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    21 minutes


Ksusha Zaichik as an assassin and JUDI, TATIALA, LI, SALLY

Fetish Elements

Realistic Scenes of Strangulations, Garrote Strangulation, Choking, Sudden Attacks, Killing Innocent Victims, Killing Contract Killers, Female Domination, Girls Killing Girls, Strangulation Realistic Make Up

Tatiana and Judi are talking, Tatiana is worried that the two new tenants in their apartment are hired assassins\\\' and they\\\'re using both her, Judi and their apartment for something nefarious. Judi shoots her down saying she\\\'s known Sally for years and that they\\\'re just staying for a week. This angers Tatiana and she storms off after exclaiming that something isn\\\'t right. She unknowingly walks by a shadowy figure in the corner that follows her, the figure is the famous assassin Ksusha Zaichik who\\\'s been tasked with eliminating the rival hitwoman. Ksusha knows that Tatiana isn\\\'t one of her targets but she can\\\'t risk her compromising the mission, not to mention the fact she simply enjoys killing too much to resist. Once in a secluded spot the Ksusha quickly wraps a thin metal garrote around Tatiana\\\'s neck and crosses it tightly from the back, Tatiana lets out faint breathless gasp. Ksusha Shushes her as she backs into a wall out of sight and continues to pull the garrote (still standing). Tatiana starts to struggle fiercely and claws at the garrote squeezing her neck (Squirming and trying to wriggle out too), whenever she attempts to scream it comes out as a silent gasp and all she can muster are squeaks and the occasional gasp. Ksusha is clearly aroused by the sweet innocent girl fighting for her life and starts quietly moaning. Tatiana\\\'s neck starts bleeding from where the garrote is squeezing and she starts to panic, she continues to poke and claw at the wire as well as Ksusha\\\'s face. Ksusha quietly says \\\"Knock it off bitch\\\" and tightens the garrote even more around Tatiana\\\'s soft neck. This causes both of her clawing hands to go back to the garrote around her throat. She then starts trying to attack This causes Ksusha to moan slightly louder, she pulls Tatiana closer and continues to tightly pull on the garrote. Tatiana starts to lose strength and continues to claw and poke at her neck with one hand while the other drifts down eventually resting on ksusha\\\'s thigh, giving her almost infinite pleasure while finishing her victim off. Eventually Tatiana\\\'s eyes start to drift off and her arms droop (She drools as well), realizing her victim is dead she uncrosses the garrote from Tatiana\\\'s bloodied neck and quietly drops her corpse to the floor. Before Ksusha can fix herself, a cold garrote wraps around her throat and she finds herself in the same bitter struggle as her victim. The rival assassin\\\'s were using Judi and Tatiana as bait to lure out Ksusha and she walked right into it. One of the rival assassin\\\'s Li, was taking full advantage of the situation and quickly wrapped her own garrote around Ksusha\\\'s neck, turns her back to her and pulls the garrote downward lifting Ksusha slightly off the ground and onto her back and starts thrusting her hips upward digging the garrote into Ksusha\\\'s throat and violently strangling her. Ksusha is surprised by Li\\\'s technique and claws at her neck while gasping for non-existent air, the garrote is already causing bleeding. Ksusha starts to kick her legs causing Li to pull down on the garrote more getting closer to the ground continuing to violently strangle K. This almost immediately slows Ksusha\\\'s struggle as she\\\'s in a much tighter position than before. She continues trying to squirm and wiggle her way out of the deathhold to no avail and keeps clawing at her neck, this goes on for a while until Li attempts to change positions again but she fumbles due to Ksusha\\\'s struggle and they both fall to the ground. Ksusha quickly kicks Li in the face, stunning her, giving her a chance to catch her breath. Once relieved Ksusha quickly mounts Li and starts brutally strangling her with her bare hands. Li attempts to pull K\\\'s hair and waist trying to shove the assassin off but it is too late, K is dug in.  Li claws  at the hands squeezing her neck trying to dig her fingers and in her struggle pushes on K\\\'s breasts in an attempt to shove her eventual killer but this causes K to once again become aroused and she starts to faintly moan as Li\\\'s hands desperately slide up and down her body. Eventually Li\\\'s neck starts to bruise from K\\\'s Tight grip and she starts to fade, K hears a loud snap and slowly lets go of Li\\\'s now bruised and lifeless corpse. K taunts Li\\\'s lifeless body, calling her a slut as she fixes herself. She enters another room where she finds Jodi, she knows that this is another decoy but her bloodlust gets the better of her and she quickly wraps the garrote around Judi\\\'s neck and brings her to the ground.  Judi struggles just as fiercely as the other girls, she kicks wildly, grabs at K\\\'s hair, clawing desperately at the wire. She almost breaks free by headbutting K causing her to temporarily let go of the garrote and giving her a bloody nose. \\\"Not so fast bitch\\\" K Says as she once again grabs ahold of the garrote and Yanks Judi back towards her, she is now looking into Judi\\\'s eyes as she pulls the garrote Judi\\\'s struggle starts to slow and she stops kicking and squirming so frequently. K starts to shush Judi and she starts to stroke her hair with one hand while continuing to pull the garrote with the other, Judi starts to fade and eventually stops moving. K gives her a kiss on the forehead and pushes her corpse off of herself. She stands up but before she can fix herself Sally, the final assassin, puts K in a Tight Chokehold. K immediately grabs the assailant\\\'s arm with both hands but is too winded from the previous fights to do anything more than shuffle her feet, squirm and claw/latch onto Sally\\\'s arms. After a long faint struggle from K, she starts to go limp and Sally starts taunting her calling her a bloodthirsty fool and that she\\\'s enjoying squeezing the life out of her. Sally then starts to seductively rub K\\\'s body a little enjoying her form, after a few moments of this she says \\\"Time to end this little game\\\" and pulls back on K\\\'s neck making the choke hold higher and tighter causing K to stand on her tippy toes. K Starts to struggle a little more fiercely and starts hitting Sally\\\'s sides with her palms and pulling her clothes eventually she gets lucky and elbows Sally in the stomach and follows up with a headbut this stuns Sally and before she can recover K quickly wraps her trusty garrote around Sally\\\'s throat and she pulls tightly, she decides to take her time with Sally loosening and tightening the garrote and letting Sally struggle and claw at her clothes and body. K can\\\'t help but be aroused at how close she was to death and no longer hides it. She fully shows her arousal in her facial expressions and moans.pan  Once Sally\\\'s struggle slows K slowly drops her to the floor where she continues to tighten the garrote until she hears a crunch. She unravels the garrote and lets Sally\\\'s body fall to the floor. She stands up, fixes herself and leaves. Mission Accomplished!

