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    36 minutes
Custom Film

«Awesome job on Tendermeat 2!!!!!!»
Customer’s Feedback 
36 minutes film with three terrible deaths with  hanging by legs and arms, throat slitting, belly ripping, internal organ harvesting!

Judy as a brave honest detective
Yana as her partner
Li as a photo-model
Den as a corrupt cop
Tim as a photographer working for kidnapping mafia
Max as his assistant
Fetish Elements 
Police Theme, Detective Theme, Interesting Plot, Poisoned Injection to the neck, Knocked Out, Hanging by Arms, Throat Slitting, Cut Throat, Woman in Peril, Helpless, Full Nude, From Brave policewoman to helpless victim, Hanging By Legs, Guts, Gory

Two detectives  - Judi and Yana find in the arcvive of not investigated yet cases strange case about model who missed – she went to photostudio and didn’t come home. They ask boss why this case is under the papers and nobody speak about it – boss answers it’s not a promising case and most likely the girl just fled abroad with a guy and did not tell her relatives about it. He forbids to investigate it and asks to solve more important cases. 
But Judi desides to take this case alone and asks Yana for help. They know that last place where missed girl was seen alive is photo studio and they go to its place. They see model Li who goes to photosession in this place. 
Li was poisoned by injection to her neck, stripped full nude and place her in the apparat for lifting people for butchering for meat. When Li wakes up she has few time only for surprising and fear and she gas her neck patiently throated. Blood is spreading  to her boobs! 
After this execution men start to cut her body and put off her guts. 
Detective Yana enters the studio and sees it but she is captured stripped full nude and she is the following victim. She is scared and helpless and hopes only for help but she realizes she has very little chance and she knows what a terrible end can wait her. 
When Judi comes to help Judi is in the trap too. Judy had time to call for call for reinforcements. Two women are nude. Yana is hanged by her legs and brutally killed by knife and Judi watched all the execution. Judy still hopes for reinforcements but Tim gives her a phone. Her boss tells her that he works with mafia and she will die. She is full of emotions, resentment, anger, hopelessness, aggression, awareness of the inevitable end but what can she du nanging by legs with her head down? Nothing. She is killed too!
After all women are dead their dumped bodies are placed to the bodypile. Mafia takes their organs and is ready to take new orders….

    11 minutes
      PATRIOT - PATRIOT (2 doctors shot!)
Starring: Christy, Marianna, Kit, Anatoliy 
First Shooting Movie with Marianna! 
Bloody Shooting 
Clothes and image:
Sexy Doctors and Nurses Uniform 
Black Stocking 
Body Pantyhose 
Sexy Lingerie 
Shooting to the belly 
Shooting to the heart 
Shooting to the chest 
Agony before death 
Blood effects 
Death stare 
Bobby is a son of old redneck. His father was in war and had psychological trauma. He is proud he is old soldier and wants his son go to the army.
But his son, medical student, doesn’t want to go to the army. His girlfriend (she is a doctor) promised she had a communication in a military hospital and doctors can help him to miss  the army for money.  
Bovvy wakes up with his girlfriend and her friend when his father enters the house. Father is proud of his son and want him to go to the army just now. Girls dress in the doctor uniform, put on stocking and pantyhose’s and laugh at Bobby’s father and his old-fashioned words about patriots, Cold War, danger from USSR side and so on. Father sais that it’s better to be killed on war than leave without army. 
Girls whisper to Bobby: Don’t worry! Will help to slope the army!
Father hears it and looses control:
 «What?! Slope the army?!»
Boddy’s girlfriend decides to be honest:
«Army is only for rednecks!»
Old Father can’t stand it and shoots to the girl’s belly. She is in shock and abony and asks for help. 
«Help her!» - father plays the game. «Help her, son! Take my gun and attack me! Imagine that I’m the enemy of the state! Save your girlfriend!»
Son only begs father to stopю
«You see he is helpless and can’t save you because you helped him to slope the army!» - says father and shoots the girl to the heart. 
Then he shoots her friend, another girl. 
Son understands that he can stand the violence and he understands his cruel father. He loves his father. He takes father’s gun and kills the girl to the head. 
But the war lessons are not over. Father wants his son to show him how can he mock enemy bodies. Bobby strips corpses. 
«You’re ready to the war, sonny!»  - son goes to the army with father’s gun and the father stays with dead bodies….

