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    17 minutes
      AGENT ALTSIREN BAGGED - Agent AltSiren is planning something, and hides a memory card on herself; unfortunately a hitman rushes is, wraps a bag around her head and they fight until she''s dead, then starts to inspect her body looking for the memory card and leaves once he got what he wanted, leaving poor AltSiren half naked and dead on the bed.

featuring: AltSiren
keywords: stripping, bagging, handling, reality_pov, inspection  THE MAJORS MISTRESS
    5 minutes

An adulterous mayor has been getting it on with crista. This is too bad for crista as she is about to get sacked by the mayor’s wife. 

starring: crista and cintia
full nudity
    5 minutes

Two lovers are playing an  game and one bags the other.

starring lynn and jessica
theme: bagging  SADIE BAGGED
    4 minutes

A movie where the beautiful lucie is bagging the lovely sadie, dressed in latex.

starring: sadie and lucie
    20 minutes
This is maybe the most epic beheading story ever produced. I had this idea in an attempt to cover several moods and attitudes over beheading; that quickly evolved into a super intricate storyline with scripted dialogues and verbal interaction between Fiona and the clones, and a final twist which is not going to be revealed here.
The awesome special effects provided by Headhunterz just add value to the product, which is maybe the best video ever released at this store, despite not being too graphic.

Officer Fiona calls in the ugliest headsman of all times, who works for her. She explains him the situation: there are some clones of her in the building, who have been made over time for research and backing her up in case of need.
Despite having the same look, the clones\' mind changes over time: at the first stages they are pretty much like vegetables, but their mind evolves fast and they get smart and develop a personality. therefore, they might get too smart and become dangerous for Fiona herself, so the officer has decided to terminate them all, that day. The clones will be guillotined one by one, so she orders the headsman to bring the first one in. They decide to start with the easier ones, having a more basic brain, and to get rid of the most problematic ones in the end.

The headsman starts his job and brings in clone #1, who is pretty much a vegetable: officer Fiona tries to start a discussion with her, but the clone keeps a blank stare and doesn\'t answer, as her brain is at the very early stages and has barely developed the skills for standing and walking. Officer Fiona gets quickly pissed off and orders the headsman to behead the clone.
The headsman leads the clone to the execution room, and she lets him behead her without saying a word: her eyes remain lost in a blank stare until the end.
The headsman walks back to officer Fiona carrying the headless body on his shoulders, and the officer orders him to dump the body in the corner and to bring the next clone in.

Clone #2 gets walked in: she\'s pretty much in a state like the first one, but her mind is a little bit more evolved. Despite keeping an expressionless state all the time, she is able to interact wo questions by simply answering \"Yes\"... She answers \"Yes\" to any question, which quickly pisses off officer Fiona, who orders the headsman to behead the clone.
The headsman leads the clone to the execution room, and things go pretty much like the previous execution, except for the fact that she keeps saying \"Yes\", until he asks \"Are you ready?\"
The headsman walks back to officer Fiona carrying the headless body on his shoulders, ready to move on to clone #3

Clone #3 is a funny one: her brain is developed enough to be able to talk to people, but she has no individuality at all and she\'s very submissive. She just wants to help, and when she learns she\'s going to be beheaded it sounds like it\'s the most normal thing, and she replies asking if there\'s anything she can do to make her beheading easier. Amused, officer Fiona just orders her to follow the headsman and let him behead her.
The execution follows a similar pattern, as the clone keeps trying making the procedure easier and asks questions on how she can help; the whole scene is surreal and hilarious.
Once again, the headsman walks back in to officer Fiona carrying the headless body on his shoulders, and goes to pick up the next clone.

Clone #4 is a bit more intelligent: when she gets walked in she keeps staring at the headless bodies on the corner (not shown) and asks officer Fiona who they were. When the officer makes her realize these are headless clones and she\'s going to join the bunch, she freaks out. She keeps saying \"I don\'t want to lose my head\" as she\'s being walked out to the execution room.
However, the clone is quite submissive, and, despite complaining and begging for her life, she obeys and lets the headsman do his job.
Once he\'s back, carrying the headless body on his shoulders, they both agree the situation is getting touch, as the remaining clones are far smarter than that.

