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    6 minutes
      SUPERGIRL - CAST: Li, Yana, Annabelle

Superr-girl arrives to the enemy-base. First she must liquidate two guards near bath with toxic water. She kills them with a laser. After she goes up  to her main enemy and breaks the necks of clones-guards…

    12 minutes
STARRING: Mira Green, Max
FETISH ELEMENTS: Intense fight, injection, poison, bare feet, face reaction (eyes, choking expression and death stare), feet and toe reaction (plenty of sexy foot fetish close ups during the poisoning and after death), death stare.
« Mira's acting skill is amazing. Thanks!!»
The guy was sent to eliminate sexy girl. He has a gun and a needle(in his pocket). He puts the gun up to the girl’s head. The is very smart, strong and well experienced assassin. She find a way to knock out his gun and they begin to intense catfight...
The girl is so strong that she almost kill the guy, but she doesn’t know the guy still has a weapon, the needle. The guy catches her unprepared, and stuck the needle into her body and injected her. The girl screamed loudly. The guy breaks free and stand aside.

During the catfight, I want to see some scene similar to this, but it is great to make some differences:
The needle’s poison begins to flow into the woman's body. She feels her chest begin to tighten, and she has a difficult time breathing. Her eyes open wide as she tries to inhale repeatedly, but no air enters her lungs. She realizes that her body is paralyzed, and she is losing her senses. She makes a weak gasping sound as her lungs desperately tried to keep her alive. Her fingers and toes curl in and out slowly as her pulse begins to slow down. Her lips move as she attempts to speak, but no words come out.
Finally, her body goes completely limp, and she makes a strange groaning sound for a few moments. Her half-closed eyes move around slowly, unable to focus. Her feet twitch a few times, and she looks nearly dead, even though her heart is still beating slowly. In one last struggle to live, her back arches up and all her muscles contract violently, but then she gives up and collapses. As she takes her dying breaths, her feet continue to twitch. Her heartbeat becomes weaker, until one last shudder passes through her body and the last air left in her lungs escapes in a weak sigh. Her fingers and toes curl tightly, and then relax for the last time. she is finally dead with stared eyes.

    12 minutes
C U S T O M*
«Judi is great in this clip and looks fabulous. Max is excellent as a hitman in all of his roles. I particularly enjoy the checking and rolling of the victims body and partially stripping them during this 'body check'.»
From Customer’s Review 
*It means the script, casting of models and all instructions for shootings were done by our customer for donation. You can ORDER your custom too! Purchase this film and know how to do it!
CAST: Judi and Max
Fetish Elements: 
Silencer Gun, Contract Killer, Hitman, Sudden Attack, Bullets to the stomach and chest, Death Stare. Blood from mouth, Touching Body, Spanking dead ass
The girl arrives back to her hotel room, she has clearly been swimming in the pool and is still wet; her hair is wet and her bikini is still wet. She has a towel wrapped around her shoulders; her waist and bikini bottoms are visible. As she moves into the room she begins to dry herself with the towel and we enjoy a demonstration of her beautiful body, her ass, groin and stomach. She moves about the apartment as she dries off her body.
She begins to lift her bikini bra when suddenly, there is a knock on her room door; she wasn't expecting anyone and replaces her bikini bra but it remains a little out of place, pinching the lower half of her breasts below her nipples as she quickly grabs the towel holding it against her chest to hide her embarrassment.
She moves towards the door inquisitively, she wonders who might be at her door. We see her from behind reaching for the door and we enjoy her shapely body and ass from the rear view.
As she opens the door the assassin pushes her backward and she is shocked as she falls back into the room. The assassin shows no mercy as she attempts to get up; he immediately shoots her in the stomach and we see the hole appear in the towel as she tries to hide her body from the intruder. The girl folds up grunting and her face tightens into a grimmace as she feels the bullet in her.
She lies on her side her legs kicking as if to try to escape as the assassin aims again shooting her in the lower back.
Her eyes widen and rise into her eyelids as her body arches backwards and she throws her arms back to find the wound. She breaths and grunts a couple of times then no sound comes from her wide open mouth as she rolls arching onto her back.
She feels death engulfing her body, moving slower as she can no longer take a breath. her eyes slowly half close and her body relaxes as she stares through half closed dead eyes at the ceiling.
The assassin inspects his kill, rolling her and squeezing her ass; he rolls her head from side to side and lifts her bikini top so her nipples are half revealled. He pulls her bikini botoms from her stomach and we can clearly see her pussy before he replaces them leaving them very low on her hips so that her groin is almost bare above the low pantyline. His job is done but he loves to watch his victims bodies as he pumps an extra couple of bullets into the corpse to see it jolt and wach their breasts rock from the impact of each shot.
He speads her legs, standing between them as he aims and fires two bullets into the flesh of her left breast near the base. Her breasts shake and her body jolts violently with  each shot. Her head rolls to the side with an empty expression and blood drips lightly from her open mouth.
He rocks the body with his foot before taking his picture for his client. He rolls her body to place the towel under her so he can grab her ankles and drag her body to the bathroom/kitchen. He texts his team to collect and leaves unscrewing his suppressed weapon.

