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  • Hitmans39s Dream 3
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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    6 minutes
      Swindlers - Two *****-swindlers made "dirty business". Now they are rich, but one of the ***** doesn’t want to share out money. She employs the murderer for the friend. The murderer performs operation. He destroys the ****** in the bathroom. Receiving money he understands, he can take much more, than was offered. But for this purpose he has to get rid of the customer too. He shoots at her breast and then leaves with money.

fetish elements: shots at the chest, high heels, short skirt.

subtitles: english

starring: nadya and kriss
theme: 2 different shooting scenes  Hitmans Dreams Dream 1
    16 minutes
      Hitmans Dreams Dream 1 - Introductory part is the general for all four clips:

“alexander is a hitman for hire, working out of moscow.

one day, he receives an email on his laptop, with information of his next job. This time, it's actually a double target job, and he smiles when he sees who the targets are.
one of the targets is the girlfriend of a bar owner who had hired him in the past, ending with alexander's girlfriend at the time, helena getting killed and alexander himself ending up in prison. Alexander was just released from prison just a few months earlier, and he had swore revenge for mikhail, the bar owner's, betrayal. And now alexander will finally get his revenge, after 15 years in jail.

the main target was maria, mikhail's new, young and gorgeous girlfriend. Alexander took his time to learn all about maria's daily routines, where she was at any given time, with whom, and at what time.
the other target was maria's friend, co-worker and room mate, anna. She was almost as beautiful as maria. Both ***** were working as secretaries in a big corporation, so they always dressed very sweet and lovely when going to work. The dress code for the secretaries at the office was a white blouse, buttoned all the way, and a skirt. 
alexander looked at the pictures of the targets and started planning how to do this...The man who ordered the hit had a somewhat unusual request, he wanted pictures of the ***** as they were lying dead, as proof of the job being done.
as he sat there, in front of his computer, he felt rather ******, so he went over to the sofa for a little nap.
he fell ****** quite quickly, and in his dreams he could see how to perform the hit on maria and anna.”

description of the first clip:

“hitman’s dreams dream 1"

he arrived at the apartment belonging to the *****, and he silently went inside.

the first one he saw was anna, standing in the living room, talking on the phone. Alexander started to sneak silently towards the young beauty. As he came up behind her, he pulled out a knife. Then he quickly put his arm around her throat, and stabbed anna in the back. 
alexander pulled the knife back out, and turned anna around to face him. He held the knife up so that she could see it, the blade was dripping with *****, her *****.Anna looked at him in terror. 
alexander smiled and stabbed anna once more. He could feel how the sharp blade entered her body, and he saw the red ***** spreading onto her beautiful, white blouse as the blade disappeared into her chest. 
he pulled the knife back out and stabbed her again. He caught anna and slowly put her on the table on her back. She looked at alexander, and she begged him to make the pain go away. He raised the knife over the badly wounded **** and stabbed her right in the heart, twice! Then, he stabbed poor anna one final time, right in the middle of her chest, right between her breasts, burying the knife deep in her.

he gently stroked her cheek. Now, where is maria...?
suddenly, he heard a noise. It was maria. She entered the living room, and she ran to her dead friend, and kneeled beside her, crying.
she never noticed alexander hiding in the corner of the room, and he snuck up behind her, and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up and turning her around.
she started to scream, but he shut her up by stabbing her repeatedly in the area around her heart as he held her by the throat. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears of pain and terror as alexander stabbed her over and over, a lot of stabs!When maria went all still and silent, he lifted her and carried to the sofa. He then stood there, watching the two *****, they were both dead, their pretty, white blouses were soaked in *****. He took pics with a digital camera provided by the man who had ordered the hit.”

fetish elements: stabbing (a lot of stabs), lift and carry, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

starring: kristina malina and bella belaya

run time: 15:30 mins.
687 mb
     Code 34512
    9 minutes
      Code 34512 - Custom video

in this clip dasha plays a role of a military ****. She is working with documents in the secret apartment when she is attacked by the hitman.
he ****** dasha and she becomes ***********. The murderer binds her to a chair and asks the confidential code.
dasha refuses to tell the code and the murderer shoots her in the belly twice, then dasha tells the confidential code and asks to spare her, but the murderer isn't going to leave her alive, he shoots her in the breasts twice...
vlad unties dasha from the chair and puts her body on the floor and shoots her once again.

fetish elements: shots in the breasts, shots in the belly, carrying of the body, ***********, undressing, stockings, heels, military uniform.

subtitles: english.
starring: dasha and vlad

run time: 09:12
878 kb  One Shot
    12 minutes
      One Shot - Starring: yasnara


the **** carelessly opens the door to a stranger and gets a bullet in the belly.

very long sexual agony and a lot of *****.

fetish elements: white blouse, black miniskirt, shot in the belly, pantyhose.

     Irina 2
    5 minutes
      Irina 2 - A maid comes in the hotel room to prepare it for a new guest. Unfortunately she is in the wrong place at the wrong time. A ****-agent can't perform her mission in presence of the maid in the room. These circumstances become fatal for the maid.

fetish elements: shooting, binding, erotic maid suit, stockings, heels.

subtitles: english

starring: irina

run time: 05:28
521 kb  Mature
    7 minutes
      Mature - Starring: marina

marina is illegal seller of classified information and her business is growing. One day a client addresses to marina in search of the necessary information, but marina doesn't have the proper information and informs the client about it. The client doesn't believe marina and sends to her his agent to steal an information carrier.

fetish elements: shooting, binding, binding the hands behind the back, pantyhose, heels.

subtitles: english
     Surprise for her husband
    11 minutes
      Surprise for her husband - Starring:  Lerica and Jasha.