BONUS: Some different versions of murders scenes (some extra angles and takes in the end of the movie)

    12 minutes
«Thanks a lot, Ugine, for this marvellous piece full of ellements I love.
Romance contrasting with drama and fear, cuteness contrasting with harsh action.

I really like the vary introduction and the shots on talking girls. They are very natural looking and tender.
Therefore both actresses are very hot and attractive in the way they talk and smile at each other.
Also the gloves taking and then serious expressions just before shootout are very erotic.

The girls' performance during shootout is quite convincing. Bella Lenina plays in very nice way
the injured girl who cannot help her mate anymore. And Li is perfect when she behaves during the shootout very
calmly, cutely and she talks to protected man like they would be some at some school party and he was only drunk
or something like this.

So thanks all the actresses and actors and your crew for this movie.
Again it must be watched more times to get all the moments and details (the dream at the end, Li's photo
with her sexy and self-confident expression or Sally as strict and formal nurse are another very nice props)»
Customer’s Review

Guards under attack

The private security agency is ordedered to protect some business meeting.
The agency never asks what is the point and who they shall protect.
They just do their well-paid job. 

The story starts in some room where two beautiful guard girls just sit and wait for the start of their mission. Their colleagues are ordered to guard outside the house and the girls are sent directly to the office to watch the meeting itself.

Both girls are in the same and standard agency uniform:
"catsuit" trousers (leggings) with the wide significant leather black belt and black boots. On top they have an elegant and very tight snow white blouse fully and deeply unfasten on top. White blouse is put into the belt. They wear guns in the thigh/shoulder/waist gun holsters.