If you like this clip please check out the similar our clips at 
     Maniac In Sorority
    30 minutes
      Maniac In Sorority - MANIAC IN SORORITY



Starring: Masha, Marina, Juliana, Annabelle, Hass, Luiza


6 ************* scenes with 6 models

New pretty sexy actress – Masha

6 Death reactions, death stares

Much *************, body carrying, many nude dead dolls

30 minutes

Maniac enters to sorority to surprise and ********* death 6 young ***** to make great sexy bodypiles.  DEAL OF FATALITY 2
    18 minutes
«Hi! Glad to see that the video gives me much more than my expectation! The most applealing thing is the blood on the way---- especially compared to the white snow. All of the guys appear are fantastic, especially Juliana and I'm sure that I will choose her again next time. All of the scenes and plots show your professionalism of creating such high-quality film for the fifth time, and  I look forward for next cooperation between us as long as I have new ideas. Keep healthy and best wishes!»
Customer’s Review 
Mira Green, Max, Juliana, Sonya Krueger, Morsus, Alex

Scene 1

Mira, a brave but inexperienced policewoman has knocked the door. She starts searching the apartment with her gun.
When Mira enters the bedroom,  Max is waiting for her behind the door.The cop turns around, seeing him At that moment, Max kicked off the gun from her hand, and tries to beat her: “Die, Stupid cop!” Mira tries her best to fight with Max, but she seems to be defeated by the criminal. Although she punches Max for several times, it seems that Max has control the fight gradually. After beating the cop’s face and belly many times without any resistance, Max pushes Mira down to the floor, and strangles Mira.
Mira is fighting to have her neck released, and it is useless. She has a strong sense that she is losing her breath second by second. At that time, she hears a sound of bullets through human’s body. Max falling on the ground with his eyes widely opened, and another cop---- Juliana appears behind him. The backup finally comes!
Surprised and grateful, Mira stands up with pain and wants to say something to give thanks to Mira. However, her words are interrupted by Juliana.
“ A completely failed mission if it were not me.” Juliana gives the conclusion without any emotion, “Your performance leaves a lot to be desired, especially compared with experienced cops.”
Then Juliana looks down to the dead criminal and sniffed: “the result of not wearing bullet-proof vest”.
A car stops on the road next to a pub. Three excellent policewomen---- Juliana, Helga, and Mira, are sitting in the car. 
“Mira, come on, happy hour.” Juliana says to Mira.
“But we do not wear bullet-proof vests this time.” Mira asked.
“Are you kidding?” Helga laughs at Mira, “We are going to enjoy the beer now, not a mission to arrest the criminal.” 
“Don’t think too much, baby. The only thing we concern tonight is drinking.” Juliana also agrees with Helga.
With a bit doubt that cannot be explained, Mira leaves the car with other two cops.
Scene 3
Mira and Helga are drinking beers happily in the same table.
“Do you mean we must close the case without finding out who’s behind the big picture?” Mira asks.
“Do you think that anyone else are concerned about the truth expect for us? Now we only have three of us on our side.” Helga tells to Mira.
At that moment, Mira is crashed by a drunk guy in the pub.
“Hey? Are you blind?” 
“I think you are fucking blind.” The guy seems not afraid of them.
“If you are drunk, the best thing you can do is to back home as soon as possible.” Helga stands up, walks toward that guy and urges.”
“It’s none of your business.” The drunk guy punches Helga heavily.
“What do you want?” Helga punches the guy as response, then gets a punch from him too.
“Don’t spent time on him.” Mira asks Helga to end the conflict, “We are cops.”
Just after Mira has shown the identification of policewoman, the guy pulls out a gun, and shot Mira for two times.
Mira is falling on the table, and Helga hurries to hide behind the table.
Scene 4
When return back from washroom, what appears in the eyes give Juliana a big surprise: Mira is lying on the table, breathing in great pain, and keeps her eye opened, just like the picture below (which means she has not dead now). The bad guy is running away. Helga disappears, and Juliana does not know whether Helga was injured in the previous fight or not. 
“Helga, are you shot? Helga?” Juliana holds her gun and looking for Helga. Suddenly, Juliana gets a belly shot from her back. She moans heavily, then smiles, and says to the shooter behind her:“ Helga, is it you?”