Tatiana’s husband leaves for talks, and she remains in a hotel room. His partners try to force him to sign a disadvantageous contract. For this case they send a man to Tatiana, who takes her hostage and photographs her on mobile phone to send pictures to the customer as proof. While negotiations are still underway and the contract is not signed, she remains hostage. She calms down and make sure that the man is not aggressive, then she tries to flirt with him. She suggests him to make more interesting and beautiful pictures, and she poses for him. She undresses and poses with pleasure. Meanwhile the negotiations come to a deadlock, the businessman doesn’t yield to blackmail and he doesn’t sign the contract.   Then the man’s phone rings, he is ordered to execute Tatiana and he agrees to do it for a double fee. He shoots three times – twice in the stomach and once in the chest. She reacts very emotionally to the bullet hits. All the shots she withstands on her feet and only after the third shot she falls on the bed. The killer picks her up and carries on the armchair, standing in front of the entrance door, so as to her husband will be able to see her as soon as he will return to the hotel room. He puts into her hands a glass of champagne.

It should be a good surprise for her husband…

Fetish elements: shot in the chest, two shots in the belly, beautiful lingerie, lifting and carrying the body, stockings, and heels.

Language: Russian.

Subtitles: English.  Web
    10 minutes
      Web  - Starring: yasnara and charlie.

in this clip yasnara plays the role of the social networks star. She spends most part of her life communicating in social networks, she can't live without the attention of the online audience to her persona, happily poses for the web-camera, and at the same time she's not very discerning in selection of "friends". 

one day a strange man wants to become the ****'s friend. He has a very bad manners and unpleasant look. The **** mocks man and he promises to find her for that. 

and one day he finds the ****...

if you watched our videos you will easily recognize bastard charlie in this man )))

fetish elements: **********, protruding tongue. 

subtitles: english.
    12 minutes
      Jealousy - Starring: taissia shanti, yasnara, jasha.


maria is in love with elena. And maria learns that elena is false to her with other ****. She is jealous, can't forgive elena and decides to kill her. She asks the friend to help to hide the traces of the crime. Maria invites elena to the hotel room and kills her by shot at the belly. Then she rings to the accomplice and asks to help. Instead of friend there appears a stranger in a mask. Because of disturbance maria mixes up him with the accomplice. And she should pay for it.

fetish elements: murder of two lesbian ***** by shots at the chest and the belly, topless, stockings, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 12:09 minutes
file size: 409 mb 	format: .Mp4  HELP ME TO DIE
    15 minutes
      HELP ME TO DIE - a **** was in a hopeless situation and she ordered her own murder. But there was the only condition: she wanted to experience the last orgasm before death. There was a company that provided these services, and employees of the company came to the ****. They put on the **** handcuffs and ***** collar, it wasn't strongly tightened. Assistant nina helped the **** to have an orgasm. After this, the man tightened the collar very strongly. She fell into agony and was *********. The order was fulfilled. Nina looked at the agony with contempt; she didn’t understand the feelings, emotions and motives. Nina didn't know that she had to feel the same soon. The company management decided to get rid of nina, because her work didn't suit them. And nina became the second ******. At the next moment handcuffs and collar appeared on nina. It was unexpected for her, but now she understood the feelings and emotions of the ****.

fetish elements: ************* (two *****), agony *************, panty hoses, lesbian scene, nurse uniform, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.
     Little Red Riding Hood
    8 minutes
      Little Red Riding Hood - Starring: irina


everybody knows from fairy tales that the wolf is dangerous for little red riding hood. But the modern red riding hood prefers to live in the city and there aren't wolves. But sometimes hunters appear there…  little red riding hood hunters…

a **** finds a package in her room with red riding hood costume. She puts it on and posing in front of the mirror. Then she opens the window to light a cigarette, but at this moment she gets a bullet of the hunter. And the unlit cigarette falls out from her hands on the floor. When the **** dies after a long death agony, the hunter takes her red hood as a trophy.

fetish elements: shooting, prolonged death agony, role-playing red riding hood costume, stockings, heels.
price: 12.00
run time: 08:28 minutes
file size: 416 mb 	format: .Mp4  Girlfriends
    8 minutes
      Girlfriends - Girlfriends

starring: yasnara and tais.


masha comes to katya to tell her that they won't see each other never again. She wants to stop this relationship. Masha brings a gun in the bag, knowing that katya is very emotional ****. She feared not in vain. Katya isn't ready to let masha go, so she grabs a knife in despair. At the end, masha shoots three times in the katya's chest. And when katya falls, masha bends over her and gets a blow by the knife in the belly.

fetish elements:  three shots in the chest, knife blow in the belly.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 08:00 minutes
file size: 349 mb
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    Welcome To The AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS Studio on Kinky Clips
    Videos depicting Death Fetish Asphyia, hanging, bagging, drowning, strangling, amazons Shooting, execution, stabbing, decapitation, guillotine, electrocution, electric chair, suicide, poisoning, throat cutting, arrows, body manipulation, chloroform, garotting, gassing, sacrifice, smothering, heart attack, coffins and all other sort of deaths. Our website is devoted to independent amateur movies in the genres of erotica and drama, erotic horror and thriller. Clips and movies presented on this website do not contain materials of pornographic nature or scenes of real violence. However, all content belongs to the category 18+.

    Featuring 65 Clips / 629 minutes of video!

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