    8 minutes
      Ghost2 - ********* by the ghost 2
Starring: Angelina
Fetish elements: *************, short jeans shorts. legs kicking, death reaction, gasping, eyes wide opened, death stare.
 Plot. After strange death of Juliana another **** rent this house with the ghost.
    10 minutes

Models: Pola and Nadya

Video Game Simulator from the 3d person

If you like shooter games like Lara Croft, Hitman, Max Payne, GTA and you dream about playing for sexy ladies and killing them – this clip is for you!


Two sexy girls have mission to kill bad guy. But this game is not kind for them. They are shot and killed. You will see 9 levels of this game and 18 deaths! Game over for these girls!



Nadya is seldom guest of our project! She’s so sexy!

Very good game imitation!

Great poses and death reactions  MODERN HANGING EXECUTION
    20 minutes
«You guys did it!  That was one of the hottest hanging videos your studio has ever done.  Thanks so much.  Its so great to see you guys improving in your hangings and this one definitely is the top as far as eroticism and realism goes.

thanks again for all the hard work to bring my fantasy to life»
Customer’s Review

Athletic sports wear is fine.  I'd like the girls to wear something like this

As I mentioned before, I do not want any full body shots of the girls since those are hard to make believable.  Cutting several times back and forth between footage of top body with face and kicking legs and feet the whole time during the hanging is fine for this.  Once hanged, I want many shots of their feet in their dirty socks.  More specifics on that below.

Actual Script (please provide english subtitles with the video)

Girl 1 - Tatiana (you have her listed as a new actress)
(hanging sequence 6 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Tatiana is brought out wearing tank top, shorts, converse shoes and white ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She looks frightened.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She takes off her shoes off by slipping them off with her feet.  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Tatiana

Her full name, age, and crime (smuggling drugs into the country) is read aloud.
"Tatiana, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drug smuggling"
She tries to keep herself calm.
A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope.
Tatiana is then assisted onto the stool to which she nervously steps onto.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together IN FRONT of her with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.
The tightening of then noose startles and scares her.

A close up shot of tatiana's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  Her toes wiggle and slightly curl over the edge of the stool.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of tatiana standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
The executioner speaks again
"Tatiana, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
Tatians pauses briefly and looks around
"No.  Just get it over with" she says with a brief moment of bravery

(^ This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes max.)

