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    5 minutes
Starring: Tora, Luiza, Angelina, Mary, Hass, Marina
3 mortal Battle scenes between gang of bad girls and group of good girls. 
Many deaths, 3 variants of ending of this mortal fight! Swords and guns fetish action  ARHER19
    30 minutes
      ARHER19 - ARCHER 19

30 minutes!


Fetish Elements:

Boot Fetish, Arrows, Belly Button Tortures, Police Story, Bondage and hands-tied, FULL NUDE in boots, Fear Before Death, Failed Mission, Stalking, GREAT ARROWS EFFECTS, agony, death stares, bodypie

Another episode of The Archer. This time, the archer misses when shooting at the second victim, and allows her to leave. But he overtakes her another time to finish what he started. The policewoman tries to save her, but she fails...
    23 minutes
Cast: Angelina and Xena
«I've seen a lot of Stabbing videos and this is easily one of the Best I've ever seen.

Angelina did not disappoint. It's always fun watching her and how much personality she brings, both as the victim and the killer. As the victim, her cries of anguish really sold the stabbings. As the killer, she surprised me by getting wonderfully maniacal, which made that part of the video even more entertaining.

Admittedly, I was taking a gamble with Xena since I hadn't seen any of her videos prior to this. But, it was a good gamble because she did an excellent job as well. She was very sexy both as the killer and the victim.

The only disappointing thing was that I could tell they were just pantomiming the kissing scenes. I'm guessing that was done as a COVID-19 precaution. Though it is unfortunate, it is understandable. Regardless, the film was still very enjoyable and worth the wait»

