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    25 minutes
Starring : Mira Green

«What a nice surprise!  I wasn't expecting this so fast!  And not only is this perfect, it is much better than my vision!!!

Thank you very much for the excellent custom!  And thank you to Mira very much!  She performed wonderfully and is always very beautiful! 

 She must've been tired after all that work, I hope you took her out for a nice dinner!

Please let me know when you plan to film in a house/cottage with a stairway/banister for Mira to lean over.  I wish to order another custom with her then.  I've saved money to purchase after I retire next month.

Thank you very much again!  Especially for being so fast!»

Here are all the scenes in priority order. Film as many as possible until my time is up. All scenes are hair down, eyes closed, falling face up playing dead after machine gun shaking. For reference, my favorite scene of Mira is Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2. I like the way she rolls over the arm of the couch and ends up playing dead. And how she acts fearless and confident. Is it possible to film from multiple views like this? I also like Chapter 8 where she is shot and falls on the bed exactly the way I prefer. Great position, face up, eyes closed, legs apart. In Mira Green Shot Dead Cocktail, I enjoyed all the scenes with her hair down and playing dead face up. Although, I did not like her acting fearful and begging. Or the beads in the closet and hiding behind columns. And please, do not shake the camera on machine gun scenes. I want to continuously see Mira in detail. I don’t want to stabilize the video myself. The story is she is a test drone sneaking around an apartment to demonstrate the precision machine gun security system is working properly. The drone is to be eliminated without damage to the surrounding area. The point of view is from the security camera system and the machine gun is not in view or seen. Mira is confident and shakes like being shot by a machine gun. No blood or effects. Start Video with Mira wearing bikini top and bottom. (socks are ok all the time to keep her feet warm) 1 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 2 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 3 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch, losing her top during the roll, ending up topless laying on couch, pan body. (Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2 scene. If she doesn’t tie her top and is held only by friction, I hope it comes off naturally during the roll. If not, when you film the panning of her body, place the top on her body exposing her breast as if it had come loose.) Mira is topless in rest of scenes. 4 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, pan body. 5 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, pan body. 6 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, pan body. 7 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 8 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 9 – She is machine gunned and falls to the floor face up. Then she is continuously machined gunned and rolls 2 or 3 times across the floor (like the bullets are pushing or rolling her), ending face up playing dead, pan body. (I don’t know how much open floor space is in the apartment. If the apartment is not big enough, or this is uncomfortable for Mira, please ignore) 10 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 11 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 12 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, pan body. 13 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 14 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 15 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 16 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, is machine gunned again, pan body  LIABILITIES
    12 minutes

СAST: Emma, Annabelle, Li

Lynn wears a short dress (no leggings or pantyhose) with flat dress shoes, walks up to a door with Suzy, who

wears a white long sleeve blouse with a short black skirt (no leggings or pantyhose) and flat black dress shoes.

Lynn: “So you really have no idea what this is about?”. Suzy: “I honestly have no idea. Hopefully Jade will know”.

Jade, wears shorts with a regular shirt and shoes, sits waiting for someone to arrive, and holds a small box in her

hand. Someone knocks on the door, which she gets up to answer. Jade: “I didn’t know he called for you two. What’s

this about?”. Suzy: “We have no idea”. Jade lets them in. Lynn: “We were hoping you’d know.” They walk and

stand in the room. Jade: “He literally called me an hour ago and told me to come here and wait. Extremely short

notice”. Lynn: “Maybe this has something to do with his competitors?”. Suzy: “Oh boy, this business competition

hasn’t exactly been legal”. Jade: “Look, I only know I’m supposed to give this to you”. Jade holds out the box.

Jade: “He gave this to me yesterday and instructed me to make sure only you read it (pointing at Suzy)”. Suzy and

Lynn look a little confused as Jade hands Suzy the box. She opens the box to find a note that reads; “Jade is planning

to leave and defend my competitor. Lynn knows too much for her own good. If they leave that place alive, you

won’t wakeup tomorrow. There’s your reasons. Get it done”. The word “Flip” with an arrow under it is at the bottom

of the note. Suzy lifts up the note to find a pistol. She looks both confused and nervous. Jade beginning to look both

nervous and a little suspicious. Jade: “What is it?” Lynn realizes somethings wrong and doesn’t know what’s going

on. Suzy looks at Jade. Suzy: “You’re going to defend his competitor?” Suzy gets nervous and takes a quick deep

breath. Suzy: “It’s my ticket out of here”. Lynn: “What?” Jade: “Suzy”. Jade takes a step towards Suzy. Suzy pulls

the pistol out and throws the box away and aims at Jade. Jade stops and becomes more nervous. Lynn: “Whoa!”.

