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    22 minutes




Starring: Maryann, Xena and Billy Brag 

«I got the custom video, and I have watched it a number of times already :-)

All in all, a very, very nice video, I must say :-)
However (as usual...hehe) a couple of notes...

I'm not sure which of the girls is Mary Ann and which one is Xena...
Both girls looked very nice, especially the shortest one, and I really loved her hair. :-)

The acting was very good, allthough the reaction to impact of bullets could have given a little more "body jerking" upon impact, and also a little more sound from the girls in that moment. Regarding the vocal performance, in general very good, but the tall girl could maybe have toned the screaming a little bit.
It was a bloody mess, allright...hehe Especially the stabbing scenes :-) I wish there had been a bit more blood in the shooting scenes, though.

But all in all, I am very happy with the outcome of this clip, Ugine :-)
please give my best regards to the girls and a job well done! ;-)»
Customer’s Review 

Alex, the hitman has taken a job as a substitute teacher at a high class college, because he has been hired to kill two girls attending that particular school.

The two girls, Lena and Maria are two senior graduates at this college, but they are happily unaware of the fate that awaits them when they meet the new, charming, substitute teacher ...

Alex is going through his plans for the assassination of the two young beauties. 
He thinks to himself: How about a stabbing...?

Alex asks the girls to come to his house, because he has something he wants to talk to them about. Lena is the first one to arrive to Alex' apartment. She is wearing a really nice, white, ruffled dress, and her long, pretty, blonde hair is flowing down from her head, she indeed looks likes a soft, romantic dream.
Alex tells her to sit down in the sofa, while he goes to the kitchen to get a drink for Lena.

Lena looks around the living room, and eventually sits down.
Alex returns to the living room with a couple of drinks and sits down next to the young, blonde beauty. They talk a bit of how she likes the school and what classes she is taking etc. Then, after a while, Lena says that she needs to use the toilet. Alex directs her to the toilet and while she is there, Alex prepares for the kill.
He finds a knife and hides it behind his back when he hears Lena coming back into the living room.
Alex says: Lena, my dear, I have a little surprise for you. Lena smiles , but her lovely smile quickly disappears when she feels a sharp, burning painm just below her small boobs. She makes a sweet, high-pitched little cry of pain as Alex drives the knife deep into the poor girls body. He pulls the knife back out, and Lena grabs the blleding wound with both hands, blood seeping between her fingers and down her pretty, white dress. Tears are running down her lovely face, as she feels the sharp pain spreading through her body..
She has no way of defending herself when she sees Alex raise the blade, and she gives out another little pain filles cry of pain as the blade sinks into the center of her chest.
More blood splatters onto her dress as Alex pulls out the kinfe and stabs her 3 more times in the chest, . Then, poor Lena sinks to the floor, ending up on her back in front of the sofa.
Alex gets doen on top of the now heavily breathing, mortally wounded, lovely young girl. He raises the blood stained knife over the blleding Lena, and stabs her 3 more times right in her heart, even more blood splattering all over her white dress...
He then rams the blade deep into the center of her chest, and leaves it there. Lena just lies there, knife in her cvhest and her beautiful dress soaked in her own, red blood. A pool of blood is also spreading out under the poor, dead girl.

Shortly after, Lena's best friend, Maria arrives. She is wearing a pretty, knee-length schoolgirl-like skirt, and a lovely, white blouse. Also sheer, white knee-stockings and schoolgirl like shoes. Her hair is, just like Lena, flowing pretty from her head, like a blonde dream. Maria looks absolutely stunning.
She thinks she is supposed to meet the charming teacher and her friend for a nice evening of chats and some fun. But her idea of fun is no where near what the teacher has in mind for her.
Maria comes inside and and is greeted by a smiling Alex. They both enter the living room, where Maria suddenly sees her best friend, Lena, lying dead.
She screams, but as she turns around to run away, she runs right into the other knife that Alex is now holding as he stands behind her. Maria lets out a cry of pain, just like the one Lena did, as the sharp blade enters her soft, young body, just below her boobs. She stmbles back a couple of steps, desperately trying to pull out the knife. Her pretty, white blouse is starting to turn red around the blade sticking out of her. Alex grabs the knife and pulls it out of the crying girl as more blood is flowing down Maria's blouse and her skirt.
He grabs the poor, sweet girl and pushes her up against the wall, and proceeds to stab her several times in her chest and just below her boobs. After 5 stabs Alex takes a few steps back and observes poor Maria. She is holding her hands to her heavily bleeding, deadly wounds, and she is crying in pain and fear.
Alex approaches her again, pointing the knife at Maria's heart. She cries and begs for her life. But Alex has no intention on letting her live. He slowly pushes the knife into Marias lovely chest, and into her heart. He then lets her sink to the floor, coming to rest on her back. Her white blouse is soaked with blood, and blood is also flowing under her body as well.

