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     Hitmans39s Dream 3
    14 minutes
      Hitmans39s Dream 3 - Anna and maria sat in the bedroom and talked. Maria told that she got acquainted with a strange guy. He promised to prepare a surprise for her today. He told he will call when everything will be ready and maria was waiting for his call.At last maria's phone rang out, she answered, it was that strange guy. He asked maria to approach the window to see the surprise which he prepared for her.All of a sudden, there was a sound of cracking of glass. Maria jerked and gave out a gasp. A small, round hole appeared on the front of her white blouse. There was also a small hole in the window. She had been shot through the heart by a sniper...Maria puts her hand over the wound, ***** starting to flow between her fingers. She could feel the warm, wet and somewhat sticky *****. She looked down, and saw that her hand was soaked in red *****. She started to sway, and her vision was getting blurry. Then she fell to the floor, face up. Her white blouse was now soaked in her own *****.Anna just looked at her good friend and colleague in terror. She could not believe what just happened in front of her very eyes! Then, there was another cracking sound as another bullet came through the window. This one hit anna, ripping through her heart as well. Anna was thrown against the wall from the impact, and she slowly fell down to the floor, coming to rest in a sitting position against the wall.She grabbed her chest with both hands, crying. The red ***** was flowing between her fingers, turning her lovely, white blouse into red color.Then, alexander entered the room, and he saw the two, young beauties bleeding out. He pulled out his gun, and attached the silencer. Then, he went over to poor maria, lying on the floor. A small trickle of ***** was also coming from her mouth by now. The **** was already mortally wounded, but alexander finished her off with two more shots in the chest. Then he went over to dying anna and gave her the same treatment.Then he took the camera, and took pictures of both maria and anna.”
fetish elements: shots in the chest and in the heart, gun with silencer, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

starring: bella belaya and kristina malina

run time: 14:17
691 kb  CLONES HUNT 2
    8 minutes

Starring: agneta korolevskaya and jasha.


in the second part clones hunt continues. The hunter finds a shelter of three clones, where they feel safe. He kills the first clone by three shots from the gun with a silencer, breaks a neck to the second clone and also kills the third by two shots in the belly.

fetish elements:  killing of three clones; shooting (with silencer) in the chest, in the back and in the belly, stockings, high heels.
    10 minutes
      Web  - Starring: yasnara and charlie.

in this clip yasnara plays the role of the social networks star. She spends most part of her life communicating in social networks, she can't live without the attention of the online audience to her persona, happily poses for the web-camera, and at the same time she's not very discerning in selection of "friends". 

one day a strange man wants to become the ****'s friend. He has a very bad manners and unpleasant look. The **** mocks man and he promises to find her for that. 

and one day he finds the ****...

if you watched our videos you will easily recognize bastard charlie in this man )))

fetish elements: **********, protruding tongue. 

subtitles: english.  White On Black
    7 minutes
      White On Black - Starring: yasnara, anna and jasha.


two ***** katya and tamara sweeten to each other in the bed. At this moment the criminal comes and shoots in the katya's back. Tamara feels sexual pleasure, she caresses her, she doesn’t understand, that katya falls back not from sexual pleasure, she falls from a bullet of the criminal. When tamara understands what occurred, the criminal shoots at her. Then he approaches to ***** to make control shots. He shoots at katya's breast and he carries the laser sight in tamara's breast, he shoots once again. It's done, he leaves.

fetish elements: shooting two *****, shots in the back and in the chest, stockings, body stocking.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 07:27 minutes
file size: 327 mb 	format: .Mp4
category: shooting
updated: november 9 2014 4:33 am
     Bullets For Hass
    7 minutes
      Bullets For Hass - Bullets For Hass

Starring: hass.


a stranger plans to commit murder of a ****. At first he imagines this murder in his fantasies. He does it when she ****** by three shots - one in the navel and twice in the breast. And then he does it for real. He takes a gun with a silencer and comes to her home. He puts five bullets into the ****. When she falls on the floor he places his shoe under her body and flips her over onto the back. He shoots point blank three times in her navel. Then he ties pantyhose around her neck, grabs her legs and drags the body to the door and leaves her **** there.

fetish elements:  shots in the navel and in the breasts, pantyhose, heels.  Operation Mole
    6 minutes
      Operation Mole - Starring: linari and jasha.


intelligence agency found leakage of top secret information and tried to find “mole”* among the employees. When the “mole” had been determined, intelligence agency decided to get rid of her. An agent was sent to the meeting with the “mole”, which was supposed to kill the “mole” and pick up a memory card. The agent came to the meeting with the “mole” olga and made her an injection of truth serum. When olga had come round, he asked her questions and learned a place where he could find the memory card.  Then he killed her by two shots in the chest.

and what happened then, you have seen already in the clip “silence price”.

