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     2 SPIES
    6 minutes
      2 SPIES - 2 SPIES
Custom movie

Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Limp fetishes with uncensorious girl
Touching face, boobs, body 
Shooting to the back, shooting to the breasts (twice)
Searching USB in under skirt of girl in her dead pussy (non-porn scene)
Shooting to the breasts 
Death stare with open eyes
Death stare with closed eyes 
Two dead sexy bodies 
Black stockings
Spy theme 

Annabelle is dressed in a low neck black dress and Mary in something similar to Black Widow’s outfit she has unzipped the frontal part. The theme is shooting.
A door opens and Annabelle enters in a hurry. She leans against the Wall, she is afraid of something and is breathing heavily, her breasts rise and fall. When she calms down, she extracts from her bosom a USB and go straight to a computer that is on a desk in front of her.

She inserts the USB in the computer and do not notice Mary who silently walks toward her and hits her in the head with the butt of a pistol with silencer.
Annabelle cries and falls unconscious to the floor. She is on her left side. Mary turns Annabelle´s body so she rests on her back and we can see that her left breast is exposed because of the low cut of the dress.
Mary, checks Annabelle´s pulse and then caresses her exposed breast and then her face. Anabelle takes out her cell and calls someone. She says that, as they supposed, Annabelle was the doublé agent and that she has the information in a USB.  A voice in the other end tells Mary that she has to hide and let Annabelle think that everything is alright, but before she leaves the room she has to kill her.
Mary cuts the call and sees that Annabelle is recovering, so she hides away and waits. Annabelle is stunned by the blow, but she stands up and rearranges her dress to keep her breast in its place. She takes the USB, puts it inside her bosom and walks toward the door. In that moment Mary shots her in the back.
Annabelle reacts to the shot and turns around not understanding what happened, then Mary shots her two more times in her left breast, her hands go to her breast and she sees the blood in them.  We see Marys satisfying expression and hear Annabelle´s body falling to the floor.
Annabelle is on her back. Her eyes closed, her mouth slightly opened. A line of blood is coming between her breasts to her neck. Mary put her fingers in Annabelle’s bosom and extracts the USB stained with blood.
Mary goes to the door but when she opens it, she sees someone and her face is full of surprise and fear. She pleads: No, no please and she walks backwards inside the room. We hear 3 shots and Mary falls backwards. Her eyes and mouth open in disbelief and 3 blood stains in her left breast. Someone takes the USB from her clutched hand and leaves. The 2 beautiful spies lie dead in the room.  PAYBACK
    23 minutes

CAST: Mira Green, Luiza, Max


«Thank you, downloaded and watched.

Overally very happy with it. 

Mira was exceptional. Her outfit, death stare, final body position. I would have just preferred more blood to come out of her mouth. 

Luiza was exceptional throughout. Her death stare was amazing, the drool scene was spectacular and her lingerie outift was so sexy. A truly stunning girl..

Max was great in it too. Very brutal and it really came across that he hated Luiza. Brilliant by him»

From Customer’s Review 

1.	Sexy Villian Luiza kills yung rich wife of businessman shooting her to her chest and then to her month  - great fighting, emotions, surprise expression, fear expression, shooting effects and postmortem agony!
2.	Sexy Villian Luiza meets her long, terrible end as a revenge from husband of killed girl. Poor Luiza was choked, poisoned, stabbed to her chest, had neck breat two times and then was shot many many times already dead. 

PLENTY!!! Plenty Fetish Elements!

Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the month, pospmortem agony, Seduction, Bad Girl, Fe,ale Killer, From killer to Victim, Sexy Leather pants of killer, Black Stocking and lingerie,  Choking, Knock Out, Unconscious, Poisoning, Foam From The mouth, Agony, very strong body shaking, Begging For the life, Stabbing to the chest (long), Begging for be killed  quickly, Breaking Neck (Twice), Shooting many times to the dead body, Painting with Blood on dead body, Death Stare, Sexy Deadly Poses  

1st Scene

We see Mira green in her lounge doing yoga.

 She’s wearing a sports bra and pants whilst doing her stretching. She’s wearing a really nice necklace. we see her doing a few stretches. The camera then focuses on Luiza dressed as an assassin holding a silenced pistol entering the room. Mira hasn’t noticed and carries on working out. Luiza approaches mira and points the gun at Mira and tells her not to make a sound. she tells mira she just needs her husbands laptop and if she stays quiet, she’ll live. Luiza walks to pick up the laptop from the side table. Mira sees an opportunity and runs to attack Luiza, Luiza turns and fires a single shot in Miras heart. Shocked, Mira puts her hand over the wound. She looks up at luiza as blood runs out of her mouth and wound. Mira collapses onto her knees. Luiza then walks up to mira and forces her gun into Mira’s mouth. A single shot ends Mira’s life. Mira falls onto her back and her body twitches a few times before laying still her legs are spread apart. Her eyes stay open as the camera closes in on her face, loads of blood pours out of her mouth.  Luiza kneels beside her. She grabs Miras necklace and puts it on herself before leaving the room (with laptop). The camera pans over Miras body before focussing on miras face (eyes still open)

2nd Scene

Max, holding a briefcase dressed smartly on his phone outside luizas house/flat, we hear him say ‘target located, time to kill this bitch’

We cut into the flat and into a bedroom where luiza is dressed in black lingerie, black stockings and a silk robe loosely tied up and no shoes on, she is still wearing Miras necklace. She is on the stolen laptop looking through the files on it.