Alex takes a look at his work.

What about the shooting...?

This time, Lena is the one dressed like the schoolgirl, with a lovely, white blouse, a knee-length schoolgirl like skirt, white knee stockings and school girl shoes.
Similar opening as in the stabbing sequence.
When Lena returns from the tiolet, Alex is ready with a hidden silencer equipped gun. He slowly places the gun between himself and Lena, without her noticing, and pulls the trigger from point blank. Lena makes a short jerk and gives out a soft, sweet little cry of pain as the bullet rips through her lower chest.
Alex steps back and looks at the young girl. She puts her hands over the already bleeding bullethole in her blouse. She feels her hands getting warm, wet and sticky nd looks down. She sees the red blood flowing between her fingers and down her white blouse. She looks up and sees Alex standing there, gun in hand, pointed right at her.
Lena says, crying in pain and fear: What are you doing...?!? Please, no... But her pleads for her life makes no impact on the cold blooded killer, and he epmties the gun into poor Lena's chest. She gives out more of the small, sweet cries of pain for each bullet that rips through her soft body. She evntually stumbles towards the wall, and Alex finishes her off with two more shots in her heart. Her body jerks, and she slowly sinks to the floor, leaving a red trail of blood on the wall behind her.
She comes to rest next to the wall, blood soaking her blouse and spreading on the floor beneath her.

Then Maria arrives. Also here, her soft, blonde hair is hanging all lose and beautiful. She is dressed in a lovely, white, ruffled dress.
Alex greets her, and brings her inside. He has reloaded the gun already, and is waiting for the moment to kill poor Maria as well.
Maria enters the living room, and discovers her best friend, Lena in a pool of blood on the floor. She turns around, and sees Alex with a gun, pointed right at her.
She says: What have you done...? Please, no...Ple...! That's as far as she comes before the gun goes off and she feels a sharp, burning pain in her chest. She gives out a small, soft cry of pain at the same time as the bullet rips through her soft body. She looks down and sees a small hole in her pretty dress. The next second, the hole nearly explodes with red blood. Then 3 more bullets hit her in the chest, and more blood spreads onto her beautiful white dress.
Maria stumbles backwards from the impacts, crying in pain and fear. She pushes her hands at her wounds, desperately trying to stop the bleeding, but to no avail.
Alex raises the gun, aiming at poor Maria's chest, and puts another 3 bullets right through her innocent  heart, finishing her off.
She sinks down to her knees, and then finally comes to rest on the floor, on her back. Blood is flowing onto her dress, and onto the floor under her lovely body.

Alex then takes his time inspecting both girls.

Then, the day comes when Alex gets a chance to actually do the hit on Lena and Maria.
He meets them in a classroom after class. Both girls are dressed in lovely, white blouses, and schoolgirl like skirts, white, sheer knee stockings, and cute shoes.
He sits behind the desk, and tells the two girls to sit down. by the desks right in front of him.
The girls look at Alex, and then at each other, wondering what this is all about.
Suddenly, Alex gets up and pulls out a gun, with a silencer attached to it. Before the girls have time to react, he puts 2 bullets into the cest of both of them, One in the centre of the chest, and one just missing the girls' heart  by a fraction of an inch.
Both girls gives out small, sweet little cries of pain and jerks a little from the impact of the bullets.
Blood quickly starts spreading on their pretty blouses.
He grabs Maria and pulls her up, he places the gun just below her chest and fires twice. Maria jerks as the hot lead rips through her soft body. She gives out another sweet little cry of pain at the same time. She stumbles backwards and is finished off with two more bullets right through her heart. She sinks to the floor, first to her knees, and then she finally comes to rest on the floor, face up.
Alex then turns his attention to poor Lena. She is still sitting by her desk, bleeding from the two holes in her chest. Alex pulls her up, and places her against the wall. he then aims at the poor girl's chest, and empties a full clip into the defenseless, young girl. She gives out sweet little cries of pain and jerks a little from each shot that rips through her lovely chest. her pretty blouse is getting full over blood-flowing bullet holes as she slowly sinks to the floor, finally coming to rest half sitting, half lying up against the wall.