Two more bullets through Juliana’s body: one for chest, and the other for belly.
“You should’nt do that.” Juliana smiles again, and gives Helga a shot without turning around and seeing where the target is. In fact, she is so excellent a cop, that she aires directly to Helga’s chest.
Then Juliana turns around slowly, with three bloody holes can be seen from both sides.
“Dirty cop?”
Helga sitting behind the wall, nodding her head to commit her identity. “Please don’t shoot, we can make a deal. I’ll call them off.”
“With three holes in my body?” Juliana crunches strongly because of the pain.
At that time, the drunk guy we see before returns back to the pub and shoot Juliana on the back for another times. She drops the gun, falls to the floor like the picture below, picks up her gun again, and creeps to sit down next the wall, vomiting bloods through her mouth.
“You fucking asshole! Are you know better than shooting a girl from the back?”  
Juliana aires bullets to the guy, but all of them are off the target. However, she gets two more shot in her body. She tries her best to stand up again (some close-up for her black long boots), but she fails. Her breath becomes deeper and deeper, and bloods continue to run out of her mouth. She uses her hand to cover her breast from bleeding, and haves a lot blood cough.
The shooters are getting closer and closer. “We will send your body to the police station in one piece.”
Juliana sweeps the blood around her mouth, saying bravely: “Over...... my...... dead...... pussy.......”
Three more belly shot. Juliana can no longer say even a word. She struggles and moans for a minute, then goes wide eyed and still, dead from eight wounds in her body.
“You cannot get away with this!” Helga shouted to the guy. She does not want to see the death of Juliana, even if they are enemies since Helga has joined the drug deals.
“We never want to kill anyone, as long as they do not know who we are. Give you few seconds to goodbyes with your teammates, and we waiting for you in the car outside.” The guy leaves Helga in the pub, and goes away.

Helga moves towards Juliana with tears and regret. “Baby, what happened to us is far beyond my expectation. Helga then takes off Juliana’s boots and black socks. She also takes off her ankle boots and white socks, and wear Juliana’s socks instead. “I will avenge for you, by wearing your socks.”
She tries her best to stand up, but she cannot. So she keeps creeping with her strong mind, like the picture above. 
It takes her great pain and long time, but she finally comes on the street (Please also include some scenes of the officer walking downstairs) , and the man appears in her scenes again. With the help of another car, she tries hard to stand up, and gives a fatal shot to the man.
Seeing the man dead, the cop feels that she can no longer control her body, She gradually lies on the ground, goes wide eyed and still, dead from the fatal wound given by Juliana. 
     Strange Day
    13 minutes
      Strange Day - STRANGE DAY
Fetish elements:
Shooting by silencer, noir, contract killer theme, white blouses, elegant death scene, long death scene, 

Two sisters was preparing to university. Their mother and father went away, so they were alone in the flat. They knew that the guy from neighborhood should come in and check the electricity. He was electric. 
He liked the younger sister till his school years. 
But it was very bad and very strange day. Killer came to sisters’ flat and killed them from silencer. 
The younger sister opened the door being sure it was the neighbor guy but it was a killer with a gun. She made brilliant surprised reaction before death. 
The older sister went out of her room and being shot to death by killer too. 

When the electric came, he saw terrible scene. The girl he liked was dying with a bullet in her left breast.

