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    15 minutes
«Got it, I absolutely love it. Thank you guys so much. »
Customer’s Review 

Background: Judi is a sexy assassin. She and her partner just completed a killing mission and came back. 

Scene 1: Judi and the male actor came into the room, sat down at a table, and started drinking. Then they started talking about their mission. Judi says:” after I shot her, she struggled like a fish on the ground. It’s so embarrassing.” The male actor says, “that is what a bullet would do.” Judi takes a spare clip for the handgun out and unloads a bullet. She looks at the bullet and says, “I do not understand how such a small bullet could do that. If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.” Judi then invites her partner to drink alcohol while saying, “anyway, we completed another mission and need to celebrate it. Here is to our 12 years of partnership.” They both drank the alcohol.  
Scene 2: Judi’s partner tells her that he is in love with her from working with her and wants to have a relationship with her and leave the business. Judi is surprised and disgusted, “seriously? We are just partners; I would never have a relationship with you outside of work. You are ugly, and I would never date someone like you.” This line makes her partner mad. He stands up and says, “how dare you to say that.” 
Scene 3: He pushes Judi to the ground, and one hand touches her pussy while the other hand strangles her neck. Judi shouts,” what are you doing?” while trying to fight back. After some struggle, Judi pushes him off and stands up. She then takes out her gun and runs behind some structure in the room as a cover. Her partner also stands up and runs behind a cover. Then they started shooting each out.  
Scene 4: After their guns are empty, Judi stands up, takes a knife, and walks toward him. “I always bring a knife as my backup, and I know you do not. You are going to die for violating me.” Her partner stands up and laughs, “but I do bring extra ammo.” He then loads a new magazine in the gun and shoots her four times (scattered shots) on her chest (realistic bullet hole), and she is shocked and looks at her wounds and drops her knife. She says with a faint voice,” so this is what being shot feels like.” She then starts coughing blood (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). Then she kneels (both knees), loses consciousness, and falls to her back with legs split open (embarrassing position). (Similar to Robber’s shootout) 
Scene 5: Her partner approaches her and shoots her two more times on the upper belly area (realistic bullet hole). The pain wakes her up. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to cough blood (emphasize process). Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain.  Her legs also straighten out but still split open, revealing her underwear. He mimics her, saying with contempt, “If I am ever shot, I definitely will not die so miserably.”, then he says to her,” you are like fish on the chopping board, and I can do whatever I want to you now.” He uses her knife to cut open her blouse/shirt and bra, revealing her breast and belly with realistic bullet holes. He touches her breast and masturbates her pussy (no need to show). Judi still convulses on the ground and stares at him with hate, but she can’t do anything. He says,” what a pity, such a nice piece of meat is going to waste.” He then touches her bloody lips and says,” those lips are so beautiful, and I have always wanted to kiss them.” Then he bends down and kisses her lip. (If possible). After kissing, Judi pukes a mouthful of blood out and tells him, “Go to hell.” She then struggles to breathe and stick her tongue out (some facial focus on this).  He laughs at her and stands up, and tells her, “It’s time to go.” Then he shoots her two times on the forehead and one time on the right cheek. (Realistic Bullet hole). Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches more intensely like having an orgasm and then drops dead in a sexy yet embarrassing pose with legs split open and mouth slightly open, revealing her tongue, also death stares. Her finger still twitches a few more times. Her partner then leaves.  
Scene 6: A few days later, her partner returns to the scene. He saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup and touches her breast and pussy again. Then she caresses her face and says, “I miss you, and I really hope that day did not turn out the way it is. “Then he tries to close her eyes, but no matter what he tries, the eyes stay open. He then left.  