Next, a shot of tatiana's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Tatiana immediately begins kicking frantically and making strangling noises.  She spins around on the rope showing both the fronts and bottoms of her feet as she kicks wildly (I want to really believe that she is panicking as she has just been hanged).
She continues to kick and make strangling sounds.  Hold the shot on her bottom half and feet for AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to tatiana's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She makes desperate strangling sounds (reference attached mp3 and other notes).  Her hands are tied together, but she can raise them up to her throat which she does.  She drags her fingers against the TIGHT rope around her neck and claws at her neck.  She keeps desparately moving her hands around trying to get a good grip on the rope around her neck but its too tight.  Her eyes get wider and wider.  She is terrified.  She opens her mouth wider each time trying to breathe (no breathing noises).  Her wild hair gets in her face and lays across her gasping open mouth.  This shot should last about 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of tatiana's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her kicking feet slowly go from from dancing to a shaking or quivering, to eventually swinging slowly back and forth almost still, and then start back up again.  I'd like alot of still shots of her feet throughout this, especially the bottoms.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).  She continues to make strangling noises during this shot.  Her toes should flex and move around in her socks.  It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of tatiana's face.  It is now slowly turning red.  The rope has closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  Her mouth is stuck open, her eyes are wide.  She blinks her wide eyes several times as she looks around for relief (but none comes).  Her whole body shakes on and off and then goes still.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet SPINNING around on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.

Girl 2 - Mira Green
(hanging sequence 6-8 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Mira is brought out wearing a cute sporty top, holey jeans, sneakers and white ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She is shaking.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She asks why?  It is explained to her that she'll kick them off anyway when she hangs so she might as well take them off now.  She reacts with increased fear and panic.  She nervously slips off her shoes and kicks them over to the side  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Mira

Her full name, age, and crime (drunk driving) is read aloud.
"Mira Green, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drunk driving"
She tries to keep herself calm.
A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope.
Mira is then assisted onto the stool to which she nervously steps onto.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together BEHIND HER BACK with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.  She looks very uncomfortable with the rope around her neck.
"Does it have to be so tight?" she asks the executioner
"it's about to get much tighter in a minute, girl" he responds.
she say "Oh god".

A close up shot of Mira's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  She nervously shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of Mira standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
The executioner speaks again
"Mira Green, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
"I'm sorry I drove while drinking, I accept the punishment for my crime.  You can go ahead now" she says emotionally
The executioner responds "that's very brave of you Mira"

(^ This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes and 30 seconds max.)

Next, a shot of Mira's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Mira immediately begins kicking running and dancing on air.  She desperately searches with her feet for the stool but it is gone.    She begins to peddle and flutter her feet about as she kicks.  She makes desparate short "ah" strangling noises as her airway is almost cut off (barely any noises can get through).  Hold the shot on her bottom half and feet for AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to mira's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She tries to reach her hands behind her back to get free but the rope holds.  She swings back and forth opening and closing her mouth.  With each attempt to breathe she shuts her eyes and winces them tight.  The hanging is almost unbearable for her.  Eventually she sticks her tongue out and tilts her head back and makes a loud "accck" (listen to mp3).   Her eyes looks terrified.    This shot should last around 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of mira's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her begin to panic as she hangs for longer and longer, flipping her feet and frantically kicking them all over the place before holding them still stretched places for moments at a time.  Show her feet spin around occasionally to demonstrate that she is actually twisting on the rope.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).   Her toes should flex and move around in her socks.  It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  This is where mira can be creative as well.  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of mira's face.  The rope has now closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  Her mouth is open in an "o" shape, her eyes are still wincing shut and blinking.  Her body begins to quiver and convulse.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet swaying back and forth on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.


(hanging sequence 6 minutes total)

Interior industrial setting (same used for "mass female execution").
A single noose is hanging and swinging waiting.

Scarlett is brought out wearing a sexy dress, chucks or sneakers and white or bright pink ankle socks.  A male executioner is present waiting for her.  She is stood and faced to the camera.  She is frightened like the others were.

She is asked to take off her shoes.  She quickly slips off her shoes and kicks them over to the side  I want a close-up of her feet in her socks when this is done.  She keeps her socks on.

