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    23 minutes
Cast: Angelina and Xena
«I've seen a lot of Stabbing videos and this is easily one of the Best I've ever seen.

Angelina did not disappoint. It's always fun watching her and how much personality she brings, both as the victim and the killer. As the victim, her cries of anguish really sold the stabbings. As the killer, she surprised me by getting wonderfully maniacal, which made that part of the video even more entertaining.

Admittedly, I was taking a gamble with Xena since I hadn't seen any of her videos prior to this. But, it was a good gamble because she did an excellent job as well. She was very sexy both as the killer and the victim.

The only disappointing thing was that I could tell they were just pantomiming the kissing scenes. I'm guessing that was done as a COVID-19 precaution. Though it is unfortunate, it is understandable. Regardless, the film was still very enjoyable and worth the wait»

Customer’s Review 

A Rogue Agent, Angelina returns to the apartment she is using as a safe house.  She wears blue jeans (possibly with a belt), a black leather jacket, a sleeveless tank top (a dark color or white), and high heel boots (preferably black), her hair is tied back in a ponytail or braid, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s black, a dark color, white, or clear.  
She sees that a section of the wall and floor of the living room (it doesn’t have to be the living room) is covered by plastic (or a tarp, whichever is easier/looks better)) and immediately knows something is off.  
An Assassin, Xena, comes out of hiding and aims her pistol (with a silencer) at Angelina’s head.  She wears blue jeans, a sleeveless tank top (a dark color), and high heel boots (preferably black), her hair is tied back in a ponytail or braid, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s black, a dark color, white, or clear.
Xena chuckles.
Xena suddenly stabs her in the abdomen.  Angelina looks at the knife and Xena in shock.  Xena stabs her in the abdomen again.  And then a third time.  Xena twists the blade, causing Angelina to groan/moan in pain. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place.  If need be, this section can be shortened to two stabs with Xena twisting the blade on the 2nd stab.) 
Xena smiles in satisfaction and makes out with her and Angelina can’t help kissing her back.
She then stabs Angelina in the chest with a downward strike.  Angelina looks dazed.  Xena holds it in for a few seconds then stabs her in the chest again.  She then stabs her in the chest a third time. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place.  If need be, this section can be shortened to two stabs.)
Xena pulls out the knife, aims it at Angelina’s abdomen, then stabs her four more times (taking a second or two between each stab).  She then stabs her fifth time, this time slowly driving it into Angelina’s abdomen and the twisting the blade a couple times.  (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place)
She pulls out the knife.  Angelina takes a couple staggering steps forward.  Xena easily pushes her back against the wall and makes out with her some more and slowly gropes her breasts.  She then spends some time licking and sucking on Angelina’s tits. 
Xena aims the knife at one of Angelina’s nipples and slowly drives it into her.  
She then does the same to Angelina’s other nipple.  Both times the pain is almost orgasmic.
She turns Angelina around to face the wall and uncuffs her.
She tosses the cuffs aside, turns Angelina back around, and watches for a moment as she struggles to cling to life.
Xena stabs her in the chest in a downward strike four more times, taking a second or two between each stab.  (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place.  If need be, this section can be shortened to three stabs.)
Xena smirks, impressed.  She then grabs Angelina by the throat and aims the knife where the entrance to her pussy would be.
Angelina just glares at her.
Xena drives the blade into Angelina’s pussy.  She gasps and her eyes roll back.  Xena holds it inside her and watches her dazed orgasmic reaction.  Her body begins to spasm, inadvertently making her fuck the blade.  She decides to help, fucking Angelina with the knife.  She finally pulls it out.  Blood and piss spill from Angelina.
After a few seconds, Angelina drops to her knees, and her face lands against Xena’ belly.  Xena holds her head there, cradling it.  Xena laughs manically while Angelina clings to life, her body shivering and/or spasming.
Xena gets down on one knee (or both knees) so she can look Angelina in the eyes.  She kisses her.
Xena considers this for a second (or at least pretends to)
She then slowly drives the knife into Angelina’s heart, then twists the blade two times.  Gradually, Angelina lays down (possibly into the pool of blood and piss), Xena guiding/helping.  Xena watches as Angelina’s life begins slips away.  She gives Angelina one last kiss goodbye.  Wanting her to suffer till her last breath, Xena pulls out the knife and slowly drives it into the base of Angelina’s throat.  
Angelina gradually dies, her dead eyes staring into Xena’s (possible POV).
Xena pulls the knife out, then straightens Angelina out (if need be), and as she looks down at her (body pans), she becomes mesmerized by the peaceful look on Angelina’s face, turning it back and forth and stroking it.  She slowly makes out with her, savoring the taste and unique feeling of the dead girl’s unresponsive lips, all while groping her breasts.  Gradually she moves down, kissing and nibbling on her neck, and then sucking on her breasts, enjoying the taste of her blood.  She then makes out with her some more.  
She takes Angelina’s hands and runs them up and down her body, making her grope her breasts (Xena’s), enjoying the feel of her dead lover’s hands.  She then makes out with her some more. 
Inevitably, throughout all this Xena can’t help getting Angelina’s blood on her and she enjoys it.  Maybe she rubs it on herself every now and then. 