Alex then takes a look at the two young victims, before making his exit and disappears.

LAST HORROR FILM  COBRA 2 45 minutes in the morgue
    45 minutes
      COBRA 2 45 minutes in the morgue - COBRA 2


Actors: Emma, MaryAnn, Edward Petrov, Max, Artem


The Next Episode of Cobra.

Maniac girl has the second murder. This time it’s Emma. We don’t see the murder scene but together with detectives arrive to the crime scene and examine nude body left in a strange pose imitated of cobra. After the body is carried to the morgue for detailed examination and manipulations. After the morgie the body is carried to the bathroom for watering and washing.






    12 minutes


Cast: Judi, Ivan

FETISH ELEMENTS: A girl kills a man, Burning Man, Femdom


A man was sent ti kill Judi when she is «helpless» having her shower fully nude.  But Judi gives him strongly revenge – she bites him, places to the tub and burns by oil…





    15 minutes
      Clones 2 - CLONES 2 


Epic action sci-fi  thriller


Shooting by gun
Shooting by machinegun
Mass killing
Japan sword deadly fighting
Neck snaps
Plenty of dead poses
15 dead ***** in one scene
More than 100 killing
5 huge bodypiles! 
All clones dress in classic agent-office style  - white shirts, black short skirts, black stockings or pantyhose, shoes with high heels 

After mass clones killing in the first part, another clones were sent to kill anticlones agent to his own house.  Agent was warn that it could happen so he set traps in the garden. But he didn’t know that it would be SO MANY CLONES…

The first group of clones was killed by gun, another – by machinegun. But after the cruel fight began…

 It’s one of the best our action movies with plenty of killing, different ways to die and huge groups of deadly super sexy clones. Tarantino style!
     Moscow Strangler
    10 minutes
      Moscow Strangler - MOSCOW STRANGLER 3

Custom Movie

Starring: Mila and Den


Fetish Elements

Strangulation, Stockings, Death Stares, CSI, Taking Off Jewels, Putting on stockings, Putting off stockings

«Thank you for the movie !

I do not have enough words to say how talented your company is. Honestly your are the best»

Customer Review

Mila is a beautiful and famous student girl waiting her boyfriend at her student room for tonight. She prepares herself. She wears a sexy shirt still open with a bra, panties and stockings. Her hair are tied and she wears a watch.

She receives a call at phone from her best friend (Maya sit down on a bed) who warns her because some pretty girls have been strangled in the town these last weeks. Mila does not care and says to her friend laughing that if she does not hear news from her tomorrow she will know why …

Suddendly the masked killer introduce at the room when Mila prepare herself. He approach behind her and wraps a tie (or other tool) around her neck. Mila is surprised and screams !

They fall on the ground !Mila struggles very violently, she tries to hit him. Her eyes are wide open and crossed and she drools.

After few time, her hands falls and she dies with eyes open and mouth open. The killer

checks her pulse but she is gone. He drags Mila on the ground and throws the dead body on the bed. He dispose the dead girl and tie her hands with one of her stockings

He makes a node with the tie around the neck of Mila and leaves the house.

Dead Pose

CSI PART : Some hours after the detective is called by the school… He enters in the dark room he lights his flashlight and sees the dead face ofMilain the darkness. So he finds the light of the room and discover Mila lying on the bed and murdered ! Her eyes wide open. Her hair are disheveled and legs crossed and her shirt is open. Her hands are tied and she has a sexy dead pose.

Her mouth is white

She has been strangled with a tie. The detective remove the tie and see a horrible mark of

strangulation on her throat

 He examines and caresses her neck.

He drags the body for examines her. He moves her head from left to right, she is still very

soft and hot !

He takes and checks her nails for discover some clues... After removed the stocking tied around her wrists he plays with her beautiful hands/fingers and lets drop them…

He roles the body many times for examine her.