*”mole” – it’s a person who steals and sells secret information to third parties.

fetish elements: two shots in the chest, military uniform, injection, stockings, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 06:07 minutes
file size: 409 mb 	format: .Mp4
     Hotel Administrator
    5 minutes
      Hotel Administrator - Hotel administrator

starring:  madame kira and jasha.


hotel administrator has received complaints to the noise in one of the hotel rooms. She goes to see what happens in this room and therefore she becomes unnecessary witness. She gets a bullet in the chest and she slips down on the sofa.

fetish elements: shot in the chest, miniskirt, pantyhose, heels.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 05:03 minutes
file size: 277 mb  Under the black mask
    5 minutes
      Under the black mask - Starring: Hass.


Olga, who died in video "Latex killer", performs her last job. She has to kill a clone in a black latex mask.  

Olga comes into place and sees her target. It’s a girl in latex suit as her own. But the girl is in a black latex mask. Olga is worried, because the girl looks like Olga, but she coolly performs the work. She shoots twice in the girl’s belly, but suit withstands hits of bullets.  Then Olga shoots in the victim’s chest – it’s the only open place, because the suit is undone. The girl falls to the Olga’s feet.

The job is done, but Olga is unable to cope with curiosity, she takes off girl’s black mask…

Fetish elements: latex suit, latex gloves, latex mask, two shots in the belly and one shot in the chest.
     Autumn Spleen
    9 minutes
      Autumn Spleen - Autumn Spleen

Starring:  dasha.


an actress is bored after performance in her hotel room in one of provincial towns.  She tries to struggle with boredom by all known ways, but a strange man penetrates in her room.

fetish elements: shots in the back and the chest, white lace lingerie, stockings, high heels.

subtitles: english.  No Smoking
    4 minutes
      No Smoking - Starring: hass.


****-killer is planning the murder of a competitor in a secret apartment. But suddenly she herself becomes a ******. When she tries to light up a cigarette, her competitor shoots twice - in the chest and in the belly.

fetish elements:  cigarette, shots in the chest and in the belly.

language: russian

subtitles: english

file size: 223 mb 	format: .Mp4
     Code 34512
    9 minutes
      Code 34512 - Custom video

in this clip dasha plays a role of a military ****. She is working with documents in the secret apartment when she is attacked by the hitman.
he ****** dasha and she becomes ***********. The murderer binds her to a chair and asks the confidential code.
dasha refuses to tell the code and the murderer shoots her in the belly twice, then dasha tells the confidential code and asks to spare her, but the murderer isn't going to leave her alive, he shoots her in the breasts twice...
vlad unties dasha from the chair and puts her body on the floor and shoots her once again.

fetish elements: shots in the breasts, shots in the belly, carrying of the body, ***********, undressing, stockings, heels, military uniform.

subtitles: english.
starring: dasha and vlad

run time: 09:12
878 kb  CLONES HUNT 3
    10 minutes

tarring: yasnara and jasha.


the clones hunt continues in this clip. The clones have become not so primitive already, they are developing. They become to realize that they are threatened. Therefore the hunter must first kill the guards now to get to the main clone. He sneaks to the first clone-guard and breaks the neck. Then he kills the second clone. When the main clone feels the danger, she pulls out the gun and waiting for the hunter. But the hunter is more cunning than the clone, he kills her by three shots in the chest.

fetish elements: killing of three clones; shooting in the chest, breaking the neck, stockings, heels, beautiful lingerie, tight vinyl dress.

language: russian

subtitles: english
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    Welcome To The AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS Studio on Kinky Clips
    Videos depicting Death Fetish Asphyia, hanging, bagging, drowning, strangling, amazons Shooting, execution, stabbing, decapitation, guillotine, electrocution, electric chair, suicide, poisoning, throat cutting, arrows, body manipulation, chloroform, garotting, gassing, sacrifice, smothering, heart attack, coffins and all other sort of deaths. Our website is devoted to independent amateur movies in the genres of erotica and drama, erotic horror and thriller. Clips and movies presented on this website do not contain materials of pornographic nature or scenes of real violence. However, all content belongs to the category 18+.

    Featuring 65 Clips / 629 minutes of video!

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    False Repentance


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      Autumn Spleen

    Autumn Spleen


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      No Smoking

    No Smoking


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      Bullets For Hass

    Bullets For Hass


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    Prophetic dream


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