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    29 minutes
«Here are some words to describe the FOURTH MOTHER, Bizarre, Strange, Psychosexual, Fetishitic,  Beautiful Witches, Dark Magic, Black Glove Killer, Razors, knives, and depravity, this is the ingredients of what a great Giallo is, and this is what the Fourth Mother is a straight up great Giallo, captured perfectly by the DARKROOMS TEAM. Giallos just arent murder set pieces, but deep Psychosexual drama as well as the murders, and Darkrooms films is great independent movie studio, shooting real thrillers, with great actresses like Scarlett Fandera and Bella Lenina, and the always great Max for starters. This team should hold their heads up high because they are the best in the business for custom companies, because this company just doesn't want your money, they just love making movies, and making their product perfect. This was an incredible custom, Dario Argento, and Sergio Martino have some new blood to contend with. All they needed was Claudio Simoneti and  GOBLIN to have scored this. But really UGINE this was a great Custom Custom, tell SCARLETT, BELLA , AND MAX THANK YOU VERY MUCH»
Customer’s Review
Many foot Fetish, Limp Fetishes, Playing With Feet and Limp Bodies

A mystical story in the Jallo genre about spiritualism and games with spirits and otherworldly forces, which led the girls to tragic consequences ...

    12 minutes
      Home Not Alone - Young pretty woman is home alone. Really? She’s sure about it! She is reading a detective story when hears a strange noises…  a robber! She grabs a knife and bravely  goes to stop the intruder. But he takes a gun and shoots her!  Again and again. In the stomach, in her chest, in her leg, arm,  in the chest! What a stupid death  - to be shot by somebody in the ugly mask in her own place! Cruel robber does a final shot in her head when she is already dead chick. 

 fetish elements

leggy blonde woman, home alone situation, shooting, headshot, execution, agony, bullets, brave ******
    18 minutes
It's absolutely AMAZING! Beautifully acted and SO sexy.

It's great.

Many thanks»

Customer’s Review

Polina (Julia Woods – NEW MODEL), Mira Green, Juliana (came back after a long break!), Angelina, Luiza, Annabelle, Sally, Xena, Max, Alex

Mass Massacre, Swimming Suits, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, execution, captive, stripping bodies, bodypile, blood, death stare 

The executioner has a mobile phone. He phones someone and says:
"Send the first one in."
The first girl walks in. If you can film her from behind as she walks in that would be great.
"Stand against the wall," says the executioner.
She does this. She is clearly nervous but trying to hide her fear.
"You know why you're here?" he says
"Yes I know," she says. "Why the swimsuit, though?"
He smiles. "I like it. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am ready." She frowns and closes her eyes, but they open wide in pain and she gasps, as the bullet hits her below her cleavage. She clasps the wound with both hands and slides to the floor. She thrashes around, whimpering in pain for a minute or so before she coughs up blood and goes into a spasm. Her arms and legs give one last twitch before she dies. The man grabs her by the ankles and drags her out of the way of where the other girls will be shot. He dials his phone and says: 
"One done. Send the next one in."
Again please film her from behind as she walks in. She stops in shock for a moment when she sees the body of the first girl but she recovers herself, and stands against the wall without being told to.
"Are you ready to die?" he says.
She stands slightly forward, forces a smile and puts a hand on her hip. 
"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she says.
He shoots her just above the navel. She gasps in pain, clutching the wound, as the blow knocks her back against the wall. She tries to step forward but she staggers and falls forward. She tries to get up, pushing herself up with one hand, while holding the other to the wound. But the effort is too much and she rolls over onto her back. She coughs blood, spasms, twitches and finally dies. Once again the man grabs her ankles, drags her body out of the way and lines it up beside the first body. He phones again.
"Send the next one in."
The next girl comes in. Again please film her from behind if you can. Again she pauses momentarily when she sees the bodies but then she glares at the executioner.
Again he says: "Are you ready to die?"
"That's why I'm here, isn't it?," she replies. "Just get on with it."
He shoots her in her right breast. She squeals in pain, clasping it with both hands. Then he shoots her in her left breast. Now she has to clasp each breast with only one hand as she slides to the floor. She tries to say "You bastard" but she coughs blood, muffling the words. She goes into spasms, twitches and dies. The man places her body next to the other two.
"Send the next one in," he says on the phone.
She walks in. She manages not to react when she sees the bodies, and instead turns to him defiantly.
"I bet you're enjoying this, you sick bastard," she says.
"Fuck you," he says, shooting her just above the pussy.
She gasps in pain, clutching the wound with both hands. Her legs give way and she falls forward. The man turns her over with his foot.
"You sick fucking bastard," she says, before he shoots hr in the cleavage. She coughs blood, goes into spasms, twitches and dies. He places her body next to the others. Then he phones again.
"Let's change the plan," he says. "Send the rest in."
The remaining four girls file into the room and line up against the wall, facing their executioner. The camera pans over them as they try to avoid looking at the bodies.
"Turn around and face the wall," he says. "Hands against the wall."
They do this. The camera pans over them again.
"Who wants to be first?" he asks.
The thirds from the left turns around, putting up her hand.
"I'll go first," she says.
But he shoots the girl on the right in the back instead. She cries out in pain, slides to the ground and rolls over onto her back. He points the gun at her. She raises her hands in fear, but he shoots her twice in her left breast. She coughs up blood, spasms, twitches and dies. 
The third girl from the left is still facing forward.
"I said I wanted to go first," she says angily. "What sort of fucking..."
Her words are interrupted by the shot, which hits her below the cleavage. With a sharp intake of breath she leans forward, her eyes wide with pain. She falls on her knees, then falls forward, spasms, coughs up blood, twitches and dies.
The man turns her body over with his foot.
"The rest of you, turn around and face me," he says.
They turn around and he shoots each just once, one in the left breast and the other in the right. The both squeal and clutch their breasts as they fall to the floor, landing on their backs. As they lie there in pain, one reaches out her hand to the other, who reaches hers out in turn. Their fingers touch before the girl shot in the left breast goes into spasms, coughs blood and dies. The other girl lasts a minute longer before she too coughs up blood and dies.
Now the man drags each of the four bodies over and lines them up with the first four. He surveys them in their swimsuits before he strips them, one by one. The 
camera pans over the naked bodies, lined up neatly, before the movie ends. 