    15 minutes
      Clip 768 - 8 MM
Mira Green, Max 

Fetish Elements: Bagging 

«Thanks so much for the video! It was done really fast and everything was exact! I was a little nervous about custom but the video turned out amazing!»
Customer’s Review 
Setting is house, one male actor, and model is Mira Green. Model is wearing make up to look sexy, white bra and panties.
Scene 1: Mira comes home from work, then strips to white bra and panties after she closes door. She starts walking but hiding man (male actor) puts her in sleeperhold and knocks her out. Whole scene is about 90 seconds to 120 seconds. 
Scene 2: Mira is unconscious sitting down, tied to chair, arms bound. Male actor slaps Mira awake. Mira wakes up, looks panicked, asks what's going on. Male actor doesn't say anything, but pulls out garrote wire from his pocket. Mira notices camera recording far away and gets more scared (camera isn't shown in rest of video). Man goes behind Mira and pulls garrote wire across Mira's body to her neck and pulls it around. Mira is panicking and man pulls garrote across her neck, and strangles her. After about a minute Mira sticks her tongue out. During strangle Mira squirms in chair and struggles. At end of strangle, man releases Mira who coughs and gasps after. Filming would capture mostly Mira's face and body, sounds as appropriate or strangling. Setup in scene is about 45 seconds, strangling about 120 seconds (About 170 seconds for scene). Man looks like he's enjoying greatly. 
Scene 3: After catching her breath Mira begs man to stop and let her go. Man says that he is enjoying this and recording to sell video later (pan to camera briefly). Mira calls man sick and looks disgusted. Man laughs, then man gets plastic wrap and covers Mira's lower face (nose and mouth). Mira is suffocated and struggles, with wide eyes and panicked expression. Filming captures Mira's face and body, sound for suffocation as appropiate. At end man releases Mira, who gasps and coughs but weaker than before. Set up is about 45 seconds, suffocation about 2 minutes. 
Scene 4: Mira protests more weakly than before and man laughs before he strangles her with garrote. Strangling scene shows Mira's face and body, scene for about 90 seconds. Mira's tongue sticks out again. After strangle Mira is barely alive and unable to say anything. 
Scene 5: Man gets plastic bag and tells Mira that it is the final scene. Mira can't talk but shakes her head with pleading expression. Man puts clear plastic bag around Mira's head. Mira slowly suffocates in bag until dying. Zoom in to Mira's face and body multiple times during suffocation. About 4 minutes and 30 seconds for scene. Man looks at Mira after death, enjoying. 

Scene 6: Mira is on the ground with plastic bag still around head, death stare. 

And just in case I didn't state clearly but man is behind Mira in every scene of the script (except last scene).
    16 minutes


Thank you very much for the video! It is perfect!
It exceeds my expectations. The complete outfit, especially the gloves, the action, the utensils used, everything fits exactly. Thanks also to the actresses, very well done! The cuts, the scenes, the movie has Hollywood qualities! 
Thanks again to the whole team!
I will definitely recommend it to others.
And I will think about a sequel.
Customer’s review

It's about a young female burglar who does bad things and always wins.
She comes from a rich background and does the crimes just for fun and for the thrill.

Sonya Krueger
Bella Lenina 

Story of "Wrong place, wrong time":
1. B walks down a hallway to the door of R's apartment. She looks around to see if anyone is
is around. She carries a shoulder bag with her "tools" and for the stolen goods.
2. She is alone and puts on her black nitrile gloves.
3. She keeps an eye on the surroundings and opens the door with a lockpick and enters the apartment.
4. B calmly searches the apartment for valuables.
5. a few moments later she hears someone at the door. R returns earlier than expected.
6. B hides in the next room and takes out her pistol [still without silencer] from her bag.
7. B waits until R is completely in the apartment and has closed the door.
8. Then B steps towards R with the pistol.
9. R looks in horror down the barrel of the Walther. "Please don't hurt me, you can take what you want".
10. B: "Lie down on the floor! On your stomach, hands behind your back!"
11. R lies down on the floor and holds her hands behind her back.
12. B takes out handcuffs and puts them on R.
13. B takes out a long cable tie and ties R's feet with it.
14. B turns R on her back and sits on her [wide-legged on her stomach]. She takes out the silencer and screws it onto the pistol in front of R's eyes.
15. R: "Oh my God! No!" R is scared to death.
16. B: "I'm glad you came home. There's a safe in the bedroom and you're going to tell me the code for it now!"
17. R: "I don't know the code".
18. B holds the pistol to R's head and cocks the hammer of the Walther with her thumb.
19. B: "Think carefully what you say! The code, or I'll scatter your little brain all over the floor!"
20. R cries: "I have no idea about the code, only my husband knows it."
21 B: "ok". B kneels down next to R and puts the gun aside. She gags R with a piece of tape.
22. Then she takes the stun gun out of her pocket. She demonstrates the function to R and pulls the trigger. The stun gun flashes. Then she tortures R with the stun gun.
[audible effect only].
23. R writhes in pain and moans under the gag.
24. B thinks it is time to ask again and removes R's gag.
25. B: "What is the code?"
26. R: "Please stop! Please! I don't know the code!"
27. B gets annoyed: "Ok, you asked for it".
28. B takes out a transparent plastic bag from her pocket.
29. R suspects evil and asks for mercy but B sits on R again and pulls the bag over her head.
30. B seals the bag around her neck.
31. B "There are only two options: You tell me the code or you will die under this bag!"
32. R tries to resist, but no chance because of the handcuffs and the cable tie.
33. Time is running out and R is running out of air. She desperately tries to get air.
34. B: "Well, what now?"
35. R gives up, "Ok I, say the code, please, please put the bag away!"
36. B removes the plastic bag.
37. R gasps for air. She tells B the code for the safe.
38. B gets up and goes into the bedroom with the silenced gun in her hand.
39. a moment later she returns, satisfied.
40. B: "Now I know why you resisted for so long. You have a fortune stashed here.
Thank you very much, my dear." B's shoulder bag is now well filled.
41. R: "Then everything is good now, isn't it?
42. B: "Well, actually yes, but there is one problem: I never leave any witnesses..."
43. R: "No, what's the point?"
44. B: Sits wide-legged on R's stomach again, picks up the plastic bag and takes a long cable tie out of her pocket.
45. R squirms, she suspects the worst. "Why isn't anyone helping me?"
46. B takes the bag in both hands and prepares to put it over R's head.
47. B: "It won't take long, soon it will be over"
48. B pulls the plastic bag over R's head and pulls the cable tie around R's neck, sealing the bag
49. R: "No, oh my God, no."
50. B tenderly strokes R's bagged head and watches R struggle to death with pleasure.
51. R keeps wailing, "No," "Help." She can no longer breathe, the bag inflates and contracts again as she breathes.
52. B stands up and picks up the pistol with silencer.
53. With the pistol in her right hand, she looks down at R.
54. R squirms but has no chance. The breathing becomes shallower.
55. B watches as R suffocates.
56. R stops moving.
57. B kneels next to R and takes the electric shocker and gives her electric shocks to her stomach [acoustic effects].
58. R shows no movement, she is dead.
59. B: "Yes my dear, in the end the bag always wins!"
60. B gets up [the bag remains above R's head], puts the stun gun and the pistol in her bag and leaves the apartment.  MOSCOW 2346 ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS
    7 minutes
      MOSCOW 2346 ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS - Several different endings for Moscow 2346, with the scenario that The Boss had to fight Male actor too.

