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    11 minutes
      GAME CONTROL EXTERMINATOR - A busy video game developer is trying to finish his final level so he can get paid for his mods. He asks his hot girlfriend to make him a sandwich, and she is too busy hanging around in her panties and half shirt, texting her friend Jenny. She brushes him off but she has no idea about his new mod he will unlock, code name: Eliminator, who is a real like life form that generates when you unlock the level, and does the dirty work for you. After getting no sandwich and a bunch of lip, he unlocks the shooter and controls him to the target. When he appears without any sound she is startled and just says, "Honey one of your weird gaming friends is here". The drone announces himself as Eliminator and steps to square up with her. He pulls out his long silenced .40 s&w, and raises it at belly level. From the other room, on his monitor the controller cocks the hammer, and pulls the trigger. She is stunned with a shot half way between the navel and the mons pubis. She clutches as the blood begins to trickle out, she looks up at the expressionless lifeform who is getting into position for the next shot, as she slides down the fridge to the floor. Eliminator bends down and points the silenced gun pointblank to her right breast, then the controller pulls back and pops her, the slug going through her tit out the other side leaving an exit wound. She is in much pain as she flounders on the floor, clutching her breast and her belly, bleeding good from all 3 holes. She squirms, bucks, and kicks getting her legs in the other direction. The Eliminator is controlled to get square for the next shot, which is right in the clitoris. He bends down, aims and shoots her point blank right in the snatch as she cries out in pain, grabbing her pussy as the blood comes leaking out through her panties. He steps up and says, "target eliminated" and disappears off screen. She bucks and heaves, clawing at her wounds until she spits and coughs up a bunch of blood, and then dies. Having finished his game with success, he heads into the kitchen to see his handy work. He grabs some scissors to cut her tshirt and panties off to see the marks. He adds that the shots and aim are right on, so now he can get paid for his game. Successful, he says that it's too bloody to make a sandwich so it's burgers again tonight and exits for more body pans.

Starring: SaraLiz  LIKE I GIVE A FUCK
    5 minutes
      LIKE I GIVE A FUCK - Annica has caught Natalie stealing from her and decides to execute her by hanging.  Annica carefully prepares her noose then brings Natalie into the room and prepares for the hanging.  Natalie, wearing a cat suit, is searched then executed with her best parts open for observation.

Starring: Annica and Natalie
Theme: hanging

Run Time: 05:25
274 MB
    9 minutes
      NINA KNIFE BEHEADING - Nina is tied up, on her knees, waiting for her execution to come. Stella walks in holding a long knife, approaches Nina, starts molesting, teasing and scaring her off with the knife, grabbing her head by the hair, pulling it back, exposing the neck and taunting it using the knife, as Nina freaks out desperately. Lots of neck exposure.
In the end a basic beheading by knife (the movement, gurgling plus a bit of fake blood - No special effects used) takes place. The video ends with a static shot of the girl's body and severed head on the floor.

    12 minutes
      CHLOE TOY SENSUAL KNIFE BEHEADING - Chloe Toy is tied up, on her knees, waiting for her execution to come. Faye is behind her holding a long knife, and they're willingly going to cut off Chloe Toy's head in a bloody ritual. They are both horny and excited about it, so there is a lot of preparation, grabbing Chloe Toy's head by the hair, pulling it back, exposing the neck and taunting it using the knife, as the victim grows aroused. Lots of neck exposure.
In the end a basic beheading by knife (the movement, gurgling plus a bit of fake blood - No special effects used) takes place. The video ends with a static shot of the girl's body on the floor.

Starring: Chloe Toy and Faye
Theme: throatslice, bloody, willing, lesbian, surreal

Run Time: 11:30 minutes
362 MB
    3 minutes
      DEATH AT DAWN - Victoria is executed by hanging

Starring: Victoria, Monica and Orsi
Theme: hanging
Run Time: 03:15
    6 minutes
      THE COIN KILLER - Ildiko and Crista fall victim to the Budapest strangler. 