As she stares at Angelina’s dead face her blood lust takes over and she stabs Angelina three more times in the chest (it can be shortened to two stabs, if need be), twice in the abdomen (it can be shortened to one stab, if need be), then two more times in the chest (it can be shortened to one stab, if need be).  She pauses between each stab to savor it.  She then stabs the top of her pussy mound.  She then aims the knife at the entry of her pussy and stabs her pussy three more times (a couple seconds between each stab, or it can be shortened to one stab, if need be) and then fucks her with the knife. 
She then makes out with her again, hard and angrily this time but then gradually getting softer and more loving.
She then slowly drives the knife into Angelina’s heart one last time and leaves it there.  Xena gives her one final deep kiss then walks away.  Body pans, ending with a close up of Angelina’s face (This appears to be the end).
Xena pulls out her phone and makes a call.
Angelina suddenly inhales, slowly sits up, and stands (almost as if she were a zombie).  She sees Xena has her back turned.  She glares at her as she pulls the knife out of her chest and approaches.
Angelina suddenly grabs Xena from behind and stabs her in the back, causing her to drop her phone.  The Boss calls out to Xena from the phone. Angelina then stabs her in the back a second and third time.  (If need be, this section can be shortened to one stab)
Angelina puts Xena up against the wall and stabs her in the abdomen then twists the blade to causing Xena to groan/moan.  Xena looks at the knife and Angelina in shock.  
She twists the blade again, causing her more pain.
Angelina smiles in satisfaction and makes out with her and Xena can’t help kissing her back.
She roughly pulls the knife out of Xena, causing her more pain.  As Xena clutches her wound, moaning in pain, Angelina retrieves Xena’s gun and aims it at her.
XENA (chuckles): I guess I should consider myself lucky.  You always end the fun quickly.
ANGELINA: It’s called being efficient.  And for you, I’ll make an exception.    
Angelina suddenly shoots Xena in the base of her throat.  For a moment Xena is shocked as her hand goes to the wound in her throat.  It becomes increasingly difficult for her to breathe.
Angelina grabs a chair and places it on the plastic for Xena.  As Xena sits down, blood streams from her throat as she lets out labored wheezing breaths. 
ANGELINA: Having trouble breathing?  Don’t worry.  We have plenty of time before the fun is over.
Angelina puts the gun to the side.  (Maybe she grabs another chair for herself, or she can bend/crouch down.  Whatever is easier/looks better).
She strokes Xena’s faces and makes out with her.  She takes her time, slowly making out with Xena, slowly yet roughly groping, licking, and sucking on her breasts, kissing and licking her abdomen, licking the blood, and rubbing her crotch.  All the while, Xena continues to let out labored wheezing breaths as she chokes on the bullet.  She doesn’t resist.  She is too weak. 
After a while, Angelina grabs the gun.  Crouching down, she holds Xena from behind, grabbing her breasts as she slowly aims the gun.  She then shoots Xena twice in the pelvis.  Xena pisses herself. 
Angelina smiles and maybe chuckles in satisfaction.  She then continues to make out with Xena and grope her body for a while longer.  All the while Xena’s wheezing breaths become increasingly labored, her body shutters, her eyes are dazed.
After a while, Angelina walks in front of Xena.  She aims the gun right at where the entrance to Xena’s pussy would be.  She gives Xena a few seconds to think about it, the fires, shooting Xena right in the pussy.  Xena bucks forward, clutching her pussy, and slowly falls to the floor, landing in her own piss (and possibly Angelina’s piss as well).
Angelina watches, enjoying the sight of Xena’s eyes rolling back and her body spasming as her wheezing breaths become increasingly labored.  It’s almost orgasmic.  She doesn’t have long.
Angelina turns Xena onto her back (unless she is already on her back) and makes out with her some more.  She then stares into Xena’s eyes as she gradually takes her last wheezing breath, her dead eyes staring into Angelina’s (up close and intimate, possible POV).      
ANGELINA: See you in Hell, my love.  Save me a spot by the fire.  
Angelina becomes mesmerized by the peaceful look on Xena’ face and slowly makes out with her, savoring the taste and unique feeling of the dead girl’s unresponsive lips, all while groping her breasts.  Gradually she moves down, kissing and nibbling on her neck, then sucking on her breasts.  She then makes out with her some more.  
She takes Xena’ hands and runs them up and down her body, making her grope her breasts (Angelina’s), enjoying the feel of her dead lover’s hands.  She then makes out with her some more. 
Inevitably, throughout all this Angelina can’t help getting Xena’ blood on her and she enjoys it.  Maybe she rubs it on herself every now and then. 
As she stares at Xena’ dead face her blood lust takes over.  She takes the knife and stabs Xena in the pussy and then fucks her with the knife.
She then makes out with her again, hard and angrily this time but then gradually getting softer and more loving.
Angelina gives her one final deep kiss then stands and looks her over (body pans).  She then picks up the gun shoots Xena three times in the forehead (taking a second or two between shots) in the same place, making the wound bigger. (Angelina POV)
Angelina picks up Xena’ phone.  The Boss continues to call for Xena.
ANGELINA: She dead.  And you’re next.     
Angelina hangs up.  She looks at the dead Xena and herself.  What a mess.  At least her victim brought cleaning supplies.  
She strides toward the bathroom to get cleaned up, almost like a bloody yet triumphant zombie. 
(Kind of similar to the final victory march in Capture the Flag Part 2 at 5:28: 
Our final body pans, ending with a close up of Xena’ face staring at us.
The dialogue is more of a guideline, so feel free to have the models improvise if they like. 
Feel free to include any bloopers or outtakes at the end.  Maybe even a bonus scene of the girls getting cleaned up afterwards. 

