), making her gasp as her back curves downward more, her eyes and mouth wide open (camera must show her body when stabbed).  Camera shows view of her face with ass in background, a good profile view (showing knife in her belly), and a good angle from behind, showing her ass and up close between her legs.  After the camera views, Nata puts her other hand (opposite side of camera) on Hass\\\'s lower back, then pulls her downward onto the knife more, making Hass gasp and moan in a sexy way, then she exhales and  her eyes go cross and her tongue sticks out as she goes limp, slumping forward over top of Nata.  Hass\\\'s ass in the air.  Sample photos show facial reactions for Hass and her death pose on top of Nata.
Scene 9. 
Hass is standing guard, her legs spread apart.  Nata is holding a knife and sneaks up from behind.  Nata puts one arm around Hass\\\'s neck, then reaches around with the knife and stabs her below her bellybutton, making her gasp and arch her back, her ass pressing into Nata. Sample pictures show good pose while standing guard and sneak frorm behind, arm around neck and curving back, and good sample picture of lower belly stab and body reaction. The fourth sample picture shows a great camera angle looking up between her legs before she slides down and while she is sliding.  Other good camera angles are from the front, and also a profile view with the knife in her belly.
Hass moans, puts her hand on her wound, then Nata pulls the knife out, which makes Hass moan.  Hass then slowly slides down to her knees, her legs spread apart.  Nata then gets on her knees behind Hass.  Nata reaches around Hass again and stabs her in her lower belly again, with a similar reaction to this sample picture:
After Hass reacts to the second belly stab, her legs begin to spread apart as she slides down to closer to the ground. Nata then slowly pulls Hass back on top of her.  Nata stabs her in the bellybutton, making Hass gasp as her back arches upward, legs spread, then after a pause, she slowly exhales with a sexy sound and goes limp.  Sample pictures show Hass with legs spread and a great camera angle between her legs, and the final belly stab and reaction.
Nata then fondles Hass for a few seconds while camera shows between her legs and another good body view.  Then Nata slowly rolls Hass into a new death pose (sample pictures):
Nata is turned on.  She gets on all fours over top of Hass (who is dead), Nata\\\'s legs are spread apart.  Nata puts the knife in Hass\\\'s limp hand. Nata moves the knife up and down her body, then she stabs herself below her bellybutton (while Hass\\\'s hands are on the knife), making Nata react with a sexy moan and a little sensation of pain as her back curves downward. Camera shows view of her face with ass in background, a profile view, and a view from behind (showing ass and between legs).  Nata then pulls the knife out with a sexy moan. Nata is very turned on.  She then stabs herself again in her belly, making her gasp with eyes and mouth wide open, then she has a pleasureful look. She pulls the knife out and her eyes roll back as she exhales with a soft sexy moan and goes limp, slumping forward over the top of Hass.  Nata\\\'s ass is in the air, her legs spread (Nata should not cover Hass\\\'s crotch).
Scene 10. 
Hass and B have knives and get locked together.  Hass pushes Nata back over the couch cushion, Nata\\\'s back is arched over the cushion and her legs are spread far apart.  Hass is between her legs (there is a gap between them so camera can see Nata\\\'s belly and between her legs).  They push up onto the couch even more and Nata is over the couch arm, her legs spread apart, and Girl is is over top of her.  Nata\\\'s legs are spread apart, one leg on the back of the couch.  Sample pictures show pushing over couch, and up over couch arm while fighting with knives:
Nata drops her knife, and Hass pushes over the couch arm.  Hass then stabs Nata below her bellybutton, making her gasp as her back curves over the couch arm even more.  Hass pulls the knife out, making Nata moan.  Hass moves back (not blocking camera view) while Nata holds her belly and writhes, her back still curved over the couch arm, her legs spread.  Nata twists, lifts her body up, lifts her legs as she writhes.  Sample shows back arched over couch arm and also writhing, lifting legs, lifting body up.
Hass then gets near Nata\\\'s face and moves the knife up and down her body, then stabs her in the bottom cleavage of her breast, making Nata gasp loudly as she arches her back high and lifts her body up, one leg on the back of the couch as she lifts up, then when Hass pulls the knife out Nata\\\'s eyes instantly go cross as she exhales with a sexy sound and her body slowly sinks back down (not sudden drop) and she is left draped backward over the couch arm, one leg on the back of the couch, legs open wide. Sample pictures show arching back and lifting up when stabbed in breast, and several samples of death poses draped back, one leg up.
Camera shows 8 seconds of showing her dead body, with a good view between her legs, from above, and another showing her face with her eyes crossed.
Hass then pulls and pushes Nata off the couch, and Nata slowly rolls over and falls to the floor, one leg still up on the couch (see sample picture of new death pose).  Hass then puts one leg up on the couch into a victory pose (see sample picture).  Then Hass is shot in her lower belly by an off-screen, unseen person and Hass reacts with a gasp (eyes and mouth wide open) as her back curves.  Hass falls forward over the couch cushion, her legs spread apart, her ass in the air.  She rolls over with her back curved over the couch arm, legs spread, as she writhes, lifting leg, turning from side to side (showing views of her ass), her hips and legs are off the edge.  Hass is shot again in her lower belly, making her react, back curving over the cushion.  She then turns over, her legs spread far apart, ass in the air.  She wants to end it, so she grabs the knife on the couch cushion.  With her back curved downward, she stabs herself in the bottom cleavage of her breast, making her gasp, then her eyes quickly go crossed and tongue out as she exhales with a sexy sigh and goes limp, her ass still in the air.  Sample pictures show the new death pose for Nata, Hass\\\'s victory pose, Hass falling over the couch arm, Hass writhing, then final death pose and facial expression for Hass.