Max enters holding his briefcase aiming his gun at her, he tells her to stand up and to sit on the bed. As Luiza stands up and turns to face him she hides a knife in her panties. ‘how did you find me?’ luiza asks as she slowly makes her way to the bed. As she sits down she slides the knife under the pillows.

Max goes over to the laptop and briefly looks on it then diverts his attention to his target. Luiza slowly stands. Her plan is to seduce Max, kill him and save herself. Luiza tells max ‘let me show you a reason why you should let me go’ as she walks to Max she takes off her robe to reveal her body. She makes max put his gun next the laptop and takes his hand and walks him to the bed. She gets him to sit on the edge of the bed and begins to give him a sexy lapdance. She grinds on him, bends over infront of him and sucks on his finger. Luiza whispers ‘I want you to fuck me’ she pushes max onto to the bed (hes now laid with his head on the pillow with the knife under) Luiza slowly rides ontop of max whilst doing this she slowly begins to reach for the knife, she tells max to close his eyes and enjoy himself. 

As she grabs the knife she lifts it above her head and tries to thrust it into max’s chest. He grabs her hand and pulls her in close ‘that necklace belonged to my wife, im here to take it back’ they struggle/ roll around on the bed trying to stab each other. Max manages the get the knife but luiza kicks it out of his hand. The knife falls onto the floor. Both are still on the bed, Luiza is on her back and wraps her legs around max whos kneeling then ctarts to choke him with her hands. As she tightens her legs she tries to squeeze the air out of him. Max, grabs her throat and pulls her up so theyre facing each other. He then punches luiza in the face instantly knocking her out. She falls back on to the bed and her legs unwrap from around max. Max removes the necklace from around her neck and puts it in his pocket. Max goes to his briefcase and takes out a bottle of poison. He then goes back to Luiza who is still laid on the bed knocked out. He forces her mouth open then pours some poison into her open mouth. He then replaces the poison in his briefcase.

Max slaps luiza to wake her up. ‘enjoy the poison you’ve just swallowed’ luiza looks terrified as the poison begins to attack her body. she violently convulses and foam/drool erupts from her mouth. Her eyes roll back as her body stops convulsing still foam is coming out of her mouth, her tongue is sticking out.

Max grabs his belongings and begins to leave, as he nears the door he hears Luiza moving. She is somehow still alive, she crawls off the bed and makes her way to the knife on the floor. She slowly crawls towards it. Max laughing at how pathetic Luiza is he tells her that he can’t have given her enough poison. As she grabs the knife max stands on her hand that’s holding the knife and takes it from her. he grabs her hair and forces her onto her knees infront of him. He strokes her face and body with the knife all whilst luiza is begging for mercy. He grabs her face and bends down so their staring at each other. 
‘you fucking slut, any last words?’
‘just finish me off quickly, a bullet to the head’
‘You disgust me, I’ll do with you whatever I want, once you’re dead, your body is mine’
Luiza looks at max as Max thrusts the knife into Luizas chest. Blood flows out of luizas mouth. Max stands, and puts his foot on the knife that’s still in luizas chest and pushes it making Luiza drop onto her back, her body spasms. Max walks to her head and picks her head up. Luiza barely alive pleads for her life. He aggressively snaps her neck. Her eyes stay open and her tongue comes out. Max still filled with anger at luiza snaps her neck twice more. Each time Luizas body spasms. Her lifeless body is left with her arms and legs spread out wide. He retrieves his gun. As he walks to luizas body he is still angry at her. He unloads his entire clip into luiza. Her body shakes with each shot, once finished her arms and legs are again spread wide. The camera goes close on her face, loads of blood flows out of her mouth as she stares lifelessly into the camera. Max bends down and uses his phone to take a couple of photos of luiza to prove the target has being killed. He puts his phone away and uses the blood from her mouth to write RIP on luizas forehead and then writes SLUT in blood across her belly. Max kicks luizas legs more open then collects all his belongings and leaves. The camera does loads of shots of luizas body (close ups on her face, shots with her body in full view and shots in between her legs). Final shot it of luizas face.

    9 minutes
      SPACESHIP INDIGO Part 3 - Chapter 3!

Another chapter of exclusive great movie SPACESHIP INDIGO

More great locations and scenes! New sexy model IRENE!

Invaders continue to attack the Spaceship!