    25 minutes
CAST: Sally, Alice M, Annabelle, Yana, Luiza, Max

25 minutes!
5 strangulation deaths. Great bodypile

Fetish Elements: 
Sleepy helpless girls, Attack while sleeping, Rude awaking, Choking, Strangulation, Neck Snap, Trying to escape, Trying to call for help, Death Stares, Necro Carrying, Necro Stripping, Touching Bodies, Sexy lingers, Hiding in the bodypile, Pretended to be dead to hide



5 girls in scout camp go to sleep to the large bedroom with many beds. They are too tied after hard day and fast fall to sleep. A burglar enters the room to steal their mobile phone, money and jewelry. He decides also to kill them all to hide all evidences…
He attacks sleepy Luiza first. She is shocked to be attacked and choked after sweet dream. She tries to call for help but another girls are just sleeping. She can’t shout, she is just croaking, kicking her legs and tries to free herself but all is in vain. She dies…
A burglar takes her phone and goes to choke another girl – sleepy Yana. 
Before killing a girl, he decides to joke a little, lies down next to her and hugs her sleeping. In a dream, I feel the touch of a strong man, Yana smiles and hugs him, but he grabs her neck and she wakes up in horror. She starts to wheeze in a panic, jerk her legs, try to wake other girls, but also remains without help, as other girls are sleeping. She is dying in agony. The robber takes her valuables, takes the body, transfers it next to the dead Louise, puts the bodies on top of each other, lifts up T-shirts and claps on her asses. Now he is going to kill Sally.
Alice M wakes up and the killer hides behind the bed. She sees that Luza and Yana are lying together. She wakes Annabelle to tell her that the girls turned out to be lesbians and sleep together, but Annabelle wants to sleep and asks Alice not to bother her. The killer comes out from behind cover and attacks Sally.
First he chokes her on her bed and then puts her to the floor and finishes her and carrying her body to the bodypile near dead Luiza and Yana. 
Alice M sees again already three girls in one bed and she again tries to speak with Annabelle about it but Annabelle is sleeping. 
 The girl in a panic pulls her hands to Annabelle, pushes her, tries to tear off the blanket from her, but the robber pulls her far and mercilessly strangles her with both hands.
He takes her body and places to the bodypile. 
A killer wants to play with bodies and forgets about Annabelle. Annabelle wakes up and sees how killer playing with dead bodies stripping them. She is in shock and hides under the bed. Killer looks to the Annabelles bed, sees empty bed and after making sexy bodypile goes away. 
Annabelles goes out her shelter and runs to check her friends. All of them are dead. She runs from the room to the staircase. Suddenly killer returns. Annabelle in panic returns to the room and she doesn’t know where  to hide. She decided to pretend to be dead, butt off her lingerie and lies to the bodypile making funny death stare. Killer returns because he was sure there were five girls in the room but he killed only four ones. He comes to the room and check beds. All are empty. Then he looks at the bodypile. Five girls… Strange… He is looking attentively and sees how Annabelle choking and blinking. Gotcha! He pounces on her, strangles her, and then breaks her neck! Now all is ok. Five dead half-naked, unbridled girls remain dead in the room, and the killer leaves the house ...

