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     VAMP HUNTER Caroline v Tomiko
    10 minutes
      VAMP HUNTER Caroline v Tomiko - Caroline is a Vampire Hunter in town for a convention and looking or her mark. She comes into her room wearing boots that go all the way to her ass, a very tiny leather skirt and a tube top showing underboob. She slinks in with her pistol tucked into her boot and goes to her desk where she types on a computer after setting her pistol on the desk. As she types away to her boss, the Vampire moves her way to her from behind, in skirt and knee high boots, short skirt revealing her ass and sexy legs, and a tank top. She moves sneakily and sexily to the hunter. She pulls her hair to the side and starts to kiss her ear and neck sending the Vampire hunter into a frenzy of passion biting her lip and rubbing herself. She reaches for the gun but the vampire pulls her hand back, still kissing her but deeply with her tongue, biting the huntress tongue and kissing her. The huntress is lost in the moment and the vampire grabs the gun caressing the huntress body and pulling up her top with the gun, kissing on the huntress nose and face. She runs the gun between her legs and then goes to the belly. She carefully places the pistol on the huntress belly and pulls the trigger. The Vamp hunter squirms and writhes while the Vamp kisses her and then moves the gun down to her belly firing again, leaving two perfect small holes in her belly, almost resembling large bit mark. The Vamp Hunter bucks and writhes and the Vamp kisses away and then pulls her chair back so she can get in front of her as he kisses and caresses the huntress. The Vamp takes off her top and plays with herself pinching her own boobs and rubbing her crotch, aroused by the dying huntress. As she dies, the Vamp sits her up and rubs herself over the dead body. She plays with her more and then kneels down in the huntress belly and goes to feed.....

Starring: Caroline Pierce, Tomiko
Keywords: Shooting  NO WITNESSES
    7 minutes
      NO WITNESSES - A Tale from the Nether Lands

Ildiko and Orsi witnessed a murder, but they don’t think that the killer knew they were watching.  They are out on the lawn by the pond catching some sun and trying to decide whether or not to go to the police or take an extended vacation until things cool off around the murder.  They also fear that the police won’t protect them once they agree to be witnesses.  Confused and nervous, they go back up to the house to get cleaned up.  As they are continuing to discuss their options, Susanne shows up with a gun and a silencer.  One gets shot in the navel and the other in the nipple.  Great shooting, Susanne!

Starring: Ildiko, Susanne, Orsi
Theme: shooting

Run Time: 07:14
537 MB
    16 minutes
      OBSESSED PHOTOGRAPHER - A new model trying to build her portfolio replies to an ad for Trade For Print, impressed with the photographer's works she comes to his place to do a quick photo shoot. When she walks in he is very kind, taking light readings for the shoot with an impromptu backdrop fastened to the ceiling> They talk for a second but he is ready to go and she is good at following directions. He praises her for her sexiness, and says since she did not bring any changes of clothing they would have to get creative with the poses and losing the clothing she has. After several shots and lots of photographer praise, the guy gets a bit more hands on. They agreed to do no nudes her first shoot so he tells her to move things to the side, remove shirt and jeans, and then he tells her to loosen the straps on the bra to show more skin. He really is kind and not demeaning at all so she trusts him more and more but stays firm on the no nudes. He has some trouble getting her to pose how he wants so he sets his camera down and sits behind her to help get here in the pose, obviously his obsession with the new unheard of model and tries to get her bra off, she starts to push him away and he gets her in a choke hold. He toys with her to watch her sexy body thrash and try to get away, as her eyes roll back in her head and she tries to get air, kicking and grabbing at him while she chokes until she is unconscious. The obsessed photographer ties her up to a spreader bar from the ceiling with one arm tied hanging from one end and a leg from the other. Not really a bondage guy he does his best to get the ropes for her to hang and dangle suspended while he feels her up and takes photos of her naked, sexy body. After a while and some fondling she starts to wake up, and that is when he grabs a syringe full of a chemical drug synthesized to render the victim dead and frozen, catatonic, so he can pose her in the perfect poses for what he desires. It is really the only way he can be happy. So after he injects her and she goes out, he lets her down from the ropes while the drug starts to take affect. In about twenty minutes he will have a fully frozen body that is ready to be posed and manipulated.