Jade: “Suzy please! Listen!”. Suzy: “I’m sorry. But I’m just trying to get through this”. Jade: “I’m trying to leave

this life!”. Lynn: “Suzy!”. Lynn takes a step towards Suzy, which Suzy aims at Lynn. Lynn stops for a moment,

when Jade runs and grabs the pistol in Suzy’s hand. They fight hand to hand for the pistol. Suzy is able to knock

Lynn back, smack Jade across her face with the pistol, nocking her to the ground, leaving her disoriented. Lynn runs

and fights Suzy for a short moment. Lynn knocks the pistol out of Suzy’s hand, then Suzy punches Lynn in the face,

knocking her back a few steps. Lynn kicks suzy to the ground. Lynn: “We’re all just trying to get through this with

our lives”. Suzy grabs the pistol from the floor, gets up and aims it at Lynn. Lynn: “Suzy”. Suzy doesn’t want to kill

Lynn. But... Suzy: “I’m sorry Lynn”. She shoots Lynn in the heart. Lynn looks at her wound for a moment, then

back up at Suzy. Lynn’s eyes and mouth close as she falls backwards to the floor, flat on her back, dead. Suzy looks

at Lynn’s body on the floor for a moment. Jade grabs the pistol in Suzy’s hand; they fight for it. They both have their

hands on the pistol. Suzy is able to force the pistol to aim at Jade’s stomach, and she pulls the trigger. Jade’s lets out

a grunt as the bullet penetrates her stomach. She looks Suzy in the eyes for a moment, then head butts her, knocking

way back, as the pistol comes out of her grip and into Jade’s grip. Jade’s aims the pistol at Suzy. Suzy just stands

there. Suzy: “I was just trying to follow my orders. He threatened me”. Jade: “I know”. Jade shoots Suzy in the

heart. Suzy looks at her wound before looks back at Jade and her eyes and mouth close as she falls backwards to the

floor, flat on her back, dead. Jade clutches the gunshot wound on her stomach as she walks away through a doorway

to another room. Panning shots of Lynn and Suzy’s bodies on the floor. In the other room, Jade stops walking and

looks at her wound. She knows she’s going to die. She takes her hand off her wound. She looks forward, her eyes

and mouth close as she falls backwards to the floor, flat on her back, dead. Panning shots of Jade’s body on the floor.

    13 minutes
«The quality is there!
Great job as for the previous one.
You have succeeded in this challenge of "resurrecting" this character for me.
Mira Green plays her role to perfection.
A dark atmosphere, as I like them.
The script is well followed.
Thank you to all your team»

Customer’s Review

Stabbing, Blood, Choking of Stabbed Girl, Manual Choking, Death Stare, Police Girl, Boots 


“Moscow - Year 2347
In a world devastated by multiple atomic wars, almost the entire world population has disappeared.
The few remaining humans live in fortified cities.
Significant radiation from the planet has led to an increase in cancers and trafficking in healthy organs has become common.”

Sequence on policewoman sneaking into apartment.
The room is dark, but she sees light coming from an half-open door.

Come back in the bedroom with the Escort Girl. (Mira Green is fully dressed in her costume from the movie Moscow 2347)
She polishes her makeup with a final touch of lipstick.
She examines herself in the mirror and seems satisfied with her reflection.
-	Escort Girl: « Hottie! »

New footage of the Policewoman slowly approaching the half-open door.
When she's almost there, she accidentally drops an object ...
-	Policewoman: « Oh Shit! »

Fast sequence on escort alerted by noise.

Back again with the Policewoman:
No more time to waste for her who rushes into the room brandishing her gun.
-	Policewoman: « Police! Don’t Move »
To her surprise, the room seemed unoccupied.

