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    9 minutes
      LADY IN RED - Things aren\'t always what they seem in Anne\'s Dreams.  The lady in red takes the shot, but does she also take the fall?

Starring: Orsi, Norina, Sophie
Keywords: Shooting  A SPIES BATTLE
    19 minutes
      A SPIES BATTLE - Agent Jaimie Fox is a ruthless secret agent that loves to take her time disposing of her kills so after a nice long bout with a poor, young, agent across town, she heads back to the hideout to post up and relax. She calls HQ and talks to the boss, finding out where to drop the disk she confiscated from her last mark. As she takes not of the time and place, she hears some boots trying to sneak up on her. She is calm and cool and doesn't even stop her conversation, in fact she extends it, to the point of pissing off Agent Alba who is standing pointing her 9mm at her face. "Agent Fox, put down the phone, I am the one with the gun here!" Agent Fox lowly lowers her phone, hitting a few keystrokes before setting it down on the counter. Agent Alba is annoyed but is caught off guard when the phone rings and she looks at it for a split second, letting Agent Fox take the gun and toss it to the floor in one move. Agent Alba is perturbed and runs at Fox with her fists up ready to brawl, but Agent fox lets her get close then gives her an open palm to the nose. This stuns her and she staggers back long enough for Lexxi to take her heels off and get ready to kick ass, she does just that. She grabs Alba after she swings and misses, kneeing her in the gut three times to get her hurting a bit, then she head butts Alba knocking her on her back. Alba is stunned and on the ground grabbing her head. Fox heads to grab the para cord on the counter but decides she is feeling playful today and wants to show the opposition she can't be messed with at all. She picks Alba up by her hair to her knees, but Alba surprises her with a gut punch and a big "It ain't over bitch!", leaving Fox stunned momentarily, enough for Alba to come at her and grab her two handed by the throat to choke her out. Fox returns the favor and the two are locked in a strangle me I will strangle you bitch kinda position, standing up and throttling each other hard. Alba tries to break free but when she does Fox takes advantage of the situation and Starts to throttle Alba hard, so hard she let's go and is being choked out. Fox takes her to the sofa, standing over her and her skirt hiked up as she chokes out Alba. After a long hard strangle Alba weakens and her arms and head go limp. Fox relaxes a bit thinking she has this one in the bag, but Alba has a boot knife and was bluffing, she stabs Fox in the gut with the tip of the knife making her jump and back away stunned. She looks up at Alba who is regaining her strength and breath, holding the knife ready to stab her. She pokes the knife at her slashing at Fox but Agent Fox is too much of a pro and after a couple misses she timesd and targets her arm, in one motion she disarms the knife and breaks Alba's right arm and wrist. Alba screams out in pain, she stumbles around in shock and pain. Agent Fox is not messing around anymore and goes behind Alba with a choke hold. She chokes her out hard taking out all of her aggression on Alba. After she chokes her out for a while, the Agent Alba weakens and goes down, limp and almost unconscious, Fox puts the squeeze on her some more to make sure and she is out. Agent Fox heads to the phone, straightening her skirt, and calling her boss to say she is running a bit late but not to worry she' about to dispose of the body. She comes back to the unconscious sexy Agent Alba, who's skin tight leggings and tight top, black boots, and sits on her knees by her head. She caresses and kisses her face, telling her that unfortunately for her, she likes to take her time disposing of her victims. She is about to have some real fun. She gets behind Alba and puts her arms locked under her breasts around her body. She lifts her up, dead weight from being out cold, but she quickly awakens screaming when Fox crushes a couple of her ribs with a jolt, she repeats, breaking most of her ribs, one or a couple at a time(ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL), then repeating and ending with a knee to the back breaking her ribs in the back, and her back in a couple places. She still has use of her legs, but her right arm is broken and she is screaming in pain begging and crying not to die. Tears roll down her face as she is in great agony from the pain. She begs Fox not to kill her but Fox is a cold blooded agent that has no problem making them suffer before they die. Fox stands up after she drops Alba to the floor and grabs the para cord. She fashions it around her hands to make sure she has a nice grip. She gets in position as the moaning Alba is on the floor, twitching a bit and trying to plead, but to no avail. She gets the cord around her neck and starts to pull Agent Alba immediately forgets that her ribs are broken in her fight for life, the tears and make up smears do not matter anymore it is life or death. She kicks her legs, bucks and tries with the one good arm to claw at the cord but she can't do much with a pro who has leverage and hundreds of kills under her belt, or skirt... Agent fox takes her time and kills her good, Alba's eyes bug out and her tongue lols to the side, her smeared eyeliner show the scars of battle. She finishes her off and lets her down to the floor. She sits her upright, dead, but always makes sure, plus she loves the sound of bones snapping, especially vertebrae. She rolls her head to and fro the snap, twisting Alba's body one eighty degrees and face down on the floor. She admires her kill and stands up dragging the fresh hot corpse to the corner of the sofa sections so she can keep an eye on her, even though she is dead, while she gets ready to leave. Just as she is finishing up positioning the body, she hears another boot heel on the floor. It is another Agent from the Black Force, Gentry this time a leggy blonde. She tells Fox to freeze as she has the gun near her back. Agent Fox just chuckles and smirks,  "No way, three times today?" She spins and knocks Agent Gentry to the ground in one left cross punch to the crown. She is on her like white on rice, knowing she is running out of energy today from all the agents coming at her, plus her own mission to grab the information on the disk. She chokes her out in a hard choke hold, behind her on her knees getting good leverage. After a battle for a minute she starts to think she is tired and this is enough. She lets up the choke hold and grabs her head rolling it back and forth as the Agent tries to catch her breath. She snaps her neck so quickly it twists the leggy blonde's entire body twisting it hard(.NECK SNAP SHOWED FROM 2 ANGLES) She gets up and straightens herself up, fixing her hair with her fingers and putting on her sexy high heels. What a hot Agent fox is, working in high heels all day, as a killer....