Customer’s Review 

A Rogue Agent, Angelina returns to the apartment she is using as a safe house.  She wears blue jeans (possibly with a belt), a black leather jacket, a sleeveless tank top (a dark color or white), and high heel boots (preferably black), her hair is tied back in a ponytail or braid, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s black, a dark color, white, or clear.  
She sees that a section of the wall and floor of the living room (it doesn’t have to be the living room) is covered by plastic (or a tarp, whichever is easier/looks better)) and immediately knows something is off.  
An Assassin, Xena, comes out of hiding and aims her pistol (with a silencer) at Angelina’s head.  She wears blue jeans, a sleeveless tank top (a dark color), and high heel boots (preferably black), her hair is tied back in a ponytail or braid, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s black, a dark color, white, or clear.
Xena chuckles.
Xena suddenly stabs her in the abdomen.  Angelina looks at the knife and Xena in shock.  Xena stabs her in the abdomen again.  And then a third time.  Xena twists the blade, causing Angelina to groan/moan in pain. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place.  If need be, this section can be shortened to two stabs with Xena twisting the blade on the 2nd stab.) 
Xena smiles in satisfaction and makes out with her and Angelina can’t help kissing her back.
She then stabs Angelina in the chest with a downward strike.  Angelina looks dazed.  Xena holds it in for a few seconds then stabs her in the chest again.  She then stabs her in the chest a third time. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place.  If need be, this section can be shortened to two stabs.)
Xena pulls out the knife, aims it at Angelina’s abdomen, then stabs her four more times (taking a second or two between each stab).  She then stabs her fifth time, this time slowly driving it into Angelina’s abdomen and the twisting the blade a couple times.  (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place)
She pulls out the knife.  Angelina takes a couple staggering steps forward.  Xena easily pushes her back against the wall and makes out with her some more and slowly gropes her breasts.  She then spends some time licking and sucking on Angelina’s tits. 
Xena aims the knife at one of Angelina’s nipples and slowly drives it into her.  
She then does the same to Angelina’s other nipple.  Both times the pain is almost orgasmic.
She turns Angelina around to face the wall and uncuffs her.
She tosses the cuffs aside, turns Angelina back around, and watches for a moment as she struggles to cling to life.
Xena stabs her in the chest in a downward strike four more times, taking a second or two between each stab.  (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place.  If need be, this section can be shortened to three stabs.)
Xena smirks, impressed.  She then grabs Angelina by the throat and aims the knife where the entrance to her pussy would be.
Angelina just glares at her.
Xena drives the blade into Angelina’s pussy.  She gasps and her eyes roll back.  Xena holds it inside her and watches her dazed orgasmic reaction.  Her body begins to spasm, inadvertently making her fuck the blade.  She decides to help, fucking Angelina with the knife.  She finally pulls it out.  Blood and piss spill from Angelina.
After a few seconds, Angelina drops to her knees, and her face lands against Xena’ belly.  Xena holds her head there, cradling it.  Xena laughs manically while Angelina clings to life, her body shivering and/or spasming.
Xena gets down on one knee (or both knees) so she can look Angelina in the eyes.  She kisses her.
Xena considers this for a second (or at least pretends to)
She then slowly drives the knife into Angelina’s heart, then twists the blade two times.  Gradually, Angelina lays down (possibly into the pool of blood and piss), Xena guiding/helping.  Xena watches as Angelina’s life begins slips away.  She gives Angelina one last kiss goodbye.  Wanting her to suffer till her last breath, Xena pulls out the knife and slowly drives it into the base of Angelina’s throat.  
Angelina gradually dies, her dead eyes staring into Xena’s (possible POV).
Xena pulls the knife out, then straightens Angelina out (if need be), and as she looks down at her (body pans), she becomes mesmerized by the peaceful look on Angelina’s face, turning it back and forth and stroking it.  She slowly makes out with her, savoring the taste and unique feeling of the dead girl’s unresponsive lips, all while groping her breasts.  Gradually she moves down, kissing and nibbling on her neck, and then sucking on her breasts, enjoying the taste of her blood.  She then makes out with her some more.  
She takes Angelina’s hands and runs them up and down her body, making her grope her breasts (Xena’s), enjoying the feel of her dead lover’s hands.  She then makes out with her some more. 
Inevitably, throughout all this Xena can’t help getting Angelina’s blood on her and she enjoys it.  Maybe she rubs it on herself every now and then. 
As she stares at Angelina’s dead face her blood lust takes over and she stabs Angelina three more times in the chest (it can be shortened to two stabs, if need be), twice in the abdomen (it can be shortened to one stab, if need be), then two more times in the chest (it can be shortened to one stab, if need be).  She pauses between each stab to savor it.  She then stabs the top of her pussy mound.  She then aims the knife at the entry of her pussy and stabs her pussy three more times (a couple seconds between each stab, or it can be shortened to one stab, if need be) and then fucks her with the knife. 
