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    14 minutes

Starring: Nancy, Pola and Charlie

Strangulation in the car and great Hanging scene in the forest!

Beautiful road horror movie!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation in the car, legs jerking, death stare, tongue out, trying to escape, forced to stropped for full nude, hanging on the tree (full nude!), carrying, putting bodies to the car trunk



Pola and Nancy are hitch-hitchers. They are walking by the country road searching for a car to travel to the town. They saw an ad where the robber was wanted. Regard was 50 000$.

Once, a car is moving. They are happy. A man agrees to hitch up them to the town. When they are inside the car, the driver  suggests them sex for money. They see his face – he is the robber from the ad! They blackmail him and asks for money or they call cops.

He stops the car and starts to strangle Pola. Nancy escapes from the car and runs to the field and then to the forest. The robber slowly strangles Pola to her death and runs for another girl.

He seeks her in the forest. She realizes she is in the deadly trap and starts to strip for full nude to make the man kind to her. She suggests him to fuck but it’s too late. He hangs her in the tree.

He carries dead nude bodies to the car trunk…


If you like this movie please check out

Agent strangled in her car

Businesslady strangled in her car

House of 8 corpses (part 2)

Handcuffed and hanged

All our hanging clips  GREEDY CLIENT 2
    10 minutes
Fetish Elements: 
Hooker, Boots, Leather Clothes, Strangulation, Garrote, Interesting Plot

A cheap hooker has been booked by a client through her agency by phone. She didn't know him. She's supposed to strip for him and maybe do even more. He wants her in particularly irritating and erotic clothing.  When she arrives in his hotel room, she takes a seat on the sofa, opens her jacket, under which she wears only a bra, crossing her legs: "I want 50 per cent of my price up front and the other half after that," she urges.  "Let's not talk about money, tell me about your job and what you can do," the suitor says. "I want to see what I'm supposed to pay for first," he adds. She takes off her jacket and mini skirt and starts stripping in front of him. After that, she demands her money. He doesn't want to pay, thinks she's unprofessional. She wants to leave but demands half the price. "I tell my boss sending his boys by," she threatens him, hastily putting her stuff back on. When she wants to go to the door and takes her phone to inform her boss, he briefly ponders how to prevent that. He quickly takes his tie, puts it around her neck from behind and pulls on, a tough and cruel fight begins. She groans, fights back, struggles for air. He slowly pulls her to the ground, she punches him and fights, but is helpless. He pulls the tie firmer, she's stramping with her legs, fighting for her life. Her powers leave her, she gets weaker and weaker. Brutally and excruciatingly, she experiences her final seconds, her body just twitching, then she dies with her eyes wide open. He leaves her lifeless body lying on the floor. "You dirty slut, that was your reward“, he laughs at her, leaving the hotel room.

    11 minutes
      POLICEWOMAN VS WHORES - Policewoman VS whores
Starring: Stels as a killer  who pretended to be a police woman, Li and Yana as dangerous criminal  whores
Fetish Elements: 
Much shootings and wounds, Firefight, Much Blood, Surprised Faces. Shooting to arm, chest, back
Stels is a professional assassin/hitwoman. Open with Stels on the phone with her client, a drug dealer who wants Stels to kill two prostitutes who will testify against him. She gets the names and addresses of the targets and agrees on a fee amount. We see her inspect her gun admiringly. She looks happy about the job and very self assured.  She leaves to get the job done. Next we see her at the door of target #1. Stels impersonates a police officer to gain access to the apartment. Stels tells  #1 that she has to question her about the drug dealer but quickly draws her gun and orders #1 to call prostitute #2 and invite her to come over to talk to the police. We see #2 on the phone talking to #1 and #2 agrees to come over. #2 is visibly concerned about the call and suspicious. #2 takes her own gun and departs. Next we see #2 arriving at the apartment of #1.  #2 enters and is confronted by Stels with gun raised. Stels asks " Who will I kill first?" Both #1 and #2 try to plead for mercy. Stels taunts them both, moving the gun back and forth towards both. #2 finally decides to take her gun form her pocket/bag and shoots Stels once in the arm. Stels is stunned, then she shoots #2 twice. #2 reacts to the wounds, drops her gun. She tries to stay standing but falls down.  Stels stands over to #2, about to shoot her again when #1 picks up the #2 gun and shoots Stels in the back. Stels turns around and shoots #1 in the chest. Stels returns her attention to #2 and shoots #2 two more times. #2 proceeds to die slowly. As Stels  turns back  to #1, she is shot three times by #1 who is still alive. Stels gets off one more shot and kills #1. Stels is still standing, staggering, mouth blood, wound blood, wants to leave but takes her phone and calls the client. Stels informs the client the job is done and she expects to get paid. She then falls on her back, bleeding and in pain. Slowly dies erotically.  Very bloody, violent, no head shots ALL EYES OPEN
    12 minutes
«Thanks a lot, Ugine, for this marvellous piece full of ellements I love.
Romance contrasting with drama and fear, cuteness contrasting with harsh action.