If you like this movie please check out
Betty Golden Collection
One killer for two sisters
Lawyer, lawyer 2
Death from love  UNIFORM PREDATOR
    20 minutes

«Hey Ugine. Thank you so much for the custom. Mira looks perfect in this role and her performance is great. Mira's desperation is believable and she is clearly putting effort into the gun struggle which made it all the more exciting. Your choice for the villain did a great job as well. You followed the script nearly identical and for that I am much appreciative of. Once I again I thank you for accepting my custom, and will return with more custom videos in the future for you.
Thanks again»
Customer’s Review 
Starring: Mira Green and Max
Fetish Elements
Cop girl, Police, Arresting a criminal, From Police Girl To Victim, Figthing For the Gun, Strangulation, Police Girls Death

He is Uniform Predator, he is a maniac, serial rapist and killer who loves policewomen’ boots and shoes. He rapes them or kills them for his trophies: their boots.
This story is about one more police woman who decided to stop and arrest him. She found him in his lair when he was preparing for escape. She arrested him and handcuffed him. He became helpless and policewoman started to be a bitch teasing him showing her feet and shoes, knowing about his fetish. But he was able to be free from the handcuffs and the fight starts. They have different position during the fighting for the gun – sometimes she is near to grab the gun and to kill him, sometimes he is near to win. Finally after very aggressive fighting he choked her for her death…

    16 minutes

Cast: Sally and Alice M

Great job.  The ladies did a wonderful job.  They worked hard and were faithful to the script as you always are!  Thank you.

Customer’s Review 

Fetish Elements
Shooting (6 bullets total)
Stabbing (Stabbing to the back, Stabbing to the Belly, Stabbing between breasts)
Death Stares
Cop VS Bandit Script

          Sally is a cop. Alice M is a drug dealer. Sally visits Alice M, shows her badge and enters Alice's residence. Sally tells Alice M she is there to find the illegal drugs and arrest her. Alice M is surprised but is not frightened. Alice M stays calm and cool. Sally tells Alice M to sit down while Sally proceeds to search for the drugs and money. There is piece of fruit and a knife on the table in front of Alice M which Alice M picks up to cut a piece from the fruit. .  Sally is searching the drawers/desk/cabinet.  Ultimately she finds cocaine. Alice M is now angry that the cocaine was found. She grabs the knife and while Sally has her back turned to her, Alice M stabs Sally in the back. Sally screams in pain, stands up, turns around, pushes Alice M away. Sally takes out her gun and shoots Alice M one time. Alice M is stunned but then moves towards Sally. Sally shoots Alice M one time again. Alice M is in pain and Sally wobbly from her knife wound. Alice M now charges towards Sally and their bodies now touching, Alice M stabs Sally in the belly. She pulls out the knife, Sally now places the gun barrel flush against Alice's body and fires two shots. Alice M then stabs Sally between her breasts. Leaves knife in Sally (if possible) then Alice M staggers back. Sally shoots Alice M two more times. She screams in pain. Sally now moves towards the wounded Alice M with the knife in her chest. "No knife in your hand now bitch". Sally points the gun again at Alice M and fires two more times. Alice M now falls back, eyes staring at the ceiling, moaning in pain until she dies eyes open. Sally now bleeding weakens, tries to leave but cannot.  Falls on her back and dies eyes open. Both deaths should be slow and dramatic

POLICE STORIES  Legend Of Jack 1 Paradise
    21 minutes
      Legend Of Jack 1 Paradise - LEGEND OF JACK 1: PARADISE
Super sexy long movie with 3 scenes of mass murder and 1 strangluation scene!
Stangluation, Mass strangluation, shooting with no *****, shooting with *****, bodypiles!
According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a ***** with him. True to his name, Stingy Jack didn’t want to pay for his *****, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks. Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form. Jack eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his soul. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree’s bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years.
Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the Earth with ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the Lantern,” and then, simply “Jack O’Lantern.”
Crime House and Dark Rooms productions decided to tell this story about Halloween Stingy Jack in death fetish way:)
One Day Jack was drinking with Devil and Devil promised he would never take him to Hell.
When Jack comes to paradise four sexy angels met him and said «go away!»
Angry Jack imagined massacre in paradise. In his dreams he ********* angels, shot them with machine gun (no ***** effects) and shot them nude with machine gun (with great and realistic ***** effects).
Episode includes 4 death scenes:
1)      Before meeting with Devil Jack imagined how he ********* a waitress when he had no money for beer.
2)      When Jack is in paradise he ********* four sexy angels  and made great DEAD ANGELS BODYPILE.
3)      Jack killed 4 angels with Russian Second World War  machine gun
4)      Jack killed 4  nude angels and made bloody dead angels bodypile.
 Jack was shunned from Paradise.
Fetish elements:
Sexy angels, Oktoberfest waitress, *************, mass *************, dead angels bodypile, ********* angels, shooting without *****, shooting with *****, stockings, legs, death stares, playing with bodies ******* reactions, shooting reactions, great Halloween atmosphere
     4 shooting girls
    13 minutes
      4 shooting girls - Fetish Elements: Blood, Wounds, Shooting to the chest, shooting to the back, many shooting with make up effects