He takes some pictures of the crime scene, the dead body, face, hands, neck...

The detective removes the shirt and the stocking staying on her leg until she wears only her sexy lingerie. He removes her jewelry and put it on a little plastic bag (rings, watch...).

He moves Mila in a body bag (or cover her with a sheet).

At the and he leaves the crime scene.  Hotel Strangler
    30 minutes
      Hotel Strangler - 30 minites long
3 killing scenes
introducing new model – vika!
this is very erotic long story (30 minutes) about maniac-strangler and his three pretty victims. Young man caught three ***** one by one when they were going at the hall to his number and ****** them. 
his first ****** was young vika. The **** from russian town went to moscow to find the job in the big compony. She stayed at this hotel during her visit but unfortunately her mum would never see her alive. She was in short black elegant dress and black nylons. Maniac grabbed her to his numbered, ******, carried her body to the bed and took off her clothes leaving her dead only in black stockings. She was 21 only…
his second ****** was 28 y/o julia. She was a wedding guest and she was going to his friends numbers. Married, with children, young mum, she was attacked by maniac. He ********* her very brutally. Her reaction is great, she does super sexy kicking legs show and funny face agony with her tongue out. Dead! He took off her sexy red dress and put her body nearvika’s corpse. 
his third ****** was young 21 y/o student angy (angelina). She was in jeans miniskirt and white crosses. As you know, angelina is best actresses for ******* roles. All strangluations classic and fresh fetish elements are included in this video. 
after he killed angelina he played with bodies and put all dead ***** in super sexy bodypile. 
fetish elements:
*************,  *******, body carrying, legs kicking, death stares, 3 ***** dead, long strangulations scenes, sexy clothes, black stockings, black nylons, high heels, sport style, legs, sudden attacks, playing with bodies.
     Foot Fetish Maniac
    19 minutes
      Foot Fetish Maniac - FOOT FETISH MANIAC

When a woman was sleaping in her bedroom, foot fetish maniac entered the room. He touched her feet and tickled. First she enjoyed it ******** but when she  **** up she was in panic, but he catches her legs. Attacked her and ckoked. Then he started to caress her dead body, her legs and feet. He opened a wardrobe, found her cocks, white stockings  and stockings with flesh color. She was his dead doll, just a toy and he started to try to her socks and stockings, massage her dead feet…

All  19 minutes you can enjoy ************* scenes and much dead games with leg-fetish and foot-fetish attention!

Fetish elements:

*************, red sexy lingerie. ******** ****, dead ****, death stare, legs kicking, different dead poses, foot fetish, white stockings, stockings, socks, dead feet massage, body touching, playing with dead body.  

DON’T miss our another ************* great work with many fetish surprises –


Price: 14.00
Run Time: 19:00 minutes
File Size: 450 MB	Format: .MP4  FIGHTING OF GIRLS
    16 minutes
      FIGHTING OF GIRLS - This clip has no description.
    15 minutes