HOUSE OF 9 CORPSES (all parts)
Unhappy Birthday 
    1 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Max

Another part of KILLER FOR ASSASSIN episodes for FEMDOM lovers. Nude dangerous killer wins a man  after a fight and shoots him three times in his head

DON’T MISS ALL THE PARTS!  Predaliens In Hospital
    21 minutes
      Predaliens In Hospital - Limited Offer!


If you like real trash horror B-movies and very cruel horrors like Braindead, Serbian Film, Martyrs you will like this one!

20 minutes!

Just 20$ for real horror movie with 3500usd budget for one clip!

Custom movie!

See what custom movies now we can do for you!

 Premium Custom Movies Segment!

Starring: Maria A (NEW! – New Model Available For customs!), YANA (was casted only in three clips before! – available for customs!), Annabelle, Nadya, Nata, Tim, Kit


Medical Examination

Dentist  Examination

Strangulation (by Alien Monster!)

Playing with dead body


Putting dead woman like fly in the spider’s lair!

Stabbing to the back

Neck Break

Transporting dead bodies in real fear hospital

Stabbing to the chest

Playing with dead feet

Stabbing nurse to the back

Putting larvae in a living woman and in dead women !!

Morgue examination

Putting monster-cubs from dead women

Monsters from larvaes!

Monster cutting female belly from inside to be born!

Bodypile in morgue!


New Great Location!

New Great Actress!

Hospital Horror Atmosphere!

Woman in deadly peril situation

Insects, Mosters, Aliens



Just watch it. Bizarre, Gory, Bloody, Shocking Taboo R-category movie for adult!

This horror film contains shocking scenes related to the artistic depiction of violence. The film does not aim to offend the viewer's feelings, but was created exclusively for entertainment purposes. Only for adults! The authors of the film against violence, and condemn it. The film was not assigned any category, but the film contains: scenes that can shock, image parts of the naked body. The creators of the film warned you and do not bear any legal and moral consequences for the feelings caused by viewing. The film is not recommended for people with weak psyche, pregnant women 21+ obly!. The film was not assigned a classification, but the filmmakers attributed it to the category R.

The film can not be copied and distributed. The film is protected by copyright. The film is conceived for distribution on specialized resources in the jurisdiction of the United States, which conduct mandatory screening of viewers for adulthood.

No one was injured in the filming of the film. 





Or just see our cinematics horror content



All customs for EVIL GEEK!





Limited Offer!


Sold here in full version only till 1st of June! 50% sale!


P.S. It’s not erotic horror. It’s mainstream horror with sexy scenes of female in pantyhose cruelly dead and exanimated in the morgue when their corpses are ready to be eggs for monster-cubs!
     It is Just My Job
    7 minutes
      It is Just My Job - It’s Just My Job
Starring: Hass, Pola and Charlie
Fetish elements:
Two head shots
Contract killer
Death stares
Surprise reaction
Full Nude

Two rich wives of businessmen were shot by contract killer. The mission included also postmortem quorate and stripping their bodies for full nude.