Part 2:

The Policewoman cautiously walks into the bedroom, when suddenly she hears a voice behind her.
-	Escort Girl: « Are you looking for me? »
The Escort Girl does not give the policewoman time to turn around and she hits her violently. (maybe using an object)
The policewoman collapses and her weapon slips to the ground.
She tries to get it back, but the escort girl stops her and crushes Policewoman hand's with her heel.
The Policewoman screams in pain.
The Escort Girl smiles sadistically.
-	Policewoman: « Dirty bitch !! »
The Escort Girl bends over her, and pulls her hair
-	Escort Girl: « What are you doing here? »
-	Policewoman: « I'm investigating a small gang of organ traffickers and my research has led me to you! »
The Escort Girl releases the policewoman's hair and stands above her.
-	Policewoman: « You haven't been very discreet lately ...
17 people who have strangely disappeared in a month, and all seem to have one thing in common… they have all dealt with your services! »
-	Escort Girl: « You are good and your reasoning is correct, but it seems that your investigation ends here! »
The Escort Girl knocks out the policewoman with another hard kick to the face. (Fade to black)

Part 3:

The Policewoman is lying on a bed with her hands tied and completely naked.
The Escort Girl is next door, seated in an armchair.
She is also naked, wearing only her boots.
She smokes a cigarette while waiting for her hostage to wake up.

The Policewoman comes to her senses. She seems to take a few seconds to realize what is going on.
-	Escort Girl: « Finally, you wake up! »
-	Policewoman: « What are you going to do with me? 
I guess you're going to hand me over to your organ trafficking friends. »
The Escort Girl gets up from her armchair and approaches the woman lying on the bed.
-	Policewoman: « Wait, why are you naked? »
The Policewoman realizes that she too is naked.
-	Policewoman: « And why am I naked? »
The Escort Girl gives off a sadistic new smile.
-	Escort Girl: « That's right, I could contact my friends to have your organs removed ... but that would be a waste. »
The Escort Girl begins to stroke the body of the policewoman.
-	Escort Girl: « I prefer to keep you just mine. »
-	Policewoman: « you are completely crazy! »
Then, the Escort Girl crushes her cigarette on the Policewoman's body.
She climbs onto the bed and positions herself on top of her victim.
-	Policewoman: « Please let me go ... I promise I'll forget about the investigation and leave you and your gang alone! »
The Escort Girl get close to the policewoman's ear and whispers to her:
-	Escort Girl: « Your frightened look and your pleas only excite me more! »
She starts her murderous act.


    16 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Luiza, Juliana 
Billiard looser can’t stand how girls won him in billiard pool at his friend’s eyes  and decides to play his own game. He machinegunned two billiard club girls  and strangled to the death the third girl.  
Fetish elements
Dynamic machine gun action (no blood) 
Body stripping
Sexy spanking of dead girl
    8 minutes



Scene opens with a woman standing in an office, a court room. She is in an eastern European country, under arrest, charged with espionage!

She is not from this specific country, but from another east Europe country.

She is wearing a black mini dress and shiny black high heel thigh high boots. She is a fashion model. As she is under arrest, she is also wearing prisoner restraints.

At this point in her trial she has been found guilty. All that’s left now is sentencing.

From behind the camera a voice,  the judge, reminds her she has been found guilty.

The woman knows she faces the death penalty.

She claims she is only a fashion model,  but the judge doesn’t believe her.

The judge (voice from behind camera) officially sentence the fashion model to be put to death! He informs her that on her arrival at the women’s prison she will be taking to the gas chamber and executed.

Scene fades out to black.

Scene fades back in

Revealing the woman is sitting In a chair, similar to and electric chair.  She is strapped down tight, her wrists,  booted ankles,  her waist and across her chest all firmly strapped to the chair, almost completely immobilising her. She is extremely afraid,  at the point of crying.

The room around her is small. Only enough room for the chair with a few feet around the chair. She is in a gas chamber!

She is still wearing the same outfit she was wearing in court, black mini dress, thigh high boots. She now also has heart monitor electrodes pasted on to her chest under her dress.

Underneath the chair is a large bowl filled with a clear liquid, an acid solution.

A few inches above Is a cup full of a white powder, Cyanide! The cup is attached to a mechanism to tip it over.