Ksusha Zaichik as The Boss
Maxim Sergeev as Male actor

Camera: I would love to see similar camera work like example below, when she is defeated and laying on the ground in the different endings.
Alternative ending 1:
Similar scene as the fight (and camera work) between The Bodyguard and Male actor.

Alternative ending 2:
Similar scene as Male actor and The Doctor (when she gets the needle injected into her butt).

Alternative ending 3:
Camera shows The Boss crawling on all four, reaching the gun that is on the floor. She turns around (sitting position) and aims at Male actor. We see him walking toward her, she fires the gun. He tries to deflect the bullet with glove, but this time she hits him and he falls to the ground.
She gets up on her feets, puts one foot on his chest, she fires the gun again, this time he is dead.

Alternative ending 4:
Similar scene when she fires her gun at Male actor and he deflects bullets with his glove:
•	This time, I would like to see her whole body when she fires gun (she stands in front of camera, and fires toward camera). 
•	We see Male actor deflecting the first few bullets, but then he falls backward, getting hit by one of the bullets.
•	We see The Boss walk toward Male actor (similar camera to example below, filming her butt)
•	She bends over to check if he is dead (he is laying on his back). Suddenly he opens his eyes, grabs her foot and makes her fall over. 
•	Camera focus on her when she is falling (close-up of her)
•	She lose the gun, Male actor gets on his feet takes the gun and shoots her (no blood).
•	We see her laying on the ground, similar position as picture example below.
    19 minutes
      ANNABELLES AUDITION - «Thanks again for the custom which I enjoyed a lot. The models were both excellent They captured the spirit of the piece - with convincing playfulness between the two of them as interviewer and candidate, whilst  giving strong performances in the three death scenes. 
The production quality is good».
Customer’s Review 
Annabelle is a serious actress. But in the middle of the pandemic, work is very hard to find. So, she has applied to become a death fetish model with Crime House, a fetish film producer in Russia. This is the story of her audition with CH.
She is being interviewed in a living room by Nata. Nata asks Annabelle what experience she has of acting out death scenes, and Annabelle says she has done some scenes in drama school – but not this type of work before. Nata is confident Annabelle will be fine but explains that first they have to do three auditions in the bedroom – which is connected by hidden cameras to a group of CH clients. They will decide on the scenarios and determine if Annabelle is suitable to join the CH team. Annabelle is very enthusiastic and says she is sure it will be fine and that they will have fun together. She even hugs Nata making it clear that she finds Nata attractive.
The next scene is in the bedroom. Annabelle is sitting on the bed whil Nata is looking at her phone. She tells Annabelle that for the first audition, the client wants them to play lesbian lovers in the nude. But Nata has discovered Annabelle has betrayed her with a man. She will be on top of Annabelle pinning her down. Annabelle will plead for forgiveness, but Nata will strangle her with her bare hands. The client wants Annabelle to struggle furiously. But she will not be strong enough to escape and slowly weaken and die.
Annabelle smiles and gets up to hug and begin undressing Nata. Nata responds amorously and undresses Annabelle easing her back onto the bed. They kiss and cuddle for a while.  Suddenly Nata pins Annabelle’s hands down and accuses Annabelle of betraying her with Ivan. Annabelle protests her innocence, but Nata pulls her hair back and pretends to slap her and twist her nipples. Annabelle screams in pain and begs Nata to stop. She admits she did sleep with Ivan but it meant nothing – she loves Nata.
Nata stops torturing Annabelle briefly and they hug each other affectionately. Annabelle says she will never betray Nata again. Nata agrees but then turns aggressive. She barks at Annabelle that there is only one way she can ensure there are no more betrayals. And with that she begins to strangle Annabelle. Annabelle’s eyes widen in shock and fear and she struggles desperately to break Nata’s grip and unbalance her. But Nata is too strong. Annabelle fights frantically, but then begins to weaken and spasm almost orgasmically, before slowly slipping away and dying.
Nata kisses Annabelle on the forehead, says ‘cut’, and Annabelle opens her eyes and they both laugh and hug each other affectionately one more time.
Nata goes to her phone and tells Annabelle she has done well in her first scene.
