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    11 minutes
      Star - Pop star


amazing angelina


two new actresses:

russian and italian actress and  fashion model pola


 angelina plays famous but stupid pop-star. She is in the cottage with her pr-manager (pola) and image-maker (juliana). They are discussing new concert and pr-campaign when mad fan with gun breaks in the room  and shoots poor pola to the chest.

when pola is dying other **** are in stupor. The next ****** is juliana: she gets a bullet to her stomach and slowly dies on the bed. Then the maniac puts angelina’s throat and strangkles her on the bed. He takes her bra as a fan’s fetish element, takes ****’s bodies and makes a bodypile on the floor.

 fetish elements in pola’s death scene:

character: business ****, rich ****

look: white blouse, black office skirt, high heels.

death scene: one bullet shot to her chest, surprised reaction. She stands up in stupor, falls to her knees first and than falls to the floor.

fetish elements in juliana’s death scene

character – young , a little bit stupid ****

look: very jeans micro shorts and white t-shirt

death scene – surprise, taking a bullet to her stomach, agony, dying with surprised face

fetish elements in angelina’s death scene:

character: very rich glamourous pop-star

look expensive lingerie

death scene  - long  manual **********, legs kicking, tryong to escape, panic, tongue out, death stare

postmortem manipulations  - stripping dead body, making bodypile

fetish elements: shooting, *************, death stares, death reactions, fear, horror, *****, shooting to the chest, shooting to the stomach, sexy clothes, legs, bodypile

price: 15.00
run time: 11:00 minutes
file size: 400 mb	format: .Mp4
category: shooting, **********  ALIENS
    30 minutes


Cast: Judy, Hass, Nadya, Annabelle


Alien-snake kills three girls by creeping into the vaginas, then mastered their bodies. After mutation an insectologist kills aliens-girls, hitting their heads by gun-butt, and crushing their necks with boot. She crushed them like insects!


Fetish elements

Worm penetrating the vagina, death by orgasm, foot fetish, body-control, mutation, poisoned eyes, lesbo, sleepy, unconscious, hypnosis, crushing necks, mutants, blue blood, fantastic death stare

Erotic, full nude, bizarre horror movie! One of the most erotic movies!

30 minutes long! English Subtitles! Full HD, DarkRooms Quality



Judy goes to bathe in the tub. When she rests in the water, the alien worm crawls out of the drain and heads straight for her vagina. The girl experiences shock, then orgasm, and then dies from the toxic effects of the alien parasite. Then she comes to life - her eyes turn yellow. Now her body is controlled by a parasite.

She goes to her neighbors, poisones them with sleeping pills, stripping them naked, and begins manipulating the infestation of other girls, sending worms to them in the vagina, making them feel like a murderous orgasm, dying in hell torment mixed with orgasm, and resurrecting as parasites.

But they did not have long to live in a new capacity. A brave fighter with infections invades the house, beats them with a rifle butt, and then mercilessly crushes like cockroaches. A disgusting crunch of fracture of their necks is heard, as if pressed by beetles, and blue mutated blood flows out of their mouths. Yellow eyes remain open.
    15 minutes

Customer’s Review:
I seriously cannot than you guys enough for your awesome work

Another part of great custom set where dangerous sexy hit women choke, strangle and garrote innocent female victims 
LI as Killer
Yana, Luisa, Angelina, Vika (Tora) and Annabelle are as a victims 
YANA is strangled NUDE in the restroom 
LUIZA is strangles in sexy spectacles in the restroom 
VIKA was garroted from behind on the arm-chair in her sexy outfit 
YANA again was choked topless on the billiard table
VIKA again was strangled TOPLESS in the water – Exclusive Scene!
Angelina was strangles on the bedroom – VERY REALISTIC STRANGULATION!
Annabelle was choked NUDE on her bed – she was sleeping and was rudely woken by killer…