They just talk and laugh frivolously and carelessly. One girl is taking her leather gloves during they talk. 
Then she says "You are so lovely. I like very much to work with you" and she touches her mate's gentle throat and hair.
"I could not stand if something bad happened to you" she continues tenderly. The other girl just shakes her head to
show that she does not have to be worried.  

Just at the moment they want to touch with their lips the girls' nice time is suddenly interrupted by one girl's phone.

The girl stops smiling and answers it. "Yes. We are going" she says to her phone.
She stops the call and sighs shortly: "So...., let's go, they are waiting" she says to her friend.
And both girls leave the room.

Second part is in some office/warehouse/hall etc.

Each guard girl stands on the right and left side of the big table, a little behind it. Their poses are just the same, very confident and firm.  Each girl has her legs put widely apart and they keep their hands crossed behind their waist. With the serious expressions in their faces they strictly look ahead.

Behind the table there is some man. He just sits and studies some papers.

Suddenly there is some noise at the door. The girl on left side of the table wants to pull her gun out of holster but she just touches the handle and then the silent shot can be heard. The girl is shot to her belly and quickly falls on the floor beside the table. She cries fearfully, puts her palms on her belly injury and moans on the floor.

The girl on the right side of the table immediately goes before the boss to protect him and shoots on targets. "Move! Hide behind the desk" she orders the boss. The man  hides behind the table. The girl moves to her hurt and moaning colleague. When she reaches her she asks her: "Is it bad?". Her wounded friend just whispers desperately "It hurts so much... I cannot move, I cannot feel my legs...."
"Shit" her colleague just says silently.

Then she goes behind the table where the man hides.

"Somebody revelead us" cries the man with a really scared and shocked voice.
"Be quiet!" says the guard girl. "I will get them. Just keep your head down".
Then she takes a firing position and starts shooting at the opponents.
After this she hides again and kneels beside the boss with her gun ready in her both hands with a barell turning up.
"OK. I got one" she says carelessly and calmly to the frightened man.
"We will die here" the man says in panic.
She looks at him angrily. "Listen. We will not die here, just do what I say" she orders him.

Then she again exposes herself and starts firing but now she loses and is hit to her chest.
She cries and falls on her back. In a big agony she dies.

The man is only able to look at her. Then the attackers take him violently away.

There are shots on the dead girl and moaning hurt girl.

The movie ends with silent shots on the girl who was injured during the shootout. She is in bed in some room. There is a wheelchair beside her bed. With serious, very sad face she just looks at the photos in her phone and then she sadly looks out of the window thinking about her colleague.

The elements of story:
- black and white style clothes: black boots, black catsuit trousers, black wide belt and on top elegant snow white tight blouse widely unfastened on top (or one girl can also have black miniskirt with boots). The blouse is put into the trousers/skirt,
- gun holsters,
- talking and laughing before the mission starts,
- detailed shots on their bodies,
- gentle/short lesbian scene, flirting, touching each other,
- at the beginning of the second part detailed and slow shots on the girls in their confident standing poses. They both confidently stands in the same position with legs apart, hands behind their waists and serious expressions in their faces,
- first girl being shot to her belly, badly wounded,
- shootout in which the second girl is involved, dialogues with the man who is protected during the shootout,
- confident shooting position of the girl, her confidence contrasting to man's fear,
- a little bit longer death scene of the second girl, falling on her back,
- realistic reactions, lying on back, shocked expression, legs spread, death stare, mouth open,
- blood on her blouse,
- shot on dead girl and hurt girl,
- final silent part in a caring room with the injured girl,
- subtitles,

    14 minutes

Starring: Nancy, Pola and Charlie

Strangulation in the car and great Hanging scene in the forest!

Beautiful road horror movie!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation in the car, legs jerking, death stare, tongue out, trying to escape, forced to stropped for full nude, hanging on the tree (full nude!), carrying, putting bodies to the car trunk



Pola and Nancy are hitch-hitchers. They are walking by the country road searching for a car to travel to the town. They saw an ad where the robber was wanted. Regard was 50 000$.