If you like this clip please also check
MISFIRE  Silent Evening
    7 minutes
      Silent Evening - SILENT EVENING WITH BOOK

Starring: Annabelle
Classic manual ******* clip 
Dark Rooms Production 
Fetish elements: Manual *************, *******, trying to escape, spy ****, death stare, leg kicking, sexy female corpse, nude content 
Annabelle works as officer in secret organizations. She gets information about risk of being attract by assassin. She doesn’t pay much attention to this warning, but she always takes her gun. Even at home. She goes to *****, puts her gun under the pillow and decides to read a book before ********. She wears sexy lingerie and no panties. But assassin attacks her. She has no possibility to catch her gun and protect herself. He ****** her with his strong arms to hard. She leaves her dead ********* body with wonderful death stare.
     GHOST 3
    8 minutes
      GHOST 3 - GHOST 3
Starring: Nancy, Christy and Annabelle
Strangulation by invisible ghost, leg jerking, tongue out, taking off panties, sexy lingerie, death stares, bodypile
Movie with English subtitles

College student found tree dead bodies of girls in the room in sorority. All thought it was overdose. But when police examined bodies they  saw  traces of choking.
We can see that tragic night in the room. It was not maniac  - it was invisible ghost-strangler. He strangled them one by one…

If you like this movie please check
    10 minutes


Voiceover: “I was dragged from my house by one of the men in an angry mob, wearing only a sheer nightie, and taken to a room with a crowd of angry men. I struggled trying to get away but this only increased the mob’s lust. The man holding me called me a stuck up prick tease and punched me knocking me down. I was pushed into the mob of men who groped my body.  The mob cheered and yelled for me to be beaten. I was punched, kicked, and beaten with clubs. Then when I attempted to crawl away members of the mob thrust cattle prods into my body while other men in the mob whipped me. They forced me to give them blow jobs and raped me and then beat me unconscious with clubs.”

A man is behind her forcing her to walk toward the camera. She struggles saying “let me go you filthy pig!” He replies: “you need to be taught a lesson for teasing all the men in town.” The camera views her bouncing breasts from a front, side, and worm’s eye view.

She gets away from him and runs toward the camera.

As she runs a hand reaches out and fondles her breast. More hands reach out and pull down the bodice of her nightgown and she struggles repeatedly to cover her breasts  up. 
Hands reach out and pull up her nightie and fondle her pussy.

She struggles and says get your filthy hands off me you stupid trailer trash.”

Voices say: “beat that stuck up prick tease..punch her pretty face…beat her to a pulp.”

Fists from the left and right in slow motion (and fast motion) punch her breasts while the nightgown covers her breasts and then with the nightgown pulled down. Fists from the right and left in slow and fast motion punch her in the mouth, knocking her down. 

As she falls her legs go up and the nightie falls down exposing her pussy. Sounds of the crowd cheering.

She scoots backward to try to get away but she is pulled up and beaten with a club (in slow motion) on her head and breasts (with the club digging in), knocking her down.

(Off camera fake blood is applied to her scalp and mouth.

She crawls on hands and knees as the camera views her from the front, side, and back (worms eye view). Whips hit her in slow motion on her back. A cattle prod zaps her and her body shakes wildly. Her breasts bounce out from the nightie. 

She then crawls on her stomach as the camera views from the front and rear as the cattle prod zaps her.

She rolls over and the whip hits the front of her body (with the whip digging into her breasts (first covered with the nightie and then with the nightie pulled down). (One person holds the handle of the whip off camera while another person brings the whip over the camera to press into her breasts.) The cattle prod zaps her body and she shakes wildly. The camera pans in on shaking breasts,

She is pulled up and a man says: “Now you snooty prick tease you are going to dance to get our dicks hard and then suck the cocks off all these men or we will break every bone in your body with our clubs and smash in that pretty face.”

She says “please don’t hurt me anymore. I will give all of you the best blow jobs you ever had.”

She begins to move her body in a sexy dance, shaking  her breasts and doing a bump and grind. She gets on hands and knees shaking her breasts until they bounce out from the nightie. She turns around and wiggles her ass and spreads her pussy lips.

Man’s voice: “That’s enough. My dick is plenty hard now. Get over here and suck it. She crawls toward the dick and sucks it briefly and fake cum squirts on her face. 

A fist punches her, knocking her over and a man’s voice says: “You stupid cunt. You made me cum too fast.”

She crawls to another dick and sucks it briefly and more cum is sprayed on her face. Man’s voice: That was the worst blow job ever. We need to beat this bitch with our clubs.

She gets up and runs. From off camera a club hits her in the stomach in slow motion. Another club hits her across her breasts in slow motion. A hand reaches out and pulls down the bodice of the nightie and a club hits her breasts.