Starring: Steals, Luiza, Nata, Juliana

Firefight between four bad gangster girls!

Many great wounds!


    22 minutes
      ARCHER 7 - ARCHER 7


Starring: TANYA, LUIZA,  YANA and WES


This film is a piece of the missing constructor about the archer's case, which was needed to restore the logic of the series.

After the private detective and the police could not catch the archer, the dance club manager hired a killer to destroy the villain. The archer led a terrible hunt for dancers, and therefore the actresses refused to work with him. Many girls began to leave the city, fearing the terrible threats of a maniac.

The killer woman worked undercover. She got a job in a dance club, and together with two dancers, she was invited to a private party. This was usually how Archer lured his victims into the lair, where he killed them ...


THE ARCHER  and ARCHER 2,3,4,5,6,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
     My Wife Is Vampire
    20 minutes
      My Wife Is Vampire - MY WIFE IS VAMPIRE
New erotic horror with many new types of death fetishes
Death by vampire 
Double neck snap 
Double shooting by gun
Double shooting with machine gun (bloody scene!)
2 Stabbings by sword
2 strangulations
************* scene
Fetish elements: neck, *****, stockings, beheadings, death stares, multi killing, immortal and death, *************, gothic, swords and many others!
The maid is vampire. She kills her lady and now the lady is vampire too. When the gentlemen comes home and sees his wife is vampire he snaps her neck and snaps the neck of the maid. But he’s afraid it doesn’t kill vampires and goes to the witch for advises how to kill vampires.  BAD DAY FOR ESCOURT
    33 minutes
Fetish Elements:
Smokingю Leather,  Gloves, Heels, Lots of limp play


Interesting long 32 MINUTES story about young man who was offended to bossy escort women and tried to kill them many times


 	A man is feeling like he could use some company. But not any company, a really expensive one. 
He heard about this escort that was considered to be the best, but she was really expensive. Some rumours said that she was really snobby and thought that she was above everybody else, but he thought that it would be worth the risk.
He called the number and set up an appointment at his place the day after. 
The door bell rings and he goes to open the door. The woman behind the door has just lit up a cigarette and starts to look at him, up and down, trying to figure out what kind of a customer she is about to have a “meeting” with.
He asks her to enter and as she passes him she blows smoke at him, laughing at the poor sight of a man. She asks him if she has the right adress because she thinks there has been some kind of misunderstanding. The man in front of her can’t possibly afford her services. He manages, somehow, to prove that he is the customer. She starts to take a tour of his place, talking down to him, taunting and making fun of him and his place. She keeps on smoking, lights a new one as soon as she has finished a cigarette.
He is starting to get really annoyed and asks when she is ready to “begin”? She laughs and says that he has to come up with even more money. She doesn’t “do it” with any type of man… He says fine, that’s alright, but deep inside, he is furious. They sit down, she starts to tease him, smoking sensually, trying to get him aroused, just so she can turn him down. She keeps on teasing and teasing. He has had enough, he needs a plan, quick, and offers her a drink by the table. She walks over, as sexy as she can be, and lights up a new cigarette as she sits down. She laughs at the pathetic man and starts to check her make up. The man approaches from behind, with a taser in his hand, and just as she inhales on her cigarette, he puts the taser to her neck. Her eyes wide open, her muscles starts to tens, the body starts to spasm, convulsions, smoke coming out from her mouth as her body is fighting the electric shocks travelling through her. He removes the taser from her neck, her body slows down, less spasm…the cigarette falls from the mouth to the floor….her eyes staring out on nothing…..suddenly she falls forward with her face down on to the table. Small spasms….and then still.