You will see:

Mass Battle Scenes!

Clones effects!


Attack of barricades

Attack of training center where sexy students and a teacher were machine-gunned

Great explosion

Bodies crashed by boxes after explosion


If you like this movie please check out




First 3 days the price is just 20$! Regular price is 25$!  DEAD OR ALIVE TOURNAMENT
    13 minutes
And Just For 10$!!

Brave Cowgirl: Lilia
Villain Girl: Maya
Tournament #1 winner: Luiza
Tournament#2 looser: Yana
Cowgirl’s Boyfriend: Alex

Fetish Elements: 
Shooting, Duel, Cowgirls, Bargirls, Jeans, Hat, Realistic weapon, shooting to the heart, surprise reaction, postmortem views 
From Customer Review
«After this the world never be the same, after this some dreams came true....

Your cowgirl video 1 is absolutely stunning!
Thank you that it was made in a promised short time and some great parts of film are extra (i. e. one more short girls’ gunfight and cowgirl being horny at the moment she is watching their duel).

I hardly can choose what props and elements are the best. Just everything is wonderfull – the clothes of the girls like their tight trousers, boots, hats, elegant blouses, guns. 

Simply all the intentions and wishes are fully realized, the desired atmosphere is achieved. The both girls are beautiful, very tender. They perfectly express their characters – eagerness and naivety of the “spoiled” cowgirl and experience, calm and arrogance of the villain. The concentration before the fight, surprise of the loser, quick death scene and (again) the winner’s calmness. All  this is perfectly played». 


In some saloon in the south of Texas a young cowgirl sits. She wears tight, light brown leather trousers with elegant black boots and a very tight satin white blouse put into the trousers. At her waist there is a gun holster. 

In this village a dead or alive competition takes place. Its winner will get a big sum of money at the end. But first each participant of this tournament must go through the several deadly gunfights (three rounds) in order to kill the opponents, get to the final, beat the last rival and win the prize. On the door of the saloon there is a big notice which announces the competition. 

The young cowgirl decided to participate in this hazardous tournament. 
She is the youngest daughter of a rich landlord so she is also a little bit spoiled. She starts to be bored with her comfortable life and desires to have some risky adventure. So when she was announced about this competition she immediately decided to participate in it.  She has always been skilled at gun shooting but so far she fired just on nonliving targets or she hunted animals so she finds this competition as a good opportunity to try shooting in some more exciting way. 

Now in the saloon she waits for the first round of the tournament. 

And well.... she is not scared at all..... instead of being nervous she rather feels very horny. Even now when the decisive moment has arrived she cannot help considering this precarious gunfight just as ane erotic fun for her.  

So she sits frivolously in the chair with her legs put widely apart and drinks some whisky that is on the table beside her. And she cannot resist touching and stroking slightly her lap and inner sight of her thighs. Then she slowly unfastens one more button on her blouse. Her charming throat and gentle chest so far fully revealed is now exposed even more provocatively. And she continues touching her throat and chest tenderly with her eyes delightfully narrowing and being full of irresistible desire. 

During these sensitive whiles her boyfriend enters the saloon. When she sees  him she immediately stops playing with herself and sets the look of good girl. But her blouse stays unfasten..... 
Anyway... she is not much impressed by her boyfriend. He does not represent a true man for her. She rather treats him like a younger brother.... But he is worried about her girlfriend and tries to warn her. 

A female villain is the first opponent of our young cowgirl. 
The villain is a gorgeous young woman too. She is in a tight black blouse, light blue jeans and boots. She is widely known as a very good shooter that has already killed a lot of people in the gunfights.

“Hi dear.... You are really courageous I must admit. But you do not have a chance!” the villain says to the young cowgirl. 
“Hmm.... probably I am just looking at the first victim of this whole action. My fingers are already itching” answers the cowgirl very provocatively just to challenge her rival. 

Then both female gunslingers take their guns out of their holsters. And the villain is much faster. The villain’s bullet hits the young cowgirl in her chest. When she is hit she just make very silent and short scream like she suddenly got scared of something. Then she falls on her back and is in a painfull agony. Her vital organs are damaged so her body uncontrollably jerks for a while, she gasps confusedly and then dies, her gun still lying in her hand. She has her hands and legs wide spread and her dead eyes stare emptily on the sky. Even now her dead face with open mouth has the marks of a big surprise. The blood is oozing on her chest. 

So the villain not the cowgirl slowly blows the smoke from her gun. The cowgirl’s boyfriend rushes to her lying body. But he can just see that she is dead.

The villain also slowly approaches to the cowgirl’s corpse. She kneels down to her lifeless body and she touches scornfully cowgirl’s cold chin. She takes the cowgirl’s abandoned gun and looks at it with a pleasant expression. 

“Oh, sweetheart, I can still feel the warmth of your fingers on the handle....” the villains says with a satisfied voice looking at the cowgirl’s gun.... 
“Well.... you know” continues the villain now to the desperate boyfriend. “This game is not for such rookies. She should have realized it.....What a waste, then, such a nice body....”. And she stands up and slowly leaves the place. 