She exits and makes way for sexy pans of the dead agents Gentry and Alba. 

Starring: Lexxi, Ryanne, Ashley Lane
Keywords: Strangling, girlfight
    8 minutes
      LAURA GUILLOTINED PRISONER - A woman sits on a chair, hands bound behind her, awaiting execution...she is frightened and sits pensively, crossing her legs. She is wearing a short skirt, heels and a blouse. 

the executioner arrives, and asks if she is easy to lose her head...she is surprised...she thought she would be hanged. The idea of beheading is repulsive to her...she doesn't want a bloody, messy death. He taunts her, telling her how he will hold her bloody head up...if she is lucky, she will see her leggy headless body one last time. all of his victims seem to remain conscious for a little bit of time. She asks if it will hurt...he says it most certainly will...he says she should think about being beheaded and still conscious, knowing she is dead....she is now very upset as he stands her up and leads her to the guillotine.

he brings  her to the is set up for a kneeling beheading. She doesn't want to look at it, but he forces her to...he walks her around it, telling her how it will strike off her her head will end up on a pike, while her lovely body...well, he'll leave that to her imagination....he is certain all the witnesses watching will be aroused...especially him.

He forces her to kneel and she struggles as he places her in the lunette.... She pleads for her life...We see her anxious face from inside the basket as she begs him to not take her head....

The camera lingers on the scene of her in the guillotine from the side...he finally announces it is time for her to lose her head...the blade drops, we see the head fall...and he removes the basket with her head in it. We see the headless body in the machine.

Ends in NbM fashion with her bound in the chair, legs crossed.  PSYCHOTIC WITH A GUN
    10 minutes
      PSYCHOTIC WITH A GUN - A Tale from the Netherlands

Orsi and Susanne just want to find a quiet place to lay in the sun.  After hiking through the woods they find a nice, grassy spot for their picnic and nude sunbathing.  What they don’t realize is that there is a psycho stalking them, and she has murderous intent.  When Ildiko finally approaches them she finds her own way to torment the two girls before riddling them with bullets.

Starring: Ildiko, Susanne and Orsi
Theme: shooting

Run Time: 09:42
501 MB
    13 minutes

Schoolgirl Stacey has been captured, gagged and hogtied. She is struggling with the ropes on the floor, when the creep comes in. He takes off her shoes, gropes and worships her bare feet while she keeps resisting and making noises.
She makes too many noises so he decides to add some tape to the gag, obstructing her nose as well. She is still not quiet enough, so at some point he takes a rope and strangles her to death. She struggles and kicks, but she has no chance and finally dies. He worships her feet a bit more before leaving.

Starring: Stacey
Keywords: Bondage, Feet, Reality POV, Strangling  WHAT ABOUT ME
    5 minutes

Orsi has a safety deposit box key and susanne wants it.  As orsi is getting dressed susanne sneaks up behind her.  When orsi turns around surprised, she gets a bullet a bit below her navel and collapses in pain.  She needs help.  Susanne finds the key, but when orsi tells her she needs and ambulance, susanne puts 3 bullets in orsi’s chest and tells her what she needs is a hearse.  Thanks to tk.

