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  • Chloes New
  • Chloes New
  • Felicity Rose And
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  • Pov Babysitter
  • Ab Clinic
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     Ab Clinic
    72 minutes
      Ab Clinic - 72 mins full length movie

20 yo pamela has ***** in middle of the night with bad stomach pains. She phones the clinic and is told to come in straight away.

at the clinic she is greeted by nurse belle. Pamela says she has had pains all her life but not as bad as this. She also says she need to pee all the time and many times just avoided having an accident. Nurse belle examines her with her stethoscope takes her temperature and feels around her stomach and kidneys.
she tells pamela because there is a chance she may finally have an accident she needs to be diapered. Pamela is shocked and horrified. She is totally embarrassed when belle puts a diaper on her.

in a revealing hospital gown where anyone can see her diaper from the back, belle leads her off for an ultra sound.

belle looks at the scan closely with an expert eye. She says pamela has an undeveloped digestive system, like a baby has, and she must eat only baby food and have breast milk.
pamela is appalled especially by the thought of breast milk.

then, worst of all, she is told she will need to stay in a special area of the clinic and have constant baby care. She is not going home in the foreseeable future. Pamela protests - what about her apartment? Her job? Her friends?

pamela is bundled off to a nursery located in the basement under the clinic.

i as an essential part of her treatment she is treated like a baby. When she struggles nurse belle restrains her to the cot with manacles and when she refuses baby food she is strapped to a high chair.

during all of this strict but necessary treatment she wets her diaper just like a real baby and needs to be changed often.  Sex Babysitter Class
    41 minutes
      Sex Babysitter Class - Every ab boy's wet dream
what if there was a babysitter class that taught liberal minded and motivated baby sitters how to give their adult baby boys that extra "special" attention?
belle operates such a course. It is one on one with students and she teaches them on a real adult baby boy
melanie is a little naive but very keen to do this. She has heard it is lots of fun and the extra tips she gets would help her through college.
just use your imagination on how belle would teach her students to change a diaper "with extra benefits"
she shows melanie how to wipe the ab boy's pee pee clean then massage it until it gets rock hard. 
it also helps if the baby sitter removes her top and bra and shows the ab boy how to play with her breasts. First belle strips off guiding the ab boys hand onto her huge, firm tits at then melanie takes over moving the ab boy's hand on her perky little titties.
then to lick it clean. First she sucks his cock while melanie watches and learns then melanie takes it all in her mouth moving slowly up and down. Then they both lick his rock hard cock sliding their tongues up and down together.>
when melanie asks why cocks get hard, belle tells her it is for sex and she needs to be prepared to do this with her ab boy clients.
melanie is very keen so belle removes her panties and positions her over the ab boy's cock. She holds his cock upright with one hand and lowers melanie's pussy onto his cock with the other, guiding his rigid shaft easily into melanie's dripping cunt.

bell explains if she does it right he will cum. Melanie wants to see that so she fucks him on top. Then they move to doggy style with bisexual melanie keen to get an a+ eating out belle's pussy at the same time. 
finally, just as he is getting close he pulls out and they both suck his cock straight from melanie's pussy until he explodes a gallon of hot cum all over melamie's young tits.Belle is so proud of her student. Definitely a+ material

but he still needs to have his new diaper on. Melanie and belle lay him down again and sprinkle lots of soft baby powder on him. Massaging it into his cock and balls for the longest time. His cock is still firmly erect. Wouldn't yours be?

then they put a thick, snug, fresh diaper and plastic pants on him to finish the task. His still hard wee wee barely fitting inside the diaper.
 clearly melanie has passed the course with flying colors. She is looking forward to her first job as a sex sitter....
     The House Guest 1
    48 minutes
      The House Guest 1 - The house guest i

21 yo sarah is in town to stay with her older friend amina for a couple of days. We pick up on the story as she walks from the bus stop with her overnight bag to her friend's house. 

amina greets her at the door and welcomes her niece. Amina plans on sarah staying for a lot longer than two days because she has schemed to convince sarah to be the baby  she has always wanted. 

she shows a horrified sarah the fully fitted out nursery where she can stay for the years to come. She locks the bathroom door so that sarah cannot go to the toilet and explains she will have to wear diapers. 

sarah is mortified as her friend pins a diaper on her, undresses her and puts her in some of the many baby clothes she has. Sarah is locked in the nursery. 

she asks amina for some food and she obliges by breast feeding her. Then sarah finds she has wet her diaper. Amina has been looking forward to this moment for years so she relishes changing sarah'a diaper. 