Once, a car is moving. They are happy. A man agrees to hitch up them to the town. When they are inside the car, the driver  suggests them sex for money. They see his face – he is the robber from the ad! They blackmail him and asks for money or they call cops.

He stops the car and starts to strangle Pola. Nancy escapes from the car and runs to the field and then to the forest. The robber slowly strangles Pola to her death and runs for another girl.

He seeks her in the forest. She realizes she is in the deadly trap and starts to strip for full nude to make the man kind to her. She suggests him to fuck but it’s too late. He hangs her in the tree.

He carries dead nude bodies to the car trunk…


If you like this movie please check out

Agent strangled in her car

Businesslady strangled in her car

House of 8 corpses (part 2)

Handcuffed and hanged

All our hanging clips  AN AGENT CAPTURED
    14 minutes
Pola, Alex

Fetish Elements: 
Agents, Fighting, Blood, Girl Kill man (neck break), girl kills a man with a knife, femdom poisoned, superheroine, passed oud, medicine

4 clones agents like in MATRIX attacks sexy female agent but meet serious resistance
    10 minutes
CAST: Mira Green, Scarlett Fandera, Archi

«Ugine,  Thank you!  I didn't expect the clip to be ready so soon!  And it is absolutely brilliant!  Mira, Scarlett  were fantastic and sexy, and Archie looked like a real "James Bond" type spy.  This clip was so realistic.  Great acting, camerawork, body positions, everything exactly as I scripted it, right down to the dialogue. You are the best!»
Customer’s Review


Two sexy girls are sent to seduce 007-style agent and they were going to stick him to the back with a knife or a gun. But he is faster and surprises them both with his silencer shooting while they were kissing.


A male spy is in his apartment and gets a phone call.  He repeats what he heard, "A pair of sexy female assassins have been assigned to kill me?  Won't they get a surprise!"  (Dialogue should be in Russian with subtitles).  Soon, he gets a knock on the door.  He sees a beautiful woman, (Mira Green, dressed  like in Killer in the Trap 3, white blouse, black mini-skirt (but not TOO short), black heels, white panties, and white bra this time (last time was black).  Hair loose down her back. She tells the agent, "Hi, I'm Agent Mira, I've been assigned to work with you on the Zarodyn case.  They sit down to have some wine.  Man says, "How long have you been with the firm?"  Mira answers, oh, about 4 years now, but I've never had such a handsome partner, I think we will work well together."  She takes his hand and they stand up.  Then she opens a couple of buttons on her blouse, exposing some of her white bra.  They come together slowly, and start to kiss.  As they are kissing she pulls out a small hidden knife (back of her skirt, her hair, or just hiding it behind her back, whatever is easiest).  They are still kissing, but she is raising her knife over his back to stab him.  Just before she can,  we hear pffutt, pffutt, 2 silenced shots into the side of her body, about chest high, they are embracing and kissing, so he needs to hold the gun on her (left) side (if he is right handed).  We see two small bloodstains on Mira's side (chest high).  They are still embracing, but Mira looks at the spy, drops the knife, (we see it fall, and clatter on the floor), still standing, and her head slumps to the side, eyes closed dead.  The spy, still holding her, lowers her slowly to the ground, on her back, legs bent, slight view of panties and bra(not full view).  Spy makes a phone call, and says, "I need a cleanup crew."  Several shots of Mira on the ground, mostly pans and full body from different angles.  Then fade out.         Next scene.  Spy is again sitting down, doorbell rings, this time it's Scarlett Fantera, dressed just like in "Fatal Interrogation, but with a sleeveless white pullover blouse, with a black bra (that hopefully you can see a little bit through the blouse.  (Otherwise her outfit should be same as Fatal Interrogation, black leather skirt, stockings or pantyhose, boots, hair loose down her back).  SHe says, "Hi, I'm Agent Scarlett, I've been sent by our agency to work with you on the Zarodyn case.  Spy, pretending to not suspect any problem, invites her in, again, for a glass of wine.  She says, "When I found out I was going to work with you, I was so excited, and now that I see how sexy you are, even more!"  (Ugine, you can add some dialogue if you think it will add to the scene).  Scarlett takes the spy's hand, and they stand up, embrace and start to kiss.  This time, she's hiding a tiny pistol (somewhere, I'll leave that to you, again could be in back of her skirt.)  THey stop kissing for a moment, still embracing, and Scarlett looks at the spy, and tries to bring the gun forward to shoot him.  Again, we hear "pffutt, pffutt"  and two small bloodstains appear on Scarlett's blouse about chest high.  She staggers back, still standing, looks surprised, and drops the gun (we see it fall and hear it clatter.)  Then she slowly falls (like in fatal interrogation, maybe seen from a few angles), and hits the floor EXACTLY (as much as possible) as in Fatal Interrogation, eyes open.  We see pans of her beautiful body, with the gun near her, and mostly full body shots from different angles.  The agent calls again, and says, "Hey, guys, need another cleanup crew for another beautiful dead assassin.  Maybe they'll leave me alone now.  He gets up, steps over the body, and leaves the room