    13 minutes
Wow! Totally amazed by the quality of your work. It was really beyond my expectations. The script was followed nicely as well as some extra things have been added in order to make this film perfect. Will definitely do more projects with you guys in future..
Review of Customer
Actress: Sonya Kruger.
Actors: Max and Romarius.
Sonya plays a college girl who is very intelligent and comes first in the exams. Two guys (studying in same class of Sonya) who are a bit shy to talk to girls share a psycho fetish that involves killing a girl mercilessly such that the girl dies very painfully. They want to see the victim suffering and that arouses them. It is the will to survive of the victims that gives them pleasure. Sonya is going to be their first victim.
When Sonya returns from college, the duo are already waiting for her inside her home. Guy1 grabs her from behind and the girl gets really scared and screams like crazy. They have forgotten to bring the chloroform, so the other guy, i.e: guy 2 places his hand over her mouth resulting in muffled screams. The girl is really scared and is crying as well as trying to scream. She looks helpless and is desperately trying to get free. But the men are strong, she can't escape. Then guy 1 asks guy 2 to grab her legs (as she is kicking a lot) and lift her up and bring her down to the floor in order to kill her. guy 1 who is behind her now places his hand over her mouth as guy 2 uses both of his hands to hold her arms and legs and take her down. Them guy 1 tells the other guy to give him a rope. Meanwhile Sonya is still struggling to get free. Guy 2 has a thin rope in his pocket and gives in to guy 1. Sonya knows that something is wrong and guy 1 is enjoying it. He allows Sonya to scream/cry/beg for 2-3 seconds and then instantly wraps the rope around her neck. Sonya is really shocked. Her expressions say it all. She cannot breath and her eyes go wide in fear. She is really scared and is thrashing very very hard. She kicks and tries to escape and twisting her body while trying to get some air. She panics and keeps thrashing her and there. It is definitely not easy for the guys to control her. Guy 2 who is holding her down loses his grip multiple times. But guy 1 isn't letting the rope go loose. He is applying full force while sonya is trying to scream (but she can't). She is really a good fighter. The guys also say that she is a fighter and why isn't she dying. Sonya is thrashing her limbs very hard. She starts to slow down after 2-3 minutes of continuous thrashing. Her eyes are filled with tears, her life fading away. Her movements reduce to jerks and spasms. Guy 2 lets her loose after 3 minutes. She is still kicking and spasming weakly. Suddenly she undergoes heavy spasms. Guy 2 again holds her legs. Finally she weakens again and guy 2 lets her limbs go. Finally  after 5-6 minutes, the girl is dead. But she is twitching involuntarily for a minute. It was a new experience for the duo and they really enjoyed  their first kill. Both are sweating heavily and they remove the victim's clothes (as much as Sonya is comfortable with) and her shoes afterwards. Sonya is staring at nothing and has a really sad death stare. Her eyes look teary and look like she was really begging them to spare her life. The two guys then leave the house and the corpse remains there.
    12 minutes
Starring: Tim (New Actor!), Annabelle, Vika

MULTI SHOOTING (10 BULLETS TO BAD BABY  - to the chest and to the navel!)