He approaches the body, pokes it a bit and then lifts the head by the hair to see her face. She has a terrorised look on her face, eyes wide open. He shakes it around a bit and then lets it drop back on to kitchen table.

Ding dong…..doorbell….shit…he panics. He runs to the door to see who it is. He can hear another woman calling for her colleague/friend. He runs back to the body. Just as he arrives the body falls to the floor. Ha tries to pick it up and place it back on at the chair but it is difficult with the dead weight. The woman calls from outside again. The man keeps trying to get the body onto the chair and finally he manages. He poses her so that it looks like she is sitting there with a glass of wine, legs crossed. He goes through her bag and finds a pair of sunglasses. He puts them on her, takes out a cigarette and places it in her mouth. He then takes out a syringe and inserts some kind of poison into the other remaining cigarettes. He places the package with the cigarettes on the table when he suddenly hears the door open. Shit, did he forget to lock it? He quickly hides. The other woman enters, also a luxury prostitute. In fact, they are both huge rivals and she has now come to try and make the other woman disappear from her city. She had gone through her personal computer and found this apointement and adress and thought that she could maybe trick the customer into helping her.  She enters the appartement and calls for the owner. No answer… She lights up a cigarette and starts walking around. She finds the other woman sitting by the kitchen table. She laughs and says something like “ha, you could never stay away from the wine”. She keeps talking to her rival, all the while she is smoking and pacing around. 

The man decides to enter and says hello to the new woman. She acts like she is surprised and happy to see him. She starts to get on to him, caressing him, touching him and whispers if he could help her getting rid of the other woman. He is confused and asks what she means. She sighs and gets a bit mad. She takes out her cigarettes but realises she has run out. She sees the package on the table and asks the first woman if she could have one? No answer so she takes one anyway and lights it up. The guy tries to stop her but she inhales… Too late. She tries to persuade him again and tries to seduce him with her sexy smoking. Suddenly she freezes, smoke coming out from her mouth, her eyes wide open, she grabs her throat, she is panicking…can’t breathe, falls in the mans arms, spasms….the man smiles while he looks at her….he tries to hold the body but it is difficult with all the spasms….she tries to get the other womans attention, reaching for her but as she touches her, the woman falls over…. She looks at the man and then…..still….

He shakes the body to check if it still alive but nothing…she is dead. He drags the body to another chair and tries to sit her on it but the body keeps falling over. After some tries, he finally manages. He can hear the other woman coming to and poses the body so that it looks like she is sitting there at the table, cigarette in her hands. He hides to see what happens. 

The other woman starts to wake up, dazed and confused. She stands up, almost tripping over, and eventually sees the other woman by the table staring at her. She looks at her confused and then smiles and laughs and tries to act like nothing has happened. She starts talking to her while she fixes her make up and hair, gets her bag and sits down by the table. She is really surprised to see her and asks why she is here? No answer… She walks up to her, a bit angry why she doesn’t respond. Finally she is suspicious, bumps the others head and the body falls over on the table. She jumps back. She has no idea what has happened and gets really nervous. She runs to her precious cigarettes, lights one up and starts to smoke panically. She approaches the body, grabs the head by the hair and lifts the head up. Deathstare…a small spasm…and she drops it again. She calls for the man. She is really scared that she has done something. She can’t remember what has happened and is now really nervous. She keeps smoking and lights a new one. The man enters and she blames him. She says that he is sick and mentally ill and that she will ruin him! He just smiles and waits for the poison to kick in… She lights another one, smokes a bit, trying to seduce him again so that he goes what she wants but suddenly she can’t breathe. Her body starts to shake violently, he grabs her, her eyes rolls back, cigarette in her mouth…spasms…and then totally limp. She falls to her knees…her eyes wide open…the cigarette falls out of her mouth and she falls to the floor face first. 
The man starts to check the bodies to see that they are dead. The first woman moans a bit and he realises that the poison didn’t quite kill her. He rolls her over on her back…places his hands around her neck…and starts to strangle her. She starts to wake up but can’t breathe….her eyes are wide open…her legs kicking…her arms flopping….she tries to breathe but its impossible….he doesn’t stop until her body is still and her tongue hangs out. He slowly releases his grip. He lifts one of her arms and lets it drop to the floor. He walks over to the woman by tje table. Lifts the arm with the cigarette up and drops it on to the table. They are both dead. Sweet…