She staggers and a club from off camera hits her on the top of her head and, as she sinks to her knees, another club hits her across her mouth in slow motion.

(Off camera blood is applied to her scalp so it runs down her face) Blood streams out of her mouth.

She collapses unconscious. The nightie is pulled off and clubs continue to hit her body and head. A man lifts her body and carries it away.

Words on screen: “The Next Day”

She is wearing only a small (2” by 2”) loincloth made with cloth and pieces of string.

She is still unconscious and a man rapes her and shoots his semen on her face. He throws water on her to revive her and drags her up and drags her toward the camera. 

He says: “Here she is, boys. I don’t think she has learned her lesson. There is only one solution for stuck up rich bitches and that is to shoot them.”

Voices: “Yeah, shoot the snooty cunt.”

She says: “Please don’t kill me. I will be a good slut and learn how to give good blow jobs. Wouldn’t you rather fuck my tight pussy and asshole? I will lick all of your assholes before I suck you off.” (As she is saying this she gets on her knees, fondles her breasts, and shakes them. Then she gets on her back and thrusts her hips up and down as the camera pans in on her pussy.

Voices: “shoot her…shoot her.”

She gets up and struggles to walk toward the camera saying please don’t shoot me.

A rifle appears from off camera and automatic shots are heard. Her body spasms wildly as the loin cloth drops off.  (Off camera blood spots are placed on her body) She continues to be shot and then drops to the floor. The camera views from above as she continues to be shot and she continues to shake wildly.

The camera pans over her bloody body.
    41 minutes
      GAS - GAS!
Marianna, Tora, Anastasia, Hass, Pola, Mary, Christy, Nata, Kit, Serge
40 minutes long!
New Crime House model Anastasia (available for customs!)
About 50 deaths and knocked outs! 
8 girls were poisoned by gas 
8 bodies  were carried by two men to the sofa one by one
8 girls were killed by gas in the bed
8 girls were knocked out by choking 
8 girls were chloroformed and poisoned by gas one by one 
8 girls had their necks broken 

Fetish elements: 
Short dresses, high heels and summer shoes, pantyhose
Death way:
Knocked out, chloroform, gas poison, neck break, choking 
Other fetishes: 
Plenty of carrying, leg touching, limb fetishes

Two photographers invite 8 supermodels to the photoshoot but men has dark plans for this shooting – to poison girls by gas and have fun. 
The set includes different attacks.  LOUD MUSIC
    12 minutes
Custom Video 
Starring: Li
High Boot, Strangulation

A young Girl rents a room in a shared apartment. The next room is rented by a Man. In the evening, the young Girl wants to go to the Disco. She chooses an upsetting outfit: a black leather jacket, black leather top, red tight fabric mini skirt, black fishnet tights and knee-high black leather boots. When she gets dressed, she makes the music quite loud, drinking some whiskeys to get in the mood. The man sits in the neighboring room at the computer, works, tries to concentrate. He hears the loud music, frets and holds his ears. He then knocks on the wall and shouts: “Make the music quieter, otherwise you'll get trouble!” She doesn't hear him, drinks another whiskey and starts dancing. Eventually, the man loses patience and walks into the girl's room. “Stop the music, it's bothering me! Didn't you hear me?” he yells angrily at her. The girl laughs at him: "That's not my problem after all, hold your ears shut, you idiot!" Drunk, she continues to dance. Irritated, the neighbor goes to the stereo and pulls the plug. When he wants to leave the girl's room, she weaves to the stereo and reopens the music, louder than before. She then walks to the window, her whiskey in her hand, looks out of the window and moves her butt to the beat of the music. "Stop it straight away or a misfortune happens, i can't work like that!" he yells at her again. She turns to him and laughs at him again: "Forget it, this is my room, I can do whatever i want here!" Then she looks out of the window again, turns her back to him. He walks furiously from behind towards her, she doesn't notice him. “You dirty slut, you don't want it any other way!” He takes his belt and quickly puts it around her neck from behind. She's surprised, drops the glass. He pulls on tight, she tries to free herself, groans, barely gets air. She gets weaker, slowly he pulls her to the ground. Her brutal end begins. She's tramples with her legs, tries to beat him, her moaning is getting louder. But she has no chance. Her movements slow down, cruelly he pulls the belt more tightly. Her body begins to twitch, then she dies in agony with her eyes wide open. He gets up satisfied, pulls the plug of the stereo and leaves her lifeless body behind. "So it's better you dirty piece of shit"! Laughing, he walks back to his room.
    17 minutes
Fetish Elements
Female Fighting, Catfighting, Beating, Choking, Knocking Out, Firefight, Shooting, Shot 3 times to the chest (very good effects when wounds appears in the screen). Shot four times to the body, Death Stare, Chasing, Deadly Wounded, Police Woman, Woman Kills Woman, Woman Kills Man, Good Girl dies, Agony, Foot fetish and socks elements 
NEW ACTRESS IN DARKROOMS (Available For Customs - XENA).