    7 minutes
      GORY PHOTOSESSION part 2 - Gory Photosession 2
Part 2
В ролях: Kate, George
Fetish elements: beheading, blow to the head, brain, crushing the head, brains outside, posthumous agony, blood, lots of blood, wrap the body in cellophane

The administrator of the studio goes to check the hall after the photo session. The girl sees dirty bloody divorces, and thinks that this is part of the props. She undresses not to get her clothes dirty and starts cleaning up the studio. But the photographer-maniac approaches her with an ax, frightens her, puts it into a stupor and strikes him with an ax in the head! The girl stands motionless, and from her head fall slimy brains directly to the floor. The brainless woman looks at her brain with a reflexive look next to her, and then falls, and the body long agonizes like a decapitated chicken, yielding to a reflex. After some time, the dead body stops jerking. The photographer licks her brains, inserts it into her hand and wraps it in cellophane tape.
If you like this video please check out
Gory Photo session 1
Machete Skill
    40 minutes

40 minutes!

6 Great Shooting Death Scenes committed with one interesting plot

It’s not just medley of some scenes – it’s the movie with very good murder scenes in shooting genre

Starring: Luiza, Angelina, Li, Annabelle, Nata, Judi, Alex


This Movie is not available for bonus requests



The war between contract killers takes lives of many innocent people…

    12 minutes

Long, good, very sexy strangulation scene of full nude Nata!

The plot is simple but hot and sexy! The girl is going out from the shower to her bedroom where a maniac-strangler is waiting for her.  There are no dialogues and plot-lines in this clip – just long hot murder scene, all 12 minutes of pleasure!

Fetish elements:
Long nude strangulation agony
Brilliant death stares
Sweat before death
Eyes crossing and tongue out
    14 minutes
      CLEANING SERVICE - Two crazy bastards attack a cottage, kill 6 girls and make huge full  naked bodypile in the hall. 

Dynamic shooting murders with realistic well-played falls 
6 deaths with blood and blood to the camera 
Shooting throw the window, window was broken 
Shooting from below 
Loud shot crying before deaths 
Excellent decorations  and FX effects 
Starring: (in order of appearance) Alex, Kit, Juliana, Mary, Luiza, Pola, Angelina, Hass

Two crazy bastards attack the rich cottage and its territory. Juliana sees them near gates, shouts, tries to scape but they shoot her in her chest. She falls to the ground, agonies and dies. They shoo to the balcony where poor Mary was relaxing. They shoot her to her heart.  They go to the yard and see Luiza in the dinning-room from the street. They shoot throw the window, break it, Luiza gets the bullet to her head. She slowly dies from headshot. They shoot from below Pola standing at the balcony killing her to the neck, then they enter  the building, catch Angelina to her head (sexy view). They carry all bodies to the second floor, strip them and seat at the table waiting for house owner – Hass. She see the horror picture of  5 naked dead friends, cries and gets the bullet to her head, falls to the ground. They strip her too and leave 6 naked dead dolls lie together at this horror summer night. 