And her boyfriend is not just a coward. So his thoughts starts to be filthy..... 

The elements should be:
- confidence of the young cowgirl and feeling horny before her gunfight starts that is both expressed in touching herself and also in a short dialogue with her boyfriend and playing how she blows out the smoke from her gun at the end of duel,
- cowgirl sitting on chair frivolously with her legs apart,
- kissing her boyfriend good bye when she leaves to have the gunfight, 
- her slow walking to the place of gunfight with both hands on her hips, 
- smiling at her boyfriend closely before the fight starts, 
- girls verbally provoking each other before the gunfight,
- detailed shots on the standing girls, their faces/eyes/lips and whole bodies, their legs standing wide apart, fingers ready near the handle just before the gunfight starts, “leg through” shots can also be,
- short realistic and surprised agony of the cowgirl with a short and silent scream at the beginning, gasping, body jerking, 
- lying on back, death stare, leg show, legs apart, mouth open (blood oozing from mouth possible),
- tight clothes in the cowgirl style (the young cowgirl who lose the gun battle in light blouse), waist or shoulder gun holsters, gloves, jeans, blouses etc., 
- blood on cowgirl’s chest,
- a desperate boyfriend at the end and a sarcastic talk of the female winner over the cowgirl’s corpse,
- boyfriend cannot help touching dead girl’s body (full nudity is not necessary),
- please, subtitles 

If you like this movie 
    16 minutes
Custom Movie
CAST: Marina Steffi, Ksysha Zaichik, Bella Lenina (CAME BACK TO PRODUCTION!), Demonica, Janina
Searching Artefacts in dead bodies
Hot Military Video Comics in Video Game Style!
Classic OldSchool DarkRooms destination!


A dangerous mercenary girl is tasked with a mission to infect enemy computers with a deadly virus. In order to sneak into the Aichi Centre behind a secret cottage, she has to eliminate the female guards. She prefers to work quietly and uses a garrote. However, her overconfidence and carelessness leads to a tragic ending and mission failure when she is strangled by her own garrote!

    25 minutes
Starring : Mira Green

«What a nice surprise!  I wasn't expecting this so fast!  And not only is this perfect, it is much better than my vision!!!

Thank you very much for the excellent custom!  And thank you to Mira very much!  She performed wonderfully and is always very beautiful! 

 She must've been tired after all that work, I hope you took her out for a nice dinner!

Please let me know when you plan to film in a house/cottage with a stairway/banister for Mira to lean over.  I wish to order another custom with her then.  I've saved money to purchase after I retire next month.

Thank you very much again!  Especially for being so fast!»

Here are all the scenes in priority order. Film as many as possible until my time is up. All scenes are hair down, eyes closed, falling face up playing dead after machine gun shaking. For reference, my favorite scene of Mira is Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2. I like the way she rolls over the arm of the couch and ends up playing dead. And how she acts fearless and confident. Is it possible to film from multiple views like this? I also like Chapter 8 where she is shot and falls on the bed exactly the way I prefer. Great position, face up, eyes closed, legs apart. In Mira Green Shot Dead Cocktail, I enjoyed all the scenes with her hair down and playing dead face up. Although, I did not like her acting fearful and begging. Or the beads in the closet and hiding behind columns. And please, do not shake the camera on machine gun scenes. I want to continuously see Mira in detail. I don’t want to stabilize the video myself. The story is she is a test drone sneaking around an apartment to demonstrate the precision machine gun security system is working properly. The drone is to be eliminated without damage to the surrounding area. The point of view is from the security camera system and the machine gun is not in view or seen. Mira is confident and shakes like being shot by a machine gun. No blood or effects. Start Video with Mira wearing bikini top and bottom. (socks are ok all the time to keep her feet warm) 1 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 2 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed, pan body. 3 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch, losing her top during the roll, ending up topless laying on couch, pan body. (Chapter 1 of Cowgirls Shootout 2 scene. If she doesn’t tie her top and is held only by friction, I hope it comes off naturally during the roll. If not, when you film the panning of her body, place the top on her body exposing her breast as if it had come loose.) Mira is topless in rest of scenes. 4 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, pan body. 5 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, pan body. 6 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, pan body. 7 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 8 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, pan body. 9 – She is machine gunned and falls to the floor face up. Then she is continuously machined gunned and rolls 2 or 3 times across the floor (like the bullets are pushing or rolling her), ending face up playing dead, pan body. (I don’t know how much open floor space is in the apartment. If the apartment is not big enough, or this is uncomfortable for Mira, please ignore) 10 – She is machine gunned in front of bed and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 11 – She is machine gunned on other side of bed, then turns/spins and falls straight back on bed topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 12 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, pan body. 13 – She is machine gunned and rolls over the arm of the couch topless, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 14 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch face up, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 15 – She is machine gunned, falls back on couch, then rolls off couch and end face up on floor, tries to get up and is machine gunned again, pan body. 16 – She is standing near chair, gets machine gunned while staggering to chair, falls in chair, is machine gunned again, pan body
    20 minutes
      BEWARE THE CAMERAMAN - Beware the Cameraman
«Hello and thank you! You did a wonderful job! One of your best.»
From customer’s Review