She then makes out with her again, hard and angrily this time but then gradually getting softer and more loving.
She then slowly drives the knife into Angelina’s heart one last time and leaves it there.  Xena gives her one final deep kiss then walks away.  Body pans, ending with a close up of Angelina’s face (This appears to be the end).
Xena pulls out her phone and makes a call.
Angelina suddenly inhales, slowly sits up, and stands (almost as if she were a zombie).  She sees Xena has her back turned.  She glares at her as she pulls the knife out of her chest and approaches.
Angelina suddenly grabs Xena from behind and stabs her in the back, causing her to drop her phone.  The Boss calls out to Xena from the phone. Angelina then stabs her in the back a second and third time.  (If need be, this section can be shortened to one stab)
Angelina puts Xena up against the wall and stabs her in the abdomen then twists the blade to causing Xena to groan/moan.  Xena looks at the knife and Angelina in shock.  
She twists the blade again, causing her more pain.
Angelina smiles in satisfaction and makes out with her and Xena can’t help kissing her back.
She roughly pulls the knife out of Xena, causing her more pain.  As Xena clutches her wound, moaning in pain, Angelina retrieves Xena’s gun and aims it at her.
XENA (chuckles): I guess I should consider myself lucky.  You always end the fun quickly.
ANGELINA: It’s called being efficient.  And for you, I’ll make an exception.    
Angelina suddenly shoots Xena in the base of her throat.  For a moment Xena is shocked as her hand goes to the wound in her throat.  It becomes increasingly difficult for her to breathe.
Angelina grabs a chair and places it on the plastic for Xena.  As Xena sits down, blood streams from her throat as she lets out labored wheezing breaths. 
ANGELINA: Having trouble breathing?  Don’t worry.  We have plenty of time before the fun is over.
Angelina puts the gun to the side.  (Maybe she grabs another chair for herself, or she can bend/crouch down.  Whatever is easier/looks better).
She strokes Xena’s faces and makes out with her.  She takes her time, slowly making out with Xena, slowly yet roughly groping, licking, and sucking on her breasts, kissing and licking her abdomen, licking the blood, and rubbing her crotch.  All the while, Xena continues to let out labored wheezing breaths as she chokes on the bullet.  She doesn’t resist.  She is too weak. 
After a while, Angelina grabs the gun.  Crouching down, she holds Xena from behind, grabbing her breasts as she slowly aims the gun.  She then shoots Xena twice in the pelvis.  Xena pisses herself. 
Angelina smiles and maybe chuckles in satisfaction.  She then continues to make out with Xena and grope her body for a while longer.  All the while Xena’s wheezing breaths become increasingly labored, her body shutters, her eyes are dazed.
After a while, Angelina walks in front of Xena.  She aims the gun right at where the entrance to Xena’s pussy would be.  She gives Xena a few seconds to think about it, the fires, shooting Xena right in the pussy.  Xena bucks forward, clutching her pussy, and slowly falls to the floor, landing in her own piss (and possibly Angelina’s piss as well).
Angelina watches, enjoying the sight of Xena’s eyes rolling back and her body spasming as her wheezing breaths become increasingly labored.  It’s almost orgasmic.  She doesn’t have long.
Angelina turns Xena onto her back (unless she is already on her back) and makes out with her some more.  She then stares into Xena’s eyes as she gradually takes her last wheezing breath, her dead eyes staring into Angelina’s (up close and intimate, possible POV).      
ANGELINA: See you in Hell, my love.  Save me a spot by the fire.  
Angelina becomes mesmerized by the peaceful look on Xena’ face and slowly makes out with her, savoring the taste and unique feeling of the dead girl’s unresponsive lips, all while groping her breasts.  Gradually she moves down, kissing and nibbling on her neck, then sucking on her breasts.  She then makes out with her some more.  
She takes Xena’ hands and runs them up and down her body, making her grope her breasts (Angelina’s), enjoying the feel of her dead lover’s hands.  She then makes out with her some more. 
Inevitably, throughout all this Angelina can’t help getting Xena’ blood on her and she enjoys it.  Maybe she rubs it on herself every now and then. 
As she stares at Xena’ dead face her blood lust takes over.  She takes the knife and stabs Xena in the pussy and then fucks her with the knife.
She then makes out with her again, hard and angrily this time but then gradually getting softer and more loving.
Angelina gives her one final deep kiss then stands and looks her over (body pans).  She then picks up the gun shoots Xena three times in the forehead (taking a second or two between shots) in the same place, making the wound bigger. (Angelina POV)
Angelina picks up Xena’ phone.  The Boss continues to call for Xena.
ANGELINA: She dead.  And you’re next.     
Angelina hangs up.  She looks at the dead Xena and herself.  What a mess.  At least her victim brought cleaning supplies.  
She strides toward the bathroom to get cleaned up, almost like a bloody yet triumphant zombie. 
(Kind of similar to the final victory march in Capture the Flag Part 2 at 5:28: 
Our final body pans, ending with a close up of Xena’ face staring at us.
The dialogue is more of a guideline, so feel free to have the models improvise if they like. 
Feel free to include any bloopers or outtakes at the end.  Maybe even a bonus scene of the girls getting cleaned up afterwards. 