she then lifts sarah into the high chair and feeds her sarah baby food for dinner. Amina mixes formula for a bottle and puts a very scared sarah to early to bed. As sarah slowly drops off we see she starts to suck her thumb in her. 

the regression process has commenced...  The Clinic
    60 minutes
      The Clinic - 24 year old belle has ***** up horrified she has wet the bed for the third time this week. She has had enough of this embarrassment and phones the clinic for an appointment.

when in the waiting room she spurns the magazines and takes more than normal interest in the play pen and kids toys that have been placed there for mommies to place their babies.

nurse bridget asks belle if she has had any odd behaviour and she admits to sucking her thumb and eating tinned baby food.

bridget has not come across these symptoms before but insists she diaper belle to at least prevent any embarrassing day time accidents. 

the nurse bridget leaves to consult her colleagues and returns with the theory that belle is regressing and for the benefit of her mental health she should not resist.

belle is horrified at the thought but her nurse is insistent that she should be babied and treated like a baby at the clinic even if that means sitting in the play pen in front of everyone else in the waiting room.

after initiating belle to all things babyish, such as having her diaper changed, eating in a high chair and being breast fed she leaves belle for an afternoon nap ion the play pen.

back in her office she receives an email from a colleague to say that poor belle's regression condition is permanent.
     Diapered And Regressed 1 Car Ride
    58 minutes
      Diapered And Regressed  1  Car Ride - Diapered and regressed car ride

belle picks up skye and carries her into the nursery as skye needs to be diapered now that she is going to be a baby.

belle takes a new disposable diaper from the shelf in her nursery cupboard. Skye stirs about halfway through the change and says "?" belle responds with "of course, honey. Just taking care of my little skye." she then finishes the change, puts her in a nice dress and tells skye they are off for a car ride. While she is dressing skye they talk about what they may see during the car ride. "what does a doggy say?" asks belle. "woof woof" replies clever little skye. Skye claps her hands in excitement.

belle walks skye to the car and straps her in the baby seat and off they go. After a while belle pulls over and changes her, and then gives her a nice long breast feed which lulls skye to a near-slumber. Belle puts in the big red pacifier and skye looks oh so comfy. So, belle turns the car around and heads for home.

back at home belle checks skye's disposable diaper whilst still in the car. Of course it is saturated after the breast feed earlier in the car so belle carries skye inside and lays her on a change mat on the floor. She kite folds a fresh terry diaper, wipes and powders her and pins it on. Then she puts pretty pink plastic pants on over the diaper. Then belle gives her another nice long breast feed which lulls skye to a near-slumber. Belle puts in the big red pacifier and skye looks oh so comfy. Belle asks if skye would like to play outside. Skye says she loves to play outside
belle puts skye out on the patio with her toys already there and returns inside to the kitchen.

skye then seems confused. Why is she in a diaper? Why is she wearing baby clothes and playing with toys? She is a fully grown adult.. Isn't she??

belle has gone inside to make a baby bottle full of milk. She returns outdoors to skye and gives her the bottle full of milk and skye eagerly drinks it all uo and feels much more like an adult baby now.

belle wants skye to be safe so she starts to erect a playpen around her. Skye starts to throw her toys in a tantrum. She does not want to be confined to a playpen. Belle scolds skye and then skye spits the big red pacifier/dummy right at belle. That's a no-no. Time for an over-the-knee big spanking which skye is crying saying she did nothing wrong. After the spanking, belle asks if she wants another spank, and skye shakes her head no, so the looong bottle feed commences. Skye is drifting off happily sucking on the bottle. Belle decides to check the nappy. Belle says, "good ****, you're still dry. Oh wait, spoke too soon. You're wetting you're nappy right now. Too much milk for you."

so, belle takes the half-awake skye back to the nursery for a nappy change in which skye falls ****** as it it's done.
it has been a very big day and skye is getting very ******. Belle holds her gently rocking and says, "want to go into your cot? I'll read you a story."

skye nods her head and belle and skye hop into the cot. Belle starts reading eventually falls ******. Belle kisses her on the forehead and leaves the room shutting off the light.  Chloes New Neighbour Ii
    63 minutes
      Chloes New Neighbour Ii - Chloe has ***** from a very vivid nightmare in a strange bed. She dreamt she had ****** to be an adult baby by her new neighbour.
shortly after she **** there was a knock at the bedroom door and in walked the same neighbour she had visited the afternoon before. Belle explains that chloe had taken quite ill so she put her to bed in her own room.