Starring: Li, Gloria, Angelina, Mary

Fetish Elements:
Vore, Magic, Strangulation, Choking, Masturbation, Bodypile, Pantyhose, Office Outfits

Part A

Li is working as a secretary at a talent agency. Each of the others girls walk in one at a time and are seated once they talk to her. They are told they will do a dance audition. The cameraman asks Li if she would like to audition too and she says yes. They are told they will be subtracted one by one to focus on each on each girl better. The girls ask what does that mean? They are told they will be OK. They look timid but agree.

The girls line up and start dancing( get some feet and leg close ups). At one point they each turn around and lift their skirt shaking their butt for the camera. ( For each girl make sure to get a long shot of their feet coming out of shoes when they are taken). Mary is taken first by a hook. The girls look then keep dancing. Next another hook takes Li. The next girl is Virgina as she floats away. The girls look up and keep dancing.  Angelina begins to dance off stage waving good bye and blowing kisses when a hook comes out and grabs her from the opposite direction.

Part B 

The girls walk back into the room caring their shoes. Li sits down at the desk and tells the girls they can get ready for the interview and put their shoes back on while they talk about the dance skit( get close ups of each girl’s feet putting on her shoes).  Li tells Gloria she will go first. Gloria walks into the room ( use the table with the rug over it for vore scene like the last movie). She walks in and says “hello- anyone here?” She hears something by the table. She looks underneath and then looks at the camera. She smiles and says “Good you are here. Its ok -it’s  just a big green monster.” Then realizing what she sees she then changes expression and starts screaming “oh no! A big green monster!!” as she gets pulled under. She screams and loses shoes as she is swallowed head first. Mary and Angelina hear in the other room and ask Li what was that? She says nothing to worry about. She then tells Mary she can go interview now. Mary walks in apprehensive. She sees the table and goes to sit down on it. She looks at the camera and says “hello- are we ready to start?” The camera man tells her she dropped something she gets on the floor and looks under the table. She asks “what is this?” With a smile and then is grabbed and swallowed head first while she screams and loses shoes as she is pulled in. Li then tells Angelina it’s her turn. Angelina walks in. She looks at the camera and tells the camera why she should get the job. She hears something under the table and goes to look. She looks under and then at the camera and asks “is that what I think it is?” She is told yes, and then is grabbed and slowly pulled under while she screams and asks for help, losing her shoes a she is swallowed. Li then comes in and ask the camera “are they gone?”  She is told yes and asked if she will pick up theirs shoes. She smiles and says yes.  As she does she picks up a shoe by the table and is grabbed. She asks the camera for help and then screams as she is pulled under losing her shoes.

Part C

The girls are all back together and told their vore shoot is over. They are happy and begin talking and putting shoes back on. They are asked to spend the night and they agree. Li gets up to leave and go into a room. She lays down and takes off her shoes and skirt . She then begins to give herself an orgasam through her pantyhose. When she finished she looks at the camera and says “ I didn’t see you there! You should have joined me!” She smiles and motions to the camera but then (gloved hands or rope) she is strangled from behind until she is dead. Her body is dragged off camera with her feet the last we see. Gloria says she is going to find Li. She walks into the room. She sees her shoes in the floor. “Li? Where are you? Will you answer me?” There is a close up of her legs as she trips over Li’s body. Some hands help her up from behind. She smiles and says “thank you. I almost broke my leg.”  She turns and see what helped her up and starts screaming and she is choked to death. Close up of her feet as she gives her last breath. She is then dragged off camera. Mary and Angelina are talking about where the others went. They agree to split up and find them. Angelina walks into a room looking around. She looks at the camera “there you are.” She smiles. She asks “do the other girls know what is happening to them yet? Have you killed them all yet?” She tells the camera “ I just want it to be me and you.” She starts to act seductive and takes off her skirt and shoes.  She begins to smile and rub her body seducing the camera. She loses her smile when someone starts to choke her from behind. She is strangled with a close up of feet as she runs out of air.  She is  then is dragged away with her feet the last thing we see. Mary comes back into the main room looking for everyone and sees all the other girls bodies positioned on the couch. She goes to them and tries to wake them up. She looks at the camera. She asks “ what happened to them?” The camera man tells her they are dead and she is next. She screams as she is grabbed from behind and strangled to the floor. The last shot is all four girl dead on the couch with just their bras and pantyhose on. (some close ups of legs and feet)


    17 minutes
      My Living Dolls - Starring:
Nica, Mary, Christy, Nadya, Tora, Annabelle, Kit
2 great strangulation scenes
Living dolls
Deadly injections
3 neck breakes
Moving naked dead bodipiles
Dead girls and living frozen girls in one bodypile
All girls die in the end
 The living frozen girl with a Dictaphone in her belly! When you push it she says: «Mummy!» like dolls do it!