    15 minutes
Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Shooting to the belly with long agony
Girl knocks out man
Girl strangles man
Man stabs girl with very long agony
Body Carrying
Death Stares


It’s modern Amazon Club.  Two amazons know that Assassin must come to their hotel room where they stayed to kill them. They are ready to deadly fight but looses it…

If you like this movie please check out
     Sheriff His Son and 3 Whores
    7 minutes
      Sheriff His Son and 3 Whores - Sheriff, His Son and Three Whores

Starring: Christy, Annabelle, Nancy, Alex, Charlie

Sheriff takes his son to local brothel He has agreement with a pimp he can go to the brothel for free and do all he wants. That time he takes son to teach him to be cruel and choke and beat a young whore. But his son as I kind guy and when his father foes away he gives to the prostitute big sum of money and goes away. In the evening father asks his son about his job and understands he didn’t fuck her and gave her money. Sheriff takes his son to the brothel again and forces his son to shoot whores.  OMBILIANT
    32 minutes
      OMBILIANT - Ombiliant

CAST: Mira Green and Alice M 
Fetish Elements
Girl Kills a girl, Choking, Strangulation, Playing With Body, Much Playing with a bellybutton
Two young girls are in a boarding room at a rich girl's school, a barefoot pimbeche blonde with a cropped top and mini-shorts that reach up to her stomach contemplates her belly button in the mirror and brags about her new extra expensive piercing she received for her last birthday, her comrade in student clothes with a skirt who has always been secretly jealous of her roommate daddy's girl asks her what is the point of wearing a jewel of such value if it is to remain hidden most of the time under clothes but the girl with the piercing taunts her by telling her that you have to be a perfect and pure woman to be able to wear a jewel of such an exception and that her rival is certainly not the case, the other furious girl starts insulting her with trash and a fight ensues, at first the blonde has the top hitting the jealous girl in the face but the other girl the grabs her with both hands, squeezing her neck tightly, the blonde with nd eyes in shock collapses on her back to the ground and fights for her life trying to push her opponent back but the other girl is stronger than her and her strength starts to fail her opponent takes advantage of this moment of weakness to gain the advantage by sitting on her at waist level blocking her arms at her sides with her legs to prevent her from using her hands to defend herself and she squeezes her neck harder and harder of his victim who begins to turn pale and his tongue begins to come out of his mouth.
After a while the beaten girl hardly moves because her opponent seems to have broken her trachea by squeezing her throat and starts to drool, her head leans to the side and drool runs down her throat. plays her eyes rolls back like she's having a seizure but her tormentor doesn't care and goes on for more belly humiliations and punishments she humiliates him by removing her mini shorts and top short revealing her little white panties and her bra cruelly exposing her abdomen, the poor girl finds herself in her underwear totally vulnerable and at the mercy of her pitiless opponent, the bad girl calls her "pathetic" and "weak" after that she starts by manipulating and looking at her victim's piercing more closely with her vicious fingers. The blonde too weak to act upright obviously no longer has the strength to move her arms which have remained at her sides or her legs and seems to have turned into a real helpless rag doll. She slowly chokes on her own slime and gasps desperately for oxygen, the mean girl lets out a mean little laugh mocking her victim and says "I'm going to finish you" she then has fun sticking her pointed finger deep in the navel of her paralyzed prey and gently moves it inside turning it and stinging sometimes while the blonde suffocates in silence at one point she puts her finger buried in the navel of the agonizing girl and has fun stinging it over and over and saying "what's that mouse hole?" After a while her victim inflates her belly and exhales one last time through her bubble-creating drool, the mean girl then in synchronization pushes her finger deepest into the girl's navel as she exhales and makes a little vicious laugh at the same time saying "shhh .. die bitch!" the blonde lets out a last gasp.
(make a camera angle so that we can see the belly from the side with the finger pressed to see the belly which inflates and exhales one last time)
She stays like that with her finger for at least 2 minutes and then pulls it out sharply while verbally humiliating her by saying "big tummy".