I really like the vary introduction and the shots on talking girls. They are very natural looking and tender.
Therefore both actresses are very hot and attractive in the way they talk and smile at each other.
Also the gloves taking and then serious expressions just before shootout are very erotic.

The girls' performance during shootout is quite convincing. Bella Lenina plays in very nice way
the injured girl who cannot help her mate anymore. And Li is perfect when she behaves during the shootout very
calmly, cutely and she talks to protected man like they would be some at some school party and he was only drunk
or something like this.

So thanks all the actresses and actors and your crew for this movie.
Again it must be watched more times to get all the moments and details (the dream at the end, Li's photo
with her sexy and self-confident expression or Sally as strict and formal nurse are another very nice props)»
Customer’s Review

Guards under attack

The private security agency is ordedered to protect some business meeting.
The agency never asks what is the point and who they shall protect.
They just do their well-paid job. 

The story starts in some room where two beautiful guard girls just sit and wait for the start of their mission. Their colleagues are ordered to guard outside the house and the girls are sent directly to the office to watch the meeting itself.

Both girls are in the same and standard agency uniform:
"catsuit" trousers (leggings) with the wide significant leather black belt and black boots. On top they have an elegant and very tight snow white blouse fully and deeply unfasten on top. White blouse is put into the belt. They wear guns in the thigh/shoulder/waist gun holsters.

They just talk and laugh frivolously and carelessly. One girl is taking her leather gloves during they talk. 
Then she says "You are so lovely. I like very much to work with you" and she touches her mate's gentle throat and hair.
"I could not stand if something bad happened to you" she continues tenderly. The other girl just shakes her head to
show that she does not have to be worried.  

Just at the moment they want to touch with their lips the girls' nice time is suddenly interrupted by one girl's phone.

The girl stops smiling and answers it. "Yes. We are going" she says to her phone.
She stops the call and sighs shortly: "So...., let's go, they are waiting" she says to her friend.
And both girls leave the room.

Second part is in some office/warehouse/hall etc.

Each guard girl stands on the right and left side of the big table, a little behind it. Their poses are just the same, very confident and firm.  Each girl has her legs put widely apart and they keep their hands crossed behind their waist. With the serious expressions in their faces they strictly look ahead.

Behind the table there is some man. He just sits and studies some papers.

Suddenly there is some noise at the door. The girl on left side of the table wants to pull her gun out of holster but she just touches the handle and then the silent shot can be heard. The girl is shot to her belly and quickly falls on the floor beside the table. She cries fearfully, puts her palms on her belly injury and moans on the floor.

The girl on the right side of the table immediately goes before the boss to protect him and shoots on targets. "Move! Hide behind the desk" she orders the boss. The man  hides behind the table. The girl moves to her hurt and moaning colleague. When she reaches her she asks her: "Is it bad?". Her wounded friend just whispers desperately "It hurts so much... I cannot move, I cannot feel my legs...."
"Shit" her colleague just says silently.

