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    6 minutes
      Nikita - Nikita is very pretty **** and professional killer. There was prepared a room in hotel for her next task. She has to liquidate a very important person with one shoot from room window. She performs work perfectly. Everything was planned very well, but accident interfere. Woman police officer, who has appeared nearby incidentally, hear a suspicious sound in the room. And she enter into the room. Nikita is surprised, but she has a spare option always. She gets the gun from a handbag imperceptibly and shoots at the police officer twice. She think that business is finished, but suddenly nikita gets a hit of a bullet in the back.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

fetish elements: shot in the chest, shot in the back, police uniform.

run time: 06:24 minutes
file size: 273 mb 	format: .Mp4
category: shooting  Information Hunters
    9 minutes
      Information Hunters - Starring: taissia shanti and jasha.


they are information hunters. This time he comes first and as soon as he begins to work he hears a noise and hides in the next room. She comes second and making sure that the laptop contains required information, decides to take it away. He needs this information too, so he takes out the gun and demands to give him the laptop. She can't use ***** against him, so she decides to seduce him. But he needs information only. Maybe he would like to have fun, but he knows she's very dangerous and artful.  As well it's a good chance to make the work and at the same time to get rid of the rival. So she gets three bullets. The first shot he makes to point blank in her belly, then pushes her into the chair and shoots twice. He takes the laptop and goes away. The work is done!

fetish elements: shooting, pantyhose, heels

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 08:57 minutes
file size: 329 mb 	format: .Mp4
    15 minutes
      HELP ME TO DIE - a **** was in a hopeless situation and she ordered her own murder. But there was the only condition: she wanted to experience the last orgasm before death. There was a company that provided these services, and employees of the company came to the ****. They put on the **** handcuffs and ***** collar, it wasn't strongly tightened. Assistant nina helped the **** to have an orgasm. After this, the man tightened the collar very strongly. She fell into agony and was *********. The order was fulfilled. Nina looked at the agony with contempt; she didn’t understand the feelings, emotions and motives. Nina didn't know that she had to feel the same soon. The company management decided to get rid of nina, because her work didn't suit them. And nina became the second ******. At the next moment handcuffs and collar appeared on nina. It was unexpected for her, but now she understood the feelings and emotions of the ****.

fetish elements: ************* (two *****), agony *************, panty hoses, lesbian scene, nurse uniform, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.  Hitmans39s Dream 3
    14 minutes
      Hitmans39s Dream 3 - Anna and maria sat in the bedroom and talked. Maria told that she got acquainted with a strange guy. He promised to prepare a surprise for her today. He told he will call when everything will be ready and maria was waiting for his call.At last maria's phone rang out, she answered, it was that strange guy. He asked maria to approach the window to see the surprise which he prepared for her.All of a sudden, there was a sound of cracking of glass. Maria jerked and gave out a gasp. A small, round hole appeared on the front of her white blouse. There was also a small hole in the window. She had been shot through the heart by a sniper...Maria puts her hand over the wound, ***** starting to flow between her fingers. She could feel the warm, wet and somewhat sticky *****. She looked down, and saw that her hand was soaked in red *****. She started to sway, and her vision was getting blurry. Then she fell to the floor, face up. Her white blouse was now soaked in her own *****.Anna just looked at her good friend and colleague in terror. She could not believe what just happened in front of her very eyes! Then, there was another cracking sound as another bullet came through the window. This one hit anna, ripping through her heart as well. Anna was thrown against the wall from the impact, and she slowly fell down to the floor, coming to rest in a sitting position against the wall.She grabbed her chest with both hands, crying. The red ***** was flowing between her fingers, turning her lovely, white blouse into red color.Then, alexander entered the room, and he saw the two, young beauties bleeding out. He pulled out his gun, and attached the silencer. Then, he went over to poor maria, lying on the floor. A small trickle of ***** was also coming from her mouth by now. The **** was already mortally wounded, but alexander finished her off with two more shots in the chest. Then he went over to dying anna and gave her the same treatment.Then he took the camera, and took pictures of both maria and anna.”
fetish elements: shots in the chest and in the heart, gun with silencer, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

starring: bella belaya and kristina malina

run time: 14:17
691 kb
     Operation Mole
    6 minutes
      Operation Mole - Starring: linari and jasha.


intelligence agency found leakage of top secret information and tried to find “mole”* among the employees. When the “mole” had been determined, intelligence agency decided to get rid of her. An agent was sent to the meeting with the “mole”, which was supposed to kill the “mole” and pick up a memory card. The agent came to the meeting with the “mole” olga and made her an injection of truth serum. When olga had come round, he asked her questions and learned a place where he could find the memory card.  Then he killed her by two shots in the chest.

and what happened then, you have seen already in the clip “silence price”.