After a minute of seeing the woman in the gas chamber chair, under the chair the cup of cyanide starts to turn over, pouring the cyanide into the acid causing a vigorous foaming reaction and a cloud of vapours…….cyanide gas!

Minute 1: the woman upon seeing the gas rise up, quickly inhale s deeply and holds her breath

Minute 2: unable to hold her breath any longer, lets her breath go and instinctively take a couple more deep breaths, at first the gas has little effect with the woman only having a few light coughs.

Minute 3: the coughing gets worse

Minute 4: the woman is now struggling to breathe, in obvious discomfort.

Minute 5: The woman starts foaming from the mouth with uncontrollable salivating.

Minute 6: The Woman still salivating and foaming at the mouth continues to have difficulty breathing, with short breaths like slow motion hiccups.

Minute 7: the woman still foaming and gasping, now starts to feel dizziness start to set in.

Minute 8: foaming/salivating, gasping, and dizziness all continues.

Minute 9: foaming/salivating, gasping, and dizziness all worsen.

Minute 10: foaming/salivating, gasping, and dizziness all continues. The woman starts feeling herself getting physically weak, barely able to keep her head up.

Minute 11:barely able to get one last breath in, the gas causes the woman’s lungs to completely seize up, leaving her completely unable to breath in extreme discomfort!

Minute 12: the woman finally falls unconscious, within seconds dies.  SALLY IS A KILLER SECOND MISSION
    19 minutes
FEMDOM! Sally as a sexy killer girl strangles to the death two male clones!
Cast: Sally and Max

The contract killer is hired by a company that develops male clones for use in silent combat. The company wants to verify that their clones are working properly. For this they have hired a contracted murderer diagnosed as clinically crazy, who has the reputation to strangle her victims sadistically and thereby to feel sexual arousal.

The details of where the killer finds her victim (room number and picture of her assignment) are in the letter. She looks at the picture and says to herself that she will enjoy killing the two clone.

She puts on her killer outfit, a bikinislip to tie, leather bra, a tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots, black leather jacket.

She puts on black tight leather gloves and open her leather jacket. She takes her tat tool, a garotte with wooden handles out, stands in front of a mirror, this puts itself the garrot around the neck and pulls over, imagining how she will strangle the first clones. Then she puts her hands around her own neck, then her seal image, imagining herself strangling the second clone.

1. Clone
The contract killer stands in front of the door of the hotel room where her first clone victim is, she takes a fake key from her pocket and softly opens the door.The room is still empty. She hides behind a curtain (or similar). Suddenly, the first clone comes unsuspecting into the room. The contract killer creeps up behind him and puts the garrot around his neck and pulls tight. The clone tries to fight back, but the killer is much stronger. As the resistance slowly fades, she throws him on the bed, sits on him and clamps his arms under her legs. then she puts her hands around his neck and presses until she kills him and saliva comes out of his mouth and his tongue sticking out of his mouth . He defends himself but has no chance against them.

2. Clone
The second clone seduces her and goes with him to the room where she is undisturbed. She slowly undresses, puts on her leather boots and leather gloves. Then she pushes him on the bed and rides him wildly. She chokes him while fucking first spelerich with her hands and enjoys the sex.
Then she takes her garrote out of the leather jacket which she puts on in the meantime she puts the clone around the neck and strangles him just before she comes to orgasm. Then she takes her garrison and puts it around her own neck, swirls until she finally comes to orgasm. He jerks out of his mouth until he is salivating and his tongue hangs out limply.
After she is finished, she lifts him on the bed and puts hims hands around each end of the garrote still wrapped around her neck. It looks as though he is still trying to strangle himself in death.

After killing the clones, she calls her client and says the clones are still too weak to fight, On the phone she describes how she killed both clones and asks for another job to test other clones and to strangle them too.