    19 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Luiza, Vika, Dan
«The Movie Was awesome»
Customer’s Review
Fetish Elements:
Stalking, Cunnibalism, Stabbing, Gory
3 girls arrived to the house for some fun but cannibal hunter stalked them, killed very cruelly and ate.
    9 minutes
Bonus Custom episode to Toxic Moon Production №1

Actors and model:
Judi, Kit

Towel, Nude, Shower scene  

Shooting to low belly near pussy, shooting to the chest, death stare, spy theme 

Young sexy spy, the partner of Johnny Bond, were searching for memory card at the enemies’ place. She found it and called mr.Bond about it. Bond said he was going to her and she started preparation for meeting with Bond. She went to the shower and after it enemy-killer surprised her with a gun…  
    26 minutes

Premium Custom Movie

Starring: Tatiana. Max. Billy Brag, Edward Petrov, MaryAnn, Annabelle, Alex, actors of mass scenes

«I have to say, first, that your production exceeded my expectations.

The set selection, decoration, and props, were all excellent, even the
posters on the walls.»

From Customer’s Review



Dancing, Tango. Apach Dancing, Retro, Beating, Strangulation, Humilation. Body Carrying, BDSM


This movie is a tribute to the genre of Apache Dancing. Apache Dance (highly dramatic dance associated in popular culture with Parisian street culture at the beginning of the 20th century)  is sometimes said to reenact a violent \"discussion\" between a pimp and a prostitute. It includes mock slaps and punches, the man picking up and throwing the woman to the ground, or lifting and carrying her while she struggles or feigns unconsciousness. Thus, the dance shares many features with the theatrical discipline of stage combat. In some examples, the woman may fight back.


In this music movie the hidden conception of Apache Dance is shown is grotesque sadomasochistic form when during the performance the man starts real violence of woman. It’s thr cruel story between a sailor and a prostitute who tries to steal money from him. In the process of dancing, the sailor switches to beating, the line between dance and reality is gradually erased, the surrounding public involuntarily becomes an accomplice in this offense and murder. The venerable public takes off their masks and tastes animal instincts. The film combines classics and avant-garde provocative modern style.

The actors took special dance master classes to participate in this complex project.