Then she goes behind the table where the man hides.

"Somebody revelead us" cries the man with a really scared and shocked voice.
"Be quiet!" says the guard girl. "I will get them. Just keep your head down".
Then she takes a firing position and starts shooting at the opponents.
After this she hides again and kneels beside the boss with her gun ready in her both hands with a barell turning up.
"OK. I got one" she says carelessly and calmly to the frightened man.
"We will die here" the man says in panic.
She looks at him angrily. "Listen. We will not die here, just do what I say" she orders him.

Then she again exposes herself and starts firing but now she loses and is hit to her chest.
She cries and falls on her back. In a big agony she dies.

The man is only able to look at her. Then the attackers take him violently away.

There are shots on the dead girl and moaning hurt girl.

The movie ends with silent shots on the girl who was injured during the shootout. She is in bed in some room. There is a wheelchair beside her bed. With serious, very sad face she just looks at the photos in her phone and then she sadly looks out of the window thinking about her colleague.

The elements of story:
- black and white style clothes: black boots, black catsuit trousers, black wide belt and on top elegant snow white tight blouse widely unfastened on top (or one girl can also have black miniskirt with boots). The blouse is put into the trousers/skirt,
- gun holsters,
- talking and laughing before the mission starts,
- detailed shots on their bodies,
- gentle/short lesbian scene, flirting, touching each other,
- at the beginning of the second part detailed and slow shots on the girls in their confident standing poses. They both confidently stands in the same position with legs apart, hands behind their waists and serious expressions in their faces,
- first girl being shot to her belly, badly wounded,
- shootout in which the second girl is involved, dialogues with the man who is protected during the shootout,
- confident shooting position of the girl, her confidence contrasting to man's fear,
- a little bit longer death scene of the second girl, falling on her back,
- realistic reactions, lying on back, shocked expression, legs spread, death stare, mouth open,
- blood on her blouse,
- shot on dead girl and hurt girl,
- final silent part in a caring room with the injured girl,
- subtitles,

    16 minutes
«Thank you! The performance and makeup are fantastic! It is beyond my expectations! I'm very impressed of how your studio make progress in these years! And the makeup definitely followed my instructions, even the very detailed patterns! And Keila is definitely a great actress! Her performance is so attractive, nature and realistic!»
Starring: Keila and Billy Brag
Fetish Elements: Poison, Agony, Very naturalistic agony and death scene, sweat during agony, cadaveric termination, cadaveric decomposition, stages of cadaveric decomposition, undressing the body, transferring the body from place to place, dressing the body, playing with the body, necrophilia, necrofetishism, dead body in the forest



CHAPTER 1: Alive
background: Max and Keila are best friends. Keila is dying due to some disease

1.	Keila calls Max to see her. She told him she is dying
2.	Keila induce Max to play her dead body
Talk: Keila and Max. [Keila lying on a chair and she is very weak]
Keila: Do I look ugly now?
Max: No, you are a beauty
Keila: But … I will become a dead body … this body … will be no different to a giant dead meat …
Keila: Will you feel sick of me? I will be cold, stiff, and smelly …
Max: no…
Keila [weak smile]: After I die, please help me to dress in these white clothes, and let me become soil in the forest…
3.	Keila suddenly feels bad and fall down to the ground
CHAPTER 2: Death
1.	Pain: Keila is pain
2.	Last struggle
a.	At first, she is struggling with large movement;
b.	Then her movement becomes smaller and have high frequence, like tremble;
c.	She was drenched with sweat. Her full body is sweat include part of her hair
d.	Then, her mouth and nose have blood coming out.
3.	Last words
a.	Keila is in Max’s arms
b.	Keila’s eyes are closing, and she tries her best to re-open her eyes. Her eyes can rolling back in this process;