And check out
9 stabbing of Nata  SUPER ANGELINA ORIGIN
    13 minutes




Starring: Angelina, Max  


Inspector Angelia follows the villain warlord to an abandoned warehouse. She had been following him since arriving at the location Super Annabelle had gone to, just in time to see him leave. She enters the abandoned building

She see’s the Warlord about to grab a pair of floating scissors, she yells at him to “Stop, put your hands up and walk to me slowly”

“I can’t…can’t you hear the voice, it’s telling me to pick up the scissors, I can’t stop” explains the Warlord

“I’ll shoot if you pick up those scissors.” Warns Angelina

He grabs the scissors and she shots him in the chest. He drops to the ground with the scissors in his hand. Inspector Angelia slowly approaches the Warlord who is either dead or dying, looking out for any of his gang members.

She approaches the body of the Warlord and is surprised to see the body of a man wearing a trench coat, his face is masked, only his eyes are visible. She can see a pair of scissors in his hand, the same pair of scissors he grabbed, and his other hand is now a claw. Suddenly he opens eyes, eyes that now have a haunting red glow.

He stabs her in the upper thigh of one thigh with his scissors and stabs her in the other upper thigh with the claw . He then pushes down on his weapons to help stand him up, causing a large gash to appear on both legs, dark red blood oozes from the wound

He lets go of her skirt; Inspector Angelia quickly pulls up her panties and her tights, causing more runs to appear. She lifts her skirt as she pulls up her panties and tights. He stabs her in the crotch with his scissors when her panties are exposed. Blood sprays from the wound.

She covers her panties with her skirt and keeps a hand on her crotch as she hunches over. The masked man then stabs her in the crotch again, with the scissors, going through her hand on her skirt, and her skirt. More blood sprays from the wound.

She screams in pain holding the wrist of her bloodied hand. She gets twirled around so her back is facing the masked man. He slashes her across the back with his clawed hand causing multiple gashes to appear on her back. dark red blood oozes from the wound.

He then stabs her in-between her legs, dark red blood sprays and then drips down from the wound. Inspector Angelia in a lot of pain, and in complete shock walks forward until she reaches a table and collapses onto the table.

The masked man lifts her skirt to get a clear view of her spectacular ass. He then begins to spank her in the ass until her ass is red and her panties are torn up. He then stabs her in both butt cheeks, dark red blood oozes from the wounds.

He roles her off the table and she lands on her back arching her back in pain from the deep gashes. He then kicks her in between the legs a few times and then pulls off her skirt and looks at her bloodied body. He roles her over and then looks at her bloodied body again. He then kneels beside her and says, “I’m taking this as a souvenir.” He laughs and leaves.

She lies there, unmoving, and barely breathing. Another police officer appears and see’s Angelina on the ground. He approaches her and checks for a pulse. Startled he stand up fast and pulls out a radio and says. “We have an officer down, send an ambulance right away, she won’t survive unless we get medical help right away, please hurry.” He stops talking on the radio, and then speaks to her, “Fight, please fight to say alive”.

At the hospital she is on life support, the two men talk about her saying that she will never move again if she ever regains consciousness. Then one doctor says “She has no next of kin, the world thinks she is dead, we can do with her what we want. Super Annabelle hasn’t been seen for in weeks now, there is a homicide maniac on the lose, we need a hero, we have the Super Annabelle formula, I think we should use it.

The other doctor replies” Are you mad, we have no idea what the formula will do, it could kill her or worse”

“It already is worse” he says, “and things are getting worse, we need a miracle, what do we have to lose.”


Elements: Police uniform, Blood and bruising effects, cloths tearing, Lots of blood on the legs, crotch, butt , back, arms, stomach, chest.
    74 minutes

Halloween The Night Of Jack

As He Said 

    10 minutes
Starring: Lyalya Fox and Sonya Krueger

Amazons, Blondes, Battle, Sword Fight, Catfighting 

Two sexy tall blondes have battle to the death for the modern secret club of fighting to the death as an entertainment for VIP customers. 

    16 minutes

This was phenomenal! This followed the story idea to every detail and was very much as imagined! I am very grateful your studio was able to make it. This was well worth the wait!!

Excellent job and very well filmed!

Review from customer

Elements: Superheroine, Spy, Battle, Fighting, Choking, Traumas and Breaks of bones during fighting, Strangulation


Superheroine Shadow Girl who works destroying villians is very strong, smart woman who always wins.T here are plenty of dead enemies in her collection. It’s her last mission when her enemy is too strong and fast. It is unexpected and humiliating to lose a fight to this opponent, break your body and be strangled with part of your own uniform.  PHOTOSESSION WITH CANNIBALS
    30 minutes
CAST: Sally, Luiza, Angelina
Fetish Elements: 
Female Killers, Cannibal Girls, Stalking victim, Unsaspected Victim, Innocent Victim, Photosession, Placing to the cage, Helpless, Woman in Peril, Gas, Poison, Hypnotizing, Female Hunters, Brown Pantyhose, Strangulation with garrote, Topless, Death Stare, Roasting om opened fire, Cannibalism, Eating, Enjoying eating, Eaten to nothing, Gory, Bloody

Two rich pervert strange lesbian women have a strange hobby – to eat young girls! But just to eat it’s not their cup of tea – they like show and prelude. They stalk their potential victim and suggest to be a model for their photo session. That sunny day they met Angelina. They suggest her to take part in photosession inside their private house and naïve girl agrees. 
They place to the cage and lock her inside and gas her for being knocked out. When she wakes up she panics and shouts. They give her some food with sleepy poison. They keep her in the cage for two days before their ritual of cannibalism, When the day of feast comes, they dress like amazons and strip their victim to topless and strangle her to the death outside. They roast her on the fire and carry to the table. 
They eat her bloody and go to search new victim…

And all other content in CANNIBAL category
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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