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     SO TALK
    4 minutes

Monica is practicing her belly dancing when annica comes to collect an overdue debt payment.  Monica tells annica to get lost or face death and that she’ll make the payment on the following monday when the banks open.  Annica’s boss isn’t that patient, so monica suffers from nasty payback rather than high payments.

starring: monica and annica

228 kb

full hd 1920 x 1080  It39s The Law
    4 minutes
      It39s The Law - Monica patiently awaits the results of her appeal.  Annica returns with the court’s decision and Monica must be executed.  Annica is kind to her prisoner; offering her comfort as she prepares herself for the execution.  But Monica is a convicted murderer, and Annica cannot spare her life.  It’s the law.  The prisoner must lose her head..

Starring: Monica and Annica
Theme: decap

Run Time: 04:13
162 MB
     BOMB ALERT Tales from the Nether Lands
    6 minutes
      BOMB ALERT   Tales from the Nether Lands - Orsi and Susanne are sitting outside soaking up some sun with a few drinks on hand to help them relax.  Orsi starts getting a bit amorous and the two end up shedding most of their clothes.  Orsi begins rubbing an ice cube on Susanne’s bare breasts and belly, then an unexpected call comes in.  Orsi gets information that there is a bomb in the house.  She and Susanne run to get away from the building but are shot dead by a sexy assassin named Ildiko.

Starring: Orsi, Susanne and Ildiko
Theme: shooting

Run Time: 05:55
    22 minutes
      THE REPAIR MAN Coda - Coda is tired she has been up working all night at the club, then not being able to rest because of some plumbing noise. She calls the landlord and she sends out her maintenance guy who is eager to fix her problem. Once he is in, and she is calm, she lays down on the bed and falls asleep while he is repairing the toilet. She is far too trusting, after she gets sleeping a bit, the Repair Man moves towards her stealth like, closing the door and checking to see if the coast is clear. He pulls some thin black paracord out of his pocket and wraps it tightly in his fists, fashioning a loop, then slowly gets close to her and wraps it around her neck very quickly. She is stunned at first, waking a bit groggy, but when she realizes what is happening, she goes nuts, kicking and clawing at the cord, trying to find any amount of air, but none is available. She fights him, clawing at his arms, grabbing the sheets on the bed and pulling them, kicking and bucking her hips up high, grinding hard trying to free herself. She fights him long and hard, straightening her toes, flexing her muscles and thrusting her pelvis into the air. Her sexy eyes cross and then bug out as the thin cord digs deep into her neck, making her appear two tone. Her veins pop out of her head and her eyes are blood red from the tension. She is a fighter but she is no match for the stout maintenance man. He tugs hard with all his might as she twitches a bit and slowly goes still. She is fully dead and lifeless, he removes the cord, yielding a thin red line on her neck from the strangle to death. He flops her around, picking her up and flopping her down, playing with her limbs, checking out her sexy feet and soles. He removes her shirt, then her bra playing with her titties and groping on her perfect ass and long, sexy legs. He picks her up and throws her onto the bed, positioning her for later and goes to get a drink. Her sexy body, feet, and eyes are panned and viewed from many angles, her death stare is perfect. After a bit, the scene fades out, then back in to later when he is exhausted and sleeping with the corpse, who's eyes are wide open.!

Starring: Coda
Keywords: Strangling
    4 minutes
      KILLING A SNITCH - Gaby’s two co-workers (Crista and Tina) realize that she is a snitch and hang her for her misdeeds.

Starring: Crista, Gaby, Tina
Keywords: Execution, Hanging  ROUGH CUT
    4 minutes
      ROUGH CUT - Monica loves killing terrorists (or just plain killing for that matter) and Tianna gets a blade, a bullet and a close shave when Gabriella and Monica execute her.

Starring: Gabriella, Monica, Tianna
    7 minutes
      SADISTIC GAME - Ildiko and Orsi are engaging in a little game dreamed up by Orsi.  It starts with a pistol and some erotic caresses, but ends with a bang when Orsi’s game takes a deadly and sadistic turn.