Back to a full shot of Scarlett

Her full name, age, and crime (drunk driving) is read aloud.
"Scarlett Fandera, you have been sentenced to death by hanging for drug smuggling"
She protests her innocence
Ignoring her, A hanging stool is then placed under the gallows rope by the hangman.
Mira is assisted onto the stool by being picked up and placed onto it.
After she is on the stool, her hands are tied together BEHIND HER BACK with rope.
Next, the noose is placed around her neck and pulled snug.

A close up shot of Scarlett's feet on the stool in her socks is shown for a few seconds.  She nervously shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
Her hair remains down (no ponytails or tying hair back)
Back to a full shot of Scarlett standing on the stool with the noose around her neck.
She looks sick to her stomach with fear.
The executioner speaks again
"Scarlett Fandera, you will now be hanged by your neck, do you have any last words?"
She continues to deny her guilt and insist that she is innocent!  (very short speech)
The executioner cuts her off from talking "thats enough, Scarlett"

(This entire top section should take no longer than about 2 minutes max.)

Next, a shot of Scarlett's lower body on the stool show the stool being swiftly kicked out from under her WHILE she is still talking and insisting her innocence.  (Frame this first shot just like you did during the hangings in "female mass execution".)
Her voice is immediately cut off by a strangling noise (listen to mp3 attached).
Shocked, Scarlett points her feet straight down and scissor kicks her legs around.  Her toes are pointed straight at the ground.  Her strangling noises begin to get more intense.  Eventually her ankles point inward and her feet start pressing on top of each other.   This shot of her bottom half should last AT LEAST 15 seconds.  No shorter

Cut to Scarlett's top half of her body for the first time.  Her eyes are wide and shocked with fear and panic.  Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out of water.  She tries to reach her hands behind her back and breaks free of her restraints freeing her hands.  Immediately she drags her fingers across the rope around her neck while sticking her tongue out and making strangling noises.  She flexes out her fingers and cradles (holds) her throat desparate to breathe.   She keeps tapping at her neck and opening her mouth wider and wider trying to get air as she hangs.    This shot should last around 30 seconds.

Cut to a close up shot of Scarlett's feet FROM HER BACK looking forward (show the BOTTOMS of her feet in her socks up close from about her calves or knees down - like in one of the screenshots attached).  Show her toes stretch and flay out in her socks.   Show her feet spin around occasionally to demonstrate that she is actually twisting on the rope.  Show her try as hard as she can to stretch her legs out and reach for the ground (but she can't).   She should appear to be "dancing on the air".   It should be obvious from watching only her feet that she is hanging and strangling.  This whole sequence should last a full 60 seconds.  Do not cut from this shot until at least 60 seconds have past.

Fill the next full minute cutting back and forth several times from upper body with face to her legs and feet as you creatively see fit (no full body shots).  I'd like many cuts in here so I can see both.  This is where scarlett can be creative as well (just no cross eyed looks or heavy breathing sounds).  60 seconds.

Cut back to a close up of scarlett's face.  The rope has now closed off her airway.  She is now completely silent (no more hanging noises) but still very much awake.  She looks down at her feet from the rope just hoping for it to end.  She slowly opens and closes her mouth (silently) and tries to breathe.  Her body sways still.  Her eyes stare ahead (no cross-eyes please).   30 seconds.

Save the last 15 seconds showing her feet swaying back and forth on the rope as her toes remain pointed at the ground.  Fade out from this shot.