Annabelle comes over and they look at the phone. They are both still nude. Annabelle asks the clients listening whether this time she can play the killer and let Nata be her victim. Nata pushes her away playfully and says she is too strong to be Annabelle’s victim.
The clients obviously like the playfulness between the two of them, because this time they say that Annabelle will play a contract killer who has been hired to murder Nata – with a garotte (maybe a red scarf that is in the room). Nata asks the client if she can fight to get free and the client texts that of course she can try. She puts the phone on a table or shelf by the bed.
Annabelle is confident and picks up the scarf and asks Nata sexily if she wants a bit of fun.
Nata says she doesn’t wish to be tied up and Annabelle strokes her tenderly and says the stocking is not for tieing her up. She eases Nata back on the bed and mounts her, threading the scarf around her throat. Nata asks what she is doing. Suddenly Annabelle gets serious and says someone has paid her to murder Nata. Nata begs for mercy, but Annabelle tightens the scarf and Nata begins to choke. 
At first Annabelle is winning and Nata’s struggles are not making any difference. But then she slaps Anna in the belly and slightly winds her, and then unbalances her by jerking her body. Annabelle lets go of the scarf, but it is too late. She is already unbalanced, and Nata now rolls her over and after a bit more wrestling, gets the upper hand. Annabelle tries to fight back, but Nata pins first one hand and then the second above Annabelle’s head.
Annabelle stops struggling and asks what happens now. She thought she was going to win this role play. Nata looks at the phone. The client congratulates her and tells her to smother Annabelle with a pillow. This time it is Annabelle pleading for mercy. But soon, Nata smothers her and although Annabelle again fights with a lot of energy, after a while she accepts the inevitable and slowly dies.
Nata lifts up the pillow and again is happy and kisses Annabelle who opens her eyes a little annoyed she didn’t manage to be the killer in this role play.
Now they are both relaxing after expending a lot of energy in the two scenes.
Nata looks at her phone again and sighs. She turns to Annabelle and tells her this time the clients are going to make sure she is successful as the killer. She explains that in this scenario she will play a spy who has stolen secret account codes from a bank on a memory stick she intends to sell to the highest bidder. Annabelle plays an enforcer who has come to get the memory stick back for the bank and has permission to murder Nata when she gets it. Nata will start off pretending to be asleep on the bed so Annabelle can tie one of her wrists to the headboard before Nata even wakes up to ensure she won’t be able to escape.
Nata gets a memory stick and hides it in the pillowcase. Annabelle puts some light clothes on and goes out of camera shot.
Nata pretends to fall asleep on the bed and Annabelle comes in quietly. She ties one end of the scarf to the bed and then loops the other around Nata’s hand. Nata stirs, but Annabelle is on top of her and only one arm is free – which Annabelle quickly pins down. 
She tells Nata she wants the memory stick. Nata denies she has it. Annabelle pretends to hit Nata’s face and belly and she pulls her hair back. Nata still will not tell her. Annabelle begins to hand smother Nata, who tries to fight her off with one free hand. But she cannot get the hand off. When Annabelle stops the hand smother, Nata is gasping for breath – but still she denies everything.
Annabelle picks up the pillow, turns it over and begins pillow smothering Nata, who again fights unsuccessfully to push the pillow off her. But this time Annabelle sees the memory stick in the pillowcase. She stops and takes the USB out and puts it on the bedside table next to the phone. She is very happy and knows now she has what she came for.
She looks at Nata beneath her – wondering what to do about her. Nata says now she has the memory stick she can go and just leave her. But she already knows, Annabelle will not let her live. Annabelle strokes Nata’s face gently, as if they are lovers. But Nata knows what is coming and asks her once more to let her go. 
Too soon, Annabelle’s hands close round Nata’s throat and she knows it is the end for her. She tries to fight, but with only one hand free it is hopeless. She tries to die as sexily as Annabelle has and is soon in death spasms before closing her eyes and becoming still.
This time Annabelle hugs Nata, unties her hand, and kisses her.
Nata embraces her and they kiss – this time on the lips, maybe even more!
Nata picks up the phone and shows Annabelle. They both smile. And Nata says to Annabelle “Welcome to Crime House,”
[scene fades…].