chloe told belle about her weird adult baby dream but. Of course, belle just scoffed "it was only a dream".

belle offers chloe a nice cup of tea that she has secretly laced with a strange powder
after drinking the tea chloe feels very woozy again and can hardly move her body.

then, to her horror, she pees her panties in belle's bed. She knows it is happening and can see her panties and the bed sheets getting wetter but she is helpless to stop it. Her muscles have all gone limp.

belle is not perturbed at all and simply explains that chloe most be diapered. Chloe protests but she is physically like a wet rag and cannot stop belle fro stripping off her wet panties, wiping, powdering her and putting a nice new disposable on her. Chloe is disgusted and scared and just wants to leave but her legs will not carry her.

belle half leads, half carries, poor little chloe into her custom built nursery where the real fun begins for belle.
all the time chloe is helpless and totally under evil belle's control.
belle dresses her in baby clothes, ****** chloe to suck on a very large pacifier and breast feeds her. Chloe is disgusted at having to put her mouth over her neighbour's nipple and be ****** to *****. Yucch!
then, chloe wets her diaper! Just like a real baby. Mommy belle has to change her again. 

she had to lift up chloe's limp body to slide the new diaper underneath her bottom. Chloe is still conscious but has no control over her body. When chloe tried to crawl away belle took delight at punishing her by throwing her over her knee for a good, long otk spanking.
belle was loving being a mommy and mixed formula to feed chloe in her high chair. 

of course chloe spat it out and got it everywhere
after hours of futile resistance by chloe she was finally exhausted so mommy belle gently removed her cloths and put her in a snug footed ******* then into the cot for the night.. Again.
     Regression Revenge
    55 minutes
      Regression Revenge - Officer lily is from the government child protection agency. She has come to investigate belle's home because neighbours have reported sounds of babies yelling, severe spanking and crying.

lily arrives at the house and walks past belle's car on her way to the front door. The car is unlocked so she looks inside and sees a baby car seat. She writes down number plate.

belle answers the door and lily starts to question her. Belle, who has been kidnapping adults and regressing them with a special formula, is very agitated but insists there are no babies in her home. Lily shows her search warrant and proceeds to search the premises.

officer lily finds a nursery complete with cot , diapers, toys all sorts of baby items. In a cupboard she discovers a medical drip with a strange solution still in the bag.
she also finds manacles attached to the cot rails.

moving into the kitchen she sees an adult sized high chair and finds regression powder and diuretics in a cupboard. As she writes all this down she says to herself "this woman is obviously lying through her teeth. There is ample evidence of babies being here."

she returns to the living room with formulas and diuretics and handcuffs belle while arresting her on suspicion of kidnapping and regressing *****. Belle insists regressions formula is for her own use. Lily says "ok, lets try them on you". Belle protests, makes excuses and struggles. Officer lily ****** belle to swallow diuretic from a baby bottle then leaves belle handcuffed on the floor and goes off to search some more.

while lily is in another part of the house belle wets her pants. "oh no, it can't be happening to me". Lily returns and sees belle has wet herself. "so, how do you like that then! How does that feel to not have control over your bladder just like a baby?" she yells at belle. Belle retorts "you can't do this to me. I will report you to your superiors". "only if you get the chance and I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. A few more doses of regression formula and you won't be doing anything a baby cannot do." replies lily.

lily heads off to the nursery and returns with change bag and pacifier. She rams the pacifier in belle's mouth and tapes it over so she cannot spit it out. Then she diapers belle.

belle is shocked and stunned. This is so wrong - she is being regressed. Surely officer lily is not permitted to exact revenge on her like this! But lily presses on regardless and spends the rest of a very long day giving belle a dose of her own medicine. Treating her just like a baby and keeping her dosed up on regression formula and diuretics to make her pee. Lily even manacles belle inside the cot and inserts the regression drip in her arm. Belle is mortified!  Chloes New Neighbour 4
    60 minutes
      Chloes New Neighbour 4 - Amy is concerned she has not seen her friend chloe for a few days and has taken to knocking on door's showing the neighbours chloe's photo.
kindly belle invites her in to calm her down. When belle excuses herself and leaves the room suspicious amy snoops around and finds what appears to be some of chloe's clothes. She covers them up again when belle returns.

they chat some more then belle says she has to attend to something in a room at the back of the house and for amy to wait. After a short while amy hears belle call out would she fetch a diaper from the hall cupboard and bring it to her.