Clone #5 gets walked in. She\'s an actress: from the beginning, she tries to trick the headsman pretending to be the real officer Fiona, and accusing the officer to be a clone. Officer Fiona can\'t believe her ears, but remains pretty cold and orders the headsman to carry out his duties on her. The headsman gets a bit confused, hesitates, but wisely decides to obey the Fiona who is wearing the uniform.
During the whole execution process, the clone obeys but keeps trying to make the headsman feel like he\'s been doing a big mistake and will get the consequences. Unfortunately for her, the headsman is able to bring the execution to the end, and her head falls into the basket. An epic extra side shot of the falling blade (with head falling into the basket) is provided for this one.
Once he\'s back carrying the headless body, officer Fiona is a bit disappointed with him because of her hesitation. Anyway, she looks forward to have the last clone beheaded, so she order shim to go picking up clone #6.

Clone #6 walks in smiling: she seems not to care about what officer Fiona is saying. Fiona believes she\'s another one who pretends to be her, but... There\'s the twist, and it won\'t be revealed here. But, for sure one more head has to fall!  GOLDEN HANDSHAKE
    6 minutes

Cintia and anita are ordered to escort crista into early retirement.  Unfortunately, her benefits expired rather quickly.

starring: crista, cintia and anita
theme: bagging
    14 minutes
      DOLLY BOUND AND BAGGED - Dolly is very tired; she is at the phone, already laying down on her bed, saying that she is not getting out as she needs to sleep. As soon as she closes the call, she actually falls asleep.
That's when a creep comes out: he starts groping and worshipping her luscious soles, delivering some amazing POV closeups of her feet.
But, after a while, he goes too far and she wakes up: he is caught. She call him weirdo and creep, she wants to call the police. That's when he jumps at her, and the scene fades out.

The video fades back in showing Dolly hogtied and gagged with tape. She can't do much now, and the pervert restarts molesting and worshipping her feet. He could not care less about her begging sounds and futile resistance.

Finally, before leaving, he has to kill her because she saw him. So he takes a transparent bag and puts it over her head, It's a desperate struggle, but Dolly can't do much in her bondage, so she finally dies, eyes open. He leaves, and the camera pans around her dead body

Starring: Bad Dolly
Keywords: Bagging, Bondage, Feet, Reality_pov, Suffocation  BAGGING ORSI
    6 minutes
      BAGGING ORSI - Gaby and Cintia drag Orsi into the living room  where they strip Orsi and then force her to sit on a chair. Gaby then takes a bag and puts it over Orsi her head while Cintia hold her down. Orsi fights for her life while the two bad bitches suffocate her.

Starring: Cintia, Gaby, Orsi
    16 minutes
      BENDY TIED UP AND BAGGED - Bendy is very tired; she is at the phone, already laying down on her bed, saying that she is not getting out as she needs to sleep. As soon as she closes the call, she actually falls asleep.
That's when a creep comes out: he starts groping and worshipping her luscious soles, delivering some amazing POV closeups of her feet.
But, after a while, he goes too far and she wakes up: he is caught. She call him weirdo and creep, she wants to call the police. That's when he jumps at her, and the scene fades out.

The video fades back in showing Bendy all tied up and gagged with tape. Her arms tied to her legs. She can't do much now, and the pervert restarts molesting and worshipping her feet. He could not care less about her begging sounds and futile resistance.

Finally, before leaving, he has to kill her because she saw him. So he takes a transparent bag and puts it over her head, It's a desperate struggle, but Bendy can't do much in her bondage, so she finally dies, eyes open. He leaves, and the camera pans around her dead body