    10 minutes
      DRUGS CRIMINAL - Cast: Polina Wood, Alex


«I’ve got the video! GREAT! Polina acts very great and the blood effect is amazing! Thank you so much!»
Customer’s Review

Cloth: Polina: white camisole, black leather tight skirt, black stockings, high heels, police badge, no bra, no gun holster. (Her clothes are similar with the Police Tragedy, but no shirt and no gun holster this time.) white camisole, black leather tight skirt, black stockings, high heels, police badge Plot:
(1)DEA agent Polina has been an employee in a drug corporation for 6 months. She finally got the evidence. Today, she is ready to arrest the drug dealers’ boss.
(2)Polina walks into the boss's office. The boss is sitting behind a desk and reading something information. She approaches the boss and hands him a document. When the boss is taking the document, she took out a pistol from behind. She pointed the gun at the boss. “DEA! You are under arrest!” She says.
(3)But the boss is very experienced and has already hidden a pistol under the table. When Polina is calling for support, the boss takes of the pistol and shooting swiftly. A bullet hit Polina in the belly.
(4)Polina is in great pain after being hit. She still insists on standing with one hand covering the wound, and the other hand trying to raise the pistol to fight back. The boss shoots again. This time 2-4 shots hit Polina. (Including 2 bullets very close to the nipples or precisely hit the nipples.) Polina is moaning in pain, and falling back after being hit by bullets. After the last shooting she leans against a wall and sliding down. (The falling back is similar with herself in the Police Tragedy, but this time she is leaning a wall in the end.) Polina bleeding a lot. leans against a wall and sliding down
(5)The boss believe Polina is dead, so he calls people to clean up the body. Meanwhile, Polina wakes up in great pain. She stands up with great pain. Polina stabiles her swaying body, and raises her pistol to shoot the boss. (
6)When the boss finds her, she pulls the trigger. But she is shocked and horrified to find that the gun is empty. (Her face expression at this time is very important.) The drug dealer smiles. “You are so naïve.” He says. He doesn’t give Polina time to think before shooting. Several bullets hit Polina’s body. (The totally number of bullets is up to you, just not too much, the Police Tragedy is great.)
(7)Polina falls down again, leaning her upper body against the wall, clutching her chest, struggling and moaning in pain. (Here is a close-up scenes of Polina struggling and moaning.)
(8)The boss takes off Polina's clothes while she is struggling and dying. He puts her body on a desk and plays her body, and humiliates her. Finally, the boss kills Polina with the last shot.
(9)The last is a close-up of Polina's body.

    46 minutes
      DEATH MATCH - Elements: MMA, Kicking, Boxing, Fighting to the death, Choking, Blood, Death Stares, Non Fatal Battles, Fatal Battles  


Experienced champions female  fights to the death find themselves powerless against young crazy girl fighters with no pity and no rules...  DEADLY VACATION
    15 minutes

Starring: Annabelle, Alice, Billy Brag 

Movie looks amazing, thank you!
Review of the customer
Bagging. Kidnapping. Choking. Suffocation. Begging to Life. Two Girls Killed. Death Stares

Annabelle and Alice are living in a summer house and excited to go to beach later.