    10 minutes
      SUMMER SHOOTOUT - Summer Shootout
Starring: Hass, Juliana, Mary, Annabelle
Set of non-blood outside shooting. Scenes with murders in the car, girls killing girls, POV shooting killing  UNCLE JOE
    12 minutes

Starring: Lu, Luiza, Nadya, Pola, Evgeniy, Alex, Anatoly

Father, Mother and two sisters are shot by uncle during traditional breakfast

Contains brilliant erotic horror scenes: 
Mother is shot three times in her tit
Daughter is crying near dead mother and she is shot two times to her breast
Sister is forced to strip by brother and uncle and shot
Father is symbol beheaded by gun shit
Uncle and nephew scoff shot family

Welcome to the casual breakfast of grotesque patriarchal family. Father is giving spoons to his kin: sexy stupid wife, idiot-son, college-student daughter and  the elder daughter – manager assistant. The father is the head of the family. Suddenly his brother – Joe enters the living room. Joe is a crime element and  sociopath, who for a long time was  in jail and in a psychiatric hospital. Uncle Joe is rehabilitated and he asks his relatives for help him to start a new life. But his brother drove him away in the rude form. His wife and daughters said that Joe is ugly idiot. Jot couldn’t stand it, took the gun and shot to the father head. No head! Headless father’s corpse was agonizing, when his fife and daughters  was crying in panic touching the ugly corpse of their benefactor, Alfa Dog and Archi Father. No more support and sponsorship.  No more protection and leadership. Joe forced  relatives to throw daddy’s corpse from the window like rubbish. 
Hoe shoots his brother’s wife to her tit. She slowly died in terrible agony. Blood was from her mouth and three holes. The daughter was suffering near her dead leggy mum with emotional death stare and was shot two times. Dead daughter fall to the floor near her dead mum. Elder sister  fall to her knees and started to beg Joe for life. But her brother sided Joe. He told that always respected his Uncle while all others put him on the cross. Nephew told that his «good girl sister» teased him in the childhood and it she never closed the door in her bedroom when she changed clothes. Men forced her to strip, to show her sexy body last time. She stripped and was only in her black sexy pantyhose when she was shot twice by Uncle Joe.  After twitching in agony blonde girl died. 
Nephew strewed corpses of  his  loved ones with  traditional cereal that eat every day. Joe fingered body of his nephews and his brother\'s wife. Helpless  loved and hated dead females with frozen horror on their sleek  faces. 
Joe, nephew and Joe’s girlfriend  left dead house to move to the South where cops couldn’t find them…

Fetish elements: 
Dialogue, Family conflict, Mother and daughter death situation. Father and daughter death situation, brother and sister death situation, shooting, blood, blood from mouth, taboo, ultra violation. 

Funny and Brutal, absurd and socially, sophisticated, deviant, unusual fetish splatter
So, one very high quality, surprising big-clip from a Crime House, which is becoming a tradition 

If you like please Check Out TV Shot, TV Killer, Crime and Punishment (Crime House store)
Note. It is only fiction adult horror movie fir fun. Crime House team respects institute of family and is opposed to violence and crime. All characters are 21 y.o. and more, all actors are adult. 
     MACHINE GUNNED 6 Fill Clip
    62 minutes
      MACHINE GUNNED 6 Fill Clip - 1 hour!
About 180 death scenes!
4 actresses!
Spies, Gangsters & Soldiers - 3 girls in a series of sketches where they portray spies, gangsters, and army chicks.

Scene 1 – Mary sneaks in to steal some papers.  Guards Hass and Tora catch her and as she surrenders they have her face the wall and frisk her, then machine gun her.  She slides down the wall onto the floor and her dead body twitches for several seconds before Hass riddles her some more.  As Hass and Tora stand over the dead body, the cameraman mows both of them down and they fall into a body pile.

Scene 2 – This time Mary makes a run for it and is machine gunned down by the guards.  Her body twitches so Tora stands over her and riddles her over and over again (overkill).  As she finishes, the cameraman mows her and Hass down who fall into a body pile on top of Mary.  This time Hass and Tora's bodies twitch and so the cameraman has to blast them (and hits Mary's body too) again.

Scene 3 – In this version, Mary fights back and shoots it out with Hass and Tora.  Mary hits Hass but is then mowed down by Tora.   Tora really blasts her so she goes down dead.  Hass's body twitches a bit so Tora finishes her off.  Tora drags Mary's body on top of Hass's, then riddles the bodies.  As she does so, the cameraman mows her down (in the back) and she falls onto the body pile as the cameraman continues to fire, which makes all of the bodies shake.

Scene 4 – Mary the spy is caught between the two guards, as they prepare to fire, she suddenly drops down and Hass and Tora accidentally machine gun each other.  Both bodies twitch so Mary riddles them some more, one at a time.  She blasts Hass so that her body rolls across the floor forming a pile with Tora.  The cameraman mows down Mary who falls into the pile.  Mary's body twitches a lot so the cameraman blasts her and the pile some more.