She then takes the pulse of the defeated girl with her fingers, she lifts the arm of the corpse and drops her lame hand on the belly of the victim who is nothing more than a pile of inert meat, she puts her arm back to the ground along the body and look down the side of the abdomen to see if it is still moving and sees that her victim is gone for good, she then removes the belly button piercing from the dead girl then pulls out her phone and takes a compromising photo of the navel and also removes the panties and bra of the dead girl so that she finds herself totally naked and vulnerable making sure not to change her initial position, she also checks if she is wearing any other jewels on her to steal, she decides to have a little fun with the corpse before getting rid of it, she sits down next to the body and looks into the dead woman's navel with a little superior air and notices that the bottom navel is dirty, she takes a cotton swab and a cleaning and decides to clean it completely and to subject her rival to a final examination of the most humiliating, she takes her time while making the knuckles and each fold and inspects the depths with the help of tweezers she removes the potential dirt encrusted in the hollows while verbally humiliating her on the shape of her navel telling her that it is weird and badly cut at birth, after that she has fun for a good 5 minutes trying to bring out the navel from the dead girl using her fingers and putting her sharp fingernails inside and deep in different positions to give the navel various shapes and rounded, she also has fun pushing her index finger deeper into the navel and as the dead girl can no longer challenge and protect her belly, her fingers easily penetrate the tender flesh of the belly, which causes dull noises due to the absence of muscle and resistance, the a mean girl sketches teasing little laughs, she lies down on her body with her head at belly level and also blows raspberries on the navel with her mouth while laughing and also sometimes plunges her tongue inside and kisses the belly , she is completely nuts after she sits on the body at the pelvis and continues to torture and manipulate the navel by stretching it with her fingers as if she wanted to open the navel, after a while the navel starts to be pink and she continues until it turns red to destroy the navel of the dead woman she despises so much by saying "I don't see that your navel is special, it's just a small one yucky sausage "she even takes a sharp object and pushes it into the location of the navel piercing she stole. Once the navel is red she has fun running her fingers on her stomach to the navel and probes it with the tips of her fingers while humming and also scratches the stomach with her fingernails.
She also does not hesitate to take her smartphone and film up close (done in pov at this point) the navel while pricking it with the pointed object in different places saying "Poke" and laughing at the same time. (Stop the pov)
Then she takes a stethoscope and listens to the inside of the belly in different places and also on the navel while feeling the belly a few times with her fingers and laughs at the noises that this can cause in her abdomen. After that she stops filming and ends up getting bored and sits on her bed and makes a phone call to a contact to get her navel pierced and put the one she just stole there while specifying that she has already chosen and received her piercing model while placing her feet as a sign of domination on the belly of the dead woman who is staying at the foot of the bed, at the same time she tries to push her big toe completely inside the navel of his deceased victim. She takes the opportunity to light a cigarette and smoke at the same time. After a while she removes her feet, she lies down on the bed with her feet in a fan and her head above the body of the deceased and uses the belly button of her victim as a human ashtray by dropping the ashes from her cigarette right into the room. navel of the corpse while continuing to telephone, she sometimes spits into the navel until it is full. After a while she hangs up and lowers herself to the level of the corpse and has fun crushing her cigarette right in the navel soiled with sputum and ashes of the dead woman and slowly pricks in several different places of the navel by moving and turning the butt inside, she has fun creating a mixture of viscous and sticky mud inside the navel, after a while and once the navel is really sticky she pushes the butt well into the lower part of the navel so to himself that he does not move any more while saying "splash" then she looks at her work and says "it is less pure now". She then takes a lipstick and writes "Waste" circling the desecrated navel like a target. Once done, she takes her smartphone and photographs the belly as a whole and the navel up close as a souvenir.
Excited by this feeling of power and to humiliate even more and conclude this beating she takes a last glance in the navel to check if the cigarette is still in place by sketching a small grin of satisfaction by patting the belly lightly, she goes up then at the level of the victim's head and kisses the poor girl on the mouth smiling proud to have destroyed the life of the most popular girl in the school and says "Goodbye darling" to her, closing her eyes.
Satisfied, the disturbed girl with macabre and sordid intentions gets up, and looks at the poor girl's lifeless body for a long time with a perverse air, then she spits one last time into the violated navel while standing, having taken care to aim before , without the slightest respect and consideration for her opponent, she leaves the room shaking the piercing she stole as a sign of a trophy, leaving the girl humiliated and soiled that she will make disappear later in the night.
(Take overviews of the body and in particular the belly and the destroyed navel, make close-ups of it by fading to end the scene)
    15 minutes
      CALL GIRL - CALL GIRL (custom clip)