The script summary would be that in setting of house a killer has kidnapped Alice and she is in a bikini with her arms and legs tied to a chair and begging for mercy. Annabelle returns home from work and the killer strangles and strips Annabelle for a few minutes, with Annabelle stripped to bikini as well. Then next Annabelle also wakes up with arms and legs tied to chair. Annabelle and Alice beg to go but killer says he is filming for clients. The killer shows them internet comments that want to see them asphyxiated for pleasure. Then the killer then runs his hands over Annabelle's body and then suffocates Annabelle for a few minutes with clear plastic wrap (see through) behind the chair but doesn't kill her yet. He then gropes Alice as well and suffocates Alice with a clear plastic bag (see through) for a very long time until she dies, with Annabelle begging him to stop. After he kills Alice he then unties Annabelle and throws her on floor. He positions himself underneath her (so that her body is facing up), runs hands through Annabelle body again and takes clear plastic bag (see through) and suffocates Annabelle to death. Some angles of their dead bodies on floor at end.

    24 minutes
      BW2 ELIMINATION OF MALE SPIES - Mission of Black Widow Sister Ksysha


After Ksysha and her sister reported to
the secret organization they both belong to about their last mission together,
the Black Widow Sisters, the sisters go their separate ways.

Ksysha is given an assignment that will
require her special skills and brutality. With a password, she opens an
encrypted message on her computer with all the details of your order. Ksusha
reads it out loud (subtitle everything please).


5 USB sticks with secret data of the
organization were stolen by a former female agent who belongs to a syndicate
that also works underground. The data contains all information about all
agents. Now the syndicate is threatening to publish all data and thus reveal
the identity of all agents. The former agent handed over the USB sticks with
the data to four high-ranking people in the syndicate. Like the renegade agent,
these people are also well-trained contract killers. Ksysha has 24 hours to
track down the owners of the data carriers, liquidate them and take the USB
sticks in order to give them back to their organization and thus avert the
organization's collapse upon publication. Ksysha was chosen because she knows
most of the tricks of how to approach such people in order to get an
opportunity to kill them and thus complete the job successfully. Due to their
particular killing style of strangling their victims with their hands or
strangling them with their wooden-handled garrote. It never leaves any traces
and can complete its tasks silently and professionally. Ksusha agrees and
accepts the assignment.


Ksysha finds out that, in addition to
the former agent, the people involved are three other men and a woman. Ksysha
says quietly to herself that she thinks it's a pity that her sister isn't there
this time, so she has to kill the two female victims herself. She gets
information about the name of the former agent. She also finds out that there
is going to be a syndicate meeting at a hotel where all the owners of the USB
sticks are gathered. Ksysha sees this as her best chance of getting hold of the
USB sticks. Ksusha reports to her organization and plans her next steps.


Ksysha has tracked down the whereabouts
of the former agent, now disguised as a normal housewife, in order to get all
the information about the other owners. Ksysha plans her mission so that she
will first seek out the former agent, interrogate her and then kill her.


Ksysha puts on her killer outfit. A
bikini panty to tie, a leather bra, tight wet look leather pants, black leather
boots. Then she puts on her tight black leather gloves.


Standing in front of a large mirror, she
puts her hands around her neck and chokes herself, imagining killing her
victims. Then Ksysha takes her garrote and puts it around her neck and
strangles herself with it to feel how her victims feel when she strangles them
and tells herself how much she loves her job.

Then she takes her knife and puts it in
a holster, which is attached to her belt, puts her garrote in her leather
jacket and a plastic bag, takes her cell phone and she goes on her way.

The meeting place


Ksysha has arrived at the rendezvous
point under her false identity. She is admitted there with the forged papers
and the identity of the former agent. Ksysha is assigned a room and given all
the details about the planned meeting. She receives a folder in which all
owners of the USB stick with picture and name as well as their specialties as
contract killers. Ksysha studies the documents and plans her further mission.
The female assassin strangles her victims just like Ksusha, so Ksysha looks
forward to a big fight with her. Two of the male contract killers have
specialized in killing women exclusively, in which they can quickly gain trust
as womanizers through their good looks and usually strangle their female
victims after sex. Ksysha says to himself that this time the victim will be the
perpetrator and decides to seduce these two men and strangle them at a suitable
moment. The third male hitman only kills with a silenced gun. Ksysha decides to
break into this hitman's house so that she has the element of surprise for
herself to kill him (Please subtitle everything as an inner monologue).