Starring: Coco
Keywords: Choke hold, bondage, postmortem, drugging by syringe  STRANGLING VISIONS MATILDA
    14 minutes
      STRANGLING VISIONS MATILDA - Matilda is on a date with a guy. Everything seems to go well and they're having some wine, when he starts having visions of her being strangled, and her dead body being limp in his hands. He wakes up multiple times from the visions but luckily she's still there, smiling to him... But, the last time, he wakes up in his bed and Matilda is naked next to him. Has it all been a dream? He touches her shoulder to turn her, and feels she's very cold... he pulls her, rolling her on the bed, and her dead face with eyes open stares at him. There is a strangle mark around her neck...

Starring: Matilda
    16 minutes
      ONCE AN AGENT - Once an Agent always and Agent right? Well in this case maybe a dead agent, especially when Hannah tries to leave the agency and of course must at least pay the exit fee. The Agency decided to case her out for a month and assemble a team to take her out, but young up and coming Agent Freya has other plans. She figures she will let the agency get it's ducks in a row and when they least expect it, she would confirm the kill and get a nice promotion. Hannah will not go without a fight, or a few.

Hannah shows up at her new place, she sees the front door is open slightly so she knows something is wrong. She politely tells the person on the phone with her she has something come up and she needs to go, at the same time she is trying to quietly set down her groceries, keys, and grab her pistol. She enters the house and has her gun drawn and ready. Her high heel knee high boots make a slight clack, and her skirt and sweater are tight and revealing. She hears a noise from the other side of the house by the bedroom and walks gun raised and ready. The noise gets louder and when she turns to the danger in the bedroom, it is just the wind smacking the blinds against the window frame. She let's out a sigh of relief and goes to shut the window. As she shuts the window she hears the door creaking shut, and behind her appears a woman dressed in black, barefoot, with no weapons. Hannah spins and starts to aim her gun when the woman in black kicks the gun out of her hand. The two wrestle on the bed for the gun and fight for dominance. The gun is fumbled and the Agent in black chases her as Hannah crawls from the room to keep hold of the gun but the Agent pulls her legs and kicks the gun away from her into the other room. The two stand and square up, introductions are made, smack talk is handled and the two get acquainted with a small round of punches. Hannah gets a nice whack in, from a missed kick, as well as a couple of knees to the crotch and gut and knocks down the Agent but she jumps right up and gives it back. They finish the smack talk and get into the fight more as they grapple and trade blows. The Agent in black gives Hannah a straight chop to the throat and then an Iron Palm that knocks her stumbling back, still on her clacking boot heels, eyes rolling back, but she recovers and comes back to beat on the agent in black. They fight more and Hannah knocks her down with a right cross, spinning her around and to the floor. The Agent in black appears hurt but she is smiling, averting the fact she is not hurt, and reaches in the couch cushion for a knife. It is a skinning knife and looks very sharp. Hannah looks down and knows she has it coming so she moves and defends from the knife as it is swung, stabbed, and swiped at her. Hannah finds a time when the overhead stab attempt is coming and grabs the Agents arm, twisting it back so she lets go of the knife to the floor, then punches her. She picks her up and they start to fight more and she knocks the agent on her back and then leaps on to her starting to strangle her hard. The agent smiles and says she will never be defeated and chops her in the throat then taking over the dominant by rolling her on to her back. She throws a few more straight chops to the throat as she straddles Hannah. As she goes for a KO punch to the head, Hannah moves and the Agent hits the hard floor, immediately grimacing and falling to the side. Hannah then straddles the agent choking her but the agent gets her hands up and returns the favor, by now Hannah is getting fatigued and complacent. The Agent bites Hannahs hand and it makes her release the strangle hold. Swiftly in one move the agent gets around and her legs in a figure 4 leg lock choke hold. Hannah had no chance from that move and the agent immediately starts to choke her out. Hannah fights hard and tries to get away but the more she fights and squirms the tighter the lock gets. Her eyes and tongue bug out her eyes roll back and her limbs go from thrashing to twitching to limp as she passes out from no air. Wanting to keep her around to see her one more time before she kills her the agent leaves to grab some disposal supplies. After a few minutes the hardy Hannah wakes up eyes rolling in the back of her head and grabbing at her throat from the multiple abuses to it. She hears a noise of someone approaching and leaps up to the bedroom where she waits. The door opens and the agent is obviously surprised Hannah is not on the floor, but she is also slightly amused, knowing that she is better and it is just more playful death. The agent walks toward the bedroom and Hannah leaps out with a punch connecting and surprising her foe, but being dazed and whipped from the fights and choking, she gets blocked after the second punch and thrown to the ground. The agent gets on top of her so fast and starts to dig her fingers into her windpipe, choking her out with a technique she loves to use. She chokes her hard pressing harder as the Former agent fights for her life, ego getting the best of her. The agent in black chokes her to death as Hannah bugs her eyes, her tongue, and gurgles trying to get air but she won't make this one, she straightens her legs out boots digging then to twitches, then still after a rattle. Dead she lays there eyes wide open looking defeated, and surprised by the single, younger agent who is about to get a promotion. She then straddles Hannah for the last time, lifting her head and saying, "WEAK!" Before dropping it on the floor like a microphone after a ending speech.The agent in black takes pictures with her phone to send to the director, then grabs her by her arms and drags her off into the...