*”mole” – it’s a person who steals and sells secret information to third parties.

fetish elements: two shots in the chest, military uniform, injection, stockings, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 06:07 minutes
file size: 409 mb 	format: .Mp4  Mistresses
    9 minutes
      Mistresses - Starring: yasnara and taisia shanti.


marina and elena are mistresses. They know what to do when they are together. They never waste time in vain. But this meeting is special because marina has got a surprise for the girlfriend. Naive and trustful elena doesn’t know what marina has prepared for her. And elena doesn’t know that today meeting will be the last.

fetish elements: **********, topless, pantyhose, heels, lesbian love.

850 kb
     HER 18th BIRTHDAY
    1 minutes

Starring:  gina gerson and jasha.


a young woman celebrates her 18th birthday, when she is getting abducted from the birthday party by a guy who has loaned her girlfriend some money. The woman has not paid money back in time, so the guy decides to take his pretty,  hostage to get his money back.

the guy tells her that it is a surprise and takes her away from the party blindfolded. She thinks it's the continuation of the evening party and goes with him, waiting for the promised surprise. When he takes off the blindfold from her eyes, she doesn't understand that she was abducted. But the guy explains that it is a surprise for his partner. If during an hour the partner will not transfer money to the bank account of the guy, he will kill her.

so her partner has an hour to buy out the girlfriend, but he doesn’t hurry up to do it.

one hour later the guy understands that the partner is not going to buy out the girlfriend. The guy regrets that have to kill so beautiful woman, comes up to her and strokes her with the gun. She decides to offer herself as a ransom. He understands that she is the worthy partner  and doesn't accept her offer. He takes a few steps away, turns around and puts three bullets in her chest. The last shot in the heart causes her to fall on the bed. After a while she becomes silent, and then the guy sits near her, closes the eyes and caresses her, then leaves.

fetish elements:  3 shots in the chest, white blouse, white stockings, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.  Time Of Witches
    8 minutes
      Time Of Witches - Several centuries have passed since then, as the medieval inquisition led witch-hunt. And now as before the secret agents of the inquisition continue their work in our century, because there are witches at present time, they do evil using black magic.Lena was young agent-inquisitor. Her first task was to execute a **** who had been accused of witchcraft. The inquisition collected and gave lena a lot of evidence of the ****'s guilt, so she had no doubt. Lena wanted to perform the first task with dignity, but she doubted. The **** pleaded lena not to kill her, but lena completed the task. She fired into the **** three times, but in the excitement she forgot to shoot in the head, after all, the witch could be killed by shot in the head only. She hurried to report about done job, but something strange happened that made her believe in the existence of witches. And lena paid with her life for the doubts, insecurities and fears.

fetish elements: three shots in the chest, shot in the back, shot in the head, shooting two *****, lifting body on hands, miniskirt, panty hoses, stockings, heels.

starring: yasnara, wonder alica and jasha.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 08:00 minutes
file size: 351 mb 	format: .Mp4
     Shooting Mix 2
    27 minutes
      Shooting Mix 2 - Custom clip
starring: dasha.

we offer to watch a new clip - "shooting mix 2" for those who like our clip "shooting mix".
the clip includes 20 shooting scenes. The role of the ****** is acted by charming dasha.
this is very good offer to fans of the shooting.

fetish elements: 20 shooting scenes, shots in the belly, in the back and in the breasts, sexual clothes, fitting dresses, black skirt, white blouse, stockings, heels, gun with silencer.  Deal
    16 minutes
      Deal - You will meet dasha and taya again in our new custom video "deal".
taya plays a role of the spy here, and dasha - a role of her informer.
so, dasha hurries to the meeting with taya to handover the next part of classified documents and to receive money. But taya has other plans, she decided to get rid of dasha. While dasha opens an envelope and finds there usual paper instead of money, taya shoots twice at her stomach with a silenced gun. Surprised dasha drops the envelope and falls on the floor, she creeps to the door holding wounds...
taya watches dasha with pleasure . Dasha calms down near the door and taya approaches her to be convinced that dasha is dead.
then dasha gives taya an unpleasant surprise, she shoots in taya's stomach from a hidden gun with the last bit of strength.
and what have we got as a result?
two beautiful, sexy *****, shots in the stomach, a long agony, sexual clothes. This clip is in the best traditions of agasverus!