Starring: Annabelle, Juliana

Juliana and Annabelle are friends. Juliana knows about Annabelle’s death fetish work and, in the middle of the pandemic, with work hard to find, she has asked Annabelle if she could make some extra money doing it. Annabelle is happy to put her forward and has explained Juliana will have to do an interview on CAM for her ‘Crime House/Dark Room’ sponsors, a Russian fetish film produce – including acting out a few murder scenes. This is the story of Juliana’s CHDR audition.
She is interviewed in Annabelle’s living room. Annabelle explains she has been on CHDR for nealry six months now, and it is a lot of fun and good money. She asks Juliana what she feels about acting out death scenes, and Juliana admits she hasn’t done this type of work before, but she’s willing to give it a try.
Annabelle is confident Juliana will be fine and explains that they will have to do three auditions, mainly in the bedroom – which is connected by hidden cameras to the CHDR sponsors. The sponsors decide on the scenarios and if Juliana is suitable to join the CHDR team. Annabelle explains that the clients like to see dramatic and sexy death scenes – with a decent fight to try and survive and a lot of pleading for mercy, fear and panic during the murder scene. Juliana is enthusiastic. She says she knows Annabelle well and it will be fun to get up close and personal with her friend. They hug, making it clear there is an attraction between them.
The next scene is in the bedroom. Juliana is sitting on the bed while Annabelle is looking at her phone. She tells Juliana that for the first audition, the client wants Juliana to play a bit of a slut. She has picked up Annabelle in a bar and brought her back to her apartment for some sexy fun. Unfortunately for Juliana, Annabelle is a serial killer who has been strangling tarty MILFs in Moscow. Once Annabelle springs her trap on a nude Juliana, Juliana will plead for mercy, but Annabelle will strangle her with her bare hands. Juliana should struggle furiously. But she will not be strong enough to escape and slowly weaken and die.
Juliana says that sounds easy enough. She smiles and gets up to hug and begin undressing Annabelle. Annabelle responds and undresses Juliana easing her back onto the bed. They kiss and cuddle for a while.
Annabelle asks Juliana “Aren’t you worried about the strangler who has been murdering girls in our city?”
Juliana laughs, “That’s why I picked you up – I’m not taking any risks with guys at the moment.”
Suddenly Annabelle pins Juliana’s hands down and says “You’re a fool. Why do you assume the strangler’s a man? I’m going to enjoy proving to you what a big mistake you made…”
Juliana thinks Annabelle’s joking and says, “Stop it darling, that’s not funny.” She tries to kiss Annabelle, but Annabelle pulls her hair back and pretends to slap her and twist her nipples. Juliana screams in pain and begs Annabelle to stop. She now realises Annabelle is the strangler and she begs her to let her go.
Annabelle stops torturing Juliana briefly and they hug each other affectionately. She says, “Maybe I will let you go.” For a moment Juliana looks hopeful…Annabelle kisses her tenderly…but then sits up on her belly and strokes Juliana’s hair, slowly moving her hands down towards her throat “I’m going to let you go….to hell.” She barks the last two works aggressively. And with that she begins to strangle Juliana.
Juliana’s eyes widen in shock and fear and she struggles desperately to break Annabelle’s grip and unbalance her. But Annabelle is too strong. Juliana fights frantically, but then begins to weaken and spasm almost orgasmically, before slowly slipping away and dying.
Annabelle kisses Juliana on the forehead, says ‘cut’, and Juliana opens her eyes and they both laugh and hug each other affectionately.
Annabelle goes to her phone and tells Juliana the sponsors really liked her first scene. Juliana said she found it fun too – but hopes maybe in the next scene she can play the killer instead of the victim.
Juliana comes over and they look at the phone.
Annabelle smiles “Well you are going to get your wish...have a look at the script for the next scene…’virus madness’, it’s a really funny one. I did it once as the killer, but this time you get to murder me”.
Juliana reads the script from the phone and laughs. She hugs Annabelle again and gives her a little squeeze “Ooh – I’m going to enjoy my revenge.”
They go back on the bed, clearly as lovers. Juliana gets on top. She is pretending to be playful. “You know there is something you can do for me – but it will work much better if I restrain you a little.”
Annabelle is happy “You know I’d do anything, and I love a little bit of bondage play. Restrain me whatever way you want”. [Juliana positions Annabelle on her back and then ties one of her hands to the bedpost on the corner of the bed. Annabelle offers her other hand…]
J: Darling – both arms would be unfair. You deserve a chance – I owe you that.
A: What have you got in mind? You know I love both pleasure and pain. [she is laughing]
J: [Juliana turns serious] Did you see the article in the paper about that new extreme cure they’re testing for the virus? It’s hard to believe, but the Chief Medical Officer thinks the act of murdering someone you love can give you complete resistance from the infection.
A: [Annabelle looks confused] That’s complete nonsense. How can anyone believe something like that? And even if it was true…what a shocking thought – to have to murder your lover!
J: You know they are offering €10,000 to people prepared to test this, and immunity from any prosecution too. I’m really sorry, darling, but I decided to sign up.