The mission – last male victim


Ksysha found out that the last owner of
the USB stick had his quarters on the ground floor of the meeting point, so she
decides to break into the room where the last male assassin is located through
a window. She pulls a stocking mask over her head. Ksysha is quiet and nimble
like a cat, allowing her to break in without making a sound. Ksysha quietly
looks around to find out where the assassin is. She quietly enters the bedroom
where the assassin is apparently asleep on his stomach. Ksysha sees his gun
with a silencer on the bedside table and she knows he's very fast so she has to
be careful. Ksysha takes her garotte out of her leather jacket and quietly
pulls it off. Then she jumps onto him in a flash and sits on her from behind
and, before he realizes what happened, puts her garrote around his neck and
powerfully strangles him from behind until he is unconscious. Ksysha dismounts
from him and searches the room but cannot find the USB stick. Ksusha has no
choice but to find out from the assassin himself.


She turns the hitman over and wakes him
up, takes off her leather gloves and wraps her bare hands around his neck and
squeezes hard until he's unconscious again. Ksysha wanted to feel her victim's
neck and now puts her leather gloves back on, waking him up again and wrapping
her hands around his neck again and squeezing hard. He fights and is able to
flee for a moment and grabs his gun but doesn't stand a chance, Ksysha knocks
it out of his hand. He tries to pick her up again and at that moment Ksysha
takes her garotte again and puts it around the hitman's neck from behind and
brutally pulls him back onto the bed. Ksysha sits back on him and tucks his
arms under her legs. Then she slaps him in the face a few times and asks for
the USB stick. Tell me where this is and I'll let you live. He initially
refuses and Ksysha hits him again. She takes her garrote and puts it around the
contract killer's neck again and tightens it tightly. Say it or I'll kill you
now, she yells at him. When he slowly gets weaker and realizes that he has no
chance against Ksysha, he agrees and tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. Then
he says to Ksysha now let me go.

She then opens her leather jacket and
shows him her bare breasts, saying it's the last thing he'll see. She takes her
garrote again and chokes him to death with it and enjoys watching him in the
eye and enjoying his agony as his body twitches and struggles to survive but
stands no chance against Ksysha. The victim salivates from his mouth after
being strangled by her. Ksysha goes to a small safe in the room and enters the
combination she received earlier from the assassin. She takes the last USB
stick and goes back to her own quarters. She places the USB sticks on a table
in front of her and smiles contentedly. Then she calls her organization and
tells her about the last stick and her successful mission. Your organization is
fully satisfied and expects Ksysha back with all 5 USB sticks. Ksysha says that
to maintain her cover she will attend the syndicate meeting. The organization
agrees and Ksysha hangs up. Then Ksysha stands in front of a large mirror and
looks at herself from all sides with satisfaction, touches herself everywhere
and feels her body and then leaves her room.


Outfit Ksusha: lingerie (Bikini string, leather bh), black
leather jacket, tight black leather wetlook leggings, belt, black leather boots
and very 
  short black gloves. 

Outfit female victim: lingerie
(Bikini string, leather bh), black leather jacket, tight black leggings, belt,
black leather boots and very 
          short black gloves.  8 GIRLS EXECUTION
    18 minutes
It's absolutely AMAZING! Beautifully acted and SO sexy.

It's great.

Many thanks»

Customer’s Review

Polina (Julia Woods – NEW MODEL), Mira Green, Juliana (came back after a long break!), Angelina, Luiza, Annabelle, Sally, Xena, Max, Alex

Mass Massacre, Swimming Suits, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, execution, captive, stripping bodies, bodypile, blood, death stare 