fetish elements: shots in the belly, white blouse, black mini skirt, pantyhose, gun with silencer, long sexual agony, heels.

starring: dasha and taya

run time: 16:08
1571 kb
     Hitmans Dreams Dream 1
    16 minutes
      Hitmans Dreams Dream 1 - Introductory part is the general for all four clips:

“alexander is a hitman for hire, working out of moscow.

one day, he receives an email on his laptop, with information of his next job. This time, it's actually a double target job, and he smiles when he sees who the targets are.
one of the targets is the girlfriend of a bar owner who had hired him in the past, ending with alexander's girlfriend at the time, helena getting killed and alexander himself ending up in prison. Alexander was just released from prison just a few months earlier, and he had swore revenge for mikhail, the bar owner's, betrayal. And now alexander will finally get his revenge, after 15 years in jail.

the main target was maria, mikhail's new, young and gorgeous girlfriend. Alexander took his time to learn all about maria's daily routines, where she was at any given time, with whom, and at what time.
the other target was maria's friend, co-worker and room mate, anna. She was almost as beautiful as maria. Both ***** were working as secretaries in a big corporation, so they always dressed very sweet and lovely when going to work. The dress code for the secretaries at the office was a white blouse, buttoned all the way, and a skirt. 
alexander looked at the pictures of the targets and started planning how to do this...The man who ordered the hit had a somewhat unusual request, he wanted pictures of the ***** as they were lying dead, as proof of the job being done.
as he sat there, in front of his computer, he felt rather ******, so he went over to the sofa for a little nap.
he fell ****** quite quickly, and in his dreams he could see how to perform the hit on maria and anna.”

description of the first clip:

“hitman’s dreams dream 1"

he arrived at the apartment belonging to the *****, and he silently went inside.

the first one he saw was anna, standing in the living room, talking on the phone. Alexander started to sneak silently towards the young beauty. As he came up behind her, he pulled out a knife. Then he quickly put his arm around her throat, and stabbed anna in the back. 
alexander pulled the knife back out, and turned anna around to face him. He held the knife up so that she could see it, the blade was dripping with *****, her *****.Anna looked at him in terror. 
alexander smiled and stabbed anna once more. He could feel how the sharp blade entered her body, and he saw the red ***** spreading onto her beautiful, white blouse as the blade disappeared into her chest. 
he pulled the knife back out and stabbed her again. He caught anna and slowly put her on the table on her back. She looked at alexander, and she begged him to make the pain go away. He raised the knife over the badly wounded **** and stabbed her right in the heart, twice! Then, he stabbed poor anna one final time, right in the middle of her chest, right between her breasts, burying the knife deep in her.

he gently stroked her cheek. Now, where is maria...?
suddenly, he heard a noise. It was maria. She entered the living room, and she ran to her dead friend, and kneeled beside her, crying.
she never noticed alexander hiding in the corner of the room, and he snuck up behind her, and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up and turning her around.
she started to scream, but he shut her up by stabbing her repeatedly in the area around her heart as he held her by the throat. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears of pain and terror as alexander stabbed her over and over, a lot of stabs!When maria went all still and silent, he lifted her and carried to the sofa. He then stood there, watching the two *****, they were both dead, their pretty, white blouses were soaked in *****. He took pics with a digital camera provided by the man who had ordered the hit.”

fetish elements: stabbing (a lot of stabs), lift and carry, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

starring: kristina malina and bella belaya

run time: 15:30 mins.
687 mb  Curious Maid
    13 minutes
      Curious Maid - Starring: taissia shanti, jasha.


our maid should clean the hotel room. She could perform the work and leave, but she is very curious. Cleaning the room she learns secret of the guest. The guest comes back to the room to her failure. He doesn't want to open his secret to someone. So, he makes her silent.

fetish elements: *********.

run time: 12:45 minutes
file size: 432 mb 	format: .Mp4
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    Welcome To The AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS Studio on Kinky Clips
    Videos depicting Death Fetish Asphyia, hanging, bagging, drowning, strangling, amazons Shooting, execution, stabbing, decapitation, guillotine, electrocution, electric chair, suicide, poisoning, throat cutting, arrows, body manipulation, chloroform, garotting, gassing, sacrifice, smothering, heart attack, coffins and all other sort of deaths. Our website is devoted to independent amateur movies in the genres of erotica and drama, erotic horror and thriller. Clips and movies presented on this website do not contain materials of pornographic nature or scenes of real violence. However, all content belongs to the category 18+.

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