Keila [very weak]: This corpse is yours…
Keila’s eyes slowly become half-open
4.	Die (very important, see image below. This face expression is always the same for the entire film)
a.	Keila’s eyes are half-open
b.	Keila’s eyes are looking straight
c.	Her mouth is half-open

CHAPTER 3: Clean
1.	Max removes Keila’s clothes genteelly
a.	Note: when removing clothes, there should be sweats on her abdomen and breasts
2.	Max cleaning Keila’s sweats and blood
a.	The blood should not be fully cleaned. There should be some trace of blood.
3.	Changing clothes
a.	Max carry Keila to bed
b.	This process should show her body is soft
c.	Keila has no underwear
CHAPTER 4: Change
1.	Day 1: stiff
a.	Max carry Keila to the forest
b.	Keila’s body become stiff and hard to change pose
c.	Max turns Keila and sees her back. There are some red pattern on her back, which is the “Livor mortis” (see image below)
d.	Max put Keila to a sexy pose, but Keila’s body is still stiff

Livor mortis: on her back, there are red patterns. But the area that contact ground don’t have such patterns
2.	Day 2: soft
a.	Max come back to see Keila
b.	Keila is soft again
c.	Max opens her clothes and touches her breasts, moving her body, changing her pose, huge, etc.
3.	Day 3: rot
a.	Max remove Keila’s clothes in a brutal way
b.	He found Keila’s body is rot (see reference image below)
c.	Finally, show her body


    19 minutes


Starring: Li, Yana, Annabelle, Nata, Dan, Tim, Alex

Exquisite costumed horror film for fans of strangulation!

3 Great Strangulation Scenes in pantyhose including Car Strangulation!


Fetish Elements:

Bet to the death, gambling to the death, long strangulation with pantyhose. Splaying with bodies, winner surprisely dies, strangulation in the car, fear before death, shock before death, leg kicking, death stare



3 rich lazy girls are boring. They want to  get adrenaline and excitement. One of them finds Death Club in the web – an underground casino where the bet is death. They decide to go and have fun being sure they win.

The rules are simple – they take a card from the deck one by one. Every card gives a win. But when the card is Ace Of Space it is death and a girl who take this unhappy card is killed.

The first unhappy girl who takes Ace of Spades is Annabelle. She is in shock, she thinks that it can not be true but a killer einns to strangle her to her death. Nata is a cynical girl and she laughs. Li is afraid. After Annabelle’s death Li wants to stop the game but it is too late and she takes Ace of Spades too. Long strangulation death is her fate too and Nata sees with a pleasure her agony.

Nata is a winner. She wins check for a million dollars and a prize cup. She goes outside when a club driver should drive her to the bank.

But it is a crime casino  and nobody want pay a win and have witnesses. Suddenly club-killer appears from behind and strangles Nata in the taxy.

Just imagine the shock, horror, bewilderment and resentment of Nata, when, after the taste of winning, she realized that this was the end!




    11 minutes


Starring: Bella Lenina, Billy Brag, Judi, Maxim Sergeev

The story takes places in indoor locations and is for four actors - two actresses and two male actors. Of course one of the actors should be Max that was kidnapped in prequel story and one of two actresses must be Bella Lenina. 

The whole story should be raw, dramatic and natural. Shootout should be bloody and merciless like in the Mexican movies style (more blood effects i.e. blood out of mouth, blood on bodies, blood on wall should be used). 

The dominant parts of the clip should be the Bella's searching the place and the shootout between two sexy girls. 

First scene:
The story starts with shots on Max sitting in the old chair with his hands tied behind his back. He looks down.

Around him the hitgirl goes with a gun in her hand. She wears black leather leggings, open black leather jacket and black bodysuit that covers only her breasts. Her white tender belly is fully revealed. 

The girl belongs to the gang that kidnapped Max. She is ordered to guard him.