The executioner has a mobile phone. He phones someone and says:
"Send the first one in."
The first girl walks in. If you can film her from behind as she walks in that would be great.
"Stand against the wall," says the executioner.
She does this. She is clearly nervous but trying to hide her fear.
"You know why you're here?" he says
"Yes I know," she says. "Why the swimsuit, though?"
He smiles. "I like it. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am ready." She frowns and closes her eyes, but they open wide in pain and she gasps, as the bullet hits her below her cleavage. She clasps the wound with both hands and slides to the floor. She thrashes around, whimpering in pain for a minute or so before she coughs up blood and goes into a spasm. Her arms and legs give one last twitch before she dies. The man grabs her by the ankles and drags her out of the way of where the other girls will be shot. He dials his phone and says: 
"One done. Send the next one in."
Again please film her from behind as she walks in. She stops in shock for a moment when she sees the body of the first girl but she recovers herself, and stands against the wall without being told to.
"Are you ready to die?" he says.
She stands slightly forward, forces a smile and puts a hand on her hip. 
"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she says.
He shoots her just above the navel. She gasps in pain, clutching the wound, as the blow knocks her back against the wall. She tries to step forward but she staggers and falls forward. She tries to get up, pushing herself up with one hand, while holding the other to the wound. But the effort is too much and she rolls over onto her back. She coughs blood, spasms, twitches and finally dies. Once again the man grabs her ankles, drags her body out of the way and lines it up beside the first body. He phones again.
"Send the next one in."
The next girl comes in. Again please film her from behind if you can. Again she pauses momentarily when she sees the bodies but then she glares at the executioner.
Again he says: "Are you ready to die?"
"That's why I'm here, isn't it?," she replies. "Just get on with it."
He shoots her in her right breast. She squeals in pain, clasping it with both hands. Then he shoots her in her left breast. Now she has to clasp each breast with only one hand as she slides to the floor. She tries to say "You bastard" but she coughs blood, muffling the words. She goes into spasms, twitches and dies. The man places her body next to the other two.
"Send the next one in," he says on the phone.
She walks in. She manages not to react when she sees the bodies, and instead turns to him defiantly.
"I bet you're enjoying this, you sick bastard," she says.
"Fuck you," he says, shooting her just above the pussy.
She gasps in pain, clutching the wound with both hands. Her legs give way and she falls forward. The man turns her over with his foot.
"You sick fucking bastard," she says, before he shoots hr in the cleavage. She coughs blood, goes into spasms, twitches and dies. He places her body next to the others. Then he phones again.
"Let's change the plan," he says. "Send the rest in."
The remaining four girls file into the room and line up against the wall, facing their executioner. The camera pans over them as they try to avoid looking at the bodies.
"Turn around and face the wall," he says. "Hands against the wall."
They do this. The camera pans over them again.
"Who wants to be first?" he asks.
The thirds from the left turns around, putting up her hand.
"I'll go first," she says.
But he shoots the girl on the right in the back instead. She cries out in pain, slides to the ground and rolls over onto her back. He points the gun at her. She raises her hands in fear, but he shoots her twice in her left breast. She coughs up blood, spasms, twitches and dies. 
The third girl from the left is still facing forward.
"I said I wanted to go first," she says angily. "What sort of fucking..."
Her words are interrupted by the shot, which hits her below the cleavage. With a sharp intake of breath she leans forward, her eyes wide with pain. She falls on her knees, then falls forward, spasms, coughs up blood, twitches and dies.
The man turns her body over with his foot.
"The rest of you, turn around and face me," he says.
They turn around and he shoots each just once, one in the left breast and the other in the right. The both squeal and clutch their breasts as they fall to the floor, landing on their backs. As they lie there in pain, one reaches out her hand to the other, who reaches hers out in turn. Their fingers touch before the girl shot in the left breast goes into spasms, coughs blood and dies. The other girl lasts a minute longer before she too coughs up blood and dies.
Now the man drags each of the four bodies over and lines them up with the first four. He surveys them in their swimsuits before he strips them, one by one. The 
camera pans over the naked bodies, lined up neatly, before the movie ends. 

     Tv Show
    17 minutes
      Tv Show - TV Show
Starring: Marina, Nata, Annabelle
Shooting Fetish elements:
Stomach shooting
Chest Shooting Back Shooting
Shooting by Shot Guns
Playing with dead *****
Super sexy clothes



	Three stupid media chicks are on TV Show «Live Show Flat». Suddenly crazy fan Chaim breaks into the scene. 
	He just wants to be famous but producers didn’t let him to casting.  ***** laugh at him and say him «Fuck you»! What a mistake. He takes a revolver and…
	He kills Oksana by headshot (long, super sexy, grotesque headshot scene). Than he shoots Katya to her stomach, to her chest and to the back (sexy long shooting scene with nice pain and surprise reaction and exotic button-up death pose, ***** effects + animated ***** effects). 
	He kills Vika by shotgun, quick by dynamic shooting scene mith slow-motion bullet time effect, flying body and exotic death pose. 
	All **** are dead in nice different poses and super sexy death stares. 
	Fedor, a strange male  member of  Live Show, comes for some beer, he is glad to see chicks dead. 
	Chaim stripes bodies and plays with them. Low rating of this stupid TV-show for housewives becomes 100% raining with three absolutely nude dead young female bodies in *****.  TWO TEACHERS AND A KNIFE
    14 minutes
Starring: Li, Nata and Tim
Fetish Elements: 
Clothes: White shirts, Black Stockings, High Heel Shoes
Killing Ways: Cruel Realistic Stabbing with knife

Two young teachers come to the flat after long day in school. They are suddenly attacked by intruder. Who is he? The father of a student who got bad marks? Maniac? Robber? It doesn’t matter. The main and sad point for poor women is he stabs them many times to their death…
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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