Starring: Crista, Victoria and Ildiko 
Theme: strangling

Run Time: 05:44
399 MB
    1 minutes

Ildiko was exploring the woods until she met two thieves.  She tries to run away, but they catch up to her and subdue her.  Ildiko is then led to a tree where a hangman’s noose is waiting.  She is placed in the noose, searched for valuable then hanged by the neck until dead.  The only thing of value Ildiko possessed was her life, but the sadistic criminals enjoyed taking it.

Starring: Ildiko, Gaby and Orsi
Theme: hanging

Run Time: 04:21
    19 minutes
      A SPIES BATTLE - Agent Jaimie Fox is a ruthless secret agent that loves to take her time disposing of her kills so after a nice long bout with a poor, young, agent across town, she heads back to the hideout to post up and relax. She calls HQ and talks to the boss, finding out where to drop the disk she confiscated from her last mark. As she takes not of the time and place, she hears some boots trying to sneak up on her. She is calm and cool and doesn't even stop her conversation, in fact she extends it, to the point of pissing off Agent Alba who is standing pointing her 9mm at her face. "Agent Fox, put down the phone, I am the one with the gun here!" Agent Fox lowly lowers her phone, hitting a few keystrokes before setting it down on the counter. Agent Alba is annoyed but is caught off guard when the phone rings and she looks at it for a split second, letting Agent Fox take the gun and toss it to the floor in one move. Agent Alba is perturbed and runs at Fox with her fists up ready to brawl, but Agent fox lets her get close then gives her an open palm to the nose. This stuns her and she staggers back long enough for Lexxi to take her heels off and get ready to kick ass, she does just that. She grabs Alba after she swings and misses, kneeing her in the gut three times to get her hurting a bit, then she head butts Alba knocking her on her back. Alba is stunned and on the ground grabbing her head. Fox heads to grab the para cord on the counter but decides she is feeling playful today and wants to show the opposition she can't be messed with at all. She picks Alba up by her hair to her knees, but Alba surprises her with a gut punch and a big "It ain't over bitch!", leaving Fox stunned momentarily, enough for Alba to come at her and grab her two handed by the throat to choke her out. Fox returns the favor and the two are locked in a strangle me I will strangle you bitch kinda position, standing up and throttling each other hard. Alba tries to break free but when she does Fox takes advantage of the situation and Starts to throttle Alba hard, so hard she let's go and is being choked out. Fox takes her to the sofa, standing over her and her skirt hiked up as she chokes out Alba. After a long hard strangle Alba weakens and her arms and head go limp. Fox relaxes a bit thinking she has this one in the bag, but Alba has a boot knife and was bluffing, she stabs Fox in the gut with the tip of the knife making her jump and back away stunned. She looks up at Alba who is regaining her strength and breath, holding the knife ready to stab her. She pokes the knife at her slashing at Fox but Agent Fox is too much of a pro and after a couple misses she timesd and targets her arm, in one motion she disarms the knife and breaks Alba's right arm and wrist. Alba screams out in pain, she stumbles around in shock and pain. Agent Fox is not messing around anymore and goes behind Alba with a choke hold. She chokes her out hard taking out all of her aggression on Alba. After she chokes her out for a while, the Agent Alba weakens and goes down, limp and almost unconscious, Fox puts the squeeze on her some more to make sure and she is out. Agent Fox heads to the phone, straightening her skirt, and calling her boss to say she is running a bit late but not to worry she' about to dispose of the body. She comes back to the unconscious sexy Agent Alba, who's skin tight leggings and tight top, black boots, and sits on her knees by her head. She caresses and kisses her face, telling her that unfortunately for her, she likes to take her time disposing of her victims. She is about to have some real fun. She gets behind Alba and puts her arms locked under her breasts around her body. She lifts her up, dead weight from being out cold, but she quickly awakens screaming when Fox crushes a couple of her ribs with a jolt, she repeats, breaking most of her ribs, one or a couple at a time(ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL), then repeating and ending with a knee to the back breaking her ribs in the back, and her back in a couple places. She still has use of her legs, but her right arm is broken and she is screaming in pain begging and crying not to die. Tears roll down her face as she is in great agony from the pain. She begs Fox not to kill her but Fox is a cold blooded agent that has no problem making them suffer before they die. Fox stands up after she drops Alba to the floor and grabs the para cord. She fashions it around her hands to make sure she has a nice grip. She gets in position as the moaning Alba is on the floor, twitching a bit and trying to plead, but to no avail. She gets the cord around her neck and starts to pull Agent Alba immediately forgets that her ribs are broken in her fight for life, the tears and make up smears do not matter anymore it is life or death. She kicks her legs, bucks and tries with the one good arm to claw at the cord but she can't do much with a pro who has leverage and hundreds of kills under her belt, or skirt... Agent fox takes her time and kills her good, Alba's eyes bug out and her tongue lols to the side, her smeared eyeliner show the scars of battle. She finishes her off and lets her down to the floor. She sits her upright, dead, but always makes sure, plus she loves the sound of bones snapping, especially vertebrae. She rolls her head to and fro the snap, twisting Alba's body one eighty degrees and face down on the floor. She admires her kill and stands up dragging the fresh hot corpse to the corner of the sofa sections so she can keep an eye on her, even though she is dead, while she gets ready to leave. Just as she is finishing up positioning the body, she hears another boot heel on the floor. It is another Agent from the Black Force, Gentry this time a leggy blonde. She tells Fox to freeze as she has the gun near her back. Agent Fox just chuckles and smirks,  "No way, three times today?" She spins and knocks Agent Gentry to the ground in one left cross punch to the crown. She is on her like white on rice, knowing she is running out of energy today from all the agents coming at her, plus her own mission to grab the information on the disk. She chokes her out in a hard choke hold, behind her on her knees getting good leverage. After a battle for a minute she starts to think she is tired and this is enough. She lets up the choke hold and grabs her head rolling it back and forth as the Agent tries to catch her breath. She snaps her neck so quickly it twists the leggy blonde's entire body twisting it hard(.NECK SNAP SHOWED FROM 2 ANGLES) She gets up and straightens herself up, fixing her hair with her fingers and putting on her sexy high heels. What a hot Agent fox is, working in high heels all day, as a killer....