starring: orsi and susanne

run time: 05:01
383 mb

full hd 1920 x 1080
    13 minutes
      REVENGE AND RESTORATION - A beautiful young lady is on the run after stealing $50k from her boss across the river. She finds a hotel that is tucked away by the airport and plans to escape after a day or two of letting the coast clear. She doesn't know that her boss is smarter than her and is on her trail. She sits at the desk in her white spa robe, calculating something with pen and paper. She smiles and chuckles, then crumples the paper, tossing it to the wastebasket. She picks up the bag full of the cash she stole, and hugs it before setting it on the chair by the desk. She walks to the bathroom to get ready to shower up. She turns on the water, letting it heat up, then gets in and gets fully wet, lathering up her breasts, body and feet making sure her soles are clean. As she rinses off the suds, she doesn't notice her boss, slowly opening the bathroom door, peering in with an evil look, and bearing a butchers knife. He slips into the small bathroom and pulls back the curtain, stabbing her three times, and then finishing with a throat slice, that starts her bleeding out immediately, blood splattering on the shower curtain as he plunges. She gasps, bleeds, then slides down the tile into the tub, water still running, and she is trying to breathe, but only blood comes out of her moth and neck, chest, abdomen, and next to her collarbone, where the boss stabbed her to make sure he hit her vitals. Her body is slumped over the tub, ass up soles to the side, visible.
He says a couple parting words, then leaves with the bag of cash. His employee, bleeding in the tub, with her last gasp and drops of blood hit the tile, and swirl down the drain, she dies. The shower continues to run. Body pans of the dead, beautiful but a thief blonde follow. Shots of her wet body and feet.

Soon the hotel owner lets himself in. He heard a noise complaint and hear the shower running for a while, so he decided to let himself in. He can not have the bad publicity anymore for his hotel so he decides to clean it up and deal with it himself. He turns off the shower, rips down the clear shower curtain and tosses it on the floor in the tiny bathroom. He pulls the slumped woman out of the tub slowly, her feet and soles drag in the wet tub and tile, and he gets her in the fetal position on the bloody shower curtain, trying to contain the mess. He gets the door open and gets her positioned on the curtain. He straightens her out, sliding her on the curtain, out the door, and into the hall. He gets her legs straight, rolling her on her tummy and straightening the shower curtain. He gets some of her stuff together as her body is panned, then he rolls her up in the curtain and picks her up by her feet, checking that too many people in the hall so he drags her a bit to the living part of the room until the coast is clear and while he cleans up the mess. 

Starring: SaraLiz  Two At Once
    5 minutes
      Two At Once - Ildiko has been hired to kill Britney but gets a bonus when she discovers Orsi is visiting Britney.  Britney gets a silenced .22 in the right breast giving her a slow, agonizing death that causes her eyes to roll back under her eyelids.  After moving the body to the sofa, Orsi comes out of the bedroom and gets the same execution.  All in all, the killer gets two prizes in one mission and leaves them naked or nearly so in a pose for her photo album.

Starring: Ildiko, Orsi and Britney
Theme: Shooting

Run Time: 04:57
168 MB
    16 minutes
      HEADLESS LEGS OLIVE - The scene opens up with a condemned prisoner, a remorseless hired killer, sitting in a chair as she awaits her executioner. She is quite famous for seducing, then poisoning her victims.  She is wearing a long, orange prison shirt but no pants. Her legs are bare and she is wearing high heel shoes.
Her upper body has straps around it and her hands are bound/strapped to her sides.  She crosses her legs as she waits.
The executioner arrives and tells her it is now time for her execution.
The scene ends in an NBM scene, with the headless body wearing her heels and seated crossing her legs...we hear the thoughts of the executed killer, musing over the outcome of her execution and how she must now look without her head....


Starring: Olive
Theme: guillotine, execution, headless, handling, magic, morgue, necro
Run Time: 15:51
    14 minutes
      THE MAGICIANS ASSISTANT LAUREN - A magician is interviewing a woman to be his assistant. She responded to an ad that said. “A magician’s assistant for a soon-to-be-famous magician. Requirements for the job:  great legs, dramatic personality, willing to tease and please the audience. Must be a great sport, willing to try anything…even losing your head!”  The woman willingly participates in his guillotine trick…except she is actually beheaded! And lives to tell about it!!

Starring: Lauren
Keywords: Decap
    4 minutes
      ASSASSINATED - Gaby is trying to nurse Britney back to health.  When she gets up to go get some water for Britney she runs into the assassin, Natalie.  Dressed in a catsuit and armed with a pistol and silencer, Natalie puts a bullet through Gaby’s heart and watches with great enjoyment as Gaby drops to the floor and dies.  Natalie then heads upstairs to find her real target.  Britney is such an appealing victim as she lies almost naked on the sofa.  Natalie just can’t wait to see her die.  She pumps her lead into Britney’s soft, delicate belly and watches as the blood trickles out.  Not it’s time for a cold shower or a romantic engagement.  We can only guess what Natalie will choose.

Starring: Britney, Gaby and Natalie
Theme: shooting

Run Time: 03:32
    3 minutes

Gaby resists annica’s attempt to execute her until annica threatens to kill gaby’s family.  It kills her to make a horrible choice.  In the end, gaby’s family is more important to her than her life, so she accepts her fate under the guillotine’s blade.

starring: gaby and annica

run time: 02:38
166 kb

full hd 1920 x 1080
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