If you like this one please also check RED PARTY 
HURRY UP to purchase this very fetish interesting movie just for 20$ before Monday. The regular price is 25$ after Monday and forever.  TILL DEATH DO THEM PART
    21 minutes
Starring: Mira Green, Sonya Krueger, Tim
«Just watched it.
I liked it, Mira is great, and so are the others) It was not in vain that I chose Sonya for the next custom.»
Customer’s Review 

Fetish Elements: 
Female Killer, Girl Kills a Man, Girl Kills Female, Girl Kills a couple, Choking, Strangulation, Bondage, Kidnapping, Tortures of a Couple, Bagging, Shooting, Headshot

Jim and Kat are happy together. They are newlyweds and their married life is just beginning. But not many people know that their facade of happiness is built on a heap of financial fraud and bankrupt people. But how long can they enjoy it? The answer to this question will be quietly whispered to them by the dangerous Mira.

    28 minutes
28 minutes
Cast: Emma and Max
General plot: Emma is a spy and gets chloroformed in various scenes.

Scene 1
Emma sneaks around with her gun. She makes a call to her boss and says her mission will be easy. After
she hangs up, an attacker comes up behind her and clamps a white rag over her mouth and nose.Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head
multiple times. The camera can get a little closer for this so we can see the eyerolling.Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is placed on the ground. We get a full body shot of her
unconscious body.The attacker then unbuttons Emma’s blouse completely, exposing her bra. Emma is then flipped face
down and the attacker examines her legs.Emma’s blouse is removed and she is flipped onto her back. The attacker searches her and finds a USB in
her bra. Emma starts to wake up on the ground. The attacker gets behind Emma and clamps the white
rag over her mouth and nose again.
Emma struggles but slowly passes out with lots of moaning and eyerolling. The attacker lays Emma back on
the ground. Emma is then carried away.
Scene 2
Emma is undercover at a party. She snoops around but is attacked from behind. A white rag is clamped
over her mouth and nose. Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes
roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is placed on the
ground. We get a full body shot of her unconscious body.
Emma is then flipped face down and the attacker examines her legs. She is then flipped onto her back.
The attacker searches her purse and finds a gun and badge.
Emma starts to wake up on the ground so the attacker gets behind her and asks who sent her. Emma
says she won’t tell, so the attacker chloroforms her again. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes roll
up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is tossed aside. She is
searched and a USB is found in her bra. We then get a full shot of her body. Emma is then carried away.
Scene 3
Emma has her gun drawn and is searching for a criminal. She says out loud that she’s going to find them
and arrest them. But suddenly, Emma gets attacked from behind by the criminal she’s looking for. A
white rag is clamped over her mouth and nose. Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into
the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp
body is placed on the ground. We get a full body shot of her unconscious body.
The attacker then unbuttons Emma’s blouse completely, exposing her bra. Emma is then flipped face
down and the attacker examines her legs. Emma’s blouse is removed and she is flipped onto her back.
Emma is searched and a USB is found in her bra.
Emma starts to wake up on the ground so the attacker gets behind her and chloroforms her again. Emma
moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and
her limp body is tossed aside. We then get a full shot of her body. Emma is then carried away.
Scene 4
Emma is lying down on her bed with her legs up and on her phone. She hears a noise and grabs her gun
and goes to investigate. Suddenly, Emma gets attacked from behind and a white rag is clamped over her
mouth and nose. Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up
into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is placed on the ground.
We get a full body shot of her unconscious body.
The attacker strips off Emma’s top, exposing her bra. Emma is then flipped face down and the attacker
examines her legs. Emma’s is then flipped onto her back. Emma is searched and a USB is found in her
Emma starts to wake up on the ground so the attacker gets behind her and chloroforms her again. Emma
moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and
her limp body is tossed aside. We then get a full shot of her body. Emma is then carried away.  BETRAYER
    10 minutes

*Custom Movie*


Spy, Thief’s, Bad Girls, Special Mission, Failed Mission, White Shirts, Black Stockings, Shooting, Shot to chest, Shot to chest, to the belly and deadly shot between tits, surprise before death, death stares 

A spy girl gets a bag with gun and secret documents before her special mission. She and her partner go to the building. She gives one of the guns to her partner. But when a man with a gun comes her partner can’t protect herself and shoot him down because her gun is empty. She was killed by intruder. The spy comes back to her apartment and her third partner is here. She realizes that she is betrayer. But her gun is empty too and she gets three bullets  - to her chest, to her stomach and between her tits…
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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