She approaches Max with an arogant expression and tells him: „Hmm…. You still think that somebody will come to help you. It is very naive…. Finally you will give us the code….“. 
Then she approaches very closely to him and she puts her finger under his chin and slowly push his head up. „Or you will rather die?“ she asks him frivolously and cutely when she looks at his eyes. 
Then she slightly kick him into his legs and with her one hand on her hip she continues walking around him.

Second scene:
A member of security agency Bella Lenina talks with her male mate. 
Bella wears old, light blue and very tight jeans. On top she wears a light blouse (white, beige etc.) fully put into the jeans/black belt (button up style).

They both are in the entrance to the building when the gangters that kidnapped Max hide. 

„OK. We know where they are. Let’s go“ Bella says impatiently to the male agent.
„Yes…. well…. I understand that you want your vengeance, but calm down. It is little bit carelles to go there alone“ he answers.
„It is not carelessness, it is just self-assurance“ Bella insists. Then she looks at him. „I will go this way. You will go there…. Good luck…...“.

Then there are slow and detailed shots on Bella how she searches the place. She creeps along the wall with her gun ready and with her legs widely spread.  Then she finds the room where Max and his female guard are. 

Third scene:
Bella stops behind the corner with her gun ready. She holds the gun with both hands. 
Then she exposes with her legs wide spread. She directs her gun at the hitgirl and she shouts:
„Hands up! Drop your weapon!“.
The guard girl suprisingly returns at the direction where Bella is and opens fire.

The cruel shootout between two girls starts.
Bella hides behind the corner and the hitgirl behind some desk/furniture/column.
Both girls exposes and fires at each other several times but they always miss.
They are shots on their self-confident standing shooting positions. 

Then Bella exposes more but she is too slow to fire and is hit into her chest.
There is a shock in her face. The blood starts oozing out of her mouth. By the bullet she is thrown on the close wall. She slides down along the wall.
There are blood stains on the wall how Bella slides down. When she is on the ground she gasps and gurgles heavily. 
The hitgirl goes to her and with an arrogant smile she shots her one more time. This shot is fatal. Bella's face stiffens and she dies.

At this moment Bella’s partner rushes at the place. „No!“ he yells. The hitgirl wants to shoot but the man is faster and he immediatelly shots her dead. She is hit into her white exposed belly, she falls on her back and after short agony she dies. 

Fourth scene:
After the shootout the male agent goes to Max and unties his hands. Max says: „Thank you….. Let’s leave this fucking place“. 
While they are leaving the agent kneels down to the dead Bella’s body. She lies with her legs widely spread and with upper part of her body leaning on the wall. Her chest is covered by blood. Her eyes are widely open. 
The agent watches her calmly. Then he says to Max: „Well… You know ….. She wanted to revenge the young woman that was killed when you were kidnapped…. This is really a tragic case“…..

The story ends with shots on dead girls‘ bodies. 

Elements of story:

Clothes of the girls (ordinary, natural, tight, sexy):

Bella Lenina’s clothes and props: 

•	very tight, old, light blue jeans,
•	black wide belt,
•	light blouse (beige, white, light green, pink etc.) fully put into the jeans (button-up style),
•	nice high heels (not boots),
•	gun together with gun holster (holster is important element – but it can be either waist, thigh or shoulder – all these options are possible).
(jeans and belt can be similar to Juliana in my custom Witness Protection or the blouse can be similar that Bella wears in Fatal Police Mission)

Hitgirl’s clothes and props:

•	black leggings or leather trousers,
•	black boots,
•	black open leather jacket,
•	black bodysuit just over the breasts (with belly revealed),
•	gun.