Clip with Special Offer! Purchasing it just now!

Starring: Mary and Alex

A guy invites call0girl for some role playing in choking games.

He looses control!

Choking for knocking out!

Suffocation for knocking out

Games turning to real strangulation!

Stripping panties during strangulation!

Much limp fetishes!




Girl is escort ordered for fun. She ok to play. Many chokeout in different positions--between each choke, girl rests/recovers on bed. At first she is excited and gets into it, but later gets more scared. Bed or couch as prop. Girl is ok with rough and wants to please, but he will go too far. Main positions: girl standing, then sitting on edge of bed, then lying on bed in different positions for most. Alot of close crotch/ass views. Starts out with the red tights/ bikini type top, then topless, then down to panties at end. Camera views are action when being choked and when asleep/resting. I put “dialog” english but no problem doing all in russian or whatever language...same point. This is rough...not need exact. Outfit red tights (1 below), V style panties (pink, white shiny, black--2 below), tight bikini/sports type top (no pic) Girl walks in ready for fun. Says..“Frank says you can do WHATEVER you want” Camera view close, low, looking up...she smiles and runs hands up and down her body. Shes liking it. Slowly takes her top off. Spins...nice crotch and ass shot. GIRL “what do you want to do to me?” Sits on edge of bed, legs spread. Smiling. Camera shots between knees low looking up (crotch to head) and side view. Man sits behind. Rubs shoulders, she loves..getting into it..opening and closing legs. MAN says, “I gonna choke you a little”. GIRL “mmmm”. He puts hands around her throat and squeezes. She slowly goes from excited to scared (no tongue out when choking). Jerks and moves legs. 30 seconds atleast of this, she slowly passes out and he lets her drop back on to bed.Man to camera “I know I said you could have her but you know I like to wear them down a little first and play a little”. Nice moving closeup of her on back asleep..feet up to head..slow. Breathing. He sits behind and wakes her up. She smiles, runs her hands up and down her body, digging into her crotch. GIRL “mmmmm, ...i’m yours. Do you want me? Please”. He puts his hand around her neck and slowly starts squeezing. SIDE STRANGLE (like pic below) She likes and arches legs-pushing forth. She goes from moving sexy to panic scared. Slowly passes out and legs drop. Nice crotch shot (like pic) of her breathing. Slow body pan from feet up to head. He again wakes her up with light slap. She smiles, tired/scared, but still willing to play. GIRL,“Can we have fun now?” She runs her hands up and down body. Turns over on belly. He rubs her ass (or she does) and she loves it, moving ass into air. She moans and gets into it more. He shoves her head into pillow, so she can’t breathe. BELLY STRANGLE. Now shes arching her body up and down, like shes fucking the bed.kicking, struggling, starting to twitch. Long struggle to slowly drop. Nice ass shot and body pan as she asleep. He rubs her shoulders, ass and turns her over. She slowly wakes..scared but trying to please...weak smile--still thinks playing. Grabs by shoulders...TO CAMERA “see she's still good.” Rolls over to back and sits behind her. He whispers to her “hold your breathe again sweetie” and puts hands loose around neck. She smiles and says “why don’t you stop playing and fuck me now”, runs hands down body. This makes him mad. He squeezes hard and she jerks quickly. MOSTLY STRANGLE ON BACK. He sits behind and hands around throat. her legs apart. low crtch looking up. hands on throat. tighter. struggle...legs open closed..arching alittle...gasping. She quickly starts twitching..hands clenched. He holds her until she collapses breathing and arching hard but still awake and moving he laughs. Pulls off her pants while she squirms. he runs hands down and up her body...then back to neck. tight again. Pulls her up sitting up... She scared, but tries to be sexy. GIRL “you wouldnt hurt me, that would be such a waste. Take me”. He squeezes hands on neck again, this time HARD and pulling her up. Twists neck slow and up, she struggles, legs spasming. Slow crack as he tries to break her neck, lets her fall back on bed. She falls back on back but not dead, just paralyzed. Breathing hard, legs twitching, arms flailing/moving. He watches her helpless as she twitches on back, he rolls her to belly to see/grab her ass, then back on back again(camera pan body, crotch, ass). Realizes he has to finish her. MAN ”this is so sad, cant leave you like this sweetie, you missed out frank”. Runs hands slowly down her twitching body. Sits behind and clamps hand over mouth/nose so she cant breathe her eyes bug and twitches become frantic. She arches up but cant do anything else. helpless. slowly slows , twitch slows..more crtch. He lets her go and watches her twitches/moves slow and stop. She is done. Her eyes are open dead. He lifts head up once, runs hands on her body and lets her drop to make sure.  CAPTIVES
    15 minutes
Custom Movie 
Starring: Nata, Masha, Juliana, Hass, Kit, Alex
	 - stomach 
	 - shoulder
	 - knee
	 - head

	Nata is a woman who is in shock, wants to live but understands that all is over. 
	Masha is a naïve girl who hopes that she can help herself if she would beg and polite 
Juliana is a woman who wants to do something to save her
Hass is a young  aggressive girl who is very rude and nerve. That’s why she is the most unhappy victim because her killers decided to kill  her very long and terrific. 

Group of young female  researchers were captured and caught but soldiers in secret area. Soldiers must deliver hostages to military management for evacuation from the Zone, but they decided to commit military crime and shoot them like homeless dogs! They deliver them to the base and…
     Hospital 2
    13 minutes
      Hospital 2 - HOSPITAL 2
Custom Clip
Starring: Alex, Annabelle, Nata

The most fetish strangulation movie we ever made!