Scene 5 – Mary again surrenders, so Hass and Tora have her face the wall.  As Hass frisks Mary, Tora machine guns them both.  It's important that they bounce around touching against each other much of the time.  As they fall, Tora keeps shooting them.  She finally stops just as the cameraman mows her down.

Scene 6 – Mary is trapped by the guards and as they close in, she raises her gun and machine guns herself to death.  The guards are surprised and a bit disappointed since they wanted to shoot her.  Tora walks over and riddles Mary's body.  Hass mows down Tora, who falls on top of Mary then riddles her body, also hitting Mary's dead body.  The cameraman then mows down Hass who also falls on the body pile.  Hass twitches quite a bit so the cameraman riddles the body, also hitting Tora and Mary's dead bodies.

Scenes 7-12, same as above with girls switching parts, and Tora being the spy.

Scenes 13-18, same as above with Hass being the spy.

Scene 19 – All 3 girls are spies and get caught by the cameraman and shoot it out, all of them going down in a hail of bullets.  The bodies twitch so the cameraman riddles them.

Scene 20 – All 3 girls are spies and this time when caught, they surrender.  The cameraman has them face the wall and then machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a twitching heap, which the cameraman riddles some more.  Mary's body still twitches a little bit so she is blasted one more time, but some of the bullets also hit the other bodies.

Scene 1 – Hass and Tora are sitting playing cards when Mary comes in.  They both stand and raise their hands but Mary mows them both down.  Hass twitches so Mary shoots her some more.  The cameraman then blasts Mary who falls across the bodies forming a pile.  Cameraman riddles body pile.

Scene 2 – Mary and Hass playing cards when Tora comes in.  She makes them stand facing the wall, then executes them by machine gunning them in the back.  They fall in a pile.  Cameraman then mows down Tora.  Mary's body twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 3 – Tora and Mary are playing cards when Hass comes in.  Without even standing, Mary goes for her gun and Hass mows her down.  Distracted by mowing down Mary, Hass is then mowed down by Tora, falling on top of Mary.  Tora is pretty happy at coming out alive, but then the cameraman mows her down and she falls on top of the pile.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 4 – All girls a playing cards, when cameraman makes them face the wall and executes them, and the fall into a pile.  They all twitch so she shoots them some more.

Scene 5 – Mary machine guns Tora and is captured by Hass.  Mary is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed.)  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Hass.

Scene 6 – Tora machine guns Hass and is captured by Mary.  Tora is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Mary.

Scene 7 – Hass machine guns Mary and is captured by Tora.  Hass is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Tora.

Scene 8 – All 3 girls are executed one after the other.  The bodies falling to a pile.  Mary gets it first,  then Hass, and finally Tora gets it.  The girls are brought in one at a time, mowed down, and the bodies left to pile together.

Scene 9 – As Hass is getting machine gunned by the cameraman, Mary pushes Tora onto the line of fire, causing her to be machine gunned also.  As she steps closer to get a better look at the shaking bodies, she gets too close and steps into the line of fire.  All 3 girls shake and shudder as the fall into a body pile.

Scene 10 – Mary is about to execute Tora when Hass bursts into the room and machine guns Mary.  Although mortally wounded, as Mary starts to go down she manages to machine gun.  Hass blasts Mary again and Mary dies falling into a heap on top of Hass.  Her dead body convulses in death.  Tora walks over and riddles the bodies, and is then machine gunned by the cameraman.

Forearms - I'd like each scene to be one continuous take with no stops or edits.

Scene 1 – Mary shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 2 - Tora shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 3 - Hass shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 4 – Tora machine guns Mary.  She then takes off one glove and plays with Mary's arm hair.  She puts the glove back on and is then machine gunned by Hass.  Hass then takes off one glove and checks out Tora's arm hair.  She puts her glove back on and is machine gunned by the cameraman.  

Scene 5 – Tora and Mary machine gun Hass.  They then take off one glove and check out Hass's arm hair.  They then check out each other's arms as well as their own arms.  Next they put their gloves back on and promptly shoot each other to death.  The camera gets a nice view of all of their arms.  They twitch a little so the cameraman then riddles the bodies.

Scene 1 – All 3 girls attack the cameraman.  The scene is viewed strictly from the cameraman's point of view.  They hide, duck, crawl but eventually, one by one the girls are all mowed down.

Scene 2-3 – Same as Scene 1, but with some variation.