Plot elements:
•	arogant and cute hitgirl’s behaviour in the introductory part, going with her hand on hip,
•	impatient, a little bit nervous and also eager Bella’s behaviour in the next part,
•	Bella searching the place with her gun ready, legs spread, slow creeping along the wall,
•	warning the hitgirl before the shootout starts, legs spread during long shootout, sexy shooting positions,
•	girl breathing heavily during shootout, nervous and concentrated expressions,
•	shock expressions when being hit,
•	death scenes/positions: 
- Bella sliding down the wall, blood on the wall, legs spread, upper part of body leaning on the wall, blood on chest, really shocked expression, eyes widely open, mouth widely open, blood out of mouth. 
- hitgirl’s position: shot in the belly, lying on back, mouth open, blood on belly, eyes open, quick death.
•	sad talking of the agent at the final part, kneeling to the dead Bella’s body. 

If you like this movie please check out the first part!  SUPERGIRL
    6 minutes
      SUPERGIRL - CAST: Li, Yana, Annabelle

Superr-girl arrives to the enemy-base. First she must liquidate two guards near bath with toxic water. She kills them with a laser. After she goes up  to her main enemy and breaks the necks of clones-guards…

    17 minutes
3 amazing strangulation scenes in brilliant summer location! This film looks like classic slasher like Wrong Turn – evil maniac attacks 3 sexy girls while they are resting in the park.
-	Car strangulation 
-	Garrotte strangulation 
-	Strangulation on the bridge
This clip contains very sexy fetish elements for classic choking horrors. Kicking, agonies, death stares, legs, wheezing, resistance, surprise, the struggle for life, the young victim, beautiful scenery.

	Three friends met to have a picnic. They went by car to the quite place in the forest.
Film contains: 
The first girls was caught when she was going to piss in the bushes. She  undid her sexy jeans microshorts when maniac attacked her from behind and brutally strangled. Nobody heard her desperate wheezing. He left her corpse in the grass for insects. Not her best picnic indeed! Her head body in the grass with blust neck and very realistic death stare look like photo from crime news. 
Her friend stayed in the car and enjoyed pop-music on radio. Maniac quickly set the backseat. He started to strangle girl at the wheel. Her friend tried to run away but the door  was locked. When driver-girl couldn’t help herself was h twitching in choking helplessly, her best friend was just trying to escape. And she did it, she opened the door and ran away. Nata stayed alone with her murder. After long suffocation she died with blue lane on her neck, with eyes wide opened and her swollen tongue out from her sticky mouth full of salvia. 
Maniac ran for the third girl. She was running out like in classic horror film. She ean to the dead end near swamp. Maniac attacked her on the bridge. She tried to fight but she couldn’t. He was garroting her long and terrible and she died with very emotional death stare. He took her on his arms and carried to the car. 
He carried all three corpses to the car. We see dead girls’ close-ups, their death stares, car-sitting death poses, blue strangled necks with different angles. Maniac is behind the wheel. He drove the  car to dark places to have fun with dead poses. The car was full of dead girls…

One more movie with best Dark Rooms HD cinematic fetish traditions!
Our best models who do strangulation scenes very realistic and expressive!
Nature, imosquitoes and sounds of forest do this movie very realistic. It’s all we like in slashers with young girls, but with fetish-oriented choking scenes and long postmortem views. We did strangled make up, exiting views from car and car moving full of dead girls. Some POV elements. 
If you like this video please check out our last strangulation epic clips:
CAPTURE FACTORY, TRUE ART (YellowPress Store), Black Crane -3 or our classic bestsellers – Unhappy Birthday, Double sensation.  FROZEN
    13 minutes

Winter Erotic Horror

CRUEL! HOT!... and COLD!

Two Nude Girls were frozen to death in the deep winter forest!


Stalking, chasing, slasher movie style

Bondage by lasso

Shooting to the back with blood on the snow

Carrying by the rope

Nude girls bondage outside

Freeze deadly torture

Slow terrible death

Begging to the life

Agony, frozen blue bodies

Gritting teeth

Putting carrots to the dead months like to  snowmen

Frozen corpses in erotic poses

Great frozen make up, naturalistic outside shootings+FX effects

Exotic Stuff by DarkRooms again!  



Two girls went for a walk to the lost park. They just want to see lost territory. Urban Legends say that people are lost in that places.