surprised at belle's familiarity amy finds the diapers and is amazed at how big it is. Way too big for a baby. But it does smell nicely like a baby and amy puts it up to her nose and breathes in the scent. She feels a little light headed then suddenly realises she is sucking her thumb.

amy heads off to the back room and finds belle in an odd nursery with outsized baby furniture kneeling on the floor behind a change mat. She is confused but even more so when belle says the diaper is for her!!
amy is getting stressed out but belle has a secret weapon. Diapers impregnated with a regression ************ substance. She ****** amy to breath deeply through another diaper.

amy has a sudden urge to pee and races off to find a toilet. She gets to the bathroom but no toilet so she panics, pulls off her tights and stands in the bath still with her panties on and lets go a massive stream of warm pee. All down her legs and into the bath. She is shocked, horrified and embarrassed! No bladder control. Just like a baby!!

belle comes into the bathroom knowing full well what effect breathing through the diaper has had. She soothes amy and wipes her clean then takes carries her on her hip back to the nursery to diaper her an put her in baby clothes.

amy asks for a sandwich for lunch so belle knows amy needs another hit of baby scented diaper. Then amy is more than content to be breast fed. It feels perfectly normal and comforting to her as she nods off when she has a full tummy.

after she ***** belle carries her into the main room and lifts her into a high chair and spoon feeds her. Amy loves the baby food and loves playing in it more. Then, of course, she wets her diaper and needs to be changed and put into fresh baby clothes

when belle leaves the room for a minute little amy finds chloe's clothes again. But this time she has regressed so deep she is oblivious to their true meaning and sees them as just some things to dress her plush pussy cat in.

belle sees amy is not concerned about the clothes so she knows the regression ************ substance is working really well.
then it is time to be dressed in a cosy footed *******, be given a baby bottle and carried off to the cot for the night. Another ****** for chloe's new neighbour.
     Felicity Rose And Mommy Wendy
    54 minutes
      Felicity Rose And Mommy Wendy - Mommy wendy walks her two *****, felicity and rose from the car towards the house. She realises felicity is behaving strangely

wendy marches both ***** up to the bathroom and discovers felicity has wet her training panties - again. Rose is relentlessly teasing her younger ******.

wendy rubs the wet training pants in felicity's face and explains she has to go back to wearing diapers. She takes both ***** into the bedroom and goes to get the old diapers from storage. Felicity panics that her ****** friends will tease her. While rose looks on and taunts, mommy wendy wipes and powders felicity then puts her into a velcro diaper. Felicity struggles and protests the whole time.

rose suddenly decides she needs to go to the toilet. Felicity follows her and finds that rose also didn't make it and wet her panties too. She teases her big ****** and calls for their mommy so that rose will get into trouble.

wendy comes into the bathroom and is angry with rose because she must be diapered too. Rose is horrified. Wendy removes rose's wet panties and angrily pushes them into her face.

once again wendy has to find a diaper to put on rose. Now she has both ***** back wearing them.

wendy decides if both ***** are going to behave like babies she has to treat them like babies. She pulls her old maternity bra out of the drawer and tells the ***** they have to be breast fed from now on. She ****** felicity to lie across her lap and breast feeds her. Rose is running wild. Then she grabs rose and ****** a nipple in her mouth too. The ***** calm down and she manages to breast feed both of them at the same time.

as it gets towards late afternoon wendy totally undresses both ***** and puts them in fresh disposable diapers, onesies, booties and tucks them into bed. A pacifier each then lights out.  Sucking Up To Teacher
    21 minutes
      Sucking Up To Teacher - Two diapered adult schoolgirls are in big trouble for not doing their homework.

they figure they can get away with it by sucking up to their teacher. Literally. The diapered ***** undo rob's pants and pull out his cock. Lily gets down on her knees and sucks him long and slow.

rob reaches down to fondle belle and discovers she has wet diaper. So he lays her on the floor and diapers her. When her diaper is off he finger fucks her very wet cunt. Lily helps with the masturbation too. Rob's cock is still out in the open and when it moves near belle's moth she grabs it and sucks him off too.

once belle is diapers they notice that their teacher has wet his suit pants so they pounce on him and diaper him too. After they wipe his rock hard cock the two ***** take turns sucking him off. Looks like they will both get an a+ this term.
     Pov Babysitter Wendy 02 Xxx
    8 minutes
      Pov Babysitter Wendy 02 Xxx - Part 2 - hugely popular clips series

wendy is baby sitting you but you cannot control yourself.