She exits and makes way for sexy pans of the dead agents Gentry and Alba. 

Starring: Lexxi, Ryanne, Ashley Lane
Keywords: Strangling, girlfight
     No Escape
    5 minutes
      No Escape - Britney likes the fact that Julie will kill for her, and Julie finds killing a beautiful woman to be the perfect aphrodisiac. Julie has ******* Ildiko and started to strip her.  Ildiko awakens in a very groggy state, but she realizes that she is in trouble and tries to escape.  Julie manages to subdue the raven haired beauty and ********* her on the kitchen counter.  A perfect ******** and a perfect body to kindle Julie’s juices.  Britney enters the kitchen and is pleased with Julie’s work and the two engage in a bit of intimate foreplay.

Starring: Britney, Julie and Ildiko
Theme: ********** 

Run Time: 05:10
    5 minutes
      SAM HG KUMI - Agent Sammie received orders to shoot Kumi. She traces her and shoots her in her leg, back and "to be sure" a last shot in Kumi's head

Starring: Sammie, Kumi
    4 minutes
      ROUGH CUT - Monica loves killing terrorists (or just plain killing for that matter) and Tianna gets a blade, a bullet and a close shave when Gabriella and Monica execute her.

Starring: Gabriella, Monica, Tianna  SLAUGHTER PARTY Coco
    10 minutes
      SLAUGHTER PARTY Coco - 3 sexy friends decide to role play with each other, discussing and acting in the ritualistic "animal slaughter". They talk about the slaughter while removing clothing, and playing with coco's sexy feet, removing her sandals last right before tieing her legs to the chair, and her hands behind her back. It's Caroline's turn to do the deed and she picks a smaller pairing knife to do the slice. The animal must be clam and feel no fright while she is sacrificed. The two gals undress each other and talk to the animal Coco before they slice through her neck, bleeding her out on to the plastic on the floor. Coco is a sexy animal for slaughter, and she bleeds out while the other two praise her beauty and sexiness during the whole thing. What a lovely animal for slaughter. After she is dead, wide eyed and mouth open, the two ladies go to clean up and leave her sexy body to be viewed and panned. 

Starring: Coco, Caroline Pierce, Samantha
Keywords: Throat slice, Postmortem, Foot fetish
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