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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    7 minutes

Starring: foxy and jasha.


there live the cloned people among us, they are result of terrible experiment made by group of mad scientists in secret laboratories. Clones are externally similar to people, but they don't have human feelings and emotions. The part of clones runs away from laboratory because of a carelessness of scientists, but mankind shan't know about it. Therefore a clones hunter was sent, he has to relieve scientists of the arisen problems. He has to find and destroy clones.
in this clip clones hunt begins. The hunter comes to the apartment where finds the clone. He decides to kill her. He doesn't finish to kill her, when one more clone appears in the apartment. He snatches the first one and uses her as a cover from shots of the second. The second clone shoots three times, but all bullets hit into her friend-clone. Then the hunter snatches out the gun and shoots at the response three times. All bullets hit into the second clone, she moves back and tries to sit down on a seat armrest. The clone feels a sexual agony before death. She slips down from the chair armrest, falls on the floor and her dress is lift up. Then the hunter doesn't hide any more, he lifts the first clone and lays her down on the bed. Then he goes to the second clone, lifts her from the floor, seats the clone on the sofa and gives in her hand the gun.

fetish elements: shootings, stockings, panty hoses.

language: russian.
subtitles: english.  Shooting Mix 2
    27 minutes
      Shooting Mix 2 - Custom clip
starring: dasha.

we offer to watch a new clip - "shooting mix 2" for those who like our clip "shooting mix".
the clip includes 20 shooting scenes. The role of the ****** is acted by charming dasha.
this is very good offer to fans of the shooting.

fetish elements: 20 shooting scenes, shots in the belly, in the back and in the breasts, sexual clothes, fitting dresses, black skirt, white blouse, stockings, heels, gun with silencer.
     Curious Maid
    13 minutes
      Curious Maid - Starring: taissia shanti, jasha.


our maid should clean the hotel room. She could perform the work and leave, but she is very curious. Cleaning the room she learns secret of the guest. The guest comes back to the room to her failure. He doesn't want to open his secret to someone. So, he makes her silent.

fetish elements: *********.

run time: 12:45 minutes
file size: 432 mb 	format: .Mp4  Irina
    9 minutes
      Irina - Natasha works as a secretary. One day she lies to her boss and escapes with part of the money belonging to the company.

since then she has to hide. After all the deceived employer wants to punish her. He asked for help in the clan of killers.

natasha feels she is being persecuted. She changes the documents, apartments and hotels, but the killer finds her.

fetish elements: shooting, stockings, heels.

subtitles: english

starring: irina
theme: silenced handgun
    10 minutes
      Web  - Starring: yasnara and charlie.

in this clip yasnara plays the role of the social networks star. She spends most part of her life communicating in social networks, she can't live without the attention of the online audience to her persona, happily poses for the web-camera, and at the same time she's not very discerning in selection of "friends". 

one day a strange man wants to become the ****'s friend. He has a very bad manners and unpleasant look. The **** mocks man and he promises to find her for that. 

and one day he finds the ****...

if you watched our videos you will easily recognize bastard charlie in this man )))

fetish elements: **********, protruding tongue. 

subtitles: english.  Hotel Administrator
    5 minutes
      Hotel Administrator - Hotel administrator

starring:  madame kira and jasha.


hotel administrator has received complaints to the noise in one of the hotel rooms. She goes to see what happens in this room and therefore she becomes unnecessary witness. She gets a bullet in the chest and she slips down on the sofa.

fetish elements: shot in the chest, miniskirt, pantyhose, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 05:03 minutes
file size: 277 mb
     Honeymoon Cancelled
    10 minutes
      Honeymoon Cancelled - CUSTOM VIDEO

Starring:  Yasnara


Members of a criminal gang perpetrate robberies. Mary is a gang member. She asks her lover Erik to kill her husband Alex during the next Bank robbery. But something goes wrong. Mary is waiting for Eric and packing her things to leave with him, but at this moment Alex comes into the room. He shoots three times and she dies in a long sexy agony.

Fetish elements: Shots in the belly and in the breasts, white beautiful lingerie, death stare, stockings, heels, cigarette, very long sexy death agony.

