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     Time Of Witches
    8 minutes
      Time Of Witches - Several centuries have passed since then, as the medieval inquisition led witch-hunt. And now as before the secret agents of the inquisition continue their work in our century, because there are witches at present time, they do evil using black magic.Lena was young agent-inquisitor. Her first task was to execute a **** who had been accused of witchcraft. The inquisition collected and gave lena a lot of evidence of the ****'s guilt, so she had no doubt. Lena wanted to perform the first task with dignity, but she doubted. The **** pleaded lena not to kill her, but lena completed the task. She fired into the **** three times, but in the excitement she forgot to shoot in the head, after all, the witch could be killed by shot in the head only. She hurried to report about done job, but something strange happened that made her believe in the existence of witches. And lena paid with her life for the doubts, insecurities and fears.

fetish elements: three shots in the chest, shot in the back, shot in the head, shooting two *****, lifting body on hands, miniskirt, panty hoses, stockings, heels.

starring: yasnara, wonder alica and jasha.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 08:00 minutes
file size: 351 mb 	format: .Mp4  CLONES HUNT
    7 minutes

Starring: foxy and jasha.


there live the cloned people among us, they are result of terrible experiment made by group of mad scientists in secret laboratories. Clones are externally similar to people, but they don't have human feelings and emotions. The part of clones runs away from laboratory because of a carelessness of scientists, but mankind shan't know about it. Therefore a clones hunter was sent, he has to relieve scientists of the arisen problems. He has to find and destroy clones.
in this clip clones hunt begins. The hunter comes to the apartment where finds the clone. He decides to kill her. He doesn't finish to kill her, when one more clone appears in the apartment. He snatches the first one and uses her as a cover from shots of the second. The second clone shoots three times, but all bullets hit into her friend-clone. Then the hunter snatches out the gun and shoots at the response three times. All bullets hit into the second clone, she moves back and tries to sit down on a seat armrest. The clone feels a sexual agony before death. She slips down from the chair armrest, falls on the floor and her dress is lift up. Then the hunter doesn't hide any more, he lifts the first clone and lays her down on the bed. Then he goes to the second clone, lifts her from the floor, seats the clone on the sofa and gives in her hand the gun.

fetish elements: shootings, stockings, panty hoses.

language: russian.
subtitles: english.
     False Repentance
    7 minutes
      False Repentance - False Repentance

Starring:  gina gerson and jasha.


a young **** driving the car killed a woman on pedestrian crossing because of her inattention. That day she drove her luxurious car presented by her lover too fast. The influential and rich relatives and friends helped her to avoid justice. But many people had known about this event thanks to the journalists, they became dissatisfied, that the criminal avoided punishment. The **** hid from journalists and relatives of the killed woman in the hotel and was planning to leave the country.

she has got ready tickets and documents already, but whether will she be able to avoid retribution?

fetish elements:  shot in the chest, shot in the head.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

full hd 1920 x 1080  Girlfriends
    8 minutes
      Girlfriends - Girlfriends

starring: yasnara and tais.


masha comes to katya to tell her that they won't see each other never again. She wants to stop this relationship. Masha brings a gun in the bag, knowing that katya is very emotional ****. She feared not in vain. Katya isn't ready to let masha go, so she grabs a knife in despair. At the end, masha shoots three times in the katya's chest. And when katya falls, masha bends over her and gets a blow by the knife in the belly.

fetish elements:  three shots in the chest, knife blow in the belly.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 08:00 minutes
file size: 349 mb
    14 minutes

Starring: taissia shanti


it is the fourth "clones hunt". The new clones' apartment is found by employee of the secret lab and the hunter is sent there. The appearance of the hunter becomes a surprise for the clones. The first clone runs to grab the gun, but gets a bullet in the back. The hunter grabs the clone and tries to learn where the others clones are hidden. At this moment the second clone comes into the room and shoots twice, but all bullets hit into the first clone. Then the hunter shoots twice in the chest of the second clone. The second clone falls on the floor and the hunter makes one more shot in each of the clones. Then he drags their bodies and leaves on the chairs. Before leaving the apartment the hunter shoots at the bathroom's door. Intuition doesn't fail him, he kills the third clone by this shot.

fetish elements:  shots in the chest and in the back, dragging of the body, white blouse, black miniskirt, pantyhose, topless.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.  HITMANS DREAM DREAM 4
    14 minutes
      HITMANS DREAM DREAM 4 - Alexander entered the building, and found the *****' apartment. He knocked on the door...

anna opened the door, and received a bullet in the chest from alexander's silenced gun. She gave out a gasp as the bullet ripped through her body, right in the center of her chest. ***** Immediately started spreading onto her lovely, white blouse. Another shot sent her down in a sofa in the living room. Then, maria had heard the commotion in the living room and came running to see what was going on.
she screamed when she saw anna sitting in the sofa, bleeding from the two bullet wounds. Alexander ordered maria to sit next to her friend. Maria started to beg for her life, and she was also begging alexander to help the bleeding anna. But alexander had absolutely no plan of leaving any of the two ***** alive. He pointed the gun at anna again, and gave her two bullets in the heart. Anna jerked and went still, leaning her head backwards over the back of the sofa. Then, alexander pointed the gun at maria and gave her two shots in the chest,  maria's body jerked from the impacts from the hot bullets. 
alexander stood there for a while, watching the dying maria next to her already dead friend in the sofa. Maria looked at alexander and she managed to ask who he was, and why he was doing this to them.Alexander just smiled and said: -revenge, my dear! Revenge...He then he finished maria off with another two bullets through her heart. She finally came to rest leaning onto anna's shoulder. Alexander was smiling as he took the camera and took numerous pictures of the dead *****, before making his way out of the apartment building.”