Hitwoman got the job to kill 3 women, but "the guy" who hired her gave her a special dagger with silver + wooden edge, and told that she must use this dagger to kill em and stab em in the heart to finish em off. She asked why but the man did told her nothing. So she diceded to do that her old fashion way with the gun/pistol.
She is going in the apartman looking for first sister, its looks empty, but she heard shower, so she is going closer to bathroom but in a sec a young topless wet girl is walking out of the bathroom straight to her, she sees the gun and smile, ask her. "what are you going to do to me with that thing". She says "you wont smile anylonger bitch" and shot her in the belly. She looks like she wont even noticed that and smiles again...then says: " you will pay for this" but hitwoman respond with second shot, this time in her right tit.
Vamp looked down on her wounded tit, then grab that with her hand and try to say something with angry face but then the third shot pierced her left tit and got deep in her chest reached her heart.
Hitwoman saw even more anger but this time mixed with pain and fear. Vamp grabbed wildly her left tit and tried to walk to hitwoman.
Hitwoman just looked at her in wonder and ask "how the fak that you are still alive and walking" then she shot 4th and 5th shot right in the center of her chest to make sure she will go down fast.
Vamp moaned groaned, screamed in shock grabbed her both tits in her hands did few steps forward and backward then she slowly went to her knees.
When vamp was on her knees groaning and moaning, hitgirl shot her again between tits, then she screamed and arched her back. And she almost fell on back but her left hand help her to keep balance.
girl came closer put gun between her boobs and shot her again, she arched her back even more and then fall back, for a sec she just lie down then she arched her back holding her tits. She did it few times, then she begin to try get back up.
Hitgirl saw that and screamed "just die already", walked over her aim for her heart between her boobs and shot 4 times to emty the pistol, vamp girl arched horribly her back moaned screamed, heavy breathed at last 3 times.
1st arching position: 3rd arching position before final long erotic moan. (all angles) moves goes from left to the right.  time for last bullet, arching back,and final gasp lie still...  hitwoman says: "oh fak finaly, on what drogs she was" ... she turn around and begin to walk out,  when sudenly she heard "hey honey you thought its will be so easy to kill me heh" .. she freezed for a sec then she looked back and vamp standed right behind her, no wounds on her body comletly healed with fangs in her mounth, she grabed her pushed her to the ground and start feed on her, then she remebered on THE dagger what the man gave her she grabbed it with right hand from her boot and with her all power stabbed that bitch under her left boob straight up tried to reach her heart...
when vamp felt the stab she moaned and the horror look was on her face,then she let her, arched her back grabbed her wounded tit first with left hand then with both hands. then vamp stood up and says painfully: "if u leave now i wont kill you litle girl" but before she finished the sentence hitwoman stab her again this time in the left tit in the niple, hold it in there for few secont, twisted... the vamp hold the dagger with one hand, trying to pull it out, it was very hard she was almost done,  but then hitwoman forced it even deeper, then pulled that out, stabed 2 more times in her left nipple and watched whats gonna happen, poor vamp girld grabed ger bleeding boob with her left hand
squeezing it trying to stop the bleeding, stil on her feed, she turned back and try to walk away, she was in pain and agony, hitwoman turned her and stab her in right tit just for fun..vamp grabbed both her boobs in her hands on her face was pain and fear...
she tried to walk away again litle bit faster this time but hitgirl catched her from behind and stab her right between her tits so deep that her heart was pierced by the dagger, she felt she cant heal anymore..she had no more strench to stay up on her feed..she hold dagger with one hand. Vamp somehow manage to pull the dagger out of her chest but the dagger felt from her hands how she felt horrible pain from her chest so she grabbed her chest.. hit woman grabbed the dagger, and start stabbing vamp in her left tit then right tit then left, she try to defence but she got no more power insade her she just felt the wall behind her so she managed to hold up against the wall on her she was holding up at the wall she looked down on her rouined chest and scream "noooooo" "i cant dieee im imortal, my sister will avenge me you will die even if you managed to kill me, but i cant die", hit woman said "oh but you can, and i make your heart stop beating" with one hand she grabbed her neck and with second hand she pressed the tip of the dagger right over her heart between her boobs and says "now its end blood sucker" and she stab her slowly in her heart, then she twisted it once twice slice it inside up and down, cut her vamp heart in half... vamp knew this is the end, she started slowly slices the wall down to her knees.. on her knees she grabbed both her tits...
she she waited the for a few sec squezing her tits, then she started to fell forward manage to hold up with her right hand and her left was holding her left tit.. she was having hard time to stay like that...then she fell down on her right side..still holding her left tit then she roll on her back...breathing heavily, moanig in agony..arching her back hit woman stand over her preparing for final stab but before she enter her chest vamp grabbed her hand a tried to stop dagger to enter her chest..but she fail and its get in.. vamp arched her back this time holding the dagger inside her, and pulled it aut and trow it away..  but all of that was waste of time she was dying there was no comming back from this.. she tried to say something but nothing just groaning.. vamp was breathing, moaning heavily....she arched her back very high and scream "noo naaahhhh" and then with final gasp she roll her head and died..eyes open.