A: [Annabelle tries to sit up, but Juliana pushes her back down and pins her free hand on the bed]. This is crazy. What are you telling me – that you’re going to kill me? I don’t like this game – just let me go. [She struggles a bit more but Juliana holds her down].
[Annabelle begs and pleads for a bit longer. But eventually Juliana begins to strangle her with both hands around her throat. Annabelle fights strongly with her free hand and tries to use her body to throw Juliana off. She kicks out with legs and tries to pull her knees forward. But Juliana resists everything. As Annabelle weakens, she begs again for mercy. She tries to loosen the hands around her throat; then she tries to push Juliana off. But Juliana just pushes her back down on the bed and tightens her grip. Finally, Annabelle begins to spasm and then her struggles become gentler and she tenses then relaxes and slowly closes her eyes.]
Juliana is happy and kisses Annabelle who opens her eyes. Now they are both relaxing after expending a lot of energy in the two scenes.
Annabelle looks at her phone again and laughs. “This is a little bit different”, she says. “For your third audition, they want us back in the living room in a wrestling ‘fight to the death’. They say they don’t mind which of us wins, but we should pretend we are wrestling for a big cash prize. The winner is the one who chokes out the other, and we should make it as realistic as we can.”
Juliana is also excited by the task. “I sometimes wonder what it would be like to wrestle with you,” she jokes. “Maybe I’ll surprise you with my speed and strength”.
Annabelle hugs Juliana gently and then tightens into a pretend bear hug. “No chance, my darling – I’m pretty confident.”
They reassemble in the living room with a small open area acting like a ring. They circle each other warily for a moment.
Juliana is already anxious about their relative strengths and so she charges Annabelle attempting to catch her before she is fully ready. Unfortunately for her, though, Annabelle alertly side steps the charge and elbows Juliana on the side of her back as she misses her. Juliana groans, but quickly turns back to face Annabelle who is now on her feet and highly mobile clearly waiting for the opportunity to pounce.
They smack their bodies into each other – Annabelle grinding her thighs against Juliana’s pussy. Their tits pancake against each other and Annabelle bearhugs Juliana, trying to squeeze the breath out of her. Juliana strains to get one arm free of the hug and tugs vigorously on Annabelle’s hair from behind – for the first time causing her some pain. Annabelle breaks the hug and grabs Juliana’s tits – squeezing until she lets go of her hair to push her back.
They are now circling each other in real earnest recognition that this fight is for real – but at the same time, still hot from the sensuality between them and the sexual tension integral to the struggle.
They lock up, smacking together and grabbing each other’s hair – stumbling around the room pulling each other off balance and bending their heads back and forwards wildly. They clinch again, the sweat now coming out of each of their bodies mingling. They are each trying to wrap their legs round the other, seeking to unbalance them and get them on the floor. Soon, with a loud thud, they are both down – rolling, thrashing, punching and trying to kick out against each other.
Annabelle again gets Juliana in a bear hug with their legs entwined and they roll across the floor before Annabelle comes to rest on top of Juliana, squeezing her tits hard again.
Juliana is now tiring and in real difficulty. She is moaning but she also knows she is sexually aroused, and this is distracting her from her resistance.
Juliana tries to go for Annabelle’s hair again, but the orgasm is enveloping her, and Annabelle continues to pound her with punches and to rub her pussy harder against her. Now Annabelle is aroused herself and, both exhausted, slumps with all her body weight on top of Juliana – pinning first one arm and then the other on the floor beside her.
Through their moans, Annabelle gasps, “Time to finish this darling – I’m so sorry but you knew the deal”. And before Juliana can respond, her hands go around Juliana’s throat and Juliana instinctively knows that she is going to lose and this is going to be her final struggle.
Juliana pushes up with her body attempting to throw Annabelle off her. She grabs her wrists to try and break the stranglehold. She prises at her fingers and thumbs. She punches her shoulders even trying to grip her friend’s throat. She kicks out, seeking to bring her legs into a position to lever Annabelle off. But nothing is working.
Juliana now knows she has to act as if she is going to die. She pleads for mercy in a choking voice and throws her head from side to side trying to find a position where she can breathe. Her struggles are becoming weaker and more random. Her tongue is protruding, and she is beginning to drool. She is looking straight into Annabelle’s eyes, seeking any sign that she might relent and let her escape. But she sees no mercy. She knows for certain now she is not going to let her go.
‘Almost over, honey,’ Annabelle is triumphant. Juliana’s moans get louder and then softer. At the end, Annabelle returns to her friends lips for a last gentle farewell. Juliana’s attempts to escape Annabelle’s grip slowly subside, her body spasms, her eyes close, and then finally she relaxes and is still.
Annabelle finishes the kiss, and Juliana wakes up. They both laugh and cuddle lovingly.
Annabelle picks up the phone and shows Juliana. They are both smiling. Annabelle says to Juliana “The sponsors like you a lot – and of course so do I. Welcome to our team….”