fetish elements: shots in the chest and in the heart, gun with silencer, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

starring bella belaya and kristina malina

run time: 14:11
495 mb
     More Red
    6 minutes
      More Red - A group of bad guys invited a ****. They told her, that wanted to make a fiction film about execution of a pioneer ****. She had to pose in front of the camera. But actually they had an order for shooting of the real execution.The **** didn't guess it. She had still joked, laughed and bravely posed, when got the first bullet. Bad guys made the movie, and the **** got the bullets.
it's a funny clip, made in a manner unusual to us.

fetish elements: shot in the back (1 shot), shots in the chest (4 shots), stockings, short skirt, soviet pioneer uniform, high heels.

starring: linari and jasha

language: russian.
subtitles: english.

run time: 06:08 minutes
file size: 337 mb 	format: .Mp4  Last orgasm
    7 minutes
      Last orgasm - Starring:  Yasnara.


A girl decided to try something new to increase sensations.

She did it, she had an orgasm.

The last orgasm.

Fetish elements: self-suffocation, lingerie, stockings.
     Knife And Bullets
    13 minutes
      Knife And Bullets - A **** in a business suit and gloves is searching a room. She is a spy. She has a gun with silencer and she have to find something...

a guy comes in the room and asks her what she is doing here. She lies about just accidentally going into the wrong room, hiding her gun behind the back. He doesn’t believe her and asks again. She tries to get her gun up, but he throws a knife in her stomach. She pulls out the bloodied knife and it falls to the floor. She drops on her knees and falls face down. He walks behind her and shoots her in the back. He turns her body over and takes the shoes and her stockings off. He takes the suit off also. Then he asks her who sent her and she answers.  He shots her stomach. She asks if she can pleasure herself last time. He waits. She starts rubbing between her legs. As she climaxing, he shoots her in the tits and chest.

fetish elemenst: shooting and stabbing clip! Shot in the back, shot in the stomach, shots in the breast, knife in the stomach. Business suit, black gloves, stockings, gun with a silencer; undressing (shoes, stockings and suit).

subtitles: english.
starring: yasnara

run time: 13:28
850 kb  White On Black
    7 minutes
      White On Black - Starring: yasnara, anna and jasha.


two ***** katya and tamara sweeten to each other in the bed. At this moment the criminal comes and shoots in the katya's back. Tamara feels sexual pleasure, she caresses her, she doesn’t understand, that katya falls back not from sexual pleasure, she falls from a bullet of the criminal. When tamara understands what occurred, the criminal shoots at her. Then he approaches to ***** to make control shots. He shoots at katya's breast and he carries the laser sight in tamara's breast, he shoots once again. It's done, he leaves.

fetish elements: shooting two *****, shots in the back and in the chest, stockings, body stocking.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 07:27 minutes
file size: 327 mb 	format: .Mp4
category: shooting
updated: november 9 2014 4:33 am
    10 minutes

tarring: yasnara and jasha.


the clones hunt continues in this clip. The clones have become not so primitive already, they are developing. They become to realize that they are threatened. Therefore the hunter must first kill the guards now to get to the main clone. He sneaks to the first clone-guard and breaks the neck. Then he kills the second clone. When the main clone feels the danger, she pulls out the gun and waiting for the hunter. But the hunter is more cunning than the clone, he kills her by three shots in the chest.

fetish elements: killing of three clones; shooting in the chest, breaking the neck, stockings, heels, beautiful lingerie, tight vinyl dress.

language: russian

subtitles: english  Irina 2
    5 minutes
      Irina 2 - A maid comes in the hotel room to prepare it for a new guest. Unfortunately she is in the wrong place at the wrong time. A ****-agent can't perform her mission in presence of the maid in the room. These circumstances become fatal for the maid.

fetish elements: shooting, binding, erotic maid suit, stockings, heels.

subtitles: english

starring: irina

run time: 05:28
521 kb
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    Welcome To The AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS Studio on Kinky Clips
    Videos depicting Death Fetish Asphyia, hanging, bagging, drowning, strangling, amazons Shooting, execution, stabbing, decapitation, guillotine, electrocution, electric chair, suicide, poisoning, throat cutting, arrows, body manipulation, chloroform, garotting, gassing, sacrifice, smothering, heart attack, coffins and all other sort of deaths. Our website is devoted to independent amateur movies in the genres of erotica and drama, erotic horror and thriller. Clips and movies presented on this website do not contain materials of pornographic nature or scenes of real violence. However, all content belongs to the category 18+.

    Featuring 65 Clips / 629 minutes of video!

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