     AGENTS ATTACK Present Past Future
    22 minutes
      AGENTS ATTACK Present Past Future - Starring: Angelina, Tora, Marina, Annabelle, Luiza, Hass, Christy, Kit
Kit is an agent of secret organization. He has a weekend in his country house when he sees two female agents going to his house. He takes a gun and goes to protect his life and home.
After a firefight killers were dead. He shot them to their bellies and tits. He seems something is wrong. He takes off their clothes to check bodies. After manipulation with corpses bodies were dissapiered. He undersold they were human-clones from the space and it’s too early too relax. Next attacks are soon…
After attack of agents Kit met new danger: Assassins from past (3 Amazons) were sent by Dr. Ko to kill him.
Brave amazons from III century were very good sword-warriors but they all were killed by modern gun…
All of them got several bullets to their sexy bodies and were ingloriously killed and gone to black hole forever.
 Agents from the 2030 year came to kill Kit and were killed by him.
Very good SF-effects of shooting, good fallings, well-acted fresh stuff on gun-shooting destination.
Fantastic amazons from the future dressed in jeans short, modern tops and super-sexy stockings are shot in their bellies, necks and tits.
They are stripped nude after death. Firefight scene is bright and professional.  4 shooting girls
    13 minutes
      4 shooting girls - Fetish Elements: Blood, Wounds, Shooting to the chest, shooting to the back, many shooting with make up effects

Starring: Steals, Luiza, Nata, Juliana

Firefight between four bad gangster girls!

Many great wounds!


    25 minutes
CAST: Sally, Alice M, Annabelle, Yana, Luiza, Max

25 minutes!
5 strangulation deaths. Great bodypile

Fetish Elements: 
Sleepy helpless girls, Attack while sleeping, Rude awaking, Choking, Strangulation, Neck Snap, Trying to escape, Trying to call for help, Death Stares, Necro Carrying, Necro Stripping, Touching Bodies, Sexy lingers, Hiding in the bodypile, Pretended to be dead to hide



5 girls in scout camp go to sleep to the large bedroom with many beds. They are too tied after hard day and fast fall to sleep. A burglar enters the room to steal their mobile phone, money and jewelry. He decides also to kill them all to hide all evidences…
He attacks sleepy Luiza first. She is shocked to be attacked and choked after sweet dream. She tries to call for help but another girls are just sleeping. She can’t shout, she is just croaking, kicking her legs and tries to free herself but all is in vain. She dies…
A burglar takes her phone and goes to choke another girl – sleepy Yana. 
Before killing a girl, he decides to joke a little, lies down next to her and hugs her sleeping. In a dream, I feel the touch of a strong man, Yana smiles and hugs him, but he grabs her neck and she wakes up in horror. She starts to wheeze in a panic, jerk her legs, try to wake other girls, but also remains without help, as other girls are sleeping. She is dying in agony. The robber takes her valuables, takes the body, transfers it next to the dead Louise, puts the bodies on top of each other, lifts up T-shirts and claps on her asses. Now he is going to kill Sally.
Alice M wakes up and the killer hides behind the bed. She sees that Luza and Yana are lying together. She wakes Annabelle to tell her that the girls turned out to be lesbians and sleep together, but Annabelle wants to sleep and asks Alice not to bother her. The killer comes out from behind cover and attacks Sally.
First he chokes her on her bed and then puts her to the floor and finishes her and carrying her body to the bodypile near dead Luiza and Yana. 
Alice M sees again already three girls in one bed and she again tries to speak with Annabelle about it but Annabelle is sleeping. 
 The girl in a panic pulls her hands to Annabelle, pushes her, tries to tear off the blanket from her, but the robber pulls her far and mercilessly strangles her with both hands.
He takes her body and places to the bodypile. 
A killer wants to play with bodies and forgets about Annabelle. Annabelle wakes up and sees how killer playing with dead bodies stripping them. She is in shock and hides under the bed. Killer looks to the Annabelles bed, sees empty bed and after making sexy bodypile goes away. 
Annabelles goes out her shelter and runs to check her friends. All of them are dead. She runs from the room to the staircase. Suddenly killer returns. Annabelle in panic returns to the room and she doesn’t know where  to hide. She decided to pretend to be dead, butt off her lingerie and lies to the bodypile making funny death stare. Killer returns because he was sure there were five girls in the room but he killed only four ones. He comes to the room and check beds. All are empty. Then he looks at the bodypile. Five girls… Strange… He is looking attentively and sees how Annabelle choking and blinking. Gotcha! He pounces on her, strangles her, and then breaks her neck! Now all is ok. Five dead half-naked, unbridled girls remain dead in the room, and the killer leaves the house ...

HOUSE OF 9 CORPSES (all parts)
Unhappy Birthday 
    27 minutes


Fiction Movie, thriller.

