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    All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only.
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    14 minutes
      Psycho - Starring: yasnara, lerica, gina gerson and vlad.


suddenly olga notices the strange symptoms. She has a fever, she sees hallucinations. She sees a picture in her visions, where the artist paints a portrait of a young ****. Olga feels that the artist will kill the ****. She wants to help but can't. And it drives her crazy.

olga calls a doctor. Arrived doctor finds that her condition is strange, besides olga begins to fall into a trance. The doctor is doing everything to bring olga from the trance. And the doctor manages to bring her out of trance and to persuade her to *****. When olga falls ******, the doctor calls to the hospital and requires her hospitalization. The doctor decides to wait for the arrival of the doctors from the hospital in the olga's apartment.

but it was a fatal mistake of the doctor, because olga had lost control of herself completely...

fetish elements: **********, injection, topless, red beautiful lingerie, role-playing nurse’s suit, stockings.

language: russian

subtitles: english


run time: 13:42 minutes
file size: 416 mb 	format: .Mp4  Time Of Witches
    8 minutes
      Time Of Witches - Several centuries have passed since then, as the medieval inquisition led witch-hunt. And now as before the secret agents of the inquisition continue their work in our century, because there are witches at present time, they do evil using black magic.Lena was young agent-inquisitor. Her first task was to execute a **** who had been accused of witchcraft. The inquisition collected and gave lena a lot of evidence of the ****'s guilt, so she had no doubt. Lena wanted to perform the first task with dignity, but she doubted. The **** pleaded lena not to kill her, but lena completed the task. She fired into the **** three times, but in the excitement she forgot to shoot in the head, after all, the witch could be killed by shot in the head only. She hurried to report about done job, but something strange happened that made her believe in the existence of witches. And lena paid with her life for the doubts, insecurities and fears.

fetish elements: three shots in the chest, shot in the back, shot in the head, shooting two *****, lifting body on hands, miniskirt, panty hoses, stockings, heels.

starring: yasnara, wonder alica and jasha.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.

run time: 08:00 minutes
file size: 351 mb 	format: .Mp4
    10 minutes
      Vlad - Starring: Gina Gerson, Yasnara and Vlad.


Vlad engaged in illegal business. One day he learns that his secretary Maria is cop undercover. At one moment Vlad realizes that he's losing both business and mistress. He calls her and kills by three shots in the chest. By accident at this moment his wife Natalia comes in the office. She also gets three shots in the chest.

Fetish elements: shots in the chest, shooting of two girls, pantyhose, stockings.

Language: Russian

Subtitles: English  No Smoking
    4 minutes
      No Smoking - Starring: hass.


****-killer is planning the murder of a competitor in a secret apartment. But suddenly she herself becomes a ******. When she tries to light up a cigarette, her competitor shoots twice - in the chest and in the belly.

fetish elements:  cigarette, shots in the chest and in the belly.

language: russian

subtitles: english

file size: 223 mb 	format: .Mp4
     Shooting Mix 2
    27 minutes
      Shooting Mix 2 - Custom clip
starring: dasha.

we offer to watch a new clip - "shooting mix 2" for those who like our clip "shooting mix".
the clip includes 20 shooting scenes. The role of the ****** is acted by charming dasha.
this is very good offer to fans of the shooting.

fetish elements: 20 shooting scenes, shots in the belly, in the back and in the breasts, sexual clothes, fitting dresses, black skirt, white blouse, stockings, heels, gun with silencer.  More Red
    6 minutes
      More Red - A group of bad guys invited a ****. They told her, that wanted to make a fiction film about execution of a pioneer ****. She had to pose in front of the camera. But actually they had an order for shooting of the real execution.The **** didn't guess it. She had still joked, laughed and bravely posed, when got the first bullet. Bad guys made the movie, and the **** got the bullets.
it's a funny clip, made in a manner unusual to us.

fetish elements: shot in the back (1 shot), shots in the chest (4 shots), stockings, short skirt, soviet pioneer uniform, high heels.

starring: linari and jasha

language: russian.
subtitles: english.

run time: 06:08 minutes
file size: 337 mb 	format: .Mp4
    12 minutes
      Hideandseek - Hide-and-seek

starring: bella belaya and jasha.


we are glade to invite you to "unknown moscow" once again, to the den of the maniac , where katerina has fallen prey of his game ("no exit"). 
the katerina's ****** twin elena is the police officer-detective. She's alarmed by disappearance of the ******, and, making investigation, she finds his den. But will be able she to stop cruel games and to get out alive from there? After all when the maniac suggests to play, it's impossible to say "no". And elena becomes involved in game. She couldn't imagine, that simple children's "hide-and-seek" can be so dangerous and terrible. And a rate in this game is her life! 
so, the game is beginning!
one, two, three...
i charge the gun and go to look for...

language: russian.
subtitle: english.