Starring: Hannah Perez, Freya
Keywords: Strangling, Girlfight  Execution Of The Blondes
    5 minutes
      Execution Of The Blondes - Andrea V and Susanne are placed against a wall, ****** to strip down to their underwear and then machinegunned by Gabriella.

Starring: Susanne, Andrea V and Gabriella
Theme: Machinegun

Run Time: 04:34
226 MB
    3 minutes

Susanne is taken up to the attic of an old house to be executed by chrissy and julie for killing their friend monica.  They put her in a noose and let her swing when she refuses to confess or id the killer.

starring: susanne, chrissy and julie

run time: 02:35
    23 minutes
      I DONT DATE COWORKERS - This is a raw and rough lift up strangle. Perp wearing tight black leather gloves and a double hand throttle lift up, with kicking and dangling feet and lots of postmortem carrying, OTS, Cradle, and a few others, Rag Dolling and Limp play with the corpse. Customer specific with something for everyone.

Belle and Chris work together at an large environmental firm and are closely bonded in the workplace. One evening after a big meeting Belle gets a call at home from Chris. He asks her if she has time for a dinner later in the week to discuss some personal and work stuff. Immediately Belle gets defensive thinking he is hitting on her and trying to get in her pants, so she shuns him in a nice way and tells him "I don't date coworkers". She says she will see him at work, reiterating she doesn't date who she works with regardless of who else is doing it, obviously Chris has been silenced by her rambling accusations since the call began, so he hears her out and hangs up. She is single, home alone with her kitty, and says she "doesn't need anyone, especially from work". Well her kitty isn't impressed with her clingy nature to things other than men, so he runs away from her with a get away from me work. Belle shrugs it off and heads to the kitchen for some wine. She sees she is out so she grabs whiskey and an icy tumbler to pour it into. As she pops the cork and pours her glass, a figure appears behind her in tight leather gloves. When she spins around to set her glass on the counter he is already reaching for her neck, grabbing her throat with two hands and lifts her off of the ground. He chokes her as she fights with him slapping his arms and face as she kicks and thrashes about. He keeps her up off the ground with brute strength and thoughts of rejection and misunderstanding. He throttles her and starts to walk with her in the air to the counter. He sets her ass on the counter and lays her back getting a good grip as she straddles him kicking with her bare feet and legs, then wrapping them around to get leverage. He throttles her but wants to get the job done so he spins her as he walks around the counter to the living room and lifts her up again. He walks to the middle of the room and continues throttling her hard up off the ground. Her face gets red and her feet kick as they dangle off the ground. She tries to fight him but she is getting weaker and her arms are having a hard time doing anything to pry or claw. Her face gets redder and eyes bloodshot as she is now twitching and her feet pointing to the floor. After she is hanging there dead, dangling feet barely twitching postmortem, he drops her to the floor like garbage. He gets over her and checks her out, rolling her over and checking her limbs to see if she is dead. He picks her up like she is a small sack of potatoes and throws her over his shoulder. He carries her around a bit, back and forth letting her body sway back and forth limp as he holds her