How many strangulation clips and movies we have already done? 200? 300?
But after our little reorganization and break we decided to do more new super strangulation clips where we can gather all fetish elements together:
Medicine Uniform 
Stockings and red lips
Mane death stares, 
Face agonies, body trampling, agonies in different poses and angles, intensive trying to escape 
Leg fetish, Tongue fetish, Super Reactions 
Killer in Gloves


Two nurses are in their sorority after a hard day in hospital. After failed surgery their patient died. He was old and was very ill and they couldn’t save him but he was an uncle of another doctor of that clinic. The upset suffering nephew blamed the nurses in all and burst into their hostel to brutally stifle and prick their bodies in the name of their uncle, confident that they will be his sluts in paradise. 
Great double strangulation movie!

If you like this clip please don’t miss: 
    33 minutes



thank you for the once again great film. I was once again thrilled. You have implemented my script well. Again great job done.

Customers Feedback and Review

3 cannibals , these are the cousins. 

In front of the house of the cannibals (cousins) is unnoticed a car with an unknown woman.  She sees the cannibals sitting in front of the house.                                                    

The 3 cousins are sitting together in front of their house. They do not notice the car.

They are dressed very elegantly and wear high heels and black pantyhose. They also have nice short skirts. 

They talk about the hunt for a new victim and where they want to hunt it.  After they have clarified where they want to get the new victim says one cousin to another:

\\\"Elena, can you go there already to check out the new hunting ground. Take some pictures of the women who live there. But they should look delicious, too.\\\"

The cousins laugh and look forward to the new challenge.

Elena stands up and takes the photo camera that is on the table. The cousins say goodbye.

Elena walks to the car, gets in and puts the camera on the passenger seat. Then she drives away. The two cousins in front of the house wave to her.

Elena doesn\\\'t notice that a short time later she is being followed by the car that was parked in front of her house.

Elena drives through a beautiful landscape and comes to a town she doesn\\\'t know yet.

Elena. \\\"Oh, it\\\'s beautiful here. Here we will surely find our new delicious food\\\".

She pulls into a parking lot and turns off the engine. She takes the camera and gets out.

The car that followed her also stops in the parking lot. It is an unknown woman and she is watching Elena.

Elena walks with the camera in the parking lot in her high heels and short skirt in black pantyhose and waits to see if she can photograph a beautiful yummy woman that all three cousins then want to catch later.

After a short time the woman gets out of the car and takes a knife. The woman is also wearing high heels. The unknown woman walks towards Elena slowly. Elena stands with her back to the unknown woman and doesn\\\'t notice anything. The unknown woman walks up to Elena and stabs her in the back with the knife and pulls it out again. The unknown woman says:

\\\"Die you cannibal, die, we\\\'ll get you all!\\\".

At that moment, Elena turns around in a flash and accidentally takes a picture of the woman. Elena does not notice that she has taken a picture of the unknown woman. But the unknown woman doesn\\\'t notice that either. The unknown woman runs to her car and quickly drives away.

Elena moans in pain. She struggles to drag herself to the car and gets in with a pain-distorted face and drives back to the house. She puts the camera on the passenger seat.

The two cousins are still sitting in front of the house drinking wine and talking about sacrifices, in which different variations they can best be fried.

The car with Elena slowly comes rolling up to the house and then stops. The two cousins wonder why Elena drives so slowly and doesn\\\'t get out.

One cousin: \\\" You, something is wrong. Something happened.\\\"

The other cousin: \\\"Yes, I think so too. Come let\\\'s go see.\\\"

They quickly walk to the car in their high heels and open the door. They see Elena lying with her head on the steering wheel and breathing lightly.

One of the cousins: \\\" Elena, oh God, what happened?\\\"

Elena: \\\"I got stabbed by an unknown woman. It\\\'s very bad.\\\"

The cousins see the blood on their backs.

Both cousins look at each other and lick their lips.

One of the cousins, \\\" You know the rule of the family\\\".

Other cousin nods her head and says \\\" Yes unfortunately it must be\\\".

The cousins slowly drag Elena out of the car. They see the blood on the back and take some blood with their finger and taste it. The cousins lick their lips.  They both slowly carry Elena into the house.

Elena meanwhile says: 

\\\"I know our rule of the family. If one of us dies with an inflicted injury it will be eaten. Please do it. I love you.\\\"

The two cousins look at each other again with smiles and carry Elena into the house.

They take Elena to a room. In the room, the victims are killed grilled and eaten. They first lay Elena on the floor.