fetish elements: shooting, panty hoses.
resolution: 1280x720

run time: 11:47 minutes
file size: 313 mb  Hitmans39s Dream 3
    14 minutes
      Hitmans39s Dream 3 - Anna and maria sat in the bedroom and talked. Maria told that she got acquainted with a strange guy. He promised to prepare a surprise for her today. He told he will call when everything will be ready and maria was waiting for his call.At last maria's phone rang out, she answered, it was that strange guy. He asked maria to approach the window to see the surprise which he prepared for her.All of a sudden, there was a sound of cracking of glass. Maria jerked and gave out a gasp. A small, round hole appeared on the front of her white blouse. There was also a small hole in the window. She had been shot through the heart by a sniper...Maria puts her hand over the wound, ***** starting to flow between her fingers. She could feel the warm, wet and somewhat sticky *****. She looked down, and saw that her hand was soaked in red *****. She started to sway, and her vision was getting blurry. Then she fell to the floor, face up. Her white blouse was now soaked in her own *****.Anna just looked at her good friend and colleague in terror. She could not believe what just happened in front of her very eyes! Then, there was another cracking sound as another bullet came through the window. This one hit anna, ripping through her heart as well. Anna was thrown against the wall from the impact, and she slowly fell down to the floor, coming to rest in a sitting position against the wall.She grabbed her chest with both hands, crying. The red ***** was flowing between her fingers, turning her lovely, white blouse into red color.Then, alexander entered the room, and he saw the two, young beauties bleeding out. He pulled out his gun, and attached the silencer. Then, he went over to poor maria, lying on the floor. A small trickle of ***** was also coming from her mouth by now. The **** was already mortally wounded, but alexander finished her off with two more shots in the chest. Then he went over to dying anna and gave her the same treatment.Then he took the camera, and took pictures of both maria and anna.”
fetish elements: shots in the chest and in the heart, gun with silencer, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

starring: bella belaya and kristina malina

run time: 14:17
691 kb
     Hitman39s Dream 2
    12 minutes
      Hitman39s Dream 2 - Alexander arrived at the *****' apartment as they were getting ready to go to work.He found his way inside, and then he spotted maria, walking around, looking for her shoes.She finally found them under the living room table, and she sat down to pick them up. She came back up to a standing position, and instantly got a sharp pain in her chest. She looked down and saw the knife standing in her breast. Then she looked up again, and saw alexander standing in front of her, smiling.
alexander grabbed the knife, and pulled it out of maria's body. Then, he pushed her up against the wall, and stabbed her again, in the center of her chest. Maria gasped and cried in pain as the blade penetrated her soft chest.Then, alexander could hear some noise coming from the bathroom, indicating that anna would enter the room any minute. He finished off poor maria with a couple of stabs in her heart, and one final stab in the chest, before letting her fall to the floor, coming to rest in a sitting position against the wall. The knife still buried between her breasts.
a few seconds after that, anna entered the living room. She screamed when discovering maria's dead body. But suddenly, alexander grabebd her, and threw her down on the sofa. She was screaming and kicking wildly, but alexander finally shut her up by stabbing her several times in the center of her chest and in the heart. Finally, anna went all still. Alexander stood up and took a look around the room. Maria was sitting against the wall, knife in her chest, and anna was lying face up on the sofa, just as dead.He pulled out the camera and took pictures of the *****.”

fetish elements: stabbing (a lot of stabs), white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

starring bella belaya and kristina malina
theme: stabbing

run time: 12:17 minutes
file size: 525 mb  CLONES HUNT 4
    14 minutes

Starring: taissia shanti


it is the fourth "clones hunt". The new clones' apartment is found by employee of the secret lab and the hunter is sent there. The appearance of the hunter becomes a surprise for the clones. The first clone runs to grab the gun, but gets a bullet in the back. The hunter grabs the clone and tries to learn where the others clones are hidden. At this moment the second clone comes into the room and shoots twice, but all bullets hit into the first clone. Then the hunter shoots twice in the chest of the second clone. The second clone falls on the floor and the hunter makes one more shot in each of the clones. Then he drags their bodies and leaves on the chairs. Before leaving the apartment the hunter shoots at the bathroom's door. Intuition doesn't fail him, he kills the third clone by this shot.

fetish elements:  shots in the chest and in the back, dragging of the body, white blouse, black miniskirt, pantyhose, topless.

language: russian.

subtitles: english.
     Little Red Riding Hood
    8 minutes
      Little Red Riding Hood - Starring: irina


everybody knows from fairy tales that the wolf is dangerous for little red riding hood. But the modern red riding hood prefers to live in the city and there aren't wolves. But sometimes hunters appear there…  little red riding hood hunters…

a **** finds a package in her room with red riding hood costume. She puts it on and posing in front of the mirror. Then she opens the window to light a cigarette, but at this moment she gets a bullet of the hunter. And the unlit cigarette falls out from her hands on the floor. When the **** dies after a long death agony, the hunter takes her red hood as a trophy.

fetish elements: shooting, prolonged death agony, role-playing red riding hood costume, stockings, heels.
price: 12.00
run time: 08:28 minutes
file size: 416 mb 	format: .Mp4  Irina
    9 minutes
      Irina - Natasha works as a secretary. One day she lies to her boss and escapes with part of the money belonging to the company.

since then she has to hide. After all the deceived employer wants to punish her. He asked for help in the clan of killers.

natasha feels she is being persecuted. She changes the documents, apartments and hotels, but the killer finds her.

fetish elements: shooting, stockings, heels.

subtitles: english

starring: irina
theme: silenced handgun
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    Welcome To The AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS Studio on Kinky Clips
    Videos depicting Death Fetish Asphyia, hanging, bagging, drowning, strangling, amazons Shooting, execution, stabbing, decapitation, guillotine, electrocution, electric chair, suicide, poisoning, throat cutting, arrows, body manipulation, chloroform, garotting, gassing, sacrifice, smothering, heart attack, coffins and all other sort of deaths. Our website is devoted to independent amateur movies in the genres of erotica and drama, erotic horror and thriller. Clips and movies presented on this website do not contain materials of pornographic nature or scenes of real violence. However, all content belongs to the category 18+.

    Featuring 65 Clips / 629 minutes of video!

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