legs. He continues to carry her, then lets her down partially turning to a cradle carry and doing a few laps around the room slowly carrying her limp dead corpse, freshly strangled to death. After he carries her he takes her to the counter top. He lays her out lifting up her blouse and feeling her breasts with his tight kid leather gloves on, then pinching the nipples, then lifting her skirt and seeing her bare shaven pussy. He is not the type of man that wants sex on the first date, in fact she had him all wrong. If she wouldn't have been such a bitch, she would have met him for dinner to find out he was opening a new firm and asking her to be senior partner. So much for that plan, so Chris drinks a nice pull from her smoky whiskey and then puts her legs over his shoulders, then grabs her up in his arms, carrying her folded up with her ass on his chest and head on his shoulders in a frog position. He takes her to the sofa and sits down so she falls into his lap straddling him. He lets her arms and torso go back and to the floor then lifts her again repeating, pulling up her skirt to expose her sexy ass, then pushing her shirt up to show her tits. After a few times and rag dolling he picks her straight up legs dangling and carries her to her bed. He tosses her like rubbish on to the bed, but then straightens her up, flopping her around, rolling her over, undressing her while he caresses her perfectly toned body. He knows she was a total bitch and nobody will have to worry about her any longer. He will still move away and open his own firm. He plays around with her and then gets her set up on the bed, spread eagle, one arm up one down in a nice pose. She looks so beautiful and naked. Before he says goodbye he puts a blanket over her legs so she looks like she is sleeping with her eyes open. He tells her corpse about where she went wrong and the opportunities she missed. Then says, "thanks for the whiskey" as he heads back to the kitchen to finish the tumbler of smokey whiskey on the rocks. Her body is viewed and panned from different angles.

Starring: Belle Fatale
    11 minutes

Crista, susanne, monica, orsi, sophie and anne have all been captures and are executed as partisans by the army.  Six brave fighters lose their heads on the guillotine.

starring: crista, susanne, monica, orsi, sophie and anne  KNIFE AND GUN
    4 minutes
      KNIFE AND GUN - Crista seduces Chrissy then gives her an unexpected thrill.  Chrissy responds with a surprise of her own.

Starring: Chrissy, Crista
    6 minutes
      FAILED ROBBING - Crista catches Julie burglarizing her home, but before she can get the gun out of her purse, Julie is on her.  They struggle, but eventually Julie manages to strangle Crista.  Not much gets stolen, but Julie does relieve Crista of her clothes……and that’s worth seeing.

Starring: Julie and Crista
Theme: strangling

Run Time: 05:52
    8 minutes

Ildiko has developed and tested a vaccine that kills vampires who prey on unprotected victims.  Ildiko tells adriana about it, but expresses a fear that marketing the new technology will result in the deaths of her 2 sisters who are already vampires.  Orsi discovers that ildiko has the vaccine, and attempts to convert ildiko.  It is an incestuous ******* move on orsi’s part, but it proves to adriana that the vaccine works.  As ildiko grieves over killing orsi, the wicked adriana slips a stocking around ildiko’s neck and ********* her.  She takes ildiko’s formula and notes and leaves with dreams of wealth on her mind.

starring: ildiko, adriana and orsi
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