     I Spit On Your Grave
    15 minutes
      I Spit On Your Grave - I Spit on Your Grave
-	Brand New Movie –
Starring: Anastasia, Katolina, Hass, Kit
Smoking Girl
3 girls try to kill a guy
Sleepy injection
Female death #1 (Anastasia) – 2 quickly shots in her breasts + headshot
Afterdeath agony + deathstare
Female death #2 (Katolina)  - shot to mouth (long agony), shot to stomach and to her breast + head shot (very long death)
Female death #3 (Hass)  - stabbed to her throat
Bloody bodypile
Postmortem shooting to dead body with afterdeath twitching reaction

Katolina met a guy in night club and he raped her during afterparty. She was in shock and went to her friends with her drama. 3 girls decided to revenge. They invite a guy for sexparty where he was injected to the neck. Girls wanted to torture and kill him but stupid girls forgot to tie and bondage him. He went up and…  ELVEN FOREST
    10 minutes
Starring: Yana and Judi
Fetish Elements: 
Shooting, Surprised reactions, Shooting to the heart, Sexy Elves theme 
Once upon a time elves lived in the magic forest. They weren’t angry at all but people hunted for them whatever.
This story is about two young female elves walking in the forest and enjoying the nature when a hunter came and shot them to death to their young hearts…
Very beautiful Magic Movie
Elves costumes!
Bonus scenes with cut scenes of deaths
Two sexy Deaths 
Great Nature Location!
    10 minutes
      DRUGS CRIMINAL - Cast: Polina Wood, Alex


«I’ve got the video! GREAT! Polina acts very great and the blood effect is amazing! Thank you so much!»
Customer’s Review

Cloth: Polina: white camisole, black leather tight skirt, black stockings, high heels, police badge, no bra, no gun holster. (Her clothes are similar with the Police Tragedy, but no shirt and no gun holster this time.) white camisole, black leather tight skirt, black stockings, high heels, police badge Plot:
(1)DEA agent Polina has been an employee in a drug corporation for 6 months. She finally got the evidence. Today, she is ready to arrest the drug dealers’ boss.
(2)Polina walks into the boss's office. The boss is sitting behind a desk and reading something information. She approaches the boss and hands him a document. When the boss is taking the document, she took out a pistol from behind. She pointed the gun at the boss. “DEA! You are under arrest!” She says.
(3)But the boss is very experienced and has already hidden a pistol under the table. When Polina is calling for support, the boss takes of the pistol and shooting swiftly. A bullet hit Polina in the belly.
(4)Polina is in great pain after being hit. She still insists on standing with one hand covering the wound, and the other hand trying to raise the pistol to fight back. The boss shoots again. This time 2-4 shots hit Polina. (Including 2 bullets very close to the nipples or precisely hit the nipples.) Polina is moaning in pain, and falling back after being hit by bullets. After the last shooting she leans against a wall and sliding down. (The falling back is similar with herself in the Police Tragedy, but this time she is leaning a wall in the end.) Polina bleeding a lot. leans against a wall and sliding down
(5)The boss believe Polina is dead, so he calls people to clean up the body. Meanwhile, Polina wakes up in great pain. She stands up with great pain. Polina stabiles her swaying body, and raises her pistol to shoot the boss. (
6)When the boss finds her, she pulls the trigger. But she is shocked and horrified to find that the gun is empty. (Her face expression at this time is very important.) The drug dealer smiles. “You are so naïve.” He says. He doesn’t give Polina time to think before shooting. Several bullets hit Polina’s body. (The totally number of bullets is up to you, just not too much, the Police Tragedy is great.)
(7)Polina falls down again, leaning her upper body against the wall, clutching her chest, struggling and moaning in pain. (Here is a close-up scenes of Polina struggling and moaning.)
(8)The boss takes off Polina's clothes while she is struggling and dying. He puts her body on a desk and plays her body, and humiliates her. Finally, the boss kills Polina with the last shot.
(9)The last is a close-up of Polina's body.