    22 minutes
Cast: Xena, Max, Ksusha Zaichik, Billy Brag
This is a sequel to the previous movie \"What can you tell to my gun?\"
Xena is the fellow agent of Luiza who died infiltrating Max’s organisation.
Xena sits naked in her apartment and unwrapping a box, inside is a pair of blood stained sandals, those worn by Luiza when she died. She checked the shoes, this time please show the shoe size mark clearly, (I think Anna bought size 41). As she stared at the shoes pensively, there is brief back-and-white flash back of Luzie wearing these shoes and got shot dead.
Xena wiped the shoes clean, and put her beautiful  bare feet into them, her toes nails were also painted in the red wine Color. A lot of details of her feet in the sandals, showing how fit they were for her. She then put on her clothes (which I will specify with the prop manager later, most likely dress or shirt+skirt). No stockings, no underpants, no bras. She slid a hand gun into her purse, took a last look at herself in the mirror with a grim look and left the room. (Camera can follow her feet a little longer).
Scenes cut to another bed room - this time at Max’s place. There is a few fast cut/ flashing  of scenes Xena and Max hugging and making love (just indicatively, to the extent you can) with loud and satisfying moaning from both of them and some sultry background music.
As the music fades, it shows Xena is re-dressing herself, camera can show her wearing her sandals. Max just zipped up his pants, he kneeled down to kiss Xena’s feet praising her feet so big and beautiful. He murmured that her shoes looked a bit familiar then he suddenly looked suspicious when he saw the shoe size mark. He found an excuse walked into another room and made a call, asking his security team to come.
He came back, asking Xena to get a drink as she walks towards the cabinet, he opened her purse and saw the gun. Just as Xena turned to face him asking what he wants to brink, he fired Xena’s pistol at her repeatedly and emptied the entire clip (10-17 rounds, I will work with your prop manager to see what pistol model your are using). Xena jerked and bucked with each bullet hit as she was pushed by the impact step by step and smashed onto the back wall, but managed to stand. [The entry wound are small neat holes with little blood at the beginning but each exit wound is bigger, blood splashing on the wall.
Max clicked the empty and smirked :”wow powerful toy! A whole xx rounds (actual number TBD)”, but he was stunned to see Xena was not dead yet, she snarled at him and pushed herself up against the wall. She dashed to him and tackled him, both falling down with Xena on the top. She pushed Max a few times on the face and then tried to strangle him with her bare hand. As she pushed down her hands, she also started to vomit blood from her mouth, some dripping onto Max’ face. [Xena is now straddling on Max, it is a good chance to see all the exit wounds on her back, also some close up on her feet, it is a good chance to show the bottom of her sandals and the clear shoe size mark].
Max was over powered by Xena not able to move too much. He managed to free his right arm and fumbled around to get a knife. He plunged and slashed the knife on Xena the lower back (the left side) repeatedly, Xena’s guts started to pour out of the open wound. But Xena ignored it and just kept strangling him. Finally, Max grew too weak, his arm dropped and the knife was stuck on Xena’s back. Xena found the chance, she reached back and pulled the knife out.
Now, she raised the knife with both hand high above her head, she straddled on Max and back straight, ready to plunge the knife down. But at the exact moment, the door burst open, two of Max’s men rushed in and opened hire (riffle or pistol, no shot gun this time), it was a short burst only a few seconds, but many bullets hit Xena’s back drilling small red holes, but busting out of her chest in bigger holes, splashing blood and tissues all over Max. Xena held her postion, her arms raised high, body arching back, jerking twisting violently in the rain of bulleted. 
When the gun shot stoped, Xena was “frozen” in her strike position for a short while, with wide opened eyes and stunned impression, after a second, she groaned only one world “fuck” (or the Russian equivalent), then she fell forward, not able to control her body anymore, the knife plunged deep into Max’s shoulder, and she dropped prone on top of Max, like in sex, but just not moving anymore, her back full of bullet holes and a loop of intestines hanging out.
The guards fliped Xena off their boss. Max got up with help. He was badly hurt but will live. He looked at Xena, now lying face-up on the ground face up, eyes wide open, mouth half open. Her front was full of holes too, some small (entry), but mostly quite big (exit), thru the blood soaked clothes, we can still see each jagged bullet holes. Intestines on her side. Max cursed and kicked her body, out of rage, he grab a pistol from his guard and shot Xena on her face: 3 on the forehead, one on the cheek and one on her chin, similar to Luzia previously [ you can make the wounds slightly smaller than last time, but keep the quality!] Chunks of Xena;s  brain is now splashed all around her head.
Max was escorted out by the guards. Xena left alone on the floor, camera should give a very very long and slow view of their body, feet, face, all the wounds [make sure her body position can reveal most of the wounds! For example, her head need to tilt to the side that allows and face shot to be seen]
Scene darks, then lighten up up, caption showing “8 hours later, The Next Morning”
Max came back, his should now patched up. He mocked at now matter how strong Xena was, she is now al dead with no guts no brains left. He admired her body again, especially her big feet. He played with the feet, but didnt’t remove her shoes [we can see the show size again]. He said to himself Xena’s size 41 feet is so beautiful but the sandal reminded of him Luiza that is how he found out. He mocked at Xena being so tough but missed a small point. He then counted the bullets holes one-by-one, and found out she took xx bullets in total [ this time let’s slow down, take the time and let the audience enjoy Xena and all the wound effect  meticulously made by your crew].
Finally he left Xena lying there and walked away.
     No Rookies In The Business
    8 minutes
      No Rookies In The Business - It’s very fresh, beautiful, elegant, super sexy movie for everybody who like fantasies about young sexy female stabbings with great death stares, death reactions, good acting and many exotic dead-body views.

