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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.
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    14 minutes
      Psycho - Starring: yasnara, lerica, gina gerson and vlad.


suddenly olga notices the strange symptoms. She has a fever, she sees hallucinations. She sees a picture in her visions, where the artist paints a portrait of a young ****. Olga feels that the artist will kill the ****. She wants to help but can't. And it drives her crazy.

olga calls a doctor. Arrived doctor finds that her condition is strange, besides olga begins to fall into a trance. The doctor is doing everything to bring olga from the trance. And the doctor manages to bring her out of trance and to persuade her to *****. When olga falls ******, the doctor calls to the hospital and requires her hospitalization. The doctor decides to wait for the arrival of the doctors from the hospital in the olga's apartment.

but it was a fatal mistake of the doctor, because olga had lost control of herself completely...

fetish elements: **********, injection, topless, red beautiful lingerie, role-playing nurse’s suit, stockings.

language: russian

subtitles: english


run time: 13:42 minutes
file size: 416 mb 	format: .Mp4  Shooting Mix
    15 minutes
      Shooting Mix - Starring:  alisa, lerica, dasha, foxy, yasnara, hass, kris, alena.


it's a super clip and a perfect gift for all who loves the shooting clips of "agasverus productions"! The clip includes 27 previously unreleased shooting scenes!

fetish elements: beautiful *****, a lot of shooting, digital *****, a lot of erotic poses, sexy clothes, stockings, pantyhose, heels.

    12 minutes
      Jealousy - Starring: taissia shanti, yasnara, jasha.


maria is in love with elena. And maria learns that elena is false to her with other ****. She is jealous, can't forgive elena and decides to kill her. She asks the friend to help to hide the traces of the crime. Maria invites elena to the hotel room and kills her by shot at the belly. Then she rings to the accomplice and asks to help. Instead of friend there appears a stranger in a mask. Because of disturbance maria mixes up him with the accomplice. And she should pay for it.

fetish elements: murder of two lesbian ***** by shots at the chest and the belly, topless, stockings, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 12:09 minutes
file size: 409 mb 	format: .Mp4  Honeymoon Cancelled
    10 minutes
      Honeymoon Cancelled - CUSTOM VIDEO

Starring:  Yasnara


Members of a criminal gang perpetrate robberies. Mary is a gang member. She asks her lover Erik to kill her husband Alex during the next Bank robbery. But something goes wrong. Mary is waiting for Eric and packing her things to leave with him, but at this moment Alex comes into the room. He shoots three times and she dies in a long sexy agony.

Fetish elements: Shots in the belly and in the breasts, white beautiful lingerie, death stare, stockings, heels, cigarette, very long sexy death agony.

Language: Russian.

Subtitles: English.
    8 minutes
      Blackmailer - Blackmailer

starring: taissia shanti

synopsis: the ****-blackmailer is waiting for a man who should bring her money in the envelope to buy her silence. Instead of money he brings a gun and shoots point-blank just above her belly. She flinches back to the wall and gets three more bullets in the chest. She tries to say something, but the ***** flows from her mouth. She slides down the wall and dies after agony. The killer comes to her, closes her eyes and puts a cigarette in her hand. She didn't manage to smoke it.

fetish elements: 4 shots, white beautiful lingerie, stockings.


language: russian
subtitles: english  Nikita
    6 minutes
      Nikita - Nikita is very pretty **** and professional killer. There was prepared a room in hotel for her next task. She has to liquidate a very important person with one shoot from room window. She performs work perfectly. Everything was planned very well, but accident interfere. Woman police officer, who has appeared nearby incidentally, hear a suspicious sound in the room. And she enter into the room. Nikita is surprised, but she has a spare option always. She gets the gun from a handbag imperceptibly and shoots at the police officer twice. She think that business is finished, but suddenly nikita gets a hit of a bullet in the back.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

fetish elements: shot in the chest, shot in the back, police uniform.

run time: 06:24 minutes
file size: 273 mb 	format: .Mp4
category: shooting
     Pose For Me Baby
    9 minutes
      Pose For Me Baby - Starring: yasnara and tais.