A man has a installation of dolls. He invites his female friends to show his modern collection. But the don’t know it’s not just a product of art but dolls made from real girls. They also don’t know thy are following victims of this terrible maniac and they are next dolls.

If you like this clip please check out
Mannequin Maker

19 $ first weekend! Basic Price is 29$! Save 10$ buing it now!
    19 minutes
FEMDOM! Sally as a sexy killer girl strangles to the death two male clones!
Cast: Sally and Max

The contract killer is hired by a company that develops male clones for use in silent combat. The company wants to verify that their clones are working properly. For this they have hired a contracted murderer diagnosed as clinically crazy, who has the reputation to strangle her victims sadistically and thereby to feel sexual arousal.

The details of where the killer finds her victim (room number and picture of her assignment) are in the letter. She looks at the picture and says to herself that she will enjoy killing the two clone.

She puts on her killer outfit, a bikinislip to tie, leather bra, a tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots, black leather jacket.

She puts on black tight leather gloves and open her leather jacket. She takes her tat tool, a garotte with wooden handles out, stands in front of a mirror, this puts itself the garrot around the neck and pulls over, imagining how she will strangle the first clones. Then she puts her hands around her own neck, then her seal image, imagining herself strangling the second clone.

1. Clone
The contract killer stands in front of the door of the hotel room where her first clone victim is, she takes a fake key from her pocket and softly opens the door.The room is still empty. She hides behind a curtain (or similar). Suddenly, the first clone comes unsuspecting into the room. The contract killer creeps up behind him and puts the garrot around his neck and pulls tight. The clone tries to fight back, but the killer is much stronger. As the resistance slowly fades, she throws him on the bed, sits on him and clamps his arms under her legs. then she puts her hands around his neck and presses until she kills him and saliva comes out of his mouth and his tongue sticking out of his mouth . He defends himself but has no chance against them.

2. Clone
The second clone seduces her and goes with him to the room where she is undisturbed. She slowly undresses, puts on her leather boots and leather gloves. Then she pushes him on the bed and rides him wildly. She chokes him while fucking first spelerich with her hands and enjoys the sex.
Then she takes her garrote out of the leather jacket which she puts on in the meantime she puts the clone around the neck and strangles him just before she comes to orgasm. Then she takes her garrison and puts it around her own neck, swirls until she finally comes to orgasm. He jerks out of his mouth until he is salivating and his tongue hangs out limply.
After she is finished, she lifts him on the bed and puts hims hands around each end of the garrote still wrapped around her neck. It looks as though he is still trying to strangle himself in death.

After killing the clones, she calls her client and says the clones are still too weak to fight, On the phone she describes how she killed both clones and asks for another job to test other clones and to strangle them too.

    10 minutes
      Bodyguard - BODYGUARD

If you like classic elegant erotic shooting please don’t miss this great shooting clip in best traditions of DARKROOMS PRODUCTION

Fetish elements: surprised shooting, shooting in the stomach, shooting in the chest, long agony, surprised face, death stare, sliding along the wall, freeze look, *****, very good acting

Bodyguard has a mission: he guards beautiful young woman, a ******** of big businessman, There is insecurity in the city. They are in the safehouse, ********. He watches a strange dream. 
First scene. Dream. She is nude, she comes to him for making love, but he takes a silencer gun and suddenly shoots her into her stomach. She is very surprised, slips to the floor in agony shaking her body and watching to her bloody belly. He shoots her to her heart. After a very erotic twist she is dead with great death stare. 

Second scene. 
He ***** up. He hears shooting outside. He says to her they must go. She quckly takes on raincoat  over her sexy  nightgown and comes to the window to take her mobile phone but takes a bullet to her chest by sniper. She is surprised and confused, she needs some time to realize what happened. Bodyguard stands her to the wall and sees tragic picture. She is fatally wounded in the chest. Her death is rather long, she slips to the floor and dies after painful agony. 

    32 minutes
Ksysha Zaichik, Baunty, Edward Petrov, Maxim Sergeev, Bella Lenina, Li
«A really extravagant great clip. Ksusha as a female assassin is great. Well implemented»
Customer’s review
Plot of the movie 

Outfit Ksusha:   lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots and very 
                          short black gloves.   

Outfit Baunty:    lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight white leggings, belt, black leather boots and very 
                          short black gloves.
I hope you can implement the clip like this.