Suddenly they realize they went too far to the forest and they can’t find the road back. They are in panic – it’s too cold! They meet a man and they are happy he can help but he looks strange with his gun and lasso. Girls ran away but he cought them with lasso and shot brunette girls to her back. He hit blonde girl to the face with his leg and carried knocked out babes and carried them  to the showed forest.

They are bandaged nude in the forest. They are near to the death. It’s hard cold! The man said the would leave them forever. They begged him to save them and when they stayed alone they were terrible frightened. Their death was terrible.

When the man came back they were already frozen to the death. We say their death, how they appeared to ice dolls.

The man made showgirls, when he put carrots to their months. Urban Legends were true – the forest was full of snowmen and snowgirls made from real people!


It’s fantastic movie! Very cruel!
    12 minutes


GREAT DEAL FOR 10$: many location, Great Stalking and Long Death Scene!

«As usual I am very pleased with your interpretation of my story line; Stels performs an excellent job and Alex always looks the part».

From Customer’s Review


Starring: Steals and Alex

Fetish Elements:

Stalking Scene (innocent girl in sexy jeans shorts riding her bicycle) and contract killer watching her from his car

Last minutes of unsuspecting victim’s life (coming home, redressing, showering)

Attack with surprise – appearing in her room when she’s gone from the shoer only in her panties and towel

Shooting 3 times

Control shot

Spectacular throwing a rag on her dead face

Great acted reactions, good make up wounds, death stare, some manipulations with dead body





The assassin has been contracted to kill the witness, a young girl who will be testifying in the boss's trial; she must disappear.

He drives his car slowly close behing his target as she rides her bicycle regularly home from work on the same route. The assassin takes reconasance photos before the day of the hit. For the hit, she is wearing very short tight denim shorts and the assassin enjoys the view as the cheeks of her ass press out from the bicycle saddle. her top is tight and we can clearly see she is not wearing a bra. She is wearing short socks and sneakers.

She arrives home very quickly and the assassin drives past her as she get off her bicycle and goes into her apartment.

We see her running the shower and watch as she begins to undress sexily. We see the assassin enter the apartment quietly, his silenced weapon at the ready. We hear the shower turn off and watch as she reaches for her towel and dries herself off briefly, she places her clean panties on and we watch the assassin prepare for his assignment in the next room.

The girl is wrapped in her towel as she enters the room, we can see her panties below the towel wrapped around her chest. As she walks into the room she is shocked to see the stranger sitting on her couch waiting for her.

"Who the Fuck are you" She shouts angrily as she grips her towel to her breasts.

The Assassin lifts his weapon into view pointing it at her stomach.

She has enough time to cry out "No No No" and grabs at her stomach as the bullet blasts through the towel in an instant.

The girl bends gripping her stomach wound and stares at her killer with her mouth wide open; she staggers towards the door and the towel drops to her waist as she holds her wound. her breasts are naked as she tries to make it to the door. The assassin takes aim shooting her in the back and the girl grunts loudly clutching at her back wound and the towel drops to the floor. She turns gripping her stomach wound with one hand and trying to hold herself up with the other. Her eyes are pleading for mercy, her mouth is open, the assassin fires.

The third bullet rips into her breast (not the nipple) and her breasts and body shake violently as she slams backwards against the door/wall she immediately goes still and drops like a stone to the floor.

The assassin begins his pleasure, rolling her body playing with her panties and squeezing her breast. He prepares his phone, takes his pictures then sends his message. He throws the towel over the girls body and moves towards the door; suddenly he notices her hand move and stops. He takes aim shooting her twice more in the breasts through the towel and we see the holes as the bullets penetrate the towel. he walks back to her body removing the towel to check his work then covers her face with the perforated towel before moving to the door.