THE POLICE TRADEGY  Failed Mission 2
    12 minutes
      Failed Mission 2 - Failed mission 2

after tragic death of police woman in the first part (see failed mission at our store), dangerous crime escaped to east europe. Special agent from interpol pola was sent with mission to liquidate the terrorist. She found him in the cheap motel. But…
fetish elements:
shooting, sexy dress, agent and police theme, lather miniskirt, long death scene, two bullets, suffering, ****** stripping, *****, gore, sexy corpse in the bath.
     Midnight Strangler
    9 minutes
      Midnight Strangler - Starring: Nata and Den


Office girl in black pantyhose  was strangled in her apartment  PENALTY
    23 minutes
Thank you for sending the completed film. It’s superb and exceeded my expectations. Mira gives a wonderful performance - so committed and convincing - the best I’ve seen. Maxim also gives good support. And your directors and editor also did an excellent job. Thank you.
Customer’s Review

Sasha (Mira Green) is an executive secretary, smartly dressed, hair tied fully up, wearing thick framed glasses. She is walking home from her office, down the street, wearing a fur coat. (Include a shot of her walking towards the camera.)

She reaches her apartment and as she puts her key in the lock she thinks she hears a noise. She looks round but there is no-one there. She enters her apartment and takes off her coat and shoes. She pours herself a drink, sits on the sofa and makes a phone call to her friend. She says that she had a strange day at work - she enjoyed telling the creepy guy at work that he was getting fired but he was angry and told her she’d regret it one day.  When she finishes the call, she moves to the bathroom and begins to slowly undress in front of the mirror. We see the reflection of her looking at herself as she does so. 

When naked she removes her glasses and steps into the shower. Her hair is still up. While showering, she thinks she hears a noise. She looks worried and turns off the water to listen but can hear nothing. She shrugs; she must be imagining things.

Sasha gets out of the shower and dries herself. Again looking at herself in the mirror, let’s down her hair and combs it, puts on a silk bathrobe and her glasses. She goes back to sit on the sofa and starts to read a magazine. There is a sudden noise and she looks up in alarm. Suddenly, a figure appears behind the sofa, wearing a Halloween mask and holding a nylon stocking. As Sasha goes to turn around, he wraps the stocking round her throat. Her eyes bulge in surprise. She claws at her neck and at her attacker, and her body bucks desperately as she tries to free herself. Her face contorts in a mix of agony, shock and terror. Her robe falls open. She goes cross-eyed at times and sometimes her tongue protrudes wildly as she searches for air. At one point she manages to move her body to a standing position on the sofa. Her robe has fallen away completely and her glasses fall off in the violent struggle. At other points her attacker forces her onto her front and her back, before she is forced back into a sitting position. There is an overhead camera shot from the killer POV as her head is tilted up and back, looking at him in terror (close-ups here).  Then she is facing front again, her face increasingly contorted, cross-eyed, tongue protruding. 
After a long and violent struggle, she gradually begins to weaken. Her attacker moves to the front of the sofa to face her. He reaches for her glasses and replaces them on her face; then removes his mask. There is an expression of disbelief on her face as she recognises that it is her work colleague. We now see a brief flashback to Sasha in the office - from killer POV - gleefully telling him that he’s fired. Then we cut back to his POV as he viciously tightens the stocking further. Her eyes bulge wide in shock, hands reach up to her throat, her tongue protrudes fully. Her arms then flail by her side and her body convulses as she nears her end. There is one final look of panic and surprise her face as she realises that there is no more air, that this is her last moment. She dies with her face frozen in an expression of surprise, slightly cross-eyed, mouth open, tongue protruding.  The stocking is still hanging loosely round her neck.

As the killer surveys her body there are jump cuts between brief shots of Sasha walking down the street, on the phone to her friend, looking in the mirror as she undresses and removes her bra, and then back to her dead face. He leaves and we see various shots of her dead body and face, frozen in surprise and terror.

Clothes - high class executive (no very short skirts). Underwear sexy but not tarty. Thick framed glasses are important (please use those from custom Persecution Mania if possible).  Make-up also high class (no bright red lipstick or excessive eye shadow)
Take time with the build-up - walking down street, shots in apartment etc
Mira should really struggle hard during attack - lots of face contortions and work with eyes
Final death expression of shock very important and should be maintained through rest of film. Photos attached for reference - death stare and expressions that should feature during death struggle. 

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 965 Clips / 16587 minutes of video!

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