Now what to do? He drags the body by the table over to the first body and places them between each other. He takes out two cigarettes and places them in their mouths. He has plan. He drags one of the bodies, with much difficulty, to the couch and places her on it. He then does the same with the other one. He tries to prop them so that it looks like they are sitting there, smoking, enjoying themselves. But they keep falling over, on top of each other, on to the floor etc. Finally he manages. He takes some pictures and then he places them so it looks like they are having an affair. Same thing here, it is difficult since they are dead weight and they keep flopping around, limbs everywhere… 

After allt his mess he realises that their make up is a bit messed up. He drags them, one at a time, to the bathroom and starts to fix their make up. He puts them together in the bathtub, with a lot of difficulty, and starts doing their make up. (You don’t have to show the actual make up, it can be a cut to then it is done!). 
He laughs at them, lying there tangled together. He places cigarettes in their mouths. He decides to have some more fun. He gets the taser. He starts with one of them….tases her and she starts flopping around. And then the other… He is really enjoying himself watching their limbs and legs flop around and their fantastic deathstare.

He picks one of them up, drags her to the living room. Then he gets the other one…. But wait…she starts to come to….shit… He runs back to the first one and tries to hide her somewhere. But it is so hard with all the dead weight. The body is flopping everywhere as he tries to hide her. He finally manages. The other one stumbles out…dazed and confused but still very aware that she has to look good so she tries to look her best, even though she can barely stand. He greets her, pretending that nothing has happened…
The woman is really dazed, almost drunk, she decides to have a smoke, of course. She lights one up and continue to smoke. She tries to act like everything is fine, still being very rude to him like he is the idiot. 
The man realises that the poison didn’t have the effect that he desired. He must think of another way to kill her. He pretends like he has to go to the bathroom and runs and starts to fill the bathtub. Just enough so he can drown her. 
When he comes back the woman is sitting by table again, trying to look sexy, smoking and drinking wine. He asks her to join him but she can barely walk. She brings the bottle, really drunk and dazed now. She leans on the man as the approach the bathroom. Ha mangoes to get her on her knees, her cigarette inner mouth. She is really confused of what they are doing. Suddenly he grabs her head and forces it down in the water with the cigarette and everything. He holds it there as she is fighting for breath. Her legs kicking and arms flopping. He keeps on doing this until she is still. He stands up and looks at the dead body hanging over the bathtub. Small spasms… He then goes to get the other woman only to find her trying to light cigarette. She is also really dazed and wobbly. She is smoking and also tries to act sexy and like nothing has happened. He does the same with her, helps her to the bathroom and places her next to her rival. She has no idea what is going on and just laughs, smokes and thinks that it is all some kind of fore play or something. She tries to get the other woman attention by pushing her, making the body slowly slide out of the bathtub, eyes wide open, cigarette still in her mouth and slumps to the floor. She is really surprised but before she can sy anything, the man shoves her head down into the water and starts to drown her too. After a long struggle with a lot of spasms and leg kicking, arm flopping the body goes still. He lifts her head up, all wet and with eyes wide open in terror. He drags them both back to the living room, poses them next to each other. They keep falling over each other, on to the floor etc etc before he manages to put them to in position he wants. He plays a bit with their faces, using them like dolls, even picks them up and dances a bit with them, making them smoke by placing the cigarettes between their fingers and moving their hands up to their faces. He decides to end it for the day by tasing them one more time, just to see them rag doll and spasm. 

He drags one at a time to place where he can hide them so that he can enjoy their company whenever he wants… 
It all ends with the camera panning their twisted faces and bodies…lights spasms…and fade out.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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