A very experienced officer is sitting on the sofa, answering her cell phone.
 “Hello? Really? Some called them ? Oh my god, we have been tracking this guy for months. You think you are positive on their location? Great. OK, yeah, I will be in right away. Listen, these guys have been terrorizing the city for years, and now we finally got him. Thanks.”
After hearing the good news, the officer wears on her leather jacket and long black leather boots, and starts to search her own apartment.
After several minutes a girl standing opposite her, saying with a smile:
“Detective Nata, it’s me. Looks like you will be the number six.” 
“You are sick. I am gonna take you down.” The cop punches the girl heavily, and beat her brutally. The girl falls on the ground and starts to moan. When the officer tries to take out handcuffs to arrest her, the girl suddenly kicks the scotch of the cop heavily. The cop is too painful that she falls on the ground. She tries to stand up, but gets another kick from the girl. The girl stands on the back of the cop, strangling her necks. After struggling and moaning, the girl gets more and more control, and the cop kicks her off with her boots. She fights hard, choking hard, moaning hard, trying to escape, getting weaker until her eyes cross and roll up in her head as she dies crossed.
At that time, the door opens again. A man enters the house, and he is the boyfriend of the girl.
“The dead cop had investigated us. We need to leave the city now.”

“I agree with you”, the man thinks the same as the girl, “but I have heard that the daed cop has a brilliant collection of jewellery. I think we can take some of them, so that we can have a decent life in other countries.”
“Sure. But we need to do another thing first.” By eyes communication, each other knows what s/he wants. They carry the cop into the bedroom, and put her on the bed. 
“Find out the jewellery as soon as possible, otherwise her backup will find us.” The girl orders her boyfriend to leave the bedroom. 
The girl decides to deboot the female cop first. After taking her boots off, two beautiful feet with black socks appear. She plays with her feet for a while, and goes out of the bedroom.,
When the couple is going to leave, the cop wakes up, picks up her gun, and walked outside the bedroom, with great shaking since she has been strangled and punched heavily. She points the gun to the killer, slowly but firmly.
“Don’t move! I am a cop! Drop your weapon, and and place your hands on your head, now!”
The couple is so surprised, and they never thought that the cop is not dead. “OK. Take it easy.” The man drops of his gun, and put the gun on the floor.
“Kick it over.”
The man kicks his gun to the detective.
The cop bends over slowly, to pick up the gun. However, the girl pulls of her gun, and points the gun to the cop 4 rounds: one in chest, and three in belly. Vomiting blood from her mouth, the cop tries to control herself. She makes great effort to stand up again, and gives another shot to kill the girl. Although his girl friend was killed, the man runs out of the door and walked downstairs.
After lying on the ground for about half a minute (like the picture above), the cop decided to catch up the man, and kill him to solve the case.
She tries her best to stand up, but she cannot. So she keeps creeping with her strong mind, like the picture above. 
It takes her great pain and long time, but she finally comes on the street (Please also include some scenes of the officer walking downstairs) , and the man appears in her scenes again. With the help of another car, she tries hard to stand up, and gives a fatal shot to the man.
Seeing the man dead, the cop feels that she can no longer control her body, She gradually lies on the ground, moaning, and her legs struggle heavily. Her whole body was shaking, and she is no longer able to say anything now, just like this picture. 

After one minutes, she goes wide eyed and still, dead from the four fatal wounds, with two feet on black socks.

    28 minutes
Fetish Elements: 
Blood, Gory, Drilling, Tortures, Beating, Shouting, Agony, Knock Out 
The female spy was detected. A man tries to do very cruel interrogation – he ties her, beats her, makes her unconscious, after he drills her arms, legs and body. 
If you like deadly ends you can imagine she was dead. If you like surviving she will wake up after being knocking out and goes for revenge…
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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