A woman arrives to the hotel and goes to bed when she sees a strange dreams how she’s drowning.
As she is asleep, she has a nightmare of her drowning while being bound by chains at the bottom of a pool. Once she wakes up, she decides to take a swim to relax. However, the sign tells her that she needs to shower first. Mira, in her bikini takes a shower to cool off and think. Once she is in the shower and the glass has fogged, she “falls through” a trap door in the shower into a filled tank below. The model struggles for an extended period trying to break free until she finally drowns.
Model Requested: Mira Green
Mira checks into a hotel and takes a nap in her underwear. As she is asleep, she has a nightmare of her drowning while being bound by chains at the bottom of a pool. Once she wakes up, she decides to take a swim to relax. However, the sign tells her that she needs to shower first. Mira, in her bikini takes a shower to cool off and think. Once she is in the shower and the glass has fogged, she “falls through” a trap door in the shower into a filled tank below. The model struggles for an extended period trying to break free until she finally drowns.
Chain Drowning Guidelines
Struggle 5 min. Mira starts her nightmare at the bottom of the pool with her back against the wall (reference picture) she stays against the wall for duration of drowning and struggle and should remain upright after she drowns.
Mira screams and squeals at first begging toward the camera but when she realizes no one is going to help her…
. She starts thrashing at maximum exertion as she bucks and throws around. She manages to get a hand over her mouth (Reference image) as she starts to drown. Please ensure she kicks her leg around like shes being strangled and is trying to kick herself up.
She is thrashing violently as her head shakes from side to side, finally her hand goes from her mouth to cluching her breast, her mouth opens wide and she lets out MASSIVE bursts of bubbles.
She begins to inhale and convulse in the most violent orgasmic manner possible. 
Replay the bubbling explosions from multiple angles and capture a full body shot, chest up and facial shot as well. The bubbles are my favorite part, the model should be choking out her air.
After she drowns she stares blankly into the distance, as her body shuts down she convulses a couple more times her eyes and face expressionless as one more giant burst of bubbles erupts from her mouth. Note she should remain upright and not fall over after she drowns.
Post Drowning: The camera pans every possible angle (Legs up to face etc) for 5 minutes with plenty of close ups of smokey. Her face should not be completely obscured by her hair, her bangs and partially obscure her face as it flows however.
Notes: For exhalations please reference GIFS attached: Also as for bubbling and inhalations follow the tank drowning guidelines for bubbling and drowning.
Please emphasize exhalations, and bubbling during all drowning and blacking out scenes model should go from medium sized chain bursts of bubbles to one orgasmic final massive heave. Her hands should claw at her breast/ throat during the final heave. 
Convulsions/ inhalations: Model should look like she is in pain, as she draws in each breath. Her body involuntarily convulses as she arches her back and shakes. Her legs should flail and her hands claw away at the chains. 

Death Stare 5 min : Once Mira has drowned, she remains seathed on the pool floor back against the wall and stares out blankly for 5 min. The camera continues to alternate between full body shots and panning shots of her body from legs to face. 
Interlude: Mira wakes up panicking in her bed, and after she calms down she decides to go for a swim in the hotel pool. The door to the pool says that she needs to shower before use. Mira, in her bikini goes into the shower to wash before her swim, and falls through a trap door after a couple minutes. She falls into the tank and begins to drown.

Tank Drowning Guidelines.
The tank room should be minimalistic and free of clutter and distractions in order to highlight the center of attention, the tank. Dark uniform background, with good lighting that does not overexpose the model would be preferred kind of like watching a Houdini tank on a stage essentially. (Ref Right)