    24 minutes
CAST: Annabelle, Li, Max
«The custom film was completely amazing. All the actors did great. Especially Annabelle! The open of the movie was very cool. Annabelle looked so sinister! The special effects were very, very realistic. I don’t know how much more real your props team can make it. Very good job. Crimehouse is the leader in custom film production. Once again thanks for the awesome gory film! »
Customer’s Review

Fetish Elements:
binding, sacrifice, chloroform, blow,  stabbing unconsciousness, guts,  agitating, dismemberment, taking out the intestines, injections, girls kills a girl, man kills a girl
Opening scene: Annabelle sees her boyfriend, Max out on the town with Li. She sees them all over each other and she’s  furious at the sight of her man out with another woman. She follows them and sees Max go into the apartment with Li. Use you creative to build this scene how Darkrooms sees fit. I trust you guys. Love the scene in The first Cheating Guts Feeling. 
Scene 2:Annabelle breaks into Li’s apartment. She’s wearing something sexy that shows her stomach. Li is taking a shower. Scenes of Li in the shower, her hair isn’t wet. We see her washing her stomach. She gets out and puts some sexy panties on. She walks into her bed room, just in panties, to finish getting dressed. She closes the door and Annabelle is waiting behind it for her. Annabelle grabs her sticks a syringe in her neck. Li goes unconscious in Annabelles arms. 
Scene 3: Annabelle is tying Li to a small table, like in the past films. Annabelle is wearing just  some sexy panties. Li is completely naked. She ties her arms above her head and her legs to the table legs. Annabelle gets a knife. She runs it over lis belly several times circling her navel. She presses it into her navel till she wakes up from the pain. She starts to panic and squirm around against being tied. Annabelle holds the knife to her belly and explains to her that she knows that she’s been screwing her boyfriend and she can’t believe she had the guts to do it so she’s going to cut her open and see them. Li squirms trying to get free but it’s no use. Annabelle starts to slowly sink the knife into her navel all the way to the hilt. She rips it out violently. Then stabs her 5 more times in the navel. She pulls the knife out. She stabs it in her stomach just below her sternum and slices Li down her stomach cutting her open. She then reaches in and guts her as in the usual Darkrooms fashion. Li convulses in agony as she’s gutted. She finally dies. Views of her body and death stare. Annabelle leaves her guts piled up by her side. Annabelle is not done she takes Li’s phone and text max to ask him to come over for a hook up. Her plan is to surprise attack him when he arrives and stab him.  
Scene4: Max arrives at Li’s home. He goes in happy his thinking he’s gonna get a piece of ass. He opens the door to the room with Li’s dead gutted body and is horrified at the sight. Just then Annabelle burst in with a knife. She’s just wearing panties. She screams you cheating bastard as she tries to stab Max. He deflects the knife. The struggle with each other. He grips her hand that has the knife. He finally hits Annabelle and knocks her out. She falls to the floor face up unconscious. Max is furious that she’s killed Li. He’s going to make her pay. What better way than to gut her like she gutted Li. He takes her body and lays it across  Li’s  body on the table. Annabelles lower back lays across Li’s stomach her hands above her head creating a body pile. (I’ve attached an image). He takes her panties off. He ties Annabelles hands and feet with some rope. Her hands are above her head. He takes the knife that she used to try to stab him. He runs it over her stomach circling her navel. He then plunges it into her stomach just below her sternum. She lets out a Ugg as she wakes to the knife plunging in her stomach. He slices down her belly to her navel as she spasms. Once he’s at her navel he twist the knife around in her gut. He rips the knife out and stabs it back in her navel and finishes cutting down to her lower belly. He removes the knife and sticks his hands in her stomach and begins to gut her. As he’s removing her intestines, he angrily  tells hers that this is pay back bitch.  He cuts away the last length of her intestines as she dies. He lays the knife on her chest. Her guts piled on the floor. The movie ends with camera pan views of the two women laid out across each other with bloody guts laying everywhere.
Annabelle would be laid across Li’s body like this with her back laying on Li’s stomach to make the body pile if that can be done without making the actresses uncomfortable. 

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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