Scene 4 – Tora and Hass attack Mary.  Hass goes down and Tora uses her body to block the bullets.  As Mary shoots at Tora, the bullets hit Hass's body, which jerks to the impact.  Eventually, Tora makes a break for it and manages to mow down Mary.  The cameraman then mows down Tora.

Scene 5 – Same with Hass and Mary attacking Tora.

Scene 6 – Same with Mary and Tora attacking Hass.

Scene 7 – All three girls are huddled together setting an ambush for the cameraman.  But the cameraman is behind then and she sneaks up on them and machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a body pile and twitch, somewhat excessively, so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 8 – Mary and Hass are walking towards the camera.  Tora is a few steps behind them.  Suddenly Tora opens fire mowing them both down.   They shake and bounce together and fall in a pile.  Tora stands over the pile and riddles it, but is then mowed down by the cameraman, falling into the pile herself.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 9 – Same as above with Hass mowing down Tora and Mary.

Scene 10 – Same as above with Mary mowing down Hass and Tora.

Final Scene.
All girls walk toward the camera, smile and say something nice and are then promptly mowed down by the cameraman.  They twitch and are riddled some more.  First is Hass,  then Tora, and finally Mary.  At the end they are in a body pile.  Lots of lingering forearm close-ups before cameraman riddles the bodies.

•	Gloves in every death scene
•	Everyone dies in every scene
•	Plenty of forearm closeups of both living and dead
•	Lots of shaking, pained expressions, and (moans, groans, grunts, aarrrgghhhh type stuff)
•	Obvious, sometimes excessive dead body twitching
•	Mix of eyes open/eyes closed death stares
•	Lots of in the back shooting
•	Lots of face down final positions
•	Legs and Bellies and Arms
    12 minutes


Starring: Bella Lenina, Max  

Sentry Bella is relaxing on the floor instead of patrolling. Her legs are wide open, (reference pictures provided). A sniper takes aim, and shoots her in the crotch. She reacts in shock. Male soldier walks up, finish her with a silenced pistol shot to each nipple. Top lifted over breasts without removing.

Sentry Bella patrolling along wall. Male soldier sneaks up from behind, pins her arms behind her, presses gun against side of her breast and fires. Bullet passes through both breast, exploding out of the other side. Soldier turns her around, pushes her against wall. Grabs throat to pin her as he slips gun up her skirt. Presses gun against crotch and fires several time. Wall slide to floor, legs open. Top lifted over breasts without removing.

Sentry Bella in an elevated position near railing. She is firing down at soldier. Soldier maneuvers underneath her, quickly aims up, and fires several times up her skirt. She is dead before falling backwards onto floor, legs flying open.

Sniper Bella is in an elevated position, scanning for her target with a rifle. One foot is propped up on the rail so that she can rest her support elbow. This means her legs are open and her crotch is exposed. An enemy sniper takes aim and fires several times up into her crotch. Her leg remains propped up until the last shot when she staggers and falls back onto the floor.

Bella moves quickly into frame, turns and starts firing at an invisible enemy. A long machine gun burst tears through her crotch. She staggers back into a wall, the shots continue to pin her against the wall. The shooting stops, she slides down to the floor, legs splayed open. She is finished with a shot to each breast. Head slumps to side.

Bella is running away from enemy. She turns around to shoot in a stable two handed position. She is shot in the right and left breasts, and falls back onto the floor. Her legs fly open, skirt ride up to show panties. She aims down between her open legs and keeps shooting. Finished with several shots to the crotch.

Bella is moving quickly to find soldier. He surprises her from behind. She turns around with her gun, but the soldier grabs it, points it in a safe direction, and thrusts a machete/sword through the front of her skirt, all the way to the hilt. After a few seconds, rips it out, and Bella falls to the floor in pain. She rolls over to her back. He gets down, pushes her legs apart, places hand behind her neck, maneuvers blade to her pussy and pushes slowly up through her body (Like Soldier vs Super Soldier). Top lifted over breasts without removing.



Outfit is important to fantasy

Each death is with legs splayed open wide, eyes open.