The drowning composes of 3 phases, struggle, exhalation, and inhalation/ convulsions. There should be a slow progression with the struggle starting with focused effort and a gradual and forceful progression to all out panic. Tons of glass pounding leg stomping etc.
•	The struggle: 5 min
Emphasis on panicked struggling, the model should pound on the glass, try to swim up to get out and generally do everything she can to escape. At some point she realizes that someone is watching her drown and begs to be released. Pointing at the camera, staring etc. As the struggle grows more desperate she presses herself against the glass as she convulses palming and screaming. He legs flail and twitchl as her movements become more erratic etc. As she transitions to exhalations, one hand open palms the glass facing the camera, as another covers her mouth. Her body contorting as she struggles to hold her face contorted in pain and agony.
•	Exhalation/ Bubbling: (appx 3 minutes with progression and replays) 3 minutes
Please focus most on the Exhalation of Bubbles, the explosive almost orgasmic open mouth release of air at peak of breath hold (Ie when the model cannot hold on any longer and has to finally release) The model should open her mouth in pain and explode the air out of her like she is gagging or vomiting out her air use multiple takes as needed and add in some replays of the explosion. 
She should lead the bubbling with trickles from her nose as her chest heaves, her hands then cover her mouth as her head shakes from side to side holding her air in. Her licks flail and kick as she spasms. Finally, as it progresses her hands claw at her bikini top (Quick Nipple Slip) and throat and as multiple medium sized bursts escape her mouth her legs kick wildly. She holds for one more moment, one hand on her chest other reaching at the Camera against the glass, her eyes open toward the camera and in one Orgasmic, MASSIVE release, her air EXPLODES out. The bubbling is my personal favorite part, please have multiple takes of the Final release of air (Closeup of face, Full Body, slow motion differing angles etc). The powerpoint I have attached has a lot of what I’m looking for in GIF format.
•	Inhaling Water: (3 Minutes of inhalations)
Finally, once she exhales her air, she should leave her mouth open for about a minute in pain trying not to breath in water, her hands claw at her throat and chest tugging at her bikini top, as she clutches her chest grasping at her breast and throat. She pounds feebly against the glass, her hand dragging and clawing.
Finally she takes a breath, the first one is DEEP and full. Her inhalations should start out deep and full bodied with massive convulsions with every breath her eyes bulging wide in surprise at first. After a while, the breathing becomes shallower and less frequent her face glazes over as she relaxes Her movements more sporadic as she settles down.  She stares blankly into the distance as her hair flows. Please have her spasm VIOLENTLY as she begins to drown and breath water. The spasming slows down toward the end until she is dead. 
Mira Greens video in “Mira’s last stand” At the 20 minute mark where she gets shot and is just gasping, and spasming, is an excellent example of what it should look like, except it’s underwater.
•	Post Drowning: (5 Minutes)
The model should float upright in a “standing position” one hand near her neck and one outstretched her face relaxed as she stares out toward the camera with her mouth slightly open. For the half of post drowning she gives off involuntary spasms as her hair flows gently. Her legs are slightly spread, the camera pans views from all angles with the final shot being of her blank face. Note hair should generally not cover too much of her face. During this scene several closeups can be done to highlight the model (Panning shots, closeups etc)  For the death state Mira should not cross her eyes, and have her mouth slightly open in a blank stare like the image below.

Camera work:
Please avoid any “Shaky Camera” the camera work should alternate between a full body view of the model that shows the struggle and multiple pans from leg up to her face.
     Who are you MrClown
    12 minutes
      Who are you MrClown - WHO ARE YOU, Mr. CLOWN?
The maid was during her house work was surprised, attacked and bagged by clown. Who is he? What is hs doing in the house? No answers. Only terrible agony of young maind in her lasn minutes of her life. 
Bagging scene was done very well and naturalistic. 
When the house owner, young woman left her shower, nude and relaxed, she saw dead ,aid. She tried to escape, hit clown by a box and hid in the bathroom. But the clown found her and bagged. Terrible second death. 
The clown put bodies in the room and left his mask. Dead girls looked scared with their tounges out and eyes wide open. 
Ho are you, Mr.Clown?

If you like this horror please check:
    10 minutes


Voiceover: “I was dragged from my house by one of the men in an angry mob, wearing only a sheer nightie, and taken to a room with a crowd of angry men. I struggled trying to get away but this only increased the mob’s lust. The man holding me called me a stuck up prick tease and punched me knocking me down. I was pushed into the mob of men who groped my body.  The mob cheered and yelled for me to be beaten. I was punched, kicked, and beaten with clubs. Then when I attempted to crawl away members of the mob thrust cattle prods into my body while other men in the mob whipped me. They forced me to give them blow jobs and raped me and then beat me unconscious with clubs.”

A man is behind her forcing her to walk toward the camera. She struggles saying “let me go you filthy pig!” He replies: “you need to be taught a lesson for teasing all the men in town.” The camera views her bouncing breasts from a front, side, and worm’s eye view.