Elena: \\\"I won\\\'t make it. Eat me when I am dead. Eat my flesh so that I can always be with you.\\\"

One of the cousins strokes Elena\\\'s hair and says:

 \\\" That\\\'s what we do. That is our rule. We will roast and eat you according to our tradition\\\".

Then the two cousins walk away to prepare for the feast.

The two cousins are in their Amazon dressing room. They dress like Amazons for the feast and paint their faces. 

There they take off their clothes. They are now dressed only in their black tights and put on their loincloth again. Together they make themselves up like Amazons and apply red lipstick. A beautiful Amazonian jewelry they still tie around themselves.

One of the cousins, while putting on her make-up: \\\"It\\\'s sad what we have to do. I loved her.\\\"

Another cousin: \\\"Yes, me too. But we will avenge you. We will find the woman. But now let\\\'s fry our cousin traditional kill and eat.\\\"

Made up and dressed like Amazons they still take their knives and then go to Elena.

Elena is very weak and barely breathing. The two cousins go to Elena and kneel down in front of her. They undress Elena. Only the black pantyhose Elena keeps on. She is roasted with it traditionally. 

Both cousins now drag Elena by her feet onto a tarpaulin. A pulley hangs from the ceiling.

The cousins tie her feet to the pulley. Before they pull Elena up, both cousins kiss Elena goodbye. Then one cousin pulls Elena up by her feet with the pulley.

Both cousins now feel the flesh of Elena.

One cousin: \\\" She is really tasty.\\\"

The other cousin now gets a bucket and puts it under Elena\\\'s head. She now cuts Elena\\\'s throat. The blood flows into the bucket. Elena wriggles on the pulley for a moment.

Both cousins now wait until Elena is bled out and dead.

They lower Elena down and drag her to the roasting place. The cousins then marinate Elena and roast her on the grill.

The cousins sit cross-legged in front of the grill and hold hands while Elena is roasted. In between, Elena\\\'s meat is marinated every now and then.

After a while, the cousins check with a fork whether the meat is already good. Finally.

Both cousins rub their hands and stomachs. They take Elena off the grill and carry her to the dining area. 

The cousins kneel down in front of Elena and start eating Elena\\\'s meat. First, the belly is cut open and the intestines are taken out and eaten.

One cousin cuts out Elena\\\'s tongue and eats it. The two cousins continue to eat at the neck and breasts. They cut off the breasts and eat the delicious meat.

Again and again the cousins lick their lips and say how delicious Elena tastes.

They also cut the meat from the ribs and eat it as well as the belly meat.

Both cousins then eat the meaty thighs. They chew the meat intensely.

Elena is now turned over and the meat from the ass is eaten.

(IMPORTANT!) Last, they now eat the meat of the soles of the feet. This is eaten with relish.

After a few hours they have eaten Elena.

A cousin: \\\"I\\\'m going to get the camera to see what Elena took a picture of.\\\"

The cousin comes back with the camera. She sits down again in front of Elena\\\'s leftovers and looks at the pictures. All of a sudden, the cousin with the camera looks at the other cousin.

Other cousin. \\\" What do you have ?\\\"

Other cousin \\\"Look. Elena took the picture of the woman with the knife.\\\"

Other cousin: \\\" Let me see it\\\".

The cousin hands the camera to the other cousin. She looks at the picture on the display and says:

\\\"Let\\\'s look for this woman and kill her and eat! We owe that to Elena!\\\"

They both get up and walk away to get ready for the search.
     Failed Mission
    12 minutes
      Failed Mission - Failed mission

action-packed thriller. Young police woman is at her mission to catch dead or alive dangerous criminal. She found his location near old farm. He was hiding at the weapon store. When she entered the house, he took machine gun kalashnikov and pca machine gun. Shootout started. He wounded her in the hand. Then he shot her in heart. She made great surprised reaction, fall her knees and then fall to the floor. After agony she died. He carried body to the secret place, took off her clothes and riveted her dead body to the chair with handcuffs.

fetish elements: police woman, sexy uniform, handcuffs, shooting, machine gun shooting, *****, surprised reaction, pantyhose.  BAD TOUR
    13 minutes
Starring: Rada and Alice
Two office bitches from tour agency are shot by evil tourist
-	Shooting to the chest (2 times) with long agony
-	Shooting to the stomach 
-	Headshot
-	Begging for life
-	Trying to call for help
-	Much blood, much pain, much agony
-	Office shooting style
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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