Language: Russian.

Subtitles: English.  Code 34512
    9 minutes
      Code 34512 - Custom video

in this clip dasha plays a role of a military ****. She is working with documents in the secret apartment when she is attacked by the hitman.
he ****** dasha and she becomes ***********. The murderer binds her to a chair and asks the confidential code.
dasha refuses to tell the code and the murderer shoots her in the belly twice, then dasha tells the confidential code and asks to spare her, but the murderer isn't going to leave her alive, he shoots her in the breasts twice...
vlad unties dasha from the chair and puts her body on the floor and shoots her once again.

fetish elements: shots in the breasts, shots in the belly, carrying of the body, ***********, undressing, stockings, heels, military uniform.

subtitles: english.
starring: dasha and vlad

run time: 09:12
878 kb
    11 minutes

One of twin sisters is a journalist. She conducts investigation against a gang of **** dealers. The second ****** is a **** addict and she is under the influence of the gang. Bandits decide to get rid of both sisters and compel the addicted ****** to call the journalist into the apartment where execution is planned. Right after telephone conversation of sisters the hit man kills the addict by five shots in the breast and in the navel. Then drags off the body and hides her in other room.  After arrival of the journalist to the apartment the hit man kills her by eight shots in the breast, in the back and in the navel. Then he goes to other room and sees that the addicted ****** is not dead, he shoots at her breast once again.

fetish elements:  14 shots in the navel, in the breasts and in the back, dragging the body.

language: russian

subtitles: english

starring: hass.  Mistresses
    9 minutes
      Mistresses - Starring: yasnara and taisia shanti.


marina and elena are mistresses. They know what to do when they are together. They never waste time in vain. But this meeting is special because marina has got a surprise for the girlfriend. Naive and trustful elena doesn’t know what marina has prepared for her. And elena doesn’t know that today meeting will be the last.

fetish elements: **********, topless, pantyhose, heels, lesbian love.

850 kb
     Last Game
    5 minutes
      Last Game - Starring: inga and jasha.


inga likes role-playing games. She decided to shoot one game on video. She called a man. But he can't understand what inga needs. She finds him silly, but he has own rules. And inga doesn't know about it. It will her last game. 

don't play with strangers! 


language: russian.

subtitles: english.

fetish elements: stockings, latex, *********.

run time: 05:18 minutes
file size: 226 mb 	format: .Mp4
category: default
updated: august 4 2014 2:32 pm  Spy Games
    8 minutes
      Spy Games - Starring: hass.


olga is an agent of a "secret organization". She suspects that her leadership conducts dishonest business. She guesses that the agents of the "organization" are used by bosses in dirty games. She needs proof. So she decides to go to one of the secret apartments of the "organization". Olga finds documents there, but she has no time to look at them attentively, as another agent appears in the apartment, which was sent by the "secret organization" to kill too curious agent. Olga grabs the gun, but the killer shoots first. She gets two bullets in the chest and one in the belly. She falls on the table and slowly slides on the floor. The agent-killer drags her to the center of the room and starts to search turning the body. The agent makes sure that there is nothing important except unnecessary papers, puts the body into the bathroom and leaves.

fetish elements:  shots in the chest and in the belly; heels, pantyhose, gun with silencer; dragging, searching and turning over the body.

run time: 08:20 minutes
file size: 415 mb 	format: .Mp4
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    Welcome To The AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS Studio on Kinky Clips
    Videos depicting Death Fetish Asphyia, hanging, bagging, drowning, strangling, amazons Shooting, execution, stabbing, decapitation, guillotine, electrocution, electric chair, suicide, poisoning, throat cutting, arrows, body manipulation, chloroform, garotting, gassing, sacrifice, smothering, heart attack, coffins and all other sort of deaths. Our website is devoted to independent amateur movies in the genres of erotica and drama, erotic horror and thriller. Clips and movies presented on this website do not contain materials of pornographic nature or scenes of real violence. However, all content belongs to the category 18+.

    Featuring 65 Clips / 629 minutes of video!

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