    30 minutes
      Ritual - This clip has no description.
    32 minutes
CAST: Ksusha Zaichik, Sally, Max, Achilless

Professional acting! Hot scenes! High quality video!
After Ksusha successfully completed her 2nd mission and thus averted the collateral damage from her organization, she returned to her apartment. There she writes her report about her mission and sends it to her organization. In doing so, she recapitulates and analyzes the execution of her individual assassinations during her mission in order to avoid future mistakes and states for herself that she loves her job and her way of killing by strangling her victims more than anything and from order to order becomes more and more professional.

A few days later, due to her excellent work, Ksusha receives an encrypted invitation message on her computer with the following content:

Ksusha is invited to a once in 7 year meeting of her organization where the best hit men come together and only one of them is chosen to receive a position in the business level of the organization for life, giving them say, financial security and a free hand in the organization Selection and awarding of orders. The meeting is the unique "Battle Royal". There are no rules here, except that in the end there is only one person left who gets the coveted job. So everything is allowed for every participant...  ANOTHER CASE OF CONTRACT KILLER
    12 minutes
C U S T O M*
«Judi is great in this clip and looks fabulous. Max is excellent as a hitman in all of his roles. I particularly enjoy the checking and rolling of the victims body and partially stripping them during this 'body check'.»
From Customer’s Review 
*It means the script, casting of models and all instructions for shootings were done by our customer for donation. You can ORDER your custom too! Purchase this film and know how to do it!
CAST: Judi and Max
Fetish Elements: 
Silencer Gun, Contract Killer, Hitman, Sudden Attack, Bullets to the stomach and chest, Death Stare. Blood from mouth, Touching Body, Spanking dead ass
The girl arrives back to her hotel room, she has clearly been swimming in the pool and is still wet; her hair is wet and her bikini is still wet. She has a towel wrapped around her shoulders; her waist and bikini bottoms are visible. As she moves into the room she begins to dry herself with the towel and we enjoy a demonstration of her beautiful body, her ass, groin and stomach. She moves about the apartment as she dries off her body.
She begins to lift her bikini bra when suddenly, there is a knock on her room door; she wasn't expecting anyone and replaces her bikini bra but it remains a little out of place, pinching the lower half of her breasts below her nipples as she quickly grabs the towel holding it against her chest to hide her embarrassment.
She moves towards the door inquisitively, she wonders who might be at her door. We see her from behind reaching for the door and we enjoy her shapely body and ass from the rear view.
As she opens the door the assassin pushes her backward and she is shocked as she falls back into the room. The assassin shows no mercy as she attempts to get up; he immediately shoots her in the stomach and we see the hole appear in the towel as she tries to hide her body from the intruder. The girl folds up grunting and her face tightens into a grimmace as she feels the bullet in her.
She lies on her side her legs kicking as if to try to escape as the assassin aims again shooting her in the lower back.
Her eyes widen and rise into her eyelids as her body arches backwards and she throws her arms back to find the wound. She breaths and grunts a couple of times then no sound comes from her wide open mouth as she rolls arching onto her back.
She feels death engulfing her body, moving slower as she can no longer take a breath. her eyes slowly half close and her body relaxes as she stares through half closed dead eyes at the ceiling.
The assassin inspects his kill, rolling her and squeezing her ass; he rolls her head from side to side and lifts her bikini top so her nipples are half revealled. He pulls her bikini botoms from her stomach and we can clearly see her pussy before he replaces them leaving them very low on her hips so that her groin is almost bare above the low pantyline. His job is done but he loves to watch his victims bodies as he pumps an extra couple of bullets into the corpse to see it jolt and wach their breasts rock from the impact of each shot.
He speads her legs, standing between them as he aims and fires two bullets into the flesh of her left breast near the base. Her breasts shake and her body jolts violently with  each shot. Her head rolls to the side with an empty expression and blood drips lightly from her open mouth.
He rocks the body with his foot before taking his picture for his client. He rolls her body to place the towel under her so he can grab her ankles and drag her body to the bathroom/kitchen. He texts his team to collect and leaves unscrewing his suppressed weapon.

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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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