All prolonged body pans compiled at end of video
    10 minutes
      FAKE GIRL - FAKE GIRL (Stabbing and Shooting)
C U S T O M*
*(The Word «Custom») under the name of a movie means this film was written, donated and shot for the customer 
You can order your own custom too! 
We work with any genres 
(shooting, choking, hanging, strangling, bagging, spies, fights, guns, nudity and etc)
 With any numbers of models and setting)!
We have comfort low prices and GREAT quality! 
Buy this video and know all about custom orders

 	A student sells drugs to her fellow students. The police have learned of this and want to use a lure bird to convict the dealer. The lure is a policewoman who is supposed to play a mediocre student who is new to the university. She is supposed to credibly tell the dealer that she is dependent. She wants to record the deal with the phone to have proof. One afternoon, the lure bird visits the dealer. They sit down at a table and discuss the trade. The dealer is suspicious at first, but then she sells her the drugs. Suddenly she notices that the customer's phone is turned on. "Oh you slut, you want to betray me to the police. You're going to pay for it!" she snares at the wrong student. She pulls out a knife and stabs several times. The lure bird screams out loud, tries to drag himself to the door, but eventually collapses and twists on the floor in pain. "You're still not dead?" she yells at the wrong student. She bends over the injured and stabs again. That was the death knell. The policewoman dies in agony, blood runs out of her mouth.
The dealer deletes all data from the phone, grabs the drugs and wants to escape. But it is too late. Police heard the screams over the phone. A policeman storms the apartment, the dealer takes a pistol out of the drawer. A firefight begins. But the policeman is a very good shooter. Twice he hits the dealer, the third shot is fatal, she falls to the ground under loud groans, her body flinches a few more times, then she dies. "You did a good job, colleague, unfortunately it was deadly!" he says to the dead policewoman. The bodies are packed in two corpse bags to be taken to the morgue.
Appearance and clothes dealer: dark make-up, dark lips, dark nails, black belly top, black shorts (jeans or fabric), black fishnet stockings (no hold-ups), black suede knee-high boots with stiletto heels. 
Appearance and clothes fake girl:  light make up, pink lips, pink nails, black leather jacket (opened, underneath white shirt), blue jeans, black leather belt, black leather overknee boots with stiletto heels.

    11 minutes

СAST: Annabelle(Ilsa), Max(Viktor)

    Ilsa, the gorgeous girlfriend of a powerful crime boss.

    Viktor, a trusted enforcer that works for the crime boss.

    Mikael the crime boss does not appear in the film.

Mikael believes that his girlfriend (Ilsa) has stolen financial information from him. He believes that she is planning to turn it over to a rival gang. 

The story opens in the basement of an abandoned building. Ilsa is seated in a chair with a gag in her mouth. Her hands are tied behind her back. Her legs are tied at the knees and ankles, and her bare feet are sitting on top of a small table directly in front of her. Much of the fetish action involves showing the soles of Ilsa's feet - so as long as they are clearly visible any position will work.

On a nearby table we see a laptop computer. The computer is locked with a password. 

Viktor is on the phone with Mikael. "The computer is locked with a password," he says. 

On the other end of the call Mikael instructs Viktor to extract the password from Ilsa. Viktor complies: "Yes, boss." he says. "I will extract the password and call you back when I have the information."

He hangs up the phone and approaches Ilsa. He removes the gag. "Mikael knows what you did. Give me the password and I will let you go."

"I didn't do anything!" Ilsa cries. "I don't know the password!"

"This is your computer, yes?" Viktor asks.

"No! I've never seen that thing before in my life, Viktor. Please!" Ilsa is frantic. "I didn't do anything! Let me go!"

Viktor takes a CLEAR PLASTIC BAG and pulls it over Ilsa's head. He secures it around her neck, cutting off her air. We see Ilsa struggle against her bonds. Mouth open. Gasping for air. We see the toes of her feet clenching hard as she fights to breathe. The soles of her feet erupt with wrinkles.

After a time, Viktor removes the bag. Ilsa screams for air.

"Give me the password!" he demands.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she cries.

Viktor pulls the bag over her head once again - suffocating her for a much longer period. Again we see Ilsa's bare feet struggling as she sucks frantically against the bag. Eventually Viktor lets her go again.

"This is your last chance," he says.

"Okay," Ilsa says, gasping. "The password is DARKROOM... now please just let me go!"

Viktor uses the password to unlock the laptop. He puts his phone to his ear again. "Mikael," he says. "I have the password."

Mikael barks instructions to Viktor. "Yes," Viktor responds. He opens files on the desktop. "Yes. I see it. It is all here. What do you want me to do with Ilsa?"

Mikael tells Viktor to put Ilsa out of her misery.

Viktor hangs up the phone. He takes a thin wire out of his pocket and wraps it around Ilsa's neck.

"Wait!" Ilsa screams. "No! I didn't mean to do this! Please! NO!"

Viktor tightens the cord. Ilsa strangles. Once again we see her body writhe and strain. Her barefoot soles clenching as she suffers... and ultimately expires.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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