julia came home in the evening after work. She was a little bit tired after a long day in her office, so she decided to change her office look to indoor clothing. Her young body needed a rest. The next day should be very important  - the presentation of her research at the board of directors. Her parents were very proud of her! Smart and talented  indeed!

when she took of her skirt, shirt and one stocking she heard strange noise. She got nervous and went to hall to check is anything ok. But it wasn’t ok! The man with a knife rushed to her. Julia got panic, did a few steps back but the intruder caught her and stabbed two times to her stomach!

omg, hellish pain and animal fear! She… such a successful **** was stabbed by kitchen knife write to her stomach! Knife blade was deep into her body. Spaghetti eaten by her at her business-lunch, 4 coffee mugs and vegetable salad in her stomach met coarse knife, ripped her tender flesh. What was stronger - terrible pain or fatal fear of death?

she wanted to build a career, to get married and to become a ****** later. She did not want to die young. But the villain stabbed her one more time and scrolled knife. Internal bleeding and painful shock made her fall to the floor and agony. While she was twitching in her death throes, cynical killer started while in her bag. He found the research and came out leaving her still life. She was no hope for help. She was to weak to crawl to the phone. She I tried to endure the pain, but ***** flowed from her mouth and wounds, after some her last terrible moments she died. Her body was in strange ridiculous erotic pose, in one stocking, with surprised wide opened eyes to be found by her relatives.

fetish elements – stockings, ***** from mouth, gore, stabbing, surprised before death, young pretty ******, home alone situation, home invasion situations, deadly poses, agony before death.  It is Just My Job
    7 minutes
      It is Just My Job - It’s Just My Job
Starring: Hass, Pola and Charlie
Fetish elements:
Two head shots
Contract killer
Death stares
Surprise reaction
Full Nude

Two rich wives of businessmen were shot by contract killer. The mission included also postmortem quorate and stripping their bodies for full nude.

If you like this clip please also check
    26 minutes


25 minutes long

4 sexy actresses: Oksana, Juliana, Angelina and Marina

Spy plot, office style, girls with guns fetish elements

3 amazing shootings + 1 sexy strangling scene

Oksana is shot in her chest, marina is strangled to death after fight, Angelina and Juliana are shot by one bullet while making love and then shot to their breasts

Much long sexy agonies before death

You will see all «dead» girls with opened-eyes death stare and closed-eyes death stare

Stripping bodies, touching bodies, carrying bodies, closing eyes, checking pulse

Very well made FX-effects, bullets effects, blood and art-elements like in crime comics for adults



                Angelina is a mob boss hiding out in secluded place with 3 body guards. There is a hitman from a rival mob family that is hunting her down and has finally found her hideout. Angelina has one of her body guards (Oksana) guard the outside to keep the hitman from sneaking up on them and has Marina guard the living room. Angelina has a thing for her body guard Juliana and she has her go to the bedroom to have sex with her. (Just story). The hitman reaches the house and then with a silencer machine gun. He sees Oksana on the porch and riddles her with bullets before she has a chance to react. She dies slowly and painfully with eyes closed.

Back in the house Marina is sitting on the couch or chair watching TV. The hitman sneaks up behind her and strangles her. She puts up a good fight and manages to break free. She then tries to use hand to hand combat on the hitman. The hitman then manage to take out a wire or string from his pocket and wraps it around her neck and slow strangles her to death. She dies with eyes opened. He lays her on the couch or chair in a position to make it look like she’s asleep to prevent anyone knowing he’s there and checks for a pulse and then closes her eyes and moves slowly to the bedroom.