She gets away from him and runs toward the camera.

As she runs a hand reaches out and fondles her breast. More hands reach out and pull down the bodice of her nightgown and she struggles repeatedly to cover her breasts  up. 
Hands reach out and pull up her nightie and fondle her pussy.

She struggles and says get your filthy hands off me you stupid trailer trash.”

Voices say: “beat that stuck up prick tease..punch her pretty face…beat her to a pulp.”

Fists from the left and right in slow motion (and fast motion) punch her breasts while the nightgown covers her breasts and then with the nightgown pulled down. Fists from the right and left in slow and fast motion punch her in the mouth, knocking her down. 

As she falls her legs go up and the nightie falls down exposing her pussy. Sounds of the crowd cheering.

She scoots backward to try to get away but she is pulled up and beaten with a club (in slow motion) on her head and breasts (with the club digging in), knocking her down.

(Off camera fake blood is applied to her scalp and mouth.

She crawls on hands and knees as the camera views her from the front, side, and back (worms eye view). Whips hit her in slow motion on her back. A cattle prod zaps her and her body shakes wildly. Her breasts bounce out from the nightie. 

She then crawls on her stomach as the camera views from the front and rear as the cattle prod zaps her.

She rolls over and the whip hits the front of her body (with the whip digging into her breasts (first covered with the nightie and then with the nightie pulled down). (One person holds the handle of the whip off camera while another person brings the whip over the camera to press into her breasts.) The cattle prod zaps her body and she shakes wildly. The camera pans in on shaking breasts,

She is pulled up and a man says: “Now you snooty prick tease you are going to dance to get our dicks hard and then suck the cocks off all these men or we will break every bone in your body with our clubs and smash in that pretty face.”

She says “please don’t hurt me anymore. I will give all of you the best blow jobs you ever had.”

She begins to move her body in a sexy dance, shaking  her breasts and doing a bump and grind. She gets on hands and knees shaking her breasts until they bounce out from the nightie. She turns around and wiggles her ass and spreads her pussy lips.

Man’s voice: “That’s enough. My dick is plenty hard now. Get over here and suck it. She crawls toward the dick and sucks it briefly and fake cum squirts on her face. 

A fist punches her, knocking her over and a man’s voice says: “You stupid cunt. You made me cum too fast.”

She crawls to another dick and sucks it briefly and more cum is sprayed on her face. Man’s voice: That was the worst blow job ever. We need to beat this bitch with our clubs.

She gets up and runs. From off camera a club hits her in the stomach in slow motion. Another club hits her across her breasts in slow motion. A hand reaches out and pulls down the bodice of the nightie and a club hits her breasts.

She staggers and a club from off camera hits her on the top of her head and, as she sinks to her knees, another club hits her across her mouth in slow motion.

(Off camera blood is applied to her scalp so it runs down her face) Blood streams out of her mouth.

She collapses unconscious. The nightie is pulled off and clubs continue to hit her body and head. A man lifts her body and carries it away.

Words on screen: “The Next Day”

She is wearing only a small (2” by 2”) loincloth made with cloth and pieces of string.

She is still unconscious and a man rapes her and shoots his semen on her face. He throws water on her to revive her and drags her up and drags her toward the camera. 

He says: “Here she is, boys. I don’t think she has learned her lesson. There is only one solution for stuck up rich bitches and that is to shoot them.”

Voices: “Yeah, shoot the snooty cunt.”

She says: “Please don’t kill me. I will be a good slut and learn how to give good blow jobs. Wouldn’t you rather fuck my tight pussy and asshole? I will lick all of your assholes before I suck you off.” (As she is saying this she gets on her knees, fondles her breasts, and shakes them. Then she gets on her back and thrusts her hips up and down as the camera pans in on her pussy.

Voices: “shoot her…shoot her.”

She gets up and struggles to walk toward the camera saying please don’t shoot me.

A rifle appears from off camera and automatic shots are heard. Her body spasms wildly as the loin cloth drops off.  (Off camera blood spots are placed on her body) She continues to be shot and then drops to the floor. The camera views from above as she continues to be shot and she continues to shake wildly.

The camera pans over her bloody body.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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