Black Widow Sisters
Ksusha and Baunty are both agents of a secret government group. As a teenage sibling, they were kidnapped by the organization to be trained as contract killers for silent killing. For years, both have specialized in effectively strangling or choking their victims. Both hired killers have perfected their skills over the years and love to kill their victims in this way. They despise and hate their victims and consider them of low status. Ksusha and Baunty are ruthless, cruel and very aggressive. They are now among the best contract killers in the organization and always work together. You call them the Black Widow Sisters.
Ksusha loves to kill male victims and Baunty, on the other hand, likes to strangle beautiful female victims.
In their shared apartment, Ksusha and Baunty receive their new assignment from the organization via an encrypted audio message on their computer. Ksusha enters the 
password and they both listen to the details of their assignment(please display with subtitle). They are supposed to smash a mafia ring by infiltrating it and killing the four 
most powerful people. It is a total of 4 people, a woman and a man, who came to power as uncompromising hit men and their clones. Ksusha and Baunty should plan and
carry out their mission independently. Ksusha tells Baunty that they have to kill all 4 because nobody knows exactly who the real person is and who the clone is. Baunty 
agrees with Ksusha and tells her that she wants to kill the two women each time. Ksusha says okay and I'll kill the other two mans. Ksusha says to her sister, come and
 let's exercise. Both put on their killer outfits, bikini briefs to tie, a leather bra, tight wetlook leather pants, black leather boots - then each of the two sisters puts on their tight
 black leather gloves. Ksusha takes out her instrument, a garotte with wooden handles, and Baunty always uses a USB cable to strangle. Then they start their training. 
Both train their skills by strangling and choking each other as perpetrators and victims. Each with your hands and the garrote or usb cable. 

The training takes about 5 minutes.

Both contract killers enter the organization through fake résumés and can scout out their potential victims and plan how they will carry out their assignments. Both agree 
again that Ksusha will kill the male victims and Baunty the two women.

1. Male Victim

The contractkiller Ksusha stands in front of the door of the hotel room in which her first victim is, she takes a fake key out of her pocket and quietly opens the door. She 
looks around and finds her first victim sitting at a desk. The hit man slowly sneaks up on him and puts the garrote around his neck from behind and tightens himself. The 
Mafia boss tries to fight back, but Ksusha is much stronger with her choking technique. When the resistance slowly subsides, she throws him on the bed, sits on him and 
tucks his arms under her legs. Then she puts the garotte around his neck again (completely around his neck) and pulls it tighter and tighter. He defends himself violently, 
but has no chance against Ksusha. It continues to put tight until it finally killed him and saliva comes out of his mouth and his tongue protrudes out of his mouth. Ksusha 
enjoys looking her victim deep in the eyes until he has taken his last breath. Then she calls her sister and tells her that she killed the first male victim and describes it to 
her, but does not know whether he was the real guy or his clone. Baunty says to her sister, she will kill one of the two women und  Ksusha wishes her Sister have fun and 