when she breast feeds you not only suck on her boobie but play with the nipple on her other bare breast. That is very naughty.

then she checks your diaper and sees it needs to be changed. When she unpins it she notices you are getting a boner. 

that is so wrong and she chastises you. But while she is wiping your  wee wee clean and rubbing powder up and down it you get harder and harder. But you keep getting into more trouble. What is she doing? 

she puts the head of your rock hard dick into her mouth and sucks it. 
but you get into more trouble for getting hard. You cannot help it.   Trauma 2 Pee Spanked Diapered Babied
    53 minutes
      Trauma 2  Pee Spanked Diapered Babied - Lily has hatched a plan to find and regress an unsuspecting ****** to be her adult baby.
she advertised a room to rent and soon had some responses. When a **** called amy phoned she learned amy was just 19 years old, short and petite. Best of all she had no friends or relatives and would not be missed by anyone if she "dropped out of sight"
amy calls around to check out the room and to lily's delight she sees she is perfect for her devious plans.
lily says to herself "this little **** is better than I had even hoped for. I have big plans for her."
excited, lily ensures she has diuretic powder to make amy pee and regression formula ready for when she moves in the next day.

amy arrived with just one carry bag. Lily says to put it in her room and come back in for a cup of tea. Makes tea and laces it with the diuretic. Amy gets tired, head spinning a little and asks if she could be excused and have an early night.

early next morning lily enters the room without knocking and ***** amy. She tells amy it is time to go to ******. Amy is confused. What? ******? She is an adult. Where is she? Then amy becomes aware she has wet her bed. Totally embarrassed she asks lily to leave. Lily knows what has happened and rips off the covers. Lily insists very forcibly that amy will have to be diapered. Amy is so very embarrassed to be naked and diapered - especially by a stranger. She is mortified. Then, just like a mommy would, lily sends her to the bathroom to brush her teeth like a good little ****.

meantime lily packs amy's ****** lunch box including a ***** laced with a diuretic.
once amy has finished brushing her teeth lily dresses her dor ******. Amy protests she cannot possibly wear a diaper to ****** because she would be mercilessly teased. Lily plots to teach her a lesson. She lets amy wear just panties knowing full well that once she has her lunch time ***** she will not be able to stop herself from peeing her panties at ******.

sure enough she is horrified to find herself uncontrollably pissing her panties in the classroom. She lets out a torrent of warm pee through her panties, down her legs and onto the floor.
just when she thinks it could not get any worse her male teacher discovers the huge puddle of pee on the floor. He immediately figures out what has happened. Angrily he pulls down her wet panties then throws her across his knee for a painful otk spanking before sending her home in disgrace.

back home lily is ironing baby clothes ready for amy to return home from ******. She hears sounds of amy opening the front door. Then she sheepishly enters the living room. Amy arrives home with her panties in a plastic bag and still wearing wet socks and shoes.

lily wants to teach amy a lesson that that she should always wear diapers and puts her over her knee for her second spanking for the day.
then she diapers her and makes her wear baby clothes.

lily checks amy's lunch box and finds she has not eaten her lunch. So lily lifts her into an adult sized high chair ties a bib on her and forcibly spoon feeds her a mashed banana left over from her lunch. Amy alternates between enjoying the banana and playing with her food just like a baby and protesting she is really an adult. The regression formula is wearing off.

lily quickly makes up a baby bottle with milk and regression powder mixed in. She ****** amy to ***** it. Amy soon becomes very babyish again.

lily then lifts up amy from the high chair and carries her into the living room and a playpen. She places her inside to play. Amy protests she is too big to be a baby in a playpen. While this is going on lily packs up ironing board and leaves the room

when lily returns amy is crying. Lily lifts her out, cuddles her and breast feeds her. Amy alternates between protesting and enjoying being cuddled. Then amy drops off to ***** in her mommy's arms.

lily carries amy, ******, into the nursery and lays her on the floor where she gently removes her baby clothes and puts her in a new and cosy footed *******. Still sound ****** lily bodily lifts her into the adult sized cot and kisses her new unwitting adult baby goodnight.
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    Welcome To The Adult Baby TV Studio on Kinky Clips
    Humiliation Regression. Humiliation in Diapers. Adorable REAL Adult Babies, Strict but loving REAL Mommies, REAL Diaper Lovers.

    Featuring 22 Clips / 1003 minutes of video!

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