the **** photographer invites beginning model to make a portfolio for her. She photographs model some time and promises her the great future as model. The **** model poses with enthusiasm and doesn't think of any danger. Photographing interrupts when the gun appears in hands of the **** photographer. She shoots at the model breast three times. After the third shot she takes the camera again and continues to photograph.

fetish elements: shot in the chest, heels, stockings.

language: russian.
subtitles: english.

run time: 08:49 minutes
file size: 327 mb 	format: .Mp4  TWIN EXECUTION
    11 minutes

One of twin sisters is a journalist. She conducts investigation against a gang of **** dealers. The second ****** is a **** addict and she is under the influence of the gang. Bandits decide to get rid of both sisters and compel the addicted ****** to call the journalist into the apartment where execution is planned. Right after telephone conversation of sisters the hit man kills the addict by five shots in the breast and in the navel. Then drags off the body and hides her in other room.  After arrival of the journalist to the apartment the hit man kills her by eight shots in the breast, in the back and in the navel. Then he goes to other room and sees that the addicted ****** is not dead, he shoots at her breast once again.

fetish elements:  14 shots in the navel, in the breasts and in the back, dragging the body.

language: russian

subtitles: english

starring: hass.
    6 minutes
      Swindlers - Two *****-swindlers made "dirty business". Now they are rich, but one of the ***** doesn’t want to share out money. She employs the murderer for the friend. The murderer performs operation. He destroys the ****** in the bathroom. Receiving money he understands, he can take much more, than was offered. But for this purpose he has to get rid of the customer too. He shoots at her breast and then leaves with money.

fetish elements: shots at the chest, high heels, short skirt.

subtitles: english

starring: nadya and kriss
theme: 2 different shooting scenes  3ss
    14 minutes
      3ss - This video includes 3 gunshot scenes made under the customer's scenario.
in each scene our model dasha gets one shot and shows very erotic reaction.
i'm sure you guys will like this clip who bought our other clip - "shooting mix".

starring: dasha
theme: 3 different shooting scenes
    9 minutes
      Irina - Natasha works as a secretary. One day she lies to her boss and escapes with part of the money belonging to the company.

since then she has to hide. After all the deceived employer wants to punish her. He asked for help in the clan of killers.

natasha feels she is being persecuted. She changes the documents, apartments and hotels, but the killer finds her.

fetish elements: shooting, stockings, heels.

subtitles: english

starring: irina
theme: silenced handgun  Spy Games
    8 minutes
      Spy Games - Starring: hass.


olga is an agent of a "secret organization". She suspects that her leadership conducts dishonest business. She guesses that the agents of the "organization" are used by bosses in dirty games. She needs proof. So she decides to go to one of the secret apartments of the "organization". Olga finds documents there, but she has no time to look at them attentively, as another agent appears in the apartment, which was sent by the "secret organization" to kill too curious agent. Olga grabs the gun, but the killer shoots first. She gets two bullets in the chest and one in the belly. She falls on the table and slowly slides on the floor. The agent-killer drags her to the center of the room and starts to search turning the body. The agent makes sure that there is nothing important except unnecessary papers, puts the body into the bathroom and leaves.

fetish elements:  shots in the chest and in the belly; heels, pantyhose, gun with silencer; dragging, searching and turning over the body.

run time: 08:20 minutes
file size: 415 mb 	format: .Mp4
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    Welcome To The AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS Studio on Kinky Clips
    Videos depicting Death Fetish Asphyia, hanging, bagging, drowning, strangling, amazons Shooting, execution, stabbing, decapitation, guillotine, electrocution, electric chair, suicide, poisoning, throat cutting, arrows, body manipulation, chloroform, garotting, gassing, sacrifice, smothering, heart attack, coffins and all other sort of deaths. Our website is devoted to independent amateur movies in the genres of erotica and drama, erotic horror and thriller. Clips and movies presented on this website do not contain materials of pornographic nature or scenes of real violence. However, all content belongs to the category 18+.

    Featuring 65 Clips / 629 minutes of video!

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