Starring: Ildiko and Orsi
Theme: shooting

Run Time: 07:09
    20 minutes
      A LAST CELEBRATION - Lisa Weston is a high powered attorney that is mixed up with the wrong business, and the wrong people. She is prosecuting a big time crime boss and has no clue that she is vulnerable, in fact she is on top of the world after getting convictions on all nine counts, and putting Detweiller away for good. When she returns to her fancy hotel suite, she decides to unwind and celebrate. Her hubby is on the phone and she explains how well she did and how they are taking her out for steaks at a fancy place at 8:00 sharp. She get's out of her heels and suit jacket, and into a nice glass of Champagne. She also calls her favorite escort service to see if her sexy, loveable, favorite is working. Since she won big she wants to add a friend, so she orders her regular plus one. When the two call girls arrive, Lisa is happy and invites them in to play, not knowing that she has been marked for a hit. The two gals start the show, undressing each other, then doing a dance to warm up. savannah sips the bubbly and starts to get wet. She stands up and orders them to remove her clothing, then they all move to the bed for some hot lesbian sex, eventually making everyone cum, and then Stacie decides to finish herself off for a second nut. They fall into a steamy pile and take a nap. Lisa wakes up and sees it is 7:00 pm on the dot, she jumps out of bed, leaving the other two snuggling and snoozing. She puts on her robe and heads to the bathroom to get freshened up. The two girls are awake and cuddling, wondering what is taking so long. The hitman stealthily moves to the hall, seeing the mark of lipstick on the door, knowing that was Stacie's color, and this was definitely the place. He lets himself in with a credit card and proceeds to the hotel suite bedroom. He looks into the bedroom and sees Stacie who points to the bathroom. He shrugs and wonders why there is another girl, she nods and says she is ok, so he sighs and turns to the door where Lisa is getting ready. The door opens and he ducks behind the wall, but she goes back in the bathroom forgetting something, so he approaches. When she looks up she sees him in the mirror. She freaks, dropping her robe, and her eyes widen as he explains why he is here, then opens a folding knife with a long sharp blade. He stuffs it into her belly, pulling upwards to make sure her guts are wrecked, and there is no return. He wrenches it around doing damage then pulls it out, leaving her on the white tile to bleed out. He quickly heads to the bedroom, pulling his silenced 45 caliber pistol, and aiming it. He tries to get info from the girls, asking the new girl for her ID. The girls try to seduce him but they know he is business, and think they have a chance to be free. The hitman makes a call, to Detweiller, giving her name, and explaining the situation. He nods his head and says, "Both of them?", "OK Mr. Detweiller", the new girl automatically pisses her jeans, which turn from blue to dark blue as the pee spreads through the denim. Stacie runs to the new girl using her as a shield, the hitman orders her to take her jeans off and she obliges, smiling that maybe he wants to get some instead of killing, but he explains that, "It is hard to get wet jeans off a dead girl." This sends both girls into a panic and he fires the first round into the New Girl's gut. She is stunned and stumbles back from the large caliber slug. The hitman follows them to the corner of the room, pulling the trigger and sending a hot lead chunk through both gals, he likes using the second and third bullet in the clip to not be hollow points, just in case he needs to kill two birds. This time the bullet goes right in between her belly button and sternum, striking hard and going through her, and into Stacie's belly button. Both girls are hurting and moaning, but the new gal is in shock, shaking and trembling. He heads back to the bathroom, checking on the Lawyer, and sees she is still dying, so he finishes her off with two more slugs, both in each breast, she fights, gurgling blood, wrenching from pain, then dies. The hitman heads back into the bedroom, and finishes off the new girl with two more slugs right in her belly, and on the pantyline of her belly. Stacie begs him to be spared, saying she could make it with the one shot, and she is his favorite, well used to be. He shoots her in the fatty chunk of her belly, then right in the heart, she shutters then dies. The hitman follows orders, positioning them for a photo. He takes pics of the dead bodies just to send to the client. He exits as the clock reads 7:59, and when it turns to 8:00, there is a knock at the door, "Mrs. Weston, here to pick you up for dinner" knock, knock...Mrs. Weston.....Then it fades to body pans of the lovely dead gals, and the crime scene.

Starring: Anyanca, Savannah Costello, Stacie 
Keywords: Shooting
    5 minutes
      WITCHY WOMAN - Gaby is allowed her final request before her cruel jailer executes her, but Gabriella discovers that Gaby’s final prayer has been honored as well.  See you in Hell, Gabriella.

Starring: Gaby, Gabriella  CRISTAS TURN
    4 minutes
      CRISTAS TURN - Gabriella is alarmed when she discovers that yet another of her coworkers has been brutally murdered.  She’s afraid she is next, and it’s Crista’s turn to give her the bad news

Starring: Christa, Gabriella
    6 minutes

Orsi has a contract on susanne.  She seduces her, then kills her as they begin what susanne thought would be a sexy and romantic interlude.  Well, the sexy part was true.  Unfortunately monica show up after the fact, and orsi calmly cleans up this loose end and acquires a piece of jewelry in the process.

starring: orsi, susanne and monica

run time: 05:54  
541 kb  Boot Knife
    6 minutes
      Boot Knife - Ildiko has picked up Monica in a bar and gone up to a flat.  Ildiko convinces Monica to let her massage Monica’s shoulders and uses that ploy to get Monica in a vulnerable position.  Once there Ildiko ********* her, or so she believes.  In fact Monica is still alive and carefully draws a knife from her boot then stabs Ildiko in the leg.  Injured and unable to put up a fight, Ildiko urges Monica to call the police, but after Monica confirms that Ildiko meant to kill her, Monica drives the blade into Ildiko’s naked belly.  She works the knife to be sure it’s a fatal wound, then stands back and watches Ildiko suffer to the end.

Starring: Ildiko and Monica
Theme: Stabbing 

Run Time: 06:24
216 MB
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