2. Female Victim

The contract killer Baunty broke into the apartment of the female mafia boss. When Baunty hears her victim coming, she hides. The mafia boss (also in a leather outfit, 
please) comes into the living room / playroom and has a knife on his belt. Baunty sneaks up on her from behind and puts the usb cable around her neck and chokes her
badly. The female mafia boss can get out of the situation and pulls her knife. The mob boss thinks he has Baunty and approaches with the knife, but Baunty makes a fist
and hits her in the face with it and follows with one knee to her groin, she is dazed and Baunty throws her to the ground. Baunty sits on top of her, puts her hands around 
her neck, and chokes her tight. The mafia boss lashes out, but is still dazed and only fights weakly, but manages to break free for a moment. Baunty takes the usb cable 
and puts it around her neck from behind, pulls it back and throws it on the bed. Baunty sits on her and strangles her to death. The Mafia boss convulses and trembles and 
lashes out wildly, but becomes weaker and weaker and finally gives up, so that Baunty can finish her job in peace. When saliva ran out of her mouth, Baunty tightened 
the usb cable again and the mafia boss twitched her legs again until she was finally strangled by Bauty and her tongue stuck limply out of her mouth. Then Baunty gets up and checks his body and pulse. Then she gets 
up, takes her cell phone out of her pocket and takes a few pictures of her corpse. She calls her sister and tells her to check her inbox. She sent her a few 
photos of the dead female mafia boss. Ksusha says on the phone that she did a great job. Baunty is satisfied and looking forward to her next female victim 
and makes her way to headquarters, where she found him.
 3. Female Victim
Meanwhile, Baunty has come to the room to find her next victim.  She pulls a nylon stocking over her face. Baunty is suddenly face to face with the female mafia boss, and the contractkiller Baunty immediately begins to strangle his victim with both hands on the neck. Baunty realizes that she is much stronger than her victim. Baunty first chokes her victim, then they start hopping from wall to wall (mafia boss always falls against the wall), entering the room where they fall on the bed, Baunty sits down on the victim  and starts again her victim to choking with  hands. And she tells her to look at her stocking face, her stocking face is like a reassurance before death. Baunty begins to choke her neck with both hands and clasps it tightly (with his fingers on the neck). Your victim fights and slowly gets weaker. Baunty takes off the nylon stocking and tells her victim that she is who she will be killed by. Then Baunty takes her usb cabel out of her pocket, takes off her leather jacket and puts the usb cabel it completely around her victim's neck and strangles the female mafia boss and before she dies, she brings her face as close as possible to that of the victim and says to her the words "Look at me , look at me and die ... ". Baunty pulls as tight as she can until her victim's tongue hangs limply from her throat and saliva runs out. After Baunty kills her victim, she examines it thoroughly and finds that she was the real female mafia boss and calls her sister to tell her.
4. Male Victim
The contractkiller Ksusha approaches the house where her male victim is. When breaking in, she pulls a black nylon stocking mask over her head, then takes a knife out of her belt pouch and begins to explore the house. She meets the mafia boss. He is shocked and tries to knock the gun out of her hand, which he succeeds the second time around. When he turns away from Ksusha to grab the knife, she takes her garotte out of her leather jacket in a flash and attacks him from behind. She wraps the garottetightly around his neck and strangles him upright on the bed. He squirms and fights, but she has done this many, many times. Then she tells him he has nowhere to go and takes off her nylon stocking mask. She takes off her leather jacket. He tries to grab her wrists, the garrote, everything, but nothing moves. The garrot is sunk deep into his neck. His eyes protrude and her tongue gasps for air. His body begins to cramp as it weakens. He's losing this fight. His eyes begin to roll, he is very weak - sweaty, almost dead. When he is still, she drops him forward on the bed. She rolls him around, takes her garotte again and puts it all around his neck and strangles him. His resistance is a bit stronger again, but Ksusha likes it when her victims fight very hard. He manages to tear himself away for a moment, but Ksusha throws him back on the bed, sits on him, tucks his arms under her thighs and puts the garotte once again completely around his neck (completely wrapped around it) and tells him, that she are going to kill him now becomes and finally strangles him very brutally and enjoys looking him in the eye until he just twitches and is finally dead. Then she takes the time and slowly explores him, finally realizing that he was the clone.
Ksusha has turned on the murder so that she masturbates on his corpse and strangles herself with the garotte until she comes to orgasm.
Ksusha calls her sister so they can meet and celebrate the successful mission together and tell each other all the details. Please have a conversation with subtitles.After telling each other the details of their murderscalls Ksusha her organization and says that the job was done professionally and and sent all the pictures of their victims. Ksusha asks for the next job for herself and her sister. Then you get their new mission and they both hug and set off to plan the new mission.  THREE WOMEN THREE VICTIMS
    24 minutes
«It's amazing! Thank you so much, I really appreciate this.»
CAST: Tanya, Polina Wood, Mira Green
Victim 1 - Tanya; black top, grey office pants, normal sized cotton black socks (NOT trainer socks.) And boots.

Victim 2 - Nata; same as Eleanor but with black shoes.

Model 3 - Mira Green; black top, camo pants, socks, shoes.

Script- 20-25 mins

0-10 mins
Tanya comes home after a long day at work when suddenly, she's attacked by Nata with chloroform. Tanya falls limp onto the floor flat on her back. Nata removes Tanya's boots and begins sniffing her socked feet. She next removes one of her socks and starts smelling her barefoot. After 2-3 minutes, Tanya begins to wake up. Nata quickly jumps on top of Tanya and starts to smother her with her hands. We see Tanya struggle, with the camera panning to her body and her feet twitching and kicking. Once Tanya has passed, we see her toes of her barefoot scrunch together and then released as her life had ended. Tanya has now passed with eyes open staring into space. Nata can now have fun with her. She removes Tanya's other sock and begins to worship her barefeet. She also lifts up her top to expose her breasts and begins worshipping her. She then moves up to her neck and face. Finally moving back to her feet.

10-20/25 mins

Mira sees Nata worshipping Tanya and is turned on by it. She wants a go so, she sneaks up behind Nata, gets a rope and puts it around her neck and strangles her. Nata begins to kick and twitch as she struggles for her life. She kicks her shoes off in the struggle. Finally the twitches get weaker and weaker. Nata also begins to drool. The camera pans around the same way as it did around Tanya. Nata has now passed eyes wide open staring into space. She is laying next to Tanya . Mira then sniffs Nata's socks and the begins to peel them off. She worships Nata the same way Tanya was. After a while she begins to worship them both at the same time. The model takes her own shoes and socks off. She makes Tanya and Nata hold hands and gives them both a goodbye kiss to the forehead. Mira then intakes a poison, holds hands with nata. And begins to twitch and kick as the poison starts to kill her. She begins to drool. There are lots of views of her feet twitching. Mira has now passed eyes open. The camera pans around the bodies and the soles of their feet side by side.

Please could there be lots and lots of views of the soles of their feet.

I hope this is okay. If there's any confusion, I can make clear.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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