Back in the bedroom Angelina and Juliana are in bed naked and Angelina is on top of Juliana and rubbing her pussy with Juliana’s. (You can fake it if they won’t do it) The hitman sneaks in the room and shoots Angelina in the back and the bullet goes through her chest and hits Juliana right in the center of her chest. Angelina falls in the position in the photos. They then die slowly and painfully. The hitman approaches the girls and see’s that they are still alive and Angelina begs him to spare her life and tries to offer him a job with better pay if he does. He refuses and shoots Angelina once more in the chest and then shoots Juliana as well in the chest to finish them off. He checks her pulse and then Juliana ‘s to see if they are dead and closes their eyes.  (Get some good body shots and close ups of the face before he closes their eyes.)

He then goes and undresses the other two girls and places them in the bed on their backs right beside Angelina and Juliana. Have it where all girls  belly buttons are showing with no belly button rings and don’t get any blood on the belly buttons and face but you can get lots of blood everywhere else. After the deed is done he takes some pictures of all the girls for proof and then calls up his boss Makarov to tell him the job is done.


If you like this video please check


Job For killer (Yellow Press Store)  WHEN GIRL KILLS 1
    8 minutes
A wealthy and powerful woman calls upon a strong, muscular soldier/mercenary boy to carry out a mission. While waiting for the boy to arrive, the woman gets ready beautiful and sexy, puts on make-up and dresses in a single transparent robe, she is completely naked. A little later the soldier arrives, shirtless,  greets his female boss and tells the lady that he is ready to carry out all her orders. The lady orders the boy to recover a briefcase with confidential documents and to eliminate a group of enemy soldiers. The soldier carries out the woman's order and goes to carry out the mission. After numerous shootings and fights, the boy completes the mission, eliminating all enemies and recovering the briefcase. After completing the mission, the boy returns to the lady to receive his fee.
The boy enters the lady's luxurious apartment, shirtless, and calls the woman saying that he has completed the mission. The woman appears completely naked, greets her soldier and sits down on the sofa crossing her legs. The soldier hands the briefcase to the lady saying that he has eliminated all her enemies, convinced that the lady will pay him for the excellent work done. The woman, sitting on the sofa, completely naked and with her legs crossed, congratulates the boy saying that she will give him a nice reward. The boy smiles pleased to see the woman completely naked in front of him, convinced that he will receive a nice fee from the lady.
But the woman, completely naked and with her legs crossed, suddenly takes out a silenced pistol that she kept hidden and points it at the boy. The woman, completely naked, smiles at the boy saying that she no longer needs him and that she doesn't want witnesses. The boy, incredulous, doesn't react and stands still looking at the completely naked woman with the gun in her hand.
The woman shoots between the boy's eyes, eliminating him instantly. The boy with a hole in his forehead stands for a few seconds (he must be well framed in the foreground) then kneels down and falls at the feet of the completely naked woman. The woman, after eliminating the soldier, smiles satisfied and remains seated on the sofa with her legs crossed.
    32 minutes
CAST: Ksusha Zaichik, Sally, Max, Achilless

Professional acting! Hot scenes! High quality video!
After Ksusha successfully completed her 2nd mission and thus averted the collateral damage from her organization, she returned to her apartment. There she writes her report about her mission and sends it to her organization. In doing so, she recapitulates and analyzes the execution of her individual assassinations during her mission in order to avoid future mistakes and states for herself that she loves her job and her way of killing by strangling her victims more than anything and from order to order becomes more and more professional.

A few days later, due to her excellent work, Ksusha receives an encrypted invitation message on her computer with the following content:

Ksusha is invited to a once in 7 year meeting of her organization where the best hit men come together and only one of them is chosen to receive a position in the business level of the organization for life, giving them say, financial security and a free hand in the organization Selection and awarding of orders. The meeting is the unique "Battle Royal". There are no rules here, except that in the end there is only one person left who gets the coveted job. So everything is allowed for every participant...  Black Crane
    14 minutes
      Black Crane - BLACK CRANE 
 Custom Movie
Starring: Mary and Nata
                    Fetish elements:
Stabbing to head, shard from mouth, death stare, *****, pantyhose, playing with body, female fatale
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    BLACK CRANE part 2


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