Starring:  Bendy  Irina Bagged
    7 minutes
      Irina Bagged - Watch this couple play their bagging. Irina just loves to be bagged!
     Lesbian baggers
    11 minutes
      Lesbian baggers - Two woman playing bagging games.  UNDER PROTECTION the witness
    30 minutes
      UNDER PROTECTION the witness - A witness under Federal protection(COCO) is holed up in a safe house in the city, bored out of her mind, and the only company she has is a sexy voiced, long legged, Cop(STEEVIE) who is in an adjacent room watching her on surveillance. The two have grown accustom to each others' habits, and quirks, and today they get closer to what they both desire, which is a face to face meeting, and some foot fetish. There is one catch though, a stealthy, female assassin(BELLE) is in the know about the safe house downtown, and is closer to finding the witness, and taking her out for her boss.  As the sexy Cop, and the witness communicate over the two ways, and the Cop, alone in a room adjacent, watching the witness on close circuit T.V., sees her hot, and stripping nude, down to her sexy pantyhose witness, she becomes aroused. The sexy Cop starts to unbutton her clothing and slowly masturbate, getting her police issue pants down to her knees, showing her sexy fishnet pantyhose, and perfect size 10 feet, which flex and toes spread during her masturbation. She watches as the witness does a sexy dance, then some yoga stretches, flexing her sexy soles, and rubbing her crotch to arouse the cop. Meanwhile the sexy stealth, ninja assassin, dressed in a full latex catsuit, boots, and hair in a ponytail, sneaks up behind the cop as she plays with herself, moaning louder and losing focus on the task at hand. The sexy woman rubs it out hard, digging into her pussy as she flings, stretching her feet, and the assassin pulls her discarded pantyhose form the trash can, soaks them in chloroform and starts to chloroform the cop as she is cumming. the cop tries to reach for the two way, but to no avail, she struggles and has a hard time doing anything but finishing her orgasm, while the assassin, helps her cum by joining in on the pussy rubbing. After the Ninja assassin knows the cop is out, she takes the discarded hosiery and covers the cop's head and face with it, then she removes the cops uniform, so she can pose as the cop. The restless witness calls on the two way, but there is silence, until the Ninja grabs the phone and does a great impersonation of the sexy cop, assuring her that everything is fine and she will see her in a few minutes for a rendezvous. She soon arrives at the room, and the witness lets the cop in, not speaking a word, then into full kissing mode. The kiss and rub each other, the cop taking the dominant lead, groping the witness' ass and tits. The assassin starts to take off the cop uniform, but the witness tells her to keep it on, smiling in a sexy way, wanting to role play. The assassin obliges and tells her to get on her knees and kiss and caress her feet, clad in black pantyhose. She does so and the witness starts to unbutton the assassin's newly found cop uniform, and out pops a huge, strap on penis, which she orders the witness to suck, or she will go to jail. The witness sucks the strap on, deep throating it and gagging with lots of spit. The cop assassin forces her on the dick, not letting her up for air, so the witness is being choked to death by a strap on cock. He pantyhose clad feet flex and spread apart as the faux cop forces the deep throat, and after a long while, lots of gagging and choking, the witness is dead, barely twitching with a final death rattle, and a bit of post mortem twitching. The cop pulls the witness off of the large dick, and tosses her aside. She notices that during the struggle, the witnesses sharp nails tore runs and holes in her pantyhose, but luckily there is a fresh new pair on the nightstand, so after she puts the corpse of the witness on to the bed, she changes into the new pair. She leaves to get the cop, who is still passed out in the other room adjacent. She takes the cop, who is nude, except for her fishnets, and ties her arms to a chair in the corner of the room. She taunts her and wakes her up. The cop is dazed and disoriented. She asks what is going on and looks and sees her witness dead on the bed. The sexy assassin, who is dressed in her full catsuit again and high boots starts to tease the cop, removing the hose on her head. She grabs the pantyhose clad feet of the dead witness and puts it up against the face, mouth and nose of the dazed cop, then tapes the feet to her face, cutting off the air, but giving the cop her favorite fetish, smelling the sweaty feet of her witness. The cop then grabs a clear cellophane bag and puts it over the head of the cop, covering the taped feet to her face and starts to suck on the cops soaking wet pussy. this is the assassin's favorite way to kill, while she is pleasing herself, or being pleased. The cops tries to wiggle, and she does, but her arms are tied, her feet over the shoulder of the assassin, and her size 10, perfect soles and toes are arching and spreading all over the place. The sexy assassin makes the cop cum, orgasm hard as she dies from asphyxia. The cop goes limp, with a death rattle, and a few postmortem twitches. The cop is dead, tongue protruding, and eyes open. Her face is red from the friction of the pantyhose feet on her face, but she is still, dead. The sexy assassin lines the gals up in a side 69 position, with their hosiery still on, and sexy feet in view. She heads to the other room to upload the security tape on the cop's computer, sending a copy to her boss, and for the WPP to see, so much for protecting the witness. The sexy assassin stealths off, and the bodies are panned and viewed. The assassin knows that she still has another job to do